HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985-02-05; City Council; 8048; LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES BYLAWS REVISIONi CITYeF CARLSBAD - AGEND-LL ,' / AB#A?%L DEPT. TITLE: MTG. DEPT. CM CITY I 2/5/85 LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES BYLAWS REVSION CITY 1 u (x e < 12 n 0' z 0 F 0 a .. d z 0 3 0 RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to authorize Mayor to support revision Of League of California Cities bylaws which would increase dues from $100 to $350 yearly. ITEM EXPLANATION: The San Diego County Division of the League of California Cities is run by an Executive Committee composed of representation of each city in the County (16). Mayor Casler is Carlsbad's representative. The Exeuctive Committee will vote on amendments to the bylaws at its February meeting. The amendments will streamline and improve current bylaws. Major changes in operations include the following: 1. SANDAG would be appointed to serve as staff and secretariat to the Division. 2. Representatives appointed to the eight League Policy Committees wouldbe ?aid travel costs to attend quarterly meetings. Annual travel budget = $3,816. 3. Annual dues would be increased from $100 to $350 per city per year. FISCAL IMPACT: Carlsbad dues would increase $250 per year. City travel expenses Paid to Council persons could be reduced by $200 per trip. * 0 SAN DIEGO COUNTY DIVISION LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES The San Diego County Division of the League of California C: is somewhat unique in the State of California in that we are a 01 County division. The sixteen incorporated cities of San Diego Cc comprise the entire division. SANDAG is in a similar situation. is the only Council of Government which encompasses just one cour Once again, all sixteen cities in San Diego County comprise the c membership of the San Diego Association of Governments. With thl common membership, I would like to propose the following: RECOMMENDATION: That the San Diego County Division of the Leaguc California Cities explore the possibility of contracting with SA& effective July 1, 1985, with annual reviews thereafter, \ for the- fc services : 1. Provision of secretarial services. 2. Preparation of minutes of all Executive Committee meetir 3. Preparation of all signature-ready correspondence for t2- D.ivision President. 4. Establish a permanent depository for Division records, 5. Maintain the Division financial records and checking acc 6. Prepare a Monthly Financial Statement of all receipts an disbursements. I I 7. Prepare -Annual Budget and dues assessment/collection. JUSTIFICATION The need to transfer the Division records and checking accou each year as a new Division President takes office is costly and efficient. Records are lost, charges are incurred for printing n checks and there is no continuity from year to. year. By having a single location for all records, better control is achieved for t maintenance of permanent records for this Division. Contracting ' SANDAG for secretarial services and financial record keeping will money in the long run and provide for efficient and responsive de - '/ 3 SAN DIEGO COUNTY DIVISIO @ LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA -ilk CIT f\ Each year the San Diego County Division of the League of Ca :&Cities is asked to select representatives from our Division to s t,the eight League Policy Committees. Since the people selected fc these posi.tions are representing the San Diego Division, it woul only fair that the Division should pay the travel. costs for Divi 'representatives to attend their respective Policy Committee meet: .~KOMMENDATION: Travel expenses incurred by Division representa .I ;to the eight League of California Cities Policy Cvmmittees will I paid by the San Diego County Division. The Division will not pa; .the travel expenses of Division representatives &tending Policy .:Committee meetings held1in conjunction.with the Annual Conferencc the theory that as a city official, each Division representative already be attending the conference at the expense of the represc tive's city. Division representatives are authorized to travel by air, rai Or by private automobile, A sample Copy of the "Division Represer ,Expense Form" is included. These forms must be filed with the Div Corresponding Secretary within thirty (30) days of the date of the Policy Committee meeting. Each Division representative .is require fill out the expense form following those meetings for which the Division representative is to be reimbursed. This policy will bec .effective on July 1, 1985. The eight League of California Cities Policy Committees which covered by this policy include: committee on Administrative Services committee on community services Committee on Employee Relations Committee on Environmental Quality Committee on Housing, Community and Economic Development Committee on Public Safety Committee on Revenue and Taxation Committee on Transportation and Public Works z- -3-1' , I . e -2- I *. e . JUSTIFICATION It has been difficult in the past to get members of the San County Division to serve on League Policy Committees. Because 0: distance from San Diego to the various meeting sites and the assc transportation costs, ,the San Diego County Division has one of tl worst attendance records at League Policy Committee meetings. It is important that the San Diego County Division be adequi represented at a11 League Policy Committee meetings. Those Diviz members who are willing to take on added responsibilities and se~ League Policy Committees representing the San Diego County Divis: should not have to look to their respective cities to pay their travel expenses nor should they have to pay travel expenses out c their own pockets. Many cities can no longer afford to provide travel expenses councilmembers to attend Policy Committee meetings. By establish a policy providing for the reimbursement for travel expenses incu by Division representatives to League Policy Committees; there sh be greater attendance at Policy Committee meetings and a chance f more Division members to offer their services. FINANCIAL IMPACT San Diego County Division dues should be increased to $350.0 per city per year in order to implement this policy. The specifi cost to implement their policy is $3,816. A cost breakdown is attached. - @ SAN DIEGO COUNTY DIVISIa LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES DIVISION REPRESENTATIVE’S TRAVEL EXPENSE VOUCHER DATE : 19 (This form must be filed with the Division Corresponding Secretary W: Thirty (30) Days of pate of policy Cornlittee i(eetincr.1 ” I I PR1NCIPL.E PURPOSE AND PLACE EXPENSE INCIDENTAL TRANSPORTATION (1) INCURRED EXPENSE (2) POLICY COMMITTEE MTG AIR FARE: MILEAGE : MI @ 2OC PER MILE -. I t ~~~ ~ PARKING : ._. ,. . . ,BUS FARE : CAB FARE: t SUB TOTAL I I .. DIVISION POLICY COMMITTEE REPRESENTATIVE (1) Transportation: a. Enter airplane fare. Attach ticket stub or supporting vouch1 if convenient. b. Automobile (Mileage): The maximum reimbursement for transpo: by automobile will be the equiva.lent of actual airfare from . point of embarkation to the site of the Board Meeting and re- However, Division Representatives who do not have reasonable to air transportation to Policy Committee Meetings will be rf for mileage at 20C per mile. In addition, mileage from home of business to and from the airport, and from the airport to Committee meeting location and return to the airport, will bc allowed. (2) Incidental Expense: This category is intended to include parkin5 cab fare and bus fare paid for by Division Representatives. >I 1) COST ~ALYSIS Q REIMBURSEMENT FOR TRAVEL TO LEAGUE POLICY COMMITTEE MEETINGS TRAVEL COSTS TO SACRAMENTO 12 x $198.00 - - $2 p 376 TRAVEL COSTS TO LOS ANGELES 12 x $10Q.00 $1,200 INCIDENTAL EXPENSE (I.E. CAB FARE, BUS FARE ETC,) 24 x $10.00 $240 TOTAL COST OF PROGRAM $3.816 .. TOTAL COST PER CITY $238 e 50 1. There are 8 Policy Committees. 2, Each Policy Committee meets 3 times per year (not counting tl 3. There is at least one meeting in northern California, usuall! 4. There is at least one meeting in southern California, usuall] 5. The third meeting has been divided so that four of the eight Policy Committees would be meeting in northern California ant the remaining four Policy Committees would be meeting,in southern California. 6. All figures used reflect the highest possible expense. Divis representatives using cars would be reimbursed 2OC per mile. This reflects a worst case situation, usually provided. Annual Conference) , San Francisco or Sacramento. * Los Angeles. 7. Policy Committee meetings are one day meetings with lunch 8. Expenses will not be provided for subcommittee meetings and regular Policy Committee meetings, unless authorized by the Division Executive Committee, special Policy Committee meetings not held on the same day a ,. @. 0 DFWT 1/9/85 BYLAWS OF THE SAN DIEGO COUNTY DIVISION LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES ARTICLE I Name and Location SECTION I. The name of this organizatrbn shall be "San Diego County Division, League of Califoreia Cities". .ARTICLE I I Nature and Purpose - SECTION I. The San Diego County Qivi sion of the League of California Cfties shall be composed of every city within the County of San Diego which pays $dd#f//bkf$jtl di4df$& annual dues as -may be determined by the Executive Committee of. tk2 Division. The purposes and functions of this Division shall be: a) To foster periodic meet1 ngs of city offici a1 s for di scussi on of municipal problems, to proiote governmental efficiency and the reduction of the cost of government. b) To foster and disseminate information relating to municipal government by all appropriate means and to stimulate active interest among the public as to its importance and significance. c) To assist the officials of the league of California Cities in formulating policies and rendering service by expressing to said League by resolutions duly adopted, the recommendations of this Division. .. d) To assist the representatives of the League of California Cities in formulating policies with respect to 1 egi sl ative matters and opposing such measures as seem fjiJdJdd?' contrary to the public interest. e e :a): To consider and act upon matters of less than :$atewide concern which are of interest only to member &$ties of the Division. ART I CLE I I I Membership SECTION 1 . -P;ay incorporated city in San Diego County is eligible +for a membership in the San Di ego County Di vi sion and by such membership- is eligible to participate in all of the benefits, discussions, voting and activities of the Division. All elected officials of member cities are nembers of the Division. SECTION 2. Membership in this Division shall be contingent upon membership in the League of California Cities, but representatives of any city shall be welcome to attend, as observers, all regular meetings- of said Division whether or not said city is a member of the League of California Cities or this Division. SECTION 3. Any city which is in arrears in payment of $Wi #e'W/de'/$)rBfikb annual dues as may be agreed upon by the Executive Committee of this Division, for a period of ninety (90) days, shall automatically be deemed suspended from membership upon action of the Executive Committee, and it shall be the duty of the StrtfCUfcjl l&!d$df$f First Vice President of the Division to immediately notify said city thereof. A -z- a 0 ARTICLE 1.V Executive ComS ttee SECTION 1. ItiBllP~BQdtlJ$//EB~~~~~~/l~~ll~~l~l/~~/l~~ td~~~d~~llb~ll~l~~~~~~~ll~~l~~~~~~~l/$~#ll~~~ tC$tddbhiA~k/f tb~b&dW~k~bfldIf~. e~t~/~~/~~,l~~~~~~~~~l~~~l~ll~~~ll~~~~t~ ?~//~~/~lll~~~~~~/~~~/l~~ll~~ll~llu~~~ ~$~~~~~l/~/~~~/~~~~/~$~~~~l~~/~~l~l~~d~l~~~ Y~t#/fdt/m#/#ujv SECTION 1. The Executive Committee of this Division shall be composed of. a representative from each member city elected by and from the legis1 ative body thereof, and shall hol d off ice at the pleasure of that 1 egi sl ative body. The elections for membership on said Executive Committee of the Division shall be made at such time and in such manner as the respective legislative bodies of member cities may themselves determine. In the absence SECTION 2. of such election for membership by the legislative body, the Mayor of that City shall be deemed a member of the Execu ti ve Commi ttee. The Executive Committee shall be authorized *to conduct all business of the Division, shall fix flrle! - an amount and authorize payment of the compensation for the &#dt#%$+$/Y&!d$d+d+ . secretari a1 IfInancial services and for d~~//~~~k~l/~k~~d~/l~d~/l~~~~/~~~$~~~d~~b~~l~~ 4bkMb//hkkbkk~ such other contractual services as deemed amroDriate. .I I SECTION 3. Votinq on matters brouaht before the Executive Committee 1 .# shall be by a duly elected member of each legislative body. No other proxy voting will be a1 lowed, -3- --I__ e e ARTICLE V Officers & Terms .. - SECTION 1. Elected officers of the Division shat% be the President, First Vice President, Second Vice:;. President, State League Director and such other office& as the Executive Committee may deem apgropri ate and. authori te. Their term of office shall be for one (1 1 i year. They may be re-elected. The term for State League Director shall be two years, expi ri ng in even numbered years. A//l//~~///~~///~~~~~~~~//~///~~~ h!bjg¶Pfi;tl In the event the Pres.%dent, First Vice President and/or Second Vice President are no longer able to serve in their office, the remaining Vice Presidents shall move up to fill such vacancies and the Executive Committee shall select new officers to fill the remaining vacancies. In the event tbat all three of the above officers are unable to serve, the State League Director shall act as President Pro Tempore until new officers are selected by the Executive Committee. SECTION 2. Election of officers of the Division shall be conducted by the Executive Committee at its regular June meeting. SECTION 3. Newly elected officers shall be sworn in and commence their term of office at the hhhiha//dkl$ quarterly summer general membership meeting. SECTION 4. The President shall appoint a Nominating Committee at least thirty (30) days before the Executive Committee meeting at which the officers will be elected. This committee will present its report to the Executive Committee meeting. No ball ot on the report of the -4- e (D Nominating Committee shall be taken until such time as full opportunity has been afforded all %embers present to pl ace in nomination from the flaw addieional candidates for any office of the Division, ARTICLE VI Duties of Officers SECTION 1 . It shall be the duty of the President to preside at the meetings of the Executive Committee and at general membership meetings, and to perform such other duties as ordinarily pertain to the Office of the President. The First Vice President shall be responsible for dfdQfB#iklbijtAbfi Division financial affairs, recommendation of an annual budget to % the Executive Committee and shall act in the place and stead of the President during the President's absence or inability to act. The Second Vice President shall be chairman of the Audit Comi ttee, coordinate Division meeting programs and shall serve as President in the absence of the President and First Vice President. If the President and both Vice Presidents are absent from a meeting, the $&fyWdfj Division State League Director shall call the meeting to order and ask for the election of a President pro Tempore who shall preside at the meeting. - SECTION 2. kWe'//~~~~~~~~///~~/~~//PIII~Afd~n Executive Cammi ttee or its designate shall keep an accurate record of the membership of the Division and its Executive Committee, - and of the business transacted at a1 1 meetings of the Division and of the Executive Committee; receive and account for all funds coming to the Division; prepare all checks of and demands for the Division; shall prepare and present to the Executive Commi ttee a monthly report of all receipts and -5- -&. * _c1 1 .m lL - ; m 4R disbursements and balance of cash on hand; and perform such other duties as may be assigned by the Executive Committee or the President. SECTION 3. The 8iCfb,fAi'f/ffkAk#iff Executive Committee or its -~ . designate .. shall immediately notify the League of ea1 ifornia Cities of any changes in the roster of elected officials and city managers of member cities of .the Division or of Division officers; record the minutes of all meetings of the Division and send one (1 ) copy of mch minutes to the Headquarters office and Southern California office of the League of California Cities; .prepare and mail a1 1 notices of the meetings of the Division and- Executive Committee and send copies thereof to the Headquarters office and the Southern California office of the League of Cal ifornia Cities. ?f//ft&! ~~C~~~B~If~~B~~~~11~~11~~~~~1~~1~1~~~~~~~~~11~~~ If~bA~~it//lPfd/ll~~~~~lll~~~~~ll/~~~d~~~lll~~lll~~~~~$ $6C+ktBi$/Tfblikiitkfl SECTION 4. It shall be the duty of the State League Director to represent the Division on the Board of Directors of said League of California Cities. SECTION 5. $nggmq//mm, - There shall be a Steering Committee consisting of the elected officers of the Division and the immediate past President, They shall ass3 st the President in discharging hisher duties and shall meet on call of the President. ARTICLE V I I Meetings SECTION 1 . Regular meetings of the general membership of the Di vision shall be he1 d i quarterly hi/kh#M~r?'dl7fl1fJdhj ~Pl~~/~l~~~~~~~~$/~~l~l/~~l~~~~l~~~l/~~~~l x a ."I ;& P - 6 - IJj \ ;p ' iv ,' m @ ~&~~7~~$ll~ll~/l~~~~~~~~#ll~llld~~~~~~ll~~~~l~l/~ #7~f&~#dtll~'btle'/~ll~~~/~~~d~~~~~l~~~ll~~~ll~~~~ ~~~/l~r~aCll~~ll~~~~~ll~~~l~l~~//blS///SC~~ ~~~ddWdlMWf ,with the date, time and place to be established by the Executive Committee. " SECTION 2. Regular meetings of the Executive Committee shall be he1 d monthly $~/ItXIR/~~~~/BJ.~88~/~/sl~~/~~~lds'/f~C WdMdd~/M&//411fbtk/ with the date, time and place to be established by the Executive Committee. SECTION 3. Notice of general membership meetings shall be mailed to the Mayor, City Managpr and City Clerk of each city by the S#d~djW~/Pt#ds!d~d+ Executive Cmi ttee or its designate at 1 east ten (1 0) days prior to each regul ar meeting. Special meetings of the general membership of the Division or the Executive Committee may be held at any time upon call of the President or upon petition of twenty-f i ve (25% 1 per cent of the general membership in good standing. No such special meeting may be 1 egally held, however, unless written notice thereof is given to the member cities or to the members of the Ex Committee, as the case may be, at least twenty-four (24) hours in advance of such special meetings. Such notice shall specify the time, place and purpose of such special meetings. No other business shall be transacted except that for which said meeting is called. SECTION 4. One of the member cities of the Division, shall be host at each of the quarterly general membership meetings, and with the approval of the Second Vice President, shall select the place for the meeting and program. -7- I 0 0 ARTICLE VIII Quorum Voting ' :i SECTION 1 , A majority of the member cities shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business for either a regular meeting of the general membership or a meeting of the Executive Committee, Each city shall have one vote at either meeting. A majority of the member cities present shall have authority to take action. on any issue properly comi ng before any meeti ng. ' . SECTION 2. Votes on questions of policy reflect the opinion of the Division and do not commit individual cities to the decision. ARTICLE IX Finances SECTION 1 . PrYY/~~~l~~lffQl#l~/l/~l~/~prJ~C SHdal/~~/~b~~l~~l~l~~l~~l~~~~l~~l~~ t~~/la~e~~~i~el,l~l~~l~~~l~~~ll~~~~~ ~~$~&~l~ll~~l~~~~l~~~f~ll~~~l~~~b~~l~~~~l~~~ DffilC~~Cflll//l~f~~~~~~~lllfll~~~C~llllllY~~~~~~~C~~~n~~ SCtf~~~~lf~~BC~~~~lll~ll~~~~ll~f/l~l~~~~~~lld~ ~~~C)Il~~~~ld~l/~&/~~/d~~/~kCAktV,l~~/iSCtbfid YdC~ll~~~~~~~l~11l/~/ldrl/lartc~~~r~g//~~ln~st~~c Ik~~tYI/~All~~~~~/f~C/~~l~~/~U~/~~~~~bh/lddd/~~~6~f a~~//~~~h$srl~ll~~ll~~~~l/~~~~B~ll~~f ld4lltM efk!!h!lfMladrfufrfkfikl A1 1 funds received from the membership or otherwise shall be deposited in a bank or banks determined by the Executive Committee or i ts designate. Di sbursements shall be made by check and all its disbursements must be authorized by the Executive Committee. Each year at the -8- ,* 0 0 meeting at:which officers of the Division are elected, the President shall appoint an Audit Committee under the ChainnaniM'hj I of the Second Vice President, which shall audit thetbooks of the Division and report its findings at the nex& quarterly meeting of the Division. m ... SECTION 2. Effective'July -r 1, 9985, the dues of the member cities of the San Di ego County Division shall be established by the Ex Committee subject to the ratification by the general membership. If majority of the member cities do not send written objection to the dues structure to the President. within 60 days after notice, the dues structure . shall be deemed ratified. Annual dues .. . statements' shall be Mailed on July 1st of each year and shall be payable within 60 days. ARTICLE X Governing Rules SECTION 1. These bylaws are subject to the Articles of Incorporation, and the Constitution and bylaws of the parent organization the League of California Cities. Matters not covered therein or by these Bylaws, shall be governed by the latest edition of Roberts' Rules of Order. SECTION 2. To secure harmony of action among cities in matters that affect the rights and liabilities of the cities,-lg$ the general pol icy of the League of California Cities as duly adopted by the Board of Directors of said League shall be binding upon the Division; and no action in conflict with such policies shall be taken by the Di vi sion~lllfidbkfibf, . However, nothing in the foregoing shall be construed to limit or restrict the activities of the Division in matters of purely 1 oca1 interest and concern. -9- .. <, I* 0 0 ARTICLE XI Amendments SECTION 1. The adoption of new By1 aws :2.r the amendment of existing Bylaws may be .made- at any? regular meeting of the Ex Committee. Proposed amendments must first be submitted in writing to the Ex Committee for consideration and study At the next regular . meeting, the Ex Committee shall act upon the proposed. amendments. To become effective, any amendment must be carried by a vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the member cities present and voting on such amendment, Adopted at the regular meeting of the San Diego County Division, League of California Cities, held on , 1985. ATTEST : Lawrence Bagley, President San Diego County Division, League of California Cities WPC 0036M - 10 - .: .. - - 'I I , .. .> '* 0 =%? g; :A "%? BYLAWS OF THE 'SAN DIEGO COUNTY DIVISION LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES ARTICLE I Name and Location SECTION 1. The name of this organization shall be "San Diego County Division, League of California' Cities." .. .. ARTIC.LE I1 .. Nature and Puroose SECTION 1. The San Diego County Division of the League of Cal fornia Cities shall. be composed of every city wit1 the County of San Diego which pays such service charges as may be .determined by the Executive Com- mittee of the Division. The purposes and functior of this Division shall be: '4 < a) To foster periodic meetings of city officials discussion of municipal problems, to promote 8 ernmentol efficiency and the reduction of the cpit of government. <. .. b) To foster and di8seminat.e information relatin! municipal government by all 'appropriate means to otimulate active interest among the public to its importance and significance. c) To assist the officials of the League of Cali. fornia Cities in formulating policies and renc ing service by expressing to said League by r( futions duly adopted, the recommendations of ' Division. d) To assist the representatives of the League o spect to.lep,ielative matters and opposing SUC' measures as seem inimical to the public inter California Cites in formulating policies with e> To consider and act upon matters of lees than i: statewide concern which are.of interest only member cities of the Division. ... . '1, I8 I 8, '. e 0 .. Page @ 6CC'Cf ON 1. .. b SECTION 2. .. SECTION 3. <. ARTICLE I11 ' Membership Any incorporated city in San Diego county is eligil for o membership in the San Diego County Division b by such membership is eligible to participate in a1 of the benefits, discussions, voting and activities of the Division. All elected officials of member cities are members of the Division. Membership in this Division shall be contingent up0 membership in the League of California Cities, but representatives of any city shall be welcome to attend, as observers, all regular meetings of said Division whether or not said city is a member of th League of California Cities or this Division. Any city which is in arrears in payment of such ser vice charges as may be agreed upon by the Executive committee of this Division, for B period of ninety (YO) days, shall automatically be deemed suspended from membership upon ac'tion of the Executive Commit tee, and it shall be the duty of the Secretary/Trea urer of the Division to immediately notify said cit: thereof. -. . ARTICLE IV Executive Committee . SECTION 1, The I3xccutive Committee of this Division shall be c( posed of the officers of the Division and one repre- sentative from each me.mber city. .Each member city I shall be .represented by',its Mayor. In her/his ab- city shall be entitled to cast the vote for the cit3 sence, a council member or the city manager of said SECTION 2. The Executive Committee shall be outhorizcd to con- duct all business of the Division, shall fix the amount and authorize payment 'of the compensation fox the Secretary/Treasurer, and for any other person fc whom cotnpensation is deemed necessary . i \- ~ ',( ' i '4 , ' a a Page ?? ..* ARTICLE v Officers Terms 6- .'. <;2 SECTION 1, Elected officers of the Division shall be the Pres i.dent, First Vice President, Second Vice President State League Director and such other officers as t Executive Committee may deem appropriate and nutho ize. Their term of office shall be for one year. They may he reelected, The term for ,Ftnte League Director shall be two ycore,. expiring in cvcn num- bered years, A Secretary/Treasurer shall be appointed by the President. In'the event the President, First Vice President, and/or Second Vic President are no longer able to serve in their office, the remaining vice presidents shall move u to fill such vacancies and the Executive Committee shall select new officers to fill the remaining vacancies. In the event that all three of the abo officers are unable to aerve, the Statc! Y,eague Director shall act as President Pro Tempore until new officers are Selected by the Executive Committee. SECTION 2. Election of officers of the Division.shal1 be con- ' ducted by 'the. Executive Commit.tee at its regular June keting: : SECTION 3. Newly elected offitcrs shall be sworn in and corn- rnenc..e their term of office at the annual July general membership meeting. SECTION 4. The President shall app,oint a nominating committee at least thirty (30) days before the Executive Committee meeting at which the officers will be elected, This committee will present its report t the Executive Comnlittec meeting. No ballot on the report of the nominating committee shall be taken until suclt time as. full opportunity has been afforded all members present to place in nominatio from the floor additional candidates for any offic of the Division. c ,I L* <s"ra I ' *(, * 0 Page e .. ARTICLE VI , i Duties of Officers SECTION 1. . SECTION 2 6.. " It shall be the duty of the President to preside E the meetings of the Executive Committee and at ger era1 membership meetings, and to perform such othe duties as ordinarily pertain to the Office of Pres ident. The First Vice President shall be respon- sible for program selection and shall act in the place anti stead of the President during the Pres- ident's absence or inability to act. The Second F President shall be chair.man of the Audit Committee end shall serve in the absence of the President ar First Vice President. If the President and both V Presidents are absent from'a meeting, the Sccretar shall call the meeting to order and ask for the el tion of a President: Pro Tempore who shall preside the meat ing. The Secretary/Treasurer of the Division shall; kee an accurate record of the membership of the Divisi and its Executive Commit.tee, and of the business transacted at all meetings of the Division and of Executive Committee; receive and account for all funds coming to the Division; prepare all checks c and demands for the Division; 8hal.l prepare and pr eent to,the Executive Committee a monthly report c all rqceipts:and disbursements and balance of cast hand; and perform such other, duties as may be assigned by the. Executive Committee or the Presidc ' SECTION 3 The Secretary/Treasurer shall immediately notify t League of California Cities of any changes in the roster of elected officials and city managers of r ber cities of the Division, or of Division office] record the minutes of all meetings of the nivisior and send one (1) copy of euch minutes to the llead- quarters office and Southern California offices oj the League of California Cities; prepare and mail notices of the meetings of the Division and Execul office of the Leakue of California Cities. If tht Secretary/Treasurer is absent from the meetings, 1 PreRident Pro Tempore shall appoint an Acting Secl tary/Trcosurer. Committee and send copies thereof to .the 1Ieadquarl f .%, ' ' 1. . , .I ' 0 0 Pagl @i I/ SECTION 4. It shall be the duty of the State League Director represent the niivision on the Roard of D;.rectc>tc ( eaid League of'california Cities. SECTION 5. STEERING COMMITTEE - There shall be Q Steering Col mrttetr. congia-tiog of the elected officer8 of the Division. They shall assist the President in dis charging his/her duties and shall meet on call of President. -7- . ARTICLE VI1 Meetings SECTION 1, Regular meetings of the generai membership of the ision shall be held quarterly, on the third Thurs of the month commencing id January of each year. Such meetings may be canceled or ordered held on ' different date by the Executive Committee. The t and place of meetings shall be determined by the j ecutive Committee. c., ' SECTION 2. Regular nlectinRe of the Executive Committec shall held monthly on the third Friday at such place as Presidept may dir.ectb SECTION 3. .. Notice of gene'ral'membership meetings shall be ma to the Mayor, City Manager and City Clerk of each city by the Secretaty/Treasurer at least ten (10) days prior to each regular meeting. Special meet of the general membership of the Division or the Executive Committee may be held at any time upon of the Praafdent or upon petition of t.w&:nty-$ive per cent of the general membership in good standi No such special meeting may be legally held, howe unless written notice thereof is given to the mem cities or to the members of the Executive Committ as the case may be, at least twenty-four (24) hou in advance of such special meeting. Such notice shall specify the-time, place and purpose of such special meeting. No other business shall he tran acted except that for which said meeting is calle c: .- .b. I I, ' .' , ti+ SE'CTION 1. SECTION 2. g ?. SECTION 1. SECTION 1. c 0 0 Page ARTICLE VI11 C)uorati Voting A majority of the member cities shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business for either regular meeting of the general membership or a mee of the Executive Committee. Each city shall have vote at either meeting. A majority of the member citiee present shall have authority to take action any issue properly coming before any meeting. Votes on questions of policy reflect the opinion o the Division and do not commit individual cities t the decision. ARTICLE IX s Finances All funds received froin the membership or other source shall be deposited in a bank or banks desig nated by the Executive Committee and dispensed on1 check signed by at least two (2) of the following three (3) officers: President, First Vice Preside SecretarylTreaaurer. Each year at the meeting as whichLofficets. of the Division are elected, the Se ond Vice President shall appoint an At~ciit;n,: Cornmi tee which shall audit the hooks of. the Division an report its findings at the next regular meeting of the Executive Committee. ARTICLE X . - Governing Rules These bylaw0 are subject to the Articles of Incorp ation, and the,Constitution and Bylaws of the pare organization, the League of Cali-fornia Cities. Matters not covered therein or by these Bylaws sha be governed by the latest edition of Roberts' Rule of Order. .b C? . 1, ‘ c- ‘* .. u e e Page &i! .3 SEC”lOM 2. To secure harmony of action among cities in matter; that affect the tights and liabilities of the citit the general policy ‘of the League of California Cit as duly adopted by the Board of Directors of said League shall be binding upon the Division, and no action in conflict with such policies shall be talc( by the Division, however, nothing in the foregoing shall be construed to limit or restrict the activ- itica of thc Division in matters of purely local intcrest and concern. s ARTICLE XI .. ,Amendments SECTION 1. The adoption of new bylaws or the amendment of ex- isting bylaws may he made at any regular meeting o the Executive Committee. Proposed amendments must first be submitted in writing to the Executive Corn mittee for consideration and study. At the next. regular meeting, the Executive Committee shall act any amendment must b’e carried by a vote of two-thi (2/3) of the member cities present and boting on s amendment. c upon the proposed amendmcnta, To become effective ’ .. .. .. 4