HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985-02-05; City Council; 8013-1; Budget transfers for approved add back programsCIT-- OF CARLSBAD - AGEND, BILL RB# 9013 MTG. 2/5/85 DEPT.FIN TITLE: BUDGET TRANSFERS FOR APPROVED "ADD BACK" PROGRAMS RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. 7x97 appropriating funds from the general fund balance and contingency account for budget additions approved at the 3anuary 8, 1985 meeting and approking the loan of funds to the Carlsbad Redevelopment Agency. ITEM EXPLANATION This agenda bill is basically clean up legislation which officially transfers and appropriates funds for the projects approved by Council as additions to the 1984-85 operating budget. loan of $50,000 to the Carlsbad Redevelopment Agency for the preparation of a sidewalk program for downtown Carlsbad. In addition, the proposed resolution authorizes the FISCAL IMPACT The Council's actions on January 8, 1985 appropriated a total of $1.2 million, a total of $412,000 from the contingency fund and $794,000 from the previously unappropriated fund balance. of $246,576. This act ion leaves a contingency account balance EXHIBITS Resolution No. -7897 appropriating funds and authorizing the loan of funds to the Carlsbad Redebelopment Agency. 1984-85 Budget Add-Back Considerations Approved by Council 1/8/85. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 1c 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2c 21 22 2: 24 25 26 27 28 RESDLUTION NO. 7897 A RESDLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CNILSBAD AUTHORIZING THE APPROPRIATION AND TRANSFER (Y FUNDS FOR AUTHORIZING THE LOAN OF FUNDS TO THE CITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY VARIOUS AD3USTMENTS TO THE 1984-85 OPERATING BUDCTT AND WHEREAS, on 3anuary 8, 1985, the City Council did review the recommended list of additions to the City's operating budget; and WHEREAS, at that meeting certain projects were approved for addition to the City budget; and WHERMS, funds are available in the mappropriated fund balance of the general fund and in the general fund contingency account. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED as follows: 1. That the amount of $794,000 is hereby appropriated from the general fund unappropriated fund balance and that $411,850 is hereby transfer4 from the general fund contingency account to the departments and for the purposes shown in Exhibit A. 2. That the general fund does hereby loan to the Carlsbad Redevelopment Agency a total of $50;000 for the design of a sidewalk program as described in Exhibit A. Said loan shall bear interest at a rate of 10% per annum and be repaid to the City general fund as funds becane available within the R edet el opment Agency . I// / /I /I/ //I / I/ /I/ //I /I/ s ha1 1 2 2 4 5 6 7 9 1: If l! 21 2' 2 2 2 PASSED, APPROVED,AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council if the City of Carlsbad on the 5th day of February 'ollowing vote, to wit: , 1985, by the AYES: Councilbknbers Casler, Lewis, Kulchh, Chick and Pettine NOES: ABSENT: JWE I MARY H. CPLER, Mayor LTTEST : am.&?!* R- - LETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, city ci4k 3 EXHIBIT 2 MBt 12/13/84 CITY OF CARLSBAD 1984-8s BUDGET ADD-BACK CONSIDERATIONS BY CQINKXL 1/8/85 POL I CE s 77 , 000 00 Five Sworn Officers would be added to man an mtional beat in the south-end of the Citv. There would be about two months required, as a minimum, to implement this budget request. Therefore, the amount requested includes four months salary, maintenance and operation expense, overtime, and an additional vehicle. UTILITIES AND MAINTENANCE s Street Overlay Proqram as recommended by -an & Stephenson would be the first year of a five year program to bring Carlsbad's streets back up to a routine maintenance condition. UTILITIES AND MAINTENANCE d Street Striping Machine to replace two-truck, four man crew that is inefficient and outmoded. New vehicle uses three man crew with no other vehicles required and skips on pavement will be eliminated. POLICE % 700,000.00 60,000 . 00 8,500 . 00 The Police Department requests the addition of a Police Service - Aide to shore-up clerical functions, relieve sworn personnel of duties not enforcement related. This aide is the second in a comprehensive plan for records management. -1- t MB: 12/13/84 5. 6. 7. CITY OF CARLSBAD 1984-85 BUDCET ADD-BACK CONSIDERATIONS CITY CLERK $ Part-time and overtime monies to fund the additional time being spent by the Minutes - Clerk at City Council, 8oard and Commission meetings. PARKS AND RECREATION A. Mower - Hydraulic upgrade for 84-85 authorized mechanical mower 6. Herding Center Office - security and heating C. Chain Saws - two for increased tree removal program 0. Chair reupholstery - Council Chambers audience chairs E. Remodel City Hall Restrooms Standards Study LAND USE PLANNING $ $5,000 . 00 $4,000.00 $ 850.00 $5,500.00 $3,500.00 The department has serious need of an Assistant Planner due to the phenomenal increase in workload. Additional planner would expedite the processing of the current backlog and also work on the revision to the General Plan. -2- 5 9 000.. 00 18,850. oa 16,ooo.oa MB: 12/13/84 CITY OF CARLSBAO I 1984-8s BUDGET AOO-BACK CONSIDERATIONS I 8. LAND USE PLANNING I Administrative Assistant I1 for this department is requested torelieve routine administrative duties from the Planning Manager . This person would coordinate and monitor the activities of the department and the General Plan Review Program. $ 16,000.00 LIBRARY $ 11,000.00 Additional Hours for the main library from by this request. There has been great demand to provide more week-end hours for students and adults. . 00 - 5:OOX on Saturdays would be funded 0. CITY MANAGER $ 25,000.00 The City Manager has requested that an additional Assistar& City Manager be placed on his staff to take over such diverse duties as departmental coordination, budgeting,-administrative analysis, Board and Commission meetings, etc. 1. FINANCE $ 16,000.00 Accountant to serve half time for the Finance Director and half time for the City Treasurer. Primary emphasis would be on cash and investment management . -3- MB:12/13/84 12. 13. 14. IS. CITY OF CARLSBAD 1984-85 BUDGET ADD-BACK*CONSIDERATIOWS ARTS PROGRAM $ This request is from the Community Arts Advisory Board, of which Mayor Casler is a member, for an appropriation equal to approximately 5% of the Transient Occupancy Room Tax per year to be used for promotion of the arts by the Fine Arts Committee. ENGINEERING % Two En ineerin Technician 1's are requested --p----9 to per orm a multiplicity ofuties including counter service, geomapping, indexing and map updates. The addition of these two entry level technicians would be of benefit to Development and Capital Projects. PERSONNEL $ Administrative Assistant L, to relieve the overload of work in the department, will be responsible for. benefits and compensation programs plus assist with recruiting and testing. UTILITIES AND MAINTENANCE % 50,000.00 17,500 -00 15,000.00 so, 000 000 Sidewalk Program Desiqn and Plan which would then generate approximately-~00,000.00 of sidewalk construction during FY 85-86. The 84-85 seed money is requested in order to start the work indicated by the Wildan sidewalk study. -4- 7 MB:12/13/84 16. 17. CITY OF CARCSBAO 1-984-85 8UD6ET ADD-BACI( CONSIDERATIONS CHAMBER OF COMMERCE s The Chamber of Commerce is requesting that the City of Carlsbad contribute $200,000.00 per year toward the operation of a Visitor Information Bureau. Funding would be from the Transient Occupancy Room Tax. LAND USE PLANNING s LWJ Added copy, mapping andy printing expenses related to the General bad. revision to be condcked between now and June 30, 1985. 100,000.00 20,000 . 00 c TOTAL: $1.205.850.00 -5-