HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984-09-18; City Council; 6079-15; Request to revise school fees in San MarcosCIT 3F CARLSBAD - AGENDA JILL MTfi Q/1 R/84 OPPT REQUEST TO RAISE SCHOOL FEES IN THE SAN MARCOS SCHOOL DISTRICT DEPT. HD.. CITY ATTY\) FP) CITY RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. School District. ITEM EXPLANATION raising school fees in the San Marcos S O § O OO The San Marcos School District has submitted a letter requesting revision of school fees. The District has recertified overcrowding in certain of its attendance areas. Not all attendance areas in the District are overcrowded. However, two schools that have district wide attendance areas, San Marcos Junior and San Marcos Senior High Schools, continue to be overcrowded. Therefore, the District is requesting that school fees collected from developers, pursuant to SB 201 and Chapter 21.55 of the Municipal Code, be increased as follows: Single Family Dwelling 1 bedroom 2 bedrooms 3 bedrooms or more Attached Family Dwelling Units 1 bedroom 2 bedrooms or more Family Mobile Home Parks 1 bedroom 2 bedrooms Present Fee $ 577 1154 1731 $ 315 630 577 1154 Single Family Mobile Home/Single lot 1 bedroom 2 bedrooms 3 bedrooms Adult Mobile Home Parks Per Space 577 1154 383 Revised Fee $1450 2055 2659 $ 638 968 854 861 1450 2055 2695 854 As indicated in the above table the district is proposing that school fees be raised substantially in the San Marcos Unified School District. The primary reason for the large increase is due to site preparation costs. The district has found that site preparation costs have been much higher than anticipated or allowed for in calculating the cost of supplying portable units in the past. (See Exhibit #A to Resolution for more detailed explanation.) Mtg. 9/18/84 Dept. CM ITEM EXPLANATION, Con't. The present fees became effective November 1, 1983. The Municipal code allows the Council to adjust fees from time to time by Resolution. The revised fees will become effective November 1, 1984. The District has also submitted a report on how school fees have been used to relieve overcrowding and a statement concerning receipts and disbursements of the fees during the 1983-84 fiscal year (Exhibit 2). DIRECT COLLECTION OF SCHOOL FEES BY SCHOOL DISTRICTS The City and School districts have worked out a procedure for the school districts to collect fees directly from developers. The City currently collects fees for the San Marcos, San Dieguito and Encinitas Districts. The school fees are collected by the City when the building permit is issued and forwarded to the school districts on a monthly basis. Direct collection by school districts will eliminate the need for the City to handle the funds, get the funds into the hands of the district faster and simplify the refund of fees when necessary. The disadvantage of this revised procedure is the builders will be required to pay fees at the school district offices rather than at City Hall. The revised procedure is identical to the way the schools districts and the County of San Diego handle collection of school fees. The school district support this revised procedure. A copy of the form to be used is attached for Council's information. FISCAL IMPACT: No direct fiscal impact on the City. EXHIBITS 1. Letter from San Marcos School Eistrict dated Aug. 1, 1984 recertifying overcrowding conditions in the District. 2. Letter from San Marcos School District dated August 1, 1984 regarding use of school fees. 3. Resolution No. EXHIBIT 1 San Marcos Unified School District 270 San Marcos Blvd., San Marcos, California 92069-2797 619-744-4776 August 1, 1984 Office of City Clerk City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Re: Recertification of School Overcrowding Conditions Under SB 201 and Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 21.55.120 San Marcos Unified School District This letter is to comply with the requirements of Government Code Section 65970 et seq. and Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 21.55.120 et seq. by certifying that the conditions of overcrowding of some of the schools of the San Marcos Unified School District continues. The schools of the District which are overcrowded are as follows: a) San Marcos High School b) San Marcos Junior High School c) San Marcos Elementary School d) Richland Elementary School e) Woodland Park Elementary School Please find enclosed an amended Resolution Re Conditions of Overcrowding in the San Marcos Unified School District school attendance areas passed and adopted by the Governing Board of the San Marcos Unified School District on July 9, 1984. The Governing Board proposes to utilize voluntary secured agreements between the School District and Developer and asks that the City of Carlsbad consider the District's letter a request pursuant to Section 21.55,120 et seq. df the Carlsbad Municipal Code and that the City make a finding of overriding considerations and not require payment of SB 201 fees as a condition of approval of the project except for those developments in progress prior to July 1, 1982. ;erely, C. Corbin Business Manager cc: Dr. Streshly •— Resolution // 84-2 RESOLUTION RE CONDITIONS OF OVERCROWDING IN SCHOOL ATTENDANCE AREAS On a motion of Member Rutherford _ ___» seconded by Member _ » the following resolution is adopted: WHEREAS, for some time past there has been a continuing and substantial increase in population within the boundaries of the San Marcos Unified School District to .the extent that the school facilities of this district have become overcrowded; and WHEREAS, a very significant proportion of the increase in population in this district results from construction of residential units in new housing. developments within the district; and . WHEREAS, in the absence of assistance in the form of financial contributions or dedications of land from the developers of such new residential developments this district would not have financial resources adequate to provide proper educational facilities for all the children residing in this district; and WHEREAS, Chapter 4.7 (commencing with Section 65970; added by Stats. 1977, Chapter 955) Division 1, Title 7 to the Government Code making provision for financial or other assistance by developers to school district if the governing board "of a school district has made a finding that condiditions of overcrowding exist i'n one or more attendance areas of the district including the specific data specified in Government Code Section 65971; NOW THEREFORE . . * IT IS RESOLVED AND DETERMINED that, pursuant to Government Code Section 65971, this governing board makes the following findings: (1) Conditions of overcrowding exist in the following attendance areas of the San Marcos Unified _ School District which will impair the normal functioning of educational programs in those areas: (a) San Marcos High School (b.) San Marcos Junior High (c) San Marcos-Elementary School (d) Richland . Elementary School (e) Woodland Park School Page 2 (2) Reasons for the conditions of overcrowding in the above-mentioned attendance areas include the following: (a} The existing enrollment, the anticipated additional enrollment total enrollment, school capacity, and the anticipated enrollment exceeding school capacity for each of the above listed attendance areas are as follows: Integrated Anticipated Enrollment* Enrollment Total Capacity of Anticipated Enrollment School**" Excess San Marcos High School New Horizons San Marcos Junior High Alvin Dunn School Richland School San Marcos Elementary Woodland Park School 1442 106 927 632 671 568 814 214 24 4Q 32 55 44 47 1656 130 967 664 726 612 861 1364 130 682 699 730 579 823 292 0 285 0 Cat capacity) 33 38 .(3). All reasonable methods of Tnitigating conditions of overcrowding have been evaluated and no feasible method for reducing such conditions exists except (a) below. Mitigation measures considered by the governing board of this district to reduce the overcrowded conditions include the following: (a\ Agreements between subdividers and the district, whereby tem- porary use buildings are leased to the school district with funds made available by subdividers. (bl the use of temporary use buildings or relocatable structures. The use of such buildings is a-feasible solution to part of the housing needs of the district but they are not suitable for all types of classes, particularly at the secondary level. Mobile home type portable class- rooms are not adequate "in size for the average class size of 31 students. Furthermore, the funds to obtain such relocatable classrooms would have to be made available to the district either by agreements with subdividers or by supplemental district financing such a§ a bond issue. Student busing. Student busing is not a feasible alternative in that it would require considerable added cost to the district for buses and drivers. * CBEDS enrollment ** 31 students at all levels except Continuation School Page 3 (d) Double sessions. This- is not a feasible alternative in that the instructional time for each student is reduced and students are required to attend school at times of the day that are not most conducive to learning. Double sessions also disrupt the home life of families and cause excessive wear on school facilities. (e) Year-round schools. This is not considered a favorable alternative in that a citizens committee recommended that year-round school not be considered as a feasible educational system at this time and the Board of Trustees has found ho reason to disagree with this finding. (f) School boundary readjustment. This is not a favorable alternative in that boundary adjustments should not be made frequently as they disrupt the identification of students and families with a particular school. Csl Elimination of low priority school facility uses. This 'is not an alternative in this district in-as-much as there are no low priority facilities. Oil With the advent of Proposition 13, the local tax rate is severely-limited and unable to support the regular district operations. To divert any of the operating funds of the district to housing would . . severely curtail the district's ability to provide a quality education, •_ " The Governing Board of this district called a Bond election . ' "March 7, 1978; it failed to pass. Proposition 13 requires 2/3 of the qualified electors to pass a bond issue. This would be impossible to achieve, •QI The use of funds available from the sale of surplus'school district real property and other available funds. This is not a feasible alternative in that the district does not'have funds available from other sources and does not have surplus real property available to sell,• (41 The conditions of overcrowding in this district and the population growth projected for this area can only be accomodated by new schools for the long-term; placement of temporary use buildings/relocatable structures and busing students are stop-gap measures for the near-term only and in and of themselves do not significantly reduce the conditions of overcrowding. Support By developers in the form of financial contributions or dedications of land is necessary in order to try to keep abreast of population growth, and even with such assistance» any significant reduction in conditions of overcrowding will be difficult until permanent additional classroom buildings can be constructed. Page 4 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND" ORDERED that the Secretary of this Board deliver certified copies of this resolution to the city councils and/or Efoard of Supervisors of all cities and county within whose boundaries the school district lies together with copies of this district's policy on the subject of developers', subdividers', builders' contributions to mitigate impact, on school facilities to indicate the type and scale of assistance considered apppropriate to meet the needs of this district. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Governing Board of the San Marcos Unified School District of San Diego County, California,.this 9th . day of July 1984. Secretary to the Governing Board Members -of the Governing Board of the San Marcos. Unified School District EXHIBIT 2 San Marcos Unified School District 270 San Marcos Blvd., San Marcos, California 92069-2797 619-744-4776 August 1, 1984 Office of City Clerk City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Re: SB201 School Fees and Land Dedication Ordinance The following information is submitted in order to comply with the provisions of SB 201, which relate to School Fees and Land Dedication. Our school district maintains a separate fund for receipts and disbursements of the aforementioned fees. On June 30, 1984 the cash balance in that fund was $668,626.00- Income and disbursements for expenditures are summarized on the enclosed supplement, which also projects estimated expenditures for the next two years based on existing obligations. No attempt has been made to forecast income. Detailed records of actual sources of income by payor are maintained in the school district office as received from various agencies collecting the fees on behalf of the district. Similarly, detailed records of expenditures are on file and available for audit. During the 1983-84 fiscal year an additional five relocatable classrooms were leased. In addition, site preparation, furnishings and equipment for those classrooms were funded by SB 201 monies. Relocatable classrooms were located at Richland Elementary School (2), San Marcos Junior High (1) and San Marcos High School (2). Business Manager cc: Dr. Streshly '"'•1S84 Cify of CARL3SAD Carlsbad, CA SAN MARCOS UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT SUPPLEMENT TO ANNUAL REPORT OF SB 201 DEVELOPERS FEES COLLECTED AND DISBURSED THROUGH JUNE 30. 1984 Fiscal Year Runs From July 1 through June 30, 1984. INCOME Fund Balance - June 30, 1983 Adjustment to Liabilities Payments Beginning Balance - July 1, 1983 DISBURSEMENTS BALANCE $362,045.00 -0- $362,045.00 INCOME 1983-84 *1. Local Income *2. Transfers Interest Income $710,401.00 $ 1,692.00 $ 19,815.00 $731,098.00 EXPENDITURES 1983-84 Salaries, Building Inspection Benefits Lease/Purchase Buildings Buildings Furnishings and Equipment Other Admin. - Refund -0- -0- $ 28,715.00 $142,989.00 $ 2,344.00 $ 32,402.00 $206,450.00 ENDING FUND BALANCE - June 30, 1984 $887,503.00 *3. 1984-85 Contract Obligations (Encumbrances) Estimated. 1984-85 Encumbrances Estimated Liability at Year-End ($317,641.00) ($938,000.00) ($368,138.00) *1. All cash and checks received for deposit from various agencies. *2. Incoming transfers from San Diego County Department of Planning and Land Use *3. Projections Note: 1984-85 Estimates consist of - $ 22,000.00 for contracts for 11 new state relocatables $330,000,00.for set up of 11 new state relocatables $586,000.00 for replacement of non-OSA approved temporary classroom facilities 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 RESOLUTION NO. 7742 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING RESOLUTION 5580 REVISING THE AMOUNT OF FEES TO BE REQUIRED AS A CONDITION OF APPROVAL FOR RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT WITHIN CERTAIN AREAS OF THE SAN MARCOS UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT, 5 WHEREAS, pursuant to Chapter 4.7, Division 1, Title 7 of the California Government Code, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California has adopted a School Facilities Dedication and Fee Ordinance (Carlsbad Municipal Code Chapter 21.55); and 10 WHEREAS, Section 21.55.150 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code 11 provides that the standards for the amount of fees to be'required 12 pursuant to such ordinance shall be determined by the City Council 13 and set by resolution. The City Council's determination is to be 14 made after consideration of recommendations from the governing 15 board of the affected school district; and 16 WHEREAS, the City Council established standards for the 17 amount of fees to be required pursuant to Chapter 21.55 in 18 Resolution No. 5580; and 19 j WHEREAS, the City Council is in receipt of recommendations 20 in regards to revised amount of fees from the San Marcos Unified 21 School District. Their recommendation is attached hereto as 22 Exhibit A, and is made a part hereof; and 23 WHEREAS, the City Council fully considered the matter at 24 the regular meeting of September 18, 1984 at which time the 25 City Council determined to concur in the revised standards as 26 recommended by the Board of the San Marcos Unified School District: 27 // // 28 // // 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad as follows: A. That the above recitations are true and correct. B. That the standard for the amount of fees to be required as a condition of approval for residential developments within that portion of the City of Carlsbad, which is also within the boundaries of the San Marcos Unified School District, shall be as contained in Exhibit A. C. This determination is based upon the City Council's concurrence in the recommendations made by the Governing Board of the San Marcos Unified School District, including the 'facts supporting such recommendations as contained in Exhibit A. D. Unless the decision-making body especially determines to the contrary, the City Council hereby determines that the following findings and requirements shall apply to any residential development of fifty units or less: 1. All such developments shall be required to pay fees in accordance with the schedule in Exhibit A. 2. The City Council has reviewed that portion of the General Plan which applies to the San Marcos Unified School District and finds that it provides for the location of public schools. 3. That the fees to be paid shall be used for the purpose of providing interim school facilities. 4. That the fees to be paid for each unit bear a reasonable relationship to the burdens placed on the School District by such unit and that the fees will be used to mitigate that burden. 5. That the school facilities to be funded by the fees are consistent with the City's General Plan. E. The standards adopted by this resolution do not at this time require the dedication of land. The San Marcos Unified 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 School District is developing standards regarding such dedications. When the District is prepared to make their recommendation in that regard, the City Council intends to amend this resolution to include provisions for requiring the dedication of land as they determine to be in the public interests. F. Effective Date. The fee schedule approved by this Resolution shall become effective on November 1, 1984. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, held on the 18th day of September 1984 by the following vote to wit AYES: Council Members Casler, Lewis, Chick and Prescott NOES: None ABSENT: Council Member Kulchin MARY H. C^LER, Mayor(/ ATTEST: ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Clerk **!**# , City(< 19 (SEAL) 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 f EXHIBIT A to Res San Marcos Unified School District 270 San Marcos Blvd., San Marcos, California 92069-2797 619-744-4776 August 1, 1984 Office of City Clerk City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Enclosed is the revised Developers' Fee Schedule for school facilities adopted by the Governing Board of the San1 Tlarcos Unified School District July 9, 1984. The schedule has been adjusted for 1984-85 to take into consideration current costs to rent, lease or lease purchase or purcha&e a standard 960 sq. ft. classroom building. The effective date of this new schedule would be determined by the date of your concurrence with the schedule. Please inform me of your action. If you have any questions, or if I can be of assistance, please call. d CT Corbin Business Manager cc: Dr. Streshly DEVELOPER FEE SCHEDULE FOR 1984-85 (Increased by CPI)* Cost of building including carpet, air conditioning and installation (960 sq.ft. @ $50.28) $ 48,264 Architectural, engineering, testing, inspection, state and other fees 4,057 Utility hook-ups 3,939 Special Education @ 10% (ramps, guard rails, other structural requirements) 4,826 $ 61,086 Support Services Restrooms - 1 for every 10 classrooms $61,086 4 10 = 6,108 Furniture 3,434 $ 70,628 $70,628 4 30 students $ 2,354 1 Bdr. 2 Bdrs. 3 Bdrs. Single family unit @ .77 (1 unit on 1 lot) $ 604 $ 1,209 $ 1,813 Site prep 846 846 846 $1,450 $ 2,055 $ 2,659 Attached units @ .28 (2 or more units on 1 lot - condos, apts. duplex etc.) $. 330 $ 660 Site prep 308 308 $ 638 $968 Modular homes (1 unit on 1 lot is a single family unit) $1,450 $ 2,055 $ 2,659 Single family mobile homes/ single lot $1,450 $ 2,055 $ 2,659 Family mobile home parks $ 854 $ 861 Adult mobile home parks $ 854 Exemptions: Industrial, commercial, convalescent hospitals and retirement homes, (retirement home definition - a home with a staff who provide 24 hour supervision. These homes provide medical, dietary and pharmaceutical care along with physical activities), and churches. Fees to be collected prior to building permit issuance. Adopted by the Governing Board July ^9, 1984 . * CPI as of May 1, 1984 per State of California - 1.0474. f EXHIBIT A TO RES. NO. 77</3. San Marcos Unified School District 270 San Marcos Blvd., San Marcos, California 92069-2797 619-744-4776 August 22, 1984 Frank N. Mannen Assistant City Manager/ Administration City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Mr. Mannen: In the school year 1982-83 San Marcos Unified School District placed two relocatable classrooms on the Alvin Dunn Elementary School campus. The total cost for site preparation, electrical, concrete etc. was approximately $123,862.96 (work orders, purchase orders, invoices enclosed). In the school year 1983-84 the district placed two relocatable classrooms at Richland Elementary School at an approximate cost for site work, necessary auxiliary services and hook ups of $46,261.12 ( work orders, purchase orders and invoices enclosed). Site preparation costs such as these necessitated inclusion of these costs when developing a realistic "school fee" schedule. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to call. Sin»«rely, hchard C. Corbin Business Manager cc: Dr. Streshly Mrs. Gross nCVBI DMJENTAL •M^"^ JB» •"* ELM AVENUE ° SERVES .TWl CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 9! BUILDINQ DEWTUENT W$>J (619, 43W62S DEDICATIONS OF LAND AND FEES FOR SCHOOL DISTRICTS CHAPTER 21.55 CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE RETURN TO: BUILDING DEPARTMENT City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 FROM: School District Name of District Please Note: This form is valid only when Box #1 has been completed and signed by the Building Department. Box *2A or 2B shall be completed by the school district. Plan Check No. Effective Date Property Owner's Name Date Plan Check Fee Pd. Project Address Project Site Legal Description ._ Project Site Assessor's Parcel No. Project Description - Incl. no. of dwelling units Department Official Signature Title Date ** SCHOOL DISTRICT CERTIFICATION**~~ I certify the collection of a school facility fee will satisfy the requirements of Chapter 21.55 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code for school facilities dedication of land and fees for the described project. A fee schedule applicable to the unit(s) of this project and which was in effect on the effective date shown above, wasapproved by the Carlsbad City Council on 1984. Based upon the fee schedule WHICH APPLIES TO THIS PROJECT, I request the Building DBpaiUieiiL to collect, and credit to the account of this District, the amount of Authorized School District Official Signature Title Date 2§> ** ALTERNATE SCHOOL DISTRICT CERTIFICATION ** I certify that the requirements of Chapter 21.5S of the Carlsbad Maiidpal Code for school facilities dedication of land and fees have been satisfied for the described project. Authorized SchoolDistrict Official Signature Title Date _ ^ Note to Applicant: A review of one setplans may be required by the school district. 1200 ELM AVENUE •^•r • TELEPHONE CARLSBAD, CA 92008-1999 1»£*JM (619)43W535 Office of tha City Clerk Citp of Cartefmb September 20, 1984 San Marcos Unified School District 270 San Marcos Blvd. San Marcos, CA 92069-2797 Attn: Richard C. Corbin The Carlsbad City Council, at its meeting of September 18, 1984, adopted Resolution No. 7742, revising the amount of fees to be required as a condition of approval for residential development within certain areas of the San Marcos Unified School District. Enclosed for your records and information is a copy of Resolution No. 7742. J&AREN R. KUNDTZ Deputy City Clerk Enc.