HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985-06-11; City Council; 8204; Oceanview CondosCIT- OF CARLSBAD - AGENIl- BILL ,B# Ra4 TITLE: APPEAL OF A DECISION TO DENY A DEPT. HD.C81 ITG. 6/11/85 THREE UNIT CONDOMINIUM CITY AmYm PLN PERMIT AT 3376 GARFIELD STREET IEPT. CP-310/MS-684 - OCEANVIEW CONDOS CITY MGR.?jh RECOMMENDED ACTION: Staff is recommending that the City Council direct the City Attorney's office to prepare documents upholding staff DENIAL of CP-310/MS-684. ITEM EXPLANATION The applicant is requesting Council to overturn a staff decision to deny a three unit condominium project at 3376 Garfield Street. The proposed project is 2-stories over garage parking and is proposed at approximately 34 feet in height to the top of the pitched roof. Staff was originally going to recommend approval of this project. Based on citizen input involving a very similar project in the same neighborhood, staff questioned the compatibility of this project with the surrounding area. There are very few buildings in the immediate vicinity that approach this height. The applicant was unwilling to revise the elevations or reduce the height to make them more compatible. To approve the project under Section 21.45 (Planned Development Ordinance), staff must be able to find that the project is compatible with the surrounding area. The general plan for this area is High Density (20-30 du/ac). The project is proposed at 21.5 du/ac, toward the low end of the range. This *project was not heard by the Planning Commission. Under City Ordinances, the City Council has given their discretionary authority on parcel maps and condominium permits (less than 4 units) to the staff. Appeals go directly to the City Council. For additional information, please see the attached documents denying the project and a memorandum from the Land Use Planning Office stating the reasons for denial. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT If the Council wishes to approve this project, they should direct the Land Use Planning Manager to file a categorical exemption pursuant to Section 15305.070(11)(4c) of the California Environmental Quality Act. Page Two of Agenda Bill # r.oq FISCAL IMPACT The increased need for city capital facilities resulting from this development will be offset by the payment of the public facilities fee. Any capital facilities related directly to this development will be constructed and paid for by the developer. Increased operating expenses related to this development will be offset to-some extent from increased tax or fee revenue generated by the development. No detailed economic impact analysis of this development has been conducted at this time so predictions of the portion of operating expenses covered by additional operating revenue created as a result of this project cannot be made. EXHIBITS 1) Location Map 2) Memorandum from Land Use planning Office 3) Reduced Exhibits LOCATION MAP Al J 1 WALNUT AVE. OCEANVIEW CP-310 CHESTNUT AVE. . t;; Z : Z ? - INTERDEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM DATE: April 24, 1985 TO: Engineering Department FROM: Land Use Planning Office c SUBJECT: CP-31 O/MS-684 The City has completed a review of the application for a three- unit condominium development located 3376 Garfield. It is the Land Use Planning Manager's determination that the project is not consistent with the City's condominium regulations (Chapter 21.45) and with all other applicable City ordinances and policies. This memo, including the listed findings constitutes denial of CP-310. . Findings 1. The project is not consistent with the intent and purpose of Chapter 21.45 (Planned Development Ordinance) of the City's ' Zoning Code which require that planned development be compatible with surrounding developments. 2. Due to the height of the three-story, 34' high structure, the project is neither compatible nor well-integrated with buildings in the surrounding neighborhood. 3. The project does not meet the guidelines of the General Plan because it does not preserve the neighborhood atmosphere and identity of the existing residential area. Public opinion voiced grave concerns and opposition to a similar project in the near vicinity. AML:bn z ;J!, ,, I!!;/!, , 2,; !;///I, I’,’ ‘I : I’ ! I’ ,:: If ii:{‘. ;I, i ;,I,, jj/,;, ,)j ,:. /ii 8, j,,,‘; I,;,/ i’j/( , I ‘8 ’ ,,,jpI: (/j,_/ 1, : ~I/:IIi! llllltd ,I’, I : I * : : LL - ;! 1’ T-r I (ijjl/l $iji; !,jIl/ Il;;]if ,,;;I.: If~~/:i ,I,/.,( :IIii /‘idi Isj ;:ij ‘0 !!I I,, j :;,,I ,’ ,‘I .,/ : : ( ,/ / I ‘,‘, /I, (8:. i 1’ 1 I / : I I L i’, i, )I ‘1 /I Ii I’ I !“I i 1 ’ ,’ , ii I jI ,I’ j!:i;/ u T / , jI /I I 1 1 Ii i’ /i /ii ;;jj; j, / / 4’1 I !,; I!: b ; l-y jj I (1 /I I/ Ii!/! 111 1 I II/ Ii::’ $j! I/;;, m * j I i i ; L - !’ ;!I1 IL!; I 1 I: :/;I :ji :I’ (1 t; ‘I J.ll i ! j 1 11 I? h; iq __ il 2; itill p ‘I[ - -,: ;#I ‘c?, )/a . = /, I 4-j iiO /p j j i 1 ,‘! ,,’ (,‘, I ‘Ii: , !j i, !, : . : ,:, ,;;$j “,s 3 ,,:\I, ,! , ,‘: ; / !Ij/:‘j ” ,I’ ii I 11 :i!i:iI! ,,, p,./ I 6 . ,’ ,I ‘l-l jj’! j,/ jj \;I ,, ! ‘, I ‘, WALNUT AVE. 1 N c: SINGLE T?mLY I .SINGIE FAMILY t- WILY SINGLE,r’AMILY SINGLEFWaY SliNGLEI SItGKJ3FAM.Z FAMILY CHESTNUT AVE. 1 LOCATION MAP OCEANVIEW CP-310 April 24, 1985 City of Carlsbad Land Use Planning Office 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 ATTENTION: ADRIANNE LANDERS :;tg :. REFERENCE: '3576 GARFIELD STREET L... - 1 1 Dear Adrianne: On Tuesday, April 8, 1985, a meeting was held at your offices regarding the.ab'ove referenced project. Attending was you,rself; Ed Ruiz, of the' City of Carlsbad;'.Scott Spencer, Architect; and Gail Brauchla,..General Contractor. Discussed was the proposed building height of the projectand alternatives put forward to reduce the scale-and height of the project. At the outset of the meeting,- i.t;,.)Jas the,stated objective to: ', ,r. a; reduce.:'the.height as much as possible. ). '. ', b. .. creat:ej~~~~,!'two-story" 1.. , look: or feeling to become‘.!.: more."c:ompatible.with the surrounding. properties. / L. ; .::,., ,. ,..;, : There was no.stFted 'zoning ordinance or section referring to this requirement. ,. During -the,cour'se .of-%the,meeting;.it-became our understanding that, specifically; a roo.f‘pitch modification of 6:12,to':4:12 would reduce..18.!,'.--"to ,24'! o'f.,height and a lowering of theyfirst floor ..park'.inq'~:ji'eLe1.,.24" into natural grade would .creat'e.,a:total building.h,eight. decrease of plus or minus four feet.(+/- 4'0"). This concept 'tias put forth ('on the table" and positive comments resulted from this ,attempt.to ,solve the problem; You, as planner, would not specif'ic:ally state that; once incorporated into the plans,: the project:would be,app.roved, however you did state that it would be viewed as a "reasonable" attempt and probably could be accepted. w - , c Approximately two days later, the pro‘ject owner, Mr. Rod Miles, went to the City of Carlsbad and spoke with you regarding the same topic. It was Mr. Miles' understandins that the height decrease must create a two-story building, resulting in a complete submersion of the parkins level below grade eight feet (8’). Consequently, a letter by Rod Miles was drafted and sent to the City of Carlsbad, modifiect. stating that the project would not be On Friday, April 19, above was discussed. 1985, in a phone conversation with you, the 4 '0" You stated that the previously discussed height reduction may or may not be approved, and in fact, if a "LWPstOry" d i s n p p r 0 v e tl , looking, structure was not created, it would be Currently the project is realistically three stories or two stories over basement, and the proposed change would result in a significant modification of the plans. An ciqht foot submersion idea is physically impossible since a ramp into the "garage" would be too steep. Our office-sees this developing into a requested modification based on no ordinance or code,. and with ciohflicting information in phone conversations and meetings, no concrete criteria is bein produced upon which to design a proper solution. We would request that this entire matter be clarified so that a design can be generated that will satisfy all parties concerned. Architect jw cc: Michael.Hosemiller .-- Mike House City of Carlsbad 'Rod M,i'leG' ,', : ’ .’ ;, :. ‘,, .; ;’ .,.,” ., :.; ., ,_ ‘... .: .: ;-:,::.. ! ‘,. ( ., : , ..’ ” .li,‘,, :*, _,,, , .’ ,.,‘j.‘;,. ,. ;‘y,, “, ,, ..‘.>‘.,. ., ..’ ‘:, /, . ‘< ,: -,G +f:- . : ,. ,” ‘ .I !!’ ‘. .‘, : ,_,.,. .‘.C,. :: I. I_ .: L, .d .’ I’ i. ,::#I I, i.-$-:+ ,(.,I! +,:. ,. .,, .;.‘;I;’ ;. , :-2, “..., ..,,,.- i>“, ! ‘.I L.,.’ ,‘I ‘.. , <. ,:. ,, ., ,., i : . i _.’ .,:‘. ,:,‘i ,. ,I : ) . ” ” ’ .1’- I . . ,), ,. ,, ,,,, .; ?: j ., .-\” 1: ,,“/‘.~L~,., ‘, : , :,: :: _’ ),,. ‘. ; ‘,,!,j:r’..,, , ,. ,. .:.: :~‘s’E:,!, , : ‘I ,I:,:.., 3’ ,‘.., .,, ‘/ ,,,, .: ,‘~.a+: ;,*,:::. .‘I. ,j ‘. _I: ,j ,.: . . (I .;.’ &;y. li,,r*: _. 1 ;;. ; ‘, : ,? : ‘I : -:,; % I ,.., i, .,,,‘,‘. ” I’ .:I:.\, ,, ,’ ,- ,-,2&F”’ ‘ c RODNl3Y C. MILES, INC. A!CTORNEYS AT LAW IYPRRIALBAvNRBUILDIN6?,10Tn.~OOR OQSTOWN[lENTI3RDRIVR COSTA MESA, CALIFORNIA 92026 - (714) 557.4062 April 16, 1985 Mr. Vincent F. Biondo City Attorney City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 RE: 3376 Garfield, Calsbad Garfield Oceanveiw Condominiums Dear Mr. Biondo: I represent the owners of the above-described property regarding the development of same and with regret am compelled to write this letter. The enclosed "Flow Chart" prepared by the architect and submitted to Ed Ruiz and Mike House during the meeting with them on Febraury 21, 1985 accurately reflects events to that date. During such February 21, 1985 meeting, it was again represented to us that the submittals were acceptable and approved by planning. Recently the architect inquired as to when formal approvals regarding the submission would be forthcoming and was told by a Ms. Landers that the sub- mission would be rejected by planning unless substanial and costly revisions were made as specified by her. The owners and the architect have, throughout the duration, relied to their detriment on the representations made by planning representatives (Ruiz and House) as to the acceptability of the proposed project as submitted. For the City of Carlsbad, through its representatives, Ms. Landers, to require such'revisions at this late date is in bad faith and without regard to the owners' legal right to rely on such representations made by city representatives. The owners do not condone such tactics, as they hope you do not, and will institute damage relief proceedings should the City not adhere to that which was represented to the owners. Veryely yours, RCM:gm cc: Mike House February 21, 19S5 '1;' 1 OW Z h a r L 0 n 3 3 7 6 C a r C i c 1 ci S t . ., !I ;: r 1 s !! :1 d , C :.I l. i E 0 r !I j. ;I October 22, 1984 0 r i c~ i n 8 1 s c !i e::?n t i r, B I.! b 2 i t t a 1 !: 0 E r! I? u i z . October 29, 1934 iJIlone conversation - subI:littnl requires revision, II c w Il. 2 y 0 1.1 t r c q II ir e d . October 31, 1984 dnt.7 revised .I .4 ., s u h ::; i t t (1 I v i t h c 0 v e r 1. 2 t t e r to y, (J ? u :i. r: . J30 v emb e r 5 , 1 9 Ij4 3hone conversation with Ed Ruin - s u b xi t t a 1 1 o ok s c’i< . Flnnning meeting confirmed it. January 18, 1985 Submittal !:o :?lanning Depsrtment. January 27, 1985 10:05 A.!!. Ed 1: II i z . ?roblems with trash enclosure, etc. January 31, 1985 2:45 ?,X. Other problems - parking, etc. . Checked with his supervisor on our solutions. February I,,,1985 Revised plan .,,. ” ,,I .; * ,- , .,;, .; : -. .,, ., .,.I\ , ‘., ‘. I’. .:’ ‘.’ ,’ ,. ,: . ; cl 1” 0 p Ed R :t e r c pcd off to Ed Ruin LI. j ' uiz and Flike ancelled, ,.; ., u iz :: ,.",:,"' ,' :,,;;: ,.:, .! . ., ,',~\,,~‘,."".'.., :: :, ...:. ~:', ,,,' ..' :. I'.' ',,.". ,,',' ;::,: 1' .,: '., -.:,, :, .., 1 ;.. .) .: " '+ ..,:“. ,’ ‘. . ., .: . I ..; PENlIE Dz:SIG:I rJii()u: 1 1 2 3 ,c TjZSICII / FX;:i’Z[,I:!Pi-i:<!<‘r 5 0 r r ‘1 11 t 0 V ;a 1. 1 e y X 0 :I (1 , S 11 i t’t: ’ “: ” ., 1 !J’J , SSl II ; i i e y; 0 , C: .A g2121 h 5 7 _ (‘; t; L 3 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 Office of the City Clerk TELEPHONE: (714) 438-5535 4Citp of Carls’bab May 30, 1985 Mr. Rodney C. Miles 29571 Seahorse Cove Laguna Niguel; CA 92677 Re: Appeal of CP-310/MS-684 The appeal of the above referenced project has been rescheduled to the Carlsbad City Council meeting of June 11, 1985. The agenda for the meeting will be available on the Friday before the meeting, June 7, 1985, after 3:00 P.M. in the City Clerk's Office. a’ eputy City Clerk 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 Office of the City Clerk TELEPHONE: (714) 438-5535 4Citp of Carls’bab May 7, 1985 Mr. Rodney C. Miles 29571 Seahorse Cove Laguna Niguel, CA 92677 Re: Appeal of CP-31O/MS-684 Your appeal of the above referenced tentative tract map and condominium permit has been scheduled for the Carlsbad City Council Meeting of June 4, 1985. The agenda for the meeting will be available on the Friday before the meeting, May 31, 1985, after 3:00 P.M. in the City Clerk's Office, 1200 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad. INTERDEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM DATE: April 24, 1985 TO: Engineering Department FROM: Land use Planning Office SUBJECT: CP-310/MS-684 The City has completed a review of the application for a three- unit condominium development located 3376 Garfield. It is the Land Use Planning Manager's determination that the project is not consistent with the City's condominium regulations (Chapter 21.45) and with all other applicable City ordinances and policies. This memo, including the listed findings constitutes denial of CP-310. Findings 1. The project is not consistent with the intent and purpose of Chapter 21.45 (Planned Development Ordinance) of the City's Zoning Code which require that planned development be compatible with surrounding developments. 2. Due to the height of the three-story, 34' high structure, the project is neither compatible nor well-integrated with buildings in the surrounding neighborhood. 3. The project does not meet the guidelines of the General Plan because it does not preserve the neighborhood atmosphere and identity of the existing residential area. Public opinion voiced grave concerns and opposition to a similar project in the near vicinity. AML:bn --_. ~__ ._ _.-.. . ---cI --,--. .-.-.*_. . -_ .._-_ r . -_. _ T _-. 1 1 I_ _./_C_.. -. . . ._ _ ._ : I .l- .-. --. ._ ____“_ . .._ - .--. r- ___-_ CITY OF CARLSBAD 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALlFOkNlA 92068 4386821 r-7 REC’D FROM DATE’ +/1. 8- ACCOUNT NO. DESCRIPTION AMOUNT uJ++- --t-s n‘ & qsbl? 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 Office of the City Clerk TELEPHONE: (714) 438-5535 May 3, 1985 Mr. Rodney C. Miles 29571 Seahorse Cove Laguna Niguel, CA 92677 Re: CP-310/MS-684 Enclosed is your receipt for the $175.00 fee for processing an appeal to the City Council. I sincerely apologize for the confusion surrounding your attempts to file your appeal. Normally, decisions of the Land Use Planning staff would be appealed to the Planning Commission. However, a map is being processed in conjunction with the Condominium Permit, and the Municipal Code specifies that appeals concerning maps go straight to the City Council. Therefore, the appeal to the City Council is appropriate. Once again; my apology for the confusion. We will notify you when your item will be on the City Council agenda. LEE RAUTENKRANZ City Clerk LR:kk Enc. . . RODNEY C. MILES, INC. ATI’ORIVEYS AT LAW IMPERIALBA,NRBUILDIN~,lOTHFI.~R 695 TOWN CENTER DRIVE COSTA MESA, CALIFORNIA 92626 - (714) 557.4060 May 13, 1985 Lee Rautenkranz City Clerk City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008-1989 RE: CP-310/MS-684 3376 Garfield 3 Condominiums Dear Ms. Rautenkranz: Please include this letter with the application file and disseminate it to the City Council so that they have an opportunity to review it prior to the hearing date. The project is compatible and well integrated with surrounding developments. Two lots (55 feet) to the north of the subject property (3340/42 Garfield) is a 34 feet high structure. The lot to north of the subject property has a structure on it that is approximately 28 feet in height. At 166-178 Walnut there are 34 feet high structures. At 307 Chestnut there are 34 feet structures. Thus, the finding by the Land Use Planning Office that the proposed structure is "neither compatible nor wellzintegrated with buildings in the surrounding neighborhood is a misstatement of fact. The Land Use Planning Office states, in its findings, that the subject project "does not meet the guidelines of the General Plan because it does not preserve the neighborhood atmosphere and identity of the existing residential area." The area surrounding the subject property is primarily a non- owner occupied rental area with very old structures. The subject project would only improve and upgrade the atmos- phere and identity of the existing area. Obviously, the City had previously determined that the nejcghborhood atmosphere and identity justified R-3 zoning and structures no taller than 35 feet or such would not be the law on its books now and the projects mentioned in the second paragraph of this letter would not have been tolerable nor passed. Lee Rautenkranz May 13, 1985 Page Two To perpetuate the existing neighborhood atmosphere and identity, if that is what is being done by denying this project (which I do not concur in) is only to perpetuate the existence of older, less attractive structures and slow the growth and beautification of the subject area. Very truly yours, KrjPNEY C. MILES 1 )", ! i.. CY-p-" CF. tiy: Rodney Cf RCM:gm Carlsbad Journal Decreed a Legal Newspaper by the Superior Court of San Diego County 3 138 ROOSEVELT ST. . P.O. BOX 248 0 CARLSBAD, CA 92008. 729-2345 Proof of Publication STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ss COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of the county aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen years, and not a party to or interested in the above entitled matter. I am principal clerk of the printer of the Carlsbad Journal a newspaper of general circulation, published twice weekly in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, and which newspaper is published for the dissemination of local news and intelligence of a general character, and which newspaper at all times herein mentioned had and still has a bona fide subscription list of paying subscribers, and which newspaper has been established and published at regular intervals in the said City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State - NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Iy described as: The= southwesterlv half of Tract APPEAL CP-31olMs-684 217 of Thum Lands: Map No. 1681. exce-t the nnrthwnsterlv MI% feet and NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Pitv Cnunril ofthe Citv of CarIs- fIf$ bat r. _..- ..___.... _...~~. excepting the southeasterly feet. -__~ -_- .._. .~ . __i will hold a public hearing at the City Council Chambers. 120@ n Avenue, Carlsbad, California, 6:OO P.M. on Tuesday, June 11. nneal of the ae you challenge the approval of the condominium permit or minor subdivision in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in this notice. or in written correspond- ence delivered to the City of Carl% bad at or pri.or to the public hearing. Appellant: Rodney C. Miles *‘I CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL of California, for a period exceeding one year next preceding the date of publication of the notice hereinafter referred to; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in each regular and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any supplement thereof on the following dates, to-wit: Elr at ~..~ 1~355. to consider an a,,--- Citv Rneineer’s denial of a thr unit condominium pkject and minor subdivision on property: generally loca+ed n . e east side of j Garfield Str reen Walnut and Chestnut. f particular,, I fCV,?J ,. ./6<!‘.V -’ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 85 . . . . June 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...*.... 19.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19.... I certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed at Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California on the 1st day of 1gR5 Clerk of the Printer 3TICE OF PUBLIC HEARING APPEAL CP-310/MS-684 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Carlsbad will hold a public hearing at the City Council Chambers, 1200 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad, California, at 6:00 P.M., on Tuesday, June 11, 1985, to consider an appeal of the City Engineer's denial of a three unit condominium project and minor subdivision on property generally located on the east side of Garfield Street, between Walnut and Chestnut, and more particularly described as: The southwesterly half of Tract 217 of Thum Lands, Map No. 1681, except the northwesterly 66 2/3 feet and excepting the southeasterly 66 2/3 feet. If you challenge the denial of the condomium project or minor subdivision in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in this notice, or in written correspondence delivered to the City of Carlsbad at or prior to the public hearing. APPELLANT: Rodney C. Miles PUBLISH: June 1, 1985 CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL tOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING APPEAL CP-310/MS-684 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Carlsbad will hold a public hearing at the City Council Chambers, 1200 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad, California, at 6:00 P.M., on Tuesday, June 11, 1985, to consider an appeal of the City Engineer's denial of a three unit condominium project and minor subdivision on property generally located on the east side of Garfield Street, between Walnut and Chestnut, and more particularly described as: The southwesterly half of Tract 217 of Thum Lands, Map No. 1681, except the northwesterly 66 2/3 feet and excepting the southeasterly 66 2/3 feet. If you challenge the denial of the condomium project or minor subdivision in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in this notice, or in written correspondence delivered to the City of Carlsbad at or prior to the public hearing. APPELLANT: Rodney C. Miles PUBLISH: June 1, 1985 CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL TCT 223 ,,‘;;’ :.v’ TCT 22 I ;; . . ,. ,‘r a -1 2-g ; ; -G ,ib 1a 5 : ‘5 o- 0 ’ l 0 l . .‘ ..- 1, , . ,. ( 2 k ‘j a: I ,W 8s ‘I: : : ,Y 6 , 6: ; 1, k 3 ‘- 2 J I . ‘3 lo/l - j A_ Owners: Davis B. & Sheila A. Reiser-Okun c/oRodney C. Elilas 695 Town Center Drive Costa Plesa,CA 92626 MS -c&q cp -310 Jhl5830 . - 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CA 92008-1989 Office of fhe City Engineer 4Citp of tLarIrJbai3 January 29, 1985 TELEPHONE (619) 438.5541 NOTICE OF FILING OF TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP MINOR SUBDIVISION NUMBER 684 Notice is hereby given that a Tentative Parcel Map has been filed on property generally located on the east side of Garfield Street, between Walnut and Chestnut and more particularly described as the southwesterly half of Tract 217 of Thum Lands Map No. 1681, except the northwesterly 66-2/3 feet and excepting the southeasterly 66-2/3 feet. The project involved is described as a three unit condominium project. APPLICANT: DAVID B. OKUN and SHEILA A. REISER-OKUN STATEMENT OF THE MATTER: This project is a minor subdivision (four units or less > , which by subdivision ordinance, does not require a public hearing. A minor subdivision is processed by the City staff and must comply with all applicable codes, regulations, and zoning. Each property owner may request in writing the opportunity to be heard on the Tentative Parcel Map. Such written request must be filed with the City Engineer within fifteen (15) days of this notice. Failure to so file shall be deemed a waiver of your rights with regard to this matter. Your comments and suggestions are appreciated. If you have any questions, please call this office at 438-5541 and we will be glad to help you. RONALD A. BECKMAN City Engineer RAB: lch 30’ EWIUS TCT 223, ,,k’ (zcI TCT 22 1 I- 3 z l- v) w I Ll 80 NO 217 ‘4J “> (2 j‘” -1. 2.6 ; ; [ : @ Us 4 FT i .) I *y 0" c-j ,z I 1 64 44 16, +e a- ad ST v--- 0 I22 ‘9 7 - 1’” 4 ’ 41 I 3. w > Q -ii- I ’ Q 0 L 2 90 LLi $ , J ):c ,r I(1 i - d’, .a- --I- I ‘. I JI - It Ib , .I 4 .@O,, @ g q9 Bo 0 I3 ,5&Y 20 7 8 0 so TW -_-.-_- fl7 5 3 ’ s. 2. ./’ 43 7s I 43 .? IS! j _-I ’ E . ; l- * l- : 5 3 I --- , -; 9 73 -, I I L y+q=y 7 /, .- 1 i - ,*, ‘-A: I ? .’ ;I ‘, Owners: David B. 6 Sheila A. Reiser-Okun c/oRodney C. Miles 695 Town Center Drive Costa Nesa,CA 92626 MS -6E-cf cp -310 JAI 5830 _-. _~ - .._--- .-.. - + --. . 204-234-15 c - 7. L a. 204-150-08,07 - 15. l Ibrrey Pacific Corp. c/o Staue Franklin & Wry lbravec 110 .qtratford Court 155 Chestqut Avenue " * De1 Mar, CA 92014 Carl&ad, CA 92008 1. 204-132-14 Kalnut Lincoln Associates P. 0. Box 8023 Rancho Santa Fe, CA 92G67 7. 204-150-08 16. 204-234-14 Occupant David & Sandra Schlegel 307 Chestnut Avenue Robert & Ed Schlegel Car&bad, CA 92008 - P. 0. Box 4506 Kailua-Kona, 131 96740 2. 204-132-06 Henry N. Jr. & Virginia Tm~~~son 330 Chestnut Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 8. 204-150-07 16. 204-234-14 Occupant occupant 295 Chestnut Avenue 145 Chestnut Avenue Carl&ad, CA 92008 Carlsbad, CA 92008 3. 204-132-07 9. 204-150-02 17. 204-122-09 Niles D.&Martha D. McCarty Clyde J. Dillon Thomas & Barbara Rchertson 2545 Hanson Avenue 219 Chestnut Avenue 2527 Blueridge Street Fbllerton,CA 92631 Carl&ad, CA 92008 Orange, CA 92666 3. 204-132-07 occupant 3360 Lincoln Street Carlsbau, CA 92008 10. 204-150-03 Hazel B. Be&ham P. 0. Box 141 Carlsbaci, CA 92008 17. 204-122-09 @mlpant 142 Chestnut Avenue Carl&ad, CA 92008 4. 204-132-08 Qrolina H. Ward 3364 Lincoln Street Carlsbad, CA 92w8 204-150-03 3416 Garfield Street Carl&ad, CA 92008 18. 204-122-10 Manuel M. Castorena 158 Chestnut Avenue Car&bad, CA 92008 r &id 204-132-09 B. & Karen R. 11. 204-150-01 Carolyn E. Bacot Thomas 19. 204-122-11 P. 0. Box 576 Thcmpson 3410 Garfield Street R. Reedy 164 Chestnut Avenue Carlsmd, CA 92008 Carlsbad, CA 92008 Carl&ad, CA 92008 . iicupant 204-132-09 3364 Lbincoln street Carlsbau, CA 92bO8 ' G&n 1' H. Reedy 204-234-01 3405 Garfield Street Car&bad, CA 92008 Aaron 20. 6 204-122-13 Diane Marty m1lJh StZ.mUsser et d. 2252 Fire kwntain Drive Oceanside, CA 92054 6. 204-150-09 13. 204-234-02 20. 204-122-13 - Arthur bhy c/o bhy Inv.Inc. Bronia G. Hmrond 777 South Pacific Coast Hwy. 3423 Garfield Street occupant Solana 184 Chestnut Avenue beach CA , 92075 Carl&ad, CA 92008 Carlsbad, CA 92008 6. 204-150-09 *cupant 325 Cilestnut Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 14. 204-234-16 Janice E. Kaufman 165 Chestnut Avenue Carl&ad, CA 92008 21. 204-122-12 Gary & Christine Stevens 3385 Garfield Street Carl&ad, CA 92008 -+22 &'23.204-122-14,15 Pa@ 6 1da I% Trejo 3363 Garfield Street - 'Carl&ad, CA 92008 24. 204-122-02 30. 204-121-08 biichael & Denise Milaza AlexKaperna eta1 Charlotte McI:ityre 26511 Calle San Luis 2043 highland Oaks Dr. San Juan Capistrano,CA 52625 Arcadia; CA 91006 24. 204-122-02 30. 204-121-08 CJccupant 165 Sycanore Avenue Occupant 3341 Garfield Street Carl&ad, CA 92uO8 Carlsbad, CA 92008 25. 204-122-03 Otis Kilgore,Nellie 155 Sycamre Avenue Carl&ad, CA 92008 Kilgore 31&32 204-121~09,10 Grace Venis 1543 Santanella Terrace Corona Eel Mar, CA 92625 26. 204-122-04 Percy J 61 Xenia Fisher lS1 Sycamre Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 31. 204-121-09 42. 204-131-07 Occupant Walter A. Sharp 3325 Garfield Street 3375 Lincoln Street Carl&ad, CA 92008 Carlsbad, CA 92008 27. 204-121-05 Elliott & Bertha Henkins 438 Tamaxack Avenue Carl&ad, CA 92008 27. 204-121-05 Q=Jwnt 148 Sycamre Avenue Carl&ad, CA 92008 28. 204-121-06 33. Clarence Jr. & Jean French 204-121-11 #5830 1545 Crest Drive Occupant BRIAN SMITll ENCTM'ERS,TNC. Encinitas, CA 92024 3305 Garfield.Street 2656 Stntc Street Carl&ad, CA 92008 Carl&ad, CA 92008 28. 204-121-06 ant 154 Sycamore Avenue Carl&ad , CA 92008 29. 204-121-07 Jams &GayFbgers P. 0. Box lEl1 Clairmnt, CA 91711 -- 29. 204-121-07 n3lpallt 168 Sycan-ore Avenue Carl&ad, CA 92008 -\ 32. 204-121-10 Occupant 3319 Garfield Street Carl&ad, CA 92008 204-121-11 Zy &RobertaChow Terry Mifsud P. 0. Box 5085 Fullerton, CA 92635 34. 204-121-12 Kenneth&LeLaineStowe Kenneth Kilpatrick 601 Solana Glen Ct. Solana Lkach,CA 92075 35. 204-121-13 Charolette Thatcher R&ertSonneman P. 0. Box 223 Carl&ad, CA 92008 .I -I Lli),J '7 ,;s,slj 204-131-03 l?dxxt & Vivian Sonnerran 52 El Sereno Court San Francisco, CA 94127 204-131-01,02,04 39.204-131-05 Mjrian R.A. Chavez 3360 Garfield Street Carl&ad, CA 92008 41. 204-131-06 Phillip & Theresa Reed 3355 Lincoln Street Carl&ad, CA 92008 43. 204-131-10 Douglas & Bonnie Engberg 3393 A Linmin Street Carlsbad, CA 92008 44. 204-131-09 Thelma L. Sow11 3388 Garfield Street Carl&ad, CA 92008 . ,