HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985-04-23; City Council; 8151; Agreement with Chamber of CommerceCIT 3F CARLSBAD - AGENDb JILL AB# 8/51 MTG. 4/23/85 DEPT. CM c TITLE: AGREEMENT WITH CHAMBER OF COMMERCE REGARDING CARLSBAD CONVENTION AND VISITORS BUREAU RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. 7972 approving agreement. ITEM EXPLANATION: ~~ DEPT. HD.* c ITY M G R. CITY ATTYW At its January 8, 1985 meeting the City Council approved an appropriation of $100,000 as city support for the operation of the Convention and Visitors Bureau. City and Chamber staff have developed an agreement to implement the Bureau. The Bureau's advisory panel and the Chamber of Commerce Executive Committee have reviewed and approved the agreement. The initial period of the agreement extends until June 30, 1985. The agreement will continue and renew automatically upon the City Council's annual approval of the Bureau's work program and budset. The Chamber of Commerce will be presenting the work program and budget for the 1985-86 fiscal-year June 1, 1985. FISCAL IMPACT: prior to The cost of this agreemen, during its initial -erm (April -0 June 30, 1985) is approximately $100,000 (fixed costs of $20,475 and variable costs of $79,525). The cost for the 1985-86 fiscal year will depend on the work program and budget approved by the City Council. The preliminary estimate for 1985-86 is $200,000. EXHIBITS: 1. Letter from President of the Chamber of Commerce, dated 4/12/85 2. Resolution No. 7'774 -. EXHIBIT NO. 1 J CARLSBAD CHAMBER OF COMMERCE POST OFFICE BOX 1605 CAR LSBAD, CALI FOR N IA 92008 (619) 729-5924 DOUGLAS A. YAVANIAN EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT DATE , : April 17, 1985 TO : Mayor Mary Casler Mayor Pro Tem Bud Lewis Council Member Ann Kulchin Council Member Dick Chick Council Member Mark Pettine City Manager Frank Aleshire FROM : Bob Watson, President SUBJECT : City/Chamber Contract (For Carlsbad Convention & Visitors Bureau) The attached contract and budget presentation for the Carlsbad Convention and Visitors Bureau has been finalized for signature. Committee of the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce has approved the contract and upon your approval we can formally launch the Carlsbad Convention and Visitors Bureau Program of Work. The Executive Details of this contract have been worked out after several meetings with Messrs Elliott, Mannen and Aleshire, and input from the City Attorney's office (Dan Hentschke). has also been very instrumental in formulating these documents and at its last meeting (4/11/85) reviewed and approved the contract. The Bureau's Advisory Panel, headed by Mike Straub I have also taken the liberty to enclose copies of minutes of our meetings. You will note that the budgetary attachments are submitted in the forznat now used by the City Finance Department. The 1985-86 Budget request will be submitted under separate cover. This presentation is the contract and support material for the $100,000 allocation authorized/approved by Council action on Tuesday, January 8, 1985. This is an exciting project and with your input and support, we will carry out an exciting activity on behalf of the City and business community. BW: jls Attachment 8 c: Frank Mannen, Asst. City Manager Jim Elliott, City Finance Director Daniel Hentschke, Asst. City Attorney Aletha Rautenkranz, City Clerk n a 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 7992 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING AN AGREEMENT WITH THE CARLSBAD CHAMBER AND VISITORS BUREAU OF COMMERCE FOR THE-CARLSBAD CONVENTION WHEREAS, the City Council desires to promote tourism and commerce within the city and, WHEREAS, the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce has special knowledge, experience, skill and facilities for promotional and advertising work and, WHEREAS, the City Council desires to utilize the services of the Chamber of Commerce to establish a convention and visitors bureau program; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the Agreement between the City of Carlsbad and the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce, attached hereto as Exhibit A, is hereby approved. 3. That the Mayor is hereby authorized and directed to sign the Agreement on behalf of the city. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad held the 23rd day of April , 1985, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: Council Wr Pet- Council Memkers Casler, Lewis, and sick ABSENT: Council Pknher Kulchin // 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 20 % k/. @&A/ MARY H. J?ASLER, Mayor ATTEST: ( SEAL 1 .. EXHIBIT A to Resolution No. 77?2. AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND THE CARLSBAD CHAMBER OF COMMERCE FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE CARLSBAD CONVENTION AND VISITORS BUREAU THIS AGREEMENT is made between the CITY OF CARLSBAD, California, hereinafter called the "City, 'I and the CARLSBAD CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, hereinafter called the "Chamber" as follows: WHEREAS, the Chamber has special knowledger experiencer skill and facilities for promotional and advertising work and for doing the things hereinafter agreed to be done by it; and WHEREAS, the City desires to secure the services of the Chamber to establish a comprehensive and integrated tourism, informational and marketing program for the City of Carlsbad as set forth below NOW THEREFORE, IT IS MUTUALLY AGREED AS FOLLOWS: 1. Governinq Structure The Chamber shall create the Carlsbad Convention and Visitors Bureau (hereafter "Bureau") to implement the goals and objectives set forth below. The Bureau shall be a division of the CARLSBAD CHAMBER OF COMMERCE but with . its own independent Advisory Panel, Manager and staff. The Advisory Panel is charged with the responsibility of developing, implementing and supervising this Agreement and program of work, and shall report to and be accountable to the Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors. The Bureau, through the Chamber of Commerce, shall submit a yearly report of its activities to the City Council on or before June 30 of each year. The Advisory Panel shall consist of 11 members from the following catagories: 3 representatives selected by the Chamber of Commerce; 3 representative selected by the City Council: 5 representatives selected from the tourism industry, of whom at least 3 are from the hotel / motel / restaurant industry, as more specifically set forth in the Bureau's Standard Operating Procedures. In addition, the Advisory Panel shall select and hire a Manager and such staffr including an advertising and public relation firm(s), as may be needed in order to accomplish its goals and objectives. 2. Goals of the Carlsbad Convention and Visitors Bureau The purpose of the Bureau is to create, maintain and supervise a coordinated marketing program to advertiser promote and make known the resources of the City for the purposes of increasing the trade and commerce of the Cityr and to advertise and/or exhibit the agricultural# horticultural vi ticultural , mineral, industrial, commercialr climatic, educational, recreational, artistic, musical, cultural and other reeourcee -1- 5- and advantages of the City, and to provide informational eervices to both visitors and residents of the City of Carlebad. 3. Objectives of the Carlsbad Convention and Visitors Bureau The immediate objectives between January 9 through June 30, 1985 is to create and establish the Bureau which will then begin to develop a Master Marketing Plan and media campaign to implement the following objectives: To establish, identifyr research and develop a strong Identification Program for the City of Carlsbad and the Carlsbad Convention and Visitors Bureau: To position Carlsbad' as a prime destination in Southern California through an integrated media and promotional campaign ; To generate awareness of Carlsbad in those geographic regions of the United States which provide the largest number of visitors to Southern California each year: To increase the awareness of Carlsbad among the members of the travel industry including travel agents, corporate travel agents and tour planners: To increase the awareness and interest in Carlsbad among visitors to the San Diego and Los Angeles areas: and To establish a strong public relations campaign designed to provide heightened visibility by providing information on Carlsbad in local, regional and national publications and media. Master Marketing Plan will be divided into two phases as set forth in Exhibit 1. 4. Accounting and Audit Controls In order for the City and the Chamber to monitor and audit the funds provided to the Bureau, the following procedures shall occur: (a) The Bureau shall adopt the City's chart of accounts for the coding of revenues and expenditures: (b) Where possibler all expenditures shall be made by check (i.e. no cash expenditures) and full support for each expenditure shall be maintained. (Howeverr petty cash funds may be allowed to facilitate small transactions of an exceptional nature of $25 or less.) n -2- (c) All checks shall require the signature of at least two members of the Advisory Panelr one of whom shall be the Bureau Manager. (d) Revenues shall be recorded .so as to show from whom and the date receivedr the amount received and the purpose of the receipt. (e) The Bureau shall retain an accounting firm to review their accounts on a quarterly basis and prepare an annual financial statement. The results of the quarterly budget reviewsr along with a report as to the status of the program of work during that quarter shall be submitted to the City quarterly. Additionallyr the Bureau shall have an audit of its financial statements conducted by an independent CPA firm each year. (f) The City's internal auditor shall have the right to perform at least one on-site visit each year to verify the figures reported in the Quarterly / Monthly reports. (9) The Bureau shall be on a July 1 to June 30 fiscal year so as to coincide with the City's fiscal year. (h) The records of the Bureau shall be available to the City for inspection at any time during normal business hours and shall be maintained in Carlsbad at the Bureau's principal office. 5. Scope of Services The program of work of the Bureau will include the development of a coordinatedr integrated and comprehensive Master Marketing Plan for the City of Carlsbad. (See Exhibit 1 and the explanations within the budget items within Exhibit 2). The Bureau shall have the responsibility for the following activities: (a) Primary and secondary advertising in magazinesr newspapersr direct mailr confidential inquiries and brochuree; (b) Establishing marketing and promoting tourist visitation packages ; (c) Providing informational services to local residents; (d) Establishing and carrying out special familiarization tours for the tourist and hospitality industry; and (e) The creationr promotion and marketing of special community events which promote Carlsbad as a location for small business conferences and as a travel destination. -3- 7 6. Budget The initial budget for the period between April 1 through June 301 19 the Bureau to implement the abo- goals and objectives is 88 follows, all the Advi6ory Panel may, from time to time make adjustments in these categor as to produce the maximum return for the sums expended. INCOME: City of Carlsbad $100I000 TOTAL INCOME EXPENSES : Fixed Costs: Accoun ting-Legal Auto Travel Employee Benefits Equipment Insurance Legal and Accounting Office Supplies Payroll Taxes Postage Rent Salaries (1 Manager & 1 Secretary) Telephone Uti1 i ties TOTAL FIXED COSTS ($6,825 per month) Variable Costs: Ad ve r t i 8 ing / Pr omo t i on ( Media purchases ) Business Meetings/Conferences Conve n tions/Trade Shows Dues/Subscriptions Printing (including brochures) Professional Servicee Special Projects $100I000 * $ 2,000 825 750 500 21400 II 200 1,250 250 - 0- 101 500 -0- 800 $ 401725 1 , 000 4,000 800 15 IO00 31000 15, 000 TOTAL VARIABLE COSTS TOTAL EXPENSES $ 791525 $100I000 * Additional matching funds or in-kind services from the "tourism industi not included in this figure but will be actively sought by the Bure de tailed explanation of each expense account is attached as Exhib -4- The initial term covered by this budget shall be from the 1st day of April 1985 to and including the 30th day of June 1985. The parties further recognize, however, that the full and professional development and implementation of the programs covered by this Agreernent will not be completed within the time period set forth above: rather, these programs will be an ongoing, long-term effort on behalf of the Bureau, the City and the local tourism industry. Before June 1 1985/ the Chamber of Commerce shall prepare and present to the City Council for approval an annual work program for the 1985-86 fiscal year (July 1, 1985 to June 30, 1986, Except for funds allocated to fixed cost tasks to be accomplished during the initial term of this Agreement, no funds will be released or payments made until the annual work program and budget has been approved by the City Council. For fiscal year 1986-87 and all subsequent fiscal years, the Chamber of Commerce shall prepare and submit an annual work program and budget prior to April 1 of the preceding fiscal year. Allocations to the Bureau, if anyl shall be made as part of the annual City budget. Nothing in this Agreement shall obligate the City to make any annual budget appropriation to the Bureau. Failure by the City to make an annual budget appropriation to the Bureau shall constitute automatic termination of this Agreement. This Agreement shall be automatically renewed from year to year upon approval of the annual work program and budget by the City Council and an appropriation of funds therefore in the annual City budge t . 7. Method of Pavment After ratification of this Agreement by the City, the Bureau shall be paid the sum of $6,825 for its fixed expenses commencing April 1, 1985. Thereafter, the Bureau shall be paid a like sum on or before the first day of each month during the balance of the time of this Agreement for its fixed expenses. From the initial sum that is received from the City, the Bureau shall reimburse the Chamber for its direct costs that it has expended in forming the Bureau, advertising for a Manager, and otherwise carrying out the Bureau's functions prior to the ratification of this Agreement by the City which is anticipated not to exceed $1,700. The variable costs as set forth in the budget shall be paid within ten days of the submittal of an invoice covering the specific project(s) or service(s) encompassed within such billing 8. Addi tional Services In the event the City Council desires any other or additional marketing or promotional or other services from either the Bureau or the Chamber, it may request that proposals and cost estimates be prepared and presented to the Council. Upon the approval of any additional work by the City Council, the Chamber or the Bureau shall then proceed with its execution and shall be entitled to such additional compensation as authorized by the Council, Upon the funding of the Bureau by the City Council for the July 1, 1985 fiscal year, that Agreement will then replace the existing City-Chamber of Commerce Agreement of August 17, 1976, which expires on June 30/ 1985. Therearter, the City and Chamber may enter into one or more project specific contracts (i.e. economic development and marketing, etc,) if BO requested, and these services would be as set forth in a separate agreement. -5- 7 9. Termination In addition to the extension and termination provisions contained in bragraph 6, this Agreement may be terminated by either party upon giving 90 days written notice thereof to the other. In the event of a termination at any time other than the end of the fiscal year, an accounting of all expenses and costs incurred to the date of termination shall be made by the Bureau and approved by the City, and upon approval of the accounting by the City, the Bureau shall forthwith return to the City any and all funds advanced for services not yet fully performed. 10. Assignment of Agreement: The Chamber or Bureau shall not assign this Agreement or any part of it or any money due under it without the prior written consent of the City. 11. Prohibited Interest: No official of the City who is authorized in such capacity on behalf of the City to negotiate, make, accept or approve or take part in negotiatingr making, accepting or approving of any contract or subcontract in connection with the execution of this Agreement shall become directly or indirectly interested personally in this Agreement or any part thereof. No officer or employee of the City who is authorized in such a capacity on behalf of the City to exercise any executiver supervisory or other similar functions in connection with the performance of this Agreement shall become directly or . indirectly interested personally in this Agreement or any part thereof. 12. Entire Agreement: This Agreement is the entire Agreement between the parties and supersedes all prior oral or written memoranda, understandings or agreements pertaining to the subject matter of this Agreement. No verbal agreement or conversation with any officer, agent or employee of the City either before, during or after the execution of this Agreement shall affect or modify any of the terms or obligations contained in this Agreementr nor shall such verbal agreement or conversation entitle the Chamber or the Bureau to any additional payment whatsoever under the terms of this Agreement. No amendments or alterations to this Agreement shall be effective unless evidenced by writing and executed by all parties to this Agreement. 13. Bureau not Agent of City: Nothing in thie Agreement shall be conetrued to make the Chamber of Commerce, the Bureau, or the advisory panel created by this Agreement an agency) committee or body or an advisory commission, advisory committee or advisory body of the City of Carlsbad or the City Council. CARLSBAD CHAMBER OF COMMERCE CITY OF CARLSBAD By: ROBERT WATSON, President By : MARY CASLER, Mayor -6- CARLSBAD CONVENTION AND VISITORS BUREAU MASTER MARKETING PLAN A. GROUNDWORK -- RESEARCH -- Meetings, readings, exploration -- Intimacy -- POSIT ION -- Assets and competition -- Precise statement -- MARKET DETERMINATION -- Who and where -- AGENCY SELECTION -- Familiarity with trade -- Limited duties B. MARKETING PLAN -- ADVERTISING -- Stretch the dollars -- Select viable publications -- Utilize co-op -- Revise rack brochures -- Produce videotape -- PUBLIC RELATIONS -- Press kit -- Develop and utilize mailing list -- Books -- Publications -- Travel writers Generate articles - -- POINT-OF-P URCHASE -- Fulfill expectations -- Develop program for community awareness -- REFERRAL Exhibit 1 CARLSBAD CONVENTION AND VISITORS BUREAU EXPLANATION OF ACCOUNTS April 1 - June 30, 1985 INCOME The first phase of funding is based on funds appropriated by the City Council. In-kind or matching funds from local businesses will be aggressively sought during the fiscal year 1985-1986, or after the Bureau Is programs become operative. EXPENSES (April 1 - June 301 1985) FIXED COSTS ($20,475 - $6#825 per month) Accounting - Legal ( $21000) This is to cover the periodic accounting reviews referred to in Section 4! together with normal legal expensesI if any. Auto Travel ($825) Auto lease not to exceed $250 per month effective April lI 1985. An additional $25 per month for non-management personnel mileage costs has been included. Employee Benefits ($750) Worker Is compensation and medical/hospi talization coverage effective April 1, 1985. Equipment ($2!400) The addition of secretarial staff to support the initial Bureau activities will require appropriate office equipment. It is expected that requirements will necessitate at least one typewriter (IBM Selectric quality) and the availability of word processing equipment to support the Bureau Is marketing and data base development efforts. Insurance $500) To cover additional insurance premiums. Howeverr these funds may be re-appropriated in the event the Chamber's current insurance coverage covers this and additional coverage is not needed. Exhibit 2-1 . '_ - CARLSBAD CONVENTION AND VISITORS BUREAU EXPLANATION OF ACCOUNTS April 1 - June 30, 1985 Office Supplies ($1 200) Expenditures will include stationery, start-up bookkeeping needs (e.g. checks ledgersr etc.) and general supplies not available from the Chamber's routine stock. Pavroll Taxes (51,2501 Based on 12% of the anticipated three-month payroll. A surplus would be re-appropriated to enhance advertising/promotion needs. Postage ($250) While the current City Chamber contract will continue to cover routine postage for answering inquiries, this allocation is to cover supplemental needs generated by the first phase advertising/promotion efforts. Rent (0) Salaries ( $10, 500) Salaries through June 30, 1985 will cover the following positions: Manager - to $2,000 per month (April 1 - June 30th) and Secretarial - to $lr300 per month (March 15 - June 30th). Telephone ($800) As with postager the current City Chamber contract will cover current telephone needsr but this amount has been set to cover costs for adding at least one more separate line and monthly charges effective April 15th. Utilities (0) VARIABLE COSTS ($79,525) Advertising/Promotion ( $40, 725) The funds are for the implementation and development of a formal media program. It is anticipated that the funds will be expended on the basis of 65% print, and 35% electronic (radio) media. Exhibit 2-2 CARLSBAD CONVENTION AND VISITORS BUREAU EXPLANATION OF ACCOUNTS April 1 - June 30, 1985 Publications would include such periodicals and newspapers as: Los Angeles Metro area newspapers, "Travel-Holiday," "Westways, *' "Sunset, 'I in-flight magazines, etc. Radio stations could include Los Angeles metro and Arizona-Nevada radio stations. The ultimate placement will be established by the Bureau and the advertising agency retained by it. Business Meetinas/Conferences ($1,000) Budgeted for such activities as the annual Governor's Tourism Conference, regional industry meetings and conferences. Conventions/Trade Shows ($4,000) The initial allocation will be for the development of a formal/mobile exhibit which will be used to display Carlsbad and its attractions at tourism/travel related conventions, trade shows and key fairs (e.g. California State, Arizona State, Los Angeles County, Orange County and Riverside County Fairs). Examples of various trade shows include: World-Wide Travel Expo (Los Angeles Convention) I Time-of -Your-Life Expo (seniors - Los Angeles Convention), Phoenix Travel Show (Arizona) and Bus Tour Operator Expo (Southern California). Dues/SubscriDtions ($800) The funds are to cover the costs necessary to provide membership for Bureau staff in key travel/tourism association organizations and membership for the Bureau in arear state, regionalr and national travel industry organizations such as: Western Association of Convention and Tourism Bureaus, California Tourism Industry Association (CALTIA) I International Association of Convention and Visitors Bureau and Travel Industry Association of America. As in the case with Business Meetings/Conferences, this allocation will give the Bureau necessary exposure to assist it in meeting its marketing goals and objectives. Printina ($15,000) The allocations is for the printing of much needed rack brochures, including at least one four-color general Carlsbad brochure (production and printing) of approximately 50,000, and several two-color support brochures (e.g. lodging/accommodationsr golf courses, etc.) at 15,000 each. Exhibit 2-3 CARLSBAD CONVENTION AND VISITORS BUREAU EXPLANATION OF ACCOUNTS April 1 - June 30, 1985 Professional Services ($3,000) The allocation is for the development of an image for the Bureau and the entire marketing program. This is one of the three tasks which will be assigned to the advertising agency. The image that is adopted will transcend all aspects of the Bureau's programs (e.g. stationery, ad campaign, brochures, media efforts, etc.) SDecial Projects (S15,OOO) Activities in this area will include $4,500 for the development and production of 400 media kits which will be a part of an on-going news bureau effort. This program will be geared primarily to secondary markets (e.9. San Jose, Sacramento, Reno, Phoenix, Santa Anna, Riverside, Santa Barbara): $4,000 for the production of a video cassette presentation on Carlsbad. It is anticipated the cassette will be an 8 to 10 minute presentation at approximately $800 per minute. This will be one of the projects in which the business community will be asked to give financial support, and approximately $4,000 has already been pledged. The ultimate cost will depend on the availability of existing f ilm/slide(s) and production assistance from . the City and private sector. The balance of this appropriation will be used to host a formal unveiling of the Carlsbad Tourism Bureau to the media, elected officials, tourism industry officials and business, the community and local tourism industry ($2,200) , direct mail programs ( $1 , 800) , and familiarization tours for travel agents, media and tour operators ($2,500) Exhibit 2-4 / 5' ADOPTED 1 85-86 REQUEST. I - CAPITAL OUTLAY DESCRIPTION I QTY AMOUNT I QTY AMOUNT I I I I I I I 1 I I 3900 Equipnent I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I 1 I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I 2 I $2400 I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I 1 I I I I 1 I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 2 152400 I TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY I I I CITY OF CARLSBAD 1984-85 BUDGET ~. - - - - - - - PERSONNEL DETAIL I ADOPTED I E STI Ft4T E I REQUEST I POSITION I 1984-85 I 1984-65 I 1985-86 I I I 1 TITLE !NO. AMOUNT (NO. AMOUNT IN0 AMOUNT I i I 1 1 I I I I I Bureau Manager I I 1 I 6000 I i II II II II I 1 I 3900 I I I1 I II II II I 1 ~ureause~retary I 011 II I II II I I 011 II I II II I I Informtion Clerk lo I 011 11 I I I II 11 II I 1-1 600 1 I II I II II II I I mer I I Payroll Taxes I 2 I 1.250 I I II I I II I1 I1 I I Group Medical Coverage 121 750 I I II I I II II II I I II II II I I II II II I I II II II I I II II II I I II II It I I II II II I I I1 II II 1 1 II II II I 1 II II II I I I1 II II I I II I1 II 1 I I I I I I I SJB-TOTAL I 2 1$12500 I I II I I II II II I I- 1 I I I I I Information supenrisor 1.0 I Io I I Information Clerk i OVERTIE II II It I I II I1 II 1 I PART TIE II II II I I I1 II 11 I II II I II II I I FRINGE BENEFITS: II I WORKERS' COMPENSATION I - I - II II I I OTHER 1-1 - II II I I II It II I I I I I I I I 1 TOTAL SALARIES, BENEFITS, AND I I I1 - I RETIREKNT (P.E.R.S.) I - 1 I II II I POSITIONS 1 2 1$12500 I I CITY OF CARLSBAD 1984-85 BUDGET MAINTENANCE 6 OPERATION I ACCT I ACCOUNT I 1984-85 I 1 984-85 I 1 985-86 I I NO 1 DESCRIPTION I ADOPTED I ESTIMATE i REQUEST i I I I I I I I 2210 1 I 1 I 2220 I I I 2350 I I 1 2470 I I I 251i I I I 251s I I I 2520 I ’ I 2530 I 1 2690 I I t 2870 1 I 1 I 2310 I I I I I I I I 2510 I I 2540 I I 2550 I 1 I I I 2840 I I I I I 1 I I I 1 I 1 I I Utilities Telephone Auto/Travel Rent Account hg-al and Professional Senrices Advertising Conventions/Trade Special Projects Dues/Subscriptions Postage printing Office Supplies . Miscellaneous lo I 1 I 825 I 5@00 1 40725 Io I I I 4900 I I15000 I 800 I 250 15000 I 12GC Io I 1 1000 I 500 I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I 1 I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I 1 I I 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I 1 I I I 1 1 I I I I TOTAL MAINTENANCE & OPER. I 1 I SERVICES PERFORMED FOR I 1 1 I I 1 OTHER DEPARTMENTS I I 1 I I I $85100 I CITY OF CARLSBAD 1984-85 BUDGET CAT ECOR Y 1 1964 - 85 I 1984 - 65 1 1985-86 I I ADOPTED I ESTIMATE 1 REQUEST I I I I I I I I I I PERSONNL SERVICES I MAINTENANCE & OPERATION 1 CAPITAL OUTLAY I DEBT SERVICE I I I is12500 i I I I I I 85100 I I 2400 I I I I I I I SUB TOTAL I I SERVICES PERFORMED FOR OTHER I DEPARTFENTS I I I I 1 I I 1 I I I I I I I I I -- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I 1 I ~100000 1 I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I TOTAL FULL TIFE POSITIONS 12 1 1 I I I I I I I DEPARTMENTAL GOALS AND OB3ECTIVES I I I TOTAL BUDGET I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CARLSBAD CHAMBER OF COMMERCE POST OFFICE BOX 1605 CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 (619) 729-5924 DOUGLAS A. YAVANIAN EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT DATE , : April 16, 1985 TO : Mike Straub, Chairman FROM : Doug Yavanian SUBJECT : Minutes Minutes of Carlsbad Convention and Visitors Bureau meeting held Thursday, April 11, 1985 at the Beach Terrace Inn - 5:OO p.m. PRESENT : Straub, Chick, Lewis, Aleshire, Grosse, Long, Gould, L'Heureux, Howard-Jones, Yavanian, Sheahan REGRETS: De Wolfe, McCarthy GUESTS : Watson (CC President), Ribant and Jozel (Benedict & Wells), Mannen (Assistant City Manager) MINUTES : 1. 2. 3. INTRODUCTIONS Straub asked all those present to introduce themselves and the firm/ agency each represented. CITY-CHAMBER CONTRACT (See attached). with changes in wording from the Assistant City Manager (Mannen) and Assistant City Attorney (Hentschke). After brief review and discussion, Bureau members approved the contract and backup budget for and sub- mittall to the City Council. The April 23rd Council workshop meeting. Staff presented the attached City-Chamber contract Aleshire said it would be scheduled for PERSONNEL STATUS Staff said the closing deadline for resume submittal is April 15th. To date only 26 resumes have been submitted, although applicants are gener- ally qualified for consideration (with backgrounds) in the tourism and travel industries. Staff said major budgetary considerations, which the Bureau will have to contend with are interview (travel) costs and possible relocation costs (total $4000 to $7000). Gould suggested and most agreed that bringing someone in from outside the southern California market may not be in the Bureau's best interest. He mentioned extending the recruitment period and advertieing the position in two other publications; "Advertising Age" and "Advertising Week ." Straub named Long and Grosse to work with staff as the Personnel Committee. April 16, 1985 Carlsbad Convention 61 Visitors Bureau Minutes Page two 4. 5. 6. ADVERTISING AGENCY CONTRACT Staff presented the attached (signed) contract between the Chamber and Benedict and Wells Advertising Agency. how/when the Agency gets paid regarding media buys. no'media purchases would be made without prior Bureau approval. The contract was entered as approved. Aleshire asked about It was noted ADVERTISING AGENCY PRESENTATION Ribant and Jozel discussed the methodology utilized by the Agency to develop a slogan for the Bureau. Staff re-advised Bureau members present that the Agency's initial franchise is to develop 1) an image, 2) ad campaign and 3) rack brochures. The Agency's methodology is attached. "CARLSBAD, Where Good Times Come Easy." sentatives advised that this was a first effort, there was general agreement by Bureau members that the slogan was not adequate. Bureau members felt that the slogan should 1) suggest quality, 2) Carlsbad's regional adaptability as a hub destination, 3) pinpoint Carlsbad's geographic location and certainly cause potential visitors to stop. The slogan presented is, Although the Agency repre- Some felt the Plan Springs slogan "P.S. I Love You" was a good concept. Some Bureau members felt that Carlsbad should be able to stand next to Santa Barbara, Camel, etc. Lewis questioned who Carlsbad's target audience(s) was. Long suggested a community contest to select a slogan. After a great deal of discussion, Straub asked that the Agency be pre- pared next Thursday (April 18th) to present a new slogan idea(s) through the presentation of an entire campaign concept. Bureau members also had an opportunity to review possible graphic styles. Meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m. .. CARLSBAD CHAMBER OF COMMERCE POST OFFICE BOX 1605 CA RLSBAD, CALI FORN I A 92008 (619) 729-5924 DOUGLAS A. YAVANIAN EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT DATE , : March 25, 1985 TO : Mike Straub, Chairman FROM : Doug Yavanian SUBJECT : Minutes Minutes of Tourism Bureau Advisory Panel meeting held Thursday, March 21, 1985 at Reuben's Restaurant - 5:OO p.m. PRESENT : Straub, Gould, De Wolfe, Howard-Jones, Grosse, L'Heureux, Long, Yavanian REGRETS : Aleshire, Chick, Lewis, McCarthy GUESTS : Elliott, (for Aleshire), Sheahan (Staff) MINUTES : 1. ADVERTISING AGENCY Staff rebriefed the Panel on the procedures for selecting the ad agency of record. Seventeen (17) agencies submitted letters of interest. Four (4) agencies were interviewed at the Panel meeting of 3/13/85 (two local/two San Diego County). were selected for final consideration. Gould and De Wolfe checked references for the two firms. Firms of Benedict h Wells and Ashley-Wayne Gould advised that Benedict & Wells received generally favorable comments. References indicated that the accounts were not long-term, but single project oriented. Wayne accounts. De Wolfe received similar responses from the Ashley- After further discussion, L'Heureux moved, De Wolfe seconded a motion to retain the Benedict & Wells agency to head the Bureau's activities. The motion carried 6-0-1 (Long abstained, as he was not present at the interview sessions). Straub named De Wolfe, Gould and Howard-Jones to meet with staff and the agency on March 28th, 5:OO p.m. at La Costa to work out the details for a contract. The ae;ency would be asked to create the Bureau image, media ad campaign and rack brochures. 2. GOVERNOR'S CONFERENCE ON TOURISM Straub briefed those present on the recent Governor's Conference on Tourism. campaign with a "Californias" theme. The first phase included TV com- mercials focusing on San Francisco, Loa Angeles, and San Diego. Other He said the State formally unveiled its $5,000,000 advertising March 25, 1985 Tourism Bureau Minutes Page two areas of California will be promoted through the print media. said that the California's program could be integrated with the Chamber's local campaign. Contacts with key statewide tourism in- dustry executives were made with a number available to participate in a local tourism conference. Straub encouraged more local par- ticipation in future conferences. He 3. CITY/CHAMBER CONTRACT Staff presented a revised draft of the Chamber/City contract (see attached). to Elliott and Assistant City Manager Frank Mannen. It was antici- pated that the contract would go to the City Council on April 2nd. Straub said that the contract inturn would be signed at the Panel's next meeting. expenditures detail. It was noted that Straub and Staff have presented copies Panel members were asked to provide comment on the 4. STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES Approval of the Panel's Standard Operating Procedures was set for adoption at its next meeting. 5. OTHER BUSINESS A. Straub said he would talk with Council Members Chick and Lewis, as well as City Manager Aleshire to encourage attendance. Elliott said he would also talk to Aleshire. B. The next meeting was set for Thursday, April 4, 1985 at the Beach Terrace Inn - 5:OO p.m. Chamber staff to provide dinner. C. Agenda items for the next meeting would include: 1) Personnel status report, 2) Ad Agency Contract, 3) Chamber/ City Contract, 4) Standard Operating Procedures Adoption. 6. Meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m. a3 c . CARLSBAD CHAMBER OF COMMERCE - -- .- L'--- - -A_- 0. POST OFFICE BOX 1605 CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 (619) 729-5924 b i >- .- - - y=<- .------ 0 -- DOUGLAS A. YAVANIAN EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT : March 11, 1985 ' : Mike Straub, Chairman DATE TO FROM : Doug Yavanian SUBJECT : Minutes Minutes of the "Carlsbad Tourism.Bureau" Advisory Panel meeting held Wednesday, March 6, 1985 at the City Council Chambers - 4:OO p.m. PRESENT: Straub, L'Heureux, Aleshire, Lewis, Howard-Jones, Grosse, Gould, De Wolfe, Yavanian REGRETS: Long, McCarthy, Chick GUESTS : Sheahan (CC Executive Secretary), Watson (President) and various members of the advertising agencies interviewed. MINUTES : 1. 2. 3. 4. Straub called the meeting to order at 4:15 p.m. INTRODUCTIONS Straub asked all those present to introduce themselves and the firms/ agencies each represented. STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES It was agreed that this matter would be formally approved at the Panel's next meeting. The matter of finalizing a name for the program was to be assigned to the advertising agency selected to carry out the creative activities for the "Bureau." Aleshire said he preferred the name Carlsbad Visitor's Bureau (ala Palm Springs). CITY CONTRACT Straub said that he, L'Heureux and staff are meeting with City staff to iron out contract details. It was hoped the contract covering the $100,000 allocation would be approved by the Council on March 26th. L'Heureux said the base contract had been set, but the City required a more detailed program of work. the City a good tracking mechanism. Such detail was needed in order to give c March 11, 1985 CTB Advirosy Panel Minutes Page two 5. 6. 7. ADVERTISING AGENCY PRESENTATIONS/INTERVIEWS See attached memo and interview schedule. tations, the Panel voted unanimously to consider the Benedict & Wells and Ashley-Wayne agencies. On Lewis' suggestion, Staff was asked to check references for each of the agencies. Panel members agreed to make a selection at its next meeting. Based on all the presen- NEXT MEETING Thursday, March 21, 1985 - 5:OO p.m. Location to be announced. Agenda items to include SOP'S, City-Chamber Contract, Selection of advertising agency and status report on selection of manager. Meeting adjourned at 7:45 p.m. CARLSBAD CHAMBER OF COMMERCE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 (619) 729-5924 POST OFFICE BOX 1605 DOUGLAS A. YAVANIAN EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT DATE, : February 22, 1985 TO : Mike Straub, Chairman FROM : Doug Yavanian SUBJECT : Minutes Minutes of the Carlsbad Tourism Bureau Advisory Panel meeting held Wednesday, February 20, 1985 at the Chamber of Commerce - 4:OO p.m. PRESENT: Straub, Gould, De Wolfe, Howard-Jones, McCarthy, Aleshire, Chick, L'Heureux, Yavanian REGRETS: Grosse, Lewis, Long GUESTS: Watson (Chamber President) MINUTES : 1. 2. 3. 4. INTRODUCTIONS Yavanian convened the first (ever) meeting of the newly formed Carlsbad Tourism Bureau Advisory Panel and asked all those present to introduce themselves and the firms/ agencies each represented. PRESIDENT'S STATEMENT Watson thanked those present for agreeing to participate on the Advisory Panel. He said that although the Bureau is a Chamber project, the Panel would have autonomy re- garding the implementation of its programs. BACKGROUND/PURPOSE Staff and Watson briefed those present on the three to four years of work that led to the funding approval by the City Council on January 8th. The basic purpose of the Bureau will be to enhance occupancy rates of current and future hotel/motels. Secondarily, the Bureau's ef- forts are expected to enhance other sources of income such as retail sales tax. BUDGETS Six month and twelve month budgets were presented (see attached). Aleshire said that it will be very important c February 22, 1985 CTB Advisory Panel Minutes Page two to set a system for tracking the Bureau expenditures. He said he would work with City Finance Director Jim Elliott to establish a chart of accounts. His concern was not how the Chamber billed the City for the funds but, rather that the Chamber maintains an efficient bookkeeping system for the fund expenditures. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. ORGANIZATION (See attached.) The Bureau functions will fall under the Chamber Executive Committee. The Bureau's staff will be under the Chamber Executive Vice President. In both cases, there will be general/reasonable autonomy. STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES Committee members were asked to review the SOP'S prior to the next meeting at which time the Advisory Panel will be asked to adopt the procedures. A key consideration will be the official name of the Bureau. CITY CONTRACT The attached proposed contract developed by L'Heureux requires finalization and approval by the Advisory Panel so that it can be submitted to the City for signing. PERSONNEL STATUS No manager has been selected thus far. The individual to which the position was offered turned down the op- portunity. The second and third choices did not meet final interview expectations. Straub, Howard-Jones, and L'Heureux conducted the interview sessions. Staff will re-advertise the position in various trade journals. As an imterim measure Yavanian will coordinate Bureau activities while appropriate secretarial staff will be hired to allow the interim effort to be carried out efficiently. The interim measure will cost the Bureau approximately $1300 in gross salaries rather than $3330 per month. It was hoped a new manager can be secured within 60 days. ADVERTISING AGENCY Yavanian advised that letters were sent to several area advertising agencies requesting letters of interest regarding participation with the Bureau. Howard-Jones said he would work with staff to select three or four agencies for formal presentations. The agencies would be asked to develop an overall image, advertising pro- gram and rack brochures. Gould asked for a copy of the original letter that went to the agencies. t February 22, 1985 CTB Advisory Panel Minutes Page three 10. MEETINGS-PANEL The Panel agreed to meet as often as necessary in order to launch the Bureau's activities as efficiently as possible. Meetings at least once amonth will be held as a minimum. The next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, March 6th at 4:OO p.m. at the City Hall Conference Room. 11. OTHER BUSINESS A. Watson formally named Straub as the Chairman of the Advisory Panel. A.Vice Chairman would be named shortly. B. Howard-Jones moved, McCarthy seconded and the Panel unanimously voted to approve $225 to send a Panel member to Sacramento with the Chamber's delegation. A formal meeting has been set with representatives of the California State Department of Tourism. Gould said he would advise staff if he will be able to attend. C. Straub said he would be attending the second Annual Governor's Tourism Conference on March 14th and 15th. It was expected that the State's Tourism program was to be unveiled. 12. FUTURE AGENDA The March 6th Agenda will include the following items: A. Advertising Agency Presentations/Selection B. Approval of City Contract C. Accounting Procedures D. Approval of Standard Operating Procedures. 13. Meeting adjourned at 6:OO p.m. CARLSBAD CONVENTION & VISITORS BUREAU ADVERTISING CAMPAIGN 1985 COPY ,- e CLIENT: Carlsbad Visitors PROJECT: Consumer Ad JOB NO.: ccm - 003 HEADLINE: Get lost in our horizons. DATE: Rev ised 4/23/85 COPY: Peaceful lagoons. Uncrowded beaches. Flower fields in bloom. And the view goes on forever. Come lose yourself in the beauty and serenity of Carlsbad, a jewel in San Diego County's North Coast. Carlsbad is a special place--a haven away from hectic city life, surrounded by mountains, lagoons and the Pacific Ocean. A quaint, historic village by the sea with Old World charm. Where you can enjoy swimming, boating, fishing, golfing, tennis, shopping, fine dining ... and more. So much to see and do, only 90 miles south of Los Angeles and a short drive from San Diego. Within easy reach of major attractions such as the famous San Diego Zoo, Sea World and the Wild Animal Park. So when you're planning your vacation, set your sights on new horizons. At Carlsbad. CARLSBAD LOGO New Horizons in View Contact the Carlsbad Convention and Visitors Bureau for more information at P.O. Box 1605, Carlsbad, CA 92008, (619) 729-5924. 325 Plaza Street Soland Beach. C-l 02075 (61')) 481-XOii