HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984-10-02; City Council; 7602-2; APPROVE CONTRACTS FOR THE CITY HALL MODULAR PROJECT, OR AUTHORIZE LEASING OF SPACE, OR ORDER THE MODULAR PROJECT TO BE RE-BID.* 29 g -4 c, i I? 8 8 td 2 2 0 u s IH m 3 3 -rl $4 2t a& N $4 r3i . f2 ?a z$ Uib gCD 6.8 735 Pal 4 OU $8 @a, m 4 -4 a P 8% e 03 I N I 0 rl .. z P a =1 0 z 3 0 0 6 tit- CARLSBAD - AGEND~LL crl APPROVE CONTRACTS FOR DEPT. H@ AB# ?Go2 -*a TITLE- MTG. 1012184 AUTHORIZE LEASING OF SPACE, OR ORDER THE ClTYAm- CITY MGk DEPT. RECOMMENDED ACTION: . THE CITY HALL MODULAR PROJECT, OR ENG MODULAR PROJECT TO BE RE-BID Adopt Resolution No. 7773 making the finding that the Public Contract Code does not need to be complied with and authorize ' Concepts of San Diego and Scibila & Sons of Escondido or instri the City Manager to further investigate the leasing of needed space and report back to the City Council with a recommendatior or order the modular project to be re-bid. City Manager to enter into contract with Modular Building ITEM EXPLANATION: On August 14, 1984, the City Council authorized advertising foi the City Hall Modular construction. The Bid opening was scheduled for September 12. No bids were received. Per the Public Contract Code 20166, "If no bids are received, 1 Legislative Body may have the project done without further complying with this Chapter .I1 Therefore, it is recommended that the City Council make the finding that the Standard Bid Procedure was followed and ROW tI- Public Contract Code governing bid procedures no longer need tc be followed. Staff has investigated alternative means of completing the construction. Staff has contacted contractors and obtained separate bids for construction of the modulars and parking lot. The lowest of three bids for the modular building was by Modul: Building Concepts of San Diego in the amount of $102,766. The lowest bid for the parking lot construction was by Scibilia & Sons of Escondido in the amount of $14,700. It is estimated tk an additional amount of $3,000 will be needed for soil compaction. The total estimate therefore, is: $102,766 Modular Building Parking Lot 14,700 Soil Compaction 3,000 10% Contingency 12,047 TOTAL: $1 32,513 An alternative for the City is to lease space in a private offi building. It is estimated that such space can be leased for three years at about the same cost as constructing the modular. I 4 a W .n AB# 7C002-~2 MTG. ~e-~-fiv OEP T *+ More accurate cost figures for leasing will be presented to the Council at its meeting. A final alternative is for the Council to order the project to I re-bid, either as before, or separating out the modular buildin! and the parking lot. About three weeks of additional time woulc be needed for such process. FISCAL IMPACT: The City Council has already appropriated $145,000 (Acct. 81-18-10-3165) for this project. Thus the cost of any alternative is provided for. EXHIBITS 1. Resolution No.7773 making the finding that the Public Contract Code does not need to be complied with, and authorizing the City Manager to enter into contracts for th modular building and for the parking lot. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 g 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 w rn - RESOLUTION NO. 7773 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY THAT THE CITY HALL MODULAR PROJECT DOES NOT HAVE TO COMPLY WITH THE PUBLIC CONTRACT CODE. OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, MAKING THE FINDING WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, has determined that it is necessary and in the pub1 interest to construct the City Hall Modulars and parking lot; and WHEREAS, the City Clerk of said City had advertised said Modular Project for bids per Municipal Code, Section 3.28.080; and WHEREAS, no bids were received for said Modular; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad as follows: 1. The above recitations are true and correct. 2. The City Hall Modular Project is to be continued to its completion. 3. The Public Contract Code governing bids for Public Work 1 no longer needs to be complied with for said Modular Project. 4, The City Manager shall enter into the necessary contra( to complete the construction of modulars and parking lot using monies previously allocated by Council. I// //I f /// /I/ //I /I/ , *A Y 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 11 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 8 m PASSIX, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad held on the 2nd day of October , 1984, by the following vote, to wit: Council Mmbers Casler, Lads, chick and Prescott ~y E s : NOES: Wne ABSENT: Council PlPmber Kulchin 'L MARY H. ASLER, Mayor ATTEST: (SEAL) I 3 -1 /2" 4 .1 /4" 4 -3/4" +t+4 M I+-- 1 )' 3/4" & - - t- - -m 26 Part VIII/SU&~, February 26,1984 . Alternative Shelter Concrete Tilt-Up: Warehouse to House By TERENCE M. GREEN, Times Staff Writer Sometimes one looks at a new or advanced technique a “three-hinged arch.” that is widely used in a certain area-of construction, in The use of concrete tilt-up began to flourishin the this case, but the same is true in various fields-and late 1- and reached a high point in the mid-1970s wonders why it has not been carried over into other (here in Southern California, at least) It is extensively types of building. Then, suddenly, it is adopted by used for construction of warehouses and factories. builders of other things. Described in the simplest way, the process consists of The case in point here is concrete tilt-up construction. laying forms for the building‘s four walls on the ground Heavily used for factories and warehouses over the last with the side that will cast the base of each wall lying couple of decades, it seemed to this observer a natural along the building‘s foundation. Inserts in the form for houses but was scarcely used, except for a few make openings for doors’and windows; steel reinforcing scattered and mostly abortive tries. Just now, however, bars and mesh, as well as any plumbing connections and two builders are using concrete for houses on a electrical conduits that may be needed, are placed in the production scale, one in a straight tilt-up process and form, and the concrete ispoured. the other in a first coSn ta it. After the wall has dried and cured sufficiently, a time The “first cousin” is a duplex under construction at varying according to the composition of the concrete 1113 W. McFadden Ave., Santa Ana, by Newport used, the outer edge is lifted by crane to its vertical Beach-based Concrete Structures Cow. The building is position and the four walls are fastened together. expected to,& completed about the second week in Plumbing and electrical connections are made, roof March and will be used as a model and the company’s trusses are put in place and the roof put on, and all that business office, according to Tony Ruiz, one of the is left is the interior finishing. principals. The process is fast and cheap. It is not always suitable Concrete tilt-up was fii used in 1948 by William M. for a particular job but it is so widely useful that it has Simpson, now a principal in William Simpson & bitten deeply into concrete-block maao~y and other Associates of Newport Beach and co-holder with Ruiz of older, slower, more labor-intensive systems. By its the utility patent on the engineering principle involved ,nature, it is pretty well confined to one-story construc- in the design of their concrete house, which Rub died tion (it can be a high story, of course) and thus its we I Two segments, each composed of two “bent L“ sections cast in lightweight concrete, have beep erected on the site of a duplex in Santa Ana gr(d are baing connected with traditional tilt-up hardware. Other segments will complete the unit for installation of shingle roof, vinyl siding.. ____ ~ l. he Auseks &hues ’” 1 .w .- I I. - 0 Rendering shows appearance of completed concrete tilt-up duplex now under construction in Santa Ana. The three segments in front form for office buildings has been restricted. Ruiz said the homes are being built for $13.50 a square But, the observer notes, most houses are one-story. foot but that the bare-bones cost could be under $10 a Furthermore, a warehouse wall might be 20 or 30 feet Square foot, without siding, roofing and other finishing tall-plenty of height for a two-story house. Why details. wasn’t concrete tilt-up being used for them? “The normal residential permit valuation assigned by One possibility is that people, perhaps remembering the (Sang Ana) building department is $38 to $60 a their former Midwestern or Eastern homes, associate square foot,” Ruiz said. “They valued these, for permit concrete walls with basements and have subconscious PUWSeS, at $17 a square foot. That means not only feelings that they will .be dark and damp. Ruiz her permit fees but lower taxes.” mentioned something else: “Conventional finishing Bank of America is the construction lender. “One of techniquea-the roofs, for instance-kept them close to the the thing8 they were sold on,” Ruiz said, “was the the cost of conventional building.” Other explanations. Conventional appearance. We are not pioneering in any have been offered. area. Concrete tilt-up has been around for many years Concrete Structures Corp., building the Santa Ana and the hints we’re using are the same as the duplex, is owned by Rulz, Simpson and Fred Crook, tried-and-true tilt-up.” ‘principal of Rancho Cucamonga-based Quick Crete The. reason this system was called a ”first cousin” to Concrete Froducts Co.; Crook is acting as general conventional tilt-up is that the wall-roof sections are contractor on the Santa Ana job. The company plans to being cast in a shop and trucked to the site. However, “If license use of the system throughout the world. we were building a bunch of them--40 or 50-we’d cast Wall sections are cast eight feet wide and each them on-site. Or if the site was remote, or access was section’s roof ia cast with the wall, so the completed bad,”Ruizsaid. concrete casting looks from the side like an L with the Another residential project using concrete tilt-up in a bottom line bent down. When they are set up, the production manner will be described in this column angled “bottom line” L8 at the top and meeta its opposite soon. ber from the other side. They are joined at the ridge one four-bedroom, three-bath, 1,148-square- foot residence; between it and the identical home in the rear are three one-car garages. 0 a the sides with conventional tilt-up fastenings. .. :nY The -material b a lightweight cellular concrete A ‘ throw a chunk of it in water and it’ll float!“ Ruiz said) and each wall/roof section ia four inches thick. Under a performance evaluation prescribed by the state’s ener - gy-efficiency standards, Ruiz said they are equivalent to an €2-11 wall and R-19 roof. Additionally, each house has about 100 tonsiof thermal masa, a temperature- equalizing factor. and the walls’ temperature ia further moderated by the coolness of the ground they are set into. Each unit of the Santa Ana duplex has four bedrooms, three baths, kitchen, dining area and living room in 1,148 square feet. One bedropm has an extra door into the Hving/dining room so it can be used as a den. The exterior finish will be vinyl siding, with shingle roofs. . Between the two unita are three one-car garages, made the same way. “We wanted four,” Ruiz said; “but the city insisted on an extra 10 feet of setback” The duplex occupies a conventional dty lot with mom for small front and back yarda 0 q u 3 Farmers Insurance GKNP op COMPANles DENNIS L . GRIEBEL 15012-G Red Hill Ave. 0 Tustin, CA. 92680 BUS: (714) 731-1211 iay 7, 1984 Concrete Structures Corp 2222 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach, CA 92663 Attention: Tony Ruiz - Dear Tony, Pursuant to our telephone conversation yesterday regarding discounted fire insurance rates for dwellings built with your three hinge system. the Farmers Insurance Group of Companies Research and Development division has indicated a premium deviation, or discount, as high as fifteen per cent off our standard rates. This preliminary indication from our R & D department is based on existing information. To quote a firm discount rate, the company will require additional information. with as much technical data as possible. a Please keep us informed as to your progress and supply us Speaking on behalf of the company, we look forward to working with you in developing a comprehensive discount program for this new type of construction. Sincerely, 0-6W Dennis L. Griebel 0 FAST, FAIR, FRIENDLY SERVlCE AB 7602 #2, 10/2/84 Res. 7773 /------ pa= 2\ & k, _/” l . ... ,- . &. .* ~. ... . .~ ....... - .-. . =__E --- .. ”~-. ~ l_l-