HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985-02-13; City Council; 8062; Proposal from Carlsbad Senior Citizen AssociationCIT'">F CARLSBAD - AGEND/->lLL AB# NTG. 2/13/85 IEP?. CM TITLE: PROPOSAL FROM CARLSBAD SENIOR CITIZENS ASSOCIATION I DEPT. HD. I CITY ATTYM lcln MOR% RECOMMENDED ACTION: Receive proposal from Carlsbad Senior Citizens' Association and direct City Manager to prepare report on implementing proposal. ITEM EXPLANATION: The Carlsbad Senior Citizens' Association has submitted a proposal to create a Senior Citizen Commission and establish a city department for Senior Citizen Affairs. Dr. Lantz, Chairman of the Carlsbad Senior Citizens' Association, will make the presentation. If the City Council desires to have a more active role in the provision of senior citizen programs, it is recommended that the staff be directed to investigate how other cities provide senior citizen services and prepare a recommendation on how to implement a city conducted senior program in Carlsbad. EXHIBITS: 1. Letter and proposal from Carlsbad Senior Citizens' Assoc. incorporated In tho Stah of Callfornla, Jw 25, 1975 Corporato number 736728 A A Non.Profll Cormrallon CARLSBAD SENIOR CITIZENS' ASSOCIATION "SERVICE" is OUI Motto, 3096 Harding Street Carls bad, Ca I if or n ia 92008 Phone (819) 434-4127 "CARING" is our Thing -- -1 Carlsbad City Council Carlsbad City Xall 1600 Elm Avenue Zarlsbad, California 92008 3ear Xonorable Mayor Casler and Council Members The purpose of our Association has been ''TO endeavor to nrovide the citizens of Carlsbad, age 55 or over with services to fulfill their needs and Dromote their general welfare and well-being," Our Senior population is qrowinq at an accelerated rate and to supply adequate services and facilities, we feel a change in the direction of administrztion is required at this time, Our -<ssociation with its many volunteers and financial supporters have worked diligently to accomplish ambitious qoals but we have come to the realization that our seniors would be better served vith the full support of the City of Carlsbad, We are, therefore, submitting the attached proposal for your consideration, Ye are also enclosing an informational binder regardins all aspects of our Association which should familiarize you with our goals, objectives and results to date. Yours truly, CB?.&L,7B4D SEN109 CITIZENS ASSOCIATION Chiirnan of the Board Board 14ember Board Member oard Member Board Member ard Member Eoard Member d Member PROPOSAL TO CARLSBAD CITY CGUNCIL Adopt a resolution to replace the current Carlsbad Senior Citizens Association and Board of Directors with a five member Commission and Department for Senior Citizens Affairs. Terms of Commissioners would include the following appointment& ; Two Commissioners for three year terms, two Commissioners for two year terms and one Commissioner for one year term. Subsequent appointments should be for a three-year term. Resignations prior to term expiration may be filled with a new appointee for the bal- ance of the term. There will no compensation for Commissioners. Commissioners shall elect their own chairman. A Vice Chairman should also be elected to chair meetings in the abscence of the Chairman. A Chairman should be chosen each year, however, a Chair- man may serve more than one successive term. Meeting times will be selected by the Commission members, however, at least one meeting shall be held per month. The Commission for Senior Citizen Affairs shall have the administra- tive authority to operate, supervise, develop and maintain facili- ties and programs provided for Senior Citizens, subject to approval of the City Council. The Commission shall further have the power to adopt necessary rules and regulations subject to the approval of the City Council. The Commission for Senior Citizens Affairs may receive donations, gifts, legacies, grants and endowments made to the city for use in the development and operation of its varied programs. capital improvements of facilities to be used by Senior Citizens. The City Council shall establish a fund to be known as the "Senior Citizens Fund1'. All proceeds earned in the various programs, dona- tions, gifts, legacies, etc, shall be deposited in this fund and all expenditures will be made from this fund. All funds not ex. pended within the fiscal year shall remain and accumulate in the fund. The nutrition program is funded by the Area Agency on Ageing and administered by a Nutrition Site Manager. be deposited in a sepaate I1Nutrition Accounttf. This includes Funds from AAA should The Commission for Senior Citizens Affairs shall submit a budget for required funds to the City Manager prior to June 1 for review and submission to the City Council OG or before June 30 of each year. We trust that this proposal will meet with your approval and that initial discussions regarding procedure may begin st an early date. July 1 begins a new fiscal period and would be an axcellent target date for this proposal to become operational. CARLSBAD SENIOR CITIZENS ASSOCIATION 3 - ~- ,‘ Incorporated In the State of Callfornlr, JL 5. 1875 Corporate number 738728 A Non-Proflt Corporation CARLSBAD SENIOR CITIZENS’ ASSOCIATION “SERVICE” is our Motto, 3096 Harding Street Carlsbad, California 92008 Phone (619) 434-4127 . “CARlNG” IS our Thrng BOARD OF DIRECTORS August 1984 CHAIRMAN 0 - 4%-1270 H - 438-2822 VICE-CHAIRMAN SECRJ3TARY 729-9440 TEEASURER 729-6170 729-6081 434-381 2 Dr. F’rancis Iantz 6610 Oceanview Carlsbad Sally Mandel &81 Camino Del Parque Carlsbad Doris Lee Ritchie 3379 Garibaldi Place Carlsba-d Milton Cooper 3501 Avondale Cr. Carlsbad CONTACTS Norris Cochxan 4886 Park Drive Carlshd Tom Cunning $10 Village Drive Carlsbad Helen Wood Dennis Uatkins Bert Soderquist 729-3495 729-0500 729-3703 729-8229 438-7629 434-1421 Raymond Ede P.O.Box 172, 2600 Ocean St. Carlsbad Howard Harmon 2762 Inverness Drive Carlsbad Dr, Edgar Lutz 1815 Bien Venida Court Carlsbad Estela Sanchez 3482 Roosevelt Street Carlsbad James A. Smith 6725 Russelia Court Carlsbad Jack Jimmink - Exec. Dir. 1435 Chestnut Carlsbad ? Information/Referral P Volunteer Coord. Nutrition Site Manager Newsletter Editor C-ARLSBAD SENIOR CITIZENS' ASSN BY-LAWS (Amended 8-18-82) I MEMBERSHIP All Senior Citizens of the City of Carlsbad, California, are eligible for membership. There shall be no dues nor assessments and all Senior Citizens are urge and encouraged to register for membership and receive membership cards. I1 PURPOSE To endeavor to provide the citizens of Carlsbad, age 55 or over, with services to fulfill their needs and promote their general welfare and well being. I11 FISCAL YEAR The fiscal year of the Association shall be from July 1st to June 30th. The annual General Membership meeting of the Associa- tion shall be held in June. IV BOARD OF DIRECTORS Section 1: The Board of Directors of the Association shall consist of Eleven (11) persons who shall establish policies and be empowered to employ an Executive Director to administer such "ri policies and conduct business operations of the Association, subject to approval of the Board. Section 2: Directors shall be elected at the Annual Meeting of the Association, and shall take office on July 1st following their election. Concurrently with approval of the General Membership of this Amendment to Article IV, Section 1, two additional Board Members shall be elected, increasing the Board of Directors from Nine (9) to Elevan (11). The two new members shall serve for two (2) years. Thenceforth all Directors shall serve terms of three (3) years. 1. Section 3: Vacancies on the Board of Directors shall be filled by the remaining Board Members within Thirty (30) days, such appointee to serve for a term not to exceed the next annual meeting of the general membership. ART. V Section 1: Officers shall be elected from the Board of Directors and shall consist of a Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary and Treasu- rer. All officers shall serve for one (1) year and may be re-elected. Section 2: The Chairman shall be the chief officer and shall direct all business of the Board; shall preside at all meetings; shall appoint all committees unless otherwise specified in the By-Laws; shall be ex-officio a member of all committees except the nominating committee; shall &@-together with the Treasurer4 sign all checks. Section 3: The Vice-chairman shall preside in the absence of the Chairman and shall sign all checks in the Chairman's absence. G Section 4: The Treasurer or his designate shall sign all checks, make remittances as required and shall pay authorized bills upon warrants signed by the Chairman or Vice-chairman. Books shall be audited once each year. Section 5: The Secretary shall record and keep Minutes of Board Meetings; shall keep an official record of the terms of office of Board Members, and perform such other secretarial duties as may be necessary to conduct the Board's business. VI MEETINGS OF THE BOARD The Board shall meet monthly with special meetings to be called when necessary by the Chairman. Seven (7) members shall constitute a quorum. VI1 COMMITTEES Committees shall be appointed by the Chairman as necessary. VI1 PARLIMENTARY AUTHORITY Section 1: Robert's Rules of Order, Revised, shall govern all meetings of the Board and the Association. Section 2: Amendments of By-Laws may be made by a two-thirds majority of the members present at any regular meeting of the General Membership if notice of intent to amend is given thirty (30) days prior to such regular meeting or by the Board of Directors, provided a 30 day notice of such amendments are given to the General Membership. 7 FACILITIES AVAILABLE FOR USE 8Y SENIOR CITIZENS' ASSOCIATION FACILITIES AVAILABLE FOR USE 8Y SENIOR CITIZENS' ASSOCIATION HARDING STREET COMMUNITY CENTER Per agreement with the City of Carlsbad, the Senior Citizecis9 Association has the sole use of approximately one-half of the center building at Harding Street for offices and programs. The nutrition program is scheduled the use of the recreation hall from 9:30 - 1:30 flonday through Friday. The Association signs up on the P & R calendar for use of other rooms at the office center, the auditorium and the recreation hall. No charge is made for these uses. The auditorium is used for Saturday Evening Bingo. A charge is made by the City, as the game is run as a commercial enterprise. flAGEE HOUSE The Nobile meals program cooking is done at the Plage8 House kitchen. There is occasional use of Heritage Hall for classes or programs. No charge is made for these uses. -- CONCLUSIONS With the exception of the Nutrition Program, facilities are now adequate for the services provided. NUTRITION PROGRAM PURPOSE To provide senior citizens with an opportunity to partake in a nutritional program including one well-balanced meal per day served at the Senior Center for a minimal cost. PROGRAM . The Area Agency on Aging in San Oiego supplies funds for nutrition programs throughout San Diego County. They contract with Vista for meals to be prepare4 there for the Vista, San Marcos and Carlsbad Senior Citdzens' Associations. Because of the many meals to be prepared, Carlsbad is limited to 105 meals a day, Monday through Friday. Persons wishing to attend must call the Carlsbad Association each morning to make a reservation for that day. SUPPORT GROUP There are 23 volunteers for table and chair setup and takedown plus food distribution. There is a kitchen supervisor and a kitchen assistant. In addition, there are 25 volunteers on standby. An advisory council comprised of ten program participants selects menus to be prepared. They also attend - county meetings and participate in seminars related to nutrition. FUNDING Meals are provided for $1.00 or whatever a person can afford. The latest figures indicate an average of S.91 per meal is received (highest average in the County). The money collected each day is kept in a nutrition fund and deducted from the amount the AAA pays for the meals. AOMINISTRATION Oennis Watkins is the program coordinator and oversees all aspects of the nutrition program. His salary is paid by the Area Agency on Aging. The nutrition program is used more heavily by seniors than any other. In addition to being a meal, it is a social occasion to be with others. On Tuesdays, there is an afternoon bingo program which ha8 regular participants so an additianal 35 meals are prepared in the kitchen of the flagee House to meet this demand. The recreation hall at Harding Street can seat 160 persons. Our goal is to build a new kitchen at the recreation hall so we can prepare enough meals for all who wish to attend. There 9 is a strong possibility of funding to be distributed in August from the approved Proposition 30 on the November ballot, Over $3 million is designated for San Diego County; we would apply for $250,000 - 300,000 to repair the floor in the recreation hall plus building and equipping a kitchen. Funds for kitchen staff and meals would come from the AAA. Future plans include extending the south wall of the recreation hall to accommodate more persons. 4 PlOBILE NEALS PROCRAPl PURPOSE To offer a nutrition program for shut-ins, particularly seniors living alone unable to care for themselves or con- valescents recuperating from hospitalization who must depend on proper nutrition for recovery. The ultimate purpose is to assist these people to return to self-sufficiency. PLAN Deliver two meals per day (one hot and one cold, including a sandwich, milk and desse~t.) Delivery is made flonday through Friday with two extra meals on Friday for weekend consumption. It is also helpful to spend a limited amount of time with each recipient when possible. - VOLUNTEER PROGRAfl Twenty-six people are available for driving their own cars on a rotation basis. 31 persons a day are being served. FUNDING Self-supporting program as follows: a. 1c24.00 per week for each reci,pient or paid according to each recipient's means. b. Annual donations from many civic organizations, including Kiwanis Club, Newcomers Club, Friends and Neighbors, Carlsbad Woman's Club, Presbyterian Deacons and both Carlsbad Rotary Clubs. PlEAL - PREPARATION Daily cooking and preparation is done by Lois forte and volun- teers at the Magee House facility. Food buying is done by Dennis Watkins. EXPENOITURES Lois Forte - $5700.00 Drivers (gas) $.lS per mile (unclaimed by 3) Food costs CONNE NTS If the new kitchne is builk at Harding Street, the meals will be prepared there. The Mobile meals revenues and expenditures are recorded separately but kept in the general funds of the Association. VAN TRANSPORTATION SERVICE PURPOSE - To provide a custom transportation service for senior citizens where public transportation does not suffice; a dependable service at moderate costs. PLAN - One van is available between the hours of 8:30 - 4:30 on flonday through Friday. Two employed drivers are available. Charge for one trip (one way) $.SO, coupon book available at $5.00 for ten trips. Present capacity - 400 trips per month. Average monthly trips - 400 trips per month. Log plus time cards maintained by drivers. EXPENDITURES Two drivers at average of 360.00 per week. Gas and maintenance costs Insurance FUNDING Revenue from trip charges averages $200.00 per month. The van is provided by the City of Carlsbad. Gas and maintenance expenses provided by the Area Agency on Aging. The van is also used for transportation of meals between Vista and Carlsbad in the nutrition program. Orivers are paid from the revenues and the budget. HUMAN SERVICES PROGRAMS TE LE -C A RE PURPOSE To provide a telephone monitoring service for seniors living alone, particularly after hospital confinement. Thie is a cooperative program with Tri-City Hospital Auxiliary. PLAN Telecare patients may be registered with Telecare either through Carlsbad Senior Citizens' Association or directly to Tri-City Hospital. - A phone call is made daily to participants between 8:30 and 11:OO each morning. If no answer is received, a qualified trained person will make a personal call, or contact will be made with a nearby resident to make sure all is well, All expenses involved with the service are borne by the volunteers involved. At this time, about 16 calls are made each day. BLOOD PRESSURE CLINIC Available to all seniors on 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month between 1:OO and 3:OO P,M, Tuo nurses and several volunteers are in attendance. About 45 seniors attend each time. HEALTH SCREENING PROGRAMS Approximately once a year periodic checkup programs are provided by various doctor groups at their offices. Diabetic examinations Podiatry, Carlsbad Podiatry Group Eyesight examinations, Or. Ellis and Or. Jacobs Hearing examinations, Better Hearing Center The examinations are at no cost and recommendations are made for treatment. INSURANCE COUNSELING Every Thursday between 1O:OO - 11:30 A.M. medicare and general insurance advice is given. The agent brings his own van which is used for the counseling. About 4-12/ week use this. -. . . . . . . b I . HUMAN SERVICES PROGRAflS LEGAL COUNSELING Every Tuesday from 2:OO - 4:OO P.M. Attorney flichael Jimminck uses the director's office and counsels 5-8 persons on legal problems. HEALTH €QUIPMfNT SUPPORT An inventory of support equipment including wheel chairs, a walker and crutches is available to seniors at a moderate cost and according to the patient's ability to pay, Service clubs and private donors are supporting this program, but space is needed to house the equipment. UTILITY SHUT-OFF PROGRAM Referrals from SOGE of seniors with utility payment problems. There is an agreement to call Association prior to shut-off. Arrangements are made for continuity or service, REFERRAL PROGRAMS HOME HEALTH - North County Seniors in Action (NoCOSIA), funded by the Area Agency on Aging, offers services of Homemakers, Chore/Main- tenance, and other home helps for all seniors. Carlsbad seniors in need of these services are referred to them. Fee. AOULT SERVICES UNIT The Adult Protection Services in San Oieqo is desiqned to - - - assist "abused seniors." HOUSING FOR THE ELDERLY Seniors in need of housing assistance are referred to the City of Carlsbad Housing office. Over 400 applicants for appropriate housing are on the current list. -- HOMEMAKERS ASSISTANCE PROGRAM Allied Home Health in San Diego assists elderly with house cleaning and cooking service. Fee is charged. HOmEMAKERS CLASSES Palomar and Mira Costa Colleges periodically offer this class. Last year 35 people took advantage of the class offered in Heritage Hall. It is a semester couree. EDUCATIONAL AND SOCIAL PROGRAMS PAINTING These classas are offered by flira Costa College through the Carlsbad Parks and Recreation Department, They are held in the Harding Street Auditorium. About 35 persons attend the beginners' class once a week in the morning and 35 attend the intermediate class in the afternoon. All ages accepted. EXERCISE This class is offered by Mira Costa College through the Carlsbad Parks and Recreation Department. Glasses are from 9:OO - 1O:OO A.M. on Tuesdays and Fridays in the Harding Street Auditorium, About 45 people attend, All ages accepted. SPANISH 8eginning and intermediate Spanish classes are held once a week at St. Michael's Church, GOLDEN ACE CLUB This club uses the center for its meetings every Tuesday from 9:00 A.M. - 2:30 P,M. About 15 persons attend. --- SOCIAL BINGO -- A fun Bingo is hew on Tuesdays from 1:30 - 4:OO P,M. A nominal charge is made. Small prizes are given. (20% of money collected is used to pay nutrition program for the extra meals provided that day.)The games are conducted by volunteers and are self-supporting. CARD GAMES -- Pinochle and bridge are offered from 1:OO - 4:OO P.M, on Monday. About 5 people participate. SHUFFLEBOARD Available during office hours. c VOLUNTEER PROGRAMS CARLSBAO POLICE DEPARTMENT Six volunteers are presently training for the Neighborhood Watch Program, ~oSTA REAL NUNICIPAL WATER OISTRICT Twelve volunteers on a rotating basis prepare for distribution brochures for the District. This is done quarterly. SENIOR CITIZENS! NEWSLETTER five volunteers label and mail the monthly newsletter, VOLUNTEER COflPLEMENT Office Detail and Phone Nutrition Program Blood Pressure tests News letter Bingo - Social medicare advice Legal advice Mobile meals Police Training Nisc. volunteering 14 23 9 5 5 1 1 13 6 ASSOCIATION NEWSLETTER PURPOSE To provide a communication service designed to keep Carlsbad seniors informed of senior issues locally, statewide and on a national level. PLAN - To develop and maintain a quality news journal for distribution to subscribing seniors residing in Greater Carlsbad on a montbly basis. Subscription $2.00 a year Advertising sold to help pay for service At present there are 1662 subscribers. flailing list is being purged at the present time. STAFF - Editor: Bert Soderquist Five volunteers Twelve month fiscal - June 1984 Expenses 9,491.00 Income $10,800.00 Net profit 1,309.00 SATURDAY EVENING BINGO PURPOSE Fundraising program utilizing volunteers. PLAN Open to the general public from 6:30 - 1O:OO P.m. Payoff to participants - 113500.00 Breakeven point - 175 participants. We have been averaging 185. Snack bar available throughout the evening. Program held at Harding Street Auditorium. PROFITS REALIZED Average profit is $400.00 per week (net profit - 50.00 per week snack bar (net profit) $4sO.O0 per week Expenses include the following: $5500.00 payout 220.00 supplies 40.00 security 150.00 rental fee paid the City The profit is dependent on attendees. The local Indian Bingo games have drawn people from our program. DESIRED PROGRAMS DAY - CARE - In February of 1984 we identified 12 seniors in need of supervised day care. The Association would provide transporta- tion, nutrition and recreational and social service activities. Special staffing would be required. Approximately 1000 - 2000 square feet of space would be needed; however, there is not proper accommodation at the Herding Street Center for this program. It is not estimated that the program would be completely self-supporting. PHARNACEUTICAL PROGRAPI The American Association of Retired Persons has a national pharmaceutical program with stores strategically placed throughout the U.S.A. The closest to us is in Long Beach. There is a strong possibility that we could interest AARP to include a store including mail order facilities at the Senior Center. This would offer the following opportunities: 1. Cost savings for seniors 2. Profit via rental charges to the Association 3. Employment for seniors I CARL S BAD SEP!I OR C IT I Z ENS ' ASS0 C I AT1 0 I\I CAS3 RECEIPTS & DISBURSEMENTS FROM OPERATIOES FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1984 - NING CASE - Mobile Meals News1 etter Newsletter-advertising Fares Payable Miscellaneous Donations Par a-L egal Dona t i ons Telephone Reimbursements Interest Earned Building Trust Donations Bingo Loan Repayment Nutrition Van Mileage Cancelled checks Promotion Van/City Contract Bingo sinking Fund .Donation Singo General Fund Conation Travel Section Commission Promotion Refund Medical Equipment Fund DOnati8n GASH DISBUF.SE7JEKTS Executive Director Sookkeeper Office Supplies & Expense Telephone Insurance Equipment aental Mobile Meals Mobile Meals Mileage Newsletter Van/city Contract Accounts Payable (Lewis) Contract payable (Foothill Thrift) Binge Loans -\ CSCA Band Program Coordinator Asst. Program Coordinator Fares Payable (to City) Nutrition Van Mileage Printing (Other than Newsletter) Cleaning &: r;aintenance Petty Cash Sxpenditures I# #I (Hawkins) 37,825 00 21,393.84 3,149.90 7,439.50 1,021.25 8,490 e40 274 00 837 01 406. 66 2,86367 6,260.02 110.00 240.00 556 * 00 1,784.96 2,814.40 105.00 10,510 . 00 247 a 50 450.00 106,999 * 11 26,000.00 3,ZjO-OO .* - ‘I CARLSEAD SENIOR CITIZENS’ ASSOCIATION CASH RECEIPTS & DISBURSEMENTS FRO>? OPER.4TIONS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1984 (CONTINUED) CASH DISSURS3MEKTS (Continued) pronotion 380.00 Furniture & Fixtures 3,042.21 Legal & Accounting 656.00 Taxes, License & Interest 260 46 CSCA Speciall Account 475 * 00 Human Resources Developer 2,800*00 La Jolla Bank & Trust loan payment 134.15 Bad check charge 2.50 La Jolla Bank & Trust loan processing 50.00 Check printing 31.53 106,382.27 2 of 2 ..- *. Incorporated In the Stale of Csllfornlr, JL 5. 1975 Corporate number 7387a 4 A Non-Prof11 Corporallon CARLSBAD SENIOR CITIZENS' ASSOCIATION C'. "SERVICE" is our Motto, Phone (619) 434.4127 3096 Harding Street Carlsbad. California 92008 "CARING " is our Thing BUDGET ESTIMATE FY 84/85 EXPENDITORES Executive Director Ass ' t Director Senior Day Care Center Coordinator Secretary/Admin. Ase't. Bookkeeper Transportation (Drivers) MAINTENANCE/OPERATIONS Telephone Copier (Lease/Purchase) Addresso-Graph Office Maintenance Facilities Use Rental SUPPLIES Off ice INSURANCE Senior Activities Transportation (Van) State Comp/Health/Xedical $12,500 5 , 150 6 , 500 3 , 600 7,540 2 , 400 1 , 650 1,350 7,500 1 , 000 1,500 1,000 1,000 3 , 800 00 13,900 1 , 500 5,800 MILEAGE/CAR ALLOWANCE Director/Ass't/Volunteers 6 , 800 6 , 800 y ;.* - 4 Incorporated In the State of Callfornla. Ju. -5, 1975 Corporate number 736728 ~. A Ion-Protlt Corporatlon CARLSBAD SENIOR CITIZENS’ ASSOCIATION “SERVICE” IS our Phone (619) 434-4127 3096 Hardtng Street Carlsbad, California 92008 “CARlNG“ IS ou: Thing PROGRAMS Mobil Meals - meal cost Human Resource Development (Senior Day Care Center) NEWSLETTER Printing Postage Editor LEGAL/CPA SEMINARS, TRAVEL, DUES Misc. Expenditures BUDGET ESTIMATE - PAGE 2 FY 84/85 TOTAL EXPENDITURES INCOME City of Carlsbad Mobil Meals Newsletter - dues Newsletter - advertising Misc. Donations Bingo Income Senior Day Care Center Clients 15,000 30,000 45,000 6,000 1,500 3,900 11 I 400 1,000 1,000 5,200 5,200 $125,890.00 $79,Z@ O0 20,000 3,000 5,000 10,965 27 I 140 22,000 TOTAL INCOME CITY OF CARISBAD SOCIAL SERVICE AGREEMENT __ $3?, 785.00 Incorporated In tho Stalr 01 C.llfornlr. June- 1975 Corporate number 738726 _- A Non-Proflf Corporation CARLSBAD SENIOR CITIZENS' ASSOCIATION 258 Beech Avenue Carlsbad, Callfornla 92008 Phone (714) 434-4127 oomo OF cnnmxma Or. Franch Lanu Chasman TO: Frank Aleshire, City Manager FROM : Jack M. Jimmink, Executive Director SUBJECT: Monthly Activities Report FY 81-82 y.nuJ caaracw Vlca Chairman WOW- OCTOBER 1984 Rnatang s.cr.tMy In accordance with the agreement between the City of Carlsbad and the Carlsbad Senior Citizens' Association; the monthly report is hereby submitted. (1) GENERAL ADMINISTRATION NUMBER SERVED Information & Referral .......... 852 , Blood Pressure ................. 88 Social Hour .................... 530 Para-Legal ..................... 23 Tux Assistance ................. Te 1 e p ho ri e Re. -3 = ,urance p 6i Visitation? ........ 662 Health Testing ................. 15 .............................. NUTRITION 2179 TRANSPORTATION ......................... 434 ..................... 792 Educational (2) NOBILE MEALS:. NUMBER SERVED TOTAL UNITS OF SERVICE . 6193 ... 618