HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985-04-02; City Council; 8119; Carlsbad Safety and Service Center Update and Construction of FacilitiesCITY'IF CARLSBAD — AGENDA ILL AB#_ MTG._ DEPT.. 4/2/85 CM TITLE: CARLSBAD SAFETY AND SERVICE CENTER UPDATE AND CONSTRUCTION OF FACILITIES DEPT. HP. N3 CITY ATTV\/fcrj CITY RECOMMENDED ACTION: City Council receive and approve the progress report of the Carlsbad Safety and Service Center architect and construction manager. Adopt Resolution No. 'J^(e>^3 approving plans and specifi- cations and authorizing City Clerk to advertise for bids on Bid Packages 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7. ITEM EXPLANATION; Koll Construction Co. (Construction Manager) with Ruhnau, McGavin & Ruhnau Associates will present a summary of progress to date on the Carlsbad Safety and Service Center. Included in the presen- tation will Packages 3 construction bids to be budget with estimate of be the general overview of the components of Bid thru 7 which will cover the majority of remaining bids to be let on the project. The construction let are believed to be within the constraints of the variation from item to item based on the best the Construction Manager. FISCAL IMPACT Funds to be used for these construction bids are funded in Account Nos. 114-820-1810-3006, 330-820-1810-3006, and 332-820- 1810-3006. Additional funding will be required in 1985-86 as part of the City's Capital Improvement Plan. §I O 1j O ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT EIR and CUP have been approved. EXHIBITS 1 . Resolution No.approving plans and specifica- tions and authorizing City Clerk to advertise for bids on Bid Packages 3 thru 7. 2. Plans and Specifications, in office of record. 3. Koll Progress Report. 4. Summary of Bid Packages 3 thru 7. Ou RESOLUTION NO. 7963 1 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, 2 ACCEPTING THE PROGRESS REPORT OF KOLL CONSTRUCTION AND APPROVING THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE FACILITIES AT THE 3 CARLSBAD SAFETY AND SERVICE CENTER. 4 WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad has been authorized by a vote of the people 5 to construct a $15.3 million dollar Safety and Service Center; and 6 WHEREAS, the City Council has approved funds in the Fiscal Year 84-85 7 budget for the construction of Phase I of this project; and 8 WHEREAS, the Construction Manager (Koll Construction Co.) along with the 9 Architect (Ruhnau, McGavin & Ruhnau Associates) have developed the plans, 10 specifications, and estimates; 11 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of 12 Carlsbad, California, as follows: 13 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 14 2. The plans, specifications, and estimates for the construction of the 15 facilities at the Carlsbad Safety and Service Center are approved. 16 3. The City Clerk is directed to make appropriate advertisement for such 17 work as is contained in Bid Packages 3 thru 7. 18 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad City 19 I Council held on the 2nd day of April » 1985 by the following vote, to 20 wit: 21 AYES: Council Members Casler, Lewis, Kulchin, Chick and Pettine 22 NOES: None 23 ABSENT: None 24 25 ATTEST- MARY H< CA^LER» MaV°r \ityUL> 0\ • v\ a26.. . ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Clerk! (SEAL) 28" PROJECT MANUAL s UBLIC SAFETY D C PROGRESS REPORT NO. 5 3-19-85 ROLL CONSTRUCTION COMPANY CARLSBAD SAFETY CENTER Progress Report Number 5 March 19, 1985 TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Title I Design Progress and Review (Preconstruction Phase) II Purchasing III Construction Costs and Value Engineering IV Payments V Job Progress (Construction Phase) VI Schedule VII Quality Control VIII Safety IX Miscellaneous X Progress Photos KOLL CONSTRUCTION COMPANY CARI5BAD SAFETY CENTER Progress Report Number 5 March 19, 1985 DESIGN PROGRESS AND REVIEW SITEWORK Since our last progress report the major items which were coordinated in preparation for the first bid package were as follows: a. Designing full width improvements and final elevations for Impala Drive. A minimum of three (3) feet of cover was required by SDG&E over their existing high pressure gas main, as Impala Drive was extended for the Northern Project Access. If this was not accomplished, the gas main would have had to be relocated by SDG&E, with substantial cost impact and time delays to the project. b. Design of an underground and surface storm drain system from the project entrance at Faraday Avenue to the eastern boundary of the project. c. Resolution to install decorative streetlighting for the project, in lieu of the City's standard light fixture. The actual bids for the sitework package, including the above items, were within the project budget as outlined in the Purchasing section of this report. Negotiations with the serving utilities (SDG&E and Pacific Bell) have been completed, and we are expecting contract packages and approved construction documents within a few weeks. The landscape and irrigation plans are being completed by the City's Parks and Recreation Department with the assistance of outside consulting firms. A drip irrigation system for the site trees is being reviewed as a lower maintenance alternative. Plant types and lighting requirements for the police building atrium area are also being researched. Your construction manager is investigating whether an availability problem exists with respect to proposed plants and trees. Provisions were made within the various site utility contracts to install necessary street sleeves for future irrigation distribution and metering/power requirements for controllers. The City Engineering Department is completing the remaining C.U.P. requirements as follows: a. Verification that sewer facilities are available. b. Industrial waste discharge permit. c. Written consent to annex site within lighting and landscape District No. 1. d. Future coordination of signage and striping. POLICE/FIRE ADMINISTRATION BUILDING Contract documents were submitted for initial plan check on February 4, 1985. After a seventeen (17) working day review, the plans were returned for necessary corrections. The City Plan Check Department should be commended for completing the initial review in an expedient manner. ROLL CONSTRUCTION COMPANY CARISBAD SAFETY CENTER Progress Report Number 5 March 19, 1985 Your Construction Manager has been reviewing the plans and specifications and responding to the Architect with questions and comments. Construction methods and finishes which are not consistent with the original estimate are also documented. We are currently analyzing costs associated with some of the more expensive items within the project, to determine whether the original budgets may allow the introduction of some of these desirable, yet costly, finishes and construction techniques. Some important detailing and coordination still needs to be completed in order to pull the entire final project estimate together. This process is being completed now that initial plan cheeking is complete and the consultant team is coordinating the documents. During one of our bi-weekly project team meetings, we discussed the necessity of a "Halon" fire supression system within the dispatch area. Halon is a chemical which removes the fire supporting oxygen from the air, thus extingushing any fire. The chemical system is very expensive to install, and is generally used in areas which contain computers and related equipment which would be severly damaged by water. The project team considered the fact that the dispatch area would be in operation around the clock every day of the year. A cost savings alternative was the utilization of sensitive heat and smoke detectors, and Halon extinguishers if a fire should occur. Both the Police and Fire Departments agreed that a fully automated Halon system would not be necessary. This will save approximately $20,000.00, which was included in the design/development estimate. There has been some concern whether all the required electrical design information for the communications system has been resolved since the Richter Group was on temporary suspension. However, the electrical consultant has proceeded in some areas and has been advised that this problem is resolved and they should be contacting and incorporating any necessary additional requirements. -2- KOLL CONSTRUCTION COMPANY Progress Report Number 5 CARLSBAD SAFETY CENTER March 19, 1985 PURCHASING SITEWORK Approval to bid Sitework Grading and Improvements (Bid Package #1), was made by the City Council on January 21. Notice to Bidders were mailed by your Purchasing Department on January 23, 1985 to contractors recommended by your Construction Manager. Calls were made to these potential bidders to stimulate interest and confidence in the project. A prebid conference was held on February 14, with bids received on February 26, 1985. The following is a summary of costs with respect to the bid estimate and authorization to bid. Your construction manager's comments and recommendations for award of sitework contracts has been prepared as a separate agenda bill for the Council meeting of March 19, 1985. SUMMARY OF COSTS 1A Grading IB Concrete (no bids received/ preliminary estimate used) 1C Gunite ID Sewer, Water, Storm Drain IE Electrical, Telephone, Gas, C.A.T.V. IF Asphalt Subtotal Unit Price Purchase Orders Soil Testing and Inspection Engineering and Survey Sitework Cost Sitework Bid Estimate (January 16 1985) Variance (Decrease) $ 268,950.00 154,316.00 19,647.00 394,707.00 136,292.00 273.067.00 $ 1,246,979.00 23,300.00 48.000.00 $ 1,318,279.00 $ 1,395,751.00 ($ 77,472.00) As indicated in the Summary, the current construction costs are under the estimated budget. It should be pointed out that certain assumptions with respect to rock excavation quantities, and asphalt/base paving thicknesses were included within the bid documents. Until the project grading is underway, and designed elevations are constructed, final rock quantities and/or asphalt sections cannot be determined. Within the framework of the sitework proposals, your construction manager included certain allowances for these unknown conditions, and received fixed unit prices as a basis for adjusting the final quantities. The potential exists for credits and/or additional costs to the sitework contracts as work is completed. Utilizing the services of the Survey and Soils Engineers, and monitoring equipment load counts, your construction manager will determine the need for unit price adjustments and disposition of the rock excavation allowances. -3-7 ROLL CONSTRUCTION COMPANY CARLSBAD SAFETY CENTER Progress Report Number 5 March 19, 1985 A preconstruction meeting is scheduled for 11:00 AM on March 20, 1985 at the project site. Your construction manager, Council approved contractors, surveying and soils engineers, City representatives, and other governing agencies will be in attendance to disucss the project construction. In addition, contract, bond and insurance requirements, scheduling, and payment procedures will be defined. POLICE/FIRE ADMINISTRATION AND VEHICLE MAINTENANCE BUILDINGS Approval to bid Structural Steel and Metal Deck (Bid Package #2) was made by the City Council on February 19, 1985. Notice to Bidders were mailed by your purchasing department on February 21, 1985 to contractors recommended by your Construction Manager. Contacts are being made with these potential bidders to stimulate interest in the project. A prebid conference was held on March 13 to answer questions end address problems and concerns of the bidders. Since structural steel is such a long lead item, prebidding allows a more economical mill order to be placed, and to receive steel in the appropriate construction sequence. We have issued a major addendum which clarifies requirements for Seismic Zone No. 4 as a result of the required plan check/building permit review process. Based on the time frame to issue the first addendum, and potential clarifications after the pre-bid conference, the bid date may be extended. We still need to meet a council contract approval date of April 2, 1985, in order to place a mill order by April 10th, allowing the contractor sufficient engineering, approval and fabrication time to meet our scheduled start of erection of August 1, 1985. Based on current projections, we are expecting the plan corrections, coordination and permit process to be complete by April 8, 1985, so that the remaining bid packages may be issued with approved plans. A list of proposed bid packages, and a bidding and award schedule is included within this report. On March 19, 1985, the City Council is being asked to approve the proposed plans and specifications, and authorize the construction manager to proceed with bidding the remaining packages based on the attached schedule. In addition to outlining the bidding sequence, the schedule indicates the dates the City Council would be requested to approve contract awards. The bid packages have been developed based on construction scheduling requirements, and organization of trades which tend to complement each other. Packages No. 3 and 4 involve substantial underground work which must be completed so that the onsite asphalt may be installed in a timely manner, and foundations will be completed for structural steel erection. Some long lead items such as finish hardware, and steel doors and frames are also included in the early bid packages. The next series of packages, Numbers 5, 6, and 7, complete the exterior cladding of the buildings, and develop the interior framework, finishes, fixtures and miscellaneous specialities. The intent of developing a series of packages allows us to better coordinate the work as it relates to scheduling, and also resolve and clarify possible problems which may effect future bid parameters before all prices are committed. The packages have also been arranged such that the trades are to some extent interrelated. The various bidders may see an advantage of bidding -4- ROLL CONSTRUCTION COMPANY CARU5BAD SAFETY CENTER Progress Report Number 5 March 1*, 1985 combinations of work that hopefully offer cost savings for the project. Solicitation of bidders is enhanced when bid requests are grouped into relatively small packages allowing your construction manager additional time to attract interest in the project and address questions. -5- CARLSBAD SAFETY CENTER BIDDING SCHEDULE Bid Description Council Package of Approval Number Work To Bid Mail Notice to Documents Prebid. Bidders Available Conf.Bid Due Council Contact Award 1 Sitework 2 Structural Steel Metal Deck 3 See Attached 4 See Attached 5 See Attached 6 See Attached 7 See Attached 01-22-85 01-23-85 01-28-85 02-14-85 02-26-85 03-19-85 02-18-85 02-20-85 02-21-85 03-13-85 03-21-85 04-02-85 04-08-85 04-23-85 05-02-85 05-14-85 04-22-85 05-16-85 05-27-85 05-27-85 05-06-85 05-21-85 05-30-85 06-11-85 05-20-85 06-04-85 06-13-85 06-25-85 06-03-85 06-18-85 06-27-85 07-09-85 03-iS-85 tf.03-J«-85 03-18-85 03-1^-85 OS-lt-85 04-04-85 04-18-85 05-02-85 05-16-85 05-30-85 -5a- ROLL CONSTRUCTION COMPANY CARLSBAD SAFETY CENTER Progress Report Number 5 March 19, 1985 PROJECT BID PACKAGES BID PACKAGE #2 a. Structural Steel b. Metal Deck BID PACKAGE #3 a. Elevators b. Plumbing c. Fire Sprinklers d. H.V.A.C. e. Electrical f. Service Station Equipment and Vehicle Wash g. Finish Hardware and Gate Operators BID PACKAGE #4 a. Concrete b. Reinforcing Steel c. Architectural Pre-Cast d. Masonry e. Miscellaneous Iron f. Landscape and Irrigation g. Steel Doors and Frames BID PACKAGE #5 a. Rough and Finish Carpentry b. Wood, Doors and Cabinets c. Lath, Plaster and Drywall d. Roofing, Waterproofing and Insulation e. Flashing, Sheet Metal, Roof Accessories and Louvers f. Canopy and Sunscreens g. Building Insulation H. Recessed Floor Mats BID PACKAGE #6 a. Aluminum Entrances and Storefronts, Aluminum Windows and Glazing b. Coiling Doors and Grills, and Sectional Doors c. Pneumatic Tube System d. Acoustical and Metal Ceilings e. Ceramic Tile and Brick Pavers f. Painting, Waterproofing, Vinyl Wallcoverings and Fabric Panels g. Flagpoles BID PACKAGE #7 a. Computer Access Flooring b. Resilient Flooring and Carpet -6- KOLL CONSTRUCTION COMPANY CARUSBAD SAFETY CENTER Progress Report Number 5 March 19, 1985 c. Toilet Partitions and Accessories d. Folding Partitions e. Metal Lockers f. Mesh Partitions g. Miscellaneous Specialties—Fire Extinguishers and Cabinets, Projection Screen, Vacuum System, etc. -7- ROLL CONSTRUCTION COMPANY CARUSBAD SAFETY CENTER Progress Report Number 5 March 19, 1985 CONSTRUCTION COSTS AND VALUE ENGINEERING The sitework cost is under the original budgets prepared by Koll Construction Company. Conversations with the low bidder of record for the underground utilities, Item ID, indicate there may be a potential for additional value engineering cost savings, with respect to the storm drain system. This matter will need to be researched with the city engineer once the contract awards are approved by the City Council. We have directed the architect to change the construction of the vehicle wash from concrete tilt-up to masonry. The design of this facility utilizing concrete tilt-up does not lend itself to economical or time saving construction. We have always felt and previously recommended that masonry was the best design parameter for this facility—both cost and scheduling wise. Masonry is also being used for the mechanical equipment enclosure adjacent to the Police/Fire building. A decorative block will add a nice contrast to the other facilities, and is a more traditional construction method for these type of enclosures. The elimination of an automatic Halon fire supression system will generate additional budget funds towards offsetting potential cost problems. Your construction manager believes that the project budget will allow completion of the new facilities utilizing quality construction techniques and finishes. In an effort to accomplish these goals, we will be developing a series of alternates within certain bid packages so that areas of cost compromise may be available at time of bid. Some of the major structural trades such as concrete and steel may be a little more difficult to modify since their designs are based on fixed criterias, i.e., building code, soil conditions, project location, etc. We realize that the primary goal is to construct functional, durable, yet cost conscious facilities. We do not feel that the entire approved budget should be spent just because these funds have been approved. -8- ROLL CONSTRUCTION COMPANY CARLSBAD SAFETY CENTER Progress Report Number 5 March 19, 1985 PAYMENTS The following payments have been approved: Professional Services a. Ruhnau McGavin Ruhnau/Associates - Complete Contract Through Design Development $ 119,870.00 80% of Construction Document Phase eluding approved changes 237.377.00 Total to Date $ 357,247.00 b. GeoCon, Incorporated - Completion of Geotechnical Report, dated September 12, 1984 $ 4,398.00 Additional Consultation Services for Bidding Clarifications 450.00 Total to Date $ 4,848.00 c. Koll Construction Company - Schematic Design $ 30,000.00 Design Development 30,000.00 Construction Documents 36,000.00 Bidding 4.000.00 Total to Date $ 100,000.00 Construction Services None -9- /if KOLL CONSTRUCTION COMPANY CARLSBAD SAFETY CENTER Progress Report Number 5 March 19, 1985 JOB PROGRESS A ceremonial ground breaking was held on February 27, 1985, with actual construction anticipated to start on March 25, 1985. -10- ROLL CONSTRUCTION COMPANY CARLSBAD SAFETY CENTER Progress Report Number 5 March 19, 1985 SCHEDULE We have currently lost approximately four (4) weeks in starting the grading operation for the project. This is primarily due to two (2) weeks lost during the holiday season, and two (2) weeks in March preparing sitework contract recommendations and scheduling City Council approval. This time delay may not be as critical as indicated on the originally projected schedule dated August 15, 1984. Now that sitework plans have been completed and bid, we have a more realistic idea of construction time frames. As long as major rock problems are not encountered during the grading operation, we should be able to have building pads ready for construction per the original schedule. The scheduling of the next series of bid packages which commences April 8, 1985 is critical to maintaining the project continuity. The plan corrections, coordination and permits must be complete by this date. We feel the bidding and award schedules will compliment our original projections. It's also important to know that the City staff and Council will acknowledge and complete the necessary action and approvals per this schedule. (See Purchasing Section of this report and Manual schedule section.) Included within the next report will be a new construction schedule for the sitework grading and improvements. Some of the onsite concrete and asphalt work will not be totally resolved, since some of the next bid packages greatly affect that scheduling. Once the majority of bid packages have been awarded, a new detailed schedule will be developed. Until this time, smaller realistic schedules and job progress will be included within these reports. -11- KOLL CONSTRUCTION COMPANY CARLSBAD SAFETY CENTER Progress Report Number 5 March 19, 1985 QUALITY CONTROL We are currently reviewing proposals for professional testing and inspections services. We plan on meeting with these firms, visiting actual facilities, and recommending to the City the firm which will best fulfill the needs of the project, both economically and professionally. The scope of work involves concrete, masonry, steel, welding, roofing and waterproofing testing; sampling; and inspecting for compliance with building codes and the contract documents. -12- / 7 ROLL CONSTRUCTION COMPANY Progress Report Number 5 CARLSBAD SAFETY CENTER March 19, 1985 SAFETY Nothing to report. -13- KOLL CONSTRUCTION COMPANY CARLSBAD SAFETY CENTER Progress Report Number 5 March 19, 1985 MISCELLANEOUS Nothing to report. -14-n ROLL CONSTRUCTION COMPANY CARLSBAD SAFETY CENTER Progress Report Number 5 March 19, 1985 PROGRESS PHOTOS Nothing to report. -15- r:& i r i 01 Iff <u !*!NX (A c* ^S HA! $ IjfiS *t Iff 1 3 I i -o3> O rnO f^ ! DO O *o >1 (0 >13D oog (/) z S5m -T3 o|c. C < m TJ D3J >m -t J ™ m a -* (O«n