HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984-11-13; City Council; 7824-1; Initiation of Proceedings for Hunt PropertiesCIT" 3F CARLSBAD - AGENOE'71LL - w ?f24 ' INITIATION OF PROCEEDINGS FOR THE ATG .11/13/84 "T PR0E"IES RMlRGANIZATION. DEPT. HD. CITY Ally& 4- IEPT. PLN I I CITY MGR. + RECOMMENDED ACTION: It is recarmended that the City Council ADOPT Resolution No. '7f/f/ , initiating proceedings for a reorganization of the Hunt Properties. ITEM EXPLANATION Adoption of this itemwould initiate proceedings for the reorganization of the Hunt Properties and set the reorganization for a pblic hearing an &caber 11, 1984. annexation of 198.07 acres to the Leucadia County Water District, detachmt of 297.8 acres from the Leucadia County Water District, detachment of 152.09 acres fran the Enchitas Fire District, and detac3-ment of 374.7 acres fran County Service Area No. 17 (San Dieguito Paramdics) and County Service Area No. 83 (San Dieguito Local Parks). The reorganization is for the annexation of 2936 acres into the city, The property was premned to p.C on October 11, 1983. On October 1, 1984 the Local Agency Formation Carmission adopted a Resolution of Annexation for this property. A copy of the resolution is attached for your review. The City council has certified an environmental impact report for a general plan amndment and zone change on October 11, 1983. documents is on file in the Land Use Planning Office. A copy of the emironmntal FISCAL IMFACT The initiation of proceedings for the reorganization of this property in and by itself will not create any fiscal impacts. generate additional revenue from property taxes kith should offset the cost of providing public services to the site. The annexation of this pperty will EXHIBITS 1. Location Map 2. City Council Resolution No. 7r/q 3. LAFCO Resolution of Annexation I LOO!ATION MAP -- I- PAC IF IC OCEAN Y a.... 1 OUVENHAil 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 7814 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, INITIATING PROCEEDINGS FOR A REORGANIZATION INCLUDING ANNEXATION TO THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND THE LEUCADIA COUNTY WATER DISTRICT AND DETACHMENT FROM THE ENCINITAS FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT, THE LEUCADIA COUNTY WATER DISTRICT, COUNTY SERVICE AREA NO. 17 (SAN DIEGUITO PARAMEDICS) AND COUNTY SERVICE AREA NO. 83 (SAN DIEGUITO LOCAL PARKS) (HPI REORGANIZATION) WHEREAS, pursuant to the District Reorganization Act of 1965, commencing with Section 56000 of the Government Code, a petition of application was submitted to the Local Agency Formation Commission and certified sufficient by the Executive Officer on 3uly 6, 1984; and WHEREAS, on October 1, 1984, the Local Agency Formation Commission by Resolution (attached hereto as Exhibit l), appr~ved the proposed reorganization and authorized the Council of the City of Carlsbad to initiate and conduct proceedings for the proposed reorganization in compliance with said resolution and pursuant to Government Code Section 56000, et seq.; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the City Council hereby adopts this resolution initiating proceedings for the proposed reorganization as provided in Government Code Section 56310 as follows: a. The name of the areas for which any change of organization if proposed is entitled HPI Reorganization. The reorganization consists of the territory described in Exhibit "A" to the Local Agency Formation Commission Resolution. b. The particular change of organization proposed for thc subject area is the: f // 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 20 .- A (1) Annexation of the territory described in the application on file with the Local Agency Formation Commission to the City of Carlsbad and the Leucadia County Water District. (2) Detachment of the territory described in the application on file with the Local Agency Formation Commission from the Encinitas Fire Protection District, the Leucadia Count) Water District, County Service Areas No. 17 (San Dieguito Paramedics) and No. 83 (San Dieguito Local Parks). c. Said change of organization shall be subject to the terms and conditions specified and contained in the Resolution of the Local Agency Formation Commission and the following condition: (1) All nonconforming uses, including subdivision directional signs and billboards shall be removed from the property within thirty days from the adoption of the resolution approving the annexation. d. Preliminary proceedings were commenced when the petition by the landowners was submitted to the Local Agency Formation Commission making a proposal for this annexation. e. The territory includes: (1) Annexation of 2,936 acres to the City of C arlsbad ; (2) Annexation of 198.07 acres to the Leucadia Count) Water District; (3) Detachment of 297.80 acres from the Leucadia County Water District; (4) Detachment of 152.09 acres from the Encinitas Fire Protection District; and (5) Detachment of 374.7 acres from County Service Area No. 17 (San Dieguito Paramedics) and County Service Area No. 83 (San Dieguito Local Parks). f. The reasons for the proposed reorganization are: (1) Applicant is proposing development on the property and the City of Carlsbad is the appropriate agency for providing public services. (2) The territory is a county island and the annexation would be consistent with the City of Carlsbad Sphere of Influence. (3) The annexation is consistent with the City of Carlsbad and Local Agency Formation Commission policies on annexation of county islands. 1 2 3 4 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 g. The Clerk of the City of Carlsbad is hereby directed to advertise the proposed annexation for public hearing on December 18, 1984, at 6:OO P.M., in the Council Chambers. h. Any interested person desiring to make written protest against said reorganization shall do so by written communication filed with the Clerk of the City of Carlsbad not later than the hour above stated for the public hearing. A written protest by a landowner shall contain a description sufficient to identify the land owned by him; a protest by a voter shall contain the residential address of such voter. i. The Clerk of the City of Carlsbad is authorized and instructed to publish the notice of hearing according to Sections 56087 - 56089 of the California Government Code. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of larlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, this 13th of - , 1984, by the following vote: AYE s : Council PHrbers Casler, Lewis, Kulchin, Ckick and Prescott NOES: None ABSENT: None 9- 6% &&% MARY HijCASLER, Mayor rTTEST: SEAL) Minute Item: 12 Ref. No.: R084-8 RESOLUTION OF THE SAN DIEGO LOCAL AGENCY FORMATION COMMISSION APPROVING A PROPOSED REORGANIZATION INCLUDING ANNEXATION TO THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND THE LEUCADIA COUNTY WATER DISTRICT AND DETACHMENT FROM THE ENCINITAS FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT, THE LEUCADIA COUNTY WATER DISTRICT, COUNTY SERVICE AREA NO. 17 (SAN DIEGUITO PARAMEDICS) AND COUNTY SERVICE AREA NO. 83 (SAN DIEGUITO LOCAL PARKS) "HPI Reorganization" On motion of Commissioner Eckert, seconded by Commissioner Oravec, the following resolution is adopted: WHEREAS, a petition was submitted to this Commission for the reorganizaiton of territory including annexation to the City of Carlsbad and the Leucadia County Water District and detachment from the Encinitas Fire Protection District, County Service Area No. 17 (San Dieguito Paramedics) and County Service Area No. 83 (San Dieguito Local Parks) which petition was certified sufficient by the Executive Officer on July 6, 1984; and WHEREAS, the territory proposed for reorganization is as described in the application on file with the Local Agency Formation Commission; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Government Code Section 56262, the Executive Officer of this Commission set a public hearing on the proposed reorganization for October 1, 1984, and gave notice of the date, time, and place of said hearing in accordance with Government Code Sections 56264 and 56265; and WHEREAS, the Executive Officer of the Commission has filed her report on said reorganization, which report was received and considered by the Commission; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that this Commission hereby finds, determines, and orders as follows: (1) The hearing was held on the date set therefor, and due notice of said hearing was given in the manner required by law. (2) At that hearing the Commission called for, heard, and considered all interested parties and read and considered the report of the Executive Officer. (3) The Commission adopts, pursuant to Section 15091 of the State CEQA Guidelines, the mitigation measures included in the resolution of approval of the City Council of Carlsbad for the impacts identified for the HPI ownership and contiguous private land holdings, and certifies the the mitigation is within the jurisdiction of the City and not LAFCO because the affected resources and services will be within the city limits upon annexation. (4) The Commission certifies that it has reviewed and considered the information contained in the Negative Declarations prepared by the City of Carlsbad for those portions of Batiquitos Lagoon controlled by the State of California and a 10 acre portion of the HPI ownership. (5) The Commission certifies that there are no agricultural preserves within the reorganization territory, but that the area does include prime agricultural land. The Commission determines, however, that annexation of all territory north. of and including La Costa Avenue would be consistent with the City's adopted sphere of influence, which demonstrates that development of the subject territory within Carlsbad is consistent with logical, orderly, urban development patterns; and that continuation of agriculture of the HPI ownership in Green Valley is questionable given frost-prone tendencies in the area and the property owners contention that agriculture has not been economically feasible in the past. (6) The Commission hereby approves the reorganization with modified boundaries, as described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto, and to include the following actions: a) Annexation of 2,936 acres to the City of Carlsbad; b) Annexation of 198.07 acres to the Leucadia County Water District; c) Detachment of 297.80 acres from the Leucadia County Water District; d) Detachment of 152.09 acres from the Encinitas Fire Protection District; and e) Detachment of 374.7 acres from County Service Area No. 17 (San Dieguito Paramedics) and County Service Area No. 83 (San Dieguito Local Parks). (7) The boundaries of the territory as described in Exhibit "A" are definite and certain. -2- 7 (8) The boundaries of the territory do not conform to lines of assessment and ownership. (9) The territory includes 2,936 acres and is uninhabited. (10) The territory proposed to be reorganized is hereby designated the "HPI Reorganization" (City of Carlsbad) . (11) The Commission hereby designates the City of Carlsbad as the conducting authority and authorizes the City Council to initiate proceedings in compliance with this resolution. (12) The Executive Officer of this Commission is directed to file and mail certified copies of this resolution as required by law. -3- Passed and adopted by the Local Agency Formation Conmission of the 84 County of San Dieqo this 1st day of October , 19 , hy the following vote: AYES: Commissioners Eckert,,Fordem, Bennett, Oravec, NOES: Commissioners,Gotch and Mahr Hersom, and Eostler ABSEK'T: None ABSTAINING: None STATE OF CP-LIFCRNTA) ss cowrk' OF SAN DIEGO) I, JAXE P. MERRILS, Executive Officer of the Local Aqency Formation Con- niission of the Ccur?ty of San Diego, State of California, hereby certify that I have corpared the foregoing copy with the oriqinal resolstior, adopted by said Conmission at its regular meeting on October 1, 1984 , which original resolution. is now on file in ry office: and that same contains a full, true, and correct transcript therefrom ard Of the whole thereof. Witness my hand this day of October , 19 84 * Executive Officer Sari Dieqo County Local ?qer,cy For ria t ion Co mi i s 3 i on RO84-8 PARCEL All of of the "HPI Reorganization" Annexation to City of Carlsbad and Detachment from County Service Area Nos. 17 and 83 ONE (25.30 ac) the south half of the southwest quarter of the southeast quarter southwest quarter of Section 22 and all of the west half of the - northeast quarter of the northwest quarter of Section 27, Township 12 South, Range 4 West, San Bernardino Base and Meridian, according to United States Government Survey, lying within the following described boundaries : Beginning at the southwest corner of the south half of the southwest quarter of the southeast quarter of the southwest quarter of said S.ection 22, said corner bears South 86'58'31" East, 1318.43 feet (Record- South 87'51' East, 1318.69 feet) from the southwest corner of said Section; 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Thence along the west line of said south half of the southwest quarter of the southeast quarter of the southwest quarter, North 0'15'36" East, 329.72 feet (Record - North 2'43'50" Nest) to the northwest corner thereof; Thence along the north line of said south half South 86'58'32" East, 658.50 feet to the northeast corner of said south half; Thence along tne east line of said south half South 0'06'33" West, 329.77 feet (Record South 2'31'50" East) to the northeast corner of the west half of the northeast quarter of the northwest quarter of said Section 27; Thence along the east line of said west half South OOO6'42" West, 1340.39 feet to the southeast corner thereof: Thence along the south line of said west half North 87'29'53" West, 662.70 feet (Record - North 88'03'52" West) to the southwest corner thereof; Thence along the west line of said west half North 0'15'53" East, 1346.26 feet (Record - North 0'17'36" West, 1346.33 feet to the point of beginning. PARCEL TWO (20.10 ac) All of the east half of the northwest quarter of the northeast quarter of Section 27, Township 12 South, Range 4 West, San Bernardino Base and Meridian, according to United States Government Survey, lying within the following described boundaries: Beginning at the northwest corner of the east half of the northwest quarter of the northeast quarter of said Section 27, said corner Sears South 86'58'31" East, 3296.57 feet (record - South 87'51' East) from the Southwest corner of said Section; EXHIBIT "A" Page 1 of 17 RO84-8 1. Thence along said north line South 86'58'31" East, 659.38 feet (Record - 659.48 feet) to the northeast corner of the east half of the northwest quarter of the northeast quarter of said Section 27; 2. Thence along the east line of said east half South 0'21'20" East, 1322.82 feet (record - South 1'02'14" East, 1323.01 feet) to the southeast corner thereof: 3. Thence along the south line of said east half North 87'29'53" West, 662.70 feet (Record - North 88'03'52" West, 662.90 feet) to the southwest corner thereof: 4. Thence along the west line of said east half North OO11'55" West, 1328.66 feet to the point of beginning. PARCEL THREE (10.10 ac) All of the south half of the south half of the southwest quarter of the northwest quarter of Section 26, Township 12 South, Range 4 West, San Bernardino Base and Pleridian, according to United States Government Survey, lying within the following described boundaries: Beginning at the southwest corner of the south half of the south half of the southwest quarter of the northwest quarter of said Section 26.; 1. Thence along the west line of sai2 south half North 0'42'22" West, 327.83 feet (Record - North 1'16' Nest) to the nortl-,west corner thereof: 2. Thence along the north line of said south half South 89O19'08" East, 1335.39 feet to the northeast corner thereof: 3. Thence along the east line of said south half South 0'22'57" East, 328.82 feet (Record - South 0'56'55" Cast) to the southeast corner thereof: 4. Thence along the east-west centerline of said Section 26 North 89'16'37" West, 1333.56 feet (Record - North 89'50'40" West, 1333.22 feet) to the point of beginning. PARCEL FOUR (1335.50 ac land, 1545.CO ac water) All that portion of Sections 28,33,34 and 35, Township 12 South, Range 4 West, and that portion of rractional Section 2, Township 13 South, Range 4 West, San Zernardino Base and Fleridian, in the County of San and that portion of Lot 1 of Rancho Las Encinitas, according to Map thereof No. 848, file2 in the County Recorder's Office of said County, lying within the following described boundaries: i Diego, State of California, according to United States Government Survey, Beginning at the intersection cf the easterly prolongation of the northerly line of the south two-thirds of Lot 4 (southeast quarter of the south- east quarter) of Section 29, Township 12 South, Range 4 Mest, with the northeasterly line of the Atcheson Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Company right of way, 200.00 feet wide, said point being an angle point in the EXHIBIT "A" Page 2 of 17 RO84-8 boundary of the City of Carlsbad as established by their Ordinance No. 1122, adopted July 21, 1970, by said City; 1. Thence southeasterly along said northeasterly line to the east-west center line of Section 33, said Township and Range, being Point "A"; 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. i 9. 10. 11. Thence westerly along said east-west center line to the southwesterly line of said 200.00 foot railway right of way; Thence southeasterly along said southwesterly line to a point distant thereon 2939.21 feet southeasterly from the northerly line of said Section 33, being also a point in the center line of a channel as described in deed to 14.D. Cannon, recorded July 6, 1355, in Book 5705, page 55 of Official Records; Thence along said center line as follows: A. South 46'04' Nest, 202.96 feet (P,ecord 204.03 feet); E. South 71'52' West, 195.12 feet; C. North 74'34' West, 244.37 feet to the northeasterly line of State Highway XI-SD-2-B (formerly U.S. 101 as located in July 1955) map on file in the Office of the State Division of Highways of said County, being the true point of beginning; Thence retracing generally easterly, northwesterly and easterly to Point "A" ; Thence northwesterly along the northeasterly line of said 200.00 foot railway right of way to an angle point in the boundary of the City of Carlsbad as established by their Resolution No. 7131, adopted February 1, 1983, by said City; said angle point being also a point in the arc of an 11,659.20 foot rasius curve concave southwesterly, a radial line to said point bears North 72'58'17" East; Thence leaving sail! northeasterly right of way line along said City boundary South 89'19'07" East, 1519.40 feet (Record - South 89'17'46" East) through the most southerly corner of Lot 5 in said Section 33 to the west line of Lot 15 thereof; Thence leaving said west line, North 51'41'43" East, 649.80 feet (Record - North 51'43'04'' East) to a point in the soutkwesterly line of State Highway XI-SD-2-A (Interstate 5) map on file in the Office of the State Division of Highways of said County, said point being opposite of Engineer's Station 1715+74.50 on the center line of said State Eighway, said center line having a bearing of North 28'09' West; Thence leaving said southwesterly line, North 61'51' East to said Engineer's Station 1715+74.50 on said center line; Thence continuing North 61'51' East along sail! City boundary to an angle point therein, said angle point being a point in the north- easterly line of said State Highway; Thence along said northeasterly line and city boundary, North 25'27'58'' West to an angle point in the boundary of the City of Carlsbad as established by their Ordinance No. 1187, adopted January 20, 1976, by EXHIBIT "A" Page 3 of 17 12 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. said City, being also a point in the boundary of Lot 12 of said Section 33; Thence leaving said northeasterly line along the boundary of said Lot 12 and said City boundary, North 33'08'06" East, 234.45 feet (Record - Eorth 33'09'27" East) to an angle point in said boundary of said Lot 12 and said City boundary, said angle point beinq the westerly terminus of that course shown as North 69'58'02" \Jest, 454.38 feet on Record of Survey Yap No. 1676 filed in the County Recorder's Office of said County: Thence continuing along the boundary of said Lot 12 and said city boundary, South 69'03'23" East, 454.42 feet (Record - South 69'05'40" East) to an angle point in the boundary of said Lot and City, being also an angle pcint in the boundary of Lot 2 of said Section 33 as shown on Record of Survey Map No. 6269, filed in the County Recorder's Office of said County: Thence along the boundary of said Lot 2 and said City boundary, North 0'45'59" West, 787.58 feet (Record - North 0'44'59" West, 788.03 feet to the southwest corner of the southeast quarter of the southeast quarter of said Section 28; Thence along the west line of said quarter-quarter and said City bound- ary, North 0'30'53" East, 135'1.80 feet (Record - North OO30'51" Ea'st, 1357.86 feet) to the North line thereof: Thence easterly along said north line to the west line of said Section 27, said Township 12 South, Range 4 West; Thence southerly along said west line to the south line of said Section 27; Thence easterly along said south line to the west line of said Thence southerly along said west line to the south line of the 20 acres of Lot 1 of said Section 35: Thence easterly along said south line to the east line of said Thence southerly along said east line to the south line of Lot Section 35; Section 35; north Lot 1; 2 of said Thence North 60" East and South 82'51'38" East along said south line of Lot 2 and along its easterly prolongation to the easterly line of Road Survey No. 1800-1 (El Camino Real) Map on file in the County Engineer's Office of said County; being also a point in the boundary of the City of Carlsbad as established by their Ordinance No. 1147, adopted September 5, 1972, by said City; Thence generally southwesterly, southerly and southeasterly along said easterly line and City boundary to an angle point in the boundary of the City of Carlsbad as established by their Resolution No. 3185, adopted August 8. 1973, by said City; EXHIBIT "A" Page 4 of 17 13 R084-8 24 - 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33A. 33B. Thence continuing generally southeasterly and southerly along said east- erly line and city boundary to the intersection with a line which bears North 88'39'20" East from a point in the westerly line of the northeast quarter of the southwest quarter of Section 2, said Township and Range distant thereon, South 4'20'10" East, 914.20 feet from the northwest corner thereof; Thence leaving said easterly line and City boundary, along said line South 88'39'20" West to said point; Thence along said westerly line, South 4'20'10" East, 431.00 feet to the southeast corner of the northwest quarter of the southwest quarter of said Section 2; Thence westerly along the south line of said quarter-quarter, to the westerly line of said Section 2; Thence northerly along said westerly line to the northwest corner of said Section 2; Thence easterly along the north line of said Section 2 to the south quarter corner of said Section 35, Township 12 South, Range 4 West; Thence northerly along the north-socth center line of said Section 35 to the southerly line of RoaZ Survey No. 1796-65 (La Costa Avenue). map on file in the County Engineer's Office of said County; Thence generally westerly along said southerly line to the intersection with the easterly line of said State Bighway XI-SD-2-A (Interstate 5) said point of intersection being the most easterly corner of that certain parcel of land relinquished to the County of San Diego from the State of California by relinquishment No. 14729, as shown on Sheet 11 of State Highway Map No. 56 on file in the Cffice of the State Division of Highways of said County, also being a point in a non-tangent 399.99 foot radius curve concave southeasterly, a radial line bears North 33'06'13" West to said point; Thence along the boundary of said parcel of land the following courses: A. Southwesterly, 307.06 fset along said curve through a central angle of 43'59'05" to the easterly line of Lot 9 of Section 33, said Town- ship and Range; in a non-tangent 479.98 foot radius curve concave easterly, a radial line bears North 67'49'42" West to said point; C. Southerly, 131.47 feet along said curve through a central angle. of 15'41'36"; D. South 6O28'42" West to the southerly line of said Lot 9; B. North 0'42'07" :Jest, 65.19 feet along said easterly line to a point Thence westerly along said southerly line to a line which bears South 34O17'20" East (Xecord-South 34"06' East)from the southeasterly corner of Lot 1 of Avocado Acres No. 3, according to map thereof No. 2063, filed in the County Recorder's Cffice of said County, Cctober 3, 1927; Thence North 34'17'20" West along said line to the southeasterly corner of said Lot 1, being a point in the northerly line of Road Survey No. 346 (La Costa Avenue) map on file in the County Engineer's Office EX 1-1 I B I T Page 5 of 17 I' A I* . R084-8 of said County; 33c. 33D. 34A. 34B. 35. 36. 37. 38. i Thence westerly along said northerly line to a line which bears South 7°01'34" West from an angle point in the westerly line of said State Highway formed by the courses "North 75'32'04" East 125.00 feet and North 7°01'34" East, 37.76 feet'', as shown on said State EIighway map; Thence North 7'01'34" East along said line to said angle point; Thence along the westerly line of said State Highway the following courses : A. North 7O01'34" East, 37.76 feet; B. North 50°22'41" West, 134.98 feet: C. North 43'25'30" West, 241.70 feet to the easterly boundary line of Lot 8 of said Section 33: Thence northerly along said easterly boundary line to the northerly boundary line of Lot 8 of said Section 33, being also the southerly meander line of the Salt Marsh of the Batiquitos Lagoon, as the said meanzer line of the said Salt Marsh is shown and lepicted uDon the plat of Fractional Township 12 South, Range 4 West, S.B.B. & Pn., dated October 25, 1875, on file in the U.S. Surveyor Ceneral's Office, San Francisco, California; Thence northwesterly and southwesterly along the northerly boundary line-of Lot 8 of said Fractional Section 33, to its intersection \pith the easterly line of Lot 7, said Section 33; Thence southwesterly, westerly and southwesterly along the northerly line of said Lot 7 of said Fractional Section 33, which is also the abovementioned meander line of said Salt Marsh, to the most westerly corner of said Lot 7: Thence continuing along said meander line to the northeasterly line of State Highway XI-SD-2-B (Formerly U.S. 101 as located in July 1955); Thence generally southeasterly along said northeasterly line to the intersection with the northeasterly prolongation of the northwesterly line of that certain road easement, 60 feet in width, conveyed to Milton R. And Audrey J. Nims, husband and wife, as described in Exhibit "C" of, the grant of easement recorded April 29, 1976, by file page 76- 127564 in official records of said county, the center line of said road easement, being described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the northerly line of lot 10 of Section 33, Township 12 South, Range 4 West, San Eernardino Base and Keridian, as said Lot 10 is shown on Record of Survey No. 528, filed in the County Recorder's Office on February 7, 1936, with the southwesterly line of California State Highway Road XI-SD-2-B: thence South 66'46' West along said northerly line of lot 10 and along the prolongation thereof 459.74 feet to an angle point in the westerly boundary of the land described - under Parcel 2 in deed to George N. Rhue, et ux, recorded January 5, in Oook 5486, page 291, Official Records: thence along said boundary line South 36'44' East, 108.27 feet; thence South 37'56' West, 30.91 thence continuing along the boundary of said Rhue land, South 51'04' East, 77.50 feet; thence South 67"32' East, 75.00 feet: thence South 78'12' East 100.00 feet, to point "A"; being the northwesterly EXHIBIT "A" Page 6 of 17 1955, feet: b- R084-8 corner of said 60.00 feet wide road easement: thence continuing along the boundary of said Rhue land, South 14' East, 30.00 feet to the true point of beginning of said center line: thence North 76' East, 29.50 feet to the beginning of a curve concave to the north and having a radius of 200.00 feet; thence along the arc of said curve, 59.341 feet: thence North 59' East, 28.00 feet to the beginning of a curve concave to the south and having a radius of 189.50 feet; thence along the arc of said curve, 56.116 feet: thence along the arc of a reverse curve concave to the north and having a radius of 189.50 feet, 155.282 feet: thence along the arc of a reverse curve concave to the south and having a radius of 189.50 feet, 59.450 feet: thence North 46'59'30" East to the intersection with the southwesterly line of California State Highway Road XI-SD-2-B, said intersection being the terminal point of center line of the 60.00 foot wide easement: 39. Thence generally southwesterly along said northeasterly prolongation and the northwesterly line of said 60 feet wide road easement to said point "A" : 40. No Course 41. Thence North 78'12' West, 100.00 feet: 42. Thence North 67'32' West, 75.00 feet: 43. Thence North 51'04' West, 77.50 feet: 44. Thence South 64'16' West to an intersection with the mean high.tide line of the Pacific Ocean; 45. Thence northwesterly along said mean high tide line to the intersection of said southerly meander line of the Salt Llarsh of the Satiquitos Lagoon: 46. Thence southwesterly along a line parallel with the rr,ost southeasterly line (having a bearing South 51'33'10" :\est) of that certain uninhabited territory known and designated as the "St. Nalo Beach Addition to the City cf Oceanside'jannexed to said City of Cceansir'c c;: xlovenber 3, 1950, pursuant to Ordinance No. 668 adopted by the City Council of said City of Oceanside on September 13, 1950, said parallel line being prolonged southwesterly from the intersection of Nean High Tide Line of the Pacific Ocean and the southerly meander line of the Salt Marsh of the Batiquitos Lagcon, as the said meander line of the said Salt Marsh as shown on the aforesaid plat of fractional Township 12 South, Range 4 West, S.B.B. & N., to the intersection of the westerly boundary line of the State of California and said County; said boundary line being tide line of the Pacific Ocean: i parallel with and distant 3 miles southwesterly from the mean high 47. Thence northwesterly along said boundary line to the intersection with the westerly prolongation of the east-west center line of said Section 33: 48. Thence easterly along said westerly prolongation and east-west center line to the northeasterly line of said State Highway XI-SD-2-3 (U.S. HWY 101); 49. Thence southeasterly along said! northeasterly line to the true point of beginning. sc: iw 10/19/24 LAFCO EXHIBIT "A" Page 7 of 17 I '3 i ~ll that portion of the southwest quarter of the southeast quarter of Section 35, Towhship 12 South, Range 4 West and that portion of Fractional Section 2, Township 13 South, Range 4 West, San Bernardino Base and Meridian, in the County of San Diego, State of California, according to United States Government Survey, and that portion of Lot 1 of Rancho Las Encinitas, according to Map thereof No. 848, filed in the County Recorder's Office of said County, lying within the following described bounhries: Beginning at the northwest corner of said Section 2, Township 13 South, Range 4 West; 1. Thence easterly along the north line of said Section 2 to the south quarter corner of said Section 35, Township 12 South, Range 4 West; 2. Thence northerly along the north-south center line of said Section 35 to the northerly line of the southwest quarter of the southeast quarter of said Section 35; 3. 4. 5. 6A. 6B. 6C. 6D. 6E. 6F. 7. Thence along said northerly line, south 89O12'42" east, 290.55 feet; Thence leaving said northerly line, south 30O19'36" east, 750.57 feet to a tangent 2840.00 foot radius curve concave southwesterly; Thence southeasterly, 1116.86 feet along said curve through a central angle of 22'31'56"; Thence south 7O47'40" east, 504.99 feet to a tangent 1030.00 foot radius curve concave northeasterly; Thence southeasterly, 502.83 feet along said curve through a central angle of 27O58'16"; Thence south 35O4.5'56" east, 922.74 feet to a tangent 1015.00 foot radius curve concave southwesterly; Thence southeasterly, southerly and southwesterly, 811.81 feet along said curve through a central angle of 45"49'34"; Thence south 10°03'38" west, 830.34 feet; Thence south 5O42'31" east, 111.18 feet to the intersection with a line which bears north 88O39'20" east from a point in the westerly line of the northeast quarter of the southwest quarter of Section 2, said Township and Range, distant thereon, south 4°20'10" east, 914.20 feet from the northwest corner thereof.; . Thence south 88O39'20" west along said line to said point; Exhibit "A" Page 8 of 17 R084-8 8. Thence along said westerly line, South 4"20'10" East, 431.00 feet to the southeast corner of the northwest quarter of the southxest quarter of said Section 2; 9. Thence westerly along the south line of said quarter-quarter to the westerly line of said Section 2; 10. Thence along said westerly line North 5'07'43" Tgest, 801.92 feet; 11. Thence leaving said west line North 84'52'17" East, 109.62 feet; 12. Thence South 68'11'55" East, 296.18 feet; 13. Thence South 57'59'41" East, 943.40 feet: 14. Thence North 3'32'41" West, 566.08 feet; 15. Thence South 85'50'25'' West, 275.73 feet: 16. Thence North 84O52'58" West, 336.34 feet: 17. Thence North 1'58'30" West, 145.09 feet; 18. Thence North 84"33'35" East, 738.33 feet: 19. Thence North 5'42'38" West, 100.50 feet; 20. Thence North 80"08'03" West, 233.45 feet; 21. Thence NGrth 2'39'47" East, 215.23 feet; 22. Thence South 70'13'40" West, 812.93 feet: 23. Thence South 84'52'17" West, 297.20 feet to said westerly line of Section 2; 24. Thence along said westerly line, North 5'07'43" Kest, 274.13 feet to the west quarter corner of said Section 2: No Course No. 25 26. Thence continuing along said westerly line North 1'47'38" West, 596.16 feet; i 27. Thence leaving said westerly line North 88'12'22" East, 404.38 feet: 28. Thence South 7'13'28" West, 357.18 feet; 29. Thence South 71'12' East, 248.24 feet; 30. Thence North 9'33'36" East, 481.69 feet: Exhibit "A" Page 9 of 17 4' I " 'R084-8 31. Thence North 43'24'32" East, 254.66 feet: 32. Thence S0uth.71~33'54" East, 869.63 feet: 33. Thence North 7'21'09" East, 156.28 feet; 34. Thence North 79'49'28" Xest, 396.23 feet: 35. Thence North 20'22'35" West, 186.68 feet: 36. Thence South 87'14'03" West, 1036.21 feet: 37. Thence North 5'42'38" West, 100.50 feet: 38. Thence North 61'02'56" East, 268.56 feet: 39. Thence North 7'17'20" East, 433.50 feet: 40. Thence North 68'44'58" East, 193.13 feet: 41. Thence South 79'07'32" East, 386.95 feet: 42. Thence North 31'31'44" East, 191.23 feet: 43. Thence North 25'57'32" West, 845.28 feet: 44. Thence South 68'47'11" West, 724.06 feet: 45. Thence South 88'12'22" West, 150.18 feet to the westerly line of said Section 2: 46. Thence along said westerly line North 1'47'38" West, 737.74 feet to the point of beginning. 199.73 acres sc:iw 10/30/84 LAFCO Exhibit "A" Page 10 of 17 R084-8 "HPI Reorganization" Detachment from Leucaclia County Water District All that portion of Sections 33,34 and 35, Township 12 South, Range 4 West, San BernardinoBase and Meridian, in the County of San Diego, State of California, according to United States Government Survey, lying within the following described boundaries: Beginning at the intersection of the easterly prolongation of the northerly line of the south two-thirds of Lot 4 (southeast quarter of the southeast quarter of Section 29, Township 12 South, Range 4 West with the north- easterly line of the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Company right of way, 200.00 feet wide, said point being an angle point in the boundary of the City of Carlsbad as established by their Ordinance No. 1122, adopted July 21, 1970, by said City; 1. 2. 3. 4, 5. 6. 7. Thence southeasterly along said northeasterly line to the intersection with a straight line which begins at a point in the westerly line of said Section 34 distant thereon 2100.00 fezt southerly from the northwest corner of said Section 34 and terminates at the intersection with the mean high tide line of the Pacific Ocean as established in 1929 with the east-west center line of Section 33, said Township and Range, being the true point of beginning; Thence retracing northwestecly along the northeasterly line of said 200' raili.;ay right of way to an angle point in the Boundary of the City of Carlsbad as established by their Resolution Eo. 7131, azopted February 1, 1983, by sa12 City; saic? ancjle poir,t being also a point in the arc of an 11,659.20 foot ra2ius curve concave southwesterly, a radial line to said point Sears North 72'58'17" East; Thence leaving said northeasterly right of way line along sai2 City Gounriary South 89'19'07" East, 1519.40 feet (Record - South e9'17'46" East) through the most southerly corner of Lot 5 in said Section 33 to the west line of Lot 15 thereof; Thence leaving said west lice, North 51'41'43" East, 649.80 feet (Record - Sorth 51'43'04" Cast) to a point in the southwesterly line of State Highway XI-SC-2-A (Interstate 5) nap on file ir, the Office of the State Division of Highways of said County, said point being opposite of Engineer's Station 1715+74.50 on the center line of said State Kighway, said center. line having a bearing of North 28'09' West; Thence leaving said southwesterly line, North 61'51' East to said Engineer's Station 1715+74.50 on said center line; Thence continuing North 61'51' East along said City kounsary to an angle point therein, saic? angle point being a point in the north- easterly line of said State Highway; Thence along said northeasterly line and city boundary, North 25O27'58" West to an angle point in the boundary of the City of Carlsbad as establishzd by their Ordinance No. 1187, adopted January 20, 1976, by EXHIBIT "A" Page 11 of 17 4 said City, being.also a point in the boundary of Lot 12 of said Section 33; 8.. Thence leaving said northeasterly line a1or.g the boundary of sai? Lot 12 and said City ?JoanZary, Sorth 3?"08'!26" East, 234.45 feet (Kecord - Korth ?3'C9'27" East) to an angle point in szid boundary of said Lot 12 and said City boundary, saiZ angle point being the westerly terminus of that course shown as Plorth 69"58'02" iYEst, 454.38 feet on Record of Survey Yap No. 1670 filed in the County Recorder's Office of said County; 9. Thence cont-inuing along the boundary of said Lot 12 and said city boundary, South 69O03'23" East, 454.42 feet (Recorz - South 69'05'40'' East) to an angle point in the boundary of said Lot an2 City, being also an angle pcint in the boun2ary of Lot 2 of saiZ Section 33 as shown or. Record of Survey ?lap No. 6269, filed in the County Recorder's Office of said County: m.Thence along the boundary of said Lot 2 and said City boundary, North O"45'59" Kest, 787.58 feet (Record - Sorth OO44'59" Yest, 788.03 feetito the northerly line of sai.?. cection 33; 11. Thence easterly along said northerly line to the northeast corner. of said Section 33, being also the northwest corner of Section 34, said Township and Range; 12. Thence southerly along the west line of said Section 34 to a point in a line that is parallel with and distant southerly 750.00 feet measured at right angles from the northerly line of said Section 34 and Section 35, said Township and Range; 13. Thence easterly along said parallel line to the east line of Lot 1 of said Section 35; 14. Thence southerly along said east line to the south line of Lot 2 of said Section 35; 15. Thence North 60" East and South 82'51'38" East along said south line of Lot 2 and along its easterly prolongation to the easterly line of Road Survey No. 1800-1 (El Camino Real) map on file in the County Engineer's Office of said county: being also a point in the boundary of the City of Carlsbad as established by their Ordinance No. 1147, adopted September 5, 1972, by said City: 16. Thence generally southwesterly and southerly along said easterly line and city boundary to a line which is parallel with and distant 1750.00 feet southerly at right angles with the northerly line of said Sect. 35; 17. Thence westerly along said parallel line to a common point in the westerly line of said Section 35 and the easterly fine of Section 34, said Township and Range distant thereon 1750.00 feet southerly from the northwest corner of said Section 35; 18. Thence leaving said common line, southwesterly to .a point on the westerly line of said Section 34 distant thereon 2100.00 feet southerly EXHIBIT "A" Page 12 of 17 21 R084-8 from the northwest corner of said Section 34; 19. Thence southwesterly in a straight line to the true point of beginning. sc: iw 10/19/84 LAFCO Page 13 of 17 EXEI I B I T I' A I' R084-8 "HPI Reorganization" Detachment from Encinitas Fire Protection District ~ll that portion of the south half of Sections 33 & 34 of Township 12 South, Range 4 West, San Bernardino Base and Meridian, in the County of San Diego, State of California, according to United States Government Survey, lying within the following described boundaries: Beginning at the intersection of the easterly prolongation of the northerly line of the south two-thirds of Lot 4 (southeast quarter of the southeast quarter) of Section 29, Township 12 South, Range 4 West with the northeasterly line of the Atchison Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Company right of way, 200.00 feet wide, said point being an angle point in the boundary of the City of Carlsbad as established by their Ordinance No. 1122, adopted July 21, 1970, by said City; 1. Thence southeasterly along said northeasterly line to the east- west center line of Section 33, said Township and Ranqe; 2. Thence westerly along said east-west center line to the southwest- erly line of said 200.00 foot railway right of way, being Point "A"; 3. Thence southeasterly along said southwesterly line to a point distant thereon 2939.21 feet southeasterly from the northerly line of said Section 33, being also a point in the center line of a channel as described in deed to W.D. Cannon, recorded July 6, 1955, in.5ook 5705, page 55 of Official Records; 4. Thence along said center line as follows: A. South 46'04' Siest, 202.96 feet (Record - 204.03 feet); B. South 71'52' West, 195.12 feet; C. North 74'34' West, 244.37 feet to the northeasterly line of State Highway XI-SC-2-C, (formerly U.S. 101 as located in July 1955) map on file in the Office of the State Division of Highways of said County, being the true point of beginning; 5. Thence retr?.cLnc, rjcnerally easterly and northwesterly to point "A"; 6. Thence easterly along the east-west center lines of said Sections -- 33 and 34 to the center of said Section 34; !7- Thence southerly along the north-south center line of said Section 34 to the intersection with the northerly line of Lot 7 of said Section; 8- Thence easterly along said northerly line to the east line of said .i Lot 7; 9. Thence southerly along said east line to an intersection with the s@utherly line of Road Survey No. 1796-65 (La Costa Aver.ue) map on file in the County Engineer's Office of said County; 10- Thence generally westerly along said southerly line to the intersect- ion with the northeasterly line af State Highway XI-SD-2-.1 (Interstate 5), map on file in the Office of the State Division of Highways of said County: EXHICIT "A" Page 14 of 17 said point of intersection beinq the most easterly corr.er of that certain parcel of land relinquishe2 to the Cocnty of San Ciego from the State of California by relinquishment No. 14729, as shown on Sheet 11 of State Highway siap No. 56 on file in the Cffice of the State Division of Highways of said County, also being a point in a non-tangent 399.99 foot radius curve concave southeasterly, a radial line bears North 33'06'13" :.!est to said point; 11. Thence along the boundary of sai2 parcel of lan2 the following courses: A. Southwesterly, 307.06 feet along said curve through a central angle of 43'59'05" to the easterly line or' Lot 9 of Section 33, said Towri- ship and Pznge; in a non-tangent 479.98 foot radius curve concave easterly, a radial line bears North, 67'49'42" liest to sai? point; of 15'41'36"; E. Korth 0'42'07" :Jest, 65.19 feet along saiL easterly line to a point C. Southerly, 131.47 feet along sail! curve throuqh a central angle D. Solzth 6'28'42" Kest to the southerly line of said Lot 9; 12.. Thence westerly along said southerly line to a line which bears South 34'17'20" Cast (Record-South 34'06' East from the southeasterly corRer of Lot 1 of Avocado Acres KG. 3, according to map thereof Xo. 2063, filed in the County Recor2er's Cffice of said County, Cctober 3, 1927; 13.. Thence North 34'17'20" Kest along said line to the southeasterly corner ,of said Lot 1, being a point in the northerly line of Road Survey No. 346 (La Costa Avenue) map on file in the County Engineer's Office of said County; 14, Thence westerly alonq said northerly line to a line which bears South 7O01'34" \.:est fror. ar, angle ijoint ir. the T:.-esterly 1ir.e of sai? Ftate !:i;?-,:ay formed k;- t!:e courses "".orth 75'32'94" F:ast 125.00 fcet anc! >;or flh 7 0 1 ' 3 4 I' East, 37.76 feet", as sho;in on sai6 State F:iqh?;abr nar; 15 : Thence Xorth 7 O 01 ' 34'' East along said line tc sail ancjle point: 16. Thence along the westerly line of said State Siqh-day the folloving courses : A. North 7'01'34" East, 37.76 feet; 2. North 50"22'41" West, 134.98 feet; C. Xorth 43'25'30'' \<:est, 241.70 feet to the easterly boundary line of Lot 8 of said Section 33; i 17 . Thcnce northerly along said easterly boundary line to the northerly boundary line of Lot 8 of said Section 33, being also the southerly meander line of the Salt Piarsh of the Batiquitos Lagoon, as the said meanzer line of the said Salt Narsh is shown and Zepicted upon the plat 01 Fractional Township 12 South, Range 4 West, S.B.3. & M., Gate2 October 25, 1075, on file in the U.S. Surveyor Ceneral's Cffice, San Francisco, California; line of Lot 8 of said Fractional Section 33, to its intersection with 18 . Thence northwesterly and southwesterly along the northerly boundary the easterly line of Lot 7, said Section 33; EXH I B I T It A" Page 15 of 17 r *. 19.. Thence southwesterly, westerly and southwesterly along the northerly line of said Lot. 7 of said Fractional Section 33, which is also the abovementioned meander line of said Salt blarsh, to the most westerly corner of said Lot 7; 20 . Thence continuing along said meander line to the northeasterly line of State Highway XI-SD-2-B (Formerly U.S. 101 as located in July 1955) ; 21.. Thence generally southeasterly along said northeasterly line to the intersection with the northeasterly prolongation of the northwesterly line of that certain road easement, 60 feet in width, conveyed to Xilton R. And Audrey 2. Nims, husband and wife, as described in Exhibit "C" 05 the grant of easement recorded April 29, 1976, by file page 76- 127564 in official records of said county, the center line of saic! road easernent, being described as follows : Beginning at the intersection of the northerly line of lot 10 of Section 33, Township 12 South, Range 4 West, San Bernardino Base and Yeridian, as said Lot 10 is shown on' Record of Survey No. 528, filed in the County Recorcler's Office on February 7, 1936, with the southxcesterly line of California State Highway Road XI-SD-2-B; thence South 66'46' West along said northerly line of lot 10 and along the prolongation thereof 459.74 feet to an angle point in the westerly boundary of the land described under Parcel 2 in deed to George N. Rhue, et ux, recorded January 5, 1955, ir. LJook 5486, page 291, Cfficial Records; thence along said bounr2arli line South 36'44' East, 108.27 feet: thence South 37'56' West, 30.91 feet: thence continuing along the boundary of said Rhue land, South 51'04' East, 77.50 feet; thence South 67'32' East, 75.00 feet: thence South 78"12' East 100.00 feet, to point "A"; being the northwesterly corner of said 60.00 feet wide road easernent; thence continuing alonq the boundary of said Rhue ian2, South 14" East, 30.00 feet to the true point of beginning of said center line; thence North 76' East, 29.50 feet to the IseGir,ning of a cdrvc cozcave to the north and hzvinu a 1- a ,: i .d s of 2C3.00 feet; thence alonq the arc of said curve, 59.341 feet; thence Xorth 59" East, 28.CO feet to the beginning of 2 cxrve concaTJe to the south and having a radius of 189.50 feet; t5er.cs along the arc of said curve, 56.116 feet; thence along the arc of a reverse curve concave to the horth and having a radius of 189.50 feet, 155.282 feet; thence along the arc of a reverse curve concave to the south and having a radius of 189.50 feet, 59.450 feet; thence North 46'59'30" East to the intersection with the southwesterly line of California State Highway Roaa XI-SD-2-5, said intersection being the terminal point of center line of the 60.00 foot wide easement; 22. Thence South 46O53'30" West along said northeasterly prolcngstion to the southwesterly line of said State Highway; 23. Thence generally southwesterly along the northwesterly line of said 60.00 foot wide road easement to said point "A"; EXH IBI T I' A" Page 16 of 17 2 5' R084-8 24. Eo Course 25. Thence North 78'12' West, 100.00 feet; 26. Thence North 67'32' West, 75.00 feet: 27. Thence North 51'04' Yest, 77.50 feet: 28. Thence South 64'16' Kest to an intersection with the rnean high tide Iize of the Pacific kea?; 29. Thence northwesterly alo?cj sal2 mean high tide line to the intersection with the east-west center line of said Section 33; 30. Thence easterly along said east-west center line to the northeasterly line of said State Xighway XI-SD-2-B (formerly U.S. Highway 101) : 31. Thence southeasterly along said northeasterly line to the true point of beginning. sc: iw 10/19/84 LAFCO Approved by the Lou1 Agency Formation '*I Commission of San Diego OCT 0-2 I984 EXHIBIT "A" Page 17 of 17 C I I --I I I--- c .. C I , - I Carlsbad Journal Decreed a Legal Newspaper by the Superior Court of Sun Diego County 31 38 ROOSEVELT ST. P.O. BOX 248 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 729-2345 Proof of Publication STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ss COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of the county aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen years, and not a party to or interested in the above entitled matter. I am principal clerk of the printer of the Carlsbad Journal a newspaper of general circulation, published twice weekly in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, and which newspaper is published for the dissemination of local news and intelligence of a general character, and which newspaper at all times herein mentioned had and still has a bona fide subscription list of paying subscribers, and which newspaper has been established and published at regular intervals in the said City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, for a period exceeding one year next preceding the date of publication of the notice hereinafter referred to; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in each regular and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any supplement thereof on the following dates, to-wit: RESOLUTION NO. 7814 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF INITIATING P~OCEEDINGS FOR A REORGANIZATION INCLUDiNG ANNEXATiON TO CARLSBAD CALIFORNIA, THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND THE LEUCADIA COUNTY WATER DISTRICT AND DETACHMENT FROM THE ENCINITAS fiRE PROTECTION DISTRICT, THE LEUCADIA CO NTY WATER DISTRICT, COV8TY SERVICE AREA NO 17 (SAN DIEGUITO PARAMEDICS) AND COUNTY SERVICE AREA NO 83 (SAN DIEGUITO LOCAL PARKS) (HPI REORGANIZATION) WHEREAS, pursuant to the Dis- trict Reorganization Act of ISSS. comgoncing with Section 5(1ooo of the Govtpment Code. a petition of application was submitted to the Local Agency Formation Commis- sion and certified sulfcient by the Executive Omcer on July 6, lW, and WHEREAS. on October 1. 1984, the Local Agency Formation Com- mission by Resolution (attached hereto as Exhibit 1). approved the propoaed reorganrration and au- thorized the Council of the City of Carlsbad to inttiate and conduct proceedings for the propoaed reor- ganiration in compliance with said reaolution and pursuant to Govern- ment Code SecUon 58oOo. et seq , SOLVED by the City Council ofthe City ofCarlsbad. California. as fol- lows 1 That the above recitations are true and correct. 2 That tbe City Council bereby adopts this resolution initiating proceedings for the proposed reor- ganization as provided in Govern- mentCodeSectlon SBSlOarfollows a. The name of the areas for which any change of organization if proposed la entitled HPI Reormni- NOW. THEREFORE. BE IT RE- 84 .......... ?.e.ce?bex. 8.. ......... 19. ... ................................. 19 .... ................................. 19 .... ................................. 19 .... ................................. 19 ... I certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed at Carlsbad County of San Diego, State of California on the 8th day of /~//~~/ ,," December, 1984 ,' - __ .. Clerk of the Printer ration. The reorganization cor&& -damn *ry*- - m- b. ¶%a p8rtlcqI8t cb.a#e et omdutlon popswil lor (hr 4ub- ject am. 11 tb.: (1) Annexation ofthe terrltsyd.. scribed In the appllcrtion on flle with the Local Agency ormation Commission to the City oTCarlsbad and the Leucadia County Water District. (2) Detachment of the territory deacribed in the application on file with fhe Local Agency Formation Commission from the Encinitas Fire Protection District, the Leuca- dia County Water District; County Service Areas No. 17 (San Dieguito Paramedics) and No. 83 (San Die- piito Local Parks). :,' c. Said change of organization shall be subject to the terms and conditions specified and contained in the Resolution ofthe Local Agen- cy Formation Commission ani] the fo1:dwing condition: (1) All nonconforming uses. including subdivision directional signs and billboards shall be re- moved from the property within thirty days from the adoption of the resolution approving the annexa~ tion. d. Preliminary proceedings were commenced when the petition bv the landowners was submitted to the Local Agency Formation Corn miwon making a proposal for this annexation. e. The territory includes: (1) Annexation of 2,936 acres to the City of Carlsbad; (2) Annexation of 198.07 acres to the Leucadia County Water Dis- trict; (3) Detachment of 297.80 acres from the Leucadia County Water District; (4) Detachment of 152.09 acres kom the Encinitas Fire Protection District; and (5) Detachment of 374.7 acres from County Service Area No. 17 (San Dieguito Paramedics) and County Service Area No. 83 ($an Dieguito Local Parks). f. The reasons for the proposed reorganization are: (IPApplicant is proposing devel- opment on the property and the Ci- ty of Carlsbad is the appropriate agency for providing public ser- vices. (2) The territory is a county island and the annexation would be con- sistent with the City of Carlsbad Sphere of Influence. (3) The annexation is consistent with the City of Carlsbad and Local Agency Formation Commission policies on annexation of county is- lands. g. The Clerk of the City of Carls- bad is hereby directed to advertise the proposed annexation for public hearing on December 18. 1984. at 6:OO P.M.. in the Council Chambers. h. Any interested persondesiring to make written protest against said reorganization shall do so by writ- ten communication filed with the Clerk of the City of Carlsbad not la- ter than the hour above stated for the public hearing. A written pro- test by a landowner shall contain a description sufficient to identify the land owned by him; a protest by avoter shall containthe residential address of such voter. i. The Clerk of the City of Carls- bad is authorized and instructed to publish the notice of hearing ac- cording to Sections 58087-58088 of the California Government Code. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED tiy the City Council of the City of Carlsbad. County of San Diego, State of California, this 13th day of November, 1984, by the fol- lowing vote: AYES: Council Membera Casler, Lewla. Kulchin. Chick and Prescott NOES: None ABSENT: None MARY H. CASLER Mnvar ___. __ ATTEST: ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ Cltv Clerk (sE'AL) NOTE, Legal deacriptions and LAFCO Resolution is on file wlth the City Clerk. U S7W: December 8. ISM