HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985-04-02; City Council; 8118; ESTABLISHMENT OF A PUBLIC REVIEW PERIOD OF THE SNUG HARBOR AMENDMENT TO THE AGUA HEDIONDA LAND USE PLAN- a w > 0 z a Q ct 2 - 0 4 =! 0 2 3 0 0 6 4 CIT~F CARLSBAD - AGEND~ILL -2 AB# 8/f r TITLE: ESTABLISHMENT OF A PUBLIC REVIEW DEPT. MTG, 4-2-85 PERIOD OF TEE SNUG HARBOR WENDMENT C~TY~ TO TFE AGUA HEDIONDA LAND USE PLAN DEPT. PLN CITY 1 RECOIMM€N DED ACTION: Open a six-week public review period for the draft Snuu Harbo Amendment to the Agua Hedionda Land Use Plan (AHLUP) ITEM EXPLANATION At the meeting of March 19, 1985, the City Council denied applications for a general plan amendment, zone change and a specific plan for commercial use in the Snuq Harbor area and directed staff to begin proceedings to establish residential in this area. Implementation of the six-week public review period for the amendment to the Agua Hedionda Land Use Plan (AHLUP) is the first step in that process. During the six-we review period, notices would also be issued for a qeneral pla amendment and zone chanse to redesignate this area from Recreation Commercial (RC) to Residential. The proposed applications will only affect the 11 acre Snug Harbor area anc would not affect other areas of the AHLUP. The actual amendments to the AHLUP are minimal and are shown I the attached Exhibit ''A". The basic change to residential la1 use has been left somewhat flexible so that the Council may consider either Low Medium Density (0-4) or Medium Density (4. du/ac) for the Snug Harbor area. The general plan and zoning will be handled in the same way. Other modifications to the AHLUP shown on Exhibit "A" would modify policies which encourage the use of the Snug Harbor art for recreational use. All other policies (pedestrian access, scenic routes, etc.) affecting this area have been left the same. The process for this amendment is similar to recent Local Coa: Plan segment amendments done by the city. As mentioned, apprc by the Council would start a six-week review period. At the 6 of that review period, however, the AHLUP amendment, along wit general plan amendment and a zone change, would be sent to the Planning Commission for public hearing. Following a recommendation from the Commission, the three applications WOI be brought back to the City Council for final action. If approved, the amendment to the AHLUP would be sent on to the Coastal Commission. . 0 0 PAGE TWO OF AGENDA BILL NO. 8 1 /r ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The Land Use Planning Manager has determined that the environmental impacts of this project have already been considered in conjunction with another project and previously certified environmental documents, and therefore, has issued a Statement of Prior Compliance on March 20, 1985. FISCAL IMPACT The increased need for city capital facilities resulting from development in this area will be offset by the payment of the public facilities fee at the time of development. Any capital facilities related directly to this development will be constructed and paid for by the developer. Increased operating expenses related to any future development will be offset to some extent from increased tax or fee revenue generated by that development. No detailed economic impact analysis of this development has been conducted at this time sc predictions of the portion of operating expenses covered by additional operating revenue created as a result of this projec cannot be made. EXHI BITS 1) Exhibit "A" (Amendment to AHLUP) 2) Location Map L 0 e EXHIBIT "A" 4/2/05 AMENDMENTS TO AHLUP page 14 1) Amend "Aaua Hedionda LCP" Land Use Plan, from RC (Recreation Commercial) to RLg (Low-Medium Densit -- or RM (Medium Density 4-10 du/ac). page 16 2) To enhance public recreation activities, 1.6 The are2 between Snug Harbor and Hoover Del Street shall be desiqnated RC, for recrea- tional comrnercial use. page 40 3) Whitey's Landinq and Snug Harbor shall be 6.1 designated for continued recreational - Del commercial use, Expansion of existing facilities at these locations shall be encouraged (Exhibit "F3"). page 40 4) If demand for boating/launching facilities can- can be demonstrated that the lagoon will not be adversely effected by additional boating access I is consistent with Coastal Act Policies, the citl should develop public or joint public/private bo; facilities is-~ke-are~-ef-#eeue~-~~~~e~ on t he sc Shore of the laaoon. 6.4 not be accommodated by existing development, and page 40 5) The-pres~~t-recr~atr~~~~-us~s-~f-t~~-~~g~ff~-sh~~~ Recreational uses of the laqoon shall be develop gpanded where feasible. 6.7 ~e~~~e~se~-aff~-wkeFe-€~~s~~~e~-e~~~~~e~. %C 0 * AGUA HEDIONDA LAND USE PLAN AMENDMEN' AHLUP 85-1