HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984-10-02; City Council; 7891; 496 UNIT TENTATIVE TRACT MAP AND CONDOMINIUM PERMITq IW Nrl II 00 drl dm a1 2 O 5 a 4 0 z 3 8 (by a future hmneawner's association) the new slope created by -the gradir the park site (see attached m) . Through staff review and Planning Carmission hearing, all issues on this rn have been satisfactorily resolved. ENV1RO=AL REVIEW The Land Use Planning Manager has determined that this project will not ( any significant environmental impacts and, therefore, has issued a ~eg; Declaration, dated August 15, 1984, which was approved by the Pla camission on September 12, 19%. A mpy of the environmental docments : file in the Land Use Planning Office. e Page 2 of Agenda Bill # 7 87 / FISCAL IMPACI'S The applicant will provide all required public improvements to the project. Also, the qlicant has agreed to pay a public facilities fee to offset the costs of providing all other public services. EXHIBITS 1. meation Map 2. PC Resolution No, 2341 3. 4. ADDITIONAL EXHIBITS ADDED: Mem from Director of Parks & Recreation dated Septenber 18, 1984 Staff Report, dated September 12, 1984 w/attacbments 5. 6. Memorandm from the Assistant City Manager to the City Manager dated October 11, 1984 regarding Stagecoach Park. Memorandum from the Land Use Planning Manager dated October 11, 1984 regarding a1 ternatives and recommendations. I e a LOCATION MAP CT 84 LA COSTA RACQUET CLUB CP-2i I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 a 0 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 2341 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF A TENTATIVE TRACT MAP AND CONDOMINIUM PERMIT FOR 496 UNITS ON 34 ACRES ON PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED EAST OF RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD AND SOUTH OF THE FUTURE EXTENSION OF LA COSTA AVENUE . APPLICANT: LA COSTA RACQUET CLUB CASE NO: CT 84-7/CP-276 WHEREAS, a verified application for certain proper Those portions of Lots 5 and 6 in Section 31, Towr South, Range 3 West, San Bernardino Base and Merid according to United States Government Survey, and Section 6, Township 13 South, Range 3 West, San Bernardino Base and Meridian, according to United Government Survey, and of Lots 4, 5, 8 and 9 of R: Las Encinitas, according to Map thereof No. 848, 1 the Office of the County Recorder of San Diego COL June 27, 1898, all being in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California has been filed with the City of Carlsbad, and referred to t Planning Commission; and wit: WHEREAS, said verified application constitutes a r as provided by Title 21 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did, on the 12th September, 1984, hold a duly noticed public hearing as pres by law to consider said request; and WHEREAS, at said public hearing, upon hearing and considering all testimony and arguments, if any, of all per desiring to be heard, said Commission considered all factor relating to the Tentative Tract Map and Condominium Permit. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the Plann 1 Commission as follows: (A) That the foregoing recitations are true and correct. //// * 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 e 0 (B) That based on the evidence presented at the public hear: the Commission recommends APPROVAL of CT 84-7/CP-276, b; the following findings and subject to the following conditions : Find ing s : 1) The project is consistent with the City's general plan the proposed density of 14.6 du's/acre is within the de range of 10-20 du's/acre? specified for the site as indi on the land use element of the general plan. 2) The project is consistent with the concepts and standar 3) The site is physically suitable for the type and densit the development since the site is adequate in size and to accommodate residential development at the density I posed . 4) The project is consistent with all City public facilit- icies and ordinances since: a) The Planning Commission has, by inclusion of an adopted in the La Costa Master Plan. appropriate condition to this project, insured tha final map will not be approved unless the City Cou finds that sewer service is available to serve the project. In addition, the Planning Commission has condition that a note shall be placed on the final that building permits may not be issued for the pr unless the City Engineer determines that sewer ser unless sewer service remains available, and the P1 Commission is satisfied that the requirements of t public facilities element of the general plan have met insofar as they apply to sewer service for th: project . b) School fees will be paid to ensure the availabilil school facilities in the San Dieguito and Encinit, district. available, and building cannot occur within the pr c) All necessary public improvements have been provi( will be required as conditions of approval. d) The applicant has agreed and is required by the i of an appropriate condition to pay a public facil fee. Performance of that contract and payment of will enable this body to find that public facilit be available concurrent with need as required by general plan. e) Assurances have been given that adequate sewer fc project will be provided by the Leucadia County P District . PC RES0 NO. 2341 -2- I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 . a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 0 5) The proposed project is consistent with the City's pli Development Ordinance and also complies with the Desi! Guidelines Manual, 6) The proposed project is compatible with the surroundii land uses since surrounding properties are designated residential development on the general plan. 7) This project will not cause any significant environme; impacts and a Negative D,eclaration has been issued by Use Planning Manager on August 15, 1984 and approved x Planning Commission on September 12, 1984. Conditions: 1) Approval is granted for CT 84-7/CP-276, as shown on El "A", dated July 30, 1984 and Exhibit 'B' - "D", dated 1984, incorporated by reference and on file in the Lar Planning Office. Development shall occur substantial1 shown unless otherwise noted in these conditions. ' 2) This project is approved upon the express condition tl final map shall not be approved unless the City Counci as of the time of such approval that sewer service is available to serve the subdivision. This project is approved upon the express condition th building permits will not be issued for development of subject property unless the City Engineer determines t sewer facilities are available at the time of applicat such sewer permits and will continue to be available u time of occupancy. This note shall be placed on the f map . 4) This project is approved upon the express condition tk applicant shall pay a public facilities fee as require City Council Policy No. 17, dated April 2, 1982, on fi the City Clerk and incorporated herein by reference, i according to the agreement executed by the applicant f payment of said fee, a copy of that agreement, dated E 23, 1984, is on file with the City Clerk and incorpori herein by reference. If said fee is not paid as promj this application will not be consistent with the Gener and approval for this project shall be void. 3) ' 5) The applicant shall dedicate park land or pay park fee accordance with the 1982 Parks Agreement between the C Carlsbad and the Daon Csrporation prior to approval of final map. 6) The applicant shall provide school fees to mitigate co of overcrowding in the San Dieguito High School Distri part of building permit application. These fees shall on the fee schedule in effect at the time of building application. Also, the applicant shall meet all requi of the school agreement between the Daon Corporation a Encinitas Elementary School District. ,PC RES0 NO 3141 -? I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 g 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 m 7) Unless otherwise indicated herein or on the approved exk approval of this request shall not excuse compliance wit sections of the Zoning Ordinance and La Costa Master PI( a11 other applicable City ordinances in effect at time building permit issuance. 8) Water shall be provided by the Olivenhain Municipal Wat District. Land Use Planning Conditions: 9) The applicant shall prepare a reproducible mylar of the site plan incorporating the conditions contained hereir site plan shall be submitted to and approved by the Lan Planning Manager prior to the issuance of building perr 10) The applicant shall establish a homeowner's associatior corresponding covenants, conditions and restrictions. CC&R's shall be submitted to and approved by the Land I Planning Manager prior to final map approval . 11) The applicant shall prepare a detailed landscape and i tion plan which shall be submitted to and approved by Use Planning Manager prior to the issuance of building permits. 12) A 500' scale map of the subdivision shall be submitted Land Use Planning Manager prior to the recordation of final map. Said map shall show all lots and streets k and adjacent to the project. 13) All landscaped areas shall be maintained in a healthy thriving condition, free from weeds, trash, and debris 14) Any signs proposed for this development shall be desi? conformance with the City's Sign Ordinance and shall 1 review and approval of the Land Use Planning Manager 1 installation of such signs. I 15) Trash receptacle areas shall be enclosed by a six-fooi masonry wall with gates pursuant to City standards. of said receptacles shall be approved by the Land Use Manager . 16) All roof appurtenances, including air conditioners, s architecturally integrated and shielded from view and sound buffered from adjacent properties and streets, to Building Department,Policy No. 80-6, to the satisf the Land Use Planning Manager and Building and Planni Director. 17) The approved grading plan shall incorporate grading techniques as identifed in the La Costa Master Plan t greatest extent feasible. PC RES0 NO 2341 -4- II 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 I) 18) Parking space numbers and alignments shall correspond shown on the tentative map. 19) The developer shall mitigate impacts for archaeologici W-945 in accordance with the recommendations documentc the Westec Services study of May 1984, This mitigatic qualified professional shall include! 1. Surface collection and mapping. 2. Excavation of 10 square meters of the site. 3. Excavation of an additional seven, one by one mete 4. Analysis of all artifacts and ecofacts. 5. Carbon-14 dating of three samples. 60 Submittal of a professional report to the City of Such mitigation shall be completed prior to approval c grading permit. units. Carlsbad. Engineering Conditions 20) The developer shall obtain a grading permit prior to t commencement of any clearing or qrading of the site, 21) The grading for this project is defined as "controllet ing" by Section 11.06.170(a) of the Carlsbad Municipal Grading shall be performed under the observation of a engineer whose responsibility it shall be to coordinat inspection and testing to insure compliance of the wor the approved grading plan, submit required reports to Engineer and verify compliance with Chapter 11.06 of t Carlsbad Municipal Code. 22) Upon completion of grading, the developer shall insure "as-graded" geologic plan shall be submitted to the Ci Engineer. The plan shall clearly show all the geology exposed by the grading operation, all geologic correct measures as actually constructed and must be based on tour map which represents both the pre and post site g This plan shall be signed by both the soils engineer engineering geologist. The plan shall be prepared on or similar drafting film and shall become a permanent 23) No grading shall occur outside the limits of the subdi unless a letter of permission is obtained from the own the affected properties. 24) A separate grading plan shall be submitted and approve separate grading permit issued for the borrow or dispo if located within the city limits. 25) All slopes within this project shall be no steeper tha PC RES0 NO. 2341 -5- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 3.7 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 0 26) The developer shall exercise special care during the construction phase of this project to prevent any off- siltation, The developer shall provide erosion contro measures and shall construct temporary desiltation/det basins of type, size and location as approved by the c Engineer. The basins and erosion control measures sha shown and specified on the grading plan and shall be constructed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer p the start of any other grading operations. Prior to tl removal of any basins or- facilities so constructed the served shall be protected by additional drainage facil slope erosion control measures and other methods requi approved by the City Engineer. The developer shall ma of time satisfactory to the City Engineer and shall gu their maintenance and satisfactory performance through deposit and bonding in amounts and types suitable to tl Engineer , 27) Additional drainage easements and drainage structukes : provided or installed as may be required by the County Department of Sanitation and Flood Control or the City neer. 28) The developer shall construct desiltation/detention ba5 a type and size and at locations as approved by the Cil Engineer. The developer shall enter into a desiltatioi maintenance agreement and submit a maintenance bond satisfactory to the City Engineer prior to the approval final map for this project. Each desiltation basin she serviced by an all weather access/.maintenance road. Tt provisions of this agreement shall apply to any off-sit borrow sites which may be utilized in the construction project as required by the City Engineer. 29) The owner of the subject property shall execute a hold harmless agreement regarding drainage across the ad jacc property prior to approval of the final map. 30) All land and/or easements required to satisfy the condi of approval for this project shall be granted to the Ci without cost to the City, free and clear of all liens a encumbrances and without cost to the City. 31) Direct access rights for all lots abutting "La Costa Av Street "A" and Mission Estancia" shall be waived on the map. Access to said lots shall be over the private str and drives shown on the)tentative map. The emergency e drives shall be opened only upon written authorization City Engineer or during an emergency response of fire, or ambulance services. The final map shall specify the limitations of access. the temporary basins and erosion control measures for //// c PC RES0 NO. 2341 -6- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 3.1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 0 0 32) Plans, specifications, and supporting documents for all Engineer. Prior to approval of the final map, the Subd shall install, or agree to install and secure with appr security as provided by law, improvements shown on the tentative map and the following improvements to City St to the satisfaction of the City Engineer: a) La Costa Avenue to full width secondary arterial improvements shall be prepared to the satisfaction of t standards from the centerline of Rancho Santa Fe Rc the easterly line of "A" Street. b) La Costa Avenue to one-half width secondary arterii standards from the easterly line of "A" Street to t centerline of Mission Estancia. c) The westerly one-half of Mission Estancia to seconc arterial standards from the centerline of La Costa to a point 50 feet southerly of the most southeast( corner of the project. d) "A" Street to full width collector street standard! except that its width shall be modified as shown 01 tentative map. "A" Street shall be installed from Costa Avenue to the westerly line of the project. e) Storm drain facilities in the natural drainage chai and their relocated positions along the westerly ai southeasterly perimeters of the project. The cham improvements shall be such as to limit flow velocij five feet per second except at control structures. Control structures may consist of gabions, rip-rap concealed concrete members. Unless otherwise apprc the City Engineer control structures shall not com] more than 25 percent of the length of the channel. channel shall not be a concrete or asphalt lined structure . 1 I 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 f) The storm drain system shown on the tentative map specifically not approved. The storm drain system be redesigned in accordance with applicable standa. g) Off-site sewer. The developer shall perform a san sewer basin study for the basin that the project i, located in. The sanitary sewer facilities shall bi to accommodate the ultimate buildout of the basin. developer shall construct the sanitary facilities public streets that. are required as condition of approval. The developer may enter into a reimburs agreement for costs incurred for sewer capacity in of that required by this project. h) Temporary cul-de-sacs and barriers at the terminus public streets and transition sections at cross-se changes. PC RES0 NO. 2341 -7- I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 e 0 33) The developer shall comply with all the rules, regulati design requirements of the respective sewer and water a regarding services to the project. 34) Should the developer decide to final map and develop ph out of numerical sequence with the approved phasing as on the tentative map all conditions required of the pre phases shall be completed unless otherwise approved by City Engineer and the Land Use Planning Manager. The developer shall construct all improvements that are bis by phase lines to their full width and extent. 35) The design of all private streets and drainage systems be approved by the City Engineer prior to approval of t final map. The structural section of all private stree shall conform to City of Carlsbad Standards based on R- tests. All private streets and drainage systems shall and inspection fees shall be paid prior to approval of final map. 36) All private streets, planted median on Street "A", and inspected by the city, and the standard improvement ple drainage systems shall be maintained by the homeowner'E association in perpetuity. This responsibility shall 1 clearly stated in the CC&R's. 37) All private driveways shall be kept clear of parked vet at all times, and shall have posted "No Parking/Fire Lz Away Zone" pursuant to Section 17.04.040, Carlsbad Munj Code . 38) All plans, specifications, and supporting documents fox improvements of this project shall be signed and sealec Engineer in responsible charge of the work. Each sheet be signed and sealed, except that bound documents may k sheet of each set of plans shall have the following certificate: signed and sealed on their first page. Additionally ti //// //// //// //// //// > //// //// ///I PC RES0 NO. 2341 -8- I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 LO 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 0 "DECLARATION OF RESPONSIBLE CHARGE" I hereby declare that I am the Engineer of Work for thi project, that I have exercised responsible charge over design of the project as defined in Section 6703 of the Business and Professions Code, and that the design is consistent with current standards. I understand that the check of project drawings and specifications by the City of Carlsbad is confined to a only and does not relieve me, as Engineer of Work, of m responsibilities for project design. (Name, Address and Telephone of Engineering firm) Firm: Address: City, St.: Telephone: BY Date: (Name of Engineer) R.C.E. NO. # 39) The developer shall provide the City with a reproducibl copy of the tentative map as approved by the Planning Commission. The tentative map shall reflect the condit City Engineer prior to improvement plan submittal. 40) Approval of this tentative tract map shall expire twent months from the date of City Council approval unless a map is recorded. An extension may be requested by the applicant. Said extension shall be approved or denied discretion of the City Council. In approving an exten the City Council may impose new conditions and may rev existing conditions. approval by the City, The map copy shall be submitted Fire Conditions: 41) Additional public and/or on site fire hydrants shall b quired if deemed necessary by the Fire Marshal. 42) The applicant shall.submit two (2) copies of a site pl showing locations of existing and proposed fire hydran on site roads and drives subject to the approval of th Marshal . 43) An all weather access road shall be maintained through construction. PC RES0 NO. 2341 -9- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 e 0 44) All required fire hydrants, water mains and appurtenant shall be operational prior to combustible building matt being located on the project site. 45) Fire retardant roofs shall be required on all structur 46) All fire alarm systems, fire hydrants, extinguishing s! automatic sprinklers, and other systems pertinent to tl project shall be submitted to the Fire Department for ( prior to construction. 47) Building exceeding 10,000 sq.ft. aggregate floor area ! sprinklered or have four-hour fire walls with no openii less) areas or as otherwise approved by the Fire Marsh; PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting c Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad, California, he1 the 12th day of September, 1984, by the following vote, to o therein which shall split the buildinu into 10,000 sq.' AYES : NOES : Commissioner McFadden. ABSENT: bbne. Chairman Rombotis, Commissioners Farrow, Schlehuber, Smith and Marcus. ABSTAIN: None* JERRY ROMBOTIS, Chairman CARLSBAD PLANNING COMMISSIO ATTEST: MICHAEL J. HWdM ILW LAND USE PLANNING MANAGER > PC'RESO NO. 2341 -10- 0 0 SEPTEMBER 18, 1984 TO : MI '<E HOLZMILLER, LAND USE PLANNING MANAGER FROM: DAVID BRADSTREET, DIRECTOR OF PARKS AND RECREATION PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION ACTION RE: LA COSTA RACQUET CLUB OFF SITE GRADING REQUEST At the 9/17/84 Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting, the Commission vott 5-2 to accept the developer's proposal to grade a slope on approximately one (1) acre of park land and to install at the developer's expense, a drainage channel as per City Engineering Specifications, adjacent to the Northern border of the park. The Commission also recomended that a condition be added that the develope be required to plant and irrigate the slope as per the City's Landscape Guidelines Manual, and that a Homeowners' Association be responsible for ongoing maintenance. s DAVID BRADSTREET DB :mr c: Frank Aleshire, City Manager Ron Beckman, City Engineer Mark Steyaert, Park Planner LJ, lY84 0 E STAFF REPORT DATE : September 12, 1984 TO : Planning Commission FROM: Land Use Planning Office SUBJECT: CT 84-7/CP-276 - LA COSTA RACQUET CLUE - Request for a tentative tract map and condominium permit for 496 units on 34 acres located east of Rancho Santa Fe Road and south of the future extension of La Costa Avenue i the P-C zone. I. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Planning Commission ADOPT Resolution No. 2341 recommending APPROVAL of CT 84-7/CP-276 to the City Council, based on the findings and subject to the conditions contained therein. 11. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The proposed project involves the development of a vacant 34 acre site, presently in its natural state, located near the southeast corner of Rancho Santa Fe Road and the future extension of La Costa Avenue. The site is situated in what is termed the "community core" of the La Costa Master Plan area. The project encompasses two of the eight neighborhoods that mak up the "community core" area (SE-12 and SE-23). Both of these neighborhoods are designated for multi-family development at a maximum of 680 dwelling units. The remaining (surrounding) "community core" neighborhoods are designated for commercial uses (north and west of the site), offices (north of the site), a community park (south of the site), and two multi-family neighborhoods to the east and west of the site. The subject site and surrounding properties are presently vacant. Terrain in this area is moderately steep. Existing or site elevations range from 300 feet elevation at the northern boundary (future La Costa Avenue) to 180-feet elevation adjacer to the park site at the southern boundary. A well defined drainage course runs along the eastern boundary of the site, eventually fanning out onto the park site. The project proposes two product types. As shown on Exhibit "A", Phases I and I1 are designed with primarily 8-plex structures, two stories in height. Covered (car-port) and uncovered parking spaces are provided off the private drives a1 in large parking bays near the units. Phases 111, IV, V, and 1 incorporate primarily split-level, 3-storyf 8-plexes with tuck- under garage spaces. Additional required parking is also provided on private drives and in bays. 0 0 111. ANALY S IS Planning Issues 1) Is the proposed on-site and off-site circulation system adequate? 2) Does the project justify the proposed density of 14.5 du/ac 3) Is the project consistent with the concepts adopted in the 4) Does the project meet the development standards and design La Costa Master Plan? criteria of the Planned Development Ordinance? Discussion As designed, the project fits in well with the city's planned circulation pattern for the central La Costa area. Recognizing that access to Rancho Santa Fe Road, future La Costa Avenue, an future Mission Estancia (south of the park site) will be restricted due to their arterial status, the project is desiyne to receive its access off a single collector street which will eventually connect to neighborhood SE-16. As such, eventual development of SE-16 will not result in the need for additional access points on arterials in this area. Three primary entrances into the project are proposed off the collector roadway. Each provides an attractive entry island an "throat" for stacking of existing vehicles. Secondary and emergency access points are proposed in various areas to meet cul-de-sac requirements. The project design does incorporate fairly long rows of open and carport parking off driveway aisles, but throat distance has been provided at entries to the drives to reduce parking conflicts with exiting vehicles. Overall, on-site circulation is adequate. Reflecting the land use element of the General Plan, the La Costa Master Plan designates the subject property RMH (10-20 du/ac). Section 111, C, 2 of the Master Plan, however, specifies that certain RMH properties (including this site) shall have a minimum density of 14.0 du/ac providing all requirements of the master plan are provided. As a result, the density range for this project is revised to 14-20 du/ac. The proposed density of 14.6 du/ac is at the bottom end of this range. The project would be considered consistent with the master plan requirement for clustered, multi-family development in the subject site. -2- a Three objectionable features of the project are the lengthy row2 yards of imported soil), and the high manufactured slopes proposed on and adjacent to the park site. Desirable characteristics of the plan include extensive common recreation facilities greatly in excess of that required, and the fact thal the majority of the units possess a view of the park site. The site location itself, is considered a desirable feature in reqa~ park. The project complies with the concepts and standards of the La Costa Master Plan and the City's Planned Development Ordinance. Parking spaces are provided at the ratio identified in the master plan. The lengthy rows of parking, although an undesirable aesthetic feature, are designed safely. The large amounts of grading and fill are to a large degree a result of the existing rocky soil. The Director of Parks and Recreation has no objection to the placing of the large fill slope on the park site. Storage spaces (located in garages, patios and balconies), setbacks, and other standards of the master plan ani planned development ordinance are met by the plan. Staff concludes that the proposed project can justify the low end of the revised density range for this site and recommends its approval . IV. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The Land Use Planning Manager has determined that, as conditioned, this project will not have an adverse impact on thi environment, and, therefore, issued a Negative Declaration on August 15, 1984. Attachments 1. Planning Commission Resolution No. 2341 2. Location Map 3. Background Data Sheet 4. Disclosure Form 5. Environmental Documents 6. Exhibit "A", dated July 30, 1984 and "B'l - rrD", dated July of parking, the large grading amounts (including 100,000 cubic to its close proximity to future shopping facilities and the 10, 1984. PJK$ad 8/2 1 /8 4 -3- 0 0 BACKGROUND DATA SHEET CASE No: CT 84-7/CP-276 APPLICANT: La Costa Racquet Club REQUEST AND LOCATION: Tentative Tract map/mndominium permit for 496 dwelling units Those portions of I;ots 5 & 6 in Sect 31, Twp 12 South,Ftangt LEGAL DESCRIPTION: 3 West, San l3erdo Base & Meridian, & of Sect. 6, Twp 13 S/' Range 3 W/SB Base & Mer., accord. to US Gov. Sunrey & bts 4,5,8 & 9 of Ranch( Las Encinitas, accmrd. to Map thereof No. 848, filed in the Ofc. of Cty.Rec. ( Acres 34 Praposed No. of Lotsflnits 496 SD Cty 6/27/1898. APN: 223-060-30 GENERAL PLAN AND ZCINING Land Use Designation RMH Density Allowed 10-20 du/ac Density Proposed 14.6 Existing Zone PC hroposed Zone no change Surrounding Zoning and Land Use: Zoning Land Use Site PC , Vacant North PC Vacant south PC Vacant East PC Vacant West PC Vacant PUBLIC FACILITIES San Dieguito School District Encinitas Water San Marcos Sewer Leucadia EDU's 496 Public Facilities Fee Agreement, dated ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT - Negative Declaration, issued E.I.R. Certified, dated Feb. 23, 1984 August 15, 1984 - Other, ,LICANT : (q \l tnership, joint venture, cor-coration, synd 1241 Elm Ave. Carlsbad, CA. 92008 ~usiness Address 434-4578 e Telephone Number AGENT : r L. .GD/F Name /a4 1 EL(yM@ &E, Ea 5&!0, - c4 ._ ausiness Address 43445 7@ I Telephone NuE?ber -. . !EIBE!E: Nune *(individual, partner, joint venture, cozpozzition , syndication) Home Earessi Basiness Adc?ress Telephane N*zaber Tele2hone Xumber sht Eome Address 3siness Addrtss ?=ie2itor,= tiE;Ser Telepizone Xunber (Attach more sheets if necessary) . I/We dtclce uzder penalty Of Perjury that tho informtion contaized in this closure is trio and correct and that it will remain true and correct and nay relic2 upon as being true and correct until enrended. .. . BY 0 0 October 11, 1984 TO : CITY MANAGER FROM: Ass i s tan t City Manager LA COSTA RACQUET CLUB (CT 84-7/CP-276) - STAGECOACH PARK The Planning Commission approved CT 84-7/CP-276. The approve( project allowed the developer to encroach onto the Stagecoach Park site. A band of fill material would extend approximate11 200 feet onto the park site, In exchange for allowing the fi: drainage channel on the park site. The drain channel and fil: would extend into a riparian area that is environmentally sensitive. This environmental issue was not considered at thc Planning Commission level. CT 84-7/CP-276 was originally scheduled as a public hearing at the October 2, 1984 Council meeting but was continued until October 16, 1984 to consider the alternatives to deal with the environmental issues. Concern has also been expressed about allowing development to encroach upon the park site. The developer contends that the construction of the drainage channel at no expense to the citl (estimated cost of channel - $300,000) is an appropriate trade off for allowing the use of a portion of city park site for grading. The Parks and Recreation Director and the Parks and Recreation Commission reviewed the proposal and approved the encroachment in exchange for having the drainage channel paid for by the developer. The problem at this point involves grading and construction of the drainage channel in the riparian area. environmental effects are considered, the city cannot make a decision about grading or construction in the riparian area. The developer is anxious to proceed with his project and staff has met with the developer in order to discuss alternate solutions to the problem. alternatives: 1. to be placed on city property the developer agreed to build a Until the There appear to be three feasible Conditionally approve grading into riparian area or construction of cribwall outside of riparian area depending on results of city EIR on park site, The developer would either be allowed to grade into the riparian area and construct a drainage channel (this is what was approved by the Planning Commission) or be - 0 0 City Manager October 11, 1984 Page 2 required to stay out of the riparian area and construct a cribwall (type of retaining wall) outside of the riparian area. Decision would be made by City Council after review of city EIR on riparian area (this will be covered by Stagecoach Park EIR). This is the alternative proposed by Daon. The tradeoff for allowing grading onto city property would be the construction of the drainage channel. The tradeoff if the cribwall is built would be that property lines would be adjusted, the cribwall would be built on the developers property and the city would receive an offsetting piece of land adjacent to the east end of the park site. The city would be responsible for the riparian exchanged but the land gained by the city would be more useable than the land lost. The cribwall would be partially concealed by vegetation but would be visible from the park site. If the Council wishes to implement this alternative, the Council could approve the developers project on October 16 1984. After further environmental review, which would tak from four to six months, the Council would then be able to decide if the riparian area could be graded and a drainage channel built or that the cribwall be constructed. area and the drainage. An even amount of land would be 2. City Council determine that environmental effects of development on riparian area have already been examined by La Costa M/P EIR and make findings allowing grading and construction of drainage channel. The La Costa M/P EIR done in 1976 indicated that the subje riparian area was significant and should be preserved. Th Council could find based on that EIR and recent biological reconnaissance of the area that the environmental review o this riparian area has occurred but that there are over- riding social/economic issues that require the development of thepark in spite of the environmental effects. The environmental effects could be mitigated by replanting th area after grading and construction of the drinage channel has occurred. If the Council wishes to implement this alternative, it should refer the matter back to the Planning Commission to make findings of prior compliance for environmental review The matter could be heard by the Planning Commission at its October 24, 1984 meeting and returned for final Counci action on November 13, 1984. @ Q City Manager October 11, 1984 Page 3 3. Developer partially redesign project to keep grading out of riparian area. The project would be partially revised so that no grading would occur in the riparian area. Property lines betweer the development and the park site would be adjusted to include the graded slopes in the proposed development. to the east end of the park to replace the land lost due t the property line adjustment. The net amount of land in t park would not change and the land the city would gain WOI be more useable than the land lost. The city would remair entirely responsible for dealing with the riparian area ar drainage. If the Council wishes to implement this alternative, it should conceptually approve adjusting the property lines, and continue the item for one month giving the developer time to redesign the project. The project would be returr to the Council for final approval at its November 13, 1981 meeting . Alternative 2 appears to be the best solution at this time. 1 developer would be able to obtain approval of his project as scheduled. The city would not lose any land and would receiv€ land that would be more useable. No retaining wall would be built. The slopes would be on the developers property. The environmental effects of developing in the riparian area coulc be further evaluated. This alternative would pretty much leal the parties in the same position as before this problem came L However, the City Council may wish to refer this entire matte1 back to the Planning Commission for further consideration, sir additional facts have become known since the Planning Commissi hearing and action. The developer would give the city additional land adjacent FRANK w MANNEN FM: b cc: Land Use Planning Manager City Engineer City Attorney Parks and Recreation Director Daon Corporation Rick Engineering e 0 OCTOBER 11, 1984 TO : FRANK ALESHIRE, CITY MANAGER FROM: Land Use Planning Manager ALTERNATIVES AND RECOMMENDATIONS REGARDING THE SO CAL DEVELOPMENT IN LA COSTA w A meeting was held on October 10, 1984 with city staff an representatives of So Cal and DAON regarding the So Cal projec in La Costa. Specifically, alternatives for the development o the project as it relates to Stagecoach Park were discussed From the discussion, three alternatives emerged which would not require the applicant to move the slope entirely off the existing boundaries of the park site: Alternative 1 (Crib Wall Alternative): The applicant ha; submitted a site plan that encroaches .9 acres into the park sit1 with a 2:l slope and a crib wall. The crib wall is approximate11 1100 feet long and ranges in height from 8 to 14 feet. The crik wall would allow development of the So Cal project as previous11 proposed and would have the advantage to the applicant oj staying out of the riparian area, thus, eliminating the need t( do further environmental review. Also, this proposal woulc include an exchange of park land to compensate the city for 10s: of .9 acres in which the slope and wall would be built. The proposal does - not include the construction of a drainage structure on the city's property as originally proposed by the applicant. The land use planning staff does not support this alternative. The crib wall would be a visually detrimental feature of the project and could impact the future park site. Such a wall wouli, not likely receive approval if proposed by any other project in the city. Although a couple of other crib walls have been approved in the city in the past, staff tries to discourage the use of massive retaining walls in designing projects. The visual impacts of this massive of a wall could only be mitigated by extensive landscaping which is continually well maintained. The maintenance of this wall would be the responsibility of the homeowner's association of the project. Staff does not feel that massive retaining walls should be used to solve design problems. If this one is approved, it could establish a very undesirable precedent for tlne design of future projects. Alternative 2 (Overriding Considerations Alternative): This alternative is to present the plan to City Council as originally proposed. This includes encroachment into the park site and the removal of a substantial portion of the riparian vegetation. An environmental impact report for the entire La Costa Master Plan 0 W (EIR-307) has been certified and this document does address th impacts of development to the riparian habitat. The E1 indicates that the only acceptable mitigation measure is t preserve the riparian area, The City Council could make finding of overriding considerations and allow the development t go forward. The advantage to the city is that it would provid for the construction of the drainage facilities by th applicant. Staff cannot support this alternative either. Staff cannot fin sufficient justification to override the findings of the EIR tha removal of the riparian would create a significant environmenta impact. Alternative 3 (Slope Setback Alternative): This alternative i to redesign the project such that the encroaching slope would L setback so that the toe of the slope would not encroach into th riparian area. This would require the applicant to modify portion of the plan because net buildable area would be lost frc the applicant's original plan. The advantage of this alternativ is that the project could be built without impacting the riparia area and without a crib wall. The city would also receive a equivalent amount of usable park land as an exchange for the 10s of this land. The disadvantages are to the developer. He would lose buildabl land and a redesign would take additional time. Staff believes minimum of 1 month would be necessary to review a new site pla and to bring it back before the City Council. Recommendation : The land use planning staff recommends Alternative 3 for th development of the So Cal property. MICHAEL J. HOLZMILLER MJH/BH/ar -2- SUGGESTED CONDITION RELATING TO SLOPES STAGECOACH PARK PROPERTY OCTOBER 16, 1984 The developer will be required to4rovide one of the following alternatives for the slopes shown oi) the tentative-map within the Stagecoach Park area: Alternative la - Slopes adjacent to and on the Stagecoach Park property will be at a two and one-half to one ratio (2.5 to 1) as shown on the tentative map. Slopes will not be constructed until the City of Carlsbad has processed the required environmental data and a specific plan or conditional use permit on Stagecoach Park. Should the City determine that the riparian area within the Stagecoach Park property can be eliminated, and this is determined prior to the time when the grading will commence on the subject tentative map, the developer will be required to grade the slope as shown. In addition, the required drainage will be installed by the developer. In exchange for granting slope rights onto City property, the developer shall agree to construct such drainage improvements at the base of the slope as determined by the City Council. Alternative lb- If the City has not made the determination called for in Alternative lawithin 6 months of approval of this tentative map, the developer may elect to construct a combination cribwall and slope in lieu of the slope identified in Alternative la. The developer and the city shall adjust the property line between the tentative map and the park site so that the slope and cribwall will be entirely within the developer's property. Any land lost from the park site shall be replaced by the Daon Corporation on an equal square foot basis for other land to be included in the ultimate boundaries of the pack so that the ultimate area of the park will not change pursuant to the parks agreement between the City and Daon. Future dedication of land pursuant to the Parks Agreement shall insure that no land encroached upon by this cribwall shall be included within such dedications. If a cribwall is constructed, it shall be suitably landscaped with appropriate materials to the satisfaction of the Land Use Planning Manager to insure in combination with the extensive existing natural trees and other vegetation that an aesthetically pleasing appearance shall result when viewed from the park land adjacent to the south. Such landscaping shall be permanently irrigated and maintained through a home owner's association. I. Ii I i .. . I. Stagecoach Park Property October 16, 1984 Page 2 If a cribwall is constructed, a biologist review shall be conducted on-site during construction and a detailed restoration shall be prepared by the biologist and implimented by the developer if appropriate. It is the intent of this condition to provide the City with time to make proper findings regarding environmental conditions for work within the riparian area and not to delay the applicant from proceeding with this project . .- -*Carlbbad Journal Decreed a Legal Newspaper by the Superior Court of Son Diego County 31 38 ROOSEVELT ST. 0 P.O. BOX 248 0 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 729-2345 Proof of Publication STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ss COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of the county aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen years, and not a party to or interested in the above entitled matter. I am principal clerk of the printer of the Carlsbad Journal a newspaper of general circulation, published twice weekly in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, and which newspaper is published for the dissemination of locd news and intelligence of a general character, and which newspaper at all times herein mentioned had and still has a bona fide subscription list of paying subscribers, and which newspaper has been established and published at regular intervals in the said City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, for a period exceeding one year next preceding the date of publication of the notice hereinafter referred to; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in each regular and entire issue of said newsDaDer and not in any supplement thereof on NOTICE OF PUBLIC - NOTICE 1s HEREBY GWEN that the City CounciloftheCityofCarls- bad will hold a public hearing at the City Council Chambers, 1#)0 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad. California. at 800 P.W on Tuesday;&ber 1, fssr, to ct)nsi#er an application for o tentavw tract map’and condomi- nium pirmit for 498 units on 34 acreson property generally located eest of Rancho Santa Fe Road and south of the bture extension of La Costa Avenue in the P-C zone and qore particulariy described as: ,$an Bernardho Base Section 6. Township 13 South, Range3 West. San Bernardino Base and Yerldian, according to United Stat& Gpernmcnt Survey and tots 4,5,8 arid 9 of Rancho Irs Encini- tss, accqrding to I16.p thereof No. 848, filed infhe Offlce ofthe County , Rporder of Son Diem County June 27. 1888, all bclnt in the City of Carlsbad. in the eounty of Son Diego, State of Crlifamh. Applicant: La Costa Racquet Club CI s383: Septexgber 12,1884 CAFUSBAD CITY COUNCIL ................................. 19 .... ................................. 19 .... ................................. 19 .... ................................. 19 .... I certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed at Carlsb d, County of San Diego, day of egfember 1984 State of California on the 2 2 nd ,mLB c Clerk of the Printer _- I- NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING CT' 84-7/CP-276 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Carlsbad will hold a public hearing at the City Council Chambers, 1200 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad, California, at 6:OO P.M., on Tuesday, October 2, 1984, to consider an application for a tentative tract map and condominium permit for 496 units on 34 acres on property generally located east of Rancho Santa Fe Road and south of the future extension of La Costa Avenue in the P-C zone and more particularly described as: Those portions of Lots 5 and 6 in Section 31, Township 12 South, Range 4 West, San Bernardino Base and Meridian, according to United States Government Survey, and of Section 6, Township 13 South, Range 3 West, San Bernardino Base and Meridian, according to United States Government Survey and Lots 4, 5, 8 and 9 of Rancho Las Encinitas, according to Map thereof No. 848, filed in the Office of the County Recorder of San Diego County June 27, 1898, all being in the City of Carlsbad, in the County of San Diego, State of California. APPLICANT: La Costa Racquet club PUBLISH : September 22, 1984 CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL NXICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NCYrICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning Conmission of the City of Carlsbad will hold a public hearing at the City Council Chanbers, 1200 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad, California, at 7:OO p.m. on Wednesday, September 12, 1984, to consider approval of tentative tract map and condaminium permit for 496 units on 34 acres on property generally located east of Rancho Santa Fe Road and suth of the future extension of La Costa Avenue in the P-C zone and more particularly described as: Those portions of Lots 5 and 6 in Section 31, 'Ibwnship 12 South, Range 4 West, San Bernardino Base and Meridian, according ta United States Government Survey, and of Section 6, Tbwnship 13 South, Range 3 West, San Bernardino Based and Meridian, according to United States Gaverrnnent Survey and of Lots 4, 5, 8 and 9 of Rando Las Encinitas, according to Map thereof No. 848, filed in the Office of the County Recorder of San Diego County June 27, 1898, all being in the City of Carlsbad, in the County of San Diego, State of California. Those persons wishing to speak on this proposal are cnrdially invited to attend the public hearing. Office at 438-5591. If you have any questions please call the Land Use Planning CASE FILE: CT 84-7/CP-276 APPLICANT: La Costa Racquet Club PUBLISH : Septanber 1, 1984 *-ASSESSORS NUMBER h *%: .i *@-. ,:* .,. _I_ I' I '* 1. 223-060-32 2. 223-060-28 3. 223-060-29 4. 223-060-27 5. 223-060-30 6. 223-060-33 7. 223-322-01 I OWNER -.. I' . Mag Properties c/o M. Benowitz 7682 El Camino Real-204 Carlsbad, CA 92008 Union Oil Company Of California 9111 Wilshire Blvd-1315 Los Angeles, CA 90023 ! - Ted Aroney 7220 Arena1 Lane Carlsbad, CA. 92008 City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 OCCUPANT . .... - - -------2__ ,/-+ -- Daon Corporation Pardee Construction 10639 Santa Monica Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90025 !