HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985-04-23; City Council; 7621-3; AWARD OF CONTRACT FOR TELEPHONE SYSTEMI TELEPYONE SYSTEM RECOMMENDED ACTION: Accept the report from CRC as complete, and authorize them to proceed with Ph 111 - Full Implementation; and Adopt Resolution No. p? -, accepting bids, appropriatinq funds, and awarding the contract o furnish, install, and maintain a telephone system to AS1 Telesystems, Inc. in an amount not to exceed $214,819. ITEM EXPLANATION: On November 13, 1984, Council approved the specifications, and authorized sta to advertise for bids for a telephone system. December 17, 1984, as follows: 1. AS1 Telesystems, Xnc. $189,669 2. Executone 18 9,9 29 3. Compath National 214,766 4. Pacific Bell (Not a responsive bid - No equipment includc The Consultant, Communication Resources Company, performed an analysis of the bids and recommends the award of the contract to AS1 Telesystems, Inc. Their report is on file in the City Clerk's Office. Award of the contract will require the vendor to complete the installation and cut over to the new syster within 120 days. References of AS1 have been verified by the Central Services Director, and a site visit conducted to one of their installations. statements of the firm have been reviewed by our Finance Director. Comparative cost projections, shown on the following two charts, show curnulatj costs over a 10 year period. Chart 81 shows cost projections, including line Four bids were received on Additionally, the financl FISCAL IMPACT : The total cost (based on direct purchase) to install a new telephone system is estimated at $214,819, which includes costs for changes which have occurred in B * I ' f PAGE 2 OF AB # 7,& a/-3 - It is clear that the Durchase of a system will save the City at least $453,0 the end of ten years. The only remaining issue is the financing method most advantageous. A recommendation regarding financing will be surrt>itted at a subsequent meeting. To award the contract, however, funds must be appropria and those funds are available in the General Capital Construction Fund. An additional charge will be incurred for relocating the Police Department system to the new facility. The vendor has guaranteed a price of $29,047.88 through July, 1986, for the relocation of the system, in accordance with the specs. If the mve occurs after that date, a maximum increase of 10% has be guaranteed by the bid. EXHIBITS: 1. Chart #I - Cumulative Cost Comparisons 2. Chart Q2 - Cumulative Telephone Equipment Cost Comparisons. 3. 4. Report from Communication Resources Company, on file in the City Clerk's 5. Resolution No. "~~~~ Vemorandum from the Central Services Director dated April 23, 1985. Office. , accepting bids, appropriating funds, and awarl the contract to furnish, install, and maintain a telephone system. 1 0 * I 1 I 1 I I I I I I LLl I I I I -0 t- LIP Ulq * $5 1% -a Q v> z 0 c/) -03 1; ips at- by p y? $F Wt:' I C/JIEO I t- = OQ 0 WI 1 0 CL E% OW n1 _I -x _I 3 2 3 0 0 0 0 c3 7 z2 ' kt- b -> B W mo 0 --W 0 x cnv, ' t- xv, ' C/) -n -CD -m 6 a U -e I ( < If + 4. I ( A c r -c\J - a L t I ( -rsl -c -7 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I a 0 (1 ,d < t 0 a * I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 W t- :2 c/) 35 0 15 t- z W 3 o_ 3 0 W 0 a - * W I-: ; z VQ -!x I 0 n= I I o_ a W s _1 s w t- W > t- Q 0 _I 3 gz a ax = uw !x+ : t- I3 !xu E5 I - 0 0 7 4- : v, VU ‘0 0 0 r I I I I 1 I I I I I I I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 co a * N d- 7 N r- 7 * 0 0 ,$ I MEMORANDUM April IO, 1985 TO: FSANK ALESHIRE, CITY MANAGER FROM: Lee Rautenkranz, Central Services Director TELEPHONE SYSTEM REPORT AND RECOMMENDATIONS On November 13, 1984, Council approved specifications, and authorized staff to advertise for bids for a telephone system. Bids have been received, and it is now time to determine the future of the City's telephone system. To make that determination, many factors must be considered. Therefore, this report will be divided into four sections: (1) Analysis of Rid Responses; (2) Purchase of System vs. Remaining with Centrex; (3) Optional Equipment Considerations; and (4) Financinq Alternatives. ANALYSIS OF BID RESPONSES Four bids were received and opened on December 17, 1984. A list of those firms and their bids are as follows: 1. AS1 Telesystems, Inc. $1 89,669 2. Executone 189,929 3. Compath National 214,766 4. Pacific Bell* (Not a responsive bid - No equipment included.) * Pacific Bell submitted a bid on Centrex features only, no equpment was included in this bid. An analysis of the bids was performed by the City's Consultant, Communication Resources Company (CRC). Clerk's Office. The following summarizes the highlights of the report. The Consultant compared all proposals on the following factors: 1. Product: This included comparisons of the traffic carrying capability, Their report and recommendation is on file in the Cit length of time on the market, local installation, equipment room requirements, and type of instrumentation. (Exhibit A) 2. Future Equipment and Optional Feature Costs: This included comparisons of itemization costs of equipment and optional features for specific items of equipment such as single line and multi-line telephones which may be required in the future. (Exhibit B) 3. Service and Maintenance Costs: This included comparisons of service costs, maintenance costs, response time intervals, service locations, and non- performance penalties . (Exhibit C) -1- 8 e e ,f ( 4. ,System Essential Features: This comparison detailed the essential features identified and the operational characteristics as quoted in the bids. 5. Financial Comparisons: This comparison addressed all of the system costs, and development of IO-year cost projections including line charges from Pacific Bell. In developing the IO-year cost projections, the following assumptions were made by the Consultant predicated on known facts and historical data: A. All telephone company monthly rates and charges applicable in - all comparisons were increased by 10% annually beginning in the second year, based on historic data and rate tracking. R. All vendor maintenance rates were increased annually based on guaranteed maximum quoted in the bids. The installed system will remain in-service under the mst conservativc estimates of 10 years. C. The IO-year cost projections for each vendor (based on direct purchase of the system) are shown in Exhibit D. Based on the results of all the comparisons, and analysis of all bids, CRC recommends that the City award the contract and purchase the telephone system from AS1 Telesystems, Snc. In summary, CRC states that: "ASS has proposed the NEC 2400 IMS. This is a new, state-of-the-art, system which has been available for just over one year. This system has many new feature capabilities, and AS1 has installed and maintained twenty (20) systems in one year. AS1 is a California based corporation with a fine reputation for quality installations. They have been established since 197 and have an excellent base of satisfied customers." PURCHASE vs REMAINING WITH CENTREX The determination of whether the City should purchase a telephone system or remain with Centrex is essentially a financial decision. cost projections need to be compared. To make the comparisons as equitable as possible, the following charges were included in cost projections: To make that decision 1. Line Charges: These are charges for the telephone lines which would be incurred with any telephone system. Year one charges are $43,636, and increase are projected at 10% annually. These charges are identical in cost projections for the existing and the new system even though there will be a slight reduction in that charge with a new system. 2. Telco Installation Charges: This is a charqe 'associated only with the purchase of a new telephone system. The charqe would be from Pacific Bell, and is estimated at $8,083. This would be a one-time charge, and is included in the cost projection for the new system. -2- c 0 e < I 1 3. Maintenance Charqes: This is a charge included in cost projections for the new system. The charges are also present in the existing system, but are included as part of the equipment rental costs. The maintenance charge for the ne system have been included in the cost projections heginning in the second year at $4,968, and increased by 6% annually thereafter, in accordance with their bid. 4. Equipment Charges : This is the actual equipment charge. Charges for the new system are based on the bid from ASI, and charges for the existing system are based on rental costs paid for existing equipment. The cumulative cost projections based on the above stated factors are shown in Exhibit E. These costs projections for both systems do not include usage costs (charges for long distance or local calls). Also, cost projections for both systems are based on the equipment requirements remaining static. Though that is an unrealistic assumption, it is the only way that comparable projections could be made. These 10-year cost projections show savings beginning in year five at $51,661. At the end of the ten years, the savings would be $452,988. savings would continue to increase. These projected savings are based on the direct purchase of a system. Savings could be realized in year one with the proper financing vehicle, which will be addressed later in this report. Rased on the projected savings, it is recommended that the City award the contract to AS1 Telesystems, Inc., and purchase their own equipment. After year ten, th OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT CONSIDERATIONS During the analysis of the existing system, certain items were identified which would be useful to some department operations, or to assist with management of the system. Those items were included in the specifications, and vendors were asked to bid on those items as optional equipment. The City, then, could include, or delete those items from the contract based on the need versus cost. Following is a description and explanation of some of the additional items whic were considered for inclusion if the City purchases a telephone system. Call Accounting: The call accountinq equipment is essential for providing the information necessary to manage the telephone system. It will provide on-site printouts displaying the number of the station generating the call, time of call, number called, duration of call, and cost of call. Exception reports will be provided showing frequently called numbers, trunking information, and other pertinent information to allow for management of the system. This information will allow for analysis to determine whether additional foreign exchange lines or \VATS lines would be cost effective based on volume of calls going to those areas. Though telephone costs are inevitable, they should be managed -3- P e 0 ,f I The call accounting equipment should be included with both the City Hall system and the Police Department system. The cost is $1 1,042 each. It is recommended that only one be purchased while the Police are in the current facility. At such time as they move, an additional one should be purchased for their locatio and system. UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply) : operate the system during power black-outs or brown-outs. each, for a total of $5,444, including tax. Consideration of whether to purchase a UPS is based on a worst case scenario: What is the worst thing that could happen if we lose our power. Answer: We lose our ability to receive or make telephone calls. However, the system could be added to the standby generator. Then, within seven seconds, the standby power generator kicks on, and electricity and phone service is restored. For a short time, telephone service would be lost. The 911 emergency line is separat from the remainder of the telephone system. Therefore, if the City purchases their own system, the purchase of the UPS equipment would not be recommended fo inclusion. If experience proves otherwise, it could be purchased and installed in the future. Maintenance Administration Terminal (MAT) : terminal on-site which would allow City personnel to accomplish some of the system changes rather than calling the vendor. with training at an additional cost of $200 for each person. Since the types of changes which could be accomplished with the console affect features we don't have with Centrex, there is no information available on whether we would, in fact, save money using the terminal. Therefore, if the City purchases their own system, the purchase of the terminals would not be recommended for inclusion. If experience should prove that the use of the terminals would save more than they cost, they could be purchased and installed at a later date. Answering Machines: Whether the City purchases their own system or not, answering machines would be beneficial in several locations in the City. The devices would give a recorded message to the callers after hours and on holidays. Additionally, an answering machine could be used on a line to answer frequently asked questions (such as the hours the library is open) and give a number to call if additional information is desired. The cost per machine is $205, including tax. This equipment provides backup power to The cost is $2,722 This would consist of a computer The consoles cost $5,684 each, Machines could be used in the following locations: 1. Receptionist 2. Development Processing Division 3. Library 4. Branch Library 5. Water Billing There may be additional locations, but the above are identified as highly visible areas that receive numerous calls. An answering machine may significantly aid public relations efforts, particularly on holidays that are not recognized by other organizations. A minimum of five machines, totalling $1,025, would be desireable. -4- t 0 a ,f I Police Department Relocation: One additional item included under optional item mentioned is the Police Department relocation. the cost of relocating the Police Department system to the new facility. price quoted by ASI, and guaranteed through July, 1986, is $29,047.88. If the move occurs after that date, the maximum increase, per the bid, would be 10 percent, Though these funds will not be included in the initial contract, it provides cost information for planning purposes. relocation cost of all bidders. OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT SUMMARY: Of the optional equipment, it is recommended that one call accounting system and a minimum of five answering machines be purchase at this time. The other items can be purchased in the future if the cost and/o experience shows they are needed. Vendors were asked to provide The AS1 also had the lowest . FINANCING ALTERNATIVES The base price of the system is $189,669; cost of optional equipment desired is $12,067; plus the estimated $8,083 to Pacific Bell for installation charges. One additional factor needs to be considered in the final cost analysis. There have been changes which have occurred in several departments since the original sDecifications were prepared. Those changes have been either in the department operation, location, or types and numbers of equipment. During implement ation, it is necessary for those changes to be incorporated into the new system design It is not anticipated that the changes would amount to more than $5,000. It is necessary, however, for the Central Services Director to have authority to approve any such changes during implement ation. Theref ore, tot a1 expenditure for direct purchase would not exceed $214,819. There are alternatives to a direct purchase, and those are being explored. A lease purchase may be a cost effective way for the City to proceed if the interest rate and the terms of the agreement are acceptable. If a lease- purchase agreement is utilized, savings will be realized at the end of the firs year the City purchases the system. An example using 11.25 percent for financing for seven years is also shown on Exhibit E. Financial and other lending institutions are being contacted for lease purchase proposals and rates. In addition, the California Cities Financing Corporation has been contacted for information. A copy of an announcement from the Corporation is attached. A final recommendation on financing will be Dresented to Council at a subsequent meeting. Award of the contract, however, will require a commitment of funds from the City. COMCLUSION It is recommended that AS1 Telesystems be awarded the contract for the purchase and installation of a telephone system. optional equipment cost is $12,067. Pacific Bell charges would be approximate1 $8,083. changes which have occurred since preparation of the specs; for a total system cost of $214,819. aporoximately $453,000 at the end of the ten years by purchasing their own telephone. Cost of the new system is $189,669; A maximum of $5,000 also needs to be included for incorporation of Cost projections show the City would realize a savings of -5- t 0 e ,< 1 It is recommended that the City move forward with the purchase of their own telephone system, and award the contract to AS1 Telesystems, Inc. The recommended financing method will be presented in a future report. Award of th contract, however, will require a commitment to funding the purchase of the system should other financing not prove advantageous. -6- EXHIBIT A PRODUCT COMPARISONS AS1 COMPATH EXECUTONE NEAX 2400 SL-1MS E-400 Eclipse Product No. Tele. Harris Siemens Manufacturer NEC Type Switching Digital Digital Digital Digital Max. Trk. Cap. (2) (4) 72 72 H ITEM Max. Stn. Cap. (2) (4) 224 224 CCS Rating (3) 6.5 36 36 Data Trans. 56K BPS 19.2 KBPS 9600 BPS 9600 BP: Time On Market 1 year 4 years 7 years 2 years Installations 20 17 127 7 8'XS' 9' x12' x8' 8'x8' 8' x 8' Equip. Room Temp. Range (1) (1) (1) (1) Stn. Equip. ITT Comdial - Comdial Comdial NOTES : (1) Air Conditioning Required (2! Ther-e are 23,000 universal ports xhich are mutually exclusive for either trunks or stations (3) Non-blocking (4) There are 400 universal ports which are mutually exclusive for- either trunks or stations I1 EXHIBIT 3 a 0 a 4w FUTURE EQUIPMENT ADDITION ti OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT COST COMPARISON ITEM - AS I COMPATH EXECUTONE Single Line $135 $183 $212 Five Line 335 430 346 10-btn. (Std.) 377 399 390 10-btn. (Elec. ) 435 357 461 20-btn. (Std. ) 622 800 779 20-btn. (Elec. ) 475 681 1121 Light Re 1 ay 41 N/A 45 6-Line Key Cab. 515 654 419 13-Line Key Cab. 900 663 789 Stn. Line Card (CHI 2700 2529 2323 Stn. Line Card (PD) 1769 Trk. Line Card (CHI 2100 1260 3258 Trk. Line Card (PD) 148% OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT Call Acctng. (System I) $11 , 042 $25 , 595 $5 , 874 Speed Call IDcluded $ 977 Included Speed Dialer $ 305 239 $ 145 UPS (System I) 2,722 7,400 7,850 UPS (System 11) 2,722 7,400 7 , 850 Customer Adm. Console 5,684 Included 4,300 (CHI 1,500 (PD) Comrn. Mgr. Training 200 (4) 280 (6) No Charge(2 Call Sequencer 6,200 3,li3 6,300 Last Number Redial Included( 3) 282 Incld. on I Relocation of PD 29,048 (5) 70,275 (1) 38,518 (1) Call Acctng. (System 11) 11,042 N/A 5,874 Answering Machines 205 547 $ 375 Not on I NOTES: (1) Not guaranteed ( 2) 2 week program (3) Electronic sets only (4) 2 day program ( 5 1 Guaranteed (6) 8 hour program EXHI3I-T C e a , -I.".! SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE COMPARISONS - AS I COMPATH EXECUTON E ITEM Monthly Maint. $414 $1,263 $630 Max. Escalation 6% 10% 7% Hourly Rate $45 (2) $60 $72 Min. Billing $45 $60 $72 Billing Method On-Prem. On-Prem. On-Prem. Routine Response 24 hours 24 hours 24 hours Non-Perf. Penalty $50/hr. (1) $50/hr. Emerg. Response 2 hours 2 hours 2 hours Non-perf. Penalty $50/hr. (1) $50/hr. Service Center San Diego/ San Diego San Diego Costa Mesa Number of Installers 50 9 37 N umb e r o f'aTec h s . 32 11 46 NOTES: (1) Indicates less than minimum bid specification requirements (2) Plus parts P a EXHISIT D i Page 1 of 4 e CITY OF CARLSBAD AS I DIRECT PURCHASE ANNUAL CUltlULAT IVE YEAR ITEM COSTS COSTS 1 SYSTEM EQUIP. COST (4) 139,669 TELCO INSTALL (1) 8.083 TOTAL 241,338 241,388 TELCO LINE CHARGES (1) 43 , 636 2 TELCO LINE CHARGES (2) 43,000 MAINTENANCE ( 3 1 4.968 TOTAL 52 , 9m 294,356 3 T E L C 0 / f*l A I 1.1 T 58, 06e 352,421 4 TELC 0 / MA I N T 63, 662 416,083 5 TELCO / CIA INT 69,804 .x- 485,887 . 6 T E L C 0 / MA I N T 76,548 562,435 TELCO/MAINT 83,952 646,388 .-. / 8 TELCO /MA I NT 92.031 738 , 4.59 9 TELC 0 / Ir! A I NT lor, 008 8.39 , 477 10 TELC 0 / MA I NT 110.i310 950,286 NOTES: (1) Includes all applicable Telco line, trunk, etc., monthl-/ rates arid installation charqes. (2) Appl icable Telco charqec, are included throuqh-out and increased k/ 10.00% anrlual 1.1 based on histor.ic rate trackir~g. (3) Maintenance service be3ins io t~~e secorld .yes,r, is inc~cided tt-~rciu~k- and increased by 6.00% as bid. (4; Eased or! the DISCOLINT option which provides CIT'r' i3F CfiPLSFAT! wlth a net savinqs of B 8617 , irxcludir:3 the CPC iniplern~~~tat:.~t-i iee. + EXHIBIT D Page 2 of 4 0 a < CITY OF CARLSBAD COMPATH NATIONAL DIRECT PURCHASE ANNUAL CUMULAT I VE COSTS YEAR ITEM COSTS SYSTEM EQUIP. COST (4) 214,766 TELCO LINE CHARGES (1) 43,636 TELCO INSTALL (1) 8.083 TOTAL 266,585 266,485 1 2 TELCO LINE CHARGES (2) 48, 000 15,156 MAINTENANCE (3) TOTAL 63,156 . 329,641 3 TELCO/MAINT 69,471 390,112 4 TELCO/MAINT 76,418 475,530 5 TELCO / PIA INT 84,0& 559,590 6 TELCO/MAINT 92,466 c52: 056 7 TELCO / MA I t\lT 101 s 713 753,760 8 TELCO/MAINT 111.884 865,653 9 TELCG/MAINT 123,072 988,725 10 T E L C 0 / M A I N T 13S13B0 1,124,105 NOTES : (1) Includes all applicable Telco 1 ine, t.t-.11nL;. etc.. month!:,’ rates 2nd instal latiori charges. (21 Appl icablc Telco charges are inclcided ttrroa~h-ot.it and :ncre.i_a.ced 5..,1 10.00% annually based on historic pate trackit-lq. (3) Maintenance service be7ir-IS in t!-:e secor~d .vear. is included +-!-:r.o!~qt-l- and increased by 1Cl.OU% as bid. (4) Based on the DISCOUNT option b~t-iich ~rovldes CITY OF CAELSFGi) with a net savings Gt 3 2.362 , ~t-lcIudir:q the CFC implemrntat-ior: fee. k 0 a EXHIBIT D < Page 3 of 4 CITY OF CARLSBAD EXECUTONE DIRECT PURCHASE ANNUAL CUMULATIVE COSTS YEAR ITEM COSTS 1 SYSTEM EQUIP. COST (4) 189,929 TELCO INSTALL (li 8,083 TOTAL 241,648 241,648 TELCO LINE CHARGES (11 43,63b 2 TELCO LINE CHARGES (2) 48,000 MA I NTENANCE (3) 7,560 TOTAL 55,560 277,208 3 TELCO/MAINT 60, sa9 358,096 4 TELCO/MAINT 66,735 424,831 5 TELCO/MAINT -77 f 3.149 497,080 6 TELCO / MA INT 80,186 578,166 P 7 TEL C 0 / MA I NT €37,907 666,073 a T ELC 0 / PIA I NT 96 , 380 762.453 9 TELCO ! MA I NT 105,677 868,130 10 TELCO/MAINT 115,881 984! 0 11 NOTES : (1) Includes all applicable Telco line, trunk. etc., rnont-h1.y rates and instal latian charqes. (21 Appl icable Telco chat-?es are included throu~h-out and incr-eased b;.. 10.00% annually based on historic rate tracl.inq. (3) Maintenance service b~q:ns in the second \/ear, is included th!--ou.qh- and increased by 57.00% as bid. (4) Based on the DiSZOliNT option which provides CITY OF CARLSEAD with a net savings of B 15707 , inciuding the CRC implementation fee EXHIBIT D ?age /1- of 4 a 0 CUMULATIVE COST COMPARISON z Eii4 DIRECT PURCHASE EXEC U TON E YEAR - AS1 COMPATH 1 $241,388 S 266,485 $241,648 2 294,356 329,641 297,208 3 352,421 399,112 358,096 4 416,083 475,530 424 ,831 5 485,887 559 , 590 497,980 6 562 f 435 652,056 578,166 7 646,388 753,769 666,073 8 738 f 469 865,653 762,453 9 839,477 988,725 868 , 130 10 950,286 1 , 124 , 105 984,011 m i I Exhibit E CUHUl;fATIVE COST PRQ3ECTIOWS * NEW SYSTEM EX TSTI NG DIRECT LEASE I_ YEAR SYSTEM PURCHASE PURCHASE 1 88,049 241,388 88,192 2 184,903 294,356 177,633 3 291,442 352,421 272,171 4 408,635 416,083 372,306 5 537,548 485,887 478,583 6 679,352 562,435 591,604 7 835,336 646,388 71 2,030 8 1,006,918 738,469 804,111 9 1,195,659 839,477 905,119 10 1,403,274 950,28 6 1,015,928 * Costs include line charges which have been increased 10 percent annually, based on historic trends. r- - Cities Financing Together OFFtCERS President Dorill B. Wright Mayor Port Hueneme Vice President Lowell Mayor Smith St. Helena Financial Officer John S. Lindsay Finance Director Santa Rosa DIRECTORS Robert S. Biery Finance Director Thousand Oaks June V. Bulrnan Council Member Concord Suzanne E. Foucault City Manager Oceanside Gary C. lngraham Finance Director Stockton Thomas A. Peterson City Manager Woodland Joseph Tanner City Manager Erneryville Executive Secretary Daniel B. Harrison A nonprofit corporation offering financial services to cities. 1400 K Street, Suite 400 Sacramento, CA 95814 9 16-444-5790 Purpose The California Cities Financing Corporation (CCF exists to facilitate credit pooling among cities needi to finance relatively small projects. It was crea! after a League of California Cities task force reco mended this approach for the potential cost savings the local agencies. By pooling their financing needs, participating citi counties or special districts will reduce costs by sh ing fixed overhead such as bond counsel and printii and by taking advantage of “big project” inter rates in the competitive municipal securities mark Equipment, infrastructure and real property projec can be included in CCFC financings. Some agenc may also find it advantageous to refinance an existi debt at more favorable rates through CCFC. (Privs purpose projects are not eligible.) I How it Works Types of Projects Credit Enhancement Each financing will include credit enhancemen either insurance or bank letters of credit, to guaranl that the corporation will never default on an oblig tion and to assure the highest available credit ratir which in turn will guarantee the lowest possible inti est rate. The first financing is in progress and should clo approximately April 1. The deadline for applicatio from cities interested in participating in the secoi issue is March 29. Thereafter, CCFC will provide tk service as an on-going program, completing a finan ing as often as the needs of local agencies will requiI Bond Counsel The firm of Jones Hall Hill and White has bel Schedule retained as bond counsel. CCFC has appointed an underwriting team consistii of Merrili Lynch Capital Markets and Stone ai Youngberg. Underwriters Informa tion For more information contact Daniel B. Harris0 California Cities Financing Corporation, 1400 Street, Suite 400, Sacramento, California 958 1 9 16/444-5790. Application An application for paticipation is printed on tl reverse side of the Fact Sheet for your convenienc )r \z .b P , $2 E' %E* E +z-.s .d 2 2 rM z i;: .4 o aEhZ eE.83 0 -g g %& OES 2 *B s 4 u 88 5 2 bs c1 0-2 .d 08 58 G c34 2 si 2g +t uw z 20 if Ck sg MI 52 ZM g k0 k aF1 53 - 3 03 5 2 zi 04 s? $ rn * * 0 m G !!. c .- * QM * CI 83 = ZP E'f oh M 2 0 .d E 5.E a .. 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'Pql '5 *qae~quoa pres ainaaxa oq pazgoqqne AqaJaq am qJaT3 Kq~3 PUP JO&M aqq qeql e$ '618't/lZ$ JO 7SOa Wa[oJd TeW7 e JOJ 82 LZ 92 ~2 vz 2~ 22 12 saBnq3 UOT?PT-~?~SUJ pue quaudznba puoT?do JOJ qae~quoa aq7 UJ uo:snTau; JOJ 1 I I pazpoqqne OSTF am o<l'sz$ JO qunow aqq UJ spunj -puorqrppe qeql *E *paqdame Aqa~aq ST saa~/was auoqdapq aqaTdtuoa JO aweuaquTeu pup uo~qe~pqsur aqq JOJ qae;riuoa aqq JOJ *au~ 'suaqsAsaTai ISV Aq 699'68~$; 30 pTq aw wqi *I qmuo~ pue anJq a;re suoiieq-paci ahoqe aqq qeql 1 :SMOTTOJ se 'eTuJojTTe3 'peqs1;rej JO Lm 343 JO TW~W Aw avi Aq aimos3tl 11 38 '~~~OZMHI 'MON fpunj uoiqanJisuo3 -pq~de3 TemJa3 aqq UJ alqeTpAe an spun3 'SV=J~~JH Pup $618'tlLZ$ 30 2SO3 qaafoad pqoq e JOJ sa6~eqa uoyyq-pqsu; pue auaudrnba puoTqdo JOJ paqnbaJ aq OsTe ITJM O<L'SZ$ 30 WnoW W7 U? spun13 l?UO?rlTPPp 'SV3t13HM We !699'681$ qunolue aqq UT '3UI 'SwaqsAsaTal TSV Aq paqqJuqns SPM saa7AJas auoqda-yaq aqaTduoa JO aaueuaquyu pup uoTqeT-pqsuT aqi JOJ paATaaaJ pJq MOT aqq 'smtl3~~ pue !saa;~as auoqdapq aqqdwa JO aaueuaquretu pue uoTqeT-pqsuj JOJ peqsTn3 30 Kaj3 aq2 Aq paATacm uaaq aAeq spTq 'sgtl3~ 'W31SAS 3NOHd3131 V A0 33NVN31NIVW (INV NOTlVllVlSNI 3Hl NO4 WVtllN03 3Hl A0 NOIln33X3 3Hl 3NIZTtlOHlnV aNV ' SaNM 3NIlVItldOtlddV 'Sa19 3NIJ.d1)3V 'VINtlOJIlV3 'av~sww K) hi13 HI do imnm AIT~ HI 30 NoImiosm v 6661. 'ON NOIln-IOS3tl 0 0 02 6* 87: ,&T 9'1: ST 77: €-t 27: TI 01 6 8 b 9 G P 6 z z < c.L I (1rnS) IN3lnVtl *l VHl3lV :lS311V -/ '- b -P- auqq :1N3Sav auoN :S#)N :S3AV :apt 02 'a3oA fju?MoTToJ 347 Aq 5861 ' TTI- 30 AeP ~IEZ a42 UO PTaq TTauno3 h?3 auqqad p yag~ 'SF- 'I~T'SW s;rsqurap~ 1-p-m~ I PeqsTJe3 W? 30 6uTWaw JPTnbJ e ?e ElldOW ab' a3AOtlddV 'a3SSSVd e 0 82 LZ 93 92 PZ $22 zz 12 102 6-c 87: LT 91 GI PI €T Z-t SI 01 6 8 L( 9 G P 6 Z T: 0 e *[ZG] FINAL REF'ORT AND SYSTEM R E C 0 h/l ME N DATI 0 N S FOR CITY OF CARLSBAD 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA PRESENTED BY COMMUNICATION RESOURCES COMPANY 17 155 NEWHOPE STREET F 0 U N T A I N V A L L E 'r' , C A L I F 0 R N I A FEBRUARY, 1985 w e *[&GI CONTENTS ear BACKGROUND ................................................. 1 RIDDING .................................................... 2 COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS ....................................... 4 PRODUCT COMPARISON ...................................... 5 FUTURE ADDITION COMPARISON .............................. 6 SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE COMPARISON...................... 7 SYSTEM FEATURE COMPARISON ............................... 8 FINANCIAL COMPARISONS ...................................... 10 SUMMARY - DIRECT PURCHASE ............................... 15 SUMMARY - SEVEN YEAR LEASE ............................... 19 BID RESPONSE ANALYSIS ...................................... 20 RID RESPONSE SUMMARY ....................................... 22 CONCLUSIONS ................................................ 24 RECOMMENDATIONS ............................................ 26 OCOMMUN I CATIOK KE SOU RCES COMPANY 1985 All Rights Reserved. Printed in the L'nited States of America. N part of this document may be reproduced, stored in a retreival sys tern, or transmitted, in any form or by any ~e;3i>s, e?eCLFOIliC, IneC hanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prio written permission of C 0 MMU N I CAT IO N 17155 Newhope Street, Suite i/,Y KE S 0 U KC E S CO MPAN 'f Fountain Valley, Califoriiia 927118 a 0 BACKGROUND *% [Z] In February, 1984, Communication Resources Company (CRC) was rf tained by the City of Carlsbad to analyze telecommunicati< services throughout the City's facilities and to determine ti extent to which the City's overall telecommunication servicc could be improved. A preliminary report on initial findings wi presented in May, 1984, including system design recommendatior and bid specifications for acquisition of a new telephone system. Upon approval of the bid specifications, by City Administratic and City Council, bids were solicited. Beginning on November 17 1984, bidding was advertised and the complete bid request packag was provided to various telephone system suppliers. A bi conference was conducted with all interested vendors on Novembe 26, 1984. Bid opening was December 17, 1984. The followin report is an overall evaluation of all bid responses with CR( findings and recommendations. W w BIDDING fiG] On November 24, 1984, bid specifications were provided to sever telephone system suppliers. Bid close was December 17, 1981 Bids were received from four (4) firms with the following ba: quotes; no optional items have been included in these costs. AS1 - Products: NEAX 2400 IMS Full Purchase Price: $203,669 Seven Year Lease-Annually: 39,165 Discount Purchase Price: 189,669 Seven Year Lease-Annually: 36,473 Second Year Maintenance-Annually: 4,968 COMPATH NATIONAL Products: Northern Telecom SL-1MS Full Purchase Price: $223,866 Seven Year Lease-Anvuall-y: 47,22;’ Discount Purchase Price: 214,766 Seven Year Lease-Annually: 47,227 Second Year Maintenance-Annually: 15,156 EXECUTONE OF CENTRAL CALIFORNIA Products : Executone LCiipSe & E41;G Full Purchase Price: $211,032 Seven Year Lease-Annually: 43,348 Discount Purchase Price: 189,929 * w 1 fiiij Seven Year Lease-Annually: 39,013 Second Year Maintenance-Annually: 7,560 PACIFIC BELL Pacific Bell did not provide a complete bid response, or a bj bond, for telephone service and has met none of the bid specj fication terms and conditions. They have only provided a propose to install a Centrex system without including complete costs c any of the on premises telephone equipment. With no bid bond provided and with no acceptance of the terms an conditions Pacific Bell has necessarily been removed from consi deration for award of bid. Reference to Pacific Bell is include within this report for illustrative purposes only. * w COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS * *[ii&] The following pages contain a complete detailed analysis of eac bid response. The first comparison is of the Product proposed by each biddei This comparison indicates the traffic carrying capability of eack the length of time the product has been on the market, locz system installations, equipment room requirements, and type c instrumentation used. The second comparison is an itemization of the Future Equipmen and Optional Feature Costs for specific items of equipment such a single line and multi-line telephones which may be required in th future with each system. -r The third cornparison includes Service and Maintenance Costs response time intervals, service locations, and non-performancc penalties. The final comparison details each System's Essential Features anc operational characteristics as quoted in the bid response. The actual validity of each bid response to any specific item has not necessarily been ver-ified by CRC in these compar~sons. The information is as provided oy the bidder and verified only where inconsistent with available information and manufacturer's technical manuals. 1) 0 PRODUCT COMPARISONS **[iGi] ITEM AS I COMPATH EXECUTON E Product NEAX 2400 SL-1MS E-400 Ec Manufacturer NEC No. Tele. Harris Si Type Switching Digital Digital Digital Di Max. Trk. Cap. (2) (4) 72 72 Max. Stn. Cap. (2) (4) 224 22, CCS Rating (3) 6.5 36 36 Data Trans. 56K BPS 19.2 KBPS 9600 BPS 96( Time On Market 1 year 4 years 7 years 2; Installations 20 17 127 7 Equip. Room 8'x5' 9' ~12~x8' 8'x8' 8' Temp. Range (1) (1) (1) (1: Stn. Equip. I TT Comdial -- Comdial Con NOTES : (1) Air Conditioning Required (2) Thcnre are 23,COr' ci!lversal yortc, srhlch are mutually exclusiv tor either trunks or stations (3) Non-blocking (4) There are 400 universal ports which are mutually exclusive fo either trunks or stations m ( S*[Z] FUTURE EQUIPMENT ADDITION & OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT COST COMPARISON2 ITEM AS1 - COMPATH EXECUTONE Single Line $135 $183 $212 Five Line 335 430 346 10-btn. (Std.) 377 399 390 10-btn. (Elec. ) 435 357 461 20-btn. (Std. ) 622 800 779 20-btn. (Elec. ) 475 681 1121 Light Relay 41 N/A 45 6-Line Key Cab. 515 654 419 13-Line Key Cab. 900 663 789 Stn. Line Card (CH) 2700 2529 2323 Stn. Line Card (PD) 1769 Trk. Line Card (CH) 2100 1260 3258 Trk. Line Card (PD) 1488 OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT Call Acctng. (System I) $11,042 $25,595 $5 , 874 Call Acctng. (System 11) 11,042 N/A 5,874 Speed Call Included $ 977 Included Speed Dialer $ 305 239 $ 145 UPS (System I) 2,722 7,400 7 , 850 UPS (System 11) 2,722 7,400 7,850 Customer Adm. Console 5,684 Included 4,300 (CH) 1,500 (PD) Comm. Mgr. Training 200 (4) 280 (6) No Charge( 2: Caii Sequencer 6,200 Last Number Redial Included( 3) 282 Incld. on TI Relocation of PD 29,048 (5) 70,275 (1) 38,518 (1) Answering Machines 205 547 $ 375 3,li3 6,360 Not on I NOTES: (1) Not guaranteed (2) 2 week program (3) Electronic sets only (4) 2 day program (5) Guaranteed (6) 8 hour program m 0 SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE COMPARISONS AS1 COMPATH EXECUTONE **w ITEM Monthly Maint. $414 $1,263 $630 Max. Escalation 6% 10% 7% Hourly Rate $45 (2) $60 $72 Min. Billing $45 $60 $72 Billing Method On-Prem. On-Prem. On-Prem. Routine Response 24 hours 24 hours 24 hours Non-Perf. Penalty $50/hr. (1) $50/hr. Emerg. Response 2 hours 2 hours 2 hours Non-perf. Penalty $50/hr. (1) $50/hr. Service Center San Diego,’ San Diego San Diego Costa Mesa Number of Installers 50 9 37 Number of’;-Techs. 32 11 46 NOTES: (1) Indicates less than minimum bid specification requirements (2) P1b.1 parts m a ESSENTIAL FEATURES COMPARISON - CITY HALL *[G] ITEM AS :C COMPATH EXECUTON Proc. Contrld. Digital Swtch. Yes Yes Yes Complete DTMF Dialing Yes Yes Yes Customer Adm. Capability Yes Yes Yes DID (Direct Inward Dial) Yes Yes Yes DOD (Direct Outward Dial) Yes Yes Yes Least Cost Routing Yes Yes Yes Music On Hold Yes Yes Yes Remote System Maint./Diagn. Yes Yes Yes Stn. Class-of-Service Yes Yes Yes Trk. Grp. Class-of-Service Yes Yes Yes Uniform Station Numbering Ye st Yes Yes Senderized Tie Lines Yes Yes Yes Power Surge Protection Yes Yes Yes RS232 Call Acct. Output Yes Ye5 Yes Least Cost Rtny. w/Auto Advance Yes Yes Yes Add-on Conference Yes Yes Yes Auto. Stn. Callback Yes Yes Yes Call Forwarding Yes Yes Yes Call Hold Yes Yes Yes Call Pick-up Yes Yes Yes Call Transfer Yes Yes Yes Call Wait iny Yes Y e s Yes Consultation old Yes Yes Yes P?.cq rammab IC Route Advance Yes Yes Yes Station-to-Station Camp-On Yes No Yes Station Controlled Conference Yt'S No Yes St at ion H un t i ny-C i r-c ul a r Yes No Yes (IPS CsLjah i 1. i t:y y c c; N 0 'Y <+ .'i Fir-e ilepar-tincnt. ~'ncji ny Yes N C) Yes W w ESSENTIAL FEATURES COMPARISON - POLICE DEPARTMENT ITEM AS I COMPATH EXECUTON E .,[Z] Proc. Contrld. Digital Swtch. Yes Yes Yes Complete DTMF Dialing Yes Yes Yes Customer Adm. Capability Yes Yes Yes DID (Direct Inward Dial) Yes Yes Yes DOD (Direct Outward Dial) Yes Yes Yes Eight Digit Toll Restriction Yes Yes Yes Music On Hold Yes Yes Yes Remote System Maint./Diagn. Yes Yes Yes Stn. Class-of-Service Yes Yes Yes Trk. Grp. Class-of-Service Yes Yes Yes Senderized Tie Lines Yes Yes Yes Power Surge Protection Yes Yes Yes RS232 Call Acct. Output Yes Yes Yes Add- on Con f e re n ce Yes Yes Yes Auto. Stn. Callback Yes Yes Yes Call Forwarding Yes Yes Yes Call Hold YE2 Yes Yes Call Pick-up Yes Yes Yes Call Transfer Yes Yes Yes Call Waiting Yes Yes Yes Consultation Hold Yes Yes Yes Programmable Route Advance Yes Yes Yes Station-to-Station Camp-On Yes Pi0 Yes Station Hunting-Circular Yes No Yes OPS Capability Yes No Yes 3 Zone Paging Yes No Yes m W lvm FINANCIAL COMPARISONS The following pages detail the system costs of all bid proposa: under consideration. In developing the ten (10) year cost projections, certain assumk tions have been made predicated on known facts and historicz data. The assumptions included in these projections are: - All telephone company monthly rates and charges appli cable in all supplier comparisons have been increased b 10% annually beginning in the 2nd year, based on histori data and rate tracking. - All bidding supplier maintenance rates have been in. creased by the applicable percentage annually based on th guaranteed maximum increases as quoted. -_ The inc.t.slled system will remain in-service unde- \-..kc ?os conservative estimates - a minimum of ten (10) years. The first comparison is based on a direct purchase of the tele- phone system from each bidding supplier. The second comparison i: based on a seven (7) year lease/purchase of the telephone syster from each bicldlny stipplier. Telephone utility company month11 charges for lines, trunks, special circuits, etc. are included ir all comparisons and would continue after the lease period at the standard rates as projected. These charges are included in all 0 *[=I comparisons. The seven (7) year lease period has been selected i the most effective and economical lease term to consider fc acquiring the required new telephone system through a lease purchase program. The terms used on the following pages are: System: The guaranteed purchase or annual leas price of the basic specified telephon system. Maintenance: The annualized maximum maintenance charg which is quoted by each supplier. Telco Charges: The ongoing outside trunk line and specia circuit charges by Pacific Bell. Telco Install: The one-time charge to install telephont company lines and trunks. Telco-Retermination: The one-time charge to reterminate existinc telephone company lines and trunks. m 0 CITY OF CARLSBAD AS1 DIRECT PURCHASE ANNUAL CUMULATIVE YEAR ITEM COSTS COSTS 189,669 TELCO INSTALL (1) 3,083 TOTAL 241 , 388 1 SYSTEM EQUIP. COST (4) TELCO LINE CHARGES (1) 43 , 636 241, 388 2 TELCO LINE CHARGES (2) 48 , 000 MAINTENANCE (3) 4.968 TOTAL 52,968 274 ~ 356 3 TELCO/MAINT 58,066 352,421 4 TELC 0 / MA I N T 63, 662 416,083 5 TELCO/MAINT 69, 804 485,887 6 TELCO/MAINT 76! 548 562,435 TELCO/MAINT S3 , 952 646 , 388 ,.?.: . ,._ .,. -.. / 3 TELCO/MAINT 92.081 738 3 4.59 9 TEL c 0 / h! A I r.1 f in1 $008 838,477 10 TELCO/MAINT ll0,ijlG 950,286 NOTES : (1) includes all applicable Telco line, tr-unk, etc.! monthl;/ rates and instal lation chat=~es. Appl icable Telco charges are included throuqh-acit and 10.00% artnudl 1:/ based on histot-.ic ra.te trackinq. Maintenance ser-%L;;ire besins ir: t.1~ second ':,'ear, and increased by 6.00% as bid. (2) increased Sy (3) is inc!uded tt-!rc~.~.?G:- (4) Based on with a net savings of 3; 8617 , the DiSCOIIt\Ji optiors whlcti provides CIT'i' i3F CkPLSEAL! iricludinq ttie CRC rmpIerr!~.~~tatiar: fee.. w 0 CITY OF CARLSBAD COPlPATH NATIONAL DIRECT PURCHASE ANNUAL CUMULATIVE COSTS COSTS d YEAP ITEM 1 SYSTEM EQUIP. COST (41 214,766 TELCO LINE CHARGES (1) 43, 636 TELCO INSTALL (1) a. OS3 TOTAL 266,485 266,485 2 TELCO LINE CHARGES (2) 48 5 000 MA I NTENANCE ( 3 1 15.156 TOTAL 63,156 329,641 390,112 3 TEL C O / MA I N T 69,471 4 76,418 475 , 530 TELCU / MA I NT T E L C 0 / I.1 A I I\J T 6 TELCO / MA I NT 7 TELCO/MAINT a TELCO/MAINT 111 , 38.1 865, 652 84,Owf 559 r 590 92,466 652 ~ 055 I01 , 713 753,760 5 9 TELCG / MA I NT 123 , c;72 988 ~ :,-25 10 TELC 0 / MF; I N T 135,380 1,124,105 NOTES: (1) Includes all applicable Telco line, tr--unk, etc., rnor:ti-ti;,/ rates ar;d instal lation charges. Appi icable Telco charges are inc1Lided through-out and increscecl b-:,, 10.007" artnuai 1.y based or: histo~ic rate tracking. Maintenance service begins 1 rl tl-:e secortd .%.,ear, i 5 i n c 1 12 d e d t !-: r' c3 1-1 7 t-t -- ( and increased b-y 10. 00% 3.s bid. (2) (3) (4) Eased on the DISZOUI\JT optiort k~1-ti~t-t pr.ovides CITY OF CAELSEAD with a net savinqs G+ % 2462 , ~:-tcludit-:q the CFC imp!emrrttation iee. I t a 0 CITY OF CARLSBAD EXECUTONE DIRECT PURCHASE AN NU AL CUMULATIVE YEAR I TEFl COSTS COSTS 1 SYSTEM EQUIP. COST (4) 139,929 TELCO INSTALL (lj 8.083 TOTAL 241,648 241,648 TELCO LINE CHARGES (11 43,636 2 TELCO LINE CHARGES (2) 48 , 000 PIA I NTENANCE ( 3 ) 7,560 TOTAL 55, 560 LIP7,20i3 3 TELCO/MAINT 60, 387 3553,096 4 TELCO/MAINT 66 , 735 424,831 5 TELCO/MAINT 73,149 497,980 6 TELCO/ MA1 NT so, 186 578,156 .h . c 7 T E LC O / MA I NT 87,907 666 9 073 8 TELC 0 i MA I N T 96, 380 762 , 453 9 TELCOJ?IAINT 105,577 868,130 10 T ELCO / MA I N T 115,881 984,011 NOTES : (1) Includes all applicable Telco line, trunk,, etc., monthly rates and installation charyes. (2) Appl icable Telco chrirqes are inclluded tk~raugh-out and increased by 10.00% annually based on hi5tor.i~ rate tractring. (3) Maintenance service begzns i:-: the secr3nd year. is included thr-aucgh- arid increased by 7.00% as bid. (4) Based on the DISCOllNT option which provides CITY OF CbRLSEAD with a net savings of 3 is707 , including the CRC implementation fee. J m 0 CUMULATIVE COST COMPARISON @!!3 DIRECT PURCHASE YEAR - AS1 COMPATH EXECUTONE 1 $241,388 $ 266,485 $241,648 2 294,356 329,641 297,208 3 352,421 399,112 358,096 4 416,083 475,530 424,831 5 485,887 559,590 497,980 6 562,435 652,056 578,166 7 646,388 753 , 769 666,073 8 738,469 865,653 762,453 9 839,477 988,725 868,130 10 950,286 1,124,105 984,011 I ’r 8 0 CITY OF CARLSEAD AS1 7 YEAR LEASE AM N U A L C U t.1 U L AT I VE YEAR ITEM COST COST 1 EQUIP. LEASE COST (4) 36 , 473 TELCO LINE CHARGES (1) 43 , 63& TELCO INSTALL (1) 8,083 TOTAL 88,192 88,192 -. 2 LEASE COST 36,473 TELCO LINE CHARGES (2) 48! 000 MAINTENANCE (3) 4,9&,8 TOTAL 89?44l 177 , 633 3 LEASE / TELC 0 / PlA I NT 94, 53? 272,171 4 LEASE/TELCO/MAINT 100,135 372 , 306 LEASE/TELCO/ MAINT 106,277 478 , 583 6 LEASE/ TELCO/MAINT 113,021 591 5 604 c J 7 LEASE / TELCO / FlA I t.lT 120 7 425 712,030 504,111 9 TELCO/MAINT lC? , 008 405,119 r-7 8 T EL C 0 / W A I N T f B 1.J Y -- 0 C T ( 9 1 9,:- 1 08 1 10 TELCO/ClAI t.IT 110.a10 1 I 0 15 . C28 NOTES: (1) Includes all applicable Telco iine. trunk, etc.. month!;/ r.s.,tec, ar~d instal lation charges. (21 Applicable Telco ct-~ar?es are irlcluded through-out and ir:rrezased by 10.(30‘;/, a:-:nual ly based on hIstci-.ic :.a.i~. t:-?.r!:ir:2. (3) Maintenance ser--vice Se7ins in the second vear, is inc1:iipd throu3h-c and increased by 6.00% as bid. (4) Based on the DISCOUbJT option wi-iich provides CITY OF CARLSBAE with a net savings of 5 861? . includirig the CEC irnp!ements.t.ion fee. (5) Acs;~.mes lease bu-,’-oiit 2.t tile ertd of t i-I e ;’ t !-I .,’ e ‘3. r i 0 r- 9 3 . 1 \ m 0 CITY OF CARLSEAD COMPATH NATIONAL 7 YEAR LEASE ANNUAL CUPlULAT I VE YEAR ITEM COST COST 1 EQUIP. LEASE COST (4) 47,227 TELCO LINE CHARGES (1) 43,636 TELCO INSTALL (1) 8,083 TOTAL 98, 946 98, ?46 2 LEASE COST 47,227 TELCO LINE CHARGES (21 48 9 000 MAINTENANCE (3) 15,156 TOTAL 110,383 209,329 3 IEASE/TELCO/MAINT 116,698 326,027 4 LEASE/TELCO/MAINT 123,645 449, 672 5 LEASE/ TELCOIMAINT 131, 287 580 f ’950 6 LEASE/TELCO/MAINT 139,693 720,652 7 LEASE i TELCO / MA INT 148,940 869,592 a r E LC 0 / M4 I N T / B :;Y - CrU T ( 5 ) 11 1,884 95:. G7f? 9 :ELCO/MAINT 123,072 1,104,548 10 T ELCO / CIA I NT 135.380 1 3 2,79,978 NOTES: (11 Includes all applicable Telco line, tr-iunk, etc.. monthly rates and instal lation charges. (2) Applicable Telco char-ges are iricluded throu?h-out and increased by 10.OOX ar~nual I?’ based on historic rate tracking. (3) Maintenance service bcqins irl the second year. is inclu.ded throush-o and increased by 10.00% a5 bid. (4) Based on the DISCOUNT option which provide5 CITY OF CAHLSE(AD with a net savirlgs of B 2462 , including the CRC implernentdtiafi +ee- (5) Assu-rnes lease bu:;’-out at the end of the 7 th car fsr 81. 1 \ m e i' CITY OF CARLSBAD EXECUTONE 7 YEAR LEASE ANNUAL CUMULATIVE YEAR I TEN CUST CUST 1 EQUIP. LEASE COST (41 39,013 TELCU LINE CHARGES (1) 43 9 636 TELCO INSTALL (1) 8 q 083 TOTAL 90,732 90,732 2 LEASE COST 39,013 TELCO LINE CHARGES (21 48 7 000 MAINTENANCE ( 3 1 7.560 TOTAL 94 7 573 185,305 3 LEASE /TELCO/MAINT 99,902 285 7 206 4 LEASE/TELC@/MAINT 105,748 390r 954 5 LEASE / T ELC 0 / MA I N T 112,162 503,116 6 LEASE / TELCU / PIA I NT 119,199 622,315 7 LEASE / TELCU / PlA INT 126,920 749? 235 8 TELC@/MAINT/BUV-OUT (5 1 96 ~ 380 %:L25 > 615 9 TEL C 0 / MA I N T 105,677 951: 292 10 T ELC 0 / MA I NT 115,881 1,067,173 NOTES: (1) Includes all applicable Telco line, trunk, etc. I monthly tratE.5 acd instal lation charges. (2) eppl icable Telco charqe5 are included through-out a.nd increased b.:.. 10.00% annual 1y based on historic rate tr.ac:iirr.-q 7- (3) Maintenance service begin5 in the ~jecond year-. i5 included th~ough- and increased b-y 7.00% as bid. (4) Based on the DISZOUMT option ~~hich prcsvide5 CITY OF CARLSBAI) with a net savin3s of B 15707 , including the CRC imp!ementation iee (5) Assume5 lease t.u;.'-oi;t at. the er-16 01 +.I-:-? 7 tt-: :'ear far-- OC). 1 m e CUMULATIVE COST COMPARISON 1*H SEVEN YEAR LEASE YEAR - AS1 COMPATH EXECU TON E 1 $ 88,192 $ 98,946 $ 90,732 2 177,633 209,329 185,305 3 272,171 326,027 285,206 4 372,306 449,672 390,954 5 478 , 583 580 , 959 503 , 116 6 591 , 604 7-20 , 652 622 I 315 7 712,030 869 , 592 7 4 9-,~23 5 8 804,111 981,476 845,615 9 905,119 1 , 104,548 951,292 10 1,015 , 928 1,239,928 1 , 067 , 1-73 0 - EEI BID RESPONSE ANALYSIS Following is an analysis of each bid response as provided detailing each bid exception taken by the bidder. All exceg tions, regardless of magnitude, have been detailed. ~ll bidder have been advised that only the City Council of the City o Carlsbad may allow or disallow bid exceptions. AS1 AS1 has presented an effective bid response to the City, and ha taken no exceptions to the specifications. COMPATH Compath ha5 provided a good bid response, however the followin exceptions were taken. .j_.. .-% . r. - The guaranteed emergency response time was stated as tw hours however, the $50 per hour penalty includes a $30( maximum. No pena'1,ty would app2.y if the response tize of 21 hours for routine service was not met. Compath also state( their business hours are 8:OO AM - 5:OO PM - Monday througl Friday. Per the bid specifications, service time must bc provided 24 hours per day, seven days a week. - Compath has also included their "conditions and exclusions' agreement which redefines the liquidated damages section of the bid specifications. Compath has also included thei: "indemnification" clause and "limited warranties" clause whick e e *m redefines the hold harmless section and warranty section o the bid specifications. Compath will not warrant the “design of the equipment, as they are not the manufacturer. EXECUTONE Executone has provided an eftective bid response to the City They have taken no bid exceptions and are in compliance with a1 terms and conditions. In addition to these three bidders, Pacific Bell also submitted separate proposal, outside the bounds of the bid specifications for a Centrex telephone system. This proposal, while a fin product, includes only the telephone switching equipment and n telephones, features or on-premises equipment. No bid bond wa provided and no provision to accept any of the terms and condi tions of the bid specifications was included. Further consider ztion cf thy5 approacb to obtaining a new telephone system is i:o recommended based on non-compliance with the bidding process higher costs and the need to contract with two separate vendor for installation of a single system. Additionally, the City woul be required to repeat the competitive bidding process exclusive1 for the telephones and associated equipment. -< m a -I...1 BID RESPONSE SUMMARY The following is a summarized overview of each Bid Response, sup plier capabilities and the bid systems performance record. Eac review includes CRC opinions and conclusions. AS I AS1 has proposed the NEC 2400 IMS. This is a new state-of-the art, system which has been available for just over one year. Thi system has many new feature capabilities, and AS1 has installee and maintained twenty (20) systems in one year. AS1 is California based corporation with a fine reputation for qualit installations. They have been established since 1977 and have a excellent base of satisfied customers. - ASI's price is the lowest for both direct purchase and seven yea lease-purchase. AS1 also has the lowest price for the re-loca tion of the Police Department's telephone system, which i guaranteed through July, 1986, COMPATH NATIONAL Compath has proposed the SL-lMS, manufactured by Northern Telecom which is a digital system designed fo: keeping pace with future changes. The exceptions taken by Compath directly affect the repair service to which the City would be entltied, tlAe ~dtnrc costs for expansion, and the warranties ot the system. w e L *H Compath National is a well established California companq Recently they experienced a considerable amount of growth due to merger with Allied Telecommunication Systems. Compath's bid is the highest for both a direct purchase and lease purchase throughout the ten year projections. EXECUTON E Executone has bid the E-400 system which is manufactured b Harris. The E-400 has been on the market for approximately seve (7) years with 127 Executone installations. Executone Corporation, with offices throughout the United States is a division of Continental Telephone Company, the third larges telephone utility company in the U.S., and enjoys a fine reputa tion on their own for quality installations and reliable service. Executone's bid is the second lowest throughout the ten (10) yea cost projection for both direct purchase and lease-purchase. m * -E!4 CONCLUSIONS Since it is anticipated that the new system will remain in servic for a minimum of ten (10) years, the overall costs have been prc jected over this period of time. The ten (10) year period ha been selected as a minimum projection period since each supplie or manufacturer can provide guarantees for ongoing part availability and system service for ten (10) years. Further, CR equipment, trunking and station line future requirements wer projected over this same period to establish ultimate syste capacity requirements. All three (3) considered bidders are to be commended on their re sponses and effort put forth to gain the City of Carlsbad' commun i ca t ion b us ine s s . It is not possible to totally control cost increases associate1 with telecommunications equipment, systems and service. Accordin5 to the Federal Government Price Index statistics, the infl~~jor rate for 1981 was 8.9% and 1982 and 1983 were 3.9% and 1: currently at 3% to 4%. This, of course, affects everyone including the communication industry. In developing client specifications, CRC's objective in this areE is to, as much as possible, protect the client from unforeseer- OL drastic increases in costs associated with their telecommunicatior services. This is accomplished in two ways; first, by "freezing" as much of the equipment costs as possible, and second, by m uH "pegging", through contractual guarantees, the maximum allowabl increases in maintenance and add-on equipment costs. Cost tracking of private suppliers has shown basic increases i costs to be in the 8%-10% range per year. Comparatively according to the California Public Utilities Commissic applications from Pacific Bell for general across-the-board rat increases average more than 10% per year. It is only safe t assume that this trend and current inflationary rates wil continue for all telephone system suppliers. Since telephon communications is an absolute necessity, the sound approach t procurement is under the protection of the terms within the Cit of Carlsbad bid specifications. Compath has offered an attractive package however, they are ti- highest bidder on both the direct purchase and lease purchase. Executone submitted an effective bid for a proven state-of-the art system with no exceptions. Executone's bid is the secor lowest for both the direct purchase and the lease purchase. AS1 has proposed a new, state-of-the-art system and was the lowe: for both the direct purckase and cP,e lease-purchase. L * e *A@H RECOMMENDATIONS In reviewing the products bid, all are state-of-the-art and wil meet or exceed the City's requirements. A recommendation for bi award is based on the criteria of the lowest, responsive, respon sible bidder. AS1 is the lowest for both the direct purchase an lease-purchase. AS1 has provided a responsive bid and qualifie as a responsible company. It is recommended that the City of Carlsbad award the contract t "Furnish, Install and Maintain Complete Telephone Services'' t ASI, through action of the City Council. Utilizing a lease-purchase, the immediate first year savings wil be approximately $1,057 with a projected ten (10) year iota savings of $406,469 as compared to existing telephone services. At the time of this contract award by the City Council it is alsc necessary ts either approve CRC' s Full Imnleflsntatj on PI ar:. 01 Implementation Supervision plan to be performed in conjunctior with installation of the new telephone service. The Full Implementation plan will assure the City of receiving a $14,000 discount from the system vendor 7-esulting in a net savings of $8,617, which includes CRC implementation fees. The following page shows a comparison of the present telephone system costs versus the recommended syste:n utilizing the seven year lease-purchase. *: m 0 SYSTEM COSTS COMPARISONS PRESENT VERSUS RECOMMENDED dd The following is a cumulative comparison of the present telephor system costs (excluding usage costs) , as provided by Pacific Bel and AT&T, to the recommended new services. YEAR EXISTING SYSTEM RECOMMENDED NEW SERVICES 1 $ 89,249 $ 88,192 2 187 , 423 177 , 633 3 295,414 272,171 4 414 , 204 372 , 306 5 544,873 478,583 6 688 , 609 591,604 712,030 7 8 1,020 , 640 804 , 111 9 1 , 211,953 905 , 119 10 1,422,397 1,015,928 846,719 ..I The above costs include installation charges from Pacific Bell o $8,083 in the first year for the new system and assumes th existing system would remain "as-is", without change for ten (10 full years. These are total system, equipment and line "bas rate" costs only and do not include the time and personnel saving: that will be realized through the new system cmce9t.