HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985-06-04; City Council; 8201; Interim Ordinance - Beach AreaI .-i 01H-H &4-I O<D O 4-1 ^ OJ -MD^ u1 CC c ra•H to -P c oCn (o O •d " fl)'O CO H|ti <U -HH -H rC CIT )F CARLSBAD — AGEND/ IILL •P S "^ -H o4JBO "tJ-i <D -y35 M-i ^ CO CO I CNo PS i•H in H "S H t§B o S w-p S -P-p c 'd en oQ "X3 ro-P M Ifp Onrt ro<p e4J HO -P(U 03M $ rdP-Ptn to S (d£BM mooI O 1 j O oo AR# ^?^>/ urn 6/4/85 DFPT. PEN TITLE: INTERIM ORDINANCE - BEACH AREA DPPT. HD.C& CITY ATTvN//^ CITY MGR.^t<- RECOMMENDED ACTION: Staff is recommending that the City Council ADOPT Interim Ordinance No. ?7£>/ f with modifications as proposed by the Land Use Planning Office. (4/5ths vote required) ITEM EXPLANATION On May 8, 1985, the City Council asked staff for a report on the problems in the beach area. Attached for Council review is a proposed interim ordinance with an explanatory memorandum prepared by the City Attorney's Office in response to a request from the City Manager. The ordinance would prohibit the acceptance of any discretionary applications in the beach area. The beach area is defined by the ordinance as the area between Buena Vista Lagoon and Agua Hedionda Lagoon, west of the AT&SF Railroad right-of-way, excepting the Village Redevelopment Area. The Land Use Planning Office has some concerns with one part of the ordinance as proposed and is recommending some modifications. These modifications are described in the attached memorandum to the City Manager from the Principal Planner. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The proposed ordinance is an urgency ordinance and is exempt from environmental review under Section 15269(C) (CEQA Guidelines, Statutory Exemptions). FISCAL IMPACTS Additional costs will be incurred if the Council authorizes the use of consultants for the traffic and planning studies. If the Council approves the use of consultants staff will return with a scope of work and estimated costs. EXHIBITS 1. Proposed Interim Ordinance 2. Memorandum from City Attorney 3. Memorandum from Principal Planner w/attachments a i - O LU 2 ° UJ 5 O 5u- • f UJ S £> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 § 13 i 14 § 15 3 S 16 o s 17 18 19 20 21 22 25 24 25 26 27 28 ORDINANCE NO.9761 AN INTERIM ORDINANCE AS AN URGENCY MEASURE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA ESTABLISHING A SPECIAL PLANNING STUDY AREA FOR THE BEACH AREA BETWEEN BUENA VISTA LAGOON ON THE NORTH, AGUA\HEDIONDA LAGOON ON THE SOUTH, THE RAILROAD RIGHT\OF-WAY ON THE EAST, AND THE PACIFIC OCEAN ON THE WESST, EXCEPTING THEREFROM THE VILLAGE REDEVELOPMENT AREA; AND PROHIBITING THE ACCEPTANCE OR APPROVAL OF ANY APPLICATION PURSUANT TO TITLE 21 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE OF ANY PERMIT FOR A DEVELOPMENT PROJECT, OR ZONE CHANGE OR GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT\EXCEPT ZONE CHANGES OR GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENTS\INITIATED BY THE CITY. WHEREAS, the\citizen's committee studying revisions to the Land Use Element oft the Carlsbad Geiiexal-JPlan has identified a need for special study\of development pattern^ in the beach area; and WHEREAS, the beach\area is an area/which may be developing with a mix and incensity\ of residential densities resulting in potentially incompatible neighboring land uses; and WHEREAS, becaii^e^bhe public facilities system serving the area was developed many I years\ ago the streets and other public facilities may be~~tnadequat«ily sized to accommodate the current public facilities needs forXthe area because of a lack of off-street parking, the existence of ionly two east-west traffic corridors both \of which are heavily burdened by traffic coming to the beach area from other parts of the community and the impact on available, on-street parking from beach \users; and WHEREAS^,) the City Council and the ^fetaff need sufficient time to study the problems of the\beach area and to suggest and implement appropriate solutions^ and WHEREAS, further development pursuant to the multiple density zoning and general plan designations currently 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 _- o w < -[.4 - H < t i Roo r; _ D -LO a I >• UJ"J o aiz & <% ™ m 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 established for the area could make the problems worsen, and result in development which may be in conflict with General Plan, specific plan or zoning proposals which may result from the study** and WH5IREAS this ordinance is adopted pursuant to Section 65858(a) of t^e Government Code; NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad does ordain as follows: SECTION 1 :\ That the area of the City of Carlsbad bounded by the Buena vista Lagoon on the North, the Agua Hedionda Lagoon on the south; the\ railroad right-of-way on the east and the Pacific Ocean on the w^st, excepting the Village Redevelopment area, is declaimed a spreciaT~T»^anning study area and \may be referred to as the beacn\ area. SECTION 2: The City Manager Its directed to prepare a recommendation on the meansi to acccVplish>a study of the beach area to determine the extent of probl\ras identified above, evaluate the appropyfabeness o£ existing General Plan and zoning land use regulation? and! recommend the planning and engineering methods to remedy 01?—mitigate the problems \dentified during the study. The. CityI Manager shall report his recommendation to the City Council\pn Jline 18, 1985. SECTION 3: During the period this ordinance is effective no applications for any development permr* or approval located in whole or part in the beach area, required\pursuant to Title 20 or Title 21 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code, snail be accepted, processed or approved. 2. a<CO 00 o> isg§e £ § £^i§ * I ° 9ill ^, O rfo £ - S*£ 3>^ §^ (_3 K O 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 SECTION 4: On June 18, 1985 the City Council shall hold a publi'C hearing to consider extending this ordinance for 10 months an<3 15 days. The City Clerk is directed to notice the hearings as\required by Government Code Section 65090. DECDARATION OF URGENCY: This ordinance is hereby declared to be\an emergency ordinance adopted as an urgency measure to proteott the public health, safety and welfare and shall take effect \mmediately upon its adoption. The facts constituting the emeVgency are set forth above and represent a threat to the public h\alth/ safety or welfare of the citizens of Carlsbad. EFFECTIVE: This ^ordinance shall be effective immediately upon passage andv shall be of no further force and effect after July 31, 1985 unless extended by Council prior to that date. The City Clerk of tf\e City of Carlsbad shall certify to the adoption of this ordinance\and cause it to be published once in the Carlsbad Journal within\15 days after its adoption. INTRODUCED, PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad., California held on the day of , 1985 by th\ following vote to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY VINCENT F. BIONDO, JR. City Attorney - O LLJ < ° U. => 2i?s|?^i 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 8 § 16« m 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 oc<o MARY H. CASHER, Mayor ATTEST: ALETHA L. RAUTENKftANZ, City Clerk 4. May 14, 1985 TO: City Manager FROM: City Attorney PROPOSED MORATORIUM FOR BEACH STUDY AREA At your request we have prepared an interim ordinance as an urgency measure which would impose a planning moratorium on the beach study area. This ordinance requires a four-fifths vote for adoption. It is not a public hearing item. If adopted, the ordinance remains valid for up to 45 days. As prepared, the ordinance directs the City Clerk to notice a public hearing before the Council at their meeting of June 18, 1985 to consider whether or not to extend the moratorium ordinance for an additional period of ten months and 15 days. The notice for this hearing is given pursuant to Government Code Section 65090 which calls for a newspaper advertisement and written notice to anyone who has previously filed a request therefore. It is not necessary to notice the individual property owners. The ordinance also directs you to prepare a recommendation on the means to accomplish that study for presentation to the Council at their meeting of June 18, 1985. The ordinance prohibits the acceptance, processing or approval of applications for developmental permits under the zoning code or the subdivision code. It does not apply to building permits. If adopted properties within the study area would be able to take out building permits for developments at the minimum end of the density range that do not require any other discretionary approvals. If the Council wishes to extend the moratorium to building permits a sentence to that effect should be added to Section 3 of the ordinance. The redeveopment area is expressly excluded from the moratorium for a number of reasons including primarily the fact that the land uses in the project area are controlled by the redevelopment plan and are already subject to individual design review by the Design Review Board, Planning Commission and City Council. These bodies have sufficient discretionary approval to take care of any potential problems in the interim period. At the hearing on June 18, 1985 the City Council would consider your recommendations on how to accomplish the study and presumably take action as they consider appropriate in that regard. You would probably also wish to report to them on all of the projects "in the pipeline." The City's counsel could then consider, as a part of the extension of the moratorium, an appropriate effective date. -2- You may also wish to remind the Council, as a part of your report, that the General Plan and zoning for the beach area have been approved by the State Coastal Commission as well as the City Council as a part of the Carlsbad Local Coastal Plan. The City is actively pursuing action before the Commission to assume permit authority over the plan. Any changes in the General Plan or zoning which may result from the study would also necessitate amendments to the LCP. rmh attachment VINCENT F. BIONDO, JR. City Attorney 7 MAY 30, 1985 TO: FRANK ALESHIRE, CITY MANAGER FROM: Charles Grimm, Principal Planner( VIA: MARTY ORENYAK, DIRECTOR OF BUILDING & PLANNING RE: BEACH AREA GROWTH BACKGROUND Based on Council discussion at their meeting of May 8, 1985, the City Manager directed the Land Use Planning Office to prepare a summary report regarding the problems occuring in conjunction with the development of the beach area (generally the area west of the railroad right-of-way between Buena Vista and Agua Hedionda Lagoons). Growth in this area has become an issue recently because of the rapid development of apartment and condominium units over the last 18 months. The increase in units has brought about an increase in other problems which have caught the attention of the Council, the Planning Commission, the Land Use Committee and of course citizens living in the beach area. The Land Use Committee has recently recommended that a reduction in density (from a maximum of 30 units to 23 units) be implemented and special treatment standards be applied. PROBLEMS The basic problems now affecting this area include an inadequate number of through-streets, increased traffic, inadequate parking and rapid transition of neighborhood (single family vs. apartments). These problems are caused by a number of reasons which start with density. The beach area has the largest section of high density (20-30 du's/acre) in the City. Buildout at this density could bring an additional 3700 people into this area. Another major factor is that the area is confined by the railroad right-of-way. Tamarack and Elm are the only nearby freeway access streets which penetrate west of the railroad and Tamarack has been recently downgraded. Parking is inadequate because of low standards for apartments and because beach users park in this area. Lot sizes are also small and sometime unusual in shape because they were subdivided many years ago. Some are really too small to be developed under the RH category. PROPOSED ORDINANCE The City Council will be considering a proposed ordinance temporarily suspending discretionary approvals. The Land Use Planning Office has several concerns regarding the proposed ordinance. The ordinance would prohibit acceptance of all discretionary applications in the beach area. However, it allows development to occur at the minimum density in the range without review by either the Planning Commission or the City Council. In other words, it would leave the existing zoning ordinance in effect which would allow building permits to be issued for any project in this area at the guaranteed minimum density range without any discretion by the city. The recent number of appeals of projects at 20 or 21 du's/acre would indicate that allowing development at the low end of this range still doesn't solve the beach area's problems. RECOMMENDATIONS 1) As an addition to the ordinance as drafted, the planning staff is recommending that it not only prohibit the acceptance of discretionary applications but also limits any development to a maximum of 2 dwelling units per lot. This will accomplish several things. It will prohibit development at the guaranteed minimum without discretionary review, and it will permit very small projects to be processed at a low density. If the Council agrees they should substitute the attached pages for pages 3 & 4 of the attorney's draft. The planning staff is recommending that the boundaries and other provisions of the ordinance remain the same. We also feel that these provisions should remain in effect until a traffic study and planning analysis can be completed to develop long term solutions to the beach area problems (minimum staff estimate - 6 months). There are approximately 6 projects pending in this area. With one exception they are all less than 5 units. We would recommend that the proposed revisions apply to any project which has not received a discretionary action by May 8, the day Council asked staff to prepare a report on beach area problems. 2) In addition to the planning study contemplated by the ordinance staff would recommend that a study also include the entire area west of 1-5 between the Buena Vista Lagoon and Cannon Road (see attached map). The study would address access to the downtown area and to the beach area based on the existing general plan, zoning and the LCP. The traffic study would be the basis for a specific planning analysis to be done for the beach area and for the redevelopment area. 3) We agree with the scope of the planning study contemplated by the ordinance. The high density creating the problems described is located west of the railroad right-of-way area. We do not feel that the specific planning study described in the ordinance needs to be expanded. 4) If the City Council extends the proposed ordinance on June 18 then we must complete whatever studies are called for by the ordinance. If Council finds that we need both the traffic and planning studies staff would recommend the use of consultants. The Land Use Planning Office could manage the consultant's work on these studies but does not have the time or manpower to complete them without outside help. Attachments: 1. Ordinance Additions 2. Memorandum from Research & Analysis Group 3. Traffic Study Map 4. Planning Study Map CG/ar a CDca - O UJ < to DC <o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 SECTION 4: During the period this ordinance is in effect no building permits shall be approved or issued for more than two dwelling units on any one lot located in whole or in part in the bea\h area. SECTION \5: On June 18, 1985 the City Council shall hold a public hearing to\ consider extending this ordinance for 10 months and 15 days. \The City Clerk is directed to notice the hearings as required by* Government Code Section 65090. DECLARATION OF \JRGENCY: This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance adopted as an urgency measure to protect the public health, safety and welfare and shall take effect immediately\upon its adoption. The facts constituting the emergency are ^et forth above and represent a threat to the public health, safety or welfare of the citizens of Carlsbad. EFFECTIVE: This ordinance \shall be effective immediately upon passage and shall be\of no further force and effect after July 31, 1985 unless extended by Council prior to that date. The City Clerk of the City ofyCarlsbad shall certify to the adoption of this ordinance and caus£» it to be published once in the Carlsbad Journal within 15 days \after its adoption. INTRODUCED, PASSED AND ADOPTED at a Vegular meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California held on the day of , 1985 by the folloying vote to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: 3. o 1 °° ~5 <!! ® ~ O LLJ <( If 11 10 " 5 < uj 2 o <o o: « ooz O m ^ 5>- <->bo 1 1 2, 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY VINCENT F. BIONDO, JR., City Attorney MARY H. CASHER, Mayor ATTEST: ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ\ City Clerk 4. MAY 20, 1985 TO: FRANK ALESHIRE FROM: Jim Hagaman REQUEST FOR ROUGH ESTIMATE OF CURRENT & BUILDOUT POPULATION IN NORTH WEST QUADRANT OF CITY WEST OF THE RAILROAD TRACK BETWEEN B.UENA VISTA AND AGUA HEDIONDA LAGOONS The estimates are based on the following assumptions: 1. Household size - 2.12 persons 2. Vacancy rate - 5% 3. No estimates of population are given for estimated 62.5 acres of visitor commercial nor 21.6 acres of school facilities (Army- Navy) . Population Units Existing Estimate 2,976 1,626 Buildout Estimate 6,663 3,278 Difference 3,687 1,652 Data soucres:1. 1980 Federal Census 2. PFMS Update data 3. 400 scale Coastal Plan S^j ^~£&*<&*( //^ /'//JAMES C/HAJGAMAN ' / JCH:pgk STUDY AREA MAP AGUA HEDIONDA I 1^ LAGOON PLANNING STUDY AREA STUDY AREA MAP AGUA HEDIONDA LAGOON TRAFFIC STUDY AREA June 3, 1985 TO: City Manager PROM: City Attorney INTERIM ORDINANCE - BEACH AREA This memorandum is to outline the two options which have been presented to the City Council for imposing an interim suspension of project approvals in the beach area pending a land use and traffic study. In addition, the memorandum discusses a third option which has emerged from staff discussions as a possible compromise. All options do not require a public hearing, remain in effect for a maximum of 45 days, and will be reconsidered at a public hearing by the City Council in two weeks at which time they can . be extended as is, extended as modified or not extended. A four/fifths vote is required. Option 1 - Ordinance No. 9761 - Suspends the acceptance, processing, or approval of any application under the zone code or the subdivision ordinance (would include, for example, variances, CUPs, site plans, density determinations, parcel maps, subdivision maps, zone changes, condominium permits, PUDs, subdivisions). Council may or may not determine to modify the ordinance on June 18 to grandfather projects "in the pipeline." This option does not effect building permits. Two types of project could go forward: 1) projects with final discretionary approvals could build to their approved densities (even if this is above the mean); 2) new apartment projects not requiring a discretionary approval could pull building permits at the guaranteed minimum as provided by the zoning ordinance (eg., ten units in the 10-20 area and 20 units in the 20-30 area). Option 2 - Compromise - Option 2 also suspends approvals under the zone code and the subdivision ordinance. It would stop new apartment projects except those at two units or less per lot. However, it would allow projects with final discretionary approval from the City Council to pull building permits at the densities as approved by Council. Option 3 - Planning Department Recommendation - Option 3 suspends approvalsunder the zone code and the subdivision ordinance. It differs from Option 2 in that building permits could only be issued for up to two units on any lot. This would affect all new apartment projects as well as other projects, even those with final discretionary approvals. -2- None of these options deal with possible Council "grandfathering" since the ordinance will remain in effect for a very short period and the City Council will determine whether or not that's appropriate when they can have the public hearing to consider extending the ordinance. Attached to this memorandum is a short chart which attempts to summarize the three options presented by staff. VINCENT F. BIONDO, JR. City Attorney rmh attachment STOPS ALL ZONING STOPS BUILDING STOPS BUILDING AND SUBDIVISION PERMITS FOR PERMITS FOR APPROVALS APPROVED NEW APARTMENTS PROJECTS OPTION 1 YES NO NO 9761 OPTION 2 YES NO YES COMPROMISE OPTION 3 YES YES YES PLANNING DEPARTMENT