HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985-03-05; City Council; 8078; Request for Funds for Homicide Training Seminarz 0 ti c( ..I 0 z :::, 0 (.) CIT"~F CARLSBAD -AGEND/)~LL 7f I/.:;·)· \ . , !DEPT.HD.~ CITYATTYli CITY MGR.~ AB# l()?f TITLE: MTG. 3/5/85 Request for funds for Homicide Training Seminar. DEPT._P_0L __ RECOMMENDED ACTION: Council approval of $286.10 for travel and expenses for Homicide Investi9ato~s Association training seminar in Reno, Nevada, on March 6,7, and 8, 1985 for detective Richard M. Castaneda. ITEf1 EXPLANATION This seminar is being sponsored by the California Homicide Investigators Association in Reno, Nevada. This organization is one of the most respected in the country and actually has members from several states and some foreign countries. Detective Castaneda has been a member of the organization since 1977. A request for this conference was inadvertantly left off of the travel budget for this year. The type of training offered at this seminar is very specialized and is not available anywhere else in the state. The speakers ar~ some of the finest in the field of homicide investigation from around the country. Even though the seminar is being conducted in Reno, Nevada, expenses have been kept to an absolute minimun, especially considering the fact that this is a full three day seminar. FISCAL IMPACT Two hundred eighty six dollars and ten cents will cover the entire cost of registration, travel, lodging, and meal expenses. These funds will come from the police department training budget. EXHIBITS 1. Informational flyer giving full details of the seminar. I l_ c.;.LrFORNIA HOMICivE INVESTIGATORS ASSOCIATION 16th ANNGAL TRAINING SEMINAR RE:.'10, NEVADA ;;,!ARCH 6 , 7 , 8 , 19 8 5 A~~ention ~ember: The annual training seminar of the CHIA will be beld in Reno, ~"evada on :1arch 6, 7, 8, 1985. The seminar for this year has a:1 c~e makings of an informative and educational challenge. The conference will be held at the Eldorado Hotel in Reno, Nevada, 4~h and Virginia Streets, in the center of downtown Reno. Transpor~aticn will be providfid from Reno/Cannon International Airport. As soon as your travel plans are complete, mail the attached flight information form and transportation will be ?rovided. Members driving to the conference will be provided wich valet parking at the hotel with no cost to you except for cips to the valet parking attendant. The registration fee for the seminar is $45 if you pre-register. You may pay on arrival but should send in your registration form and indicate you will pay on arrival. Anyone arriving at che seminar who has not pre-registered will be charged $50. Th~s fee provides for annual membership, membership address book, two (2) luncheons, hospitality rooms and registration gift. Ther-e will be late registration available on March 1; ~1984 becween 7:00 and 8:30 a.m. The first 200 to send their hotel registration to the Eldorado will scay there where all the activities will take olace. After the first 200, any overflew will be staying at other locacions. Retired members, please indicate your retired status on your =egis- tration form. This is the only way we can maintain a correct status in the Association address book. We look forward to seeing you in Reno and have a fine training seminar plannedo Terry Gree~es iden t ~ -~----,..--Hartshorne, Lt. Police Depart~ent •• 0. Bo:-: 1900 ., ...........---~ ---------------. ------~. -/ -. ...-, .:::..:.IR .IA :1CMICIJ;E !:\V.SS'::IG.;ro?.S /-.S:. _:::_:..TICN .!.6T::-i .i~.l'~t:;i.L T?.ADl"I:;G SEN:i'.NAR ~.arch 6,4 1985 w"El).'\lESDAY Registration -· Welcane Hospitality ~!ar=h 7, 1985 'Tifu'"PSDAY !.a.~e R...ogiscracion RD©, )!EV"~~ M;RC1 6, 7, 8, 1985 f I :.• '' 12:00 ~ -5:00 ?M 7: 00 .:l.M -8: 30 :'1-1 i-;'elc:..."lte Cererony: L--ivoca,;..i.on, Rev. John P. P.aney, Chaplin 9:00 .l:\:.\1 -9:30 AM Hon. Richard Bryan, Gove...-r-nor of Nevada Hor:. Peter Sfe~,. Mayor of Reno C.~e:i I.b!:;ett Eratlsr-..aw, P.e..~~ Police Depa=t:r.ent. c:: • .q _ession :i-: rbre."lsic Investigations, "The Qu:u1C'J Syndrane" 9:30 Jl.M -11:30 F>.H capt. Enric:o Tognari, Wa~ Co. Sheriff's Office Lunch Guest Speaker, Mills Iane, District Attorney 12:00 N -1:00 PM wasooe County Session #2: "Missing & Murdered Children", $/A Ken 1:15 PM -4:30 PM Lanning, FBI, Quantico, VL.-ginia Hospitality PJ::x:(n & '!raining Ccordination Meetings Director's Meeting, Conierence Headquarters Pcom ~:.::trch 8, 1985 FRIDAY !.'1vocation: Session ~3: Session #4: Lunch Session #5: Session i6: Ecspitalicy rcan Rev. John P. Haney VICXP Int.reduction, Ccmput:er L--iput & Usages Terry Greo_n, President, QI.IA Serial Hanicides, "The D.lcas/Toole Rampage" Sgt. Eob Prince, Te.--=as DPS, Te."<as Rangers, Austin, Texas Guest Speaker, Hon. Ceborah Agosti Wastoe Coi.mty District Judge Continuation of Session #4 Wrap-Up 11 ~.cO::mald Murders", Lt. Paul Ybarrondu San Diego Police Cepartme.'1t Breaks will be aiven a-c reqular int:erVals througnouc t:.'1e cay 5:00 PM .. 9:00 .A.~ 9:·oo AM -10: oo P..M 10:00 AM -11:30 A~ 12:00 N -1:00 PM 1:15 PM -2:15 FM 2:15 PM -4:30 FM 4:30 PM J