HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985-06-04; City Council; 8197; DETERMINATION OF NECESSITY TO FORM UNDERGROUND UTILITY DISTRICT NO. 9 ALLEY EAST OF THE RAILROAD FROM ELM AVENUE NORTH TO CHRISTIANSEN WAY AND SETTING A PUBLIC HEARING.n ~LI g E e 2 2 o g =1 " z 3 o 0 a CITWF CARLSBAD - AGEND-ILL 1: AB#- TITLE: DETERMINATION OF NECESSITY TO FORM DEPT. RED RECOMMENDED ACTION: DEPT. HDP! CITY Am@ CHRISTANSEN WAY AND SETTING A PUBLIC HEARING. clpy MGR 2 UNDERGROUND UTILITY DISTRICT NO. 9, ALLEY MTG. 6/4/85 EAST OF RAILROAD FROM ELM AVENUE NORTH TO City Council adopt Resolution No. $osa determining the necessity to form Underground Utility District No. 9, in the alley east of the railroad from Elm Avenue north to Christansen Way and setting a public hearing. ITEM EXPLANATION The Underground Utility District Advisory Committee has prioritized project areas for the conversion of overhead lines to underground. The next area to be converted is the alley east of the railroad from Elm Avenue north to Christansen Way. Projects in order of priority, with conversion cost estimates are: 1 - Alley east of railroad from Elm north to $160,000 Christansen Way. 2 - Harding Street at Oak Avenue $ 35,000 3 - Tyler Street north of Oak Avenue $150,000 $ 50,000 4 - Roosevelt Street north to Oak Avenue 5 - State Street north of Beech Avenue $650,000 The first project area was selected because it will provide the greater benefit to the downtown area and contribute to the Citys efforts of revitalization. Undergrounding utilities not only create a more pleasing visual atmosphere but development capacity is often increased with the conversion process. San Diego Gas and Electric has notified the City that the allocation balance for underground conversion is $225,333. The estimated cost to convert the proposed District No. 9 is $160,000. Council needs to determine the necessity for forming Underground Utilities District No. 9 and set the matter for public hearing on June 4, 1985. FISCAL IMPACT Cost of undergrounding is paid by San Diego Gas and Electric. Utility hook-up costs to individual property owners is estimated at $1,000 each. EXHIBITS -- 1 - Resolution No. BdJii 2 - Letters from SDG&E 3 - Location Map I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 g 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 -, 22 0 0 \ RESOLUTION NO. 8050 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA EXPRESSING ITS INTENT TO INITIATE PROCEEDINGS PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 11.08 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE AND CALLING A PUBLIC HEARING TO DETERMINE WHETHER THE PUBLIC HEALTH, SAFETY OR WELFARE REQUIRE THE FORMATION OF AN UNDERGROUND UTILITY DISTRICT IN THE ALLEY EAST OF THE RAILROAD FROM ELM AVENUE NORTH TO CHRISTANSEN WAY. WHEREAS, Chapter 11.08 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code provide! for the formation in the City of Underground Utility Districts to accomplish the orderly removal of existing overhead facilities and the construction of new underground facilities; and WHEREAS, City staff has consulted with affected utilities on the feasibility of such a district in the alley east of the Railroad from Elm Avenue north to Christansen Way; and WHEREAS, preliminary staff studies indicate further proceedings pursuant to Chapter 11.08 are warranted; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City of Carlsbad, as follows: I 1) The Council hereby expresses its intent to initiate proceedings for the formation of Underground Utility District No. 9. Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on June 18, 1985, at the hour of 6:OO P.M. in the Council Chamber of the City Hall, Carlsbad, California, to ascertain whether the public health, safety, or welfare require removal of poles, overhead wires and associated overhead structures, and the underground installation of wires and facilities for supplying electric, communications, or similar associated service in the area hereinabove described and to determine if the City should continue proceedings to create and implement and underground utility district to accomplish said removal and installation. I 2) //// //// i 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 0 0 3) At said hearing, all persons interested are invited to appear and present their views and all such persons shall be given an opportunity to be heard. Saidhearing may be continued from time to time as may be determined by the Council:. 4) The area to be included within the proposed District No. 9 is shown on the location map attached hereto and made a part hereof. The City Clerk shall give notice of the time and place of the hearing to all property owners within the District as shown on the last equalized assessment roll or as known to the City Clerk and to each public utility within the District by mailing a copy of this Resolution to such property owners and utilities at least ten (10) days prior to the date thereof. 5) PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, Calfiornia, held on the4th 13day of June, 1985, by the following vote, to wit: AYES : NOES : None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None Council bkmkers Casler, Lewis, Kulchin, Chick and Pettine I yt+* 1/ &-L MARY HJCASLER, Mayor ATTEST: 24 25 26 27 28 ALETHA L. RAUTE (seal) //// //// //// - 0 @ 0 Sari Diego Gas & Electric J8ruary 30, 1985 CllL 110 NORTH COAST DISTRICT OFFICE Honorable Mayor .rd Citp Council City of Carlrbad 1200 Elm Aveme Carlrbad, Cb 92008 Cent lcmen : Zvery year at thir time ue notify each City 8nd County In our SCrPiCC Perfitory of ftr allocation for Rulc 20.A PDdergramd Corrperrlon8. For alerdar year 1985, me have asked th CPUC to .pprme a total allocrtlon of $15,345,360. J.E. Thomas' letter to the Comahaion dated December 20, 1984. If QUI: proposal ir apprmed, your dlocatioa for 1989 rill be $139,172, dlch will bring tbe 1985 allocation balance to $255,333. of your Rule 20.A Underground Conversion allocrtlona ud apcdimrcs. It fm our crdeavor to work with each gooemscntal entity dthin mr Service Territory la converting those overhead facfllties *ich fall within the guidelines of OUT filed Rule 20.A, while ketpillg in rid tbc budet apendlturcs vhich affect our rates. The rcbedufing of projects are acccmpliebed tkough Ua&rgrouod Utlllty Advieory Cumdttces (UUAC), or tbc appropriate petsonnd frcn each City or County. thc work for l98S ard future yeam. Fhould you wlrb to dircurr any upctr a5 ~uf .pplicatioo, pleut -11 our Planning hnager, C. C. mr, rbo may be reached by pbone at 438-6102. The cmplcte 8ppliution lr In tbe attachad copy of Attached I8 the hlrtoty Through theac Cdttecs or IndivSdualr, ue vill continuc to project Sincerely, ta;ccce, L Be Lfrt Director brth Corr t Dfr trict /Ct cc: City mnager (w/attachotnt) At t 8- Itt 8 Planning Hanager - sDG&E bcc: D.P. Barrios fw/o attachment) D.L. Hopkins (w/o attachment) M.K. Tao (w/attachment) K. Hutchens (w/attachment) ahN3% tY3LSTR:AL P*Qr( - 5375 AVEY:DA ENCIN'*S* CAq.SBAD ULIFOSNIA 92008 (61914M+m e @ e San Diego Gas & Electric February 7, 1985 NORTH COAST DISTRICT OFFICE FIE NO Mr. Ron Beckman, City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Hr. Beckman: The five streamline cost estimates vhich you requested for operhead to underground electric facility cornersion have been prepared. The are: 1.. North of Elm heme, east af railroad tracks - $160,000 ’ 2. Harding Street at Oak Avenue - $ 35,000 3. Tyler Street north of Oak Avenue - $15 0,O 00 5. State Street north of Beech Avenue - $6 50,O 00 Assistant Citp Hanager vI’L f 9 3 4. boseoelt Street north of Oak Avenue - $ 50,000 Ron, please note that these costs are rough stredine estimates for cons&ructlon in 1985. study ad laborhaterial co6 t escalation. I have also attached the CPUC approved regulation for applying the 20.6 conversion fund, as you requested. detail. Both Carl Lower and myself are looking fomard to discuss pur conversion needs on February 11, 1985. The final coets will be subject to detail engineering Section A.1a specifies this procedure in If you have any questions, please give = a call. jgifcLJd l4. K. Tao Engineering Supervieor Phone: 438-6098 /cr Attachment: Rule 20A CANNON INDUSTRIAL PARK - 5315 AVENIDA ENCINAS- CARLSBSD CALIFORNIA 92008 * (619) 4386000 1 I Ian Df ego, Calx forhi 8 Cancelling Revised Cal .?.U.C.Sheet NO. 4138-E Sheet 1 RULE 20 REPLACEMENT OF OVERHEAD HITH UNDERGROUHD ELECTRIC FACILITIES A. the utility uill, at its expense, replace it5 existing overhead elec- tric facjlities nith underground electric facilities along public streets and roads. and on public lands and private property across which rights-of-uay satisfactory to the ut(1ity have been obtained by the utility. provided that: I. The governing body of the city or county in uhich such electric facilities are and uill be located has: a. Determined, after consultation with the utility 8nd after hold- ing public hearings on the subject. that such undergrounding is in the general public interest for one or more of the folloning reasons: (1) Such undergrounding uill avoid or'eliminate an unusually heavy concentration of overhead electric facilities; (2) The street or road or right-of-nay $s extensively used by the general public and carries a heavy volume of pedes- trian or vehicular traffic: and C31 The street or road or right-of-way adjoins or passes through a civCc area or public recreation area or an area of unusual scenic interest to the general public. b. Adopted an ordinance creating an underground district in the are3 in uhich both the existing 8nd new facilities are and nil1 be located, requiring among other things, (1) that all existing overhead communication and electric dtJtribution facilities in such district shall be removed. (2) that each property served from such elrctric overhead facilities shall have installed, in 8ccord8nce uith the utility's rules for underground service, a11 electrical facility changes on the premises necessary to receive service from the underground facilities of the utility 8s soon e5 It i5 available, and (3) authorizing tho utility to discon- tinue its overhead service. ttont i nued) i Advice Ltr. WO. S97-E fsrued by Date FiledNovember 7. 1983 Decision No. RONALD K. FULLER Effective December 7. 1983 i I I Cancelling Revised Ca1.P.U.C.Sheet No. 11394 Sheet 2 RULE 20 (Continued) REPLACEMENT OF OVERHEAD WfTH UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC FACILXTIES A. (Continued) 2. The utility's total annual budgeted amount for undergrounding uithin 4ny city or the unincorporated area of any county, shall be allo- cated in the same ratio that the number of overhead meters In such ctty or unincorporated area of any county bears to the total system overhead meters, The amounts so allocated may be exceeded nhere the utility establishes that additional participation on a project is warranted. Such al1ocated.amountr may be carried over as provided bel-. In order to qualify as a community nith an active under- . grounding program, the governing body rust have adopted an ordinance or ordinances creating underground district and/or districts as set forth In Section A.1.b. of this rule. Where there is a carry-over. the utility has the right to set, 4s determined by its capability, reasonable limits on the rate of performance of the vork to be fi- nanced by the funds carried over. Where amounts budgeted for any talenctar year are not expended in that calendar year or the next two succeeding calendar years follouing the budgeting thereof because . of force5 beyond the control of the utility. then in that event and that event only, the utility may reallocate the unexpended amounts of money in its discretion, to communities nith active underground- fng programs, or 4th the approval o+ the Commission for any other lauful purpose. 3. the undergrounding extends for a minimum distance of one block or 100 feet, uhichever is the lesser. Upon request of the governing body, the utility nil1 pay for no . more than 100 feet of the customer's underground service fateto$. the governing body ray establish 8 smaller footage allonance. or may limit the amount of money to be expended on a single customer*s service, or the total amount to be expendQd on consumer services in 8 particular project. L~CATION MAP PROPOSED UNDERGROUND UTILITY DISTRICT NO. 9 d . , 1 I..