HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985-03-12; City Council; 8088; Establishment of Public Review PeriodCIT\ JF CARLSBAD — AGEND/mL 7 AB#. MTG. 3/12/85 TITLE: ESTABLISHMENT OF A PUBLIC REVIEW PERIOD FOR THE SAMMIS PROPERTY LCP SEGMENT DEPT. HD.. CITY zo o oo RECOMMENDED ACTION; Open a six-week public review period for the draft Local Coastal Program covering the Sammis property. ITEM EXPLANATION: The Sammis property is located on the north shore of Batiquitos Lagoon west of 1-5 and generally south of the Lakeshore Gardens mobile home park. The ownership includes two major parcels referred to as Batiquitos Pointe (35 acres approx.) and Sea Bluff (130 acres approx., also called Batiquitos Bluff). The entire 165 acres were annexed to the City of Carlsbad in February 1983. Because the property was not, until recently, within the City's jurisdiction, the responsibility for LCP preparation rested with the County of San Diego. At the time the Coastal Commission was considering the complete San Dieguito LCP in August of 1984, the Sammis property was removed from the document. This was done because the property had been (February 1983) annexed to the City and was, there- fore, removed from County land use jurisdiction. In effect, a "hole" was created in LCP policies for the Sammis property. In creating this hole the Coastal Commission acknowledged the need for the City to submit a replacement LCP segment as an amendment to the larger Carlsbad LCP document. The documents attached to this agenda bill are land use policies and implementing ordinances which constitute an LCP segment for the Sammis properties. By design they do not allow new land use capa- bilities over and above existing City approvals or proposed City LCP policy. The organization for the LCP segment is configured to "fit" the Mello I and II area LCP format. In this way the documents may be ultimately combined. The process for the Sammis segment will be the same as the Mello I -and II LCP process now under way. The effort begins with a six-week review period. At the end of the review period the Council may choose to adopt a resolution approving the LCP segment and indicating its intent to implement the LCP if approved by the Coastal Commission. The Sammis property segment is anticipated to follow the larger LCP effort by about 8 weeks. EXHIBITS; 1. Sammis Properties amendment to the Carlsbad Local Coastal Program. SAMMIS PROPERTIES Proposed Amendment To The Carlsbad Local Coastal Program March 12, 1985 ATTACHMENT B SAMMIS PROPERTIES _. , TT-Land Use This Attachment amends the Carlsbad Local Coastal Program by including the West Batiquitos Lagoon/Sammis Properties geographical area within the jurisdiction of the Carlsbad Local Coastal Program (LCP). This area, which was formerly a part of the San Dieguito LCP, was annexed to the City in 1983 and removed from the San Dieguito LCP jurisdiction by the California Coastal Commission in 1984. A. Land Use Categories. 1. Batiquitos Pointe (approximately 35 acres west of the railroad tracks) - approximately 18 gross acres exclu- ding wetlands and bluff slopes shall be designated for "Residential Medium - High Density" use (10-20 dwellings/ acre). Approximately 7+ gross acres located on the nor- thern portion of the property shall be designated for "travel services" commerical uses (visitor-serving). The remainder of the property - wetlands and bluff slopes - shall be designated for open space and shall be protected by the appropriate sections of this LCP which deal with "environmentally sensitive habitats." 2. Seabluff (approximately 130 acres east of the railroad tracks) - the overall density for residential develop- ment under a master plan approach shall be a combination of "Residential Medium Density" 4-10 units per acre on the northern half of the property, and "Residential Medium - High Density" 10-20 units per acre on the southern half of the property, as provided in the Carls- bad General Plan. The remainder of the property - wetlands and bluff slopes shall be designated for open space and shall be protected by the appropriate sections of this LCP which deal with "environmentally sensitive habitats." Full intensity of development may only be realized through the payment of an "Agricultural Con- version Mitigation Fee" pursuant to the provisions of AB 3744 and further discussed in section B, below. B. Developable Agricultural Land. 1. Non-prime agricultural lands shall not be converted to non-agricultural uses, unless the City finds that con- tinued or renewed agriculture is infeasible. 2. As a condition of approval of any conversion of non- prime agricultural land located within this area to urban uses, the applicant shall be required to pay a coastal resource enhancement fee of $6,500 per acre converted to urban uses to be administered by a joint Coastal Conservancy/City of Carlsbad trust. If a future enhancement study of Batiquitos Lagoon deter- mines that a greater per-acre coastal resource enhancement fee is necessary to implement the Plan, then the per-acre fee may be increased by vote of the Carlsbad City Council as necessary, but not to exceed $10,000 per acre of non-prime agri- cultural land converted to urban uses. 3. The City of Carlsbad in consultation with the State Coastal Conservancy shall create a Batiquitos Lagoon Trust. Consistent with the California Coastal Action Section 30171 (b) all coastal resource enhancement fees collected pursuant to subdivision (b) shall be administered by the trust. Separate accounting of fund collection, management and disbursement shall be carried out by the City. a. Priority for the Expenditure Funds - The following are the categories and priorities in order of expenditures of funds: i. Restoration of natural resources and wildlife habitat in Batiqui- tos Lagoon. ii. Development of an interpretive center at Buena Vista Lagoon. iii. Restoration of beaches managed for public use in the coastal zone in the City of Carlsbad. iv. Any other project or activity benefiting natural resources in the coastal zone in the City of Carlsbad that is provided for in the local coastal program of the City of Carlsbad. C. Grading and Erosion Control (both subparcels) Because the parcels are located close to environmentally sensitive habitats, development shall conform to the following grading and erosion control standards: 1. Drainage and runoff shall be controlled so as not to exceed at any time the rate associated with property in its present state, and approp- riate measures shall be taken on and/or off site to prevent siltation of lagoons and other envir- onmentally sensitive areas. 2. Grading activity shall be prohibited during the rainy season from October 1st to April 1st of any year. -2- 3. All graded areas shall be hydroseeded prior to October 1st with either temporary or permanent landscape materials. Landscaping shall be maintained and replanted if not established by December 1st. 4. Grading plans shall indicate staking or fen- cing of open space areas during construction and shall specifically prohibit running or parking earthmoving equipment, stockpiling of earthwork material, or other disturbances within the open space areas. 5. Any necessary temporary or permanent erosion control devices, such as the desilting basin, shall be developed and installed prior to any on- or off-site grading activities, or, con- current with grading, provided all devices are installed and operating prior to October 1st, and installation is assured through bonding or other acceptable means. 6. The developer must provide for the long term maintenance of drainage improvements and erosion control devices. D. Landscaping In order to guard against introduction of any species which are inherently noxious to or incompatible with the adjacent lagoon habitat, drought tolerant plants and native vegetation shall be used to the maximum extent feasible. Landscaping adjacent to structures should provide an effective screen of urban development. E. Environmentally Sensitive Habitats The environmentally sensitive habitats located on both subparcels (i.e. wetlands and bluff slopes) shall be preserved as open space. These sensitive areas shall be protected from any significant disruption. Further- more, development on the bluff tops shall be set back from the bluff edges to prevent possible impacts on adjacent environmentally sensitive habitats. F. Public Access A pedestrian walkway shall be provided along the western property line of Batiquitos Pointe from approximately Ponto Drive on the north to the San Marcos Creek Bridge on the south. The walkway shall be permanently open to use by the public. -3- Lagoon accessways - bluff-top accessways or equiva- lent overlook areas shall be provided if agricultural land on the north shore of Batiquitos Lagoon is dev- eloped. Such accessways shall be preserved for public use by requiring irrevocable offers of dedication of those areas as a condition of development. G. Visitor-Serving Use A minimum of 6 acres (excluding roads) located on the Batiquitos Pointe subparcel shall provide visitor- serving commercial uses. H. Archaeology A program of preservation and/or impact mitigation reg- arding archaeological sites located on both subparcels shall be completed prior to any development. I. State Lands Commission Review Prior to issuance of the coastal development permit, permittee shall obtain a written determination from the State Lands Commission that: 1. No State Lands are involved in the develop- ment, or 2. State Lands are involved in the development and all permits required by the State Lands Commission have been obtained, or 3. State Lands may be involved in the develop- ment, but pending a final determination an agreement has been made with the State Lands Commission for the project to proceed without prejudice to that determination. -4- ATTACHMENT 7 SAMMIS PROPERTIES Zoning Addition to the Planned Community Zone - The following new section shall be added to the P-C Zone Ch.21.38 of the Zoning Ordinance: Additional Standards - Sammis Properties - Batiquitos Pointe/Seabluff The subject properties are designated Planned Community on the Land Use Plan map. The contents of the Master Plan as described in Ch.21.38.060 shall include the following additional information req- uired below and be approved in accordinace with the following additional development standards: 1. Permits Required. No development, including but not limited to land divisions, as defined in Section 21.04.108 of this code shall occur without a Coastal Development Permit having first been issued pursuant to Chapter 21.65 of this Code. A master plan or a planned development permit processed according to Section 21. .060 shall be considered a coastal permit if also processed in compliance with Chapter 21.65. 2. Maximum Density of Development. The Master Plan shall be approved subject to a maxxmum density of development as follows: A. Batiquitos Pointe (property west of the railroad tracks) - a maximum of 354 residential units are permitted pursuant to Coastal Permit 6-83-324. The density shall not exceed 20 dwellings per gross residential acre (excluding wetlands, bluff slopes and commercial acreage). In addition, approximately 6 net acres of the site shall be retained for visitor-serving commercial use. B. Seabluff (property east of the railroad tracks) - a maximum of 600 residential units on a maximum of 40 acres of agricultural soils shall be per- mitted. The remaining 64 acres of agricultural soils excluding wetlands and bluff slopes shall be designated Developable Agriculture. The property owner shall have the opportunity to convert the developable agricultural area to the land uses provided for in the current Carlsbad General Plan. Such conversion will require the payment of the Agricultural Conversion Mitiga- tion Fee as set forth in item #3 below. -1- 7 Upon payment of the fee the maximum overall density for residential development under a master plan approach shall be a combination of 4-10 units per gross residential acre on the northerly portion and 10-20 units per gross residential acre on the southerly portion of the property as provided by the Carlsbad Gen- eral Plan. Gross residential acreage shall exclude wetlands and bluff slopes. 3. Developable Agricultural Land. The Master Plan shall designate a minimum of 64 acres excluding wetlands and bluff slopes on the Seabluff property as Developable Agri- cultural Land (DAg), (see the DAg Zone attachment for the Sammis LCP segment). 4. Erosion, Drainage, Sedimentation. Subject to the modifi- cations, additions, or exceptions expressed below, as a part of the permit application, the applicant shall submit an erosion, sedimentation and drainage plan prepared by a qualified professional, including the requirements of the Model Erosion Control Ordinance reprinted in the Appendix to the June 1980 Carlsbad Master Drainage Plan, the require- ments of the Master Drainage Plan, and the additional requirements specifically enumerated herein. For purposes of this zone, the June 1980 Master Drainage Plan and its appendices are herein incorporated by this reference and are a part of this zone. The general provisions, standards content of plans and implementation contained therein are in addition to the provisions below. Approved development shall include the following conditions, in addition to the require- ment specified above: A. A soils map in the scale of 1" = 100 feet, showing both the erodibility of soils and the type and lo- cation of soils, using the SCS Land Use Capability Classification System and standards of erodibility developed by SCS. The soils map shall be certified by a soils engineer as true and accurate. B. Drainage and runoff shall be controlled so as not to exceed at any time the rate associated with property in its present state, and appropriate measures shall be taken on and/or off-site to pre- vent siltation of lagoons and other environmentally sensitive areas. C. The appropriate measures shall be installed prior to on-site grading. D. All bluff slopes shall be placed in open space easements as a condition of development approval. -2- Mitigation measures tailored to project impacts and consistent with the control of cumulative development shall be implemented prior to dev- elopment in accordance with the following additional criteria: 1. Submittal of a runoff control plan designed by a licensed engineer qualified in hydrology and hydraulics, which would assure no increase in peak runoff rate from the developed site over the greatest discharge expected from the existing undeveloped site as a result of a 10-year frequency storm. Runoff control shall be accomplished by a variety of mea- sures including, but not limited to, on-site catchment basins, detention basins, siltation traps and energy dissipators and shall not be concentrated in one area or a few locations. 2. Detailed maintenance arrangements and various alternatives for providing the ongoing repair and maintenance of any approved drainage and erosion control facilities. If the off-site or on-site improvements are not to be accepted or maintained by a public agency, detailed maintenance agreements shall be secured prior to issuance of a permit. 3. All permanent runoff and erosion control devices shall be developed and installed prior to or concurrent with any on-site grading activities. 4. All grading activities shall be prohibited within the period from November 1st to March 31st of each year. 5. All areas disturbed by grading, but not com- pleted during the construction period, inclu- ding graded pads, shall be planted and stabilized prior to November 1st with tem- porary or permanent (in the case of finished slopes) erosion control measures and native vegetation. The use of temporary erosion control measures, such as berms, interceptor ditches, sandbagging, filtered inlets, debris basins and silt traps, shall be utilized in conjunction with plantings to minimize soil loss from the construction site. Said -3- planting shall be accomplished under the supervision of a licensed landscape archi- tect and shall consist of seeding, mulching, fertilization and irrigation adequate to provide 90 percent coverage within 90 days. Planting shall be repeated, if the required level of coverage is not established. This requirement shall apply to all disturbed soils, including stockpiles. 6. Grading plans shall indicate staking or fencing of open space areas during construc- tion and shall specifically prohibit running or parking of earthmoving equipment, stock- piling of earthwork materials, or other disturbances within open space areas. 5. Landscaping, In order to guard against the introduction of any species which are inherently noxious to or incom- patible with the adjacent lagoon habitat, the master plan shall indicate that drought tolerant and native vegetation shall be used to the greatest extent feasible. Prior to development, a detailed landscape plan must be submitted and approved by the City. Said landscape plan shall be reviewed by the Department of Fish & Game for compatibility of landscape materials with adjacent environmentally sen- sitive habitat species. 6. Environmentally Sensitive Habitats. The environmentally sensitive habitats located on both wetlands and bluff slopes shall be preserved as open space. These sensitive areas shall be protected from any significant disruption. Furthermore, development on the bluff tops shall be set back from the bluff edges to prevent possible impacts on adjacent environmentally sensitive habitats. Detailed topographic maps shall be prepared by qualified professionals including biologists, hydrologists and engi- neers in sufficient detail to locate the boundary of lagoon or wetland and upland areas. The scale shall not be less than 1" = 100 feet with a contour interval of 5 feet, and shall include an overlay delineating the location of the development. The lagoon and wetland areas shall be delin- eated according to the requirements of Section 30121 of the Coastal Act and the LCP Mapping regulations, subject to the review and approval of the Department of Fish and Game. 7. Public Access. The master plan shall provide public access to coastal resources (i.e. beaches and lagoons) in the fol- lowing manner: -4- A. A pedestrian walkway shall be provided along the western property line of Batiquitos Pointe from approximately Ponto Drive on the north to the San Marcos Creek Bridge on the south. The walkway shall be permanently open to use by the public. B. Lagoon accessways - bluff-top accessways or equivalent overlook areas shall be provided if agricultural land on the north shore of Batiquitos Lagoon is developed. Such accessways shall be pre- served for public use by requiring irrevocable offers of dedication of those areas as a condition of development. 8. Archaeology. The master plan shall include a program of preservation and/or impact mitigation regarding archaeo- logical sites located on both subparcels shall be completed prior to any development. 9. State Lands Commission Review. Prior to issuance of the coastal development permit, permittee shall obtain a written determination from the State Lands Commission that: A. No State Lands are involved in the development, or B. State Lands are involved in the development and all permits required by the State Lands Commission have been obtained, or C. State Lands may be involved in the development, but pending a final determination an agreement has been made with the State Lands Commission for the project to proceed without prejudice to that determination. -5- // SAMMIS DAg ZONE CHAPTER 21. Developable Agriculture Zone 21. .010 Purpose and Intent. The Developable Agriculture (DAg) Zone is established to implement Sections 30170(f), 30171, 30241, and 30242 of the California Coastal Act and the Local Coastal Land Use Plan certified on . This zone recog- nizes agriculture as a priority use under the Coastal Act and pro- tects that use by establishing mechanisms to assure the continued and renewed agricultural use of agricultural lands while allowing development to proceed in compliance with the zone. This zone pro- vides necessary incentives to accomplish the goal of protecting and promoting agriculture in the coastal zone, in order to conform with Sections 30241 and 30242 of the California Coastal Act of 1976. The DAg zone adopts permitted uses for all agricultural lands located in the zone. The DAg conversion program is voluntary, and allows agricultural parcels to convert to more intense urban uses. To mitigate the adverse impact of conversion on the area's currently existing agricultural economy, landowners of developable agricultural lands must contribute monetary fees to a fund which will encourage continued agriculture on lands retained in agricultural use. 21. .020 Definitions. For the purposes of this zone, terms used herein are defined asfollows: A. "Developable Agricultural Lands" means those agricultural lands identified on Map Z attached to the Land Use Plan certified on . B. "Class I-IV Agricultural Land" means all land which quali- fies for rating as Class I through Class IV in the U.S. Department of Agriculture Soil Conservation Service Land Use Compatibility Classification. C. "Class V-VIII Agricultural Land" means all land which quali- fies for rating as Class V through Class VIII in the U.S. Department of Agriculture Soil Conservation Service Land Use Compatibility Classification. D. "Land Division" means the creation of any new property line whether by subdivision or other means. E. "Urban Uses" means any use other than a use permitted by Section 21. .050 including any use necessary or convenient to urban use. 21. .030 Development of Developable Agricultural Land. Developable agricultural land may be converted from agricultural use and developed for urban use in compliance with the procedures of this chapter. -1- 21. .040 Permits Required. No development, including but not limited to land divisions, as defined in Section 21.04.108 of this code shall occur without a Coastal Development Permit having first been issued pursuant to Chapter 21.65 of this Code. A master plan or a planned development permit processed according to Section 21. .060 shall be considered a coastal permit if also processed in compliance with Chapter 21.65. 21. .050 Permitted Uses on Agricultural Lands. The pro- visions of which section shall apply to any developable agricultural land which has not been approved for development pursuant to this chapter. a. On any Class I through Class IV Agricultural Land the fol- lowing uses only are permitted: 1. Cattle, sheep, goats and swine production, provided that the number of any one or combina- tion of said animals shall not exceed one animal per half acre of lot area. Structures for con- taining animals shall not be located within fifty feet of any habitable structure on the same parcel, nor within three hundred feet of an adjoining par- cel zoned for residential uses. 2. Crop production. 3. Floriculture. 4. Horses, private use. 5. Nursery crop production. 6. Poultry, rabbits, chinchillas, hamsters and other small animals, provided not more than twenty- five of any one or combination thereof shall be kept within fifty feet of any habitable structure, nor within three hundred feet of an adjoining par- cel zoned for residential uses. 7. Roadside stands for display and sale of products produced on the same premises, with a floor area not exceeding two hundred square feet, and located not nearer than twenty feet to any street or highway. 8. Tree farms. 9. Truck farms. 10. Wildlife refuges and game preserves. 11. Other uses or enterprises similar to the above customarily carried on in the field of general agriculture including accessory uses such as silos, -2- tank houses, shops, barns, offices, coops, stables, corrals, and similar uses required for the con- duct of the uses above. 12. One single family dwelling per existing legal building parcel. b. On any Class V through VIII Agricultural Land the follow- ing uses only are permitted: 1. All of the permitted uses listed above. 2. Hay and feed stores. 3. Nurseries, retail and wholesale. 4. Packing sheds, processing plants and commercial outlets for farm crops, provided that such activities are not located within 100 feet of any lot line. 5. Greenhouses, provided all requirements for yard setbacks and height as specified in Chapter 21.07 of this Code are met. 21. .055 Lot and Yard Standards - Agricultural Lands. The provisions of thissection shall apply to any developable agricul- tural land which has not been approved for development pursuant to this chapter. 1. The minimum required lot area of any newly created lot shall not be less than 10 acres. 2. Every newly created lot shall have a minimum width of the rearline of the required front yard of not less than three hundred feet. 3. Every lot shall have a required front yard of forty feet. Except as otherwise provided in Section 21. .050 no building or structure shall be located on the required front yard. 4. Every lot and building site shall have a side yard on each side of the lot or building site not less than fifteen feet in width unless otherwise permitted by Section 21. .050. 5. Every lot and building site shall have a rear yard of not less than twenty-five feet unless otherwise permitted by Section 21. .050. 6. No building or structure shall exceed thirty-five feet in height. 7. Buildings and structures shall not cover more than forty percent of a lot. — 3 — 8. All residential structures shall conform to the pro- visions of Section 21.07.120 of this Code. 21. .060 Development of Developable Agricultural Land. Dev- elopable agricultural lands may be converted from agricultural to urban uses pursuant to the following procedures: a. As a condition of approval of any conversion of non-prime agricultural land located within this area to urban uses, the applicant shall be req- uired to pay a coastal resource enhancement fee of $6,500 per acre converted to urban uses to be administered by a joint Coastal Conservancy/City of Carlsbad trust. If a future enhancement study of Batiquitos Lagoon determines that a greater per-acre coastal resource enhancement fee is necessary to implement the Plan, then the per- acre fee may be increased by vote of the Carlsbad City Council as necessary, but not to exceed $10,000 per acre of land converted to non- agricultural uses. b. The City of Carlsbad, in consultation with the State Coastal Conservancy shall create a Bati- quitos Lagoon Trust. Consistent with the Calif- ornia Coastal Act Section 30171(b) all coastal resource enhancement fees collected pursuant to subdivision (a) shall be administered by the trust. Separate accounting of fund collection, management and disbursement shall be carried out by the City. The following are the categories and priorities in order of expenditure of funds: 1. Restoration of natural resources and wildlife habitat in Batiquitos Lagoon. 2. Development of an interpretive center at Buena Vista Lagoon. 3. Restoration of beaches managed for public use in the coastal zone in the City of Carlsbad. 4. Any other project or activity benefiting natural resources in the coastal zone in the City of Carlsbad that is provided for in the local coastal program of the City of Carlsbad. c. Mitigation Program. Within six months of the certi- fication of this chapter by the California Coastal Commission, the City Council shall prepare operating directives and procedures for administration of the mitigation program. -4- A reasonable portion of the transmitted conversion fees may be used by the City to cover the actual costs of administration, up to a maximum of 1% of any conversion fees. Costs of administration will be greatest at the beginning of the program, so a proportion greater than 1% of the fees may be reserved at the initiation of the program for the purpose. Five years after the adoption of the mitigation program, the program shall be reviewed for effec- tiveness and fulfillment of applicable coastal act policies. If the City Council finds the program not adequate to meet the purposes of the local coastal program, modification may be requested as a Local Coastal Program amendment. -5- DAg Zone N (140 SCALE) LEGEND RM RESIDENTIAL MEDIUM (4—1O du/ac) RMH RESIDENTIAL MEDIUM HIGH (1O—2O du</ac) N NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL C GENERAL COMMERCIAL E ELEMENTARY SCHOOL TS/C TRAVEL SERVICE COMMERCIAL OS OPEN SPACE Sammis Properties CARLSBAD GENERAL PLAN LAND USE MAP. (DAg Zone superimposed) " : Map Z Carlsbad Journal Decreed a Legal Newspaper by the Superior Court of San Diego County 31 38 ROOSEVELT ST. • P.O. BOX 248 • CARLSBAD, CA 92008 • 729-2345 Proof of Publication STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ss COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of the county aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen years, and not a party to or interested in the above entitled matter. I am principal clerk of the printer of the CarlSbsd Journal a newspaper of general circulation, published twice weekly in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, and which newspaper is published for the dissemination of local news and intelligence of a general character, and which newspaper at all times herein mentioned had and still has a bona fide subscription list of paying subscribers, and which newspaper has been established and published'at regular intervals in the said City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, for a period exceeding one year next preceding the date of publication of the notice hereinafter referred to; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in each regular and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any supplement thereof on the following dates, to-wit: NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING / NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that .the Carlsbad City Council will holda public hearing at the City CouncilChambers, 1200 Elm Avenue, Carls- bad, California, at 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday, March 12,1985. The pur- pose of the hearing is to accept pub- lic input regarding a proposed amendment to the Carlsbad Local Coastal Program by including the West Batiquitos Lagoon/Sammis Properties geographical area with- in the jurisdiction of the CarlsbadLocal Coastal Program (LCP). Thesubject area which was formerlypart of the San Dieguito LCP wasannexed to Carlsbad in 1983 and re- moved from the San Dieguito LCP jurisdiction by the California Coastal Commission in 1984. Council action would open a six- week public review period. Copiesof the proposed LCP amendmentare available for review at the Carlsbad Lib. ary (Main and La Cos-- ta branch), Carlsbad City Hall and Research/Analysis Group offices: 2945 Harding St, #207. Carlsbad.If you have any questions please ' contact the City's Research/Analy- sis Group at 438-5618. > CI 4124: March 2,1985 March 2 19 85 19, 19, 19 19 I certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed at Carlsbad. County of San Diego, State of California on the 2nd _ day of Marchf 1985' 1.5M-11/84 Clerk of the Printer