HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985-05-07; City Council; 8167; CALAVERA HILLS AND STAGECOACH COMMUNITY PARKS UPDATE> CIT~F CARLSBAD - AGEND~L .. I v-. I 1 AB# ?I4 7 CITY MG " .. . DEPT. P & R CITY All DEPT. HI TITLE MTG. 5/7/85 CALAVERA HILLS AND STAGECOACH COMMUNITY PARKS UPDATE RECOMMENDED ACTION: City Council Approve: 1. The Calavera Hills Community Park preliminary plans Alternative 111, Phasr which will require an additional $283,000 for grading improvements and authorize RSI to proceed with working drawings that will call for grading entire park site, excluding street improvements and developing the south section only. 2. The Stagecoach Community Park preliminary plans directing staff to comple the C.U.P. and E.I.R. process, calling out for retention of a portion of riparian area and allowing the developer to construct a crib wall in exch for 1.04 acres of usable park land. I ITEM EXPLANATION: Staff, with the use of visual aids, will update the Council on the status Calavera Hills and Stagecoach Community Parks. Calavera Hills Community Park An agreement has been reached with the landowner which will allow the Cit grade all of the proposed park site at one time. By grading the total pa site. in one unit, the City will save approximately $200,000. The landowner has also indicated that he will put in all street improveme incl.uding utilities around the park, before or about the same time the pa WXLL ue. under construction. ..I- 1 I The following costs for park development excluding any street improvement have been estimated to be: a w 0 LT a, Q 2 a 2 0 U d 0 z 3 6 Alternative I cost Total grading and park development (18 acres) including gymnasium/community center $2,657,000 Alternative I1 I Total grading and park development (18 acres) excluding gymnasium/community center $1,557,000 ~ 0 0 I I w m t AB # 5/7/85 Calavera Hills and Stagecoach Community Park Update Page 2 Calavera cont. Alternative I11 cost Phase I - Grade all of park area (18 acres). * $ 893,000 Develop only south section (8 acres), excluding gymnasium/community center. Phase I1 - Develop north section (10 acres) $ 664,000 Phase I11 - Gymnasium/community center constructim $1,100,000 in north section $2,657,000 * Note: This phase will require an additional $283,000 to be budgeted in 85-86 CIP request. Alternative 111, Phase I Development Costs $ 893,000 85-86 CIP Request - 610,000 Additional Funds Required $ 283,000 Staff recommends that the City only develop Alternative 111, Phase I at this time until the northern section has officially been dedicated to the City. The attached CIP report outlines the status of the development process. Stagecoach Community Park An agreement has been reached with the landowner to allow the City to develoF the entire 28 acre park site. The E.I.R. preliminary review indicates the riparian area is of significant environmental importance. The park planning consultant recommends the City retain a portion of the rip: area and has submitted preliminary plans outlining its retention. He furthe] recommends the developer be allowed to construct a crib wall along the north( border of the park in exchange for 1.04 usable acres at the east end of the I site. Additionally, it is recommended the gymnasium/community center budgeted in tl 85-86 CIP be constructed as a part of the Stagecoach Park development. Staff is presently meeting with the Fish and Game officials and the EAR. consultant to discuss and to resolve the environmental issues. w m AB i/ 5/7/85 Calavera Hills and Stagecoach Community Parks Update Page 3 Stagecoach cont. v The attached report outlines the status of the development process. PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION On April 15, 1985 the Parks and Recreation Commission approved the Calave~ Hills preliminary master plan. In addition, the Commission approved the crib wall concept and is current: reviewing the conceptual plans for Stagecoach Community Park. FISCAL IMPACT 85-86 Calavera Hills - Alternative 111, Phase I Approved funds 84-85 CIP (north section only $610,000 Additional funds required to grade entire 18 acres 283 , 000 TOTAL $893 , 000 Stagecoach Funds requested in 85-86 CIP for park development $1,848,000 Funds requested in 85-86 CIP for gymnasium/ community center development. 997 , 000 TOTAL $2,845,000 EXHIBITS A. CIP Status Report B. CIP Project Schedule w e April 26, 1985 TO : PARKS & RECREATION DIRECTOR FROM : Park Planner CIP STATUS REPORT I. CALAVEEU HILLS COMMUNITY PARK Current Development Ap.pmar.h - asp T - grade both northern and southern sections of the park - grade remainder of Tamarack, future Elm Ave. and Glasgow adjacent to the Park Note: City has obtained permission to grade northern half of the site from Cesco Development Co. Recreation Systems is currently preparing preliminary plans that will be a part of the amended CUP. Parks & Recreation staff will be responsible for administering the CUP, including setting dates for Planning Commission, public noticing, staff reports/recommendations, etc. Project Status Update A. Parks & Recreation Commission Master Plan review 4-15-85 approve B. Community review (homeowners groups) C. Environmental review 4-22-85 reviewe master D. Council Update/Action 1. Approval of additional funds for grading northern half of park and adjacent roads 12-10-84 Negativ Declara Issued 5-7-85 schedul 2. Authorize RSI to proceed with working drawings E. CUP 1. CUP application with required plans 2. Department review, public notice, staff reports, etc. 5-6-85 *estim; complt 5-7 thru 5-17- 3. Planning Commission hearing 5-22-85 schedl 4. City council hearing (if required) 5-28-85 EXHIBIT "A" 0. m CIP STATUS REPORT April 26, 1985 Page 2 F. Design Development 1. Working drawings **8-85 comple 2. Bid documents ""9-85 comple 3. Advertise **lo-85 4. Construction contract ""11-85 award 5. COMPLETE **8-86 * RSI estimate of time to complete ** Taken from CIP Summary (dated January 25, 1985) 11. STAGECOACH COMMUNITY PARK Current Development Approach - Phase I - develop entire park Note: The City has negotiated with Daon Corp. allowing us to develop the remainding portion of the park that is yet to be dedicated. RSI is currently developing an overall master plan. Parks & Recreation Commission and staff have endorsed the crib wall alternative to the adjacent "La Costa Racquet Club" development (see exhibit "A"). This allows retention of a major portion of the existing riparian area as well as providing active/passive park functions. Issues to be Resolved - Treatment of riparian area (may require State Fish and Game Permit and Army Corp of Engineers permission because it is a "blue-line stream." - Final arrangement of Park elements Project Status Update A. EIR 1. State and local review period 4-17-85 closed 2. EIR consultants response to comments 5-1-85 estima 3. EIR,Planning Commission and City Council action See note below -2- ,.a CIP STATUS REPORT April 26, 1985 c 0 - Page 3 B. CUP 1. CUP application with required plans 2. Department review 3. Planning Commission hearing CUP/EIR 4. City Council hearing (if required) C. Design Development 1. Working drawing 2. Bid documents late 5-85 *estimated comp 6-7-85 next mtg. after next mtg. after **11-85 complet **12-85 complet 3. Advertise ++1-86 4. Construction contract 5. Complete **2-86 **12-86 Note: Staff recommends Planning Commission and City Council action on EIR to be concurrent with CUP application (see schedule for CUP) * RSI estimate of time to complete ** Taken from CIP Summary, dated January 25, 1985 fld Jw/Jk MARK STEYAERT jm -3- .. I m SUGGESTED CONDITION RELATING TO SLOPES STAGECOACH PARK PROPERTY OCTOBER 1, 1984 The developer will be required to provide one Of the following alternatives for the slopes shown on the tentative map within tl Stagecoach Park area: Alternative 1 - Slopes adjacent to and on the Stagecoach Park property will be at a two and one-half to one ratio (2.5 to 1) i shown on the tentative map. Slopes will not be constructed unt: the City of Carlsbad has processed the required environmental data and a specific plan or conditional use permit on Stagecoac! Park. Should the City determine that the riparian area within the Stagecoach Park property can be eliminated, and this is determined prior to the time when the grading will commence on the subject tentative map, the developer will be required to grade the slope as shown. In addition, the required drainage will be installed by the developer. Alternative 2 - The developer to construct on the Stagecoach Pa property a combination crib wall and slope with the top of the slope bank being on the common property line between the tenta- tive map boundary and the Stagecoach Park boundary. Said crib wall and slope shall be northerly and out of the identified riparian area in a location subject to the approval of the Citl Engineer and Land Use Manager. If the City has not determined that the riparian area can be filled and the applicant has obtained his grading permit, the crib wall alternative will be constructed. If the City has obtained environmental clearance fill in the riparian area in conjunction with park development then the slope in Alternative 1 will be constructed. St is the intent of this condition to provide the City with til to make the proper findings relative environmental conditions work within the riparian area and to not delay the applicant f proceeding with this project. 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