HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984-12-04; City Council; 6847-1; Cadencia ParkClTI”,F CARLSBAD - AGENDI -‘;ILL \B#- IlTLE: OTQ.J2/,6/186, CADENCIA PARK )EPT. P & R DEPT. HD. CITY Arty CITY MGR.& RECOMMENDED ACTION: The Parks and Recreation Commission recommends that the City Council uphold their decision to designate the Cadencia play field an area where youth, twelve years and younger, can participate in baseball, softball, soccer leagues, and practice play year round, and that the City provide a portable restroom. Item Explanation Issue Should Cadencia Park be utilized for organized league play or as a practice site only. Findings Staff has determined that the City has the right to designate this subject 4 acre site, zoned PC, for parks and or recreation purposes. There is, however, a potential for traffic and safety concerns. Discussion On October 15, 1984 Staff reported to the Parks and Recreation Conimission that on September 29, 1984 a temporary use agreement had been reached that would a1l.o~ the La Costa Youth Association Soccer League to complete their season (approximately December 1, 1984). This agreement was to be discussed at the next Parks and Recreation Commission meeting. At the October 15, 1984 meeting after hearing public testimony regarding noise, safecy, and lack of playing facilities, the Commission determined that .they would uphold thcir previous action to revert the Cadencia play fie1.d from practice only to a site that organized league play could be conducted year round, and that the city was to provide a restroom. that a traffic study be conducted. They also recommende Alternative Action The Cadencia homeowners may be willing to agree to a temporary league use could be provided. The homeowners would agree to youth boys and girls T-softball/baseball leagues to play from March to June. from August to December. “agreement until other City playing facilities in the South Carlsbad area They will not agree to youth soccer The main reason is traffic and noise problems. Fiscal Impact Rental of restroom facility $960 annually Materials to screen restroom $200 Funds are avilable in the P & R budget Exhibits Staff Report of October 4, 1984 Parks and Recreation Minutes of February 27, 1984 City Council Minutes of December 15, 1981 October 4, 1984 TO : ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER FROM : Parks and Recreation Director CADENCIA PARK USE Background On December 14, 1981 City Council denied the Cadencia Development appeal by area residents and approved the plans to develop a portion of the Cadencia site by constructing a mu1 ti-purpose athletic turf area. Since the development of the mini-park site, staff has scheduled only youth practice activities. On February 1984 the Parks and Recreation Comnission, because of user demand, "voted to change the usage for Cadencia from a practice site to an official leagge playing field for children only." During February and March of 1984 the field was used by the LaCosta Youth Organization for a league softball field. area residents. Staff received no complaints from In September 1984 staff gave approval for the LaCosta Youth Organization and the Leucadia Soccer Organization to use the subject site for league play. Residents began to complain about noise, restroom facilities, parking prob- lems and safety. On September 13 the issue was reheard by the Parks and Recreation Comnission. The Comnission determined to recomnend to City Council to have Cadencia play field be an active, organized play field for children under the age of twelve. They also voted to post the area for public safety and provide sanitary faci 1 i ties. The area residents demanded that league play be relocated. The LaCosta Youth Organization stated they would not be willing to relocate due to lack of satisfactory alternative sites. All users of the fields were put on notice that they may be required to move if a settlement could not be reached. A meeting between the homeowners, city staff, ARC members and a City Coun- cil representative and the LaCosta Youth Organization members was held on Saturday morning, September 29 at 8:30 a.m. at the Cadencia site. After iengthy discussions, the following resolution was agreed upon by all parties. Leagues would be allowed to finish the seasonkithout being re- located. Season ends December 15, 1984 The issue on whether the site is to be a practice or league facility would be again discussed on October 15, 1984 at the Parks and Recreation Cmission meeting. 1. 2. October 4, 1984 Page 4 3. 9. .5. 6. Parents of the children will be asked to park their cars on the north side of Cadencia only. The portable restroom will be removed during the week and placed on the site only on Saturday Kids will be directed to mill and play away from the sidewrlk. Parents will be asked to watch out for speeding autos. 7. A sign will be placed on the field that will allow only children under twelve to play softball. The area residents war;t the city staff to agree that the site will never again be used for league play. Both sides, residents and field users, were willing to make concessions. If, after the October 15 meeting, an agreement can't be reached, it will be rescheduled for a future City Council meeting. I ! !I I .. ! DAVE BRADSTREET DB:vf MINUTES respad to the invitaticn to mct and aocnda itam. One Wic suggested was the shiuim of ballfielda with rrarby amnunities. clarified in dis-ion that thia would be adult lcsgues with xi tr-tatiar problem baing mated. me ccmnissim voted to send a letter to the surrauding amunities suggesting a joint city canarissim meting, ad aeking for qestiars to pauible agenda itam. Ihe meting is to be set up in late spring cc early smmr. ideas Ear It was ph. Jadr mth spaka to the Cadda, stating I!D~ ballfields e nscded, ad this field awld te a nicc field. The neightors living nearby tho objected to the field have ID prpblan - far a Hr. Huth muld see. He felt mall children could not hit the ball far emugh to ba a threat to these rcaidums. Vie remmdaticn muld be fac children to play cn this field; mt adults ar bys playins hard ball, with a limtt an the age. The rpsradinq of the field wm dismssed, with a estimate of $300 or $400 fn labor and materials. r)l. -rriql WXmd to Cahcia fra a prrtia site to a official league plying field fa chfldrw cnly. the rp.g. for MINU. ES December 15, 1981 Pane 5 With the aid of a wall exhibit diaplayinp the park location. the Parks and Recreation Director pave the staEf report, explaining the historv of ti-? matter, as wll as the desires of the aren homeowners. He concluded by explainins that design features could include moving the backstoa to the far corner, leaving the field grass and utilizing it as a utility Cield. Hs. Lois Humphreys, 3337 Cadencia, Carlsbad, President of the La Costa Residents Association, addressed Council. Hs. Humphreys briefly outlined the concerns of the Association. essentially as contained in their letter to the Council OC November 28, 1981. Hr. Peter Rosenberg, 7249 Carpa Court, Carlsbad, addresse Council. Kr. Resenberg referenced a survey done on the proposed Cadencia development, and stated that the result reflect a desire €or a park, not an athletic €ield. In addition, Nr. Rosenberp expressed concern with regard to crafEic and noise impact, and requested denial of the Cadcncia development. Hrs. Yarearet Lozuk, 3307 Cadencia. Carlsbad, addressed Council. "ti. Lozuk exoressed concern with regard to traffic, and requested denial of the Cadencia developmen:. Yr. Robe:: Kinp, 3313 Cadencia, Carlsbad, addressed Council. +. Kine referenced the existing uroblems at Levance Fccld, vith regard to complaints from the neighboring residents due to the backstops. opinion that this site is too small for orpanited activites, and requested denial of the project. Hr. Joseph Eorg. 7247 Carpa Court, Carlsbad, addressed Council. ?e stated his opinion that a park would be a better use than an athletic field for the Cadencia site. "r. qa3t.r 7rq~c, 7203 Carpa Court, C3rlobad, addr5qse.i Council. Vr. Brant e*pressed concerr. with reeard to ratential Eoul balls in a residentat area due to the site of the part, the hazards of children climbing down the ravine, and psrkinp. Rr. Brant also questioned the facl that the City is not proposinq to install restroom facilities on-site, and rearrested denial of the developmen:. Dr. Frank Aergin addressed Council. Dr. Rerpin stated he does not agree that all members of the La Costa Reridents Association are in opposition of the proposed athletic field. opinion that the issue could be mitipated throush tighter enforcemnt from the police department. In conclusion, Dr. Rerain stated he was in agreement with the Staff propoqal, and spoke in favor of snme. Coundl dimcurdon reflected on traEfic enforcemaaC in tha area. parkini, and the need for athletic fields in the Clty. Council *ember Anear aur~eatcd that Council eonaideu approving the Staff recommendation, virh n provision for portabh rest room fncilities. He stated hi With regard to traffic, nr. Berpin stated his COUNCIL \ MEMBERS ! / I I i 34 MINU ZS December 15, 1981 Page 6 931 99 I 771 Council Member Levis stated that he could support the proposal for a practice field; however, indicated that he doe. not wmt to see it umed by adult organixationm or . Ler~er. He added that hard ball should he reacriccd *' frolrthe park. and sungeoted that a backmtop be D1rc.d at the furrherera poi- on the sita.r Eouncil denied the Cadencia davelopmetrt appeal, and apuroved the plan8 to devrlop a portion Of tha Cadrneia site by constructing a multi-plrpose athletic turt area; to be performed by force account. RECESS Mayor Packard called a recess at 8:05 P.3.. and CounciI reconvened at 8:16 P.H., with five members present. Engineering 14. AB 66848 - BUENA VISTA STORY DRAIN EAST OF kKCHLAND DRIVE. With the aid of a transparency rhoving the location of the projec:, the staf€ report vas presented by the City Engineer, essentially as contained in the Agenda Rill. Hr. Darrvl Tell, 1700 Euena Vista Way, Carlsbad, addressed Council. project, and reauested Council approval of same. Follovina brief discussion, Council authorized StaEF to proceed with the project as a caeh contract. Xr. Tell spoke in favor of the 15. AR a5053 - Suoplamcnt #Z -ONE YEAR EXPENSION OF TIHE ON TENTATIVE NAP CT 77-6 (CHESTNITT VILLAS.) Lcs Ev~z~, ::le Cicv ?-nin+er, CJVC a s:aFE report on the matter. Council adopted the folloving Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 6748, APPROVING AN EXTENSION OF TIS FOR TEYTYfKVE YAP CT 77-6 SUBJECT TO CERTAKN , CONDITIOIS. P lannino 16. AB C6770 - Supplement #I - UPDATE ON AGRICULTURAL- PRESERVATION PROGRAMS IN THE COASTAL ZONE. With the aid of a transparency outlining agricultural lands. the Planning Director gave a sen€€ report on the matter. Director boaman explained the requirements of the Coastal Conmission's aoproved LCP for the City, and oriclinrd the contents of hia memo dated necembcr 7, 1981. Ur. Don Agnten, 2936 Roosevelc, Carlshsd, addressell Council, reorosenting the Site 2 propertv ownrrs. He indicnted that the Liisk Comnny has not indicated airoement €or subsidy. \\ COUNCtL Y MEMBERS Packard Car Ier AIU~~ Levis Kulchin Packard Casler Anear Levis Kulchin Packard Cas ler Anear Levis Kulchin \ i 1 ! La Costa Youth Organization "Youth for a better America" P.O. Box 9000 Carisbad, CA 92008 , November 30, 1984 To Whom It May Concern: La Costa Youth Organization will bring before eouncil, Tuesday, December 4, 1984, a petition that states the following =-- It 'tie support youth sports in the south Carlsbad,( La Costa ) area. We urge the City Council to keep Cadencia Park as an active play area for games and practice. he also suppo&t the immediate development and opening of stagecod:::? Park. 1 I I 1 I AS of 3:OO P.M. not all petitions have been returned to me. I am I informing Council as a courtesy, and to let them know we are concerned I with this issue. I I Best regar&, , , lichael Glass, President t :Ye support neighborhood youth sports in the bouth Carlsbad (La Costa) area. an active play area for games and practice. We also support the immediate developement and opening of stagecoach Park. We urge the city council to keep Cadencia Park as Ue support neighborhood youth sports in the south Carlsbad (La Costa) area. We urge the city council to keep Cadencia Park as an active play area for games and practice. 'he also support the immediate developement and opening of stagecoach Park. Name Address We support neighborhood youth sports in the south Carlsbad (La Costa) area. an active play area for games and practice. We also support the immediate developement and cpening of stagecoach Park. We urge the city council to keep Cadencia Park as Address We support neighborhood youth sports in the south Carlsbad (La Costa) area. an active play area for games and practice. immediate developement and opening of btagecoach ?ark. We urge the city council to keep Cadencia Park as We also support the 4 ! f We support nsighborhood youth sports in the south Carlsbad (La Costa) area. We urge the city council to keep Cadencia Park as an active play area for games and practice. Fie also support the immediate developement and opening of btagecoach Park. Name Address .- We support neighborhood youth sports in the bouth Carlsbad (La Costa) area. an active play area for games and practice. We also support the immediate developement and opening of stagecoach Park. We urge the city council to keep Cadencia Park as Name n Addr e s s If 'detsupport neighborhood youth sports in the south Carlsbad (La Costa) area., immediate developement and opening of btagecoach Park. We urge the city council to keep Cadencia Park as ^an active play area for games and practice. We also support the Name Address \70 \7 I We support neighborhood youth sports in the south Carlsbad (La Costa) area. an active play area for games and practice. immediate developement and opening of btagecoach Park. We urge the city council to keep Ladencia Park as We also support the Name Address We support neighborhood youth sports in the south Carlsbad (La Costa) area. an active play area for games and practice. immediate developement and opening of atagecoach Park. We urge the city council to keep Cadencia Park as We also support the We support neighborhood youth sports in the south Carlsbad (La Costa) area. We urge the city council to keep Cadencia Park as an active play area for games and practice. Fie also support the immediate developement and opening of btagecoach Park. Name Address n .. . October 4, 1984 TO : ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER FROM: Parks and Recreation Director CADENCIA PARK USE Background On December 14, 1981 City Council denied the Cadencia Development appeal by area residents and approved the plans to develop a portion of the Cadencia site by constructing a mu1 ti -purpose athletic turf area. Since the development of the mini-park site, staff has scheduled only youth practice activities. On February 1984 the Parks and Recreation Commission, because of user demand, "voted to change the usage for Cadencia from a practice site to an official league playing field for children only." During February and March of 1984 the field was used by the LaCosta Youth Organization for a league softball field. area residents. Staff received no complaints from In September 1984 staff gave approval for the LaCosta Youth Organization and the Leucadia Soccer Organization to use the subject site for league play. Residents began to complain about noise, restroom facilities, parking prob- lems and safety. On September 13 the issue was reheard by the Parks and Recreation Commission. The Commission determined to recommend to City Council to have Cadencia play field be an active, organized play field for children under the age of twelve. sanitary faci 1 i ties. The area residents demanded that league play be relocated. Youth Organization stated they would not be willing to relocate due to lack of satisfactory a1 ternative sites. All users of the fields were put on notice that they may be required to move if a settlement could not be reached. A meeting between the homeowners, city staff, ARC members and a City Cotin- cil representative and the LaCobta Youth Organization members was held on Saturday morning, September 29 at 8:30 a.m. at the Cadencia site. After lengthy discussions, the following resolution was agreed upon by all parties. Leagues would be allowed to finish the season without being re- located. Season ends December 15, 1984 The issue on whether the site is to be a practice or league facility would be again discussed on October 15, 1984 at the Parks and Recreation Commission meeting. They also voted to post the area for public safety and provide The LaCosta 1. 2. ! I j 1 1 'I :j i October 4, 1984 Page 4 3. Parents of the children will be asked to park their cars on north side of Cadencia only. 4. The portable restroom will be removed during the week and p on the site only on Saturday. 5. Kids will be directed to mill and play away from the sidewa 6. Parents will be asked to watch out. for speeding autos. the aced k. 7. A sign will be placed on the field that will allow cnly children under twelve to play softball. The zrea residents want the city staff to agree that the site will never agatn be used for ieague play. Both sides, residents and field users, were willing to make concessions. If, after the October 15 meeting, an agreement can’t be reached, it will be rescheduled for a future City Council meeting. DAVE BRAOSTREET DB:vf ’ . i I ... - 1 . . . “I ,, .- GARY D. SHOURDS CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT 7720 EL CAWNO REAL. SUlTt 2N CAMSMO. CALIFORNIA 92000 TELEPHONE 1619) 436-1739 LOCATLO AT PLAZA DC U COSTA REAL IN LA COSTA Carlsbad City Council 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 September 28, 1984 Dear Council Members: URGENT, RE: La Costa Youth Organization/ Cadencia Field I am writing on behalf of 115 boys and girls, ages 5 through 9 years of age, who are about to be evicted from Cadencia Field in the middle of their organized La Costa Youth soccer league. I feel that you must be informed of the matter and hope that you will take action to see that an injustice to these children and the numerous volunteers helping them will not take place. FACTS 1. In February, 1984, the La Costa Youth Organization requested and was given approval by Parks and Recreation to hold league soft ball games on Cadencia Field. The league games were played on weekday afternoons and Saturdays for over two months with no resident complaints. 2. In July, 1984, the La Costa Youth Organization requested and was given approval by Parks and Recreation to hold weekday practices and Saturday league soccer games at Cadencia Field. (See approved application dated July 20, 1984 and letter dated August 1, 1984, which are attached.) 3. On September 15, 1984, after several weeks of practicing at Cadencia Field, league play began. Prior to this first game, the City of Carlsbad transported our goal posts to Cadencia Field, killed the grass over our field lines to permanently mark a soccer field, installed a drinking foantain, installed trash cans, etc., in a further show of approval for us to use the field. r I , 4. Recently, a small number of residents who live near Cadencia Field began to complain about the field being used by .? Carlsbad City Cou il September 28, 1984 the children. to you by three residents, and another six residents have made threatening telephone calls to Parks and Recreation. To the best of my knowledge, a letter was sent 5. Yesterday, I had a telephone conversation with Mr. David Bradstreet of the Parks and Recreation Department. He indicated to me that in 1981, the City Council approved Cader.cia Field as a practice field, but not for league games. However, early this year the Parks and Recreation Commission indicated to him that the time had come for Cadencia Field to be upgraded to a full use field. Therefore, Parks and Recreation began approving applications' for league play, never letting the applicants know that they were "testing the water" and might be evicted in the middle of their activity. To quote Mr. Bradstreet, "Some homeowners are upset with my decision to let games be played at Cadencia Field. threatenet! to sue the city. My boss, Frank Aleshire, has ordered me to solve this problem without having it go before the City Council before the election. So, I am going to meet with some of the homeowners, on my own time at one of their residences, on Saturday the 29th. If, after the meeting, the homeowners still do not want any activity on Cadencia Field, I will order city employees to take down your goal. posts and prohibit you (La Costa Youth Organization) from using the field. I' Some have OUR OPINIONS -- 1. We feel that the La Costa Youth Organization has followed all regulations in our application for field use, which was approved. 2. We feel that we are not in violation of any noise, traffic, or other laws. 3. We feel that Park and Recreation employees and their supervisors are deliberately attempting to conceal this matter from you. 4. We feel that the La Costa area is in desperate nee< of playing fields, and that Cadencia must be used. far Parks and Recreation to go to the private home of a handful of selfish homeowners and let them decide how a public field is to be used. 5. We feel that it is a total injustice, and very improper, 5. Cor 115 soccer players are over 95 % r,arlsbad/La Costa residents. In addition, we have another 300 plus children who are members of our organization during baseball season. That makes over 800 Carlsbad resident parents who will be in favor of our use of Cadencia Field. If letters and telephone calls are the only thing that Parks and Recreation will react to, we feel that we can match each complaint with 10 residents in our favor. Carlsbad City Cou i1 Sept.ember 28, 1984 7. Mr. Bradstreet wants to put in another field for us in an unused corner of Levante Park. This location is not large enough for a proper soccer field. While Cadencia Field has buffer zones on all four sides (street., canyons, and high embank ent), the proposed site at Levante Park would be right be more homeowner complaints about noise, balls over the fence, etc. at this inadequate site than at Cadencia. Also, the parking and other facilities at Levante are already at maximum on Saturday from use by other organizations. on the ?I omeowner's property lines. We feel that there would 8. Mr. Bradstreet's proposal to change Cadenica Field to a practice only field would not stop any of the Monday through Friday use because it is currently only practice. The only decrease in use would be Saturday morning when our games are played from 8:OO until approximately 1:OO. We doubt that this small change in use would satisfy the homeowners who aDparently do not want any activity at all to take place, yet it aould ruin our soccer program. 9. We have offered Mr. Bradstreet the compromPse of starting our Saturday games one-half hour later and to have one-half hour between games to allow all cars to leave before the next group arrives, but again he says this is only acceptable if the six to eight upset homeowners agree. the field they had approval to use, their civil rights will have been violated. we feel that the same options of the few upset homeowners would become ours, namely, organizing our members in a letter writing, telephone calling, personal appearance protest, going to the press, engaging legal counsel, etc. 10. We feel that if our 115 soccer players are forced to ?-cave At that point, although we would hate to use them, I i OUR REQUESE We respectfully request that you take an urgent interest in our problem and stop the Parks and Recreation Department from improperly evicting us from Cadencia Field by takening one of the following actions: which is so desperately needed in the La Costa area. 1. Immediately approving Cadencia Field as a fuli use site or 2. Allow us to play soccer on the field for the eight remaining Saturday mornings of our schedule which ends on December lst, while the subject oL Cadencia Field and the actions of the Parks -_ Carlsbad City Cou: il September 28, 1984 and Recreation Department can be reviewed and investigated. or 3. Allow us to continue our schedule at Cadencia Field until the issue can be presented to the council at an open meeting. Your urgent attention to this matter'is greatly appreciated. After tomorrow, our soccer program is in great jeopardy. It appears that only your power can save it. I can be reached at the above telephone number during business hours or at 436-3405 at other times. I would be pleased to talk to or meet with any of you at your convenience. Attachments Cordially, GARY D. SHOURDS Board Member/Soccer Director La Costa Youth organization ..