HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985-03-19; City Council; 8084-1; GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT, ZONE CHANGE AND SPECIFIC PLAN FOR SNUG HARBOR AREA.' h&#/ TITLE: - pLAN -m, mm mE MTG. 3/19 /85 AND SPECIFIC PLAN FOR SWUG HARBOR AREA. GPA/LU 84-10/ZC-313/SP-197 - CITY OF CARLSBAD. b PI DEPT. PLN a DEPT. HI CITY AT1 CITY MG / 4 3 M 8 c3 8 tT d -d 2 4 3 8 2 4 a a, Ei a .4 a -d {$ g d -4 3 a2 $3 !Q $6 -4 WQI w ul -a ha, H OS $8 Aw 3% -4 -u vm .. 03 z I & a =! Oz 3 0 o 83 m m I 2 rl cc) -i I CITVF CARLSBAD - AGENDWILL RECOMMENDED ACTION: prepare documents DENYING GPA/LU 84-10/ZC-313 and SP-197. In addition, staff would recamnend that the Council direct the Land Use Planning Office to win the processing for a General Plan Amendmnt, Zone Change and Agua Hedionda La Use Plan Amndrnent to &age the Snug Harkor area to residential use. ITEN EXE'LNAATION This item was continued frm the meeting of Phrch 5, 1985. At that meting * City Council directed staff to return with infomation regarding the mst appropriate way to redesignate the Snug Harbor area to residential use. Sta: feels that the mst desirable way to accanplish this muld be for Council m deny the applications currently under consideration and direct staff to bsgb preparation of a new general plan amendment and zone dange. Staff is recanmending the ahve action because it is less confusing and no additional th~ is lost tecause an anendment to the Agua Hedionda Land Use P (m) will need to te processed simultaneously. Hedionda Land Use Plan will require a six week public review period which is ordinarily required for a general plan amendmnt and zone cbange. The six week revim period required for the Agua Hedionda Land Use Plan mndment Will mean that the new applications should rea& Council by June 4 which is the next regularly scheduled general plan amendment hearing. probably be the only general plan anendment at that hearing bcause of the L Use Element Review by the Citizens Catnittee. For further information and badkground please see the attached agenda hill j the meeting of Mar& 5, 1985. ENVIR0"TF;L REVIEW The Land Use Planning Manager has determined that the environmental impacts this project have already ken considered in conjunction with another projec and previously certified environmental documents, and therefore, has issued statant of Prior Compliance on January 17, 1985. FISCAL IMF'ACT The increased need for City capital facilities resulting frcun this develop will be offset by the payment of the public facilities fee at the time the is developed. Any capital facilities related directly to this developent be constructed and paid for by the developer. Increased operating expenses related to any future developnt will te offE same extent frm increased tax or fee revenue generated by that developnt detailed econcPnic impact analysis of this developat has been conducted at the so predictions of the portion of operating expenses covered by additic operating revenue created as a result of this project cannot be mde. EXHIBITS 1. Agenda Bill #8084 w/attahents Staff is recomnending that the City Council direct the Attorney' s Office to AKI amendment to the Agua This