HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984-10-23; City Council; 7922; Allow Proposed Annexations to be GrandfatheredAB# 79-!~ MTG. 10/23/84 DEPT. CM ---,_ CIT\ )F CARLSBAD -AGENDJ.. JILL TITLE: RESOLUTION SUPPORTING AMENDMENT TO ALLmv PROPOSED ANNEXATIONS TO BE GR~NDFATHERED FOR PROCESSING RECOMMENDED ACTION: DEPT. HD. ~ CITY ATTY \I f=.8_ CITY MGR.~ Adopt Resolution No. 77Ft., supporting an amendment to the law to allow proposed annexa~ions which have been filed but not completed to be grandfathered so that they may be processed prior to sphere of influence studies being completed. ITEM EXPLANATION: The Mayor has requested that this item be placed on the agenda. Attached is a resolution adopted by the City of National City on this matter which was proposed at the Annual League of California Cities meeting. EXH:CDI:TS~ 1. Resolution No. 7?f/t:J 2. Resolution -City of National City 10/2/84 l 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 7786 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD SUPPORTING AN AMENDMENT TO THE LAW TO ALLOW PROPOSED ANNEXATIONS WHICH HAVE BEEN FILED BUT NOT COMPLETED TO BE GRAND- FATHERED SO THAT THEY MAY BE PROCESSED PRIOR TO SPHERE OF INFLUENCE STUDIES BEING COMPLETED WHEREAS, state law requires all sphere of influence studies to be completed by January 1, 1985 and, WHEREAS, annexation proposals will not be permitted to be completed if a sphere of influence study has not been first completed and, WHEREAS, there are a number o:t· proposed annexations which have been filed or will be filed prior to December 31, 1984 which would be affected by this law and, WHEREAS, due to a heavy workload, LAFCO is unable to process annexations expeditiously and, WHEREAS, for purposes of certainty and fairness, the City Council supports "grandfathering in" all annexations which have been filed but not completed prior to December 31, 1984; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Carlsbad does hereby support an amendment to the law to permit the "grandfathering in" of annexation proceedings so that they may be processed prior to a sphere of influence study being completed. II II II II II - l PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the 2 City Council of the City of Carlsbad held the 23rd day of 3 4 5 6 7 8 October 1984, by_the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council ?erbers casler, lewis, Kulchin, Chick arx1 Prescott NOES: N::>ne ABSENT: t-«>ne 9 ATTEST: 10 11 12 13 14 ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ,CityC~erk (SEAL) Cc.. ~ .... ;& eo,,..,____,_~ -, .-...z--. ... -7 f'?1 --:..~---~ CI'l"l OF l'1ATIONAL Cui, L:ALil''UH.N.lK 1243 NATIONAL CITY BOULEVARD • NATIONAL CITY, CALIFORNIA 920!50 • 477,1181 IONE CAMl'BELL, CMC CITY CI.IIIIC Ms. Lee Rautenkranz City Clerk City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, C.allfornla 92008 Dear Ms. Rautenkranz: October i 0, 1984 Enc;losed Is a c;ertlfled copy of Resolution No. 14,449, "RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NATIONAL CITY SUPPORTING AN AMENDMENT TO THE LAW TO ALLOW PROPOSED ANNEXATIONS WHICH HAVE BEEN FILED BUT NOT COMPLETED TO BE GRANDFATHERED SO TiiAT THEY MAY BE PROCESSED PRIOR ·TO SPHERE OF INFLUENCE STUDIES BEING COMPL£TED 11 1 adopted by the City Council at their meeting of October 2, 1984. IC:mw Enclosure Very truly yours I '-. . I lone Campbell 'I , ' '"' ' I , ' ( ~;? :· .. ,_i. .-,~- • ......... / 3 r I L -I RESOLUTION NO. 14,449 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NATIONAL CITY SUPPORTING AN AMENDMENT TO THE LAW TO ALLOW PROPOSED ANNEXATIONS WHICH HAVE BEEN FILED BUT NOT COMPLETED TO BE GRANDFATHERED SO THAT THEY MAY BE PROCESSED PR!OR TO SPHERE OF INFLUENCE STUDIES BEING COMPLETED The City Council of the City of National City does hereby resolve as follows: WHEREAS, state law requires all sphere of influence studies to be completed by January 1, 1985, and WHEREAS, annexation proposals will not be permitted tc be completed if a sphere of influence study has not been first completed, and WHEREAS, there are a number of proposed annexations affecting Chula Vista w~ich have been tiled or will be filed prior to December 1, 1984 which would be effecteci by this law, and WHEREAS, due to a heavy workload, LAFCO is unable to process annexations expeditiously, and WHEREAS, for purposes of certainty and fairness, the City Council supports "grandfathering in" all annexations which have been filed but not completed prior to December 1, 1984. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of National City does hereby support an amendment to the law to permit the "grandfathering in" of annexation proceedings so that they may be processed prior to a sphere of influence study being completed. PASSED and APPROVED this 2nd day of October, 1984, A'M'EST: CITY CLERK (} '' I I' 'I '' ,, i, 'l '' 'I 'i :1 i •,1 •I ' -'' ', , ' Passed and adopted by the Council of the City of National City, California, on ..... 9.9.1:9R.~.f. .. ~.l •• J.?.§!! ..................... by the following vote, to-wit: ~Iays: Councilmen ..... fiQJ).~ ........• ,, ...... ,,, .•..............................•...............•.....•• Absent: Councilmen ..... N9D-.~ .......................................................................... . Abstain: Councilmen ..... N91J.~ .......................................................................... . AUTHENTICATED BY: KILE MORGAN Mayor of the City of National City, California ........................... +.QN~ ... ~~.l;U-:l-t ................................ . City Clerk of the City of National City, California (Seal) By: ................................................................................. Deputy I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and cor- rect copy of RESOLUTION NO. J..~.,.~419. ....... of th~ City of National City, Calif., passed and adopted by the Council of said City on .... Oc:t.o.b.e:i: .. 2., .. .1984 ············································· --- (Seal) City Cle;·· ~t" the Ci!Y~~j;;······· By: ............................................................................... . Deputy " ~~ e c,..._zt; ):~ CITY OF NATIONAL CITY, CAUFOB.NLl\. • 1243 NATIONAL CITY BOULEVARD • NATIONAL CITY. CALIFORNIA 920!50 • 477-1181 NlrMHll IONE CAMPBELL, CMC CITY CLIIIIC Ms. Lee Rautenkranz City Clerk City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 Dear Ms. Rautenkranz: October 10, 1984 Enclosed Is a certified copy of Resolution No. 14,449, "RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NATIONAL CfTY SUPPORTING AN AMENDMENT TO THE LAW TO ALLOW PROPOSED ANNEXATIONS WHICH HAVE BEEN FILED BUT NOT COMPLETED TO BE GRANDFATHERED $0 THAT THEY MAY BE PROCESSED PRIOR TO SPHERE OF INFLUENCE STUDIES BEING COM PLETED 11 , adopted by the City Council at their meeting of October 2, 1984. IC:mw Enc:losure ,:ery truly yours Jone Campbell d~ -u r·~ .-,~ ~·-fl-£-o-'~ ~-VI~ Le(__ r I L RESOLUTION NO. 1-4,4-4S----- RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NAl'IONAL CITY SUPPORTING AN AMENDMENT TO THE LAW TO ALLOW PROPOSED ANNEXATIONS WHICH HAVE BEEN FILED BUT NOT COMPLETED TO BE GRANDFATHERED SO THAT THEY MAY BE PROCESSED PRIOR TO SPHERE OF INFLUENCE STUDIES BEING COMPLETED c_ The City Council of the City of National City-does hereby resolve as follows: WHEREAS, state law requires all sphere of influence studies to be completed by January 1, 1985, and WHEREAS, annexation proposals will not be permitted to be completed if a sphere of influence study has not been first completed, and WHEREAS, there are a number of proposed annexations ,affcetiHg ... ™ Chttla 'lista w~ich have been filed or will be filed prior to December 31, 1984 which would be effected by this law, and WHEREAS, due to a heavy workload, LAFCO is unable to process annexations expeditiously, and WHEREAS, for purposes of certainty and fairness, the City Council supports "grandfathering in" all annexations which have been filed but not completed prior to December'l, 1984. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of National City does hereby support an amendment to the l11w to permit the "grandfathering in" of annexation proceedings so that they n1ay be processed prior to a sphere of influence study being completed. PASSED and APPROVED this~ day of October, 1984, ATTEST: 9 ·-a_ .,},..1_1!, ---CITY CLERK 0 Passed and adopted by the Council of 'the City of National City, California, on ..... 9.9.1:9!?.l?.f. .. ?.,. ... +.?.§~..................... by the following vote, to-wit: Ayes: Councilmen ..... ~R.9.P.~-,;., •• .0.9-UR-.,,,.Y.9tll .. J;>.1;?.V.~m;t:.1;?X., ••. WR-.t.~~~., .. Morgan Nays: Councilmen ..... NRn-.1?. ........................................................................ .. Absent: Councilmen ..... NRP..!?. ......................................................................... . Abstain: Councilmen ..... NRJ).I?. ......................................................................... . AUTHENTICATED BY: KILE MORGAN Mayor of the City of National City, California .......................... J. Q~~-.. 9.Afw..~.l;;~l-r ................................ . City Clerk of the City of Natior.al City, California (Seal) By: ···············································································• Deputy I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and fore going is a full, true and cor- rect copy of RESOLUTION NO. J.!½.,.4.~9. ....... of the City of National City, Calif., passed and adopted by the Council of said City on .... Oc:t.o.b.e:x: .. 2., ... 1984 ············································· (Seal) By: ············································ .. ··································· Dtiputy