HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985-05-07; City Council; 8169; Capital projects division reorganizationCIT- IF CARLSBAD - AGENDi-3ILL 67 iB# fi' MTG, 5/7/85 CM IEPT. REORGANIZATION OF AND AMENDING THE CLASSIFICATION TITLE: CAPITAL PROJECTS DIVISION AND MANAGEMENT SALARY PLAN DEPT. HD.* CITY ArrY CITY MOR.& RECOMMENDED ACTION: The City Council approve the reorganization of the Capital Projects Division as the Municipal Projects Division by adopting Resolution No. ro 13 which includes the establishment of the classification description of Administrative Assistant II/Contract Administrator. ITEM EXPLANATION Reorganization of the Capital Projects Division would include retaining the following positions currently in the 1984-85 budget: 1. One Principal Engineer 2. One Associate Civil Engineer 3. One Engineering Technician I1 4. One Engineering Technician I 5. One Construction Inspector In addition the following personnel would be authorized: 6. One Associate Civil Engineer - to replace the position 7. One Administrative Assistant II/Contract Administrator 8. One Construction Inspector - to relieve overload on 9. One Secretary I - to handle clerical workload of this transferred to the Developmental Services Desk. - explanation to follow. current inspector. division. The Personnel Department in concurrence with the Engineering Department has prepared a classification description and appropriate salary for the Administrative Assistant/Contract Administrator. The salary range recommended for this management position is $869 - $1038 biweekly. This new position would handle all the administrative and coordinating functions of design and construction activities. The increase in staff, along with the reorganization plan, will give the Municipal Projects Division the necessary manpower to complete the balance of the 1984-85 Capital Projects in process and all the 1985-86 CIP projects during the appropriate fiscal year. Page 2 of Agenda Bill An important feature of the program is the concept of utilizing a "turnkey outside engineeringt1 firm for the design of all capital improvement projects. Such a firm would be placed under contract for one year and, based on pre-established cost estimates and charge rates, would perform all the design work to be started during that year. It is felt that such ,a method would be more efficient and productive than the current cumbersome method of selecting a different design engineer for every project, large or small. FISCAL IMPACT The current 1984-85 Capital Projects division has a total budget of $217,441.00 with $150,000.00 to be charged to Capital Projects and $67,441.00 charged to the General Fund. The proposed Municipal Projects division would have a total budget in FY 85-86 of $364,000.00 with $300,000.00 to be charged to Capital Projects and $64,000.00 charged to the General Fund. This is equivalent to a reduction of 14% in the General Fund overhead rate. Implementation for the current 84-85 fiscal year can be accomplished with no increase in budgeted funds. EXHIBIT 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Resolution No. approving the reorganization of the Capital Projects division and establishing the classification of Contract Administrator at the appropriate salary range. Organization chart for Municipal Projects division. Job description for Administrative Assistant II/Contract Administrator. Reorganization goals and justification. Summary Status FY 84-85 Capital Projects. c 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 e 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 8013 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE REORGANIZATION OF THE CAPITAL PROJECTS DIVISION AND AMENDING THE CLASSIFICATION PLAN OF THE CITY TO INCLUDE THE CLASSIFICATION OF ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT II/CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR WHEREAS, the City Manager recommends and the City Council concurs that the reorganization of the Capital Projects Division is in the best interest of the city; and, WHEREAS, The City Manager recommends and the City Council concurs that the classification of Administrative Assistant II/Contract Administrator should be included in the City's classification and salary plan; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the City Council authorizes the reorganization of the Capital Projects Division as submitted in Exhibit 2, attached hereto, and made a part hereof. 3. That the City Council authorizes and directs the City Manager to add the classification of Administrative Assistant II/Contract Administrator as described in Exhibit 3, attached hereto, and made a part hereof. 4. That the City Council authorize and direct the City Manager to add the title of Administrative Assistant II/Contract Administrator to the management salary plan with a FY 84-85 range of $22,594.00 to $27,000.00. /// /// /// 3 c 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 12 14 15 17 1€ 15 2c 21 22 24 2E 27 PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad City Council held on the 14th day of MY 9 1985 by the following vote, to wit: AYES : NOES: None ABSENT: None Council Members Casler, Lewis, Kulckin, Chick and Pettine J. MARY H. FASLER, Mayor ATTEST: (SEAL) -. DEFINITION ASSISTANT I1 ONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR In conjunction with a Principal Civil Engineer, perform highly responsible administrative work related to and involving the construction and completion of City public works projects, and related work as needed. EXAMPLES OF DUTIES Administer and participate in a varied program of work involving the design, approval, and completion of City public works projects. Supervise and coordinate the activities of the design architects, engineers, construction supervisors, construction inspectors, and contractors, and others as assigned, involved in contract compliance and construction work. Submit and obtain successful legislation of bid documents, specifications, contracts, and notices inviting bids to the City Manager and City Council. In conjunction with the PEE, meet with and assist engineers, architects, and contractors involved in the construction of city facilities with the resolution of problems and/or disagreements involving City public works projects. Review completion reports and certify progress payments as recommended by the Construction Supervisor or PCE. Review project status reports involving construction progress and expendi- tures and be attailable at all times to inform the City Manager or City Council of the pertinent information. QUALIFICATIONS Knowledge of: Fundamentals of Contract Administration, accounting principles, and business administration, and/or public works. Prpwples of negotiation and scheduling, along with some basic knowledga ' 8 erlClfneering and/or architectural principles. Ability to: Plan, supervise, and participate in a construction program. Establish and supervise effective procedures for contract compliance. Maintain and reconcile relationships with those involved in the completion of the projects. Effectively supervise, train, and evaluate assigned staff. i ./ /- J EXPERIENCE AND EDUCATION - Any combination equivalent to experience that could likely provide the required knowledge and abilities is qualifying. A typical way to obtain the required knowledge and abilities would be: Experience: Five years experience leading to a broad knowledge of contract adminis- tration, construction coordination, and supervision of public or private construc- tion projects. EDUCATION: Equivalent to Bachelors Degree in Public Works, General Business, or Accoun- ting or related degree. Masters degree in Public Works, Accounting, or General Business preferable, but not mandatory. 7 EXHIBIT 4 JUSTIFICAKION FOR REORqANIZATION GOALS: 1. Complete an average of $10 million in Capital Projects each fiscal year. 2. Get every project under contract (whether under design, construction or completed) within the fiscal year. 3. Actively process assessment districts and do special projects as they are needed. BACKGROUND: From 1979 to 1981 the Capital Projects Division had a full time staff of 7 and completed an average of $2.7 million in projects each year. In 1982, staff dropped to 6, and in 1983 to 5; project completions averaged $1.3 million. The goal for the 1984 fiscal year is to complete $5.2 million worth of projects with a staff of 5. Currently two Associate Civil Engineers handle design and contract administration. One way to double the output (from $5 to $10 million) would be to hire two more Associates; a better way is to identify the work functions. Associates have a wide variety of tasks -- they keep files on projects, make progress payments to consultants and contractors, review change orders, perform inspections when the inspector is unavailable and many other tasks. PROPOSED REVISION: It is proposed to take most of the non-engineering tasks from the Associates and assign them to a Contract Administrator, Secretary I and an additional Construction Inspector. Based on analysis of time required to do projects (obtained from time cards), the proposed staff of 9 will be able to get the job done. Of the $18.5 million in projects in the current C.I.P., $10.5 million are being done by the Capital Projects Division. This project level of $10 million is anticipated to continue during the next five years and almost certainly much longer. EXHIBIT 4 JUSTIFICATION FOR REORGANIZAT1,ON (continued) This year's goal of $5.2 million in completed projects is short of the total due to lack of sufficient staff to work on all the projects simultaneously. Clearly more effort is needed to reach the desired goal of completing $10 million in projects every year. Estimates of the staff hours to complete projects have been compiled from time cards and may be expressed as a per- centage of the project construction cost. For staff to administer the design (actual design done by consulting firm) and construction and perform inspection requires about 4% of construction costs for staff time and expenses. For $10 million worth of projects to be done in one year, an expenditure of approximately $400,000.00 is required for staff time and expenses. The current division budget is $217,000.00 or half what is needed. The proposed budget of $364,000.00 accurately reflects the level of effort required. Even with augmented staff, it seems clear that output cannot be doubled without maximizing the efficiency of the design process. The present process of selecting a design consultant and awarding a project contract is cumbersome and time consuming. For almost every project, staff must issue a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) and a Request for Proposal (RFP). Then a selection must be made from as many as ten proposals received, a price negotiated, and a contract awarded by City Council following prior approval by several City departments, It is an awkward and clumsy process. The "turnkeyy1 process which is proposed would select a single qualified engineering firm to design all projects for one year. The contract could be extended at the end of the year or a different firm selected. With the prospect of $10 million in projects to be designed, a single firm could gear up for such a concentrated effort and produce an output that would far exceed what could otherwise be done, recognizing the City's staff and space limitations. Of course, such a process will require careful advance project cost estimates, the setting of a maximum or "upset" figure for each design project, and a monitoring system to ensure that design production is timely and within budget. It is proposed that the rigorous and time consuming chore of plan checking by City staff be eliminated. The selected design firm would be required to guarantee its work, backed by certification of a Registered Professional Engineer, Hold Harmless Agreements, and Errors and Omissions Insurance. ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT CAPITAL PROJECTS DIVISION CAPITAL PROJECTS STATUS IN BRIEF MAY 1, 1985 __y I CURRENT STATUS I I ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT I May 1, 1985 I I I PERCENT BUDGETED PERCENT PROJECT ACTIVITY NUMBER BY PROJECTS COST BY COST I Preliminary 5 13 $ 665,000 6 19 i I Design 15 37 1,996,060 I Advertise I Construct ion 1 3 5 13 2,908,000 2a I 2,833,450 27 I I Completed 10 26 1,840,330 la I - 8 187,530 - 2 I I ENGINEERING DEPT. TOTALS 39 100% $1 0,430,370 100% I 3 - I Scheduled I FORECAST FOR 1984-85 FISCAL YEAR I ALL CAPITAL PROJECTS I October 1, 1984 I I I BUDGETED PERCENT PROJECT ACTIVITY NUMBER COST BY COST I Completed 20 $ 5,183,780 2a I I Under Construction 5 a,a63,443+ 50 I I In Design 7 1,449,060 a I I On Hold 2 157,530 1 I 1 Deleted 1 14,000 0 I - 13 I I By Other Departments - I TOTALS: 47 $1 7,968,376 100% I 12 2,300,563 I I RHA CAPITAL PROJECTS SUHARY STATUS OF ALL PROJECTS FISCAL YEAR 1984 - 1985 Uay 1, 1985 El Canino Real N/O PAR CamaJCollege As;essnent Dist. Rancho Smta Fe Rd. Asses. Dist. El Canino Real Si@ Comect Park Drive Assessnerrt District Rancho hta Fe realiqment 3166 31&* 3 190 31 31 ai - w ESIrn: 31 35 3140 3142 31 44 31% 316W 31 72 31 77 3178 3179 3180 318W 318W 3189 3704 IWERTISE: M98 Entezarj Barnan Allen Allen Bwrran Wojcik Carlsbad Boulevard Bridge JanesDr. Assess. Est. bliday Park Parking Faraday Avenue Jefferson Path bian Road Asessmnt District Library Parking Lot Elm Averue Siqals - Elm mi ECR Si@ Mod: ECR & Chestnut Siqal: EJJ? & Kelly South College Assessnent Dist. La Costa AvemR Intersection Depot Parking Lot Tamarack - Adans to Hicjlld si@ Mod: Carlsbad & Grad Entezarj Wojcik Gttezarj Gttezarj AllMl Allen Entezarj Allen Allen Bwnan Bounan Bwrsan Entezarj Entezarj Allen -- XELSTRUCTI[E(: 3079 3085 31 59 3168 3169 Poinsettia Lane Bridge Central Business Storm Drain Police Firing Raqe CarlWoinsettia Intersectior Carlsbad Blvd. Stonn Drain i Entezarj Allen Allen Gttezarj Allen * Desiq by Consult& u-&r cartrat. +H New Project - Not in original C.I.P. JERCENT INLETE 5 100 M 1U 50 -- 9o 50 90 9ow sI1y, I@ 9ow 10 9ow 5[y, ICW 103 E* 15 1W 0 85 50 90 0 95 - SMWLED XMXETICN CF XWJSlRUCTIaV 07/86 12/86 lBD 02/85 11/85 -- 12/85 11/85 1 2/85 11/85 05/86 11/85 1 2/85 12/85 1 2/85 05/85 05/85 08/85 1 2/85 12/85 04/85 12/85 06/85 05/85 05/85 08/85 04/85 ~ STATUS jchedule will be moved up kd to accpire W )ebt Limit Hearirg 06/04/85 'etitiors sent to mrs 1cpipm-t beirg tested 31d kt 3etailed desiq cnderway %rking wd street inprov. 'inal Plan Check required j3m.lltant selected -id plan check required ksm by develcper khed depends on develcper Wlic Heariq 06/85 hait. cent. Bus. Ston Dm. Pagelof2 a-N II .. ENGItERIK; WARWNT CPPITAL PROJECTS DIVISICN CAPITAL VTS SUEIARY STATUS OF ALL PROJOCTS FISCAL YEAR 1984 - 1985 May 1, 1985 “€R ‘PmJOCT I I XEPLETED: I 3109 31 41 3143 3146 3149 3160 3165 3185 3186 371 5 ;MDuED: 3161 3164 31 75 3Y om: 3176 3183 3720 3722 31 39 3173 3174 31 25 31 33 31 26 3182 3721 ArmyNavy Crassiq Siqd Alga Rod Widening Traffic Siqal: Yarm & PAR Traffic Siqal: CVR & ECR Alga/Alicmte Traffic Siqal City Hall Modulars Beach Bluff Protection Stdy Raised Pavement Markers Streetsxp!: State & Grad TmaCk-mill to Skyline Cynthia Lane Hrnlock cUl&Sac Artificial Seaweed Valley/euena Vista Sewer Lift Station wades bvelt Street Sidewalk Washiqton Street Fuerte Park Calavera Park chase/pine Field Rmation Fire Station: Poinsettia Lane Fire Station: Calavera Hills Palm Joint Outfall Vista/carls&d Tru-k Sewer Soys & Girls Clh Remvatbn Alley: Jefferson & l-krdinq - FTKECT M9NACER kbjcik Entezari Wojcik Entezari Entezari Entezari Entezari Allen Bwnan kbjcik Ulen Entezari Allen Uh Uh Uh Uh PM PM PM FIRE FIRE - ERC€NT DPLETE 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 la3 Ial 5(rc 0 7Y 75 w 90 0 0 SmMara~ 25 1 p. 1 0/84 11/84 Ow84 08/84 10/w 12/84 11/84 11/84 09/84 CNW CNm auW 05/85 10/85 06/85 12/85 08/86 05/85 06/85 06/85 12/85 12/85 06/84 ELETED 12/84 Completed 02/19/85 Completed 02/85 Ccnpleted 02/19/85 Canpleted 08/21/84 Conpleted 08/21/84 Ccnpletd 02/85 Ccnpleted 01/85 Ccnpleted 11/84 Canpleted 11/84 Canpleted 11/05/84 Awaitirq adjacent &velaper Perdiq talk with SXE Canpleted hi9 Need RW big? Construction (grdiq) Preliminary Corstruction hig? only kip only - start 11/84 C-t. - Awarded 09/27/84 Preliminary I\bt a City Project Proj. drcpped - HIDdenid * Desiq by Cwsultant uder contract. Page2of2 la, &w