HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984-12-18; City Council; 7992; CONSULTANT AGREEMENT FOR THE STAGECOACH PARK ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT. EIR 84-5.** ClTPF CARLSBAD - AGEND AB#- TITLE: CONmTATW PG- FOR ?HE: STAGECOACH PARK ENVIRON"J IMPACT REpolzT. MTG. 12/18/84 DEPT. HD CITY ATT DEPT.PLN EIR 84-5. CITY MGI I I I RECOMMENDED ACTION: APPROVE Resolution No. 7,p'./2 , authorizing the myor to execute an agreemen to prepare an environmental impact reprt with Cotton/Beland Associates for tht preparation of the Stagecoach Park Enviromtal Impact Report. ITEN ExpLApaaTION This environmental impact report is being prepared to address the impacts of t: developnent of Stagecoach Park, a 28 acre mmity park approximately 1/4 mill south of the intersection of Rancho Santa Fe Road and La Costa Avenue. Akkached is a list of the five consulting firms that responded to the city's request for proposal to act as the city's consultant for the Stagecoach Park Enviromtal Impact Report along with their corresponding bids. For each proposal subnitted, the Land Use Planning staff conducted a thorough review of the scope of work, subconsultants to be used, qualifications and msts. After reviewing all proposals, staff felt that Cotton/Beland Associates should be selected to prepare the enviromental impact report for the Stagecoach Park project. The Cotton/Beland Associates proposal is cclmparable in qyality and scope to other proposals, Wt is someihat lower in price than the next Iauest bid. Don Cotton, one of the principal ' s of cotton/Beland Associates, has prepared enviromtal impact reports for the city in the past and staff believes that Cotton/Beland Associates will prepare an adequate environmental impact reprt for the price quoted. They will prepare the environmental impact report on a time and materials basis, include 50 copies of the environmental impact report and attend at two public hearings for a fee not to exceed $10,245.00. FISCAL IMPACF 3 7 0 DL a a 4 Ccanpletion of the enviromntal irnpact report will cost the city $10,245.00. No funds have yet been budgeted for this project, therefore, $10,245.00 needs to be appropriated frm the contingency account. WIBITS 1. Location Map 2. City council Resolution NO. 7s q x w/attacbnts 3. List of bids for the preparation of the environmental wct report. 2 0 U 5 s 2 3 0 0 i SITE I ' .~ j 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 ? 0 ~. RESOLUTION NO. 7842 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING AN AGREEMENT AND ASSOCIATES FOR PREPARATION OF AN ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT FOR STAGECOACH PARK. EIR 84-5 ? BETWEEN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND COTTON/BELAND The City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California 7 does hereby resolve as follows: 8 1. That certain agreement between the City of Carls 9 and Cotton/Beland Associates for preparation of an environmer 10 for this study. 18 Finance Department is hereby approved appropriating $10,245.( 17 3. That fund transfer no. 760 , on file in the 16 behalf of the City of Carlsbad. 15 authorized and directed to execute said agreement for and on 14 2. The Mayor of the City of Carlsbad is hereby 13 herein by reference, is hereby approved. 12 which is attached hereto, with Attachments 1-3, and incorpor; 11 impact report for Stagecoach Park, a copy marked Exhibit 'A' I I 19 I PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting o 20 City Council of the City of Carlsbad held on 18th day of 21 December , 19 84 , by the following vote, to wit: 22 AYES: Council Pknbers Casler, Lewis, Kulchin, Chick and Pet1 23 NOES: None 24 I! ABSENT : Nom 25 ~ ' 26 ATTEST : %w J/ PA MARY H. < PSLER, MAYOR 27 1 *' 7 / "7 2 28 AL6k?&'RAGENi*q CLERK (SEAL) ., .. v AGREEMENT .. THIS AGREEMENT is made this &'ofh day of Dg c, , 1984 between the CITY OF CARLSBAD, a municipal corporation of the State of California, hereinafter referred to as CITY, and Cotton/Beland/Associates hereinafter referred to as CONSULTANT. RECITALS WHEREAS, the city, has entered into an agreement wherej the city agrees to prepare an Environmental Impact Report --for tt proposed project identified as a Stagecoach Park for 28 acres, which is located approximately 1/4 mile south of the intersectic of La Costa Avenue and Rancho Santa Fe Road and more precisely shown on the plat marked Attachment "l", attached hereto and ma( a part hereof: and WHEREAS, the Consultant has the qualifications to pre- pare the required Environmental Impact Report; and WHEREAS, it is understood that the Consultant shall be an independent contractor of the city: NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of their mutual conve. nants and conditions, the parties hereto agree as follows: (1) DUTIES OF THE CONSULTANT Consultant shall prepare an Environmental Impact Report fo~ the subject project in accord with the California Environ- mental Quality Act as implemented by the State Guidelines and by City in Title 19 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code and its implenenting resolutions. In carrying out this obligation the Consultant's duties shall include the following: EXHIBI' .L \. v 0 (a). .. The Consultant shall (1 ) make all necessary and required field explorations, review and tests; (2) make all necessary and required laboratory tests and analysis; ( 3) appear and be prepared to answel questions and prepare testimony on -the-final Environmental Impact Report at two public hearing: before the Planning Commission and the City Counc: prior to the certification of the report; (4) makc all reports necessary to comply with the require- ments of this section. Before preparing the draf, report, the Consultant shall submit five copies o a preliminary report (screen check EIR) to the Planning Director for staff review. The consulta. shall revise the preliminary report as requested staff in order to make it suitable for draft EIR review. (b) Consultant shall prepare a draft report in compli ance with the Work Program contained in Attachmen "2" and "3" on file at the Land Use Planning Office (unless otherwise stated in this agreement attached hereto and made a part hereof and with applicable state law and city ordinances. The Co sultant shall submit to city fifty copies (in 3 ring binders) plus a reproducible master of the draft EIR to the city. -2- 1. .. P (c.).. Consultant shall attempt to determine as soon as possible in his study of the area involved, those factors which could severely inhibit or prohibit the proposed project. If it appears that such fac tors are present, he shall so inform the Planning Director who in turn will discuss with the appli- cant the feasibility of continuing with the report. The objective of this subsection of the agreement is to minimize the cost if these adversc factors exist. (a) Consultant shall prepare and file with the city a written responses to all comments received subse- quent to public notice that the draft environmental impact report has been filed. Consultant shall also prepare any responses necessary to matters raised at the public hearings. The written responses shall be prepare in a form that will permit the responses to be incorporated into the final environmental impact report . (2) DUTIES OF THE CITY (a) The City w.ill make payment to the Consultant as pro- vided for in this agreement. -3- I. L, b e (b) The.City .. will make available to the Consultant any do- cument, studies, or other information in its possessio related to the proposed project. (c) The City will review the Preliminary Report presented ,by the Consultant within fourteen working days of thei receipt and make written comments to the Consultant within that time period. (d) The city shall provide the consultant with copies of all written comments received on the draft Envimn- mental Impact Report subsequent to public notice that the draft Environmental Impact Report has been filed and is available for public review. (3) TERMINATION OF AGREEMENT The city may terminate this agreement at any time by qivh written notice to the Consultant of such termination and specifying the effective date thereof, at least fifteen da prior to the effective date of the termination. In event of termination all finished or unfinished documents and other materials prepared pursuant to this agreement shall become its property. upon termination for reasons other than breach of this agreement City shall pay Consultant th reasonable value of the services completed to the date of notice of termination. (4) RELEASE OF INFORMATION BY CONSULTANT Any reports, information or other data, prepared or assem. bled by the Consultant under this agreement shall not he made available to any individual or organization by the cc sultant without the prior written approval of the city. -4- .. .. v W (5) OWNERSHIP, PUBLICATION, REPRODUCTION AND USE OF ENVIRON- MENTAL IMPACT R,EPORTS AND OTHER MATERIALS All documents and materials prepared pursuant to this agree .* ment became the property of the city upon payment of the fees specified in this agreement. The city shall have the unrestricted authority to publish, disclose, distribute and otherwise use, in whole or in part, any reports, data, or other materials prepared under this agreement . (6) PAYMENT .. - The Consultant will be paid a maximum of $10,245.00 dollars for all work necessary to carry out the requirements of thi agreement. Actual payment shall be based on the cost of tt report based on the costs as set forth in Attachments 2 ant 3 on file at the Land Use Planning Office. The Consultant shall be paid sixty percent of the compensable services completed within 15 days after receipt of his invoice for the completion of the draft Environmental Impact Report in accordance with Paragraph 1 above. The Consultant will be paid twenty-f ive percent upon acceptance by the city of thc response to comments from the Consultant, the final fifteel percent will be paid not to exceed the maximum amount provided in this agreement within thirty days after receip of invoice, to be submitted after the certification of the Environmental Impact Report by the City Council or 60 days after submission of the final Environmental Impace Report whichever shall occur first. -5- *. .. v w (7) TIME OF COMPLETION Time is of the essence in carrying out the terms of this agreement. It is understood that inclement weather con- ditions may delay the completion of field work. The Consul tant will be allowed as many additional days- as are nec- essary to compensate for days lost due to inclement weather The Consultant shall submit to the city five copies of the Preliminary Environmental Impact Report within six weeks of the signing of this agreement by both concerned partie’s. The consultant shall submit to the city fifty copies of the draft Environmental Impact Report within ten working days of the completed staff review of the Preliminary Environmental Impact Report. (8) LIMITS OF THE OBLIGATION The limits of the obligation of the city under this agree- ment is in the sum of $10,245.00 which amount is estimated to be sufficient to compensate the consultant for all services performed hereunder during the terms of this aqrel ment, In the event at any time it appears to the Consulta that said sum may not be sufficient, he shall immediately notify the Planning Director. He will not perform any wor or incur any obligation beyond said sum of $10,245.00 with out appropriate amendment to this agreement. (9) CHANGES IN WORK If, in the course of this contract, changes seem merited k the Consultant or the City and informal consultations indi -6- .. *. m, 9 - cate that a change in the conditions of the contract is war- ranted, the Consultant or the City may request a change in the contract. Such changes shall be processed by the City in the following manner. A letter outlining the required changes shall be forwarded to the City or Consultant to inform them of the proposed changes along with a statement of estimated chanqes in charges or time schedule. After reaching mutual agreement on the proposal, a supplemental agreement shall be prepared by the City and approved by the City Council. Such supplemental agreement shall not render ineffective or invalid unaffected portions of the agreement Changes requiring immediate action by the Consultant or the City shall be ordered by the Assistant City Manager for Developmental Services, who will inform a principal of the Consultant’s firm of the necessity of such action apd follo up with a supplemental agreement coveri+-etich work. The lump sum amounts detailed in this agreement shall be adjusted for changes, either additive o+”deduct$ve,- in the scope of work. 1 ., .-,- . . ..I. . -.. (10) HOLD HARMLESS The Consultant will indemnify the City against and hold it harmless from all and any cost, expense, or liability for damages on account of injury or death to persons or damage to property resulting from or arising out of or in any way connected with the performance by consultant of this agree- -7- .. I. W __ merit, including the defense of any action arisinq therefrom Consultant will reimburse the City for all costs, expenses and losses incurred by it in consequence of any claims, de- mands and causes of action which may be brought against it by a person arising out of the performance by Consultant of this agreement. (11) MAINTAIN INSURANCE Consultant shall, at all times that this agreement is in effect or the premises are occupied by Consultant, cause tc be maintained in force and effect an insurance policy or policies which will insure and indemnify both City and Con. sultant against liability or financial loss resulting from injuries occurring to persons or property in or about the premises or occurring as a result of any acts or activity ( Consultant. The liability under such insurance policy sha. be not less than $100,000 for any one person injured or $300,000 for any one accident and $50,000 for property dam age. The policy shall be written by a responsible company or companies to be approved by City, and shall be noncance able except on ten days' written notice to City. Such pol icy shall name City as co-assured and a copy of such polic shall be filed with the City. (12) INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR Consultant in accordance with his status as an independen! contractor, covenants and agrees that he will conduct him- -8- .. .* e; W self co.nsistent with such status, that he will neither holi himself out as nor claim to be an officer or employee of tk city by reason hereof, and that he will not by reason hereof, make any claim, demand, or application to or for ar right or privilege applicable to an officer or employee of the City including, but not limited to, workmen's compensa- tion coverage, unemployment insurance benefits, social se- curity coverage, or retirement membership credit. (13) ASSIGNMENT OF CONTRACT ~. ~ Consultant shall not assign this contract or any part therc of or any monies due or to become due thereunder without tl prior written consent of the City. (14) SUBCONTRACTING If the Consultant shall subcontract any of the work to be performed under this contract by Consultant, the Consultan, shall be fully responsible to the City for the acts and omissions of its subcontractor and of the persons either directly or indirectly employed by its subcontractor, as i is for the acts and omissions of persons directly employed by it, Nothing contained in this contract shall create an contractual relationship between any subcontractor of Con- sultant and the City. The Consultant shall bind every sub contractor and every subcontractor of a subcontractor by their terms of this contract applicable to its work unless specifically noted to the contrary in the subcontract in question approved in writing by the city. -9- .. .. 0. w (15) PROHIBITED INTEREST NO official of the City who is authorized in such capacity on behalf of the City to negotiate, make, accept or approvf Or to take part in negotiating, making, accepting or appro7 ing any architectural, engineering, inspection, construc- tion, or material supply contract or subcontract in connec. tion with the construction of the project, shall become di: ectly or indirectly interested personally in this contract or in any part thereof. No officer, employee, architect, attorney, engineer or inspector of or for the City who is authorized in such capacity and on behalf of the City to exercise any executive, supervisory or other similar func- tions in connection with the performance of this contract shall become directly or indirectly interested personally in this contract or any part thereof. (16) VERBAL AGREEMENT OR CONVERSATION No verbal agreement or conversation with any officer, agen or employee of the City, either before, during or after th execution of this contract, shall affect or modify any of the terms or obligations herein contained, nor such verbal agreement or conversation entitle the Consultant to any additional payment whatsoever under the terms of this contract . -10- .. .. e/ V IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed .. this agreement on the day and year first above written. CITY OF CARLSBAD, a Municipal Corporation of the State of California A (1- /-f BY fi,, C-,k- MARY CASLEW Mayor / /,k& d;) -. . BY CONSULTANT ATTEST: .Q& (0 & 17 it ALETHA RAUTENKRANZ, City ylerk ”- -- - -. Asvsistant City Attorney -1 1- .. ~. SITE ATTACHMEN1 L STAGE COACH PARK .I EIR 84-5 I w a CottG I Beland I Associates .. .. 0 fcE, - "". . . - - -~ L1 I Urban & Environmental Planning ~~ ~~ ~ .. November 21, 1984 Xr. Mike Howes, Land Use Planning 1200 Elm Street Carlsbad, California 92008-1989 "\ Re: Stagecoach Park Proposal EIR 84-5 Dear Mike: Pursuant to our telephone conversation of this afternoon, this let-ter i: to identify the drainage and soils analyses which we will add to the scope ( services submitted in the Study Plan portion of our proposal of November 7, 1984. We have talked with Jim Laret of San Dieguito Engineering regarding support to us in the soils and engineering work. He is familiar with the a] and will be happy to assist us in this project. The following will be added to the Scope of Services contained in our November 7 proposal : O Determine the drainage basin of the stream and calculate the Q; O Analyze the impact of increased stream velocity from narrowing of the channe 1 ; o Determine appropriate channel treatment, e.g., natural bottom, grass lined, revetment or other; O Alternative ways of reducing stream velocity; and ' General analysis of site soils and geology based on soils data from adjacent project and existing literature and data. This work can be completed for $1,000.00. The addition of this fee to $9,245.00 fee quoted in our proposal results in a total project fee of $10,245.00. We look forward to working with you on this project. DAC :mbc M364 : C Yo2&vz Do%ald A. Cotton, AOCP Principal 47% ch7c4- t 1028 N. LAKE AVENUE SUITE 107. PASADENA. CALIFORNIA 91104. (818) 791-7682. (213) 681.2061 .. .. fc!k "\ Cotton I Beland I Associates w 11 1 .Urban & Environmental Planning ~~~ November 7, 1984 Mr. Michael Holzmiller Land Use Planning Manager 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008-1989 Re: Stagecoach Park EIR 684-5 Dear Mr. Holzmiller: We are pleased to respond to your request for a proposal for the prepar tion of an Environmental Impact Report for the 28 acre Stagecoach Park pro- posed for construction by the City. We are responding under our new corpor name which reflects the recent merger of BelandfAssociates with Donald A. Cotton Associates. We have met with Mike Howes and have talked with Mark Styer regarding t project. We have visited the site to assess existing conditions, and have reviewed the materials submitted to us describing the project. We understa from our conversations with you that the City is requesting that an EIR be prepared, with particular emphasis on the following issues: biology, drainage, archaeology, land use compatibility, traffic, and soils. Based on our review of the RFP, our visit to the site and our experienc on similar projects, we have determined the data requirements, methodology, and approach we consider appropriate to complete the EIR. This information contained in our proposed work program. In addition to the proposal prepared for this specific RFP, we have included general information describing similar projects for which we have prepared EIRs, client references, and resumes of our staff. Similar infor- mation is also included for our subconsultants. The fee to prepare the EIR, as described in Part IV of our proposal, is $9,245. The Screen Draft EIR for staff review can be submitted to the City within 45 days after authorization to proceed is given. /ff. Ch!N 7' ('3 ') 1028 N. LAKE AVENUE - SUITE 107- PASADENA, CALIFORNIA 91104. (818) 791-7662. (213) 661-2061 1. ,. e w Mr. Michael Halzmiller -2- November 7, 1984 ~. We believe we have been responsive to your request, but if you have any questions, we will be happy to provide additional material or respond to specific questions. We are most interested in providing the services required, and look forward to working with you and the City staff on this project. Very truly yours, &e& Donald A. Cotton, AICP P r inc ipal LH : DAC :mbc Enclosures: Proposal .. BDC : E Resumes Experience in Environmental Impact Reports, Analyses, and Statements .. ., e W .. TABLE OF CONTENTS Sect ion Page I. Introduction: 1 This section defines the characteristics of the project and provides an overview of the scope of work anticipated in the preparation of the EIR. 4. XI. Study Plan: 2 This section describes the role of the CBA vis-a-vis City staff and presents a detailed description of the tasks necessary to complete the ELR. The products of the study as they relate to these tasks are described. .. ~ 111. Technical Approach: This section includes a description of particular techniques our firm utilizes to analyze and present information, as applicable to this EIR. XV. Cor ts : The scheduling and coordination of special this section, along with detailed cost and manpower requirements for each task, as described in the Study Plan. studies needed for the EIR is presented in 7 8 V. Schedule and Personnel: This section includes a schedule for completion of the work and identifies the personnel who will participate in the project. 10 .. ,. 0 W .. PROPOSAL FOR THE PREPARATION OF AN ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT FOR STAGECOACH PARK CITY OF CARLSBAD I. INTRODUCTION We understand the City is proposing to develop the 28 acre site approximate one-quarter mile south of the intersection of La Costa Avenue and Rancho Sa Fe Road as a community park. The staff has noted that construction o€ the proposed park at this location may result in significant and/or adverse environmental impacts which require mitigation. Environmental issues of particular concern include a previously identified riparian habitat, known suspected historical and archaeological sites, potential land use compatibility conflicts, potential traffic and circulation impacts oii'the immediate and surrounding area and potential soils and drainage impacts. However the Draft EIR is to consider all potential impacts. Further, we understand that certain materials and reference documents are o soils studies in the area, the Carlsbad General Plan and the La Costa Maste Plan. We will review these carefully and may'incorporate the findings and conclusions of the reference material as we determine to be appropriat. will be available to us including the proposed park development plan, recen 1 .. ,. w rn .. 11. STUDY PLAN If selected to prepare the EIR, CBA will conduct the analysis according to t tasks described below. CBA staff will be responsible for necessary contacts with the applicant and City department staff as needed to obtain information for the report. The study plan assumes that City planning staff vi11 provid advisory assistance regarding City policies and procedures, will provide all plans, maps and reports relevant to the study and will handle processing of the ELR (i.e., notices of preparatibn and completion, meeting notices etc.) needed to fulfill CEQA requirements. Task 1: Prepare Detailed Project Description The focus of this task is to obtain detailed and specific information about the proposed park and surrounding environs so that all of the ramifications the project can be assessed. We will meet with City staff persons to discuss the concerns of the staff ar the unique features of this project in terms of access, road alignments, topography, riparian habitat, and historical and archaeological resources. The completed project description will be submitted to the City for review and comment as early as possible to assure the project characteristic are agreed on by all parties. Task 2: Collect Data, Define Existing Conditions and Evaluate Project- Related Impact8 The purpose of this task is two-fold: (a) to obtain baseline information against which changes resulting from the project can be evaluated; and (b) to identify project-related impacts and evaluate the impacts in terms of level of significance. Baseline information on all areas of potential impacts will be collected with a particular focus on biological resources, historical and atchaeolagim resources, land use compatibility, traffic and circulation, and soils and drainage. Inquiries will be made of public service and utility agencies or departments to determine existing conditions and an official view of probab impacts on service or infrastructure. CBA uses a format for EIRs (as further described in Section 111, Technical Approach) which presents this baseline information in a brief "setting" section for each topic area (i.e., energy, land use, etc.). General settin information is held to a minimum and is described in terms of: O regional and local setting; O related projects; and 0 consistency with local plans and policies. e L .I .. m m Issues to be evaluated in the EIR will be discussed in a level of detail commensurate w'ith the degree of significance of the impact. Standard accep factors will be used to quantify impacts where feasible (e.g., traffic, air quality) to provide an objective evaluation of potential impacts. O significant impacts as defined by CEQA; O mitigation measures included in the project; O impacts reduced below the level ef significance by mi.tigation: and O beneficial impacts. For each environmental issue, CBA will clearly identify unavoidable significant environmental impacts and, if any are identified, assist the City staff in preparing a "Statement of Overriding Considerations" if the project is approved. Effores associated with this task are described below in terms of the speci approach to major impact areas. __ Biology: Our biologist will conduct a literature survey for any rare, threatened or endangered species that may be recorded on the project site, well as a field survey involving an inventory of the plant and animal speci present on the property and a search for any sensitive species uncovered by records check. A biological report discussing the findings will follow the field work, and will include discussions of potential impacts and approprie mitigation measures. Particular attention will be paid to the anticipated impacts of site grading on existing habitats. Should any rate, threatened endangered species be identified on the site, additional services may be required to catalog and report the extent to which the habitats exist. Drainage and Soils: We understand extensive site modifications will be necessary to the property for park construction as proposed. These modifications will result in changes to existing topography and drainage patterns. Soils reports for nearby properties with similar characteristic: have identified known and potential landslide areas. CBA will assess impac on drainage and soils and develop appropriate mitigation measures. Archaeology: Historical adobe ruins have been identified in the central portion of the site. While the design of the proposed park attempts to preserve these ruins, other historical or archaeological sites may exist oc the property. CBA will conduct a field survey for these sites and conduct literature survey to ensure no known or potential historical or archaeologi resources are negatively impacted. Land Use Compatibility: Although the site has been identified for park development in several long-range plans for the area, there is concern thal if not adequately assessed, the proposed park may result in negative impact on surrounding existing and proposed residential uses. CBA will assess thc potential of park development to result in noise impacts, glare from park lighting and encroachmect of park users onto adjoining properties. 3 ,a .. m m Traffic and Circulation: Our traffic engineer Will assess potential impact resulting from park development in accordance with the following: Task 1: All available pertinent data and information will be collected and assembled including: park development plans, park usage projections existing traffic volumes, existing and proposed streets in the area, an surrounding land use data. Contact will be made with other members of consulting team to review the data collected in Task 1 and the project description. While a field rev'iew will be made in conjunction with thi task to identify existing conditions, field data collection will not be undertaken. Task 2: Based on available trip generation factors and projected park usage data, a geographic trip generation usage pattern will be develope patterns will be included. Estimates of the projected traffic will be assigned to the street system in conformance with the previously-.' identified distribution system. for the site. The projected service area and future surrounding land u Contact will be made with City staff after completion of Task 1 and 2 t verify issue areas and concerns. The traffic engineer will meet and discuss these items with the City traffic engineers. Task 3: The results of Task 2 will be combined with existing traffic a traffic from known and projected land uses in order for an analysis to simulate conditions upon completion of the park be performed. Specific attention will be directed to park access provisions and park impacts u adjacent local streets and development. Proposed parking provisions wi be examined to insure adequacy of onsite parking. Potential problem ar will be identified as a result of this analysis and mitigation measures identified as required. If appropriate, technical reports prepared for the project or as part of th preparation of the EIR will be compiled in a technical appendix to the EIR. Other reference material or supporting documents will be clearly identified the EIR and referenced in the text. A limited number of copies of the appendix will be prepared in a separate volume from the basic EIR document, but will be provided to the City to be made available for public examinatio However as required by Section 15147 of the "State CEQA Guidelines," the appendix will be included in the copies of the EIR sent to clearinghouses f review. Task 3: Recommend Mitigation Measures In instances where mitigation measures have been incorporated by the City i the design of the proposed park which serve to reduce potentially adverse impacts, these will be described as mitigation measures already included irr the project. Additional mitigation measures specific to the project and tk nature of the impact will be identified which will reduce the impact below "significant" level. Finally, mitigation measures recommended to further reduce adverse project impacts will be identified. The City may, at its option, include these as "conditions of approval" when acting on the projec 4 .. .. e 0 Task 4: Analyze Alternatives State and local guidelines require that the EIR include an examination of alternatives to the project. The probable future use of the site, if this project is not implemented, is considered under the "no project" alternativ' Other alternatives to be evaluated will include modification of the site layout and design to require little or no grading and an opportunities and constraints analysis alternative where the objectives of 5 park location in this area are balanced with identified probable environmental impacts. Each alternative will be analyzed to determine potential impacts and to compare these to impacts anticipated to occur with the proposed project. The discussion of alternatives will focus on alternatives capable of eliminating any significant adverse effects, or reducing them to a level of insignificance. The approach CBA uses to evaluate and present the evaluati of alternatives is further detailed in Section III. " ~ Task 5: Identify Significant, Cumulative, Long-Term and Grovth-Inducing Impacts In this task, the effects of the Statecoach Park project, combined with the effects of other projects planned or proposed for the area (if any) will be considered. The cumulative effects of these projects on each issue area (i.e., drainage, traffic, etc.) will be evaluated and presented in the repo Also discussed will be the combined effects of the various project componen and the project-related impacts. These discussions will include: A. Significant environmental impacts that can be mitigated or avoided. required by Section 15088(b) of the recently revised "State CEQA Guidelines," the City must make findings if the project is approved, B. The relationship between short-term uses of the site and the maintenance and enhancement of long-term productivity. C. Any significant irreversible environmental changes which would be involved if the project is approved. These changes include the use of nonrenewable resources and the commitment of the site to a long-term use. D. A statement of project justification by the City regarding the project's appropriateness at this time, what benefits may accrue, and what needs are met by the project. Examination of project characteristics which could be growth-inducing will examined to establish whether a growth-inducement will result from the project. 5 .. .. e e Task 6: Compile Screen Draft Document We will compile the findings into a draft document and print 5 screen copie of the Draft EIR for review by City staff. CBA will revise the report with 10 working days of our receipt of all staff comments on the screen Draft E1 CBA then will provide 50 copies of the Draft EIR in three-ring loose-leaf binders for circulation by the City, and deliver these along-with one reproducible master set. As required by the "State CEQA Guidelines," the EIR will include a summary each significant effect with mitigation measures and alternatives to reduce avoid that effect, areas of controversy, and issues to be resolved, includi the choice among alternatives and whether, or how, to mitigate significant effects. CBA will prepare a summary chart to clearly identify impacts that cannot be avoided, and which require a "Statement of Overriding Considerations" for the project. .. ~ Taek 71 Attend Hearings The CBA Project Manager or a staff member of CBA familiar with the report 8 the CEQA process, will attend a total of 2 public hearings on the Draft EIE A total of 8 hours of time has been budgeted €or this purpose. Should additional meetings be required, costs of the additional time will be billc on a reimbursable basis. Task 8: Prepare Final EIR CBA will review comments received on the Draft EIR during its circulation i prepare responses to the comments for inclusion in the Final EIR. CBA staf will summarize public hearing testimony from records provided by the City I will prepare written responses to comments made. As required by Section 15088(c) of the "State CEQA Guidelines", where the response to comments mal important changes in the information in the Draft EIR, CBA will include mal notes showing that the information is revised in the response to comments. CBA will provide 25 copies of the summary of comments and respnnses and 25 copies o€ each page requiring a margin note to the City for inclusion in tf Final EIR. 6 .. *. . a 0 III. TECHNICAL APPROACH A. Analysis of Impacts The approach we utilize in the preparation of EIRs is designed to produce environmental documents which are impact-specific, brief and written in la> language. Each specific area of impact is considered separately. First, t, briefly describe the environmenta1.setting and other relevant-aspects of tt specific area. Next, we identify and quantify, to the extent possible, the maximum probable impact. Finally, we describe the mitigation measures alre further reduce the seriousness of the impact. We have utilized this approach in a numerous of EIRs and have found it to t effective. It also has the advantage of identifying for the lead agency, specific mitigation measures which can be included in the project to e1imi.r significant or adverse impacts. incorporated in the project and those measures which, if incorporated, woul B. Analysis of Cumulative Impacts The approach we utilize in the analysis of cumulative impacts is designed I provide concise quantitative information on the effect of the project in combination with other projects planned or proposed in the area. First, wi the assistance of City staff, we prepare a list of projects in the immediat area which may have impacts interrelated to, or cumulative with, the propos project. The characteristics of this project are described and the locatic of related projects are mapped. The quantitative impacts of the related projects, combined with the impacts of the proposed project are summarized a table and are discussed in the text. Where cumulaiive impacts are particularly important (e.g., in rapidly growing areas), these impacts are discussed and evaluated in terms of each issue in the text. C. Analysis of Alternatives The approach we utilize in the development and analysis of alter-atives is designed to focus on feasible project-specific alternatives and LO provide decision-makers with a basis for understanding the options open to them. 1 alternatives we consider are based on discussions with the City staff and c the results of our environmental analysis. The discussion of alternatives will focus on alternatives capable of eliminating any significant adverse environmental effects, or reducing them to a level of insignificance. Eact alternative is discussed in the text in terms of its advantages and disadvantages, and a conclusion is drawn whether this alternative may be considered environmentally superior to the proposed project. For ease of comparison, a table is prepared Summarizing the impacts of each alternativt - 7 ,. .. 0 W IV. COSTS - . The EIR will be prepared in the eight tasks described above in the Study P1 It is expected that the Screen Draft EIR will be completed within 45 days o completed after comments are received on the Draft EIR and the completion o any necessary public hearings. CBA will submit the Draft EIR for circulati within 10 days of orJr receipt of staff comments on the Screen Draft EIR. Responses to comments on the Draft FIR will normally be piovided to the Cit within 10 days of our receipt of all written and oral testimony on the Draf EIR. The costs to complete this study plan have been determined on the basis of person-hours required to complete the work and the non-labor costs incurred spent by each CBA staff member and by our subconsultants is given in $he following Cost Breakdown chart. The total fee required for completion of t ELR is $9,245.00. Component costs are given in the chart. our authorization to proceed, The completion of Tasks 7 and 8 will be such as printing and travel. The approximate number of person-hours to be 8 ,, *r m 0 .. COST BREAKDOWN A. Staff Costs CBA Personnel co (Person-Hours) Task (Person-Hours) Cumul, Subconsultants Cotton Hinshaw Perske Pringle Beecham 1. Project Description - 2 4 $ - - 2. Collect Data and Conduct - 8 15 30 25 -. - - 6. Compile 2 4 4 - - 5. Cumulative and Growth- - 2 4 1, 16 5 3. Mitigation Measures - 8 10 ~ 3, 7. Hearings - 8 - - - 8. Final EIR - 4 - 2 1 Impact Analysis 4. Alternatives - 4 4 8 1 Inducing Impacts Subtotal 2 40 41 $7 56 32 B. Other Costs 1. Word processing (40.0 hours) $1,000 2. Graphics (5.0 hours) 125 3. Travel, phone, postage, etc. 150 4. Printing (screen, Draft and Final EIR) 450 $1,725 Subtotal $1 - TOTAL $9 9 1, ' 0 I) V. SCHEDULE AWD PERSONNEL A. Schedule ~. i The Task Schedule Chart, shown below, illustrates the sequence of events an milestones for the EIR preparation. 1 1 TASK SCHEDULE CHART Week 57 - 43 -6q 50 -56 36 -44 29 -39 22 -24 8 - 14 15 -21 1 - 7 Calendar Day 41 - 16 -24 21 -21 26 -34 31 -34 36 -4C 6 - 14 11 -15 1 - 5 Work Day 9 41 5161 71 8 21 3 1 Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4 Task 5 Task 6 * C ~~ I ~~ ~ "" - Staff Work "- Report Revision and Printing * Submission of Screen Draft EIR to City 0 Submission of Draft EIR to City 10 .. <. b e v B. Personnel. _' 1. Cotton/Beland/Associates, Inc. O Phil Hinshaw will be responsible for managing this project on a day-to-day basis. He has served as project manager of many environmental studies, including a major office park and various residential and mixed use projects in San Diego and Los Angeles. Mr. Hinshaw is experienced in coordinating the work of staff members and subcontractors while participating in the production of materials for the final project. Mr. Cotton will act as advisor to the project manager, will assist in the initial identification of potential impac and mitigation measures, and will review the screen document to assur that it meets the firm's standard of quality. o Keith Ferske will assist in the work on portions of this EIR. He has experience in collecting data and evaluating impacts on -. several projects, particularly for land use compatibility and drainas O Paul Secord will assist in the work on portions of this EIR. has experience in collecting data and evaluating impacts on several projects, particularly for identification and documentation of archaeological and historical resources. - O Bill Carlson will assist in the preparation of the report by preparing charts, graphs and maps as needed to illustrate and clarify the major findings of the study, He has extensive graphic experience and is adept at interpreting information in clear and concise visual formats. 2. Subconsultants CBA will contract for the services of specialists to prepare technical reports dealing with traffic and safety and noise. These services are described in the Study Plan and included in the Schedule and Costs section, The specialists we have selected include: o Traffic and Safety analysis by Weston Pringle Associates a Biological analysis by Pacific Southwest Biological Services We have worked with each of these firms extensively on other EIRs and have found their staff to be highly qualified and reliable both in the schedulil and quality of their work. Further information on these firms and their s1 is included in the brochures and resumes submitted with this proposal. 11 I. t a 9 STAGECOACH PARK - EIR PROPOSALS FIF34 BID - 1. Sanchez Talarico Associates 2. RBR & Associates, Inc. 3. Nasland Engineering 4. mney Lettieri & Associates 5. Cotton/Beland Associates $17,950 $15,895 $13,600 $10,840 $10,245