HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985-06-25; City Council; 8226; ACCEPTANCE OF A PUBLIC ROAD EASEMENT FOR A PORTION OF COLLEGE BOULEVARD AND PUBLIC UTILITY AND STORM DRAIN EASEMENTSr. * CITR~F CARLSBAD - AGENDJ~ILL ":-. . - AB~Z~L~D- TITLE ACCEPTANCE OF A PUBLIC ROAD DEI 6/25/85 MT€L-- UTILITY AND STORM DRAIN EASEMENTS DEPI'. ENG CIT COLLEGE BOULEVARD AND PUBLIC CIT EASEMENT FOR A PORTION OF RECOMMENDED ACTION: - Adopt Resolution No. public road purposes of a portio11 of College Boulevard public utility,and storm drain easements. " f-07 L accepting easements " ITEM EXPLANATION: As a condition of approval of Carlsbad Tract 81-46 (S Landmark) the developer was required to offer for dedic; offsite road easements for College Boulevard from sub.division south to Palomar Airport Road, and public ut. and storm drain easements. FISCAL IMPACT: Requiring dedications as a condition of development will the City expenses in the future right-of-way acquisitions. EXHIBITS: 1 ., Location Map. 2. Grant Deeds. 3. Resolution No, J"7q accep.ting easements for p1 road purposes of a portion of College Boulevard, and p~ utility and storm drain easements. 19 w > 0 CE a. < e .. z 0 4 d 0 z 3 0 0 E - w , 0 ,i r' I LOCATION MAP 1 ~~ I 1. DRAINAGE ESMNT Z,DRA\NA6E ESMhlT. 3. DRA\NA6E ESMhlT: 4 DRAINAGE €SWK 5. SEWE@DRA\W€zE E3"T" 6OFFS\TE Drn\U& E4MtdT. I VICINITY h N.1.E. PROJ. NO. , I. (Signal Landmark) RECORDING REQUESTED BY -1 0 I CITY OF CARLSBAD , AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO r 7 N~~ City of Carlsbad. 1200 Elm Avenue ~ddr.~. Carlsbad, California Strrt 2: L 92008 _1 1 MA11 TAX STATEMENTS TO r Nan. City of Carlsbad ~~ 1 Strrt 1200 Elm Avenue Add'*$* Carlsbad, California I City h s'at. L 92008 _I I I SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S C Corporation Grant Deed TO 1921 CA 11 2.74) THIS FORM FURNISHED BY TICORTITLE INSURERS I A. P.N.- The undersigned grantods) declareL): Documentary transfer tax is $NIT, F-3.. ( ) computed on full value of property conveyed, or ( ) computed on full value less value of liens and encumbrances remaining at time of sale. ( ) Unincorporated area: KCX City of Carlsbad FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, , and the Huntington Beach Company a corporation organized under the laws of the State of California hereby GR, the City of Carlsbad, a municipal corporation, an easement for utiltity purposes/storm drain over, under and across the following described real property in the City of Carlsbad County of San Diego , State of California: See attached Exhibit "A" for legal description attached hereto by this reference made a part hereof. All as shown for convenience sake on Exhibit "B" attached here. by this refereme made a part hereof. l[n Witness Whereof, said corporation has caused its corporate name and seal to be afIixed hereto and th ment to be executed by its G& President Sand 5 thereunto duly authorized. A // T Dated: STATE OF CALIFORNIA /9,%+Zqx " ~ } ss- ".l.. AL ?;&efit: M fl- / 3 .K) ?fs 4 before me, the under- <', " &.? 7 .' d [$I Publi in and for said State. personally appeared BY ./' "B. J, Work , known 4 I Yice President ~ to me to be the Yice, Presluw -, and 1. M. Harter known to me to be \rlcePresldentks&uyof the Corporation that executed the within Instrument. known to me to be the persons who executed the within Instrument on behalf of the Corporation therein named, and acknowledged to me that such Corporation executed the within Instru ment pursuant to its by-laws or a resolution of its board of directors. WITNESS my hand and official seal. My Cumm. Exp. Nov. 25,1988 , ""-" .. . 1 Y' (This area for official notarial seal) I j RIC~PENGINEERING COMPANY I @YERK-E: 3088 PI0 PIC0 DR. - SUITE 202 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 TELEPHONE AREA CODE 714 729-4987 Joe NO. LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR: BY DATE OFFSITE DRAINAGE EASEMENTS C.T. 81-46 -CHK,D. R.B. 8704K 4 /15 r7m NO. 3 .". A parcel of land being a portion of Lot G of Rancho Agua I da, MaD No..823 on file in the Office of the Countv Recorc the Countv of San Diego, State of California, located i Countv of said State, more particularly described as follows Parcel A A strip of land 15.00 feet in width, lying 7.50 feet on eac and parallel with the following described centerline: Commencing at th'e mast Westerly corner of Record of Surv No. 6493 on file in the Office of the County Recorder of Countv, of said State: thence, along the Southwesterly bc line of said Record of Survev Map No.6493 South 47' 28' 18" (South 48" 01' 52" East Der Record of Survey No. 6493) feet to a Doint on the arc of a nontangent 1401.00 foot I curve concave Southeasterly: a radial line to said point North 43' 32' 52" West: thence, leaving said Southwesterlv t arv line Southwesterlv along the arc of said curve thr central angle of 34' 28' 07" a distance of 842.83 feet to a herein described as Point "A-l", a radial line to said bears North 78' 00' 59" West: thence, continuing Southwes alonq the arc of said curve through a central angle of 0" 1 a distance of 8.13 feet: thence. South 11" 39' 04" West, 3 feet to the beginning of a tangent 110.00 foot radius concave Northwesterlv: thence, Southwesterly along the a said curve through a central angle of 11" 56' 19" a dista 22-92 feet to a point of compound curvature of a 47.00 radius curve concave Northwesterly: thence, Sout.hwesterlv the arc of said curve through a central angle of 44" 40' distance of 36.65 feet to a point of compound curvatur 110.00 foot radius curve concave Northerlv; thence, Wes alonq the arc of said curve throuqh a central anqle of 2 56" a distance of 56.06 feet to a point on the Northerlv riq wav of Road Survev 1534 as shown on Record of Survev Map N on file in the Office of the Countv Recorder, of said Count said State, said point also beinq a point of reverse curvat 1550.00 foot Fadius curve concave Southerlv: thence, Wes alonq said Northerly right of wav and the arc of said through a central anqle of Ob 07' 46" a distance of 3.50 f e the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; thence, leaving said Northerlv of wav line North 45" 23' 15" East, 20 .OO feet to the Poi Terminus. The sidelines of said easement shall be shortened or extenc begin on said Northelrv right of way line through the TRUE EXWf*\ T 'A' COMPANY DESCRIPTION TITLE CO. REFERENCE ORIERFIO. DATE FiEVlSlOl BY I I I I I I I. I RIcmNGINEERING COMPANY I iLw C IL CONSULTANTS ENGINEERS 3088 PI0 PIC0 DR. SUITE 202 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 TELEPHONE AREA CODE 714 . 729-4987 JOB io. LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR: ay OFFSITE DRAINAGE EASE3ENTS C.T. 81-46 R.B. DATE 8704K UNIT NO. 3 4/171 CHK'D* d. c kN0. 1 LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR: I BY " 1 DATE I 8704K I UNIT NO. 3 ~~ I CHK'D* d c 4/171 OF BEGINNING and shall end at right angles through the Po: Te-fminus, Parcel "A 1" A strip of land 15 .OO feet in width, lying 7.50 feet on eacl and parallel with the following described centerline: Beginning at the above described point "A-1"; thence, Nor1 16' 46" West, 39.73 feet to the Point of Terminus. The sidelines of said easement shall be shortened or extenc begin on the arc of said 1401.00 foot radius curve throug Point of Beginning and to end at right angles through the of Terminus. I I I 1 6 I COMPANY EXH\*\T +%' TITLE CO. REFERENCE DATE ORDERNO. ~ DESCRIPTION REVISION ay i' I I I I I I ., W 0 8 / / I Ft.0.S ‘j 4 9 3 PR0POS~D RANCJ-J 0 AGUA r1cDlOblD. Ir‘ hflW 823 d I 9-r G I NO SCALE LEZAIL “By NO rnC€ I EXCI\BIT % 0’ P1 AT Ti9 PLIMTRAE [€GAL Uf~~~~/OoNOF 620 FRIARS ROAD SAN DIEG( OFfSIE Dfl#rVAG€ US€“ fOIQP8UFVS’€D C. I: 8f -46 AN DIEG0-(714) 291-0707 088 PI0 PIC0 DRIVt,SUlTE 2 A.92008 CARLSBAD-(7 14) 7 65 So. RANCHO SANTA FE RO, e RECORDING REQUESTED BY c AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO r NAML City of Carlsbad -7 ADDRESS 1200 Elm Avenue CITY & sTATE~ Carlsbad, CA 92008 i 1 r MAIL rAx STATEMENTS TO SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S L NAME Ci~ty of Carlsbad ADDREss 1200 Elm Avenue CITY & STATEL- Carlsbad, CA 92008 _1 T-425 CORPORATION GRANT DEED APN 212- I THE UNDERSIGNED GRANTOR(S) DECLARE(S) N I L DOCUMENTARY TRANSFER TAX is $ [7 computed on full value of property conveyed, or 0 computed on full value less value of liens or encumbrances remaining at time of sale. [7 unincorporated area B city of Carl sbad & k8 FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, Huntington Beach Company a corporation organized under the laws of the State of c a 1 i f o p ,, i a herebYGRANTSto City of Carlsbad, a Wunicipal Corporation a drain; easement over, under and across the following described real property in the C i ty 0 f C a rl S b a d Countyof San Diego , State of California: See Exhibit "A" for legal description attached here and by this reference incorporated herein. All as shown for convenience sake on attached Exhit: 6- HUNTINGTON BEACH COMPANY A Dated June 17, 1985 B&,;/z< ///,,/" /. I 1 STATE OF CALIFORNIA I 1 ss. COUNTY SF Orzqe 1 ,/Vice President / sy , ' * ,:" A. . I " . ,, ' ,cfi-;L(, j ' Vice President 0- 17, 7985 before me, the under- signed, a Notary Public in and for said State, personally appeared known to me to be the Vice President, an- J, M. KartPr ---, know3 to me to be FOR NOTARY SEAL OR S Vice PreSS8x@ of the corporation that executed the within Instrument, known to me to be the persons who executed the within Instrument on behalf of the corporation therein named, and acknowledged to me that such corporztion executed Notary Publk-Ce the within instrument pursuant to its by-laws or resoliltion of its ORANGE Cot My Camrn. Exp. NOI R. J. Work __ t - . . - . . - rvnm-tol Yrn"bV I-mGSa .I * RICPENGINEERING COMPANY I @ ING lVlL CONSULTANTS ENGINEERS .I 1 3088 PI0 PIC0 DR. SUITE 202 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 TELEPHONE AREA CODE 714 729-4987 JOE NO. DATE BY LEGALOESCRIPTION FOR: 8704K RQ OFFSITE DRAINAGE EASEMENT C.T. 81-46 UNIT NO. 3 4/9/ cHK'u*".T. A parcel of land being a portion of Lot G of Rancho Agua : da, Map 82-3 on file in the Office of the County Recorder County of San Dieqo, State of California, located in said of said State, more particularly described as follows: I Parcel A A strip of land 15 .OO feet in width, lying 7.50 feet on ea1 and parallel with the following described centerline: COMMENCING at the most Westerly corner of Record of Sur? No. 6493 on file in the Office of the County Recorder o County,of said State; thence, along the Southwesterly bl line of said Record of Survey Map No. 6493 South 47'28'18- (South 48'01'52" East per Rec rd of Survey No, 6493) 2296. to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; thence, leaving said Sout erly boundary line South 22°53'021' East 196.79' feet to herein described as Point "A1" said point also being the of Terminus. The sidelines of said easement shall be extended or short begin in said Southwesterly boundary line of Record of Surv No. 6493 and to end at right angles through the Point of nus , Parcel A1 A strip of land 30.00 feet in width, lying 15.00 feet l side and parallel with the following described centerline: BEGINNING at the above described Point "Al" ; thence 22'53'02" East 35.00 feet to the Point of Terminus. The sidelines of said easement shall begin at right through the Point of Beginning and end at right angles t the Point of Terminus. 4" EXHIBIT "A" COMPANY DESCRIPTION TITLE to. REFERENCE DATE ORDER No. REVIS 8Y h I I I I - w 0 ~ PO2 ~~ ~~~ / / / - VICINITY 1 ' M Mi€ PFKP02,LD -rl c,% 91- -46 IJN I-r 1\10. 3 c R.O.S. 5714 d 1 o-r G E XH I BIT "B" L RICK ENGINEERING PlAf 70 IUUNRATii l€GW O€SW,?flON OF fORf~fOSti5' Cb df-46 OFfSlT€DflAIIyAGE EASfM€Y7 8620 FRIARS ROAD SAN DIEOC UNlTIYo. 3 *LANNERS-CIVIL ENGINEERS-L SAM DlEG0-(714) 291-0701 3088 PI0 PIC0 DRIVE,SUlTE 2( CA.92008 CARLSBAO-(714) 7 3'6s So. RANCHO SANTA FC ROA CA.82069 ' SCALE : /"-@ I DATE : 4-/9-84 . RECORDING REQUESTED BY- ;, CITY OF CARLSBAD e AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO I r 1 Nom City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue urns Carlsbad, California Stroot :2: L 92008 J &AIL TAX STATWSNTS TO r 1 NOM City of Carlsbad s,,w, 1200 Elm Avenue Urns Carlsbad, California city L stor L 92008 _I SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S Corporation Grant Deed CAT. NO. NN00578 TO 1921 CA (2-83) THIS FORM FURNISHED BY TlCOR TITLE INSURERS -1z ,2 t ( ) computed on full value of The Huntington Beach Company a corporation organized under the laws of the State of California hereby GI the City of Carlsbad, a municipal corporation, the right-of-wz incidents thereto for a public highway easement over, under a1 across the following described real property in the City of Carlsbad County of San Diego , State of California: See Exhibit "A" for legal description attached hereto and by 1 reference incorporated herein. All as shown for convenience : on attached Exhibit "B". Said public road easement shall include the adjacent slope ri! A 1 In Witness Whereof, said corporation has caused its corporate name and seal to be affixed hereto and 1 ment to be executed by itfVicePresldent - and -. Vim . thereunto duly authorized. Dated / / ,7 STATE OF CAilFORN!e /-- coww OF- CPYL~~P- } ss. appeared 1-13. J. 8Ork dh 6 3, h!. fiarter 7 Vice President personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satis- factory evidence to be rhe person+who executed the within On undersigne&Gb<c .3< in'and ( YyA- for said Scate, , before personally me, the ByB By </' .,' ,: /.e>f?; ,' , ,!n $4'2 i' c roc! $9; instrument as the J ice Presidentsand personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evldence to be the person who executed rhe within Instrument as rhe Secretary of the Corporation that executed the within instrument and acknowledged to me that such corporation executed the within instrument pursuant to its by-laws or a resolurion of its My Comrn. Exp. Nov. 25.1 board of directors. ' ,- , . - - " - ,z ,_" , . ../=.== "X I WITNESS rnv hand and official seal I F2A-f- C', L-S' A/" (This area for official notarial seal) I I T:.1- n-A-- 41. C"".. . " 1 ,\" v, . .." ~ ~. ~" .[ - RIC~~NGINEERING COMPANY I :e VIL ENGINEERS G CONSULTANTS 3088 PI0 PIC0 DR. SUITE 202 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 TELEPHONE AREA CODE 714 ' 729-4987 JOB NO, DATE BY LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR: OFI1'SITE ROAD EASEMENT C.T. 81-46 R.B. 8704K 4/11 c"K""*Jt? UNIT NO. 3 A parcel of land being a portion of Lot G of Rancho Agua HI da, Map 823 on file in the Office of the County Recorder o Countv of San Diego, State of California, located in said ( of said State, more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the most Westerly corner of Record of Survc No. 6493 on file in the Office of the Countv Recorder of Countv, of said State: thence, along the Southwesterlv bo1 line of said Record of Survey Map No. 6493 South 47'28'18" (.South 48"01'52".East per Rec.ord of Survey No. 6493) 379.71 to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING: thence, continuing along Southwesterly boundary line South 47'28'18" East 102.26 fee. point on the arc of a non-tangent 1299.00 foot radius curve cave Southeasterlv: a radial to said point bears North 43': West: thence, leaving said Southwesterly boundary line South erlv along the arc of said curve through a central am 35'06'35" a distance of 796.00 feet; thence, South ll"39'04" 4 3 1.8 9 feet to the beginning of a tangent 25 .OO foot radius concave Noxtheasterly: thence, Southeasterly along the a said curve through a central angle of 9O"OO'OO" a distal 39.27 feet to a point on the Northerly right of wav' of Survev 1534 as shown on Record of Survey Map No. 5715, on f: the Office of the Countv Recorder, of said Countv, of said S thence, along said Norther1.y right of way the following COI North 78"20'56" West (North 78'54'09" West per Record of S No. 5715) 88.87 feet to the beginning of a tangent 1550.01 radius curve concave Southerly: thence, Westerly along the a said curve through a central angle 4"11'08" a distance of : feet to a point of cusp with a 110.00 foot radi.us curve co Northerlv, a radial to said point bears North 7"27'56" thence, leaving said Northerly right of wav. Easterlv alon arc of said curve through a central angle of 29'11'56" a di: of 56.06 feet to a point of compound curvature of a 47.00 radius curve concave Northwesterly: thence, Northeasterly the arc of said curve through a central angle of 44" 40' 110.00 foot,radius curve concave NorthwesterlY: the Northeasterly along the arc of said curve through a central 11"56'19" a distance of 22.92 feet: thence, North.ll"39'04" 390.89 feet to the beginning of a tangent 1401.00 foot : curve concave Southeasterly: thence, Northeasterly along th of said curve through a central angle of 34°48104" a distal 850.96 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. distance of 36.65 feet to a point of compound curvaturt EKH\BIT \A' I COMPANY I DESCRIPTION I REvlsln' T:TLE CO. REFERENCE DATE ORDERNO. m -. ._._ 1 I 1 I I A -. w e + *. , \ / / / nas. 5493 ?- i mtNr OF VlClNl M - I j-lEDlONDA . . -I.. .. ... . I I , DmNL NO rntE I 1 EXH\&\T ‘€5’ RICK ENGINEERING HAT JO/LLUSTrBAP€ l€‘’Al O€SCfl/ff.U Of OfFSOE MA0 WMGV FOR PRO~S€U C.1: 8f -46 UN/INo. 3 PLANNERS-CIVIL ENGINEERS-[ 5620 FRIARS ROAD SAN DlEG SAN DlEf30-(714) 291-0707 3088 PI0 PlCO DRIVE,SUITE 2 365 So..RANCHO SANTA FE RO CA.92008 CARLSBAO-(I 14) 7 CA.92069 1 SCALE. /“=200’ 1 DATE a-/3-84 i . . . . RESOLUTION NO. 8074 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF 1 CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING GRANT DEEDS. 2 3 WHEREAS, Huntington Beach Company has submitted three Grant Oeeds 4 conveying easements to the City of Car&bad for College Boulevard, public 5 utility, and storm drain easements: and WHEREAS, 6 the City Council of the City of Carlsbad has determined it to 7 be in the public interest to accept said Deeds; 8 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of 9 Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 10 2. 11 That the Grant Deeds from Signal Landmark, Inc. conveying easements and storm drain easemknts to the 12 for public road purposes, and public utility, City of Carlsbad and which are on 13 file with the City Clerk and are 14 1 incorporated herein by reference, are accepted. 3. 15 That the City Clerk is authorized to cause the original Deeds to be recorded in 16 the Office of the County Recorder of San Diego County, State of 17 California, with the appropriate Certificates of Acceptance attached. 18 ’ PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad City 19 ,I Council held on the 25th day of June -, 1985 by the following vote, to ‘I 20 1 21 22 23 wit: AYES: Council Wmbers Casler , Lewis, Chick and Pettine NOES: None ABSENT: Council P4srber Kulchin ~-62 4 SL [C /*.A-- ---+---- -- ATTEST: MARY H. ‘CASLER, Mayor (SEAL) 24 ’ 25 26 27 28 I?