HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985-01-29; City Council; 8040; 1985-86 capital Improvement ProgramCARLSBAD - AGENDA ILL AH*/?OV<9 MTQ. 1/29/85 nPPT FIN TITLE: 1985-86 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DEFT. HD.LA- CITY ATTYjU£& CITY MQR. #&- o fr RECOMMENDED ACTION: Review 1984-85 and 1985-86 Capital Improvement projects. ITEM EXPLANATION; Each year the City goes through the process of reviewing existing capital projects and planning capital improvements for future years. The creation of this Capital Improvement Program allows Council to set priorities and direct staff to concentrate efforts where they are most needed. This is the first of several meetings the Council will have to discuss capital projects, their priority, timing and funding. The appropriated capital projects for 1984-85 total over $17.5 million and include 51 projects. During 1985-86 the City staff has proposed an additional 25 projects costing approximately $10.2 million. Although in some cases these 1985-86 projects represent additional phases of projects under construction or planned during 1984-85, the majority are new projects which will begin 1985-86. The proposed projects .include the completion of Phase I of the Public Safety Center, substantial work on Calavera Park and Stage Coach Park, construction of the Calavera Hills Effluent Disposal Line, a community center and gymnasium, downtown sidewalk improvements and several large street projects just to mention a few. At this meeting, staff will provide descriptions of each project and respond to Council questions. Council should review the calendar for the next two months and direct staff to schedule Capital Improvement Program workshops at which Council can receive public input and discuss and prioritize projects. FISCAL IMPACT: The City has sufficient funds available to finance all projects as proposed through 1985-86. The present discussion has been limited to the short term due to the problems associated with long range revenue forecasts and project cost estimates more than a few years in the future. EXHIBITS: 1. Capital Projects List - 1984-85 Capital Project Appropriations, (pink pages) 2. Capital Projects List - 1985-86 Capital Project Recommendations, (green pages) 3. Cash Flow Summary - 1984-85 and 1985-86. (yellow pages) 4. Proposed Capital Improvement Program Calendar, (blue pages) MEMORANDUM January 22, 1985 TO: City Manager FROM: Finance Director 1984-85 and 1985-86 CIP The Capital Improvement Program for 1984-85 totals over $17.5 million and includes 51 projects. During 1985-86 the city staff has proposed an additional 25 projects costing approximately $10.2 million. Although in some cases these 1985-86 projects represent additional phases of projects under construction or planned during 1984-85, the majority are new projects which will begin during 1985-86. The attached packet contains a summary of the projects requested and funding available. There are four sections which should be reviewed in detail: * * * 1984-85 appropriated CIP projects (pink pages) 1985-86 requested projects (green pages) Summary of funding available for 1984-85 and 1985- 86 (yellow pages) * Proposed CIP calendar (blue page) This packet of information will be distributed at the council meeting of January 22, 1985, and will be on the agenda for discussion on January 29, 1985. The CIP budget calendar will give the council several opportunities to direct the process of setting priorities and funding projects. A proposed CIP budget calendar is attached to the packet of information. The council should provide direction to staff on the number of public meetings for discussion of the CIP and the preferred dates for these meetings. (Public input meetings do not need to be scheduled to coincide with council meetings unless council wishes to be present at every meeting.) The City has sufficient funds available to finance all projects as proposed through 1985-86. The present discussion has been limited to the short term due to the problems associated with long range revenue forecasts and project cost estimates more than a few years in the future. ill be available to answer any questions council may have uary 29. 1985 meeting. 3LEIOTT Finance Director CITY OF CARLSBAD 1984-85 Appropriated C.I.P. PROJECT TITLE Approp. 1984-85 12-31-84 Unencumbered Balance 1984-85 Additional Funds 1984-85 Requested COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT Washington Paving - Elm to Oak Alley Imp-Jefferson to Harding (Pine to Oak) AT&SF Parking Lot Boys & Girls Club Renovation Commercial Rehabilitation Depot Parking Lot Jefferson Athletic Field Roosevelt (Beach to Laguna) Sidewalk State/Grand Streetscape-Jobs Bill State/Grand Streetscape 15,000 14,000 12,703 33,600 108,862 29,938 13,850 10,000 5,000 169,567 15,000 14,000 12,703 * , 862 28,218 13,850 * 10,000 5,000 * -0- Revolving Loan TOTAL ALL PROJECTS 412,520 CIVIC FACILITIES Fire Station - Poinsettia & 1-5 #4 Public Safety & Service Center Fire Station #3 Relocation Police Firing Range Main Library Parking Lot Exp. 45,000 6,752,753 79,700 40,000 50,000 TOTAL ALL PROJECTS 6,967,453 PARK PROJECTS + Fuerte Park 150,000 Holiday Park Improvements 60,000 + Calavera Park 610,720 Artificial Seaweed 150,000 Chase/Pine Field Renovation 70,000 Longard Tube 1,567 TOTAL ALL PROJECTS l7042,287 + Funds to be expended in FY 85-86 207,633 45,000 5,693,828 79,700 36,260 50,000 5,904,788 149,908 60,000 609,647 150,000 68,825 -0- 1,038,380 Project dependent on Calaver Hills Park (On Hold) *PROJECT COMPLETED Paae 1 CITY OF CARLSBAD 1984-85 Appropriated C.I.P. PROJECT TITLE Approp. 84-85 12-31-84 Unencumbered Balance 84-85 Additional Funds 84-85 Requested SEWER PROJECTS Station Replacement Upgrade 300,000 San Marcos Interceptor (Revised Est. 630,136) 777,243 Vista/Carlsbad Trunk Line 170,000 Valley/Buena Vista Sewer Assessment District 138,555 TOTAL ALL PROJECTS 1,425,798 285,500 147,107 170,000 40,000 642,607 STORM DRAIN PROJECTS Central Bus. Storm Drain 785,237 Coastal Storm Drain 6,326 Carlsbad Boulevard Storm Drain 380,000 TOTAL ALL PROJECTS 1,171,563 88,159 7,121 * 242,710 337,990 * PROJECT COMPLETED Page 2 CITY OF CARLSBAD 1984-85 Appropriated C.I.P. PROJECT TITLE STREET PROJECTS Misc. Assessment District Projects Agua Hedionda Bridge 2 Bicycle Lanes - Jefferson St. Poinsettia Lane Bridge 1 Alga Road Improvements Los Monos Road (Faraday) Elm Avenue Construction Traffic Signal - Elm & E.C.R. Tamarack - Adams to Highland Traffic Signal - Alga & Alicante El Camino Real Widening (Beckman) Carlsbad Boulevard Flashers Cynthia Lane Assessment District Hemlock Cul-de-sac Construction Traffic Signal Mod. -Carlsbad Blvd. & Grand Traffic Signal Mod.- E.C.R.& Chestnut Rancho Santa Fe Rd. Realignment Carlsbad Blvd & Poinsettia Intersec. Traffic Safety Projects James Drive Assessment District Traffic Signal - El Camino Real & Camino Vida Robles Traffic Signal - Palomar Airport Road and Airport Road Tamarack/Birch Reconstruction TOTAL ALL PROJECTS 7 Approp . 84-85 85,000 ,908,000 95,000 ,393,764 394,957 578,037 586,379 132,000 156,724 73,419 300,000 27,000 30,000 7,530 25,000 25,000 130,000 220,000 14,970 74,203 41,936 6,394 161,054 ,466,367 12-31-84 Unencumbered Additional Funds Balance 84-85 84-85 Requested 7,000 2,908,000 95,000 251,030 36,839 510,420 586,379 132,000 156,724 26,167 * 300,000 10,096 30,000 7,530 1 23,200 50,000:- 23,200 SO^OO1 126,500 209,673 14,970 * .11,345 28,999 * -0- * 31,083 5,526,155 GRAND TOTAL ALL PROJECTS 18,445,988 13,657,553 * PROJECT COMPLETED Both signals are in need of extensive retrofit which was not foreseen at the time the projects were approved. No additional funds are available from the grantor. Page 3 PROJECT TITLE CITY OF CARLSBAD 1985-86 Proposed C.I.P Proposed 1985-86 Appropriations CIVIC FACILITIES Fire Station - Poinsettia & 1-5 (Construction)480,000 Safety Center - Phase I Construction 2,550,000 Safety Center- Phase II - Design 300,000 Computer Aided Dispatch-Safety Center 300,000 TOTAL - CIVIC FACILITIES PARK PROJECTS Stage Coach CP - Phase I Larwin SUA Ballfield Community Center-Gym Calavera Hills (Elem. School) CUSD/City SUA study Joint CUSD/City C.P. Study Carlsbad High Site, NE Quadrant TOTAL - PARK PROJECTS 3,630,000 1,848,000 215,000 997,000 15,000 20,000 3,095,000 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Request is for funds in order to proceed with the construction of Fire Station #4 and the required equip. Request is for funding to pay for expenditures for Phase I attributabl to FY 85-86. Request is for funding to do the Planning & design of Phase II portion of Safety Center. Request is for ins. of CAD system in conjunction with the building of Safe.Ctr For funding of Phase I Stagecoach Park incl. all improvements except Comm.Center gym. Request for construction of ballfield with supporting facilities on city F o. No. of Elm Ave. For community center-gym at site to be determined. Request is for funding to cover city shar of joint study on special use area. Request for funding to cover city share of joint study on community park. Page 4 Project Title CITY OF CARLSBAD 1985-86 Proposed C.I.P Proposed 1985-86 Appropriations Project Description SEWER PROJECTS Fox's Lift Station 15,000 Calavera Hills Effuent Disposal Line 1,000,000 TOTAL -SEWER PROJECTS 1,015,000 REDEVELOPMENT PROJECTS Downtown Sidewalk Project TOTAL- REDEVELOPMENT PROJECTS 200,000 200,000 Request is for funds to replace and upgrade equipment in this lift station to bring it up to city standards. Request is for funding to construct EDL in College Ave-South as city's share of Assessment District. For funding to construct sidewalks in downtown area as recommended in the Sidewalk Study. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROJECTS Boys & Girls Club gym renovation 30,369 Chase Field Improvements 100,000 Boys & Girls Club - Pool Cover 50,000 TOTAL - C.D.B.G. PROJECTS 180,369 Approved & funded project for CDBG '85-86 Page 5 Project Title CITY OF CARLSBAD 1985-86 Proposed C.I.P Proposed 1985-86 Appropriations Project Description STREET PROJECTS Tamarack Ave. - Carlsbad Blvd. to Jefferson design La Costa Ave., - Intersection widening at E.G.R. Rancho Santa Fe Rd. Assessment District Palomar Airport Rd., - Assessment District Park Dr., - Widening at Marina TOTAL -STREET PROJECTS 35,000 200,000 Carlsbad Blvd.- SDG & E Parking Lot 150,000 50,000 80,000 70,000 585,000 Request for funding to prepare con- struction drawings & specs. Request is for funds to design and construct widened intersection on the west side of El Camino Real on La Costa Blvd. Request is for funding to raise fishing area parking lot and revise design in conjunction with1new Agua Hedionda Bridge and Carlsbad Blvd. reconstruction. Request is for funds to cover expense of Debt Limit Reports. Request is for funds to change the ci_ e and width of Park Drive at Marina to improve safety. Page 6 Project Title CITY OF CARLSBAD 1985-86 Proposed C.I.P Proposed 1985-86 Appropriations Project Description TRAFFIC SIGNALS ECR and Kelly Drive 90,000 Tamarack and Jefferson 90,000 Poinsettia Dr. and Batiquitos Dr. 90,000 Opticon Traffic Signal emergency over- ride system - Fire Dept. (28 intersect) 180,000 TOTAL- TRAFFIC SIGNAL PROJECTS 450,000 TOTAL - ALL PROJECTS 9,155,369 Request is for funding to construct a new traffic signal. Request is for funding to construct a new traffic signal. Request is for funding to install opticon on all fire equipment rolling stock and add system to 28 key inter- sections in Carlsbad. Page 7 8:59 AM 1-22-85 SOURCE OF FUNDS GENERAL CAPITAL CONST,, PUBLIC FAC FEE PARK IN-LIEU. . . .',' PLANNED LOCAL DRAINAGE, GAS TAX REVENUE SHARING SEUIER CONSTRUCTION GRANTS WATER ENTERPRISE DEVELOPER CONTRIB BONDS OTHER CITY OF CARLSBAD 1985-89 CIP - SUMMARY OF CASH FLOW 1984-85 FISCAL YEAR 1984-85 BEGINNING BALANCE 5,654, 4,278, 1 ,251 , 412, 954, 2,470, 3,235, 13,258, 751 526 300 560 747 727 423 — - - 534 1984-85 ESTIMATED REVENUE 2, 132, 460, 250, 500, 1 ,300, 2,926, 1 ,643, 785, 9,998, 800 000 000 - 000 000 520 764 237 321 1984-85 CIP PROJECTS 4, 3 . 2, 1 , 2, 1 , 17, 188, 583, 130, 893, 326, 068, 912, 643, 785, 532, 465 377 000 - 957 583 691 670 764 237 744 1984-85 ENDING BALANCE 1 , 46b, 2, 827 , 1 ,581 , 662, 60, 644, 3,466, 13, 1 0, 724, 286 949 800 56 0 790 144 732 850 - - 1 t I o -8- ORIGINAL 8:59 AM 1-22-85 CITY OF CARLSBAD 1985-39 CIP - SUMMARY OF CASH FLOW 1985-86 FISCAL YEAR 1935-86 BEGINNING BALANCE SOURCE OF FUNDS GENERAL CAPITAL CONST PUBLIC FAC FEE PARK IN-LIEU PLANNED LOCAL DRAINAGE GAS TAX. REVENUE SHARING. SEUIER CONSTRUCTION GRANTS . . , . . . , . WATER ENTERPRISE DEVELOPER CONTRIB BONDS OTHER 1 ,466, 2,827, 662, 60, 644, 3,466, 13, 236 949 800 560 790 144 732 1935-86 ESTIMATED REVENUE 2,952, 640, 300, 5 0 0 , 2,365, 180, 200, 300 000 000 000 000 369 000 1985-86 CIP PROJECTS 1 ,461 , 5,738, 1,115, 60, 300, 1,115, 130, 200, 21 0 720 790 000 000 369 000 1995-86 ENDING BALANCE 5, 076 41 .. 529 1 , 1 Ob, 800 962,560 844, 144 5,216,732 13,850 TOTAL SOURCE OF FUNDS 1 0,724, 1 1 1 7,637,669 10,171,089 8, 190,691 O -9-ORIGINAL 1 0! 24 AM 1-22-85 CITY OF CARLSBAD -CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT JPJRO.GR..AM__ FISCAL YEARS 1984-85 AND 1985-86 " AMOUNT BEGINNING BALANCE BEGINNING BALANCE JULY t, (984 $13,258,534 ESTIMATED REVENUES 1984-83. .„...__. 9,998,321 1985-86 7, 637, 669 .TOTAL..FUNDS. AVAILABLE 35,894, 524 PROPOSED OR, EXISTING PROJECTS 1984-85 17, 532, 744 1985-86 1 0, 171 , 089 TOTAL PROJECTS 27,703,833 ENDING FUND BALANCE JUNE 30, 1986.,..$ 3,190,691 =========== End of JUNIK • -10- o CITY OF CARLSBAD 1985-86 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROPOSED CALENDAR DATE 1/22/85 1/29/85 2/1/85 TO 3/29/85 4/1/85 TO 4/30/85 5/7/85 5/28/85 6/11/85 DESCRIPTION DISTRIBUTE SUMMARY CIP REQUEST DATA TO COUNCIL FOR REVIEW PRIOR TO DISCUSSION AT THE 1/29/85 MEETING COUNCIL DISCUSSION OF PROPOSED CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS ( SET SPECIFIC DATE FOR PUBLIC MEETINGS ) HOLD PUBLIC MEETINGS AND COUNCIL WORKSHOPS ON PROPOSED CIP PREPARE FINAL CIP DOCUMENT FOR CITY MANAGER/ CITY COUNCIL REVIEW USING PUBLIC INPUT AND MANAGER/COUNCIL INPUT RECEIVED DURING PUBLIC MEETINGS COUNCIL RECEIVES DRAFT CIP FOR FINAL REVIEW AND COMMENT (SET DATE FOR FINAL PUBLIC HEARING) RECOMMENDED DATE FOR FINAL CIP PUBLIC HEARING. (THIS MEETING IS ALSO SCHEDULED TO BE THE FINAL PUBLIC HEARING ON THE OPERATING BUDGET) ADOPT FINAL CIP -11-