HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985-03-19; City Council; 8101; Request to Address Council - Ed GivensA CIT -IF CARLSBAD - AGENDA ALL 4B# f!!!o/ MTG. 3/19/85 DEPT. CM TITLE REQUEST TO ADDRESS COUNCIL - ED GIVENS DEPT. HD. CITY ATTY CITY MGR.%. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Hear Mr. Givens protest. ITEM EXPLANATION: Mr. Givens has protested award of bid to SI-MAC Construction for the renovation of Chase Field restroom and snack bar. EXHIBITS: 1. Letter from Mr. Givens dated 2/25/85. 2. Letter from Assistant City Manager dated 2/21/85. 3. Memo from Purchasing Officer dated 3/14/85. c -. Llc. w354221 GENERAL CONTRACTOR, CUSTOM HOMES REMODELING SPECIALIST a POST OFFICE BOX 1434 VISTA. CALIFORNIA 92083 727-0504 February 25, 1985 Frank Aleshire % City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 Project: Chase Field Restroom/Snack Bar Contract No. PR. 001 Dear Mr. Aleshire Please accept our letter of protest on the above referenced project. Our reasons for the protest are as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. The low bidder did not list a roofing sub-contractor in his bid package, page 8, Designation of Sub-cont- ractors, thus SI-MAC Construction is the roofing contractor. Specification Section 7B, Built-up Roffing, item 3-b-1, states that the Johns-Manville (JM) roof shall be applied by an approved applicator. Also, item 3-c states that the roofing contractor shall provide the owner (City of Carlsbad) with a written guarantee to keep the roof watertight. Attached are a few copies of the Johns-Manville Manual for Built-up Roof Systems, cover, pg. 3 (statement of ;?olicy) pg. 5 (guarantee) and pg. 7 (general statements). Considering that only a Johns-Manville roof system was approved, and that Johns-Manville will only guarantee their roof system if it is applied by one of their approved roofers, we must request that the bic? from SI-MAC Construction be rejected because they are not an approved Johns-Manville roofer, thus their bid did not comply with the City of Carlsbad Bid Specifications. cont. + cont. page 2 Attached is a copy of our letter -0 you dated February 21, 1985, indicating why we were not in attendance at the Feb- ruary 19, 1985 Council meeting, approving a contract accept- ance of the SI-MAC Construction bid. .? In addition to our protest, we are requesting a full hearing by the City Council, allowing us to explain our protest, and I to act upon our request to be awarded the contract for the project in question. ~, If there are any clarifications needed for our protest, please contact our office as soon as possible. QA+- TRI- STY CO 6 RUCTION Ed Givens,"Project Estimator enclosures 3 1.0 A Statement of Polic- 1.1 Manville has prepared this publication as a refer- ence guide for architects, building owners, engineers, and roofing contractors to assist in the selection and construction of built-up roofs. It presents a wide range of roof specifications, utilizing various products for different inclines and types of decks for use in most areas of the United States. 1.2 The information and specifications are based upon manufacturing background and extensive field experi- ence and are supplemented by thorough and continuing research. Necessarily the specifications are designed for normal conditions. If nonstandard substrates or unusual shapes such as domes, etc., are to be roofed, consultation with Manville is recommended regarding appropriate Manville specifications and methods of application. 1.3 There are many Manville Built-up Roofing Special- ists throughout the United States who are trained in built-up roofing. They have excellent technical support from experienced Manville District Engineers whose addresses and telephone numbers are listed on page 55 of this publication. 1.4 Structural design requirements are the responsibil- ity of the building designer. The roofing systems manu- facturer's recommendations and requirements properly focus on the roofing system (vapor retarder, insulation, membrane) and details of construction which directly affect its application and performance. No Manville, entity assumes responsibility for the decision as to when and where vapor retarder systems should be used. That is the responsibility of the designer. 1.5 Because all of the factors creating abnormal wind conditions on a roof cannot be anticipated by the roofing manufacturer, no Manville entity can accept wind damage liability or take the .responsibility for special attachment procedures, or their performance. 1.6 Basic recommendations and suggestions are pro- vided only to assist the designer. No Manville entity assumes any responsibility for building structural design adequacy, performance of the deck, or of other elements of the building system not included in the roofing system and not manufactured. or supplied by a Manville entity. Manville will not be responsible under any guarantee for failure of the roofing system due to structural defects, damage by other building trades, or for failures due to errors in design of any building element. 2.0 Manville Roofing system Guarantees Manville offers roofing system guarantees for all built-up roofing specifications published in this manual. They only apply to installation within the 48 contiguous United States. When over jnsulation, the insulation must be Manvllle Fescos Board, Manville Fesco-Foam@, Fes- Corew, UltraGardTM or UltraThaneTY. 2.1 What is a Roofing System Guarantee? When a roofing system has been applied by a Manville Approved Roofing Contractor using Manville materials to the satis- faction of Manville Roofing Systems Division, Manville may issue a roofing system guarantee, delivered to the roofing contractor, for a charge based upon the fee schedule in effect at the time of completion of the roof. - 3 I The roofing cor, ;tor must obtain Manville approval for each job before application begins if a roofing system guarantee is required. The guarantee assures the owner that Manville assumes responsibility for the repair of leaks through the roofing system from the causes listed on the guaran- tee facsimile shown in this section. Manville's obligation under the guarantee regarding dollar expenditure and period of time is outlined in paragraphs 2.1.6, 2.1.7 and 2.1.8. The guarantee automatically terminates when the specified time period is attained or the dollar amount of the guarantee is expended. Manville also reserves the right to terminate the agreement if, in its opinion, roof alterations or building occupancy changes can reason- ably be expected to adversely affect the originally guar- anteed roofing system and its performance. Such altera- tions or changes must have prior Manville approval if the guarantee is to remain in effect. No Manville entity shall have any responsibility for failure of the roof, or its roofing products, or for direct or consequential damage except as is expressly stated in the guarantee, when a guarantee is issued. The built-up roofing specification provided by Manville is for guid- ance only and Manville will not accept any responsibility for design or construction of the building. The roofing system guarantee wilt cover base flashings if constructed in accordance with the published flashing specifications in the current Manville Roofing System manual. Only those flashings which are constructed in accordance with specifications may be included in the guarantee. Gravel stops, curb details or flashings incor- porating metal into the built-up roofing membrane are not considered flashings which will be guaranteed. The guarantee also covers Manville roofing accessories (including Expand-O-FlashE, Flex-l-Drainr and FP-10 One Way@ Roof Vents), when installed according to Manville published specifications. The Roofing System guarantee period shall com- mence on the date the installation of the roof is completed. 2.1.1 Manville will issue a guarantee only when the requirements of its guarantee program are met. Manville will not issue a letter of deck acceptance, acceptance of application or any other supplementary letters. No per- son is authorized to issue any letter of specification deviation except the Manville District Engineer. 2.1.2 The roofing systems on multiple separate build- ings may be covered by one guarantee, provided they are for one -owner, on the same site, for completion within one twelve month period and alt the roofing systems qualify for the same type guarantee. 5 .r Manville Signature Series No Dollar Limit Watertite Roofing System Guarantee Building Name Building Address Building Owner Owner's Address Applied by Flashing Spec. Lin. Ft. Flashing Insulation Type Insulation Spec. Accessories (Type and Quantity) Manville Products Corporation' Guarantees to the Owner. that Iw a period Manville will at its expense. repair or cause to be repaired the Rool~np System described In this return the Roofing System loa watertight condillon Roof Area Completion Date Roof spec. COVERAGE During this Guarantsds term. Manville will take appropriate acl attributable to ordinary war and tear 01 the Rooling Syslem or application. WHAT TO 00 IF,YOUe ROOF LE In the went any leak should occur 1. Building Owner must notity Man 2. In resporse to this (I) 11 the leaks are ystem in its nville will take appropriate action to return lwes will advIsm the &Illding Owner of the 131. ii the Building Owner property maker kethesetepairs in areasonable Lo add substanlial damage to the building or It¶ mll reimburse Euilding Owner lor 1h-O reasonable 3 ' c, f>,") 2 LIMITATIONS .I 6 THIS GWRANTEE IS NOT A MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT OR AN INSURANCE POLICY It doss not obtgate Manville IO repair the 01 its substrate. or Id) inU)roper drainaqa Manville la not responsible for damage resulting lrom water entry trom any portlon Of the ti building SINC~U~~ not a part d the Mkg Syslem. TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. MANVILLE DISCLAIMS ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY. INCLUDING THE WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY AND THE WARRANTY OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. OR LIMITS SUCH WARRANTYTOTHE DURATIONANDTOTHE EXTENTOFTHE EXPRESSWARRAMYREPRESENTEDBYTHISGWRANTEE. MANVILLES EXCLUSIVE RESPONSIBILITY AND LIABILITY UNDER THIS GUARANTEE IS TO MAKE REPAIRS THAT MAY BE NECESSARY TO MAINTAIN THE ROOFING SYSTEN IN A WATERTIGHT CONDlTlON IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE OBLIGATIONS WHICH ARE MANVILLES RESPONSIBILITY UNDER THIS GMRANTEE. MANVILLE AND ITS AFFILIATES WILL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY INCIDENTAL OR CONSEOUENTIAL DAMAGES TO THE STRUCTURE (UPON WHICH THE ROOFING SYSTEM IS AFFIXED) OR ITS CONTENTS. LOSS OF TIME OR PROFITS OR ANY INCONVENIENCE. MMIWLLE AND ITS AFFILIATES SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES WHICH ARE BASED UPON NEGLIGENCE. BREACH OF WARRANTY STRICT LIABILITY OR ANY OTHER THEORY OF LIABILITY OTHER THAN THE EXCLUSIVE LIABILITY SET FORTH IN fHtS GUARANTEE. INUDENTAL AND CONSEOUENTIAL DAMAGES SHALL NOT BE RECOVERABLE EVEN IF THE REMEDIES OR THE ACTIONS PRWIDED FOR HEREIN FAIL OF THEIR PURPOSE. RECURRING LEAKS twelve (12) months. Burlding Owner may request an mswutm ol that portmn of the Rooling System experienclng recurring leaks. by the If the Rmling System experiences recurring bas (more than tm, (2) leaks in a given Wion d the Rooling System) ovwr a Pen& d Manvilla Manaoer d TsChnicat Services u his representatwe Manvilb mll then follow the recommendations of the Manager d 2 E;' a Technical Sew;&?. as Io the appropriate solutm of this probbm. NO ONE IS AUTHORIZED TO CHANGE, ALTER OR MODIFY THE PROVISIONS OF THIS GWRANTEE OTHER THAN THE i!%3 MANVILLE MANAGER OF MARKETING ENGINEERING SERVICES-LOCATED AT MANUILLE HEADOUARTERS IN DENVER. COLORADa ;) : I: Becsuse ManviYdldes no) practom Engimring 01 Archrtectura mimw the rswance 01 this Guarantee or any rwiew ot tne &ildipr COnstruction or tnspection ot mol phns (or the Buildings mol deck) Manville representatives shall mst8Nte any warranty by Manville d such plans spec~ltcatim and UMSINC~~ or n any way owtitu~e an extension :!?.> 9 .t I S, p3 .> the terms and Conditions of this Guaranlea . MANVILLEPRODUCT.S CORPORATIDN .a Dehwars Cwp01a1m and lkolly med wbrmary of Manvills Corporalton with 11% prmclple dlict at KenCarvl Ranch Denver. Colorado e0217 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, MANVILLE PRODUCTS CORWFUTW twcmrsd thb Guarantee to be mty mewled and issued to mer j! :: 4: pi3 ) Ihe Roofing Syltrm d06UlbOd In thm Guarantee, 5 A 3.0 Test Cuts 3.1 Manville rejects conclusions as to a roofs com- pliance with specification solely based upon analyzing a test cut. Failure of smali samptes to exactly meet total specified weight can result in rejection of the entire roof regardless of extenuating circumstances. Such a judg- ment ignores variables that the roofing mechanic, using generally accepted techniques and equipment, cannot control. Good distribution of asphalt is far more impor- tant to serviceability of roofing membranes than total weight of bitumen. Roofers, fearing that a test cut will show too little asphalt, may-u2e excessive bitumen an produce a roof prone to sliding, even on low slopes. It iq Manville’s position that test’cuts only damage a good, roof membrane and do more harm than good. 3.2 Test cuts should only be taken when a laboratory analysis of the roof and its components is to be made. When test cuts are made in either old or new roofs they should be at least 10” x 42” and taken at right angles to the length of felts. Such samples are more meaningful than 12” x 12” samples since they reveal whether the base felt has been properly lapped and ply felts laid with proper exposure. The average weight of test cut compo- nents should be within specified values (Le. plus or minus 15%). With care 12” x 12” roof cut can provide information on the amount of bitumen used on a roof. 3.3 Since test cut areas can be of considerable size, care should be taken, when making repairs that the same materials and techniques employed in construct- ing the original roofing membrane are used. The patched area will be weaker than the original roof, since it is impossible to restore completely the integrity of the original membrane. Manville reserves the right to cancel a Roofing System Guarantee if the roof has been subject to test cuts that have not been approved by Manville. 1 4.0 Approved Roofing Contractors 4.1 Manville does not construct built-up roofs and does not own interest in any firm that does. Thus, except under the terms of a guarantee, Manville cannot be responsible for any roofing contractor’s workmanship and Manville never assumes such responsibility. <2 Manville does maintain a list of roofing contractors, called Approved Roofers, whQ are eligible to construct and to repair Manville guaranteed roofing systems. The name “Johns-Manville_Approved Roofer” merely identi- fies a contractor eligible to applyfoEh4anville roofing system guarantee and in no way designates him as an agent for Johns-Manville or Manville. 5.0 Built-up Roofing Systems 5.1 Recognizing the need to accommodate varying climatic conditions, Manville has divided the United States into three geographic regions. Each of its built- up roofing systems is designed to satisfy specific climatic demands as well as substrate, slope and service life requirements. The glass felts used in Manville built-up roofing sys- tems are composed primarily of glass, an inorganic mineral fiber. Unlike organic fiber, this fiber resists wicking moisture into the roofing system, is nonrotting and remains more stable under changing atmospheric conditions. 6.0 Basic Types of Built-up Inorganic Roofing Systems 6.1 Smooth-Surface. Smooth-surface inorganic built- up roofs offer many advantages. They are light in weight, generally less than ‘13 the approximately 500 to 600 pounds per square of gravel- surface roof. ! , i I / 7 7 GENERAL CONTRACTOR, CUSTOM HOMES 8. REMODELING SPECIALIST POST OFFICE BOX 1434 VISTA, CALIFORNIA 92083 727-0504 - Lie. -221 February 21, 1985 Frank Aleshire % City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Ave. Carlsbad, Calif. 92008 PROJECT: Chase Field 2estroom/Snack Bar Contract No. PR.001 Dear Mr. Aleshire, On February 13, 1985, our firm submitted a bid to the City of Carlsbad for the above project. There were two bids submitted, the other bid was from SI--MA.C Construction. On Thursday, February 14, 1985, I contacted the City Purchasing Officer, Ruth Fletcher, and informed her that the low bidder had not complied with the specifications, and that we were in the process of filing a letter of protest to the city. The next day, Friday, February 15, 1985, again I met with Ruth Fletcher. She advised me that in her opion, after consulting with city staff, the low bid was in order. I again stated that our company would be filing a letter of protest. On that same day, in addition to talking with Ruth Fletcher, I also met with Doug amcanson, Parks Superintend- ent, and with Vincent Biondo, City Attorney. All three persons knew that we were in the process of filing a protest letter to the City Council prior to the next regular meeting on Tuesday, February 19, 1985. At that time, and on that day, I was advised by both Ruth Fletcher and Doug Duncanson that the bid review could not get on the February 19, agenda, and would be held off for two weeks til the next council meeting. On Wednesday, February 20, 1955, in the late afternoon, I talked with Ruth Fletcher again, to advise her that we were going to file a protest letter, on the following day. She advised me that on the previous evening, the City Council awarded a contract to SI-,XAC Construction. . ,. . I Page 2 February 21, 1985 Frank Aleshire (con't) At this time, I am asking that you as City Xanager, put this project on a hold, and have our protest letter (letter to follow) read and discussed at the next council meeting. This letter will be hand delivered to your office on Thursday, Feb- ruary 21, 1985, and we respectfully request a written response no later than 24 hours after receipt of this letter. If you have any questions, please call for clarification or exglan- ation. Thank You, Sincerely, STRUCTION e Ed Givens, Project Estimator EG/bg Copies to: Vincent Biondo Tri-City Attorney 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CA 92008-1989 . Offlce of the clry Manager _- TELEPHONE (619) 438-5561 March 1, 1985 Ed Givens, Project Manager Tri-City Construction P. 0. Box'1434 Vista, CA 92083 Dear Mr. Givens: Your letter to the City Manager dated February 25, 1985 has been referred to me for an answer. The bid of SI-Mac Construction Conpany has been carefully reviewed by members of the city staff. Their contractor's license is valid, the bidder's bond is in order and the references have been checked by city staff and are acceptable. As a general contractor, SI-Mac is qualified to perform all phases of the renovation project at Chase Field and is the lowest responsible bidder for this contract. It was on this basis the Council awarded the contract to SI-Mac Construction Company on February 19, 1985. Your reasons for protesting in the bid award are not valid for the following reasons: Point 1 - SI-Mac is a general contractor and is qualified to do the roofing. It is not necessary for them to list a sub- contractor for this contract. Points, 2, 3, and 4 are related to the construction phase of the contract and cannot be used as a basis for disqualifying the lowest responsible bidder. SI-Mac will be required to take out a building permit and a city building inspector will be inspecting the project during various phases of the con- struction. If at any time SI-Mac does not conform to the contract, appropriate action will be taken. Based on the information in your letter, the reasons for protest are not valid and the action taken by the City Council of February 19, 1985, was appropriate. In all instances, the city will be the interpreter of the intent of the contract documents, and the city's decision relevant to the intent is final. We find SI-Mac's bid to be in order and the contract will be executed. .’ March 1, 1985 Ed Givens Page 2 A hearing before the City Council would serve no useful purpose. The bidding and award of contract was done in accordance with state and local law and there is no basis for the Council to rescind the bid award. Thank you for calling this matter to my attention and I hope you will submit bids for future city work. Sincerely, FRANK MANNEN Assistant City Manager FM:gb cc: City Attorney Purchasing Officer Parks and Recreation Director March 14, 1985 To: Assistant City Manager/Athnnistration From: Purchasing Officer CHASE FIELD RESTRm/SNACK M PENCYJATION On January 1, 1985, Council adopted Resolution No. 7879, approving plans and specifications for the rehabilitation of the restrooms Field. sent to ten contractors and seven plan mm. bids me received: and snack bar at Chase Notice to Bidders was published and plans and specifications were On February 13th the following SI-MAC Construction $47 , 178 8380 Vickers Street #lo4 San DiecJo, CA 92111 Tri-City Construction $52 , 634 P.O. Box 1434 Vista, CA 92083 At the time of the bid opening, each bid was acconpanied by either a bidder's bond or a cashier's check in the amunt equal to 10% of the munt bid. Both bids were accepted as being responsive and bidders were told the staff muld review the bids and &e a recomndation to Council. Men-bers of the Purchasing staff checked the low bidder's Contractor's License and were told it was valid, and the company was qualified to do the rendeling at Chase Field. The low bidder's references also were checked and were acceptable. The City's Purchasing Ordinance provides for Public IJOrks Projects to be adninistered in a mer provided by the State Govemnt code. is referred to as the Public Contract Code and provided for the award of a public mrks contract to be mde to the lowst responsible bidder. the lowest bidder -- $5,456 lom than Triqity Construction. bidder is one whose reputation, past perfomce and financial capabilities are such that he is able to met the needs for fulfilling a contract. judgmnt that SI-MAC mts these reqdremnts and there is no basis for the Council to-rescind the bid award. This Section SI-MAC was A responsible It is my Ruth letcher T SECTION 7B 2 Page Lay two plies of asbestos gold line ielt, lapping each sheet I to provide 11 - 1 /3" exposure, solidly mopping between the r ..--tion of Roofing h4aterials: inch from the back edge. . Nails shall be Simplex 1" head nails. 1 't2 j-7- - of';nkshall be applied by an applicator approved by the urer of the materials in accordance with JM specif- fication 83100-P. Asphalt shall be applied at an average temperature of 370 degrees to 400 degrees F., and shall - not be heated to a temperature higher than 450 degrees F.. Asphalt shall be evenly applied between layers. Flood coat shall be poured from buckets or dippers to provide a uniform mopped solid. After all sheets are applied, a collar of flanges 6" on all sides. place with asphalt. around base of vent. asbestos felt shall be cut to fit around vents and werlap the This collar shall be mopped into The vent pipes and other metal fittings A plastic cement cant shall be formed 3) I -. , .. 1.0 A Statement of Policy 1.1 Manville has prepared this publication as a refer- ence guide for architects, building owners, engineers, and roofing contractors to assist in the selection and construction of built-up roofs. It presents a wide range of @ roof specifications, utilizing various products for different inclines and types of decks for use in most areas of the United States. 1.2 The information and specifications are based upon manufacturing background and extensive field experi- ence and are supplemented by thorough and continuing research. Necessarily the specifications are designed for normal conditions. If non-standard substrates or unusual shapes such as domes, etc., are to be roofed, consultation with Manville is recommended regarding appropriate Manville specifications and methods of application. 1.3 There are many-Manville Built-up Roofing Special- ists throughout the United States who are trained in built-up roofing. They have excellent technical support from experienced Manville District Engineers whose addresses and telephone numbers are listed on page 55 of this publication. 1.4 Structural design requirements are the responsibil- ity of the building designer. The roofing systems manu- facturer's recommendations and requirements properly focus on the roofing system (vapor retarder, insulation, membrane) and details of construction which directly affect its application and performance. No Manville. entity assumes responsibility for the decision as to when and where vapor retarder systems should be used. That is the responsibility of the designer. 6 1.5 Because all of the factors creating abnormal wind conditions on a roof cannot be anticipated by the roofing manufacturer, no Manville entity can accept wind damage liability or take the *responsibility for special attachment procedures, or their performance. 1.6 Basic recommendations and suggestions are pro- vided only to assist the designer. No Manville entity assumes any responsibility for building structural design adequacy, performance of the deck, or of other elements of the building system not included in the roofing system and not manufactured or supplied by a Manville entity. Manville will not be responsible under any guarantee for failure of the roofing system due to structural defects, damage by other building trades, or for failures due to errors in design of any building element. 2.0 Manville Roofing system Guarantees Manville offers roofing system guarantees for all built-up roofing specifications published in this manual. They only apply to installation within the 48 contiguous United States. When over insulatlon, the insulation must be Manville Fescos Board, Manville Fesco-Foam@, Fes- Core'", UltiaGard'" or UltraThaneTY. 2.1 What is a Roofing System Guarantee? When a roofing system has been applied by a Manville Approved Roofing Contractor using Manville materials to the satis- faction of Manville Roofing Systems Division, Manville may issue a roofing system guarantee, delivered to the roofing contractor, for a charge based upon the fee schedule in effect at the time of completion of the roof. . -- - .. -- I (a9a The roofing contri r must obtain Manville approval for each job before application begins if a roofing system guarantee is required. The guarantee assures the owner that Manville assumes responsibility for the repair of leaks through the roofing system from the causes listed on the guaran- tee facsimile shown in this section. Manville's obligation under the guarantee regarding dollar expenditure and period of time is outlined in paragraphs 2.1.6, 2.1.7 and 2.1.8. The guarantee automatically terminates when the specified time period is attained or the dollar amount of the guarantee is expended. Manville also reserves the right to terminate the agreement if, in its opinion, roof alterations or building occupancy changes can reason- ably be expected to adversely affect the originally guar- anteed roofing system and its performance. Such altera- tions or changes must have prior Manville approval if the guarantee is to remain in effect. No Manville entity shall have any responsibility for failure of the roof, or its roofing products, or for direct or consequential damage except as is expressly stated in the guarantee, when a guarantee is issued. The built-up roofing specification provided by Manville is for guid- ance only and Manville will not accept any responsibility for design or construction of the building. The roofing system guarantee will cover base flashings if constructed in accordance with the published flashing specifications in the current Manville Roofing System manual. Only those flashings which are constructed in accordance with specifications may be included in the guarantee. Gravel stops, curb details or flashings incor- porating metal into the built-up roofing membrane are not considered flashings which will be guaranteed. The guarantee also covers Manville roofing accessories (including Expand-O-Flash", Flex-l-Drain? and FP-10 One Way@ Roof Vents), when installed according to Manville published specifications. The Roofing System guarantee period shall corn- rnence on the date the installation of the roof is completed. 2.1.1 Manville will issue a guarantee only when the requirements of its guarantee program are met. Manville will not issue a letter of deck acceptance, acceptance of application or any other supplementary letters. No per- son is authorized to issue any letter of specification deviation except the Manville District Engineer. 2.1.2 The roofing systems on multiple separate build- ings may be covered by one guarantee, provided they are for one owner, on the same site, for completion within one twelve month period and all the roofing systems qualify for the same type guarantee. 3 3 JI * 1- . 5 , Hawaii 0, 8- Q 3.0 Test Cuts 3.1 Manville reiects conclusions as to a roofs com- and does pliance with specification solely based-upon-analyzing a test cut. Failure of small samples to exactly meet total specified weight can result in rejection of the entire roof not own interest in any firm that does. Thus, except under the terms of a guarantee, Manville cannot be responsible for any roofing contractor's workmanship regardless of extenuating circumstances. Such a merit ignores variables that the roofing generally accepted techniques and equipment, Control. Good distribution Of asphalt is far more tant to serviceability Of roofing membranes weight of bitumen. Roofers, fearing that a Show too little asphalt, may use excessive produce a roof prone to sliding, even on Manville's position that test cuts only t roof membrane and do more harm than good: 3.2 Test cuts should only be taken when a laboratory analysis of the roof and its components is to be made. When test cuts are made in either old or new roofs they should be at least 10" x 42" and taken at right angles to the length of felts. Such samples are more meaningful than 12" x 12" samples since they reveal whether the base felt has been properly lapped and ply felts laid with proper exposure. The average weight of test cut compe nents should be within specified values (Le. plus or minus 15%). With care 12" x 12" roof cut can provide information on the amount of bitumen used on a roof, 3.3 Since test cut areas can be of considerable size, care should be taken, when making repairs that the same materials and techniques employed in construct- ing the original roofing membrane are used. The patched area will be weaker than the original roof, since it is impossible to restore completely the integrity of the original membrane. Manvltle reseRes the right to cancel a Roofing System Guarantee if the roof has been subject to test cuts that have not been approved by Manville. 5.0 Built-up Roofing Systems 5.1 Recognizing the need to accommodate varying climatic conditions, Manville has divided the United States into three geographic regions. Each of its built- up roofing systems is designed to satisfy specific climatic demands as well as substrate, slope and service life requirements. The glass felts used in Manville built-up roofing sys- tems are composed primarily of glass, an inorganic mineral fiber. Unlike organic fiber, this fiber resists wicking moisture into the roofing system, is nonrotting and remains more stable under changing atmospheric conditions. 6.0 Basic Types of Built-up Inorganic Roofing Systems 6.1 Smooth-Surface. Smooth-surface inorganic built- up roofs offer many advantages. They are light in weight, generally less than 113 the approximately 500 to 600 pounds per square of gravel- surface roof. . . ... - 7