HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984-12-18; City Council; 6658-9; Amend conditions of approval- research centerI< es LLl =. 0 ct= a e 4 .. 2 0 4 5 z 3 0 0 5 9J 'x ..-.. Q i; CIT~F CARLSBAD - AGEND DEPT. I CITY A'I CITY MI AMEND CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL AB#.- TITLE: CARLSBAD TRACT 81-1 0 MTG, 12/18/84 DEPT. ENG CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER RECOMMENDED ACTION: That Council adopt Resolution No. 7p5/ amending th allow for the bonding of required improvements described in Item No. 23 and 24 subject to the formation of the College Boulevar Assessment District and if such District should not be formed fo the improvements described in items 23 and 24 immediately. Conditions of Approval of CT 81-10, Resolution NO. 6619, t any reason the Developer be required to commence construction o ITEM EXPLANATION: The Final Map for CT 81-10 will be expiring in the near futurt and, in order to record phase IIA prior to expiration, thc developer has requested that the conditions of approval bt amended to allow for bonding of the required improvement ot College Boulevard. The City is presently in the process of forming an assessment district which includes the construction of these improvements. The developer has agreed to support this district. Staff has reviewed the request for an amendment and is in favor of granting such change subject to the formation of the assessment district. FISCAL IMPACT: None. EXHIBITS: 1. Resolution No. 6619 approved July 21, 1984. 2. Resolution No. 7rs/ amending Resolution No. 6619. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 LO 11 12 a a Z to 13 -18 OIL u,: 6 14 0Cs.- 15 muz-' Li * ;$ I-> 16 g$zs 52 Y 17 lo a9 z E Cd $8 rn Z"zg =z zW8d > I-. a u q w RESOLUTION NO. 6619 A RESOLUTION OF TBE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSCAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING WITH CONDITIONS UNIT INDUSTRIAL PROJECT ON APPROXIMATELY 559.4 ACRES GENERALLY LOCATED WEST OF EL CAMIN0 REAL COMPANY. WHEREASI on June 24, 1981 the Carlsbad Planning TENTATIVE SUBDIVISION MAP (CT 81-10) FOR A 115- AND MORTH OF PALO;-IAR AIRPORT APPLICANT: XOLL Commission adopted Resolution No. 1810 recommending to the Cit Council that Tentative Subdivision Map (CT 81-10) be conditionally approved; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad dic on July 7, 1981 hold a duly noticed public hearing to considei the recommendations of the Planning Commission and to receive all recommendations and hear all persons interested in or opposed to Tentative Subdivision Map (CT 81-10); and WHEREAS, said Tentative Subdivision Map has been declared to have a nonsignificant impact on the environment a a Negative Declaration has been prepared and filed in complia with the requirements of the City of Carlsbad Environmental 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 1 Protection Ordinance of 1980; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council o the City of Carlsbad, California as follows: A. That the above recitations are true and correct B, That the findings of the Planning Commission in Resolution No. 1810 constitute the findings of the City Counc in this matter. C. That said Tentative Subdivision Map, together t the provisions for its design and improvement and subject to X 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 3 8 13 a 2 a2 % ;:us 34 OOZE $->o m;:: u * $4 "ucs zip >t- y a 17 a9 E t 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 20 0) 15 g58~i 16 I q v the conditions of this resol'ution, is consistent with all applicable general and specific plans of the City of Carlsbad. D, That Tentative Subdivision Flap (CT 81-10) is hereby approved subject to all applicable requirements of the Carlsbad Muni.cipa1 Code and to the satisfaction of the conditicns contained in Planning Commission Resolution No. 181( dated June 24, 1981, marked Exhibit A, attached hereto and madt a part hereof, with the exception of Condition No. 12 which ha: been revised to read as follows: ,'( 12) Portions of the subject property are locatel within the airport noise impact area for Palonar Airport as defined by the SANDAG La Use Plan'or updates thereto. The CC&R'S sh stronqly recommend sound attenuation measur be incorporated in the construction of . buj-ldings to be located within the 65 CNEL range. airport related noise impccts. A note containing the terms of this condition shal be placed on the final map." and subject to the following additional Condition No. The City is not responsible for 39: 'I (39) The developer will offer for dedication the thirty acre reservoir/site shown as Lot 28. The 12.1 acre water reclamation plant site shown as Lots 29 and 30 shall be reserved. Until complete release of bond for dedicate improvements adjacent to Lots 29 and 30, bL in any event no longer than July 1, 1991, City will have option to purchase said site developer's cost, plus twenty percent. Developer's cost will be determined as follows : A. Base land cost is set at $20,082.00 aci B. Carrying cost equal to developer's act1 interest on the land shall be prorated from July 1, 1980. C. Actual improvement costs shall be addec to the base land cost, DEvf1oger's profit of twenty percent e added. sa D. 2. 1 2 3 4 5 ' 7 8 9 20 11 22 0 2 Y g 93 u2 g d.u w 5 14 u I3G $&gd 16 zgq a7 zg y I- o 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 'u :;;E z;zg 15 uru >I- a t a$ 20 m w City shall have the right to examine books and accounts of developer to determine actu costs as described herein. The costs as described herein shall not exceed the fair market value oE the property at such time a city exercises its option." PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, on the 21st day of July , 1981 by the following vot to wit: AYES : NOES: None ABSENT: None Council Yders Padcard, Casler , Anear, kwis and Kulc A:>dkk2%/, RONALD C. PACKARD, Mayc ATTEST: I -D -, a67 .- 1 A~~~~A~'KAUliiN~~~~~~~~~~ 5 t1GZ-i 1 (SEAL) 3. .7 . 9 ' '..A i . 3: ' I .. .. :. c. .. I> 3 -1.1 \ ' , r! ; '\ ~ ** '1 2 3 4 5 6' 7 8 - L, 9 10 ' . X1 12 13 a4 a5 .- .. 3.7 . 16i a9 20 . 21 -: 1/;. -22' 23 24 .. 25 26 q' EXHIBIT A TO CITE . RESCILUTION NO. 6 ,b) * - '*I - , pl;ANNPNG COMMISS'LOW RESOLUTION NO D 183 0 - A RESOLUTION OF' THE PLAMllTING COE'IMISSION OF TEE CSTY OF CARLSBAB r CALI IIORNIA I RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF A 115 tfNTT P.I~DUSTRII?L TENTATIVE .- - TRACT MAP ON 559-4 ACRES GENERALLS LOCATED WEST QF Ej; cA%.f'fRO WF& AND NO1UI;E OP PALQ- NAR AIRPORTc CASE 190: APPLICANT t KQEL COwmY .-e--- CT 81-10 -<-- . .DI-_ .~- cp_g- 6aIEREAS 1' a. verified appaicatfQn fer c:crtas'.n prspert:=y c ti wit :: LQtS npw and meE Qi EsnchG P3.gv.a ffedion82 ae?e6l?dillg tfi !$ filed NCWembeK 36, 1896 in. k.hE 6fciCC2 Of the COUlltP R@C af %a% Dieyo County. has Haeen.Eile:d with the City sf CxrS.sbada and referred to t Pl3.KlniPty CoTCIBIiSSPon $ ala6 -. - WEEREAS p said ~e~j.f'i& appZi-cztion constitute5 a requeg prcwi,ded by Title 2% of the Carlsbzd Nunicipal Code; and . WHEREASB the 21anning @om,issj.sn 'did, on the 27th day ( 198 T , hold 3. duly ~aotice6 pmbl!.~ h~::tr:i.~79 2nd 3 cOri.tinued p . hearifig @Ep 3une 24# 1909 f as prescribed by law, to carr.s;fde request; and WlEREAS F at said public hearhg p U~OLZ hearing and cons all testimony and arguments, if anyp of a91 persons deq;iri be heardr said commission considered all. factors relating Tentative Tract Mapo - I . . NOWB THEREFORE' BE IT WEKEBY Rl3'sSOtVED by' the Planning sion as follows:. ' (A) That the foregoing recitations 'are true and correct. (€3) Th'at based on the evidence plresenked at the public he the Commission recommends APPROVAL of CT.-81-lOo to th Council, based' on the following findings and subject following condktions: .. 27 .. 20 ///I .. 0.: ',; L * I ,.I 1 .'.< .-. .' . -I a 2 3 4, w; .. . .. e I -I . b ') ma 8. .. G. Findings . .. %: 9) The site is physically suj.tab3-e for the type arid densit: the development since the site is adequate in size and to accommodate industrial and comnicrcia.1 deveRopmcnt an skill meet all of the requiremenks of the Subdivision 0 tlti.RCf20 5 6 't .8 9 2) he project is consistent ~jith s;U cfty public Ca.ciEit> ties and sxdinances since; ._. ..- ...__ ..- ._.-_ . -. . a) ~fae Planning CormPssj.on hasf by inclusion of BII a] p~iate conditiorx to this ,~entatj,ve subGivisipn ma.] suxcd that the final nap will. not be appmved un1.c City Couricil, finds ttnat: sev~ei: scrvice is availclblc serve the prcj ect * In add it ion p the Pj-mnixicj Corn! has adGed a conditbn tkfzt a note shal,l be plizced final. nap that hilih3ing permits nzy IIQ~ LE i.ssucd .. 3-0 3.1 a2 13 ." -' ib -15 2.6 3.7 3.8 -19 - .. .. .. 20 29. . 22 ' 23 24 25 26 27 28 \ - the project unless the City E~-~gi.~-ie-er determines t: sewer service is available, and building catmot o within the project un.f.ess sewer ,.;csrvicsc remnj-ns available B the. Sf3.anni.ag Cornrrtissiur~ is sntisfieri t requirements of the pub]. j-e facilities el-enterst of General Plan have been. met iiisofar as they appl-y sews service for this tentative map appr:'oval c ~11 11,ecessazy pblic j..mprovements have T:)ean pmvj %rill be require3 -as eond~tions of eppro~n?-~ %?'he applicant has-agree6 an6 bs recpircct isy ',lie siora of an appropriate condS.tlio13 to pay a public ties fee, Pe-.c--+ I Lo,iilanc:e 0.E ' t.11a.t contrack and. pap the fee will enable th%.$;, body to find that publi iti.es. wi1.l bc available concui.-~:cnt with nee4 as by the General Plan. .. . .j~] - .. e) 3) The proposed project is compatible w.rith the surroundj. uses Eor the reasom stated in the st&E repoist, This project: will not. cause any siyniEicant ctlrvironm~ impacts F and a Negative Declaration has' been i.ssued I Planning Director on May 1 c 1982 and approved by the Commission on June 4, 1981, The proposed subdivision is consisCenk wikh khe city era1 Plan and with the Specific Pl.an approved on thi for the reasons stated in the staff report, The design of the subdivision and type of j-mp.r-ovcmer: not conflict with easements' for public use or public -. .. . . .. 4) 5) . 6) . through the subject: property. . .. I/// //// PC RES0 a1810 -2-* b' . '1 I> General Conditions 2ij 3 4 5 ?' 9 .. 10 3.3. 12 13 ' .:. x4 1 5 X6 .. * .' 97 18 19 2.0. 21 2.2 23 , 24 25 26 2.7 2.8. .. 11 approval is granted for CT 81-50, as shown on ~xhi~-,it ,F.~ dated. May 6, 4984 d incorporated by reference and on fi.3.e the Planning Department e Devel6pment shall. occur suhst. ally as ,shot& unless .other~.Piso rioted ill these ccjnditi~ns This project is approved ripon the ctrp~css corrditi.sn that final nap shall not be approved unless the City Couiicif as sf the time of SLFG~ approval, tlsat: sewer service. is av 2) 6' able $8 servE? the subdiGisia1-i.' 3) This project -is a.~pao\ped upon .the CX~I:CSS condi.tj.on ,t:ha.i building permits vial. not be issued. for devebopnent OE i subject property u?,!.3.ess the City Engj-neer determi.nes trh: sewer facilities nre available at th@ iAmc of ap~~S.ieatic such ~ewexp. permits and will continue to be a,vaih.bI.c. unt %ime QE. o>ecupnncy, This project %S appr~ved upan the express carrtij.ticm tha'. applicant shall pay a public: facilities fee as required .City Council Policy No, 17, dated ~~rr.gusi=. 2gr 2979, oil : with' the Gi.ty Clerk and incorporated hemin by rcferenc according.to the agreement executed by the applicant fo ment of said fee a copy sf that agreement dated June 25 1980, i.s on Eile wi.th the City Clerk arid incorporated h by reference; - If -sz.id Eee is not p5f.d as promised, thi plication wPX% not be csnsistent with the GcneraP ~3.3.n apps~val for this project shalS. be voEd, Appraval of this request shall1 not excrrse corripS.iance v? sections sf the zoning Ordinance and all other applical: city ordinances in efEect at "Lime of building permit i: 8. 4) 1 5) . ance. 6) The applicant-. shall. establish an OWI~~F'S association a1 responding covenantsp conditions and restrictions or a maintenance district if approved by the City Council, association or maintenance district shall be responsib maintenance of a131 private common areas, Said CC&R'a be submitted to arid approved by the Planning Director to final map approval of Phase .I, Planning Department 7) The applicant shall. submit a street name Xist consistc the cityDs street name policy subject to the Planning torts approval prior to final map approval. .. , //// //// . ////- PC RES0 a1810 e -3- - .. *. .. .. ! '. .b' . '.. -1 . J 3. 2 3 4 *. . ,I, , . 'i '- m e.7 . d' 8) ~ke projeet: shall provide bus stop facilities ak Locati subject to the satis.faetion of the North County Transit trict, Said facilities shall at a minimum include a be Efee from advertising and a pole for thcbus stop sign, bench and pole .shall be designed in a manner so as to r detract from the basic architectural: therrie of the projc said design shall be subject to the appmx9al. oE the PI.; ~irector and North County ?fransit Ipistrict:. ' 6 7 8 .. 9 ?a Tl * . 12 13 .. J' 1p. 35 16 a7 18 19 20 i Cl) Appuov21 of Tmkzkive Traet'No, CT $!>;lo .is grankad SUI to appraval of Zone Change 236, %ocak%sjlis ~GK .?he ii-hni-parks imyired pt~rsuant ka the i be approved by the PS.c;nnin;g r)irectsr prior to final mal prsvaE aE Phase I. f 1) The streek a1.4.gn:;tcn-k of that street Laea.fed betxeerr. Lo1 .I and 5! 6 of Phase 4 shall be ~edesigned to aZXot.s more ( ient access tc the zdjacent property to the east, ~l.a.1 said rea%ignment shall be submitted to and approved by . City Ebagineer pEBQP QO .fhEd. mzp approval sf Phase 4, 12) The appl%crir;t shall grant'ai-i appr6prfat.e easement to tl isfaction' of the Planning E).~Ixc~Q~, an6 approved by tht within an airport-. noise j-ripact area'as defined hy the : Lamd USC? Elan fer Palomar Airport or ~ipdates thereto el that the city will not be held ~espon~ible far airporr: I ted noise impacts. A note Identi2ying the noise impacf shaPZ be p3.accd on the final ma,, 13) The approval of this map shafLexpire eighteen months i the date of City Council approval. The applicant may I an extension and such extension may be approved OK den: i the discretion of the City Council, In approv'ing an e: sionF the City Council may im.pose new conditions and in; vise existing conditions, 10 1 %'he dC?V€?I-OJ?C:E' ShaI.1, S!Pbl-ilie a 6@tZi3.C?d %.2P shOili'1:.ng prop( praved Speei.Eic Plan on the property, said S.oeatLans : I Attorney, fm those porkionis of fhC3 6u%:!kt@k prrapesr-ty I-( '21 .- . 22 23 , 24 25 26, z7 28 Engineering Department 14) The developer shall obtain a grading permit prior to tl commencement of any clearing or yrading Of tTie site, //// . //// - //// * //// //// PC RESO 11 1810 -4- *) . e' 3 ' .2 I . .r 152 ahe grading for ehis projwt is defined as w~~~tt'094fcd 9 Prig" by Section 41.0t5.170(a) of the Carlsbad Municipal c Grading shall. be perforzed under the observation of a cl engineer whose xesponsj.hili.ty it slia3.2 be to coordinate 3' inspeetion and testing to insure' conipliaficc ~f ttie soxk the approved 'grading plan, submit required reports to tl 5 F 6 1 Upon campfetian of grading p the developer shaXl, 4.nsuE.e EZ~ @as-g~ad~?d" ge~hogic plan sh~.I..t. be ?~.bmftk~d C.O the Engineer o he plan shall c1earS.y show all. the gecl,ogy G4 41 '. 7 8 9 ad x1 2.2 13 :- 34 2.5 .. .. -. 161 .. . .' 3.7 ' . 38 19 20 City Rngineer and veri2y eompli,asice with Cliaptc.): f f ,OG ( Carlsbad ~urnisipal C6d.e o expe;T?.ed by the grading opcratj:on f &JJ. gecd.cq ic conrect L rneastzsen as actually eonstrueteG and mst he. based 011 a tour riiap wh3.ch xepresents 0 both the p~:e and post site gr This p9.an shal.1 be sigxied by both the soils c~rcjfntler an encjineesing geaPog ist o The plan sb.~J-l be. prepa~~eci on a QF' siElixar drai:-~;i.ng g_i~ln am? s17.d~ becrone a j~e~r~~g~~ut K cera c ' .. * 47) NO ~rading s11a.11. oedur ouessids the limitn QE t~ic- su,bdi~ 'unless a Xettex of permissim is obtained farorir the Ov:ne the &ffcc$ed pxsperties, 28) Additional drainage easernents and drainqe- .structures : be px~vided or ixastal.led a.s may be required hjr the .C'OU: ~epartnscnt of Sanit-ation and Flood Control 01: the City neer o 0 9 1 The. developer shall. gay the current local drainacja. circ. prior to approval cf the El.na9. nap or shall constrnct: age systems in conformance with the Ma.s%er .1~minagc 1'3. City of CarPsbad Standards as xequ%red by 'the Cit-y 1Xig 2s) Land fw all public streets and e5.sements sh~wl'i on the tive map shall be dedicated on the final map and skaRl granted to city free and clear of all liens and encurd: ancycs, 21) Direct access rights ~QT all 10.s abutting EJ. ~arnino I ' 2 I I 22 23 . 24 25 26 27 28 College Boulevard '(Street A) shall Inc waived on the E: map. 22) Except as stated below, all public streets within a p' .shall. be improved by .the developer based .on khe t>7pic tions shown on the tentative map and in conformance \I of' Carlsbad Standards prior to occupancy of any build within that phase. Streek improvemenks sha1.l include walks along all frontages, street lights, street Lree foot median on College Boulevard and a 9-foot. half wi ian on EP Camino Real. The median islands may be waj. the City Council modifies their policy relating to st improvements. . a. .- I/// PC RESO #lSlO c -5- . -, , *I .. ' ' ., I .8 I 1. 2 3 1 . b' W w- lb c .l 23) College Boulevard shall be dedicated - based on a right-r way width of 102 feet - Eroin El Camino Real to the south( graet boundary at: the the of approval: of the final map Phase XI, Fifty-tt~o (52) feet sha1,l he dedicated for 20: Boulevard, based on an ultimate right-of-way width of 40 4 6 45 T fe@t, from the southern tract huunda,ry >a PaPomax Airpor Road at: the time oE approval-of the final map for Phase' The City Engineer may, at hj.s discretion p approve anothe connection betweera the project site aird ~aS.oaar kirpcxt' p~oyj.dci; that f;he ather: connection pirpv52des for adequ.~tt cul.atian wid also provided that ?f this ~kh~r co~~n~tior apprsvcd Q ~01Tecgc Boulevard shall be constructed in eon: 8 %ian with adjacent deveRopmenk, 241 Coklege Boulevard stial~. bz constructed to 5 minimum wid 32 feet of pavement from ~1 C'anino ~eal. to ~aS.onar p,ixp, 9 3.0 3-1 . 3.2 3.3 -. ._ - I c 4 Road prior to the oceupmcy of tmy kki1,diiqs in 'Phase 3: O'F: X:V~ whichever QCGU~ES- fi~st~ 2s) ~he develeiper s'ilaI.1 enter into a traffic signal agreeme post: a bond for one-half the cast= of a fully actuated t signal at the intersection of EX Camino ~eal and Street The dc oper slaa.l.3. install. this signa2 prior to the issuance of building permits fox any bui~.dings' in ~11ase I, he ot~ half of the cost of; ths skpa.i shal.3. he borne by the e. . ..prior to approvz2 of the Elizaj. mnp for Phase I, .. through qqs~prictte fees and/or ayreanrcni:s D ?-s 26) The dev&lopcr shal.1 enter into t-ri:ECiC! sfrlal wgzcemen X? 18 99 20 * '21 .22 -_ 83 24 25 as 27 F8 sections ~f Street %gPJ abid College Doul.evarCP (Street re prior to approval Qf the fina.3- map for Phase I1 and St- "M" and College Boulevard prior Lo approval of the fir for Phase flI0 2'7) The develr.oper shall comply vi-th. a9.1 the rulesr. regula'. and design requirements OT the respcctive sewer and w( agencies regarding scrvi.ces to the project, 28) All concrete terrace drains shall. he maintained by th perty owner's association or the indi.vidual property An approximately worded statement clearly identifying ~esponsibil.ity shall be placed 'in the CC.&R' 6 o 29) Street wB'o west of Street sr~*f shall he conitacrked kd E . city'street (to provide a second -exit Erom the area), to the approval of the City Engineer and Fire Chief, the issuance of a building permit for any buildings f 18 through 38 of Phase IV, The construction of a wa: treatment facility is specifically excluded from the ment's of this,condition, 4 t .. //// //// - -6- PC RES0 #lSlO , . ., . ’ ,I, /. . I C . *. L *’ 3 2 ‘4 4’ .5 6 7 a 9 10.1 3.3. 12 913 14 15 3.6 - 3.7 18 39 %C * 21 22 . .- ~. I 23 .. ’ 24 25 ’26 ‘27 20 . *‘ & Pire Department . 30) prior to the issuance of brri3,6j,ng per:m’itsv complete buiJ plans shall. be stzhmitted to’the Fire Department;; for rcvi and approval, . 3%) ~tae applicant shaS..R scibrnit tt;;’~ {2) copies of a site p2a.r showing locations of existing 3rd proposed Eire hydsank: on-site roads an6 drives 0 csnst.1:ucticn D 32) an all weather aecesa road shall bc maintained throiicjhal 33) ~at‘es for CkrG protection slial.2 be available t~ the ss”.i: the satisfaction aE the Fire E4arohalZ befare co~btasti.J>I. placed on the buiXdifig. site, 34) All fire aPaT3tl Systelns B Eire h~~~i>:a~~.t~ p exti~lgtai,.;hi~tg G>’ autoriatic sprinkkers, and other systems pertinent tcr tl.1 ject sha.13 he su.hmi-tted. to %he Fire DepCiKtiRenk for appX 35) ~ kff roof top appurtenznces shall he arehitecturaEfy f.nt grated into the design on.the 1:iuilding. and shielding tc vent noise arid visual. i.mpa.cts r subject to approval befc prior to constrbction, issuance of pcxmft, Pa I: k s Be par tm e TI, t _I^_-- --_- - 1 36) he median is~ands akung, EX Cnritino R~ZE rrurtning z1on.y 1 length OE this property shall be laxidscaped per city 6‘ dards, The rrledian islands may be oiai.ved if the City 0 modifies their policy rcla.ting to street improvements (r 37) Street trees shall be insta1,led throughout the pr-cject suant to city standardse The types‘and locations OE s street trees shall be subject to a.pproval of the Parks 38) All graded slopes sh.alP be planted or hydroseeded vrith mix approved by the Parks and Recreation Department ilr Recreation Department. *. ate3.y after grading, - - _.._ -- -.., ‘x.. //// I/// //// ‘ //I/ ‘ . //// //// PC! RESO #ffjfO -7- . - I. , ,. ,.' *,, . * . ,r' jl 2 3 4% ,, ' . 'u * 5 6 '. 01. :m w;. b I' I L I PASSEB~ APPROVED Arm ADOPTED at a regular meeting of tlie pfar:nistg Commission af the City sf Carlsbad, California, held the 24th day of June., 9984 by the EoElow!ring vatcc to wit: AYES: WOES: Nene &,T;SENT: E"aareus p Rorirhstis Farrowo Schlehubex, Joser' Pfi'iestedt, Lo E-leureu I T 8 9 3-0 13, . 2% . 13 14. ABSTAIN 2 None P. :-- p-,"IoI.p"-I _I dB$ATE3LW €3 o FRLESTEDT'B Vxee-ChaJ.xliii CAR%SBAD PLANNING COXHISS ION ATTEST: -e. JP*I<LR@ BAGI\,KE',N p SeGe tziry ClaklL,SBAJJ I?E!WM?~IN@ CGMMI SS ION '$5 16 .. .- iij 18 3.9 20 ' 21 22 23 .4 ,24 25 26 27 28 1 .. *. I .' ~. .-. .--._ .. .. .. ..._. b PC RES0 #I810 -8- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 g 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 w W RESOLUTION NO. 7851 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING AN AMENDMENT TO THE CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL FOR CARLSBAD TRACT NO, 81-10, CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER, WHEREAS, on July 21, 1981, the City Council adopted Resolution 6619 establishing the Conditions of Approval for Carlsbad Tract 81-10; i WHEREAS, the City is presently in the process of forming an assess1 A district on College Boulevard; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City __ Carlsbad, California, as follows: A. That condition number 24 be amended to read: "College Boulevard shall be constructed to minimum width of 32 fee pavement from El Camino Real to Palomar Airport Road prior to the occupr of any buildings in Phase 11, 111, or IV, whichever occurs first. It SI be permissible to bond by appropriate security for the fulfillment of requirements of this condition and those of condition number 23 pending formation of the assessment district on College Boulevard. In the e such district should not be formed for any reason, the developer SI commence construction of improvements indicated in conditions 23 anc immediately." I PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Coui of the City of Carlsbad, California, held the 18May of Deer 1984, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: None Council Mrs Casler, Lewis, Kulchh, Chick and Pettine ABSENT: None 7L-%+!L L4/ ATTEST: MARY H. CANER, Mayor ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City ClerF (SEAL ) ,4&$& J A P cc&&- 1 0 A - ._ -- 'J 0 -4%- -._ 3 i i :- I + N N - B -9. ' .) k --% b! 92 -- --.-_ -. .. L __ . . .. ... b I 0: n U a '3 .. a u? 0 @% A u n r-l n x d .L 52 0. 1 1. ; ,I I Ji v LL C? C- - 9' cy N./ cn \ 'L *@ \9 fp ?? * ,b if.% am > u .. mB <& 8 - . j 2 0 Q 0 P J- .,? c/ 4' y ;.:) \ - +k- r I ,w 0 -45F In 0 'I - nl e , - --- A --8 ~ -.. 1'""' -, IF. zf- 4. +nJhqwv p 9 h-! \ -- I: 3.3 $$$$ $ ?$ Ly 'u "q .. q ZV?; '- RI F kk2222 3 '$. z D 0 i, 2 '3 QkQ rg 3 &? &$ '! I r :a, x., ob: m i* (3 z &+E: B 92 Y o\Ql' & - N a G 2 :$:a+ 2 2~ 'i .$ #. $ 6" 3 :i 4 :I f: f 2 - h c3 0 N - I \ (%I 33s) (91 33s) ______________------------ ..’