HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985-05-21; City Council; 8178; CONSIDERATION OF PROPERTY TAX TRANSFER AGREEMENT WITH VISTA FOR DEANNEXATION OF 5.19 ACRES.b a w of a. e L< g g $ 8 i5 a z 3 J- CITWF CARLSBAD - AGENDeILL DEPl MTG. 5/21/85 AGREEMENT WITH VISTA F13R DEANNEXATION CITY CITY DEPT. PLN RECOMMENDED ACTION: -' CONSIDEWION OF PROPERTY TAX TRANSFER OF 5.19 ACRES. AGUA .E€EDIONDA DEANIWXATION AB# r17lY Staff is remending that the City Council ADOPT Resolution No. Boa6 APPROVING the properky tax transfer agreements proposed by the City of T a 5.19 acre deannexation. ITEN EXPLANATION The Local Agency Formation Conmission (WCO) is requesting that -the Carlsbad mke a determination m a proposed tax transfer agrement by of Vista. ma muld like to 'nave a determination prior to their meeting. There will k two requests &fore LAIC0 at this meting wh: affect the City of Carlsbad. The first request is a reorganization init the City of Vista to deannex 5.19 acres fram Carlsbad at the eastern bou the City near Squires Dam. to annex approximately 59 acres of munty property to the City of Carlsk located near Squires Dam (map of bth ,moperties attached). AltJmugh Council will not be acting on the reorganization for severa staff has surveyed both proLperties and does not see any problem 7 proposals. The 5 acre deannexation is largely in open space and is p larger property which Will be develop3 in Vista. The Costa Real prop is a future reservoir site and will service the Carlsbad area. The 5. is currently in the Vista Irrigation District and Will remain in that 1 The 59 acre property will be served by Costa Xeal Water District. The min consideration for Council at this fine is to review the prq transfer agreement proposed by the city of Vista (attached) for thi proLperty. Under Vista's request Carlsbad wuld keep the hse propert1 any increases under reassesment muld go to Vista. Since the property and largely open space any tax loss muld be minimal. No agrement is 1 for the ,public utility site as it is cwered under an existing agremeni Carlsbad and the County of San Diego. Staff feels that the Council shoi the attached resolution approving Vista ' s proposed agreement. For further information please see the attached correspondence from L the City of Vista. ENVIrnrnALrnEw No environmental review is necessary by the City of Carlsbad for approv tax transfer agreemnt. FISCPS, IMPACT A small mount of tax revenue my be lost on the 5 acre property as tax revenues from possible develoLpment muld go to the City of Vista. The second request is by Costa Real Water 0 * Page 2 of Ag-enda Bill # 8/7& EXHIBITS 1) Lacation mp 2) city muncil Resolution NO. rea o 3) Vista Correspondence (Tax Agreement) 4) WCo Correspondence e LOCATION MAP OSTA. REAL ANNE 1 \ VISTA DEANNEXATION #% %. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 e 0 CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION NO. 80 20 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A PROPERTY TAX AGREEMENT WITH THE CITY OF VISTA. WHEREAS, Revenue and Taxation Code Section 99 req negotiation of any exchange of property tax revenues occas jurisdictional changes between the areas affected: and WHEREAS, under such circumstances the City Counci authorized to negotiate such property tax revenue exchange behalf of the City of Carlsbad; and WHEREAS, as a part of the Area "C" Reorganizatiol Assessor's Parcel 169-230-16 is to be detached from the C Carlsbad and annexed to the City of Vista; and WHEREAS, said property consists of 5.19 acres de IOpen Space on the City of Carlsbad General Plan. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of I hereby resolves as follows: SECTION 1. The above recitations are true and c I-v 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 SECTION 2. The property tax transfer between th I ' 'Vista and the City of Carlsbad shall be as follows: I A. The base revenue now accrued by the City of shall remain with the City of Carlsbad. B. Any additional value which would accrue to t Carlsbad upon development shall accrue to the City of Vis SECTION 3. The City Clerk shall send certified this resolution to LAFCO, the County Auditor and Control1 the City of Vista. //I/ 1/11 V PI 1. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 lo 11 I.z 13 0 0 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of il of the City of Carlsbad, California, held on 2ht day of -Y , 1985, by the following vo wit: AYES : NOES: Mxle ABSENT: None Council Mabers Casler, Lewis, Kulchin, Chick and 1 MARY H. SLER, Mayor ATTEST: Q/QLtL#?-<& ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City I.4 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 I (SEAL) // I -2- 0 0 City of Vis May 7, 1985 Mr. Charles Grimm Land Use Planning Office City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Sir: RE: PROPERTY TAX TRANSFER, CITIES OF VISTA AND CARLSBAD Attached please find a copy of the proposed resolution for the City of Vista. The transfer keeps the base in Carlsbad and gives the incremental increase to Vista. However, since the area will remain open space little increase is anticipated. The matter will be scheduled for the City Council meeting of May 14, 1985, and must be to LAFCO by May 15. If you have any questions please feel free to contact this office. Very truly yours, "^L, Jack Larimer Associate Planner JLPg cc: Mike Coleman - 600 EUCALYPTUS AVENUE 6 PO BOX 1988 0 VlSTA, CALIFORNIA92083 0 619/726-1340 I a 0 . ?. 0 May 14, 1985 CONSENT CALENDAR SUBJECT: TAX AGREEMENT WITH CITY OF CARLSBAD, AREA "C" ANNEXATION APPLICANT: CITY OF VISTA RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council adopt Resolution 85- approving the agreement. STATEMENT ON SUBJECT Area "C" Annexation now scheduled for the June 3rd LAFCO meeting includes a 5.19 acre detachment from Carlsbad and an- nexation to Vista. For this action a property tax agreement with Carlsbad is necessary by May 15th. 'The proposed agree- ment will allow Carlsbad to keep taxesanow received and give new taxes to Vista. However, since this parcel is zoned ope space, little additional tax is anticipated. 1 FISCAL IMPACT Some additional revenue is possible. EXHIBITS 1. Resolution 85- 1 2 3 4 5 G c i ?I 9 lo I' 12 l3 14 15 1G If IS 19 2o 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 20 30 31 32 m% CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION NO. 85- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VISTA, C APPROVING A PROPERTY TAX AGREEMENT WITH THE CITY OF CARI WHEREAS, Revenue and Taxation Code Section 99 requi negotiation of any exchange of propetty tax revenues OC~ jurisdictional changes between the areas affected; and WHEREAS, under such circumstances the City Council ized to negotiate such property tax revenue exchanges 01 the City of Vista; and WHEREAS, as a part of the Area "C" Reorganization, Parcel 169-230-16 is to be detached from the City of Ca annexed to the City of Vista; and .: WHEREAS, said property consists of 5.19 acres zone Space on City of Vista's Specific Plan 24. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Vi resolves as follows: SECTION 1. The above recitations are true and cor SECTION 2. The property tax transfer between the Vista and the City of Carlsbad shall be as follows: A. The base revenue now accrued by the City of ( shall remain with the City of carlsbad: B. Any additional value which would accrue to tl Carlsbad upon development shall accrue to the City of T SECTION 3. The City Clerk shall send certified c( this resolution to LAFCO, the County Auditor and Contrc the City of Carlsbad. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting held on t day of , by the Vista City Counci following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: NOES : COUNC I L ME MDE RS : COU NC I L M E M BE R S : ABSENT: COUNCILKEKPERS : RESOTXAGRT - 1- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1G 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 27 e e ATTEST: R. MICHAEL FLICK, MAYOR JEAN BROOKS, CITY CLERK ', -2 - \Pi=ft caw-cu13 Loca IBb mcy formalon cc 1600 patmc highway sari dig a Cat€ aril 11 1985 Chairman J. 5. Bennett TG: Affected Agencies Councilmar-, City of Imperial 8eacti FROM : , Jane P. Merrill, Executive Officer SUBJECT : Negotiation of Property Tax Transfer Members Paul Ecliert Super\ isors Ar! aFplication for jursidictiorial change ha5 been su! Paul ki. Fordem to the Local Agency Formation Commission titled: Supelvisors “Ag3-m Hediorda Area ’ CJ Reorganiaatran” Mike Gotch (Ref. No. R085-4 . 1 (City of Vista) San Diego Marjorie Hersom would be affected by this jurisdictional change are: i ta tion District - annex. Dr. Charles W. Hostler Stanley A. nab- Vista FPD - detach. katir ?is:rict Unless this jurisdictional change is covered by a ma: property tax transfer agreement, the State Revenue ar c11w5-3p, city af Laxation CoBe ;=rovides that negctiatiozs ~3st be conc Poway to deterxine the amount of property tax revenues to 1 transferre2 if this proposai is ap~xoved. The ksses~ Auditor will be sending property tax information to E Cobntv bosra of Countv ljoaro of Councilmsn, Ci~y of The local agencies vfsose service ,areas or ,responsibi: Alpine Fire Protection District zi?y o$r6fg? a - annex. hty of Carlsbad - detach. Public Member San Wnrcos Lount) Linda 3ravec c Alternate Members Alex 1. Adams afiected agency for use in the negotiations. District Upon receiving the Auditor’s information, the County Patrick M. Boanan any affected city have 30 days to complete negotiatic County Board of submit resolutions of agreement to LAFCO. A special may negotiate on its own behalf if it would be provid Uvaldo Martinez new service not previously provided by any agency. I San Diego reso:utions are received within the 30-22iy perioci, zj- Robert Prescott proposal will be accepted for filing and scheduled fc Councilnan, city of consideration by the ComSssion. Greater Mountain Empirc Resource Conservation Supervisors Councilman, City of Car 1 sbad If this jurisdictional change is subject to a master property tax transfer agreement on file with LAFCO, t above procedure and time limits do not apply. Howeve the Auditor will continue to provide data on property revenues in the affected area for your information. Please call the Analyst named below if there are any questions concerning this proposal. Executive Officer Jane P. Merrill Counsel Lloyd E, Harmon, Jr. cc: Department of Planning Joyce Crosthwait and Land Use Staff Analyst Auditor Assessor . ua~e RC a UCIAI YLLVU by LAX0 2/28/85 . Date Opened 3/12/85 Analyst Joyce Crost Filed by: Petition n Resolution &J Agency Proposed " "Aqua Hedionda Area "C" Reorqanization" (City of Vista) Ref. No. R085-4 Date Processed 4/11/85 nos. Bros .Map f - 1E Referrals : Public Works/DOT - X Public Works/Liquid Waste X - CWA X Others: Cft Public Works/Fld. Cont. X Plan/Land Use X City of Oceanside, Buena Sanit. Dist., Vista Irrigation, Costa Rer Summary of Proposal & -. Justification:prnnwed - la a reorcrani zation in\ a 835 acre arxexation to the City of Vista, a 5.19 acre detachment frc of Carlsbad, a 142 acre detachment from the Vista FPD, a 141.5 acre ar Vista Irriqation District. This proposal also includes amendments to Carlsbad's spheres of influence. The reorganization is proposed to fz future development. The reorganization territory has an approved Spec and is in Vista's Sphere of influence except for the portion detachin? Carlsbad. It is within the County's North County Metro Community Plar designated Residential 3 (2 du/acre) : existing zoning is A-70-1. The is also in a Future Urban Development Area (FUDA) with 10 acre minimur until 1995. City of Vista designations are civic activiby/facility, me (10 du/acre), med. high density (15 du/acre), low density (2 du/acref, density (5 du/acre) and open space. Surrounding land uses include the Ridge development to the north;amobile home park and Sycamore Industi to the east, _vacant and agricultural to the south and vacant to the WE territory is loca-ced south of Shadow Ridge Drive, west of Poinsettia 1 of the City of Oceanside and north of Palomar Airport Road. , LC@L AGENCY FORMATION COMMISmN EIE ( E Rev, Com hwaite PRELIMINARY STAFF REPORT - Envir . Review Notes : EIR City of Vista Adv. Comm. Review: CAC X SDAC PUBLIC HEARING 1x11 CONSENT 1-1 Cert. of Filing sex LAFCO 'Hearing( s) : Fee letter sent Tax Negotiations Complete : County/Dis tric t City- P 1 i I? W -7 - .... ---> --- -e--- ___ -- -.- 0 W 1200 ELM AVENUE TE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 (71 Office of the City Clerk ditp of darlsbab May 23, 1985 City Clerk City of Vista P.O. Box 1988 Vista, CA 92083 Re: Property Tax Agreement, Cities of Vista and Carls The Carlsbad City Council at its meeting of May 21, 19 adopted Resolution No. 8020, approving the property ta agreement with the City of Vista. Enclosed for your records and information is a certifi copy of Resolution No. 8020. If you have any questions regarding this matter, plea. don't hesitate to contact this office. gii!x* eputy City Clerk Enc . 0 0 . 1200 ELM AVENUE TEI CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 (711 Office of the City Clerk Citp of Carls’bab May 23, 1985 San Diego County Auditor & Controller 1600 Pacific Highway San Diego, CA 92101 Re: Property Tax Agreement, Cities of Vista and Carl! The Carlsbad City Council, at its meeting of May 21, adopted Resolution No. 8020, approving the property t, agreement with the City of Vista. Enclosed for your records and information is a certif copy of Resolution No. 8020, If you have any questions regarding this matter, plea don’t hesitate to contact this office. g%x* eputy City Clerk Enc . e e TE 1200 ELM AVENUE (7 1 CAR LS BAD, CALI FOR N I A 92008 Office of the City Clerk ditp of darls'bab - May 23, 1985 LAFCO 1600 Pacific Highway Room 452 San Diego, CA 92101 Re: Property Tax Agreement, Cities of Vista and Carl The Carlsbad City Council, at its meeting of May 21, adopted Resolution No. 8020, approving the property t agreement with the City of Vista. Enclosed for your records and information is a certij copy of Resolution No. 8020. If you have any questions regarding this matter, plei don't hesitate to contact this office. 5-7- K N R. KUNDTZ Deputy City Clerk Enc .