HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984-11-27; City Council; 7972; Request for authority to establish ADrc - ~?6 CIT\ 3F CARLSBAD - AGENDA JILL rB#,-- fiTG. 1 1 /27/84 REQUEST FOR AUTHORITY TO ESTABLISH TITLE: COLLEGE BOULEVARD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT )EPT. ENG I DEPT. HD.L CITY AllY.@ c ITY M G R. .--- ~ RECOMMENDED ACTION: Direct staff to prepare documents for the establishment of the College Boulevard Assessment District conditioned upon the receipt of a deposit by developers in the amount of $70,000.00 and upon receipt of agreement from Koll Company to participate in future Palomar Airport Road Assessment District. ITEM EXPLANATION: Petitions have been received from property owners of 68% of the property along the proposed College Boulevard from Palomar Airport Road to El Camino Real. On November 5, 1984, the Project Review Committee met to consider the project in accordance with Council Policy 33. The Committee recommended approval of the district subject to the developers submitting the required deposit. Because 68% of the property owners submitted petitions, the Debt Limit Report hearing will be combined with the 1913 Act assessment district public hearing on the same agenda. The proposed district would include full street improvements, storm drains, sewer, water and other utilities. Staff recommended that Palomar Airport Road be included with College Boulevard in the assessment district. However, including Palomar Airport Road - and the bridge widening over the freeway - would complicate the district. Coordination with Caltrans and an increase in the number of property owners would delay the process. By doing College Boulevard alone, the district will be straightforward and relatively fast, but Koll Company may be left out of the area of benefit of Palomar Airport Road. Because their participation is needed, they will be required to sign an agreement to participate in the subsequent Palomar Airport Road Assessment District. FISCAL IMPACT: The preliminary estimate of the total project is approximately $7,600,000 including $4,900,000 for construction, $700,000 for right-of-way, $1,000,000 for incidentals and $1,000,000 for financing. Council Policy 33 requires developers to deposit funds with the City to cover costs of the district. In order to proceed with the preparation of documents, a deposit of $70,000 is required for the following: Assessment Engineer $45 , 000 Legal Counsel $1 0 , 000 City staff $1 5,000 $70,000 Page 2 of Agenda Bill No. FISCAL IMPACT (continued): A further payment of approximately $49,000 will be required upon submittal of the plans for plan checking. Inspection fees, contract administration and the balance of the legal fees will be paid from the proceeds of the sale of bonds. No City funds will be involved in the assessment district. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: All those portions of College Boulevard crossing the Koll Company and Signal Landmark Company property (Airport Business Center) have had full environmental review as part of the tentative map process. The remaining portion across Huntington Beach Company property was included in the Koll and Signal process only as a half-width street, therefore some further minor environmental review may be required. The Huntington Beach property also falls within the Coastal Zone and a Coastal Commission Permit will be required for the project. EXHIBITS: 1. Preliminary assessment diagram. 2. Memo to City Engineer dated 11/19/84: Fee Estimate to Establish Assessment District. 2 ~ LOCATION MAP PROJ. E X HIS I1 NO. PROJECT NAME CARLSBAD CALIFORNIA '3 SOUTH COLLEGE BL VD. ASSESSMENT DisrRicT November 19, 1984 TO : CITY ENGINEER FROM: Principal Civil Engineer, Capital Division SOUTH COLLEGE ASSESSMENT DISTRICT - FILE A-D- 23 FEE ESTIMATE TO ESTABLISH DISTRICT Based on an estimated construction cost of $4,900,000.00 Assessment Engineer Legal Council City Staff: Administration Plan Check Contract Administration Inspection Deposit in Advance Pay on submittal of plans for check 1931 $32,000.00 - 5,000.00 5,000.00 --- --- --- ~ $42,000.00 $42,000.00 TOTAL - 1913 - $ 13,000.00 $ 45,000.00 (.9%) (in advance) 28,000.00 33,000.00 (.5+%) ($5,000 in advance) IO, 000.00 15,000.00 (.3X) (in advance) 49,000.00 49,000.00 (1%) 49,000.00 49,000.00 (1%) 98,000.00 98,000.00 (2%) $247,000.000 $289,000.00 $28,000.00 $49,000.00 (Balance - inspection, contract administration and remaining in District. ) legal - included NOT Included: Preparations of Plans, Specifications and Estimate. RICHARD H. ALLEN, Jr. RHA: lch EXHIBIT 2 F. MACKENZIE BROWN RONALD E. NULL, A.P.C WARREN B. DlVEN F. MACKENZIE BROWN P. 0. BOX a025 INCORPORATED FAIRBANKS RANCH PLAZA RANCHO SANTA FE. CALIFORNIA 92067 SAN DlEGO 1619) 756-5994 ORANGE (714) 857-0464 (714) 359-5489 RIVERS1 DE LO5 ANGELES (213) 567-4755 June 27, 1985 Aletha Rautenkranz, City Clerk City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 RE: ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 85-2 (SOUTH COLLEGE BOULEVARD) Dear A1 etha: Enclosed herein please find the following: ORDER OF PROCEDURE: Order of procedure to be followed in adoption of the enclosed Resolutions at the next most convenient meeting. RESOLUTION ADOPTING MAP: This constitutes the formal action establishing the boun- daries of the Assessment District. RESOLUTION APPROVING PROPOSED RESOLUTION OF INTENTION AND REQUESTING CONSENT: Attached to this Resolution is an Exhibit of the Resolution of Intention. Prior to the initiation of proceedings, it is necessary that consent be obtained from the County Board of Supervisors. *** RESOLUTION OF SUPERVISORS GRANTING CONSENT: This format Resolution has been prepared for their use, if desired. **** Upon adoption of the enclosed Resol ut ions the fol lowing document ation shoul d imme- di ately be transmitted to the County of San Diego: 1. 2. 3. Conformed copy of Resol ut ion Adopting Proposed Resol ut ion of Intent ion and 4. Cost estimate of improvements; 5. Listing of names of property owners within the unincorporated territory of the 6. Copy of petitions as submitted; 7. Copy of all environmental evaluation work completed; 8. Proposed boundary map (2 copies); Conformed copy of Resolution Adopting Map; Requesting Consent, with Resolution of Intention attached as an Exhibit; County; Form of Resolution of County Granting Consent. A @+ F. MACKENZIE BROWN Aletha Rautenkranz, City Clerk City of Carlsbad June 27, 1985 Page Two INCORPORATED Inasmuch as certain of the property to be assessed lies outside the jurisdictional boundaries of the City and within unincorporated territory of the County of San Diego, it is necessary to obtain the consent from the Board of Supervisors prior to the time that the Resolution of Intention is formally adopted by the City Council (Streets and Highways Code Section 10103). Note that at this time the Resolution of Intention is attached only as an Exhibit to the Resolution Approving a Proposed Resolution of Intention and Requesting Consent. The format Resolution enclosed has been prepared for use by the County, if desired. The above matters should be processed immediately, inasmuch as the Resolution of Intention and authorization for bidding on the works of improvement cannot go forward at the City Council level until the necessary consent has been obtained from the Board of Supervisors . At this point in time, the staff should conclude all necessary environmental evalua- tion work and documentation necessary for a public project entitled by the name and designation of the proceedings. I would appreciate the filing of a Notice of Determination with the County Clerk as soon as possible after the time that the project has been "approved". If you have any questions upon your review, please call. I would appreciate receiv- ing conformed copies of the Resolutions upon their adoption, and would also desire to know when the item is scheduled to be considered by the Board of Supervisors. Very truly yours, F. MACKENZIE BROWN FMB: bd encl s . cc: Richard Allen, Office of City Engineer Vincent Biondo , Esq. , City Attorney Norm Neste; Neste, Brudin & Stone, Inc.