HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984-11-06; City Council; 7882-1; Minor Modification of sign regulationsCIT'WF CARLSBAD - AGEND.-BlLL 4B# YfRJ MTG. 11/6/84 DEPT. PLN TITLE REFORT ON MINOR PDDIFICATION 'ID SIGN ORDINANCE - CAR ctmxrFx ZCA-174/SP-lg(B) - CITY OF CARLSBAD RECOMMENDED ACTION: Staff is recamending that the City Council introduce Ordinance No. 9737 and 9 7 34 , APPK"G ZCA-174/SP-l9(B). ITEM EXPLANATION Car Country has requested sane dhanges to the sign ordinance dich wuld give dealerships a little mre flexibility in locating their freestanding signs. The problem has arisen because of the mltiple-dealership concept dere the same dealer my have mre than one franchise. reluctant to let their franchises &are signs with other franchises. provisions of the existing ordinance prohibit adequate spacing of these signs. Car caTtpanies have been The This itemwas first heard by the City cbuncil on Septgnber 18, 1984. At that meeting, they considered an amendment to the zoning ordinance and to the Car Country specific plan which wuld permit the Planning Cdssion to approve a 10% deviation in the location of freestanding signs in Car Country. After receiving testkny and reviewing the proposed ordinances, Cbuncil did rrat feel that the amendments as presented wuld solve the problem. hearing was closed and the item' was continued so staff could revise the ordinance and report back to Council. The public Staff is 1113~ recamending changes to the ordinances (attached) which wuld give the Planning Ccmnission mre discretion in locating this type of freestanding sign. Rather than try and limit this provision specifically to Car Country, staff has elected to link it to specific plan areas. in all cannercial areas but only areas mned C-2 where there is an approved specific plan. These areas are listed on Efiibit 'XI, attached. Staff feels that the existing section of the ordinance (also attached) has sufficient safeguards and m additional size or location requirements need to be added to the proposed addition. It wuld mt be effective To make this amendment effective in Car Country it was also necessary to anend SP-19(B), the Car Country Specific Plan. The Land Use Planning Manager has determined that this project will mt cause any significant environmntal impacts and, therefore, hs issued aNegative Declaration, dated August 10, 1984. The Negative Declaration ms approved by the Planning C&ssion on August 22, 1984. A copy of the enviromtal donrments is on file in the Land Use Planning Office. FISCAL IMPACI' There will be rn fiscal impacts to the city fran the approval of this item. EXECBITS 1. city council ordinance NOS. 9 7\73 9 73L/ 2. Exhibit 'X' 3. Existing Ordinance Section 21.41.075(b) I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ORDINANCE NO. 9733 SECTION 075(b), OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL (9) TO ALLOW THE PLANNING SECTION.\ \ The City C unci1 of the City of Carlsbad, California 7 does )rdain as follows: SECTION 1: Title 21, Chapter 21.41, of the Carlsbad Iunicipal Code is am n of Section 075(b)(9) to .cad as follows: (9) Where requirements of this section would )reclude adequate id f services or products available )n a lot, the spacing restric of Subsections (21, (3) and (4) lay be varied by the provided that a sign under' :onsideration be loc ic plan area and further ,rovided that modification of th ing requirements will not iause a proliferation of signs or fic or safety problem. EFFECTIVE D shall be effective thirty lays after its adoption, and the City C certify to the rdoption of this ordinance and cause it at least mce in the Carlsbad Journal within tdoption. \ INTRODUCED AND FIRST READ at a larlsbad City Council on the day of , 1984 and .hereafter '/// I/// '/// I/// I/// a 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of said City :ouncil held on the day of , 1984, by the Eollowing vote, to wit: AYES : NOES : ABSENT: ,, 1 MARY H. CASLER, Mayor jL \ \ ITTEST : ILETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City\Clerk [SEAL) '/ -2- 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ORDINANCE NO 9734 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AD, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING ORDINANCES 9720 AND MMISSION TO CONSIDER APPROVAL S TO THE SPACING REQUIREMENTS SECTION 1: L5: a)7) Where the sp g requirements of Section safety problem. jays after its adoption, and the City Clerk shall certify to the idoption of this ordinance and cause it\to be published at least )rice in the Carlsbad Journal within fifte n days after its idoption. \, / f INTRODUCED AND FIRST READ at a regul r meeting of the day of L , 1984 :arlsbad City Council on the md thereafter \, ‘lll ‘lll ‘lll ‘lll ‘lll I/// 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of said City Zouncil held on the day of , 1984, by the Eollowing vote, to wit: MARY H. CASLER, Mayor ITTEST : ILETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, qty Clerk -2- 5 EXHIBIT 'X' AREAS AFFECTED BY ZCA-174 1) Car Country 2) Plaza Camino Real 3) Hughes Property (west of Plaza Camino Real) 4) Vons Center (east of Plaza Camino Real) 5) Occidental Properties - northwest & southwest corners of Poinsettia and 1-5. 21.41. a35 EXISTING ORDINANCE (b) Subject to the provisions of Chapter 21.50 and this section, additional freestanding signs are permitted in the C-2 zone by conditional use permit. If such signs are approved as a part of a master plan in a planned community, specific plan or planned unit development, a conditional use permit is not required. Additional freestanding signs shall not be ap- proved pursuant to this section unless it is found that the signs are appropriate for the use of the property, compatible with the design of the development, compatible with the adja- cent properties, will not interfere with the safety of the traveling public, will not result in a proliferation of signs in the area, will not adversely affect the appearance of the area and will not unduly restrict any views. The specific number, size, height, location, appearance and other aspects of the additional signs, subject to the limitations of this chapter and this section, shall be regulated by the terms of the conditional use permit or other sign approval. Any addi- tional freestanding sign shall be subject to the following limitations: (1) The signs are monument signs, not greater than eight feet in height or eight feet in length or pole signs not to exceed twenty feet in height; (2) In order to qualify for any such sign, any free- standing sign permitted by right for the property nust be lo- cated at least fifty feet from any interior property line; (3) The signs shall not be erected within two hun- dred feet of another freestanding sign on the same property; (4) The signs must be located at least fifty feet from an interior property line; (5) The signs shall be so oriented that the primary view is from surface streets; Interstate 5 or Highway 78 shall not be considered surface streets; does not exceed the sign area allowed for the development ac- cording to the provisions of Table 1; public right-of-way, or be within fifteen feet of any drive- way or corner; exceed fiftv-five square feet. (Ora. 9523 S1, 1979; Ord. 8070 51, 1976). (6) The aggregate sign area for the entire development (7) No portion of such sign shall extend over the (8) The maximum sign area for any such sign shall not t ADDITIONAL GOES HERE