HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985-04-02; City Council; 8124; Allocation of Federal Hydroelectric PowerI q 0 W O O� CL CL Q Z O_ 8 4C J_ 5 Z O V CIT OF CARLSBAD - AGiENDt,, BILL i q MTG. 4/2/85 RESOLUTION SUPPORTING APPLICATION DEPT.HD. OF SAN DIEGO GAS & ELECTRIC FOR CITY ATTY-XIIS6 DEPT. CM ALLOCATION OF FEDERAL ::YDROELECiRIC POWER CITY MGR,;A&.-!-- RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. `!(_rsupporting the application of San Diego Gas & Electric for allocation of federal hydroelectric power. ITEM EXPLANATION: The Board of Directors of SANDAG has requested local governments to adopt a resolution authorizing the San Diego Gas & Electric Company to file an application, on behalf of the city, with the Western Area Power Administration for a share of hydroelectric power from Boulder City area power projects. EXHIBIT• 1.v Resolution No. 2.1' SANDAG Agenda Report R-25, dated 3/22/85 rA I RESOLUTION NO. 7968 2 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, REGARDING THE APPLICATION OF LOW COST FEDERAL 4 HYDROELECTRIC POWER 5 WHEREAS, the Western Area Power Administration ("Western"), 6 as an arm of the United States Department of Energy, is 7 charged with distributing low-cost federal hydroelectric power 8 generated from various facilities, including the Boulder City 9 Area Project; and 10 WHEREAS, it is a primary purpose of the governing statutes 11 that federal hydroelectric power be distributed in a manner 12 that provides the most widespread use thereof and promote the 13 interest of consumers of an adequate and reliable supply of 14 energy at the lowest reasonable iost; and 15 WHEREAS, the power distribution system of San Diego Gas & 16 Electric presently services the electric power needs of the 17 residents of San Diego County and a portion of Orange County; and 18 WHEREAS, under Western's present marketing criteria, the 19 residents of the cities and counties in San Diego Gas & Electric's 20 service territory are precluded from receiving the benefit of 21 low-cost federal hydroelectric power, while through happenstance 22 of residence, electric power consumers residing within the 23 boundaries of other municipalities enjoy the benefit of such 24 low cost power; and 25 26 27 28 // i t i 1) WHEREAS, the SANDAG Ad Hoc Committee on Hydropower was 2 appointed in February 1984 to investigate issues and coordinate 3 a local application for federal hydropower from the Boulder City 4 Area Projects; and 5 WHEREAS, based on the information provided by the Committee, 6 the SANDAG Executive Committee, on March 7, 1985 authorized the 7 submittal of an application for all of California's share of 8 federal hydropower from the Boulder City Area Projects by 9 San Diego Gas & Electric on behalf of the region's local 10 governments; 11 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the 12 City of Carlsbad as follows: 13 1. That San Diego Gas & Electric is hereby authorized and 14 directed on its behalf to engage in all activities necessary 15 and convenient for the acquisition of low-cost federal hydro- 16 electric power for distribution to the region. Such activities 17 shall include making applications for federal hydroelectric 18 power for distribution therefore through San Diego Gas & 19 Electric's power distribution system. 20 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City 21 Council of the City of Carlsbad held the 2nd day of April , 22 1985, by the following vote, to wit: 23 AYES: Council Members Casler, Lewis, Kulchin, Chick and Pettine 24 NOES: None 25 ABSENT: None 26 0/ ATTEST: MARY H. CfASLER, Mayor 27 28 ALE7HA L. UTENKRANZ, City C1 r (SEAL) 3 &M DIW Associstion of Governments BOARD OF DIRECTORS March 22, 1985 AGENDA REPORT No.: R-25 STATUS REPORT ON FEDERAL HYDROPOWER APPLICATION Introduction On February 22, 19859 the Board adopted a resolution authorizing the submittal of an application for "federal hydropower on behalf of a potential joint powers agency made up of cities, the County and the County Water Authority. The Board also authorized the Executive Committee to modify this action based on further review of a proposal by San Diego Gas and Electric (SDG&E) to submit an appli- cation modeled after a joint utility/local government application recently sub- mitted from Utah. Based on discussions between SDG&E, SANDAG staff and Chairman Ed Struiksma of the Ad -Hoc Committee on Federal Hydropower, Councilman Struiksma recom- mended, and the Executive Committee concurred, that the joint utility/local government approach was the most appropriate means of submitting an appli- cation. The resolution adopted by the Executive Committee on March 7, 1985 is attached. The application was submitted on March 15, 1985 to meet the deadline set by the Western Area Power Administration (Western). However, the actual request for hydropower must be made by local governments. A sample resolution requesting an allocation of federal hydropower for adoption by local governments is being coordinated by SANDAG and SDG&E. It will be available for review at the meeting. It is my RECOMMENDATION that the Board of Directors request local governments to adopt a resolution sup- porting the application submitted by SDG&E on their behalf and formally request- ing the preference allocation of all of California's share of federal hydropwoer from the Boulder City Area Projects. Discussion The application approach approved by the Executive Committee is slightly dif- ferent from the joint powers approach. SDG&E will act as the agent for partici- pating local governments in submitting the application, delivering the power, and performing administrative functions. These services will be provided at cost. Local governments will formally request the power allocation, assume the legal responsibility for its distribution, and contract with SDG&E to perform the ser- vices described above. q Any power allocated will be delivered participating jurisdictions. directly to all electric gone only to Public a Under the joint powers customers in the Clemente and S agency facilities. SDG&E approach power would Of SDG&E's service J#erritoiy Capistrano located in the ill be attemptinghave southern ne to involve San Orange County portion Finally, it should be noted that the Executive Committee reiterated the Board's of the re gion's local application of the U.S. Nav governments is not y if the preference re support of the p granted. quest RICHARD J. HUFF Executive Director Attachment I;jSan Diego c ASSOCIATION OF GOVERINMENTS Suite 624, Security Pacific Plaza 1200 Third Avenue San 01e90, California 92101 619/23ft•5300 1"011417noN NO. 85-74 REQUESTING LOCAL GOVERNMENTS TO ADOPT A RESOLUTION SUPPORTING THE APPLICATION SUBMITTED BY SDG&E ON THEIR BEHALF AND FORMALLY REQUESTING THE PREFERENCE ALLOCATION OF ALL OF CALIFORNIA'S SHARE OF FEDERAL HYDROPOWER FROM THE BOULDER CITY AREA PROJECTS WHEREAS, the SANDAG Board action of February 22, 1985 modified by the SANDAG Executive Committee on March 7, 1985 authorizes a joint utility/ local government application for federal hydropower; and WHEREAS, local governments must formally request the power allo- cation from the Wester Area Power Administration; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the SANDAG Board requests local governments to adopt a resolution supporting the application submitted by SDG&E on their behalf and formally requesting the preference allocation of all of California's share of federal hydropower from the Boulder City Area Projects. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 22nd day of March, 1985. ATTEST: CHAIRMAN SECRETARY MEMBER AGENCIES: Cities of Carlsbad, Chula Vista, Coronado, Del Mar, El Cajon, Escondido, Imperial Beach, La Mesa, Lemon Grove, National City, Oceanside, Poway, San Diego, San Marcos, Santee, Vista and County of San Diego. ADVISORY/LIAISON MEMBERS: California Department of Transportation, U.S.DEpartment of Defense and Tijuana/Baja California Norte. San Diego AR- SD<M01V. OF GOVERNMENTS Suite 524, security Pacific ►ew 1200 Third Avenue san Dleao. California 92101 4119fM6300 IiFNOLUTIQN No. 85-56 AUTHORIZING THE SUBMITTAL OF AN APPLICATION FOR ALLOCATION OF ALL OF CALIFORNIA'S SHARE OF FEDERAL HYDROPOWER FROM THE BOULDER CITY AREA PROJECTS BY SAN DIEGO GAS AND ELECTRIC ON BEHALF OF, AND ACTING AS AGENT FOR, LOCAL GOVERNMENTS IN THE SAN DIEGO REGION AND REQUESTING THAT THE WESTERN AREA POWER ADMINISTRATION GRANT THE APPLICATION PREFERENCE STATUS. ALSO SUPPORTING THE APPLICATION OF THE U.S. NAVY, IF THE APPLICATION OF THE REGION'S LOCAL GOVERNMENTS IS NOT GRANTED PREFERENCE STATUS WHEREAS, the Ad Hoc Committee on Federal Hydropower was ap- pointed by the SANDAG Board of Directors in February 1984 to investigate issues and coordinate a local application for hydropower from Hoover, Parker, and Davis Dams; and WHEREAS, it is the SANDAG Board's position that: 1. The hydrologic resources which provide for the hydroelectric power generated from the Colorado River were developed with federal tax monies. Therefore, the benefits of these resources should be available equally to all citizens and areas with access to the power. 2. The citizens of the San Diego region are subject to the highest electricity prices in the west, partly because access to inexpensive federal hydroelectric power has not been available. Neighboring areas in Southern California, Arizona and Nevada have enjoyed lower rates due in part to their use of federal hydroelectric power. Therefore, the San Diego region should receive future allocations of federal hydropower sufficient to provide parity with other portions of the Boulder City marketing area; and WHEREAS, the Ad Hoc Committee on Hydropower met on February 14, 1986, to review Western's Hydropower regulations and application request and make recommendations to the SANDAG Board on how to proceed in the appli- cation process, which were approved on February 22, 1985; and WHEREAS, the SANDAG Executive Committee of the Board of Direc- tors modified the Board's action after review of new information provided by San Diego Gas and Electric; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Directors of the San Diego Associa- tion of Governments: MEMBER AGENCIES: Cities of Carlsbad, Chula Vista, Coronado, Del Mar, El Cajon, Escondido, Imperial Beach, La Mesa, Lemon Grove, National City, Oceanside, Poway, San Diego, San Marcos, Santee, Vista and County of San Diego. ADVISORY/I IAIMN MFMRFRC• (°'.rlifnrni• rlan.rrmwM of Trsnennrt.Nnn it c r1......«w..... ,.s n..s ... ... s r::...__ ie_:_ n ::s ..: k:--. 1. Authorizes the submittal of an application for allocation of all of California's share of federal hydropower from the Boulder City area projects by San Diego Gas and Electric on behalf of, and acting as agent for, local governments in the San Diego region and requests that the Western Area Power = Administratiou grant the application preference status. If Western believes it cannot grant the application preference status, it should receive a priority over other non reference applicants. 2. Requests Western to allocate all of California's share of the hydropower to the U.S. Navy for use in the San Diego region, if this application is not granted preference status. PASSED AND ADOPTED this Tth day of March, 1985. ATTEST: VETARY ON d 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CA 92008.1989 Office Of the City Manager April 3, 1984 OF CA9 � s _ m U � o 1 � 1 • S 1 1 Mr. Thomas A. Hine Area Manager Western Area Power Administration - Post Office Box 200 Boulder City, Nevada 89005 Dear Mr. Hine: The Carlsbad City Council unanimously adopted Resolution No. 7968 (attached) supporting the application of San Diego Gas & Electric for allocation of federal hydroelectric power. FRANK ALESHIRE City Manager FA:b Attachment cc: Ci_ty..Clerk SANDAG - Steve Sachs TELEPHONE (819) 438.5581 M