HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985-01-15; City Council; 8021; Revision of Council Policy Statement NO.20CITY CARLSBAD — AGENDA LL AR# /TO^ / MTG 1/15/85 DEPT.PLN TITLE: REVISION OF COUNCIL POLICY STATEMENT #20 DEPT. HD.jA^tL riTYATTY \y/ff CITY MGR.e3^=- RECOMMENDED ACTION: QUJ§aza.o. APPROVE revised Council Policy Statement No. 20. ITEM EXPLANATION This item is a minor revision to City Council Policy No. 20, which is the city's street naming policy. The existing street naming policy requires that all proposed public and private street names conform to a geographical classification map (see attached Exhibit A). This exhibit divides the city into seven geographical areas and provides a street name category for each area (e.g., flowers and trees, Spanish, etc.). The proposed revision to this policy is to expand the variety of street name categories in areas 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, as shown on Exhibit "C". This policy would also allow nautical terms to be used as street names in areas 1, 4 and 5 for projects that have ocean views or are in close proximity to the beach. This revision is being proposed because developers are having difficulty in finding enough adequate street names with 17 letters/ spaces or less that conform to the existing street name categories. Staff believes that the new street name categories being added to areas 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 should eliminate this problem. The proposed revision would make no other changes to City Council Policy No. 20. The Police, Fire and Utilities and Maintenance Departments have indicated that they have no problems with the proposed revision. FISCAL IMPACT No fiscal impacts would be created by approval of this item. EXHIBITS 1. Council Policy Statement No. 20. 2. Exhibit "A" of Policy No. 20 3. Exhibit "B" of Policy No. 20 4. Exhibit "C" (Proposed revision to Policy No. 20) • •§ o oo I I 7 uymi_. ibits Revised : • .COUNCIL POLICY ^./\TEMENT General Subject: Street Names _. x jclfic Subject: Street Naming Policy-^"Cancellation Date: Supersedes J^o- 20 issu Copies to: citY Council, City Manager, City Attorney, Department Heads, Press, File BACKGROUND: Due to the number of streets existing and planned in the City of Carlsbad, the City Council has determined, that it is in the public interest to adopt a policy for naming and numbering new public and private streets and changina the names of existing streets, according to authority given in Section 34091.1 of the Government Code. PURPOSE: 1) To establish a policy ensuring, a uniform system for naming and numberino new publ-ic and private streets in subdivisions and developments in the City of Carlsbad. 2) To establish a oolicy ensuring a uniform system for changing existing, street names in the City of Carlsbad. \L v j":) All. proposed new public and private street names shall conform to the Geographical Area Classification Map '(.Exhibit A) of this Policy. • 2) All proposed street names (public and private streets) shall conform to the Authorized Street Designation List (Exhibit B) of this Policy.' 3) All proposed building numbers shall conform to the general system for numberina buildings provided in this policy. PROCEDURES: 1) All proponents of tentative maps of developments shall choose s.treet names from the street name lists on file in the Plannina Department for all orivate and public streets proposed. These names shall be included in the Final Subdivision Map submitted to the Engineering Department. • • . If the proponent finds an insufficient number of names to his liking on the list, he may submit names.to the Planning Department for review and approval. In all cases, the names submitted shall be consistent with this.nolicy. 2) The changing of street names may be initiated by any of the followino: • * • A-letter from a private individual or body ^ -Resolution of Intention of the Planning Commission — Resolution of Intention of--the Citv Council In all cases, it shall be the duty of the Planning Department to prepare a report-dis- cussinq the justification for such a chanae, recommendina a replacement name and ,- . ._ CITY OF CARL.' .0 EaWMts Revised: ~ Policy No. 2Q (page 2) .COUNCIL POLICY STATEMENT Date I ssued ; 3,2.76 General Subject: Street Names /•' . Effective Date:3.2.76 -S^cHlc Subject: Street Naming Policy •-•• - - Cancellation Date: Supersedes No 20. issued Copies to: City Council, City Manager, City Attorney, Department Heads, Press, File PROCEDURES (Continued): discussinq any effects of the chanqe on other streets in the City. The Secretary of the Planning Commission shall place the matter on the first convenient Planning Commission Agenda, and shall submit the report of'the Plannina Deoartment at that time. The Planninq Commission shall hold a public hearinq. Said public hearina shall be noticed to all property owners on the street proposed for chanqe by mail 10 days prior to the hearing, -or by the posting of a notice along the street at 300 foot intervals, 10 days prior to the hearing. The Post Office and County Recorder shall also be sent written notice of the proposed chanqe. "oon receipt of the Commission's Resolution, the Citv Clerk shall enter the matter on .e next convenient Council Agenda. The Council shall hold a public hearing. Said .hearinq shall be noticed in the manner outlined above. Upon receiving testimony at the public hearinq.the Council shall announce its decision on the proposed street name chanqe by Resolution, including the date unon which said chanqe will become effective. This decision shall be final. Sixty days prior to the effective date of the change the City Clerk shall send written notice o* the change to the Post Office and County Recorder. 3) A qeneral system for numberinq buildings in the City .of Carlsbad is hereby established as follows: a) On all streets running in a Generally east and west direction, numbers shall start with 100 at the ocean and increase easterly. * * b) On all streets running in a Generally north and south direction, numbers shall •start with 2300 at the northern border and increase in a southerly direction. c) Even house numbers shall be located on the east and north side of the street and odd numbers shall be located on the south and west side. 4) All the numbers shall be assigned by the Ruildinn Denartment who shall determine the proper number in-each case with maps to be maintained on file in the office-of the Director o^ Building. • .* _ _ * 5> -fore anv nermit'shall be issued for building construction or use, the anolicant for such permit shall obtain from the Director of Ruildina or his representative, the proper house number for "the nrooerty for which such permit is desired. CITY OF CARL; .0 Exhibits Revised ~ PoMcy No. 20 .(na'qe 3) 1/15/85 . .COUNCIL POLICY STATEMENT. Date Issued: ^^ . i, • Effective Date: 0 0 -,,^eneral Subject: Street Names _ 3-2-76 •Specific Subject: Street Naminq Policy— . ' ' Cancellation Date: Supersedes Mp^ 20. issuec Copies to: City Council, City Manager, City Attorney, Department Heads, Press, File PROCEDURES (Continued): 6) House numbers as so allotted shall be olaced on buildings over tire orincioal entrance, or on some other consnicuous olace on the front of the buildinn on the orooerty where the numbers may be easily seen from the street, and all such numbers shall be at least three (3) inches in height on contrasting colors. 7) It shall be the duty of the lessee, occuoant, or owner.of any existing building to obtain the orocer house number from the Building Department and to'place this number on said building within thirty (30) days after this resolution shall take effect; and . it shall be the duty of the owner of any new-building to olace.-the_number assigned by said department on said building on or before the day final insnection is made by the --City BuHdind -Deoartment representative. S * the Director of Building or his representative shall find any building uoon which the proper number has not been prooerly olaced as required by this Resolution, he . may .order the lessee, occupant or owner to obtain and properly place such number within ten (10) days. The costing of a notice upon the entrance door of such building shall •meet the reouirements o^ this resolution for legal service of such notice or order. It shall be the duty of the owner of said building to comply with said order. EXHIBIT A Policy *20 PACIFIC OCEAN 1. ANY NON-CONFLICTING NAME 2. CITIES 3. ANIMALS 4. FAMOUS NAMES 5. FLOWERS, TREES 6. BIRDS 7. SPANISH NAMES •n ® jJ CD jJCD JJ C CU -H (0U-l 6 rH•H Qi > VJ C CO (Ug(0 fli 35 CU - •" hi HC (0 JJU-l VJ -H "O U-l 0°5TS^ICO VO C Q 3 RJ XCO CO Cd co C Q cy 2 • 5 sl (0 CO o <o >Ti flj CO iH §"fl CU •o g aovo^•» or- >MSS fc O *Orr i CO -H00 O JJ Jj- •— CU CU jj CM rH CU COO CO rH VJ 3 ^•"S O co cQ IH CO K rH rH I 'O (O 'O rHra VJ -H -H (QQ O JJ JJ -H K JJ C C U O CU CU >-iVj cu 'o *D cy •nrH CO CO H(n O CU CU Os O « « o O <Da jj 4J IJ O4 O IIII •H -HQ a z w VOin cu w 7T!rH JJ tes•HJJ 1-1c o °^ jQ (0 CO 0) .cu 0 •L> S ST•H (Q C *£,«ilarserterCO 2 8 H U i o ovo COJJ M CO « So r2 COJJ JJCO 0)sCO Ui3H cu "o CO CO *3 CO CO jj g .C CO CO CO J-l B1 •H g a JJ CUJJ Jjfl5 « "8 3 o I rH H JJ CO CO -o •n (0 co (B rH JJ 0) ^ $ T1 Si H>j g jjid <u co <W JJ C3°«5j^iJ.S •H CO * «a ia _ 3 jj -HJJ UCO JJCO•H CU *£ S c« fl a< ic 3 cu 2§SJJ rHco a »•COJJ cuO C Vj•H <Q JJ U-l O CO °££ (0 cu II m 2 T3 rH II CO m CO co 0 ^5 : 2 rO . rH CO •• CU 3 C CO tj C §.§ 2^5 co cu cu •cu'>^ SXI O -H »W^ U-lCO CU JJ -Hajco^10 ^•^iig CO •3'SOM %&'S> g cu cu•H a cu 8-JJ JJ<o cu ^;g*H CO.3JJPQ4J I'D "6 CU S BCU ,£ IH(0 JJo o•H C COJJ JJCU (Q COCU C ffl O£ _g.jS* CO CO C JZ rH CO J22^1cy cu EJ coC >-i JJ 11C-HM -O •- CM OCEANSIOE HWY 78 EXHIBIT C Proposed revision to Policy *20 \ PACIFIC OCEAN * 1. UNDESIGNATED NAMES 2. CITY NAMES, GEOGRAPHICAL NAMES OR FORMATIONS 3. ANIMAL NAMES, NAMES RELATED TO ASTROLOGY, MYTHOLOGY, ASTRONOMY * 4. FAMOUS NAMES, NAMES RELATED TO ASTROLOGY, MYTHOLOGY, ASTRONOMY * 5. FLOWERS, TREES, FRUITS, MINERALS, GEMS 6. BIRD NAMES, MUSICAL TERMS, SPANISH NAMES 7. SPANISH NAMES * These areas mav also include nautical terms 7