HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985-02-19; City Council; 8064; Weed Abatement ContractC UJ > 0 0:: a.. a.. ~ z 0 ~ ..I 6 z ::t 8 CIT'---OF CARLSBAD -AGEND.-'31LL AB# [o~:( MTG. 2/19/85 DEPT .... P"""'C __ H __ rrru; RECOMMENDED ACTION: m::m ABATEMENT CONTRACT Staff recommends Council adopt Resolution 7 Cjo Y , awarding the contract for weed abatement to Bert Ingold. ITEM EXPLANATION The 1984-85 Budget contains $76,515.25 for the Weed Abatement Program that is administered by the Fire Department. Specifications for the Weed Abatement Program were developed by the Fire Department. In accordance with Section 3,28.120 of the 1-'onlcipal Code, Notice to Bidders was published and Request for Bids was malled to eighteen contractors. Three responses were received, opened, witnessed and recorded on February 4, 1985. The lowest responsive bidder for the col'tract was submitted by Bert Ingold, 4135 Park Drive, Carlsbad, California 92008. FISCAL IMPACT The costs to pay the Weed Abatement Contractor will be recovered through property tax assessments. EXHIBITS 1. Tabulation of Bids -Exhibit 11A11 2. Weed Abateme11t Agreement -Exhibit "B" 3. Resolution No. 790 ~ l l j ,j l I .I ,' Discing Area A B C D E Mowing Area A B C D E Rubbish f-5 Cubic Yards S-15 Cubic Yards 15 Cubic Yards and Over Hand Labor per Hour Hand Labor per Sq. Foot Blade Work per Hour Tractor Mowing per Hour BID SUMMRY WEED ABATEMENT CONTRACT Bradford's Tr .. ctor Service $ 40 45 45 55 55 $ 40 40 45 55 55 $ 15 15 15 22/hr. Burt Ingold $ 28 31 35 38 38 $ 28 31 35 38 38 $ 15 13 12.SO 18/hr. EXHIBIT "A 11 East Bros. Grove Service, Inc. $ 32 33 35 36 38.50 $ 32 37 40 42 42 $ 15 12 12 18.50/hr .05 sq ft .03 sq ft .04 sq ft 65 52 so 145 25 32 wheel tractor 45 I0-3 J. 2 3 4 RESOLUTION NO. _7 __ 9 __ 08 ____ _ A RESOLUTIOH <F THE CITY C('llJNCIL <J=' THE CITY <F CARLSBAOs CALIFORNIA ACCEPTit«; A BID ,-,.o AUTHCJUZNG THE EXECTUIOH OF AH AGREEHF.HT FOR WEED AHO RUBBISH ABATEMENT. BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as 5 follows: 6 1. That the bid of Bert Ingold, ~13S Park Drive, Carlsbad, California 7 92008 is hereby accepteu. 8 2. That the Mayor of the City of Carlsbad 1s hereby authorized and 9 directed to execute an agree111ent, a copy of which ls attached hereto .arked lO Exhibit "B", for and on behalf of the City of Carlsbad. ll PASSED, APPROVED f.NO M>OPTED at a regular nieetlng of the City of Carls!Md, 12 Caallfornia held on the 19th day of Februaxy , 1985, by the 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 following vote, to wlt: AYES: council Mamers easier, lewis, KuJ.chi.n, Click and Pettine NOES: None AB.5ENT: None ATTEST: M.~~KR~~ttrt~ (SEAL) AGREEMENT (Weed Abate111ent) THIS M:REEMENT, 111flde and entered into this ...... ....-.... day of 1985, by and between the City Of CARLSBAD, a IIU\lclpal corporation (hereinafter caleed "City") and _________ , (hereinafter called "Contractor"). W 1 THE SSE T Hi 11tEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, pursuant to Section 3''60 et. seq. of the Coverraent Code, hu detenained that a Weed Abate.ent Progr• ls in the public lnterestJ and IHEREAS, public interest requires that,the City enter lnto this Agreaent with the Contractor to cC11plete sdd progr•J and WHEREAS, the Contr.ctor ls willing to -.te said weeds 1n the •nner hereinafter provided; and WHEREAS, the spec1flcat1ons and addendUM thereto, accurately and fully described the tenis and conditions upon which Contractor 1s willing to furnish the labor and uterlals to abate said ·weeds and clean s,lit property as called for by said specifications and said proposal and the 1111nner ard t.tae within which the sa111e shall be aac011pUshed J NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises am of the covenants herein contained; · IT IS AGREED BY AND 1£T'M::EH THE PARTIES as follows: ( 1) Said speclf'lcatlons am addendum thereto, filed with the City Clerk, as aforesaid are made a part hereof', and that the same do, in all part lculars, becOffle a part of' the agreement and contract between the parties hereto in all matters and things set forth therein am described, and that both parties hereto, hereby accept and agree to the tel"tlls and conditions of' said specifications and ¥.ldendUII thereto, and bonds so filed. (2) The Contractor agrees •.o perfona the work in the Minner set torth' 1n Hid speclf1cat1ona and addendUII thereto mt the City agrees to p1y for said work after ccapletlon at the .prices set forth ass follows s (Bid Proposal • subaltted by Contractor.) (3) The Contractor shall inde.\lfy nl defend the save harllless the City of CarlslMd, lts officers, agents w •ployaes frCII and agdnst any and all. cld .. , deunds, loas or llabillty of illy lclnd or nature .tlich the City of Carlsbad, its off!:ers, agents and •ploye• •Y sustdn or lnc,,r or which 1111y be blpoaed upon the• or ~ny of the• for injury to or death of peNo,lS or dulage to proptrty arising out of or in 1ny Hnner connected wlth the ne',lllgence of lack of care of ContrGCtor, his offlcers, agents or •ployees 1n the p..rforaance of this contuct. This pl'O\lislon shtil include any ...S all ~lalu arising fr• sub-contractors retain.id by the Contractor. 3 ' . ( •> Ttw contractot hlrmnder shall c<JMMnee work at the tlu fbed by the fir• Chi., d tht entll'• work contettplated hereunder shall be caapleted by , 1,ss. n• shall bit de-9Ci of the estence regardlng _tfi_{_s_eorit __ r_ao_1:_, ____ C_ont_r_ac~or shall be equipped to COH8ncfl work on ten ( 10) days written notice fr• Fire Chief. Ho extension of ti. beyond the tinae of cOIIPletton here1n •ntloned wlll be granted except by t.he flre Chlef' (unless otherwlae dlrectecl by the City Council) f'or good cause , ( 5) The tera of this agreeaent sha!l be for a perltod of ___ _ cQMMnC1ng on thl dlte of th1a Agreeaent and ter11lnatlng on _______ , or •ch i.ter date • aay: be required for the Contract.or to cOllplete the woiic set forth 1n U. speclflcattons. IM WllMESS 1HEREOf, the p1rt1es hereto have eaJsed this Agreeaent to be executed by their officers thereunto duly authorized, a..-1 t.tiell' ,eals to bt hereumter affixed. CllY IE CAII.S6AO toNiAACit>R ~' -""'Kiy_o_r ___________ _ ATTEST& ... c"""lt_y_Ci,...e-rk ________ _ Approved u to For11s Office of the City Attorney Byt ____________ _