HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985-04-23; City Council; 8152; Sewer master plan, fiancial analysis and policy,- 4B# R/ sa WTG. 4/23/85 i P w > 0 U e e a 2 a d 0 2 3 0 0 0 E -. -- DEPT. Hd.W SEWER MASTER PLAN, SEWER CONSTRUCTION \I FL2 CITY ATTY TITLE FINANCIAL ANALYSIS AND POLICY ON SEWER - CITr")F CARLSBAD - AGENDP-ILL ' fly,w&& Wk IClTY MGR., I 3EPT. ENG I TRUNK LINE CONSTRUCTION RECOMMENDED ACTION: 1. Adopt the "Sewer Master Plan" report and the "Interceptor and Trunk Sewer System Master Map" both prepared by Neste, Brudin & Stone, dated June, 1984 as the working sewer plan for the City of Carlsbad sewer service area. 2. Adopt Council Policy Statement No. dc , Sewer Master Plan, Financing and Construction of Facilities, which sets forth the policy on which facilities will be paid for by the City from the sewer connection fee. 3. Adopt Resolution No. 79 revising the Calavera Hills sewer drainage basin. ITEM EXPLANATION The firm of Neste, Brudin & Stone was retained to prepare a Sewer Master Plan of the City's sewer service area which is approximately everything north of Batiquitos Lagoon and Alga Road. (1) a report identifying six alternatives and the recommended sewer trunk line system and the capital costs of that system; (2) a computer model which will run on the City's HP 3000 computer and may be updated by City staff; and (3) a Master Map showing the recommended sewer trunk system. Copies of the Sewer Master Plan report and Master Map are on file in the City Clerk's office and the Engineering department. A summary of the Sewer Master Plan is included as Part One of the attached Staff Report. The City has received three products: The scope of work of the Neste, Brudin & Stone report included only the cost of the ultimate sewer trunk line system and pump stations. The Engineering department prepared a financial analysis (Part Two, of the attached Staff Report) which includes the costs of the sewer trunk line system and adds the sewer plant expansions and estimated future revenue. On July 1, 1980, Council adopted Resolution No. 6226 creating the limits of the Lake Calavera Hills Sewer Service Area as part of its sewer allocation plan. Neste, Brudin & Stone's report found that the service area will generate more flow than the Calavera Hills plant can handle. This is primarily because the earlier assumption was that large areas would be estate lots with septic tanks. Therefore, staff is recommending a resolution to change this service area to coincide with that shown in the Sewer Master Plan. The service area would then consist of the Calavera Hills Master Plan area plus the land surrounding the Calavera Lake. Based on the available revenues, staff recommends the City pay for the following : I c PAGE 2 OF AGENDA BILL NO. 77' 1. All sewer treatment plant expenses. 2. All sewer trunk line or pump station upgrades or replacements. 3. All upgrades or new trunk lines or pump stations jointly owned with other agencies. 4. New sewer trunk line and pump station to be built in Cannon Road from 1-5 to the east end of Aqua Hedionda Lagoon. Developers would pay for all other trunk lines and all local sewer lines within the developments. FISCAL IMPACT In round numbers, revenues and costs are: Total Future Revenue $ 33,000,000 City Cost $ 30,000,000 -I- Projected Reserve $ 3,000,000 Total Project Costs $ 39,000,000 City Cost $ 30,000,000 Developer Costs $ 9,000,000 All costs and revenues are in 1984 dollars. It is recommended that the sewer connection charge be revised as construction costs escalate in the future so that it will always be sufficient to pay for required improvements. Staff will return with an ordinance at a later date. EXHIBITS 1. Adopt Council Policy Statement No. 35- , "Sewer Master Plan, Financing and Construction of Facilities." 2. Adopt Resolution No. 7793 revising the Calavera Hills sewer drainage basin. 3. Sewer Master Plan Staff Report dated April, 1985. a - C .'Y OF CARLSBAD COUNCIL POLICY STATEFENT General Subject: SEWER MASTER PLAN Specific Subject: FINANCING AND CONSTRUCTION OF FACILITIES BACKGROUND: - -01icy No. 35 Date Issued 4/23/85 Effective Date 4/23/85 Cancellation Date Supersedes No. N/A --- The City has had an unwritten policy that the City would pay for sewer treatment plants, sewer trunk line upgrading and facilities owned jointly with other agencies. All new sewer trunk lines and lines within subdivisions were to be paid for by developers. Past actions indicate that this had been a consistent policy. The City has now completed a Sewer Master Plan Staff Report, dated April 1985 which has determined sewer line sizes and locations, future revenue and costs and sets out a plan for what the City should pay. PURPOSE : To establish a written Council policy on payment for facilities to enable staff to prepare appropriate five-year Capital Improvement Programs. To communicate to developers Council policy regarding the requirement that they pay for sewer trunk lines and local sewer lines within subdivisions. POL ICY: The City shall pay for the following facilities from the Sewer Capital Construction Fund: 1. Encina Phase IV and V treatment plant expansion and EDL line and reclamation at Calavera Hills treatment plant. 2. All sewer trunk lines identified in the Sewer Master Plan to be upgraded or replaced. 3. All pump stations identified in the Sewer master Plan to be upgraded or replaced. 4. All upgrades or new trunk lines and pump stations which are jointly owned facilities with other agencies. COUNCIL POLICY STATEMENT SEWER MASTER PLAN FINANCING AND CONSTRUCTION OF FACILITIES General Subject: Specific Subject: Copies to: City Council, City Manager, City Attorney, Department and Division Heads, Employee Bulletin Boards, Press, File Date Issued Effective Date 11 /33/95 6/73/95 Cancellation Date --- Supersedes No. N /A 5. New South Aqua Hedionda (Cannon Road) trunk line from Vista-Carlsbad line east to (and including) pump station. This line is included because there is no land that can be developed'adjacent to it and because it serves an area much greater than any one development or master plan. Except for the above, all new sewer trunk lines - regardless of location - and all sewer lines within a development shall be installed by the developer at his sole expense. new The City Council adopted the Sewer Master Plan report and the Interceptor and Trunk Sewer System Master Map prepared by Neste, Brudin & Stone, dated June, 1984, as the working sewer plan for the City of Carlsbad sewer service area. PROCEDURE: .-- I.. Specific sewer trunk lines to be built by developers and the estimated costs are contained in Table 2, Exhibit E of the Sewer Master Plan Staff Report dated April 1985. 2. Estimated future sewerage flows, pipe sizes and pipe capacities are contained in the Sewer master Plan report dated June 1984 by Neste, Brudin & Stone. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 3993 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, REVISING THE BOUNDARIES OF THE LAKE CALAVERA HILLS DRAINAGE BASIN. WHEREAS, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 6226 on July 1, 1980 approving boundaries of the Lake Calavera Drainage Basin; and WHEREAS, the City Council desires to approve a Sewer Master Plan vhich recommends that the Lake Calavera Hills Drainage Basin be reduced in 3ize to conform to the treatment plant capacity; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Iarlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. The boundaries of the Lake Calavera Hills Drainage Basin are tndicated as Area 3 as shown on Exhibit D, Drainage Area Map contained in the iewer Master Plan Staff Report dated April, 1985. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad :ity Council held on the - 23rd day of A3?ril , 1985 by the following tote, to wit: AYES: Council Nmbers Casler, Lewis, and Chick \TTEST : MARY H. d4SLER, Mayor \LETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Clerd- SEAL ) CITY OF CARLSBAD SEWER MASTER PLAN STAFF REPORT Prepared By ENGINEERING DEPT. CITY OF CARLSBAD APRIL 1985 CITY OF CARLSBAD SEWER MASTER PLAN STAFF REPORT c- Prepared By: Engineering Department City of Carlsbad April, 1985 SEWER MASTER PLAN TABLE OF CONTENTS -.- EXECUTIVE SUMMARY INTRODUCTION PART ONE: SEWER TRUNK SYSTEM PART TWO: FINANCIAL ANALYSIS PART THREE: RECOMMENDATIONS -- EXHIBITS -- -I EXHIBIT A - ASSUMPTIONS EXHIBIT B - MAJOR TRUNK LINES EXHIBIT C - MAJOR TRUNK LINES MAP EXHIBIT 0 - DRAINAGE AREA MAP EXHIBIT E - DETAILED SEWER LINE COSTS EXHIBIT F - BIBLIOGRAPHY PAGE - i iv 1 4 11 12 14 16 17 18 24 c r SEWER MASTER PLAN EXECUTIVE SUHMARY The Sewer Master Plan provides the information needed to develop an adequate sewer system for the City sewer service area as it builds out to its ultimate population. It consists of: 1. Land use analysis. 2. Sewage flow calculations. 3. Sewer trunk line and pump sizing. 4. Cost estimate. 5. Responsibility determination (who pays). 6. Revenue analysis. Important Note: This Sewer Elhster Plan is only for the City sewer service area which does not include areas in the City served by the Leucadia County Water District or San Harcos County Water District (generally the La Costa area). LAND USE ANALYSIS The Engineering Department measured the areas of the General Plan by land use type as of 1981 and determined each type of land use by acres: 11,328 acres of Residential 1,392 acres of Industrial 3,393 acres of Commercial Residential density was assumed to be at the midpoint of the General Plan range, e.g., 10 - 20 range used 15 dwelling units per acre. This analysis resulted in a buildout population of the sewer service area of 124,000 (does not include Leucadia and San Marcos sewer areas). This estimate is about 25% higher than the SANDAG School Population Study which estimated 98,000 for the same area. SEWAGE FLOW CALCULATIONS Sewerage flows were estimated for each type of land use. Where possible, actual water meter readings were used, otherwise interpretations of meter readings were used. Assumptions: 1 person (residential) = 100 gallons per day. 1 acre industrial (PI) = 1,200 gallons per day. 1 acre commercial (C) = 1,000 gallons per day. .--- Detailed formula to determine amount of sewage produced by various land uses appears as Table 1 on page 2-2 of the Sewer Master Plan Report by Neste, Brudin & Stone dated June, 1984 and is attached as part of Exhibit "A". SEWER TRUNK LINE AND PUMP SIZING Future sewer flows were established from the above data for each local drainage basin in the city based on land use analysis. Trunk lines and pump stations were located to maximize gravity flow and were sized to accomodate flows. These calculations are presented in detail in Table 3 of the Neste, Brudin & Stone report and are shown graphically in that report on Map 1: Master Map. Exhibit C, attached, shows major trunk lines. COST ESTIMATE Based on the 1984 Construction Cost Index, the Sewer Master Plan report estimates the following costs to build the proposed sewer system: Treatment Plants $18 million Encina - $13 million Calavera - $5 million Pipelines and Pumping $21 million - TOTAL $39 million RESPONSIBILITY DETERMINATION (WHO PAYS) The current policy is that the City will pay for: Treatment plant expansion. Facilities built jointly with other sewer agencies. Replacement and upsizing of existing lines and pumps. New sewer lines within dev.elopments will be paid for by the developers. Based on these policies, the cost of sewer facilities will be allocated as follows: _- A CITY PROJECTS: Encina & Calavera Treatment Trunk upgrading Pump Station upgrading Joint agency facilities Cannon Road trunk SUBTOTAL DEVELOPER PROJECTS: Trunk sewers Pump Stations SUBTOTAL TOTAL COST $18 million $ 1 million $ 2 million $ 6 million $3 million $30 million $ 8 million $2 million $ 9 million $39 million REVENUE ANALYSIS Future sewer connection fees ($1,000 per EDU) will generate $33 million which is sufficient to cover the City's estimated $30 million cost. At buildout, the City will have 53,000 EDU's or 13 million gallons per day of sewage flow. Current flow at Encina is 17,000 EDU's or 4 million gallons per day. 53,000 EDU Buildout Flow -17,000 EDU Current Flow 36,000 EDU Future Flow 36,000 X $I,OOO/EDU = $36 million Less Calavera Credit -$ 3 million Future Revenue $33 million SEWER MASTER PLAN INTRODUCTION In August, 1983, the City Council awarded a contract to the firm of Neste, Erudin and Stone, Inc. to prepare a sewer master plan for the City sewer service area. There were several reasons why a new master plan was needed. Since the Brown and Caldwell plan of 1976 was written, the concept of satellite sewer plants was developed and the Calavera Hills plant was built. The service area of this plant has undergone changes and it appeared that the eastern portion could better be served by Encina. Finally, development was now much better known and more specific sewer system data was needed. .- Neste, Erudin and Stone, Inc. completed a Sewer Master Plan report, a trunk sewer system map and a computer model in June, 1984. The report is a technical explanation of the procedures used in developing the master plan. A summary of the report is presented here. The full report is on file in the City Clerk's Office and the Engineering Department. The Engineering Department prepared a financial analysis of the master plan. This analysis compared anticipated revenues with estimated construction costs. The analysis and recommendations are contained in this report. Adoption of the Sewer Master Plan, Council Policy Statement and recommendations contained in this report will provide the frame work necessary to ensure an adequate sewer system will be planned for and financed from now through buildout of the City. -- . -_ -iv- e- + SEWER MASTER PLAN PART ONE: SEWER TRUNK sYsTEn *-- PURPOSE 1. To evaluate several different alternatives on how to provide sewer within the City’s service area. 2. To choose the best alternative and adopt a master plan. 3. To develop a computer model so that the master plan could be easily updated to reflect actual development or as land use changes occur. .- 4. To determine the capital costs of the trunk lines as a basis for the financial study. ..” ALTERNATIVES In setting up the Master Plan and alternatives, the City sewer service area was divided into seven drainage areas. EXHIBIT B lists the major trunk lines in each area and EXHIBIT C is a map showing these drainage areas. The alternatives primarily revolve around how to sewer Areas 3 (Calavera Hillsland 5 (South Aqua Hedionda). 1. Major flows from Areas 3 and 5 to North Aqua Hedionda (Kelly/Park Drive Line). Calavera Hills Plant not used. 2. Major flows from Areas 3 and 5 routed to South Aqua Hedionda (Cannon Road Line). Calavera Hills Plant not used. 3. Flows to Calavera Hills Plant from Calavera Master Plan Area and from northeast portion of Area 5. 4. Flows to Calavera Hills Plant from Calavera Master Plan area only; 911 of Area 5 to Cannon Road Line. 5. Flows from entire Palomar Airport Basin go to Palomar Sewer Plant. This basin consists primarily of the central portion of Area 5 and the portion of Area 6 north of Palomar Airport Road. 6. Flows from Palomar Airport Basin, except the portion within Area 5 east of El Camino Real, go to Palomar Sewer Plant. -1- - .- .A ,- Alternative No. 4 was selected because it is the most economical from both a capital cost and a maintenance and operation point of view. This alternative is consistent with recommendations made in the Brown and Caldwell report of 1976. The area within the Calavera Hills Basin will be reduced so that flows remain within the plant's capacity. Flows from the remaining area in that basin and along the south shore of the Aqua Hedionda Lagoon will go into the Cannon Road Sewer Line. Flows from the portion of Area 5 east of El Camino Real had been projected to go into the Palomar Joint Line requiring the City to have a maximum capacity of 20.34 MGD in the Palomar Line. With this alternative, the City's requirement in Area 6 is only 14.76 MGD, with 3.0 MGD flow projected to go in the existing Buena Line and 11.76 MGD in the new Palomar Joint Line. Certain assumptions were made in developing this Master Plan and in selecting Alternative No. 4. These assumptions are listed in EXHIBIT A. COSTS Overall costs for all new lines and all line upgrades were estimated. These estimates are preliminary and intended only for use in analyzing Sewer Master Plan alternatives and developing a financial plan. Exact costs will require a detailed design of each line to provide the exact pipe size and slope (affected by Developers' grading) and to determine whether an existing pipeline should have a new line parallel to it or be entirely replaced by a larger line. A policy decision must be made to determine which, if any, lines should be Capital Projects constructed by the City. Those that are not will be the responsibility of the Developer. Recommendations are made in Part Two of this Report, Financial Analysis. PHASING A phasing plan has been included in the report by the Consultant. This phasing was done solely to get some idea of the long-term capital cash flow required. Actual phasing will depend on development activity which is in a constant state of change. The usefulness of the Master Plan is that when a Developer wishes to proceed, he can see the extent of the line that must be constructed and the area it will serve. This latter information will be very useful in setting up assessment districts. The phasing used in the report does not reflect - or even affect - developer's phasing. No harm is done to the master Plan if developer's phasing is different as long as the proper pipe sizes are used. -2- COMPUTER MODEL Included in the Sewer Master Plan is a computer program and all the data used to generate the alternatives. These are capable of being run on the City's Hewlett Packard 3000 computer. Once the program is put on the computer and staff becomes familiar with it, City Staff will be able to easily make changes in assumptions, land use, or the sewer sytem and quickly determine the effects on the Sewer Master Plan. In this manner, the Sewer Master Plan can be constantly updated and "what-if" runs can be made to determine the effect of a proposed land-use change on the system prior to any discretionary action. SUMMARY The Sewer Master Plan should be viewed as the general plan of the sewer sytem. It is a very useful tool to be used by both City staff and private engineers to develop more specific plans. ACTION REQUIRED It is recommended that the City Council accept the Sewer Master Plan by Minute Motion as the working document for the City's sewer system. It is also recommended that a resolution be adopted to formally revise the Calavera Hills' Drainage Basin. -3- c c -. SEWER MASTER PLAN PART TWO: FINANCIAL ANALYSIS F- NOTE: A. This is an estimate of what it will take to construct all additions to trunk lines, pump stations and treatment plants for the City sewer service area at General Plan buildout. Excluded are new sewer lines (other than trunk lines) in new developments. 8. Costs assume Alternative 4 of the Sewer Master Plan is used. C. Each cost figure includes all of the following: Design Construction Contract Administration Inspection Contingencies at 10% D. All costs are stated in July, 1984, dollars. Where costs in this report differ from the source reports listed in EXHIBIT T, it is because the dollars have been adjusted for inflation into current dollars. The Engineering News Record Construction Cost Index for Los Angeles was used to adjust for inflation. The Engineering News Record index for Los Angeles for July, 1984, is 5050. CAPITAL COSTS A. ENCINA TREATMENT PLANT: 1. Primary Treatment (assumes secondary waiver is approved) Phase IV & V (Carlsbad's share) $ 6,680,000(*)* Subtotal $ 6,680,000 * Number in parenthesis refers to source document listed in the Bibliography found in EXHIBIT F. -4- 2. Primary and Secondary Treatment Phases IV & V (Carlsbad's share) $1 3,070,000( Subtotal $1 3,070,000 3) B. CALAVERA HILLS PLANT 1. Effluent disposal line (EDL) $ 760,000 2. Reclamation treatment $ 1,960,000 3. Reclamation Storage & Distribution $ 2,520,000 Subtotal $ 5,240,000 (4) C. PALOMAR TREATMENT PLANT (Assume that all flow to Encina; this plant not needed. D. TRUNK SEWER LINES AND PUMP STATIONS (See EXHIBIT E for detailed break down by drainage area.) 1. Trunk sewer lines $ 9,140,000 2. Pump stations $ 5,030,000 3. Carlsbad's share of joint facilities $ 5,900,000 Subtot a1 $20, 070,00d6) E. TOTAL CAPITAL COSTS (ENR Construction Cost Index for L.A. = 5050) 1. For Primary Treatment $31,990,000 Only at Encinas (Sum of A.l, B & D) 2. For Primary and Secondary $2.3 8 0.00-g Treatment at Encinas (Sum of A.2, B & 0) -5- c ESTIMATED REVENUE A. SEWER CONNECTION FEE - 1. Ultimate capacity Encina plant (Carlsbad's share) 11.8 MGD (45 MGD total - Carlsbad 26.2%) Calavera Hills plant 1.2 MGD Total 13.0 MGD 13 MGD = 53,000 EDU's at buildout at 246 Gal/Day/EDU. The population projection for buildout within the Carlsbad sewer service area is 98,000 (this figure is from the Public School Population Forecast done by SANDAG for the City). 2. Existing Flow Currently paid for connections = 17,000 EDU's (this information is from the Utilities/Maintenance Director). 3. Future Fees 53,000 buildout EDU (17,000) existing EDU (as of June 30, 1984) ( 2,560) EDU Calavera Hills Credits (as of June 30, 1984) 33,440 future EDU's At the current $1,000 fee per EDU, future available funds are $33,440,000. B. GROVE SUIT CREDITS (as of June 30, 1984) 1. 876 EDU at $1,000 Current $ 876,000 Price 2. Less Grove suit price 8 (236,000) 3. Credit to Grove $ 640,000 C. CURRENT SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUND BALANCE Unencumbered (as of June 30, 1984) $ 1,700,000 -6- D. TOTAL REVENUE 1. Future Connection Fees $33,440,000 2. Grove Credits $( 640,000) 3. Current Fund Balance $ 1,700,000 TOTAL PROJECTED REVENUE $&500.000, REVENUE VS. COST ANALYSIS A. PRIMARY TREATMENT ONLY AT ENCINA This scenario assumes the secondary waiver at Encina will be approved and be permanent. Currently, approval has not been granted and if it is, it will initially be only for a five year period. 1. REVENUE (from above) $ 34,500,000 2. CAPITAL COSTS (from page 5) 3. BALANCE $(31,990,000) $ 2,510,000 surplus. The conclusion is that, under this assumption all plant facilities and all sewer trunk lines and pump stations identified in the Sewer Master Plan can be paid for from the sewer connection fee if the fee is adjusted for inflation. 8. PRIMARY AND SECONDARY TREATMENT AT ENCINA This scenario assumes that secondary treatment in addition to primary treatment will be required at Encina. 1. REVENUE $ 34,500,000 2. CAPITAL COSTS (from page 5) 3. BALANCE COST AND REVENUE CONSISTENCY $(38,380,000) $ (3,880,000) short fall. All costs have been stated in July, 1984 dollars using an ENR index for Los Angeles of 5050. In order to ensure that -7- revenue projections stay consistent with construction costs, the sewer connection fee should be adjusted annually based on the ENR construction costs index. CONCLUSIONS c Due to the difficulty of estimating future costs and the uncertainties in predicting the future actions of others (for example, will the secondary waiver be approved by the EPA?), a conservative approach is recommended. The assumption that the secondary waiver will not be granted should be used. This may require reconsideration if a permanent waiver is granted. Also a requirement that developers complete portions of specified new trunk lines should be formalized as a City Council policy. RECOMMENDATIONS It 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. is recommended that the City pay for: COST - ITEM - Encina Phase IV and V treatment plant $18,310,000 expansion and EDL line and reclamation at Calavera Hills All sewer trunk lines identified in the Sewer Master Plan to be upgraded or replaced. All pump stations identified in the Sewer Master Plan to be upgraded or replaced. All upgrades or new trunk lines and pump stations which are joint facilities with other agencies. New South Agua Hedionda (Cannon Road) trunk line from Vista-Carlsbad l.ine east to (and including) pump station. TOTAL CITY PROJECTS: $ 1,430,000 $ 1,500,000 $ 5,900,000 $ 2,420,000 $29.540 .oo_O_ -8- The above recommendations form a policy that the City will generally pay for treatment plant expansions, all joint agency facilities, and all replacement and upsiring of lines and pumps. All new sewer lines within developments will be paid for by the developers. The South Aqua Hedionda line up to and including the pump station is not within any development. This line has been planned as a trunk line for some time - originally being recommended in the 1976 Brown & Caldwell report. It will serve a much greater area than a single developer or master plan area, it serves the City's Macario Canyon Park and has no other adjacent land which could be developed and contribute. RECAP Total Revenue City Projects Reserve Fund Total Capital Sewer Projects City Projects Developer Projects $ 34,500,000 $ 38,380,000 NOTE: The reserve fund may be used to even out potential cash flow imbalances and provide for future unforeseen sewer line or pump s t a t ion rep 1 acemen t s . ASSUMPTIONS A. No projections for future costs (as affected by inflation) have been made. Interest on capital funds on hand and adjustments in the sewer connection fee will offset inflationary increases in capital construction costs. 6. Secondary treatment will be required at Encina, if not - now then in five years. C. Carlsbad's ultimate share of the Encina Plant will be 11.8 MGD and that will be sufficient capacity at buildout. -9- .- D. The Calavera Hills plant will be in operation with a capacity of 1.2 MGD and will provide reclaimed water. Also included in the cost estimate for this project is $2,520,000 for storage and distribution of the reclaimed water (ref. No. 4 - Reiterl. E. The Palomar Treatment Plant will never be needed nor built. In the event this assumption changes, the sewer connection charge and recommendations should be reviewed immediately as the costs of this plant are likely to be significantly higher per EDU than those at Encina. F. The capacities required and the revenue generated are based on buildout conditions under the current General Plan and building within the middle of the density ranges . -. - 10 - SEWER MASTER PLAN PART THREE: RECOHUENOATIONS 1. Adopt the "Sewer Master Plan" report and the 'IInterceptor and Trunk Sewer System Master Map" both prepared by Neste, Brudin and Stone Inc., dated June, 1984 as the working sewer plan for the City of Carlsbad sewer service area. 2. Adopt a Council Policy Statement entitled Sewer Master Plan: Financing and Construction of Facilities which sets forth the policy on which facilities will be paid for by the City from the sewer connection charge. 3. Adopt an Ordinance to provide for annual adjustments in the sewer connection fee based on the Engineering News Record Cost Index for Los Angeles. 4. Adopt a resolution to revise the Calavera Hills drainage basin to match the Sewer Master Plan recommendation. - 11 - P r- e -- A ?.- I - I c I 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. EXHIBIT A SEWER MASTER PLAN ASSUUPTIONS System design for buildout development according to General Plan Land Use as of late 1981. Residential development will average midpoint in the density range. (For 10-20 d.u. per acre, 15 units were used.) A peaking factor of 2.5 times average dry-weather flow was used for trunk line capacity calculations. New pipes follow existing ground contours 7 feet deep. (Major grading may change pipe slopes and sizes.) New pipes flow 75% full maximum. Existing pipes flow 100% full maximum. Existing pipes shown over capacity are indicated to be replaced (rather than one added in parallel) with new pipe flowing 75% full maximum. Flows in jointly owned pipes from other agencies are according to existing agreements. Flow rates by type of land use are shown on the chart on the next page. - 12 - c EXHIBIT A SEWER MASTER PLAN ASSUUPTIONS (continued) Standard Unit Flows Sewer Generation Per Land Use Land Use Land Use Abbrev. Residential - Low Density 0-1.5 D.U./Acre RL* - Low Medium Density 0-4 D.U./Acre RLM* - Medium Density 4-10 D.U./Acre RM* - Medium High Density 10-20 D.U./Acre RMH* - High Density 20-30 D.U./Acre RH* Probable Density 1 Probable Density 3 Probable Density 7 Probable Density 15 Probable Density 25 Commercial - Intensive Regional Retail - Extensive Regional Retail - Regional Service - Community Commercial - Neighborhood Commercial - Travel Services Commercial - Recreation Commercial - Central Business District - Professional and Related - Planned Industrial - Governmental Facilities - Public Utilities RRI* RRE* RS C N TS* RC CBD 0 PI* G* U Sewer" U SDG&E* 1 Sewage Per Ac r e/D ay 246 gal 738 gal 1,400 gal 3,300 gal 5,500 gal 1,000 gal 900 gal 1,000 gal 1,000 gal 750 gal 2,500 gal 1,600 gal 1,000 gal 1,000 gal 1,600 gal 1,200 gal 1,200 gal 200 gal Schools - Elementary E* 500 gal - Junior High J* 1,100 gal H* 1,300 gal HC* 1,100 gal - High School - Continuation - Private P* 1,350 gal - Non-residential Reserve (varies) NRR Varies with - Open Space os 0 -- probable use - These figures developed for gross land area. If used for net land area, additional amount should be added consistent with method of defining net area. * Based on water meter readings. Other values based on interpretation with use of meter readings. All values are of average flow, For peak wet weather flow, multiply by 2.5. - 13 - EXHIBIT 6 SEWER WASTER PLAN MAJOR TRUNK LINES NOTE: See EXHItlITS C and 0 for maps. AREA 1. AREA 2. AREA 3. AREA 4. AREA 5. BUENA VISTA Trunk Line: Vista-Carlsbad - joint with Vista Status: Existing - will require upgrading for entire length. NORTHWEST CITY Trunk Line: Vista-Carlsbad and other minor lines. Status: Existing - several will require upgrading. CALAVERA HILLS Trunk Line: Calavera Hills Master Plan Status: New - not constructed. Current flows go to Encina Plant. Future - all flows will go to Calavera Hills plant. NORTH AGUA HEDIONDA Trunk Line: Kelly and Park Drive Status: Existing - requires pump upgrading and minor line upgrading. SOUTH AGUA HEDIONDA Trunk Line: Cannon Road and Sunny Creek Road Status: New - not constructed. - 14 - - AREA 6, AREA 7. PALOMAR AIRPORT Trunk Line: A. Buena Line Status: Existing Trunk Line: 6. Palomar Jo Vista. .- joint with nu Line - jo Buena and nt wi,h San Marcos, Vista, and Buena. Status: New - currently under construction. Trunk Line: C. Rancho Carrillo Line. Status: New - not constructed. NORTH BATIQUITOS Trunk Line: “A y res -0c c i dent a1 ‘I Status: Existing - requires pump station and force main upgrading. - 15 - EXHIBIT C SEWER MASTER PLAN MAJOR TRUNK LINE HAP EXHIBIT E SEWER MASTER PLAN DETAILED COST BREAKDOWN OF TRUNK SEWER LINES, PUUP STATIONS AND JOINT FACILITIES TABLE 1. BY CITY OF CARLSBAD NOTE: Costs have been increased 15% from Neste, Brudin E, Stone report to include design, contract administration and inspection costs. DRAINAGE AREA Trunk Sewers: 1 2 PIPE NUMBER ' 547 45 52 67 118 142 143 622 623 624 671 - 674 N-800 ------ 305 308 310 312 31 3 314 317 321 322 509 COST 22,924.00 90,790.00 144,706.00 18,293.00 36,751.00 38,334.00 14,654.00 69,914.00 69,458.00 74,316.00 166,747.00 85,750.00 14,959 .OO 16,967 .OO 42,166.00 32,814.00 17,570.00 19,427 .OO 6,826 .OO 43,347.00 21,211.00 374,728.00 ------ - 18 - EXHIBIT E TABLE 1. BY CITY OF CARLSBAD (CONTINUED) NOTE: Costs have been increased 15% from Neste, Brudin & Stone report to include design, contract administration and inspection costs. 7 DRAINAGE AREA Trunk Sewers ‘5 6 7 Pump Stat ions: 1 2 3 4 5 SUBTOTAL T 6 7 SUBTOTAL P Joint Facilities: 1 2 PIPE NUMBER 335 336 337 342 343 P-350 P-351 ------ UNK SEWERS ------ 671 509 P.S. 85 337 P.S. #7 P-351 P.S. ------ ------ e----- MP STATIONS 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 P.S. 512 - 19 - COST 109,183.00 74,929 .OO 7,769.00 135,515.00 18,500 .OO 101,930.00 523,627.00 $2.394-1 05.00 ------ 434,700.00 765,900.00 300,150.00 1,449,000.00 ------ $2,949,750.00 - ------ 4,682.00 4,966.00 2,387.00 17,055.00 110,453.00 208,656 .OO 292.854.00 EXHIBIT E TABLE 1. BY CITY OF CARLSBAD (CONTINUED) NOTE: Costs have been increased 15% from Neste, Brudin E Stone report to include design, contract administration and inspect ion cost s . DRAINAGE AREA Joint Facilities: 2 3 4 5 6 7 SUBTOTAL -3 PIPE NUMBER 599/600 601 602 603 604 605 606 608 x45 ------ ------ 608 P.S. 609 PSM-1 ------ INT FACILITIES TOTAL BY CITY --r- COST 79,624 .OO 8,562.00 33,137.00 55,674.00 36,105.00 71,976.00 280,039.00 557,794.00 774,483.00 e----- ------ 1,379,241 .OO 1,850,199.00 135,448.00 $5,903,335.00 ------ $11,247,145.00 - 20 - EXHIBIT E SEWER MASTER PLAN DETAILED COST BREAKDOWN OF TRUNK SEWER LINES AND PUMP STATIONS TABLE 2. BY DEVELOPER NOTE: Costs have been increased 15% from Neste, Brudin E. Stone report to include design, contract administration and inspection costs. PIPE NUMBER 1 1 COST P-590 ------ LCH-2 LCH-3 LCH-4 LCH-5 LCH-6 LCH-7 P-365 P-366 P-367 P-368 P-590-C P-591 ------ P-352 P-353 P-354 P-355 P-356 P-358 P-359 P-360 113,712.00 26,058.00 22,742.00 139,012 .OO 56,856.00 34,114.00 28,060.00 90,970.00 43,299.00 79,598.00 184,782.00 125,111.00 79,598.00 66,700.00 120,474.00 146,740.00 65,384.00 61 3,640.00 85,284.00 130,289.00 39.799 L 00 ------ ------ - 21 - EXHIBIT E .- TABLE 2. BY DEVELOPER (CONTINUED) NOTE: Costs have been increased 15% from Neste, Brudin E Stone report to include design, contract administration and inspection costs. - DRAINAGE AREA Trunk Sewers: 5 6 -- PIPE NUMBER P-361 P-362 P-363 P-364 P-369 P-370 P-371 P-372 P-373 P-374 P-375 P-376 P-377 P-378 P-379 P-380 P-381 P-382 P-250 P-252 P-253 P-255 P-257 P-259 P-260 P-261 P-262 P-263 P-264 P-265 COST 28,060.00 34,114.00 51,170.00 76,756.00 373,520.00 213,440.00 93,840.00 56,856.00 54,013.00 190,270.00 265,019.00 77,280 .OO 56,856.00 91,195.00 56,856.00 84,180 .OO 42,642 .OO 62,542.00 38,378.00 63,283.00 62,542 .OO 62,542.00 63,283.00 95,135.00 95,135.00 122,316.00 34,114.00 54,363.00 79,598.00 115.920.00 - 22 - EXHIBIT E GRAND TOTAL (CITY/DEVELOPER) - TABLE 2. BY DEVELOPER (CONTINUED) $20,063,994.00 NOTE: Costs have been increased 15% from Neste, Brudin E Stone report to include design, contract administration and inspection costs. I I COST I NUMBER I DRAINAGE AREA I I Trunk Sewers: 6 7 SUBTOTAL T Pump St at ions 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 s u B T o T P-266 P-267 P-268 P-269 P-270 P-271 P-272 P-275 P-707 P-707/708 P-720 . P-721 P-722 P-723 lUNK SEWERS 39,799.00 63,283.00 42,642.00 59,699 .OO 115,748.00 42,642.00 71,070.00 587,259.00 817,650.00 201,239.00 93,812.00 85,284.00 156,354.00 99,498.00 $7,563,349.00 ------ I ------ 299,000.00 230,000.00 ------ e----- 724,500.00 $1,253,500.00-- -- ------ TOTAL BY DEVELOPER I $8,816,849.00 - 23 - EXHIBIT F SEWER MASTER PLAN BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Brown and Caldwell, SEWERAGE SYSTEM IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM, November, 1976 2. Engineering Science, ENCINA REPORT, December, 1981 3. Lester G. Evans, ACTION PLAN FOR SEWERAGE AND RECLAIMED WATER FACILITIES, May 1981 4. Glen Reiter, CAL-AVERA HILLS REPORT, 1982 5. Robert Wojcik, PROCEDURE IN PREPARATION OF MASTER SEWERAGE SYSTEM PLAN, tebruary, 1982 6. Neste, Brudin br Stone, SEWER MASTER PLAN, June, 1984 This Report Prepared By RICHARD 'H. ALLEN, JR., P.E. Principal Civil Engineer Engineering Department - 24 -