HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984-10-02; City Council; 6657-9; OFFSITE STREET DEDICATION FOR CARLSBAD TRACT 81-16 UNIT 1 (VISTA SANTA FE)h CIT9aF CARLSBAD - AGENDWLL I AB# 6 65-7- *?[ TITLE: OFFSITE STREET DEDICATION FOR JMTG. 10/2/84 I DEPT. ENG CARLSBAD TRACT 81-16 UNIT 1 (VISTA SANPA FE) DEP' CITY CITI i ,L c. I'c z a. 4 2 0 .. 6 a J, 0 2 3 0 0 I RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No.7761 accepting an easement for put and utility purposes of a portion of Calle Vallarta, Cal' and Calle Posada, I ITEM EXPLANATION: In order to provide sewer and water service to Unit 1 of the Developer must construct facilities off-site beneath proposed roadway, located within a future unit. Since tl proposed utilities are provided by other agencies, it is City's interest to accept the roadway dedication ahead 0' eliminate the possibility of giving other utility agencic rights within our future road. The Developer is, therefc offering the off-site roadway for Council acceptance. Construction of the roadway will not be required until dc of Unit 2 of CT 81-16. I FISCAL IMPACT: Requiring dedications as a condition of development will City expenses in the future right-of-way acquisitions. EXHIBITS: 1. Location Map 2. Grant Deed 3. Resolution No. accepting a portion of right- ?=i" Calle Vallarta Ca e Madrid and Calle Posada. W EXHIBI I LOCATION MAP \ c PORT'ION TU 0E DESlCATED .. . RLCORDfNG REQUESTED BY e city Clerk, City of Carlsbad AND WHEN RECORDED WAIL TO r CITY OF CAmSBm 1 Name 1200 ELM AVENUE Strm CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA Addmr 92008 5,;: L J e MAIL TAX ITATEMINTS TO r Nom. 1 Addnu Stra.1 I cw L stot* L -JI I SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S U! Corporation Grant Deed TO 1921 CA 11 2-74) THIS FORM FURNISHED BY TICOR TITLE INSURERS A. p. N.2 5s-i I The undersigned grantods) declare(s): Documentary transfer tax is $ NIL ( 1 computed on full value of property conveyed, or ( ) computed on full value less value of liens and encumbrances remaining at time of sale. ( ) Unincorporated area: (X) City of c4*LrmO , and FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, w HOMES BY POLYGON a corporation organized under the laws of the State of California hereby GRP I the City of Carlsbad, a P-kmicial Corporation, a public road easm under and across the following described real property in the 9 City Of Carlsbad County of San Diego , State of California: Set forth on attached Exhibit "A", which is incorporated into this Grant Deed by this reference. . In Witness Whereof, said corporation has caused its corporate name and seal to be affixed hereto and th: ment to be executed by its Erecutivt? Vice President and : thereunto duly authorized. Dated : &-E- HOMES BY POLYGON ,Q, STATE OF CALIFORNIA } ss. COUNTY OF OrZnqQ On $.me 25, 1984 before me, the under- R.F. Padia , known MichaelE. Abee signed, a Notar Public in and for said State. personally appeared to me to be the mecutive Vice President, and known to me to be Secretary of the Corporation that executed the within Instrument, known to me to be the persons who executed the within Instrument on behalf of the Corporation therein named, and acknowledged to me that such Corporation executed the within Instru ment pursuant to its by-laws or a resolution of its board of directors. WITNESS my hand and official seal. .- ~ .. ..;.* .1 -. .I - - . Signature (This area for official notarial seal) I- ~ - T nr . 0 @ EXHIBIT "A" VISTA SANTA FE Being a portion of Lot 10 of Rancho Las Encinitas, in the City Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, accordinq Map thereof No. 848 on file in the Office of the County Recox of said County more particularly described as follows: CALLE VALLARTA - PARCEL "A" Beginning at the Southeast Corner of said Lot 10, thence No 40'23'47" West 153.25 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; thc South 87'07'24" West 440.00 feet, to the beginning of a tang 970.00 foot radius curve concave Southerly, thence Westerly a1 the arc of said curve a distance of 24.29 feet through a cent angle of 01'26'06"; thence tangent South 85"41'18" West 16( feet to the beginning of a tangent 480.00 foot radius cu concave Northerly; thence Westerly along the arc of said cur\ the beginning of a reverse 50.00 foot radius curve conc Southeasterly; thence Southwesterly along the arc of said cur\ distance of 19.99 feet through a central angle of 22'54'11' the beginning of a reverse 70.00 foot radius curve conc Northeasterly: thence Northwesterly along the arc of said curT distance of 82.65 feet through a central angle of 67'38': thence North 49'54'53" East 76.44 feet to a point hereinaf referred to as Point "A", said point also being on a 20.00 f radius curve concave Northeasterly, a radial bearing to s point bears South 45'38'42" West; thence Southeasterly along arc of said curve a distance of 13.88 feet through a cent angle of 39'46'31"; thence tangent South 84'07'49" East 21 feet to the beginning of a tangent 420.00 foot radius cc concave Northerly: thence along the arc of said curve a disti of 74.63 feet through a central angle of lO"10'53"; the tangent North 85'41'18" East 160.22 feet to a point hereinaf referred to as Point "B", said point also being the beyinninc a tangent 1030.00 foot radius curve concave Southerly; the Easterly along the arc of said curve a distance of 25.80 f through a central angle of Ol"26'06"; thence tangent No 87'07'24" East 330.00 feet to the beginninq of a tangent 9( foot radius curve concave Northwesterly: thence Northeaste along the arc of said curve a distance of 44.10 feet throuc central angle of 28'04.'20"; thence tangent North 59'03'04" E 50.00 feet to the beginning of a tangent 50.00 foot radius cu concave Southerly and Westerly; thence Easterly and Southe along the arc of said curve a distance of 181.58 feet throuc central angle of 208'04'20" to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. distance of 79-42 feet through a central angle of 09'28'50' CALLE MADRID - PARCEL I'B" Beginning at the aforementioned Point "A" thence radial So 49'54'53" West 76.44 feet to a point on a 70.00 foot radius CL concave Northeasterly; thence Northwesterly along the arc of E curve a distance of 74.71 feet throuqh a central angle 61 "09'10" to the beyinning of a reverse-50.00 foot radius CU concave Westerly: thence Northerly along the arc of said cur\ e 0 distance of 20.26 feet through a central angle of 23'13'20' the beginning of a reverse 480.00 foot radius curve conc Easterly: thence Northerly along the arc of said curve a distz of 81.91 feet through a central angle of 09'46'37''; thence a1 a radial line to said curve South 82'22'40" East 60.00 feet 1 point in a concentric 420.00 foot radius curve: thence Southc along the arc of said curve a distance of 74.20 feet throuc central angle of 10'07'21''; thence tangent South 02'30'01'' E 27.51 feet to the beginning of a tangent 20.00 foot radius CL concave Northeasterly: thence Southeasterly along the arc of ! curve a distance of 14.61 feet through a central angle 41O51'17" to said Point "A". CALLE POSADA - PARCEL 'IC" Beginning at the aforementioned Point "B"; thence South 85'41 West 63.27 feet to a point of cusp with a tangent 20.00 j radius curve concave Northwesterly thence Northeasterly along arc of said curve a distance of 31.42 feet through a cenl angle of 90'00'00"; thence tangent North 04'18'42" West 1 feet to the beginning of a tangent 230.00 foot radius CI concave Southeasterly: thence Northeasterly along the arc of I curve a distance of 266.52 feet through a central angle 66'23'32"; thence along a radial line to said curve Sc 27'55'10" East 30.00 feet to a point in a concentric 200.00 j radius curve: thence Southwesterly along the arc of said curl distance of 137.99 feet through a central angle of 39'31' thence along a radial line to said curve South 67'27'07" E 30.00 feet to a point in a concentric 170.00 foot radius CUI thence Southerly and Southeasterly along the arc of said cur' distance of 79.69 feet through a central angle of 26'51' thence tangent South 04'18'42" East 15.24 feet to the beginr of a tangent 20.00 foot radius curve concave Northeaste: thence Southeasterly along the arc of said curve a distancl 30.91 feet through a central angle of 88'33'54": thence tan! South 87'07'24" West 10.44 feet to the beginning of a tan: 1030.00 foot radius curve concave Southerly; thence Westt along the arc of said curve a distance of 25.80 feet throuc central angle of 01 '26'06'' to said Point "B". I *.- I' 0 e 3' +? /L (7 \ beL 2 // /-- / /\ I\ /I - - - "_ 7d€ Bk.5 OF €?%zP/&S FU! 7&5 Ed7-/S 72.225 5izLG&EPLY ~or~/~&DFcU7-/0 Of P/&f!du Liz5 €dC/!fl/S F€P MdP ,498oS7~2 ,.t%87%9k2?* TRKT D€DICATION CIVIL ENQINEERS - SURVEYC PARCEL ';4" CALLE VALLARTA POR. LOT 10 Of RUO. LAS ENClNlTAS MAP NO. 848 b 9 3' c? (3 /\ \ / 1 I I rP.@ PAC€.. 7d€ Ms/s OF &HP/&5 FUP 7k5 B47-/5 7iiE 5wz4EEL v ~07-'/%4EOF~U7-/U OF FHdCdU CAS EdC///7/5 F€F M4F L@8&7?/.2 A/B72?728F. I /UP/C..7ES S7%E€7 m/cAl/aC/ I r I I STRE€T D€DlCATION I RICK PNmINCBRINO CIVIL ENOINEERS*@URVEYO PARCEL "B" CAL L E MADRID I WPO MA- -.IAN -00. CA 6TQ-91 - 8.- IAUTA R -IAN MA- nnn rnt m nr nrrn t AP trrntattrAr aa~n atn nln WCI tcrr -11 ~~naco 7927- m RO RCC) OR CARYAD.CA slm-: e -\ 3' 3 I c)' A \ / \ .. \ > 7/25. m5/5 OF &HP/&5 FUZZ 1i5 EdT/5 IdE 53LmR2EPL 2/ LOT- L//c/Fof- Lo7 /u OF FHdCdO CAS .C5dC/d/7/5 PEPMk'p h98&/.t d873928F I I I STRKT D€DICATION I PARCEL %" CA L 1 E POSA PA RICK ~NOINEERINGI CIVIL ENOINEERS . SURVEY0 SSeD MAR9 =.IAN D11W.CA STSa 3088 PKI REO UUCARUIAD.CA Slm: am I.- SAWA R ma=- - I DflD IflT 4fl AK DUA I AC I.N/,lNlTAC llAn Alf! OAO PRn. IFCT NI IMRFR 7917- * *~ e e CERTIFICATION FOR ACCEPTANCE OF DEED This is to certify that the interest in real propert1 conveyed by the deed or grant dated June 25, 1984 from to the City of Carlsbad, California, a municipal corporatio. is hereby accepted by the City Council of the City of Carls California pursuant to resolution No. 7761 , adopted on October 2, 1984 , and the grantee consents to the recordation thereof by its duly authorized officer. HOMES BY lXLYQ3J ----------------_-_-------------- DATED: October 3, 1984 By : v- I. x 1 2 3 4 e 6 .. RESOLUTION NO. 7761 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING A GRANT DEED FOR PUBLIC ROAD AND UTILITY PURPOSES. 5 6 conviying an easement to the City of Carlsbad for public 7 WHEREAS, Daon Corporation has submitted a Grant Deed 8 and utility purposes; said Deed is on file in the Office I1 9 the City Clerk; and 10 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad ha 11 Deed; 12 determined it to be in the public interest to accept said I accepted. 19 Calle Vallarta, Calle Madrid and Calle Posada is hereby 18 City of Carlsbad for public road purposes over portions c 17 2. That the Grant Deed conveying an easement to th 16 1. That the above recitations are true and correct 15 the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 14 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council o 13 20 3. That the City Clerk is hereby authorized to cai 21 1 /// 27 /// 26 I //I 25 /// 24 appropriate Certificate of Acceptance attached. 23 Recorder of San Diego County, State of California, with 1 22 the original Deed to be recorded in the Office of the COL 28 /// '. 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 3.0 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 I 0 a PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad City Council held on the 2nd day of October , 1984, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council =rs Casler, Lewis, Chick and Prescott NOES: None ABSENT: Council Wr Kulchin %..G.J& MARY H. (IIASLER, Mayor ATTEST: erk (SEAL)