HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985-01-15; City Council; 8019; San Diego State University north county campus_- c CITV E CARLSBAD - AGENDA ,ILL RB# 801 7 DEPT. CM MTG. 1 / 15/ 85 TITLE: SAN DIEGO STATE UNIVERSITY NORTH COUNTY CAMPUS IClTY MGR. * RECOMMENDED ACTION: Authorize Mayor to submit letter supporting proposal for North County campus of San Diego State University. BACKGROUND: On January 22, 1985 the Board of Trustees of California State University and Colleges will consider a proposal to study the feasibility of locating a new campus in Northern San Diego County. Senator Craven is supporting this proposal and is urging local agencies for endorsement. There is an Advisory Committee for SDSU in North County which has been working with University officialsover the past year. The Committee is strongly supportive of a North County campus. Carlsbad and Vista are both being considered as possible locations for a campus. EXHIBITS: 1. Senator Craven letter dated 12/27/84. 2. Advisory Committee members. SACRAMENTOADDRESS STATE CAPITOL gACRAMENT0. CA 958 14 PHONE (9 16) 445-373 1 DISTRICT OFFICE SUITE 100 CARLSBAD. CA S2ooB FROM ESCONOIDO AREA 744-2223 2 12 1 PALOMAR AIRPORT RD. PHONE (43 t e) 138-3151 14 Mr. Frank Aleshire City Manager City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad CA 92008 Dear Frank: At the January 22 meeting Board of Trustees, a very have far reaching effects WILLIAM A. CRAVEN SENATOR 38TH DISTRICT VICE CHAIRMAN COMMllTEE ON ELECTIONS AND REAPPORTIONMENT December 27, 1984 of the Ca important on econon lif ma ic 'orni tter deve a State lopme n t will be COMMITTEES AGRICULTURE AND WATER RESOURCES OUSINESS AND PROFESSIONS ELECTIONS AND REAPPORTIONMENT LOCAL GOVERNMENT RULES SELECT COMMITTEE ON MOBILEHOMES CHAIRMAN SELECT COMMITTEE ON LICENSED AND DESIGNATED SPORTS SELECTCOMMITTEE ON THE AUBURN DAM PROJECT JOINT LEGISLATIVE ETHICS COMMllTEE JOINT COMMIHEE ON THE ARTS JOINT COMMITIEE ON FIRE. POLICE. EMERGENCV AND DISASTER SERVICES JOINT COMMITTEE ON PENSION FUND INVESTMENT COMMISSION FOR ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OFFICE OF CALIFORNIA-MEXICO AFFAIRS JOINT COMMITTEE ON REFUGEE RESEHLEMENT AND IMMIGRATION .I Y. .- addressed which couid in North County. The Chancellor's Office and San Eiego State University will present their proposal to develop a 4 year comprehensive University to he located in North County. There has not been a net? campus of the CSUC System con- structed in almost 25 years. We have an opportunity to clesign a Uni- versity which can answer the call of the 21st century -- a very exciting prospect, indeed. I hope you will join with me in sending letters of support to Chancellor Reynolds for this propcsal. For your information, I am enclosing a copy of the letter I have sent to the Chancellor which contains the pertinent background you night need. In addition, I will be introducing legislation in the next few weeks which will carry the monies necessary to do the formal planning study for the future SDSU-North County. I hope you will support this measure and allow me to call upon you when letters of endorsement become necessary. Thank you for your interest and support of this very important proposal. If my office can be of assistance to you or answer any questions you might have, please contact us. WAC : d Enclosure SACRAMl N10 ADDRESS STATL CAPITOL -5ACRAMfNlO. CA QJ8I4 PHONE IOIO) 445.3731 DlSl~iCl OF,FC)CE 2 I 2 I P~LOMAR AIRPORT RD. . SUITE 100 CARLSBAD. CA 92008 PHONE 16 10) 438.38 14 FROM ESCONDIM) AREA 744.2223 emte WILLIAM A. CRAVEN SENATOR 38TH DISTRICT VICE CHAIRMAN COMMITTEE ON ELECTIONS AND REAPPORTIONMENT December 26, 1984 Ms. W. Anr, Reynolds, Chancellor California State University and Colleges 400 Golden Shore Long Beach CA 90802 Dear Chancellor Reynolds: COMMITTEES AGRICULTUWE AND WATER RESOURCES BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONS ELECTIONS AND REAPPORTIONMCNT LOCAL CiovEnuutw RULES SELECT COMMIlTEE ON UOBILEUOUES CUAIRUAN SELECT COUUllTEE ON LICENSED AND DESIGNATED smms SELECT COMMllTEE ON TUE AUBURN DAM PROJECT JOINT LEGISLATIVE CTUlCS COMWIHEE JOINT CoMuirrEc ON TUE ARTS JOINT COMMITTEE ON FIRE. POLICE, EUERGENCY AND DISASTER SERVICES JOINT COMMl7TEf ON PENSION FUND INVESTMENT COMMISSION FOR ECONOMIC DEVELOPUEN OFFICE OF CALIFORNIA-MEXICO AFFAIRS JOINT COMUITTEE ON REFUGEE RESElTLEMENT AND IMMIGRATION I wish to convey to you my support of your efforts to gain approval from the CSUC Board of Trustees to begin the planning process for a comprehensive 4-year uni- versity, as a branch campus of San Diego State Univer- sity, to be located in northern San Diego County. As you know, there has been a strong ongoing desire by the communities that comprise northern San Diego County to have a state university to serve this area,for many years. I was involved in an earlier attempt to satisfy this desire, in 1968, which had the unanimous support from all segments of our region. Again in 1978-?9, citizens of North County played a key role in establishing the SDSU - North County Center. I was happy to have played 2 part in winning legislative approval of the Chancellor's budget augmentation for the Center's start-up monies. Now we are faced with an even more critical need for another full comprehensive campus. San Diego State University - main campus, is well over their FTE limit of 25,000 stu- dents. In fact, it is my understanding that there are some 34,000+ students on the main campus, comprising an 3 L ’ FTE of 25,800. Furthermore, SDSU - North has doubled their 1984-85 enrollment from County Center, the previous year, and has pojected their 1985-86 enrollment to double again. In addition, to the increased student demand for educational programs, which is already in evidence, northern San Diego County is Drojected to be one of the fastest growing areas in the State between now and the year 2000. We must be prepared to serve the ever increasing demand of those who wish to obtain a university degree. I urge the Board of Trustees to approve monies to begin the formal planning process for the proposed SDSU Campus in North County. If there is any way at all that I may be of assistance to you in obtaining this goal, I am at your disposel. Thank you for your support. WAC : d r- SAN DIEGO STATE UNIVERSITY NORTH COUNTY CENTER ADVISORY COUNCIL MEMBERSHIP Carol Cox - Administrative Assistant to Senator Craven (Chair) Cherrie Barker - Director, Women's Center Joseph Costa - Employee Relations Manager, Hewett Packard Frank Aleshire - City Manager, City of Carlsbad Thomas Flanagan - Advance Planning and Operations Manager Chrysler Corporation - Pacific Division Advanced Production Design Center Dr. Robert K. Graham - Graham International, Inc. Ronald Kendrick - Senior Vice President and Regional Administrator for California First Bank Kenneth Lounsbery - Vice President and Chief Counsel, Lusardi Construction Dr. John MacDonald - Councilman, City of Oceanside David Thompson, Esq. - Member, San Dieguito Union High School District Board Larry O'Harra - Vice President and Member of Iliff Thorn & Co.