HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985-03-19; City Council; 8091; ACCEPTANCE OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS TRAFFIC SIGNAL AT LA COSTA AVENUE AND RANCHO SANTA FE ROADTRAFFIC SIGYAL AT L.4 COSTA AVENUE AND RANCHO SANTA FE R04D Accept improvements, authorize City Clerk to release bonds, and direct thc Utilities and Kaintenance Department to commence maintaining the public streets associated with this subdivision. ITEM EXPLANATION: The developer, as a result of a condition on an earlier approved: suS?i\/is was required to install a complete traffic signal system for the inierscci of Rancho Santa Fe Road and La Costa Avenue and partial street witienit:.; 31 La Costa Avenue. The work has been completed as required and the 3?v?lopc has requested the City to accept the public improvements. The work has br: inspected by Engineering and Utilities and Maintenance and has Seen recorn. mended for acceptance. FISCAL IMPACT: The City will be required to maintain a small amount of additional street paving and one additional signalized intersection. Our contract costs for signal maintenance are $588.00 per intersection per year. 1. Letter requesting acceptance, dated January 25, 1985 2. Location Map LL! >. 0 cx a. Lk 4 .- z 0 F 0 4 5 z 3 0 0 0 e CR COStR /f EXECUTIVE OFFICES c-. b, 1. / 4% 54°vfl-31 ?.lt ~ “is X& -2- 2 ip $2 1r-l --La? “3-L January 28, 1985 Mr. Pat Entezari Project Engineer City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carl sbad , CA 92008-1 989 Re: Traffic Signal on Rancho Santa Fe Road & La Costa Avenue Dear Mr. Entezari: We have been informed that the installation of the traffic signal at the above location has been completed. We would, therefore , appreciate the City of Carl sbad notifyinu Allianz Insurance Company, the surety under Bond No. ASB 30-09-(7, that this bond can be exonerated. Very truly yours> Burton L. Kramer Authorized Signature BLK: my cc: Ms. Margaret E. O’Brien Director, Fidelity & Surety Allianz Insurance Company EXHIBIT 1 6435 Wi 1 s hi re Boul evard Los Angeles, CA 90048 COSTA DEL MAR ROAD . CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 . AREA CODE 619 . TELEPHONE 438-9111 0 0 i * !. NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR PROJECT CONSTRUC/ION ENGINEERING To All Laborers and Haterial Hen and to Every Otl Person Interested: YOU WILL PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that on February 20, 1985, Engineering project consisting of the installation traffic signals at the intersection of La Costa Avenue Rancho Santa Fe Road on which McCAIN CONSTRUCTION was Contractor, and ALLlANZ INSURANCE CO. was the surety, comp 1 et ed. CITY OF CARLSBAD -- - City Engineer VER,IFICATION OF CITY ,CLERK I, the undersigned, say: I am the City Clerk of the City of Carlsbad; the C Council of said City on above described work as completed and ordered that a Notice Completion be filed. accepted 1_-- I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing true and correct. --- at Carlsbad, California ---- Executed on CITY OF CARLSBAD City Clerk a dl h- .* ii s up, 1) -J ',J I s T ~14 1: >:p j-t~yg ;: !.5 E 11 71 x> (3 p%~ -.. _-. _-__ -____.._-__ ___. _.___-__ ~___ j/ Ij /j 1 i: i.)Ay~: OF A(;XCI.:1.E:J7': __ October ~. 8 , 1980 - ! 1; /i PARDEE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY Santa Fe Knolls, Unit 2 2 jj ;J.x&.$.l; oF S[]f:DIl;IDzR: 3 11 !.J,q.;E CF S''."' iJ5dLJ/ 7- - -JSI(-J!\i : ___.___ 4 \i ~:::$;CLUTIO;; OF $A??3RoJ:LT, ';..:os : I-__ .. . , .- ADOPTED: ,lune 3/lf 6200 ~05 -3 l1 __ 5 11 I:.pROV:;~Ix;<T l,pLq:.jlp:Gs p;G. : 6 /I i--~T~P;-qT-?:d TlSTAEL COST 07 I::'r;ROljEy~~:li'S : 7 jj ES'~'I~L>TX) TOTAL CQST 02: ~.~~~q~a4~\:r~~ VI L IL. * , - 2% I I c. N : 8 1; y?.T.:z 1,IfitIT FOR CO;*~~~,~:TIlCj>~ OF IFfPRO\TE:-iEIJTS: '! li $801,000.00 ~__ - ---- I1 18 - Months j: I c*xj~,-v--r,~y -* ..-r 9 ! u A-.i,~ '.::\&> BOND ?,zo. s'r. PAEL FIRE & !&n.p,I?JE INS. co. 400FIi7 631 This agree.;.:ent is r;iac?e and er,tered into by and betweer 10 ;/ /I 11 jj city (25 ~arlsSad, ~ali.fornia, a ?;;nnici?al Corporatien of tk 12I; s.tatr. r.,f Cal.ifGrzia, hereinaftsr referred to as C.ity ; an< i 13 j Subc?j.vieer narned on Line 2 of Paqe 1 hereof, hereinafter IE 2-4 1; to as Sxbciividez. 1; 1 n 2. y s :< m !' 6LL F 5 z >- L g c. 5< I, b-z zgg6 xi; e, C? - c ZD ,'j c.< 1; >* t I . I1I c, I! I! gk-2% 15!! - , p ;. 3.7 i. recorci~ticn, a finel slibdivision map of a proposed su5di.vi: i) OG$'rr rnC1"ALS : J I r,Tr:F-. v= c- 2, u r,i,-L~-.~~.L2, S~S5i.vider has presented to City fclr a:?~ :c-Jz.~ w .- . :aji si:a'i..d in Ll:-l.:? 3 of r.Z?C 2- hcrc;of pursvlant to i-'ro\-isions - t> I! i: ~ 1: I! 1.9 i: of the Si:bcii.v?_-,ic?n ~ap Zict of the State of Califernla, an? ,le 20 or' the Carlsbad .. I! 20 1; c:oa,,liunc.?, \,<i.-h +ht? provlsJLons of T.ih 2~ 1; ~u.xiic:ipal ::o~cI', 22 1: fi.ling, a~pri.v;2i ar,d recorZati.cn of subdi visiori ~EZFS; ar,d hereinafter referred to as ~o<e, relatixg i i; I1 \L'i<Ei,l?pAS , 2 a- Lt..r.ci,..i~-~ ->c i- -. 4- . zap of tfie subdivision Yizs been i 25 /, I.-csoI.~ii-,ion lSstec7, cn Lice 4 of ?age 1 herreof. Said resolut. 11 23 ji I! 1: li 1: .. 24 I, :subject 'ilo tihe r:ic;i,i.rc:mcl:lt.s and CGYIC~I~?-CI~S cont.ai.nc?d i.n thr i, I. I/ ZG! on fiic: ir: the <)fzicE of th'iz City Clr.rl._ and is incorporate: 27 j i-:y wi:fcreni:e a;i :zadc j ?art kcrclof; and I' 1' 23 1 I/:IIEEET:S ~ ~3:: c0-3~: ~L---ov?:.:~cs tl:at bqfore t_he fin21 mi32 i I! ii I: jj I I: .'.. 1 2 3, 4 5 5 7 I I Ij approved by the City Council, Subdivider must have complied the requirements of said resolution and must have either in: and completed all of the public improvements and land develc 1 work required by the Code and said .resolution to be installt I subdivisions before final maps of subdivisions are approved City for purpose of recording in the office of the County R i of Sax: Diego County, or as an alternative thereof, that Sub I IQ I ! I to the requirements of the Code, agreeing at its ovin expens1 19 20 21 22j 23 1 deliver to City an improvement security as approved by the 1 ! f Attorney; and i i WHETCEAS, complete plans and specific:ations fcr the con tion, installation and completion of the pub1i.c improvement 1 have been prepared and approved by the City Enqineer, as sh i 1 27 28'; I ?ZIEREAS, it is necessary that certain monuzients anti st ai; specified on the final map shail be installed within ttii ; I I i 2. 1 2 3 41 5 0 !I I I I 1 days after completion of the required inprovencnts and tlnei 1 acceptance by City, and that street signs be placed at inte 1 sections, as required by the Code: and i WHEREAS, an estimate of the cost of constructing the pu improvenents and necessary la~d deseloFment work in connect 1 2/ i T in the office of the City Engineer. (d) Notify City Engineer- in writing at least fift days prior to the cormencement of the work he 4 5 so that City Engineer shall be able to provic services of inspection. 8, 9' 7l 1 or before the time limit state6 in Line 8 of hereof. i (E) Install all monuments require6 by law within i - 0 99 20 . 21 22 23 3. The City Encineer or his duly authorized represent; Epon request of Subdivider, shall inspect at Subdivider's e> the iniprovements herein agreed tc be constructed and hstall Subdivider, and if determined tc be rln accordance with appli 1 City skandards and the terms of this agreement, shall recoirc l 1 I I ! I .I 1 2 3 4 5 6 I securit.y on forms approved by City, in the amount of 100% I I I /estimated cost of said improvements as stated on LiIie 6 of : hereof, to assure faithful performance of this agreement in. regards to said improvements, and ir, the additional amount ( 0: said amcunt for securing payment to contractor, his subcr t 1 tors an6 persons renting equipment or furnishing labor or m, I 2%; the improvement security given for faithful performance of t 27 28 j ; of the tota3- estirns.trd cost of the imprcvemcnt as changed, L ! or amendcd, mir,us any co:qleted partial releases thereof as I 5. 1 21 41 3 5/ I i by Paraqraph 6 cf this agreement. I 6. The securities required by this agreement shall be released as follows: (1) Security given for faithful performance of ani act or agreement shall be released upon the fi 9' 1 security in conjunction with the acceptance c I 18 k- u - ' and acceptance of the act or work. In no evt I I J 21 t 22 J 23 I ; I an amount below that required to guarantee t completion of the act or work and any other imposed by the Code, the Subdivision Map Act I i l 28 2 I I completion and acceptance of the act or worl I - 7 reduced to an amount equal. to the amount of al. 2 31 therefor filed and of which notice has been cJi the legislative body pius an amount reasonablk mined by the City Engineer to be required to a i 4 91 which 'the secl-lrity was given. (4) No security given for the guarzntee or warrant I 11 0 9. In the event that Subdivider fails to perform any I 4 5 Subdivider and to Subdivider's Surety, cost of such performance by City. and agrees to pay th 3 61 7 , obligation twenty days after mailing wrLtten notice of defah The sums provided by .the irnpro7Jement security may t= by City for the conpletion of the pxblic improvements withir, nos5 Zt-0 st- zk 15 I-' c: 8 A< DC i i in completing the work, such materials, appliances, plant ar i CG 0 E - 18 V ! I I 10. in the eveak that Stlbdivider fails to perform any 20 21 22 i I 'expenses incurred by City in securicg performance of such i oSl.igations, i fees. including cc;sts of suit and reasonable attorne: 1 i 11. Subdivizer shall guarantee or warranty the work do 1 2 3 4 5 6 8, 71 9 10 ,Subdivider, i or any of the work done under this agreement, 1 to fulfil.1 any of the requirements of this agreement or the 2; and specifTcations referred to herein, Subdivider shall witj delay and without any cost to City, repair or replace or rec struct any defective or otherwise unsatisfactory part or par the work or structure. Shoulc! Subdivider fail to act prompt in accordance with this requirement, Subdivider hereby authc City, at City's option, to perform the work twenty days afte , mailinig written notice of default to Subdivider and agrees t I 1 pay the cost of such work by City. Should the exigencies of I I u 19 20 -21 22 i 1 ~ 13. h'othing contained in this agrcenent shall preclude 1 from expending monies pursuant .to agreements concurrently or 1 previously executed between the parties, or frox efitering in 1 agyeenents with subdividers for the apportionrnent of costs o I I I i I I I 3 4 I f 7 G conditiGn existent in said improvements, an6 will protect f traveling public from such defective or dangerous condition The Subd-’Lvilier hereby agrees to pay for such inspection of improvencnts as may be required by the City Engineer of thc 9 10 11 12 5 g 13 n < ffi .P TU rec3rdatron of the Nokice of Conpletion, ownership of the i: inprgvexents constructed pursuant to this agreement shall 1 I I , Clry, 16. Acceptance of the work on behalf of Cit:;. shall bf I 1 by t3e city Engineer upon authorization of the City Counc-i i i I I 28 any persons or property injured by reason of said work or I i 10. 1 2l 2, 4 I iiients, but 211 05 saiz liabilities shall be assuned by Sub 19. Sale or other disposition of this property will I relieve Subdi-vider from the obligations set forth herein. 20. Time is of the essence of this agreement. Suhdi 7, I the time for coDpletian. Provided that in the event good i 20 I J I hy the City EnGineer. i i 22 I j agreement snall constitlite consent to the filing by City o! I 27, I such cxrcution, and by Subdivider. I i 1 i I ' } ss. STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF Los Anqeles -i- .e --ap;7p Belinda Wheatley 11 21 I i 5l 6 (gotaria1 acknowledgement of execution of Subdivider must attached. ) 8' 9 c I I