HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985-06-25; City Council; 8119-7; Carlsbad Safety and Service Center Project Overview and Budget AnalysisCH OF CARLSBAD - AGEND BILL MTQ 6/25/85 nPPT ENG TITLE: CARLSBAD SAFETY AND SERVICE CENTER PROJECT OVERVIEW AND BUDGET ANALYSIS O O o <_J o 8 RECOMMENDED ACTION: Receive report from staff and the Construction Manager for the Safety Center project. ITEM EXPLANATION; Subsequent to the election in the fall of 1983 in which the Safety Center project was approved for $15.3 million dollars, the City has undertaken the total improvement of the Safety Center site and the construction of the buildings specified in Phase I of the three phases of the project. The initial breakdown of cost to be incurred was as follows: Phase I Millions $ 9.0- Phase II $ 4.6 Phase III $ 1.7 TOTAL $15.3 Partial Site Improvement/Police and Fire Building/Vehicle Maintenance Bull ding including car wash and fuel island. Partial Site Improvement/Yard Office/ Maintenance Shop/ Purchasing Warehouse. Partial Site Improvement/Fire Station/ Fire Training Facilities Completed project. As of April, 1984 contracts were executed for the services of an architect (Ruhnau , McGavin & Ruhnau) and a Construction Manager (Koll Construction Company). Plans were developed and specifi- cations written which were submitted and approved by early spring of 1985. Bids were received and contracts awarded for site improvement in March of 1985. At the present time the site itself is 7555 improved and will undergo initial concrete and fabrication activities in mid- summer. A major portion of the bid packages have been initiated and awarded for the actual construction of the Police/Fire Administration Building and the Vehicle Maintenance facilities. What we wish to present to the City Council this evening is an overview of the project as a whole and an analysis of the budget based on 1985 information and experience. No additional funding is required as a result of this report. Page No. 2 of Agenda Bill No. f) IJ - ^7 FISCAL IMPACT: No change in the project budget of $15,300,000.00, ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT; None. EXHIBITS; 1. Roll Construction Company letter. 2. Staff Report (4-o cuonCOO- a:a u.u. 03ON LA CM <DC. LJCJ ceLJto LJu.<CIO CDto ce<cCJ o4-1 CD i 4->O CDQ. XCD CCO tovx °J LJcr uo CD OE O CDD Q LJ CJZ i— icc O Oo LACM\O ooQ l-LJ LJ CO CJ I-H Q LJ CD O •tIA CMh^•>. CC T-finished grading forand all on-site roads,g utilities and roadsto existing sourcesc.CD I-H -H 4-> I-H TJ CD D Q. 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CO o•H (D ot-l I CD 01c CD Ql C -HO TJ•H i— IJ-> -HCO Dt-i COa_> CO CO•H OC C•H COc cn•a*- < ,- CD ID -H CO (-i CO CO -H S JT U, CD c Co-H 03 CO CDcu i— io o r-t x: co CD CO I* D CO COu. * a.co<D 0)i— i i— io oi a. -H -H TH -H CO -C JZ JT 4JO O CD CD CD -Ha. a. > >• > tno(-1 IQ_ I CD CO CO CO CO•H CO (-1COJI-I-)o T3 CO co•H4-)CO C TD I-H CCOf-l O CM o C CO CO CO CJ> CO C CO •H .C 4_> Q-co COcn oo D1 CO CO<c COLdCO bJUJcc 3J cc UJI—u_< UJ <c CQ KOLL Koll Construction June 25, 1985 Mr. Frank Meshire City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Re: Carlsbad Safety and Service Center KCC Job # 3225 Budget Report Dear Mr. Aleshire: We have passed the half way mark (52%) with contract awards for the Police and Fire Administration Building and Vehicle Maintenance Facility. This Phase "I" work also includes the major sitework development, car wash, fueling island and mechanical building. We thought that it would be appropriate at this time to review the overall budget for the project. There have been several changes made to this initial development to include work originally programmed for later phases. As design work proceeded, it became desirable and necessary in some cases to incorporate additional work into our Phase "I" activities. In order to ascertain the cost impact on the entire construction program, we have reanalyzed the costs of the Phase "I" construction, plus we have completed a Conceptual Estimate of Phase "II". Phase "III" costs have been established by the City staff and seem adequate. Please consider the following approximate cost projections for the Safety Center construction program: Phase "I" (Sitework, Police & Fire Administration Building, & Vehicle Maintenance Facility) $10,300,000.00 Phase "II" (yard office, warehouse, and shops) 3,400,000.00 Mr. Frank Aleshire June 25, 1985 Page Two Phase "III" (central fire station) 1,000,000.00 $14,700,000.00 Contingency 500,000.00 Total $15,200,000.00 We have forwarded under separate cover, our detailed review of Phases "I" and "II". Please let me know if additional information is required at this time. Sincerely, KOLL CONSTaUtTIOVQl&MPANY William D. Smith Senior Project Manager WDS/maf cc: M. Brooks, City of Carlsbad B. Miller, KCC D. Allison, KCC S. Mahoney, KCC File