HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985-03-05; City Council; 8083; AGREEMENT LEASED OFFICE SPACE FOR REDEVELOPMENT AND HOUSING APPROPRIATION OF FUNDSP U > 0 cc a a .e .. 2 o 4 E 6 s z 0 ClTwF CARLSBAD - AGEND-ILL DEPT. AB# Yo23 TITLE: AGREEMENT FOR LEASED OFFICE SPACE MTG. 3/5/85 FOR REDEVELOPMENT AND HOUSING, CITY A AND APPROPRIATION OF FUNDS DEPT. RED CITY N RECOMMENDED ACTION: City Council adopt Resolution No. PJApproving the agreement for leased space at 2965 Roosevelt Street to serve as offices for Redevelopment and Housing Departments and authorize the Finance Director to appropriate funds. ITEM EXPLANATION Because of reorganization of City departments, it is necessar] relocate Redevelopment, Community Development Block Grant and Housing Offices to a central location in the Village Area. TI Redevelopment Manager has determined that Suite "B" 2965 Roosc Street is the appropriate office space available in the area. The City may lease the space for three years with an option tc terminate at the end of two years. A renewal option for one additional 3 year period is also included in the lease. The space is 2,000 square feet and is offered at $1.00 a square fc The Housing Department presently leases 950 square feet adjacc to Harding Community Center at $.80 per square foot or $760/ month. One year remains on this lease. It can be terminated if possible,or the space can be given to another City departmc Redevelopment and Block Grant sections occupy space in the Planning Department modular building. This relocation would free up space for new staff members. FISCAL IMPACT The City Council needs to authorize contingency appropriation of $6,000 for lease payments for 1984-85 budget year. This c be loaned to the Redevelopment Agency. Annual cost of $24,000 will be required in the 1985-86 budget to pay the lease payment. $8,000 will be charged to Housing, $8,000 to Redevelopment and $8,000 to Block Grant. EXHIBITS 1 - Resolution No. 7924 2 - Lease - Carlsbad Equity Properties 3 - Location Map 1 2 3 # 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 l9 20 21 22 23 2.1: 25 26 27 28 0 0 RESOLUTION NO. 792* A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A LEASE FOR OFFICE SPACE AT 2965 ROOSEVELT STREET AND APPROPRIATING FUNDS. WHEREAS, the City requires office space to house the Redevelopment and Housing Departments, and WHEREAS, the City desires to lease space at 2965 Roose Street until March 31, 1988, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the City Cour of thecity of Carlsbad as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the office space lease attached hereto as Er "A" is hereby approved. That the Mayor is hereby authorized and directed said lease on behalf of the City. 3. 4. That the Finance Director is hereby authorized kc appropriate contingency funds of $6,000 for the budget year to cover lease payments. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, held on t 1 5th day of March, 1985, by the following vote, to wit: AYES : NOES: Wne ABSENT: Wne Council Wrdxrs Casler, Lewis, Kulchh, Chick and Petti (dk-, d EL4 MARY H .(CASLER, Mayoi 1 ATTEST: ,I //// (SEAL) -,.I- ,."-I. .I .I"- I e -0 b 1. Pr&rThuLeMO.dmdw-pc Ot77 February *' .19- 85 a' CIT Y OF CAR1 SBAD CALIFORNIA h.nin. tttat cu~h r~l proper^^ situated in the county of - State of Cali for andd..eribdU aDoroximatelv 7.000 square feet of improved office : b.nmn CARLSBAO €QUIT Y PRmRT ES. A General Parnersh fD (h.r* (hera 2 Rvrr L...or hereby lease8 to L- md LIIM. louse from Lessor for the term. at the rental. and upon all of the I commonly known as - oosevelt Street. Suite B . Carlsbad. CA I1 I1 Said rul proo.rty including th. land and alf impronnwntr t-n. is hwmn called -tne Pr.mi8a'.. thirty six (36) months a TUUL corn-ingon 85 and ding on ~-' unlua sooner twininatad punuan~ to ury provisbn hemot 3.2 0.i.r io Poneah. NotwithStanding uid commmcmmt date. If for any r- Luor cannot deliver pouauit LW8Oa on mid date. Lessor shall not ba ru- to my Ihbility thWmfOr. nor sIull8uch failure affoct the validity of this Le- Llg..h.lwnderorexlendth.t~h.reof,krtinsuch~.L~d.llnot~oMig.tedtop.yrontuntilpo~ionof the !e I- provided howw. !ha1 if LW llrrll nat IHVe fJeiied POWUion of 1h0 Promim within oixy (eo) d.Vr from d.te.L-may.aiL-'ro0tkn.bv~in~ngto~rwiVllntm(lO)dry,thrrtltter,clncrl~his~~,inwhichi badi~hrrg.dfromalIobligJtionshe~nb.r;prwid.dfurthsr. h-.thatif.Uchwrithnnoti~of ~-lsnotrecstvd ion (10) day period. L-'s right to cad Mh L- tiufwnder Wl terminate and be of no funher forw or effect. 3.3 Early Po8mdon If L- occupies the Rnnlses prior to nid cornmo~~t e8W. sucp occupancy WI be sul herrof. such 0ccup.ncysh.ll not a~a~lhotutnin8t~ date, md Leaam shall pay rent forauch at the initial monthly ,m&an, 3.1 lrmr Th. tm of Mi Lscw shall ba for 4. n.nt ~sraae shall pay to ~msor as mt w M. mi. monmly paynmnta 01 s 2 ,oomo of each month of the tm hereof C.g.. uponmu~tlon hmots 2 .ooo.oo Ul ?he first month, April Y3b-T Rent for any period durin th. te herd which is for 108s thm one month sh+l baa pro rat8 portton of the monthly in# payableinlawfulmon~o?th.Unit.dStat.rtoLs3rorrt~.ddr~~atedh~~nor to8uchotherp.nonsoratwchoth.r d.ligMte In Writing. Lessor in an 6. Uu. 6.1 um. Tha Premises shall G ursd and occupied only for Gene ra 1 Off1 ces or any other use which is raasonably comp.nbla and for no other purDo¶e. 6.2 Complirra with Los (a) Les5orwarrantstoL~lhatthePremisas. in itsstateexisling on thedaie that theLease Ierm commenceslE useforwhichLessW will usethePremiseS. doesnot violateanycovenantsorrestnctiontof record. or any applicable builc o( 3inance in effect on such Lease term commencement date. In the went it is determined that thls warranty has been viol2 obligation of the Lessor. after written notice from Lesrea. to promptly, at Lesvr's sole cost and expense. rectify any sucl Lessee does not give to Lassor written notice of the violation of this warrmty within six months from the date thal the Lem correction of ~~shall~theobligmtionof theLes.weatLessee'ssolecost. Thewarrantycontainedin this paragraph62 (i at Lauee~'s sole cost. (b) Except as provided in purgraph6.2W L-Sh8II. 8) L-'s exvse. comply promptly with all applicab rulra. regulations. ordera. cousnantmnd mstflclionrof record. ?nd requirements in effect during the ten or any part of thc theuse by Less0001 fhePmmise6. L@Sseo8h&l not ruenofpenni 1)MUwof thePremises in any mannerthat will tend to cri or. if there WI be mom than OM tMuIt in the building contsining th. Premises. shall tend to disturb such other tenan' (a) Lamr shall deliver the pt.mtur to L- clnn and tm of dF8 on ke? Commencement data (unlc ~n)~LIUOrtU~~tlDL-M.tth.plum&ng.llOMin airconditroniq, h.atln$.mdloadingdoor! ingoodopemtin condlUonmtbL- cammmcwnantdh. In themnttfat itlsdet@n$ihat this warranty h.rk.r th.oblig.tionor&ror.a(tr-ptotrrrinrnnotlc?,trwnL-~ torthwithspecifictty th.n.tureofthaviolation. rd. coat, mtity ruch violation. LIIM.*S hilum to gm wchwritton M%a to Lnaor within thim (30) days after the Lu 8l'mll OW0 th. COndWW PfWUmptkn UUl L.aor m C0mpll.d with all of L.rror's ObllgIUOnl tieroundor. The WU purgm 6.3(8) wl k 01 ft0 fonS 01 df@U if prkr t6 thr d8W of Ulb LW, Lm wu the owner or 0Ccu-t of the (bvz-aw u --hr vi- in tkia LUU L- huob~ accwta tha Prrmim in thdr contiition 8: m-t d.tr w th MI Mat Laaa Wtm posadon of t)). Raises WhicMvw n e&. auDi.ct to aii apptic county md .t.t. law, wdinmar .nd ~Wi0138 mi .nd -Wing th. use of the Ptamlsrr. and 89 COUll\WltS and mcaptsthb Luuaubjmctthuato.ndtoo.ll ~und&?ouO~md by my axhibits.tUCMd hamto. Lesaea= LeaornorLosmfr.0.ntlurmuie.ny~ orwwrmlya tom pram1 orfuturewitabillty of the Pmmiws fc bUriM.8. - effac; if. priortothedoteofthisLBwe. L~~MeocmsroroccupanIofthePreml~, and. insuch went. Lesseeshall co 6.3 Condi(lond- . .. - 7. vI).CIL.md- , 7.1 ,FOW@dal& Subj.ct tothopraiJocl.otP~~6.7.2 Md9 and exCOPt fOf dUn8ge WuIId by ai7 actoromt~c~n 0fL.r~. La8W"rag.nI~. ompbyah or imitv inwhlchmt L~JSO~J~JII reWlrM. dm. Lmr. I knp in good ow. condition and np.lr tho foun6.tionr. extnior rJ1. and M. axtorlor roof o! the Promlse8. L~M topaint.uchaxtorhr. mn~~lLrrorbanqo~tomrinWntk.intwiorsu~ofextmorw.l~. windows,& ZKZ nooHig.tion toom.lre nplin -mw- 7.1 untilarws0n.M. tinnrftorrmiptotwrittmnotiiof~ L- ex- miva % Oawfita of u* .utut. now or k.rrW in @(ha which would othwise afford L.U.. tkc La8dsexpauOorU)tMlrUt. tMI Lru b.auuo(L.adrfaihUOtO kwp the Prmnii in good or*. wndiilon a of Puagmplm & 7.1 Md 0. LIII.., at Lasue's expanu. 8hall k..p in good or& pnmimsw - pnt-~ttwornot ttm-ponion of ttm Pmmimsor ma mum of miring tiw run, aoxsmehtoL-) includina~~UmHinOM.gmc.H(y~th.tongoing.I1Iglumbing. hUIing,rirconditioning. 7.2 WeouIys(*. . , (a) subk* to th. - - @ Amku,lndurtrWR..l~AOocimOn 1980 QROU __ - - ..- "'[awm Partial Damage" ,?hall, hemin man daw OT -a- 10 tlm Wmt that the cost of R %ofthot .. mrrkotvllwoftM- I~~PMtO.ud, ion. pmnisa euilding Patial Danu -n -or +ruction to th. buildipp d ci tha Prmwsoa am Pucto -m th.t th. emtot wait is kuthan 50*a valw of such buildrng4S a m utm"d- plorto rush dnug. OC -. (b) 'mi- Totri r>asauctio!l" $pU hOf?in -dam Of dOStNCtiwI to tM, Fi#tO tMeXtont that tM COII 01 1 . morrof~hirnu~.tVal~~thath.~l..rimmch.tr(Y~tOruchd.nug.ord.*ruchon. **~uiMiwTotrl~truct rm~ldll~~(~l~t~OnmtnrPuilQinOOfrm;hnthoRnni.r.n.~~to~ex~tmat~~~of rep.trm50+ormmc w.l~ otws miming m a WIUSO imwimy pol to unh b ordldbiiChM. (c) 'tnrund Lon- shall henin - durug. o( destruction which W- cauud bv an went required to bo coverod 1 dwin-a 9.2 httUOuug.-lnSUNdLoa. Sub@cttotheProviS@WOfPWa raphs94 95md9 6 ifatanytimedunngt1Htermo is - rrhich is an ImuNd LOSS and which falls into the Ct.cUfiatii o?PrOmi&P&ti*lD;m~ge or Premises Building Part Loasor MI. at LWs sole cort. repair such damage. but not Leutm's ftxturq equipment or tenant improvements. m XI wibh and mi Leaso duii continue in full furce and dut. 9.3 pr(u 0- - Uninsured Loss. Subject to the PrOviSiOm of Paraplaplm and 9.6. if at any time during the I tM is damage which is not an Insured Loss and which falls within the classi iution of PtOmiSms Partial Oarnag. or Premise Damage. UnIW auud by a negligent or willhJl act of LesSOa (in which wont Leas00 shall make the repain at Losaw's expanr Lwh Mion eiHwr (i) rwir wch damage a wan I reawnably pouiblo av bmota oxpsnrr, in which wont this Leame shd forcewetfrr w(i0 pivswrinmnoticstoC-withinthir(y(30) d8ys8hrthedatoof thaacutrreneeof ruchdamweof LW cancel and tWmiMtOthi8 Lease. asof thedatedtheoceunerreof such damage. In thewont Lossoreluctsto give such notiwofl to~ncalandtemrinatathi.L~.L~shallk.veth.rightwithintm(10)dly~afhrth~iptOfsuchnoIicetogivewri~rn r Lsssea'lintentiontor.p*rruchdacrug.at L-'sexp.nu. withoutreimburvmmtfrom Lessor. in whichsvmrthis~eamshi force and offoct and LeasO0 shall procaad to make such r.prin a$ soon as toasonably possible. If Lessw does not give such n 1Dd.y period thb LMSO shall be cancelled md torminard 8s of th. dam of th. occurnnce of such damage. 9.4 1- Dabuctlcrr If at any tim during tM tm of Mi LUI. there ia damFge. whether or not an Insured Loss, (inch requind by .nY Hlthorized public authority), which tal& into th. cluslfic8tiion of Prpmba Total Destruction or Premis rnnrcllon, this LBUO shall autonutiulty tmninate as of tho date of such tow dgtruchon. 9.5 Dnug.NouLndo(Trnr (a) Ifat anytimeduringthelaatsix month8ofthetrm ofth&L~msnh~,whetherornotan InsuredLosr. wh classification of Premises Partial Damage. LeWx nuy at Ws Op(i0n ana4 and tminate Mb Lease as of th. date of m damage by giving written notlee to Lessw of L~~s~ to do so within 30 days aftw the date of oceum ot such da (b) Notwithstanding P.ngnph 9.5(a). in tMwent tM Leswehas an option to exmd or renew this Lease. and the tim mion nuy bo exercised haa not yet explrsd. L.aa shalt Qucild auch option. if it is to bo umisod at all no later thM occurrence of an Insured Loss falling within the CkBSifkaIion of Pmba Putial Damage during tho last 84x mbths of the tu LswSduly.XWCb8S~UCh wtiwd~ng~2Oday~ LOSSUrShall.~LOSSOfseXxp.nes. repair such damageas soon as re andmisL~~lcontinueinlullforaHldefM.If L-fdbtoaxuamwchoptionduringuid20dayp.riod. thenLesr option terminate and cancel this Laam &s of Um axpif8tlon d said 20 day pofiod by giving wriltm notia to Laue of L-wt: wimin 10 days altw ma expiration of aaid 20 day puiod. Mhrimsmding any term or prowon h, the grultotopcron to m~ E( (a) In the wont of damago dsrcribed in paragraphs 9.2 or 9.3. and L- or Leawe repaim T restom th. premia provisionsot MisParagraph9. themnt payaM.h.nundertorthe#riodduringwhi~suchdam~. rrpurorndomUoncoMfn in proporHon to ths degree to which L-'9 UI. ot th. pmn*a is impWed. ExW for abatrrrunt of rant, if any, ~usoe a against Lessor for any damage sufhfed by reason of my such Qnugr. dahrction. Fr or rartontion. (b) If Leasor shall k 0bliqrt.d to repair or restore tho Pnmises undor t1H provmions of this Paragraph 9 and shall I-M rep8ir or restoration within 90 days after such obligations shall ucrue. Leuw may aI Losleds option cancel and terminate tl Lessor written noti- of Lessoris Mi to do so at my time prior to thocommoncemmt of such mir or restoration. In st71 shall terminate 8s of tho date of such notice. 9.7 TwmiMUm-A*6r.na- Upon tmiMtionof~isL~punuanttothi.Pangraph9.an.quit.M..d~urt~ concyning adv.ms rmt and any advance payments mado by Lasn to Leasor. L.rror shall, in addiilon. return to Lm s 9.8 Wm, Lamof mb Lmm waive the pruvkionsof rny statutm which mhtr to !mination of ~eaw when hasad pn and .or- that such avml shall be aavemd by tR8 tWfM Of thk LW. 9.6 A- Ot w L-3 R- sec~nty wit as h~ not themotom m app~i by Leeor. io. n.~~~prtltua -. 10.1 Paynunl d la I-. L- shall pay.the mal property tax. as defined in paragraph 10.3. applicabk to the I however. that Lea!mo shall pa I addit' to rent. the amount. if any. by which real proparty tax- applicable to the Premis fiscal real atat. tax year 19 34 19 % . Such payment sml be made b Leuw within th!rty (30) days altw Teipl statement Wtti'ng forth the amount of such increa.se8nd the computatbn thereof. If the term of this Lease shall not exp~rs e: expiration of the tax fisc4 year. L-'I liability for increrwd taxm for the last partial lease year shall be prorated on an an 10.2 Addttio~uilrnpramnnla. Nohvithshstsndingparagmph 10.1 hereof, Lesseeshall pay to Lessor upon demand theretc increase in real property tax if assessd toialy by reason of additional improvements placed upon the Premises by LBGMO or 10.3 Deflnltion of "Read PrOpwiy Tu". As ussd herein. the term "real property tax" Shall include any form of real estate general. Special. ordinary or extraordinary. and any license fee. commercial rental tax. improvement bond or bonds. lev! inheritance. penonal income or estafe tams) imposed on the Premises by any authority having the direct or indirect power t city, state or federal government. or any school, agricultural. sanitary. tire. street. drainageor other improvement district thr legal or equitableinterest of Ltmor in thePmmisarorin the real property ofwhich thePremisesareapart. asagainst Lessor's income therefrom. and as against Lwsots business of leasing the Promisea. The term "reel property tax" shall alto inclu assessment or charge (i) in subtitution of. partially ortotally. any tax, fee. levy, as8essment or charge hereinabove included w "real property tax." or (ii) the nature of which was hereinbefore included within the definition of "real property tax." or (iii) w service or right not charged prior to June 1,1978. or, if previously charged, has bean increased since June 1.1978. or (iv) w result of a transfer. either partial or told. of Lessah interest in the Premise3 or which is added to a tax or charge hereinbefori definitionof real property tax by nusonof-uch transfer. or (v) which isimpooed by reaaon of this transaction, any modificatior 10.4 JW A+wsuKnr If the Prmiws are not separately aam5sed. Lessse's liability shall be an equitable proportion taxer forallof thelandandirnprovemsnttincludedwithin thetax ParceIassesed. such proportion tobedetermined by Lwa valuatiW assigned in the assess&* yodc ahWa or such OthW Infomution aa may be reasonably available. Lessor3 rem thereof. in good faith, shall be comhrun. (a) L.ara shall pay prior to dolinqmncy all taxm aswsSOd ag.inst and levied upon trade fixtures. furnishings. eqi personal prcpmtyof LassoeaMtainad in th. ptemismor 0lsEWh.n. When pOSXibI0. Leasre shall causesaid trade flxturer. tu and ail 0th.r parocul pro#r(y to im .cIILI.d and biW aapuatdy from th. m~l pmpetty of Lassor. (b) If any of Laan'suidpoond -dull bomwilh Ldsr~I property. Lessearhall pay Lmrth L- within 1od.yl attwcreriglota writan awmonl sottlng forth th taxa applicable to L-'s property. H or any transfen hereof. 10.5 Pumnd Aoprrtr 1- 11. UIlOkr LesW8shhlllwfor.ll-~hNt. lightporrW.tr(rphOMand~Utll~I~~d~i~rU~iodt0~ SanlyamtumUe ~~mml0shaUp.y .rPrsonablaptap&&l wimmytua tm, ~w--i---w LlurakYdUl9Ujd ' *m&mJ&mJilh&e 1% -rr*l- 121 LoaatscomtRquha L~rhr#rot*olunta#yor JyoporationoflaweJgn. trsnsfer. mort-. suM. 01 encumb.r an or any pmt at Lms in- h thb L..u or in tha kuni without Lets prior written -t. w - unmuomblywithkold L.rrorsh.Llnrppnd WLrwr'rnqurtfaeonrnthOmu~in atl~ly1n~~n~8~d~~~ttn.mpt.d moflg.o* mcumbrama w wbhlting rnthout wd, ca3aOnI shdl bo ro#. and shall CQnstitute a broach of thu Lono. 122 LAflWae. Nohrimnndlng th. pai.iocl. ol pu8gmph 121 hmof. L- may uhgn oriubtot th. Pa th.nd. without Lo8s&S comwnt whkh coatrob is controlled by or ia undor wmmon control m e- -ing from th. & 2-M L- Or tom puronOr#tl~ty Which .spui- .I1 th. uul mofthebuainustbab b.i-onth.Pnmft.* proridrdthats8idassignnassumas. in full. theobligatioi Le- Any wsh adgnmuttduU nor, inanywsy dhctorllmttth. lir#ll(yotl.asoa undortho tnmr of this Lmnowm if afl su&ng the tm of thb L- u. matwwybmngmd orattuaa rrithoutth. wrmont of Lassse, ttm consent of *rhom a 12.3 M0mbm.d- ~l.hofa~nosu~orurign~shall nlmnoLgl4.ofLau~'r primmy liability ot Laaoo top lopmiom dlahroblig8Uom tokpwforrwd b L- h0mund.r. The L-from anyoMn-sha~l not bedomnod to boa waiver by Lrunofury pmision hwroT.'Conmnt toomassignn not bo~conrmt tow suarplnnt arsu~lnth..~~~by~y~~ofL-or~y~ th.,pdonnmmof any ofth.trmr -=wprocmd dimtiy wrist Lawe without thon-ity of exhwtlnq v L...wnuycommtto.ubaqumt~~~m 0fthirL~1.0~ ammdmts or modificationr to thi: of L.ru* *rimout notiryi Larr. ~my~afLasao,%%ul oW.ining itsornw(rQM..nt t-o andsuch 12.4 A(l0nWl'shma In th.mt Lrrrlkdl nsign 0rrubMM. PrHnii or MqW@t tho-I Of LMtO UIYU orifLlllorh.Hnqurrtthec~L~~~~~~W~~L~~l~L~s-~ in~ionthY.+(m.~m~trrnatoa~S950.QOnor~rwknqurt . ..... .A - + - d li.#mRy unouz L..r - awss -a- *See ADDENDUM - Irv nqrund by twh I&& or p&-G swi mr-w!i IWI~ pm thm yun* nnwm smmnm of LU AH ruth n r(.umdl rw~ BO 1#(w6 bv L.OO pwthwr in tsnwurb.h.# b. urd w forthpirpovw -b 17. Lasofa m. nW term 'Laoaf"a8dhamn -1 rr*nWth.~W~*ththnoin~wstm of- interm in aground 1..uofth. pmntu* urbu~nuprr)y pror*d.d UI PMOnph 15. in thamnt of any mmhrof Lasot hn nam (and in -of .n~ rubrqcrmttmhnth.n th.WW -1 b. dimd trom Md aftor the date( lirbliigu r- Ld8 ob)~~flrlO k porbrmd PmVidOd tM W fund8 In thm handsof Louwortha thm such tranafer. in wh~ Lur huM Lnhrrr ahdl boOdlvordtOth. rant- Th.obllgtlionrconlunad inthilLano to bm -1. sutqect as af-, bm ~Ming on Lasots sucmmtm ~d 4- ocll~b~riclg th.ir -in PriOQI of orrmk la -. Tbi~1idity of my pw~m of this Lurrdotumlcwc) by acourtofeomp*mt~un~dmon, w in no1 of .nY OMII pmnuon hwrof. I#, Im-0- ~cept88OXpmniyhu*n pr0Uld.a uy~lountdurtOCemornot paid whendur sh mutlmum rmte th.n di~~rblr bv law ham thr data dw PwmIi d such intumt lhdl not OXCUM Or cum any CkftUlt by 108 prwTd.d, hamr, mat intorosl Null not bm pay0840 on me - incurmd BY Lasa nor on any mounta upon whtm 181 L-. ?o TLMoYUmo.Timobofth.~ tl. *ddworul R.nL Any IM)(WLY~ OMigatIom of La8n lo Lonor unda th. (wmr dthir Luw shall b. down& to bo I 22. I-of kkr*grr#n(* .-rrLIIILL TRh Llwcontanr allrgmrmntr of the p8tt108 with mapa13 to hmn Nopnofag~torun~ p.rtyini to.nyruchmalIU.h.ubmdfOCUV0 ThiaLe8aem.ybsmodffldin~ the p8M.r tn int- at M. HfW of M. ~fkdOfl %Wpt .I 0th.nlU nrt.d in thi8 LO-. L- her* .cknWtd.dqc ~statebrokor liatou in PaRgnph 15h.ndnor anycooptall brolcrronmirtmm~ctim north Lonor many mployaac perm18 hu m~anyon)orwmrm*nmnUaorr~~~loL-~.thn totfiocondition or ur by L-of saii 8cknowldg.r that L~urumadIrapwiMlityr.g.rdingth.OccuptUonal~H..IthAd, theiagg.luaeandadapt and lhecompnancstherwf with all rppliubkim.nd ngul8t.tionrinofhU duringthotamof thia Loneex- uothorwia thRL.UL 2% lloycrr Any notlu rmquird or#nnilWdtok h.nunbr.h.llb. inwfitlngandmay bogwon by p.rwnrld.liw and If given -n.lly or by mil. shdl k doemod ,182" ~OhrmH-toL~orloLaror*theaddr.unot~ the nrpeetive parties uM.cu. nuy bo Either maybyttork8toth.oth.r.p.cifyadlffmnt addmas for notkepurp L.o-w'r tUtlng &on of tha Pmk the #%os rhr(t autituk Lena's addm08 for noticr wrpow8 A copy of pormiltd to bogiven to La8orh.reund.rahUl b.comurmnUytnmmWto&~or~aat sucn addnuaas La tlmr horuffw dsrrgnate by nopk. to brm. 24. W.km. Nowaiver byLe88oror.nypmnrion h.notr)uil kd.awdm w.rVrof MyothorpFovirion homo( or of any L-of th.8ame or any othr provbion LW8cocl..ntto.oroppmvdofu1y~ -1 not kdoomod torandwunnsc LWs conunrto or vprov8l of my rubsaqwntacf by Lrur Th..eagturadmthmrndubyLaaorrhYl notha u br~rhbyLrrmOfanyProvirionh.not.oM.rM.nM.tulumof~~~~~~~t~~~~d~ of such pnc.ding breach at th. Nnw of acw@ana ot ruth nnL momorendurn of thir Low tor ncording p~porr 2& HaUng Om. If Leneo. with Louor'a consmt. rrruinr in pavrkn otth. Pnmicr or any pur thaot aflr tM hem. such occupancy ana11 bo tmuncyfmm monmto month ~.~~yprovi.laru of thh LUW pwtmnmg lotha oblige optionrandrlg~offint~rl. ifly,gnntd~th.trclPo~~~b.~~i~adMdbmof nofu 27. Cu- R.cmQrr No randy oret8don h.rUnbsndl lv-.zduri*rbutsIu~i. rmumr-bh. bru remodir at taw or in oqurty. 29. Blndlng Etlect; Chola of L.r. Subject to any proviatono h.nof mtrfdng .ucqnm.nt or sublottlng by Lmno and s of Paragraph 17 thiaLeaaashallbtndthop8rlia. th.trpor8oMlr~tiva,~nanUurigns ThiaLea8oahalll of the State wherein the Premims am l0Ut.d 30. SubordiMUon. (a) This Lease, at LWa option. shall bo subordirmta to MY ground luu. mortp.00. doad of mm. or uy I sacunty now OI hereafter plBced upon thE mi prOPOftY Of Whkh th. PMtSES WO 8 prt ad to my Md all rdvuKs) nUd4 and to all renewals. modifications. cwolidaiW npfm and axtmuonr themof Notwithrtlnding such subordir quiet powuionof thePremisssrNInotbodi~urbedif L~onotindef.ultand~longlpLesrwshalipaytharentar all of the provisions of this Lease. unh this LMW is othewisa terminated punuant to in terms If any mortgagee. trust8 eiectto have this LeaaepnortotheI~of~moctgage.desdoftnntorgrwndlew,urd~allg~wrrttennoti~t~r~~to be deemed prior to such mom. @ad oftnat or ground k1888. whotherth18 Lea80 P mod pnororsubwqmnt to thedata of trust or ground ieaaa or the date of meofding thwaof. (b) Lesseeagrbes toex~cut.aydocuments~ui~tosffectuateana~omma~, ~subordinatlonortomakerh of any mortgage. deed of trust or ground Isase. asthe caaa m9 be La8oe"s failure to execute such documenta within 10 da shallconstitutea matanaldefault byL~h~nder.or,atL~soptkxl. L~rshallex~utesuchdocumentson beh anorney-in-factL~Med~haebym.kaMnrtltutaMdinevocab~lppointLeuoruLsaseesanornsy-in-factmdin L stead. to execute such documents in ucodana with (hi8 p.ngnph 3O(b). 31. Anom.y*s Fooa If either party or the broker named herein brinp an action to enforce the terms hereof or docia prevailing party in any such action. on mal or appeal. shall kmtltlod to hh reuonaOle attorney's feesto be paid by the Io* coufl The provisionr of thia paragraph shall inum to the bunin of thm broker named herein wto seeks to enforcs a rig1 3!L LWs AecoN. Lessor .nd L&s agents shdl hm tb fl@t 10 enter th0 Plsmm at reasonable times for the p same showing the URI. to prorp.ctin punhmm. 1end.n. or ieauu and making such alterations. repain. improven Prem;se8 or to the building of which lhay y. a puc as La8or nuy doem nacaaaary or desirable Lessor may at any tin Premi~anyordinuy"ForS.k"rlgnsMdL~nuyat~~~~ngth.~l~~of thetm hemof pl.ceonoi 0rdiCl.y "For Le-" Sign* .I1 wiman nM. of mt OT lkbulty to -. v ..LoI mia u ."--,.-."-.--. ". - I-. .-.- - ruh6byLawruKnhMnadstatemmtsof~~~ % R- E1th.r La8or Of LgS.. -1. UpOn m o( th. otkw. Ude, &noWw and ddkU to m mOnM to month tenancy. 28. -.ndcondltlonr E.ch~OfmI8L.#~by~Shllb.d..nwdboth8~ , pm ~~~~~~~~~-~~~~o~rmrrrolunmrilrorrnrolu~~~:~~~~ ~my~o1RQQu#IwI~(HlmIRlno*h.QI.rtogmIvshconum 34. u0rr L~.WIno(p(.o.n*.IonupanM.pnmbrrl(hart~8prior~EDnrrntU~~~ ~th.prlOIpnnbrianofLcwwtoptraadinrymduwlbrnntarubM~-. Y w. Th.*oluntuyao(haavnnbroftM.Lwr4Lw*oramuhrrl~ldlonnMot.orrtYminrtionb mwg.r. md r)ull, a VH option of L.aor. trmkulr.ll-q.r*tkg-or w. u WOmh 0fL-S opl Lll0rofmyor.u of& RlbMnsir J& Cocmc. Ex~forp.ngRph~Pm~in~~lh.~of~~b~u~to~~o~~ 37. -. In th. wontma mom h am&@& L~N, add -MI hnnthm samo obligations n I SI ~u~~upon~p.ringth.mtkrtk.~nd~ng.ndp.rfonning.Iioftha~ fully .umorM and lagdty-of ~(NIt.nwan~dLucw.ndth.truckolrc I8 bindiftg ug owwrahlpintautinth.Promba. 39.1 - kdinthbpmgmph(h.rad~hrth.~mwning: (1)nnrlOhtotoOdionI LcwOltomrr~L~OltOutmdanrm.nylu~LI.uh.rmoQugofL~ (2)th.o~m i~M.~orDyrofn~~to~th.~alh.rlghto(nntntoIwuoth.rprop.rtydL~ t0l..uoth.r~otlwor(ath. oropCloncopuehlrlh.ROl~fQhtofm~toPu~u ofLaMrorth.fightotfIf8tOlkrtop~~~~. 392 oprolr- ~~ptia, ~co ~inm*Lrrurpuamuto~eaaa.nd w not bmc vobntrri)yorinrotuntariW, byortomypmonorrm*~r)vmrn L.rr. po*la& w..tk.ODtion wb.Um GROSS -8- - shaiIwb.unmasonab4ywithtmU prw).locl.onL..l..'r~tob.obumd.ndp.r(bmwd)umdr.L#rrhYhmquM~ofth.Pm~ subj.Stt0~lofnn~of~LQII.Th.~~mbLUI.Onb.h.nof~~and~~ . -.- fimoccrtoopmh.u~~oraw~oropliancop~~of~~,~nn~htofnn(nhrult .- 0 a . AOOE NDUM . ADDENDUM TO LEASE dated February 22, 1985 between CARLSBAD PROPERTIES, A General Partnershlp, Lessor, and THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, Lessee. 47. TENANT IMPROVEMENTS: Lessor to provide at Lessor's sole expense the following tc f mprovemen ts : a) Lessor to remove at Lessee's option, one (1) interior partition to provide for a receptionlwaiting room are1 b) Lessor will provide Lessee with a chofce of carpet sa1 and at Lessor's cost, install Lessee's choice from sa- i n the demi sed premi ses. 48. COST OF LIVING ADJUSTMENT: The amount of Base Rent (and the corresponding Monthly Installments of Base Rent) payablc hereunder shall be adj Conmencement Date (the "Adjusted Date"). Such adjustments be for the purpose of reflectfng the increase, if any, in of living. Adjustments, If any, shall be cilculatcd based the United States Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Sta Consumer Prfce Index for all Urban Consumers, San Diego Av Subgroup "A1 1 Items" (1967=100) (the "Index"). The Index published as of the thfrd month prior to the Commencement shall be considered the "Base". In the event the Sin Dieg is not published in the third month prior to the commencei then the second month prior to the conrencenent date shall "Base". On each Adjustment Date, the Base Rent shall be 1 by a percentage equal to the percentage increase, if any, Index over the Base as of the thfrd month (or second month applicable) prfor to each Adjustment Date ("Adjusted Base Notwithstanding any subsequent decrease in the Index, the Base Rent shall not be less than that rent paid after any preceding adjustment. When the Adjusted Base Rent payablc each Adjustment Date is determined, Lessor shall give Les! written notice of such adjusted Base Rent and the manner ' it is computed. If at any Adjustment Date the Index no longer exists in tl set forth above, Lessor may substltute any substantially equivalent offlclal index published by the Bureau of Laboi Statistics or its successor. Lessor shall use any appropi conversion factors to accomplish such s;bstit:tion. substitute index shall then become the Index hereunder. 49. OPTION TO EXTEND: If Lessee is not in default under the terms of thts lease shrll have the option to extend the term of this lease fo additlonal three (3) year period upon all the terms and c set forth in this lease; except that, the monthly rent to by Lessee to Lessor for each extanded term shall be compu period a sum obtained by multiplying said minimum monthly by a factor equal to a percentage increase in the Consume Index, (published by the United States Department of Laba of Statistics, Consuaer Price Index for all Urban Consume Diego Average, Subgroup "All Items' (1967 = 1001, equal 1 percentage di fference between the Index as 1 ast publ i she< the commencement of the preceding term of this lease, ant Index last publ ished immediately preceding the comaencemt annually, colarcncing with the date twelve (12) nonthr aftc -- The - adding to the minimum monthly rental for the immediately 1 each successive term. - Ex h;'b\i 'A' e a 5uiie -8 a 39 6s a ooSCdtl+ x+- C ~r\sb. 4, CA ~LOOS - .. - - - i NA VISTA LAGO