HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985-07-02; City Council; 8241; Salary Adjustments Mgmt & Supervisory Personnela 0 e e CC ,w e MTG. 7/2/85 DEPT. PER f cJ/) CIT 8 OF CARLSBAD - AGENO, 6 BILL L/ AB#H I TITLE: DEPT. HOW SALARY ADJUSTMENTS FOR MANAGEXENT AND SUPERVISORY PERSONNEL CITY ~m CITY MGR&~ RECOMMENDED ACTION: The City Council adopt- Resolution No. f//3 approving compen- sation adjustments for management and supervisory employees. ITEf4 EXPLANATION : The City Manager has recommended to the City Council salary adjustments for management and supervisory personnel. It is recommended that management employees receive a 6% across the board salary increase effective retroactively to January 1, 1985. All ranges within the Management Salary Plan will also be adjusted upward by 6%. Supervisory personnel will also receive a 6% salary increase effective July 1, 1985. A new supervisory Salary Plan is established reflecting the appropriate salary increases. FISCAL IMPACT: To fund management salaries from January 1, 1985 through June 30, 1985 = $62,101.00. To fund management and supervisor salaries for FY 1985-86 = $142 , 369. EXHIBITS : Resolution No. f/@ adopting the salaries and appropriate compensation plans for management and supervisory employees. L 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 9 10 11 12 12 14 15 16 17 1E 1s 2c 21 22 2: 24 2: 2E 27 2€ .- RESOLUTION NO. 8103 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA ADOPTING THE MANAGEMENT COMPENSATION PLAN FOR CERTAIN MANAGEMENT PERSONNEL FOR THE 1985-1986 FISCAL YEAR. WHEREAS, the City Council upon recommendation of the City Yanager, has determined to make adjustments in compensation for certain management personnel; and WHEREAS, when the City Council set management compensation study to be completed by December, 1984 with the intention of adjusting management salaries at the beginning of the 1985 Calendar Year as indicated by the study; and WHEREAS, The City Council was unable to make the compensation adjustments because of unavoidable delays in receiving and implementing the management compensation study; and WHEREAS, management compensation has been under consideration, uncertain, and in negotiation since December, 1984; and WHEREAS, the City Council has expressed its intent to make compensation adjustments and to make all or part of those adjustments effective at the start of the 1985 Calendar Year: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad Carlsbad as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the Management Compensation Plan set forth in Exhibit A, attached hereto and made a part thereof, is adopted as the compensation plan for all employees covered by said plan for January 1, 1985 through June 30, 1986, and continuing thereafter, unless repealed or amended. 3. That the Management Compensation Plan shall become effective on January 1, 1985. h 1 2 4 9 1c 11 12 12 14 If 1E 21 2: 24 2f 2t 2: 2E 4. That the Supervisor Compensation Plan set forth in Exhibit B, attached hereto and made a part thereof, is adopted as the compensation plan for all employees covered by said plan for Fiscal Year 19135-1986 and continuing thereafter, unless repealed or amended. 5. That the Supervisor Compensation Plan shall become effective on July 1, 1985. 6. That $204,470.00 hereby be appropriated from the contingency fund to fund identified salary increases. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the 2ity Council on the 2nd day of July , 1985, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Bknhers Casler, Iewis, NOES: None ABSENT: Council Bknher Kulchin chi& and Pettine CLAUDE A. LEWIS, bGpr pr0-m Y ATTEST : &k2%L x! RLLu- ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City CQerk (SEAL) -2- EXHIBIT A MANAGEMENT COMPENSATION PLAN I. INTRODUCTION This attachment constitutes the Management Compensation Plan (MCP). The MCP contains three parts, an intro- duction, a schedule of benefits, and a salary schedule. A. DEFINITIONS 1. Management Employees . Management employees are defined under the provisions of Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 2,48.030 (7) . 2. City Council Appointed Employees. The City Manager and City Attorney are hired by and responsible directly to the City Council. The salaries for these positions shall be set by the City Council. The non-salary compensation provisions of . the MCP shall apply to these positions except as otherwise pro- vided by the City Council. 11. SCHEDULE OF BENEFITS - A. LIFE INSUR9fJCE. All rnanagenent personnel shall receive city paid life insurance in an amount equal to twice their annual salary. In any case where amounts exceed increments of $1,000, the next higher amount of $1,000 shall be the limitation of the amount of individual insurance upon which the city shall make premium payments. B. RETIRiXENT. All management personnel shall participate in the Public Employees' Retirement System on the. same basis as other employee's of their respective departments. C. RETIRENENT CONTRIBUTI.ON. All management employees shall have thkir normal retirement contri5ution up to but not exceedinq 7% to the Public Employees' Retirement System paid by the city; as provided by Government Code Section 20615. D. VACATION. A11 management employees shall earn vacation on a basis equal to that of other employees in their respective department except for management empl-oyees with c-omparable service in local governrent agencies may be granted credit for such servic-2 .for the purpose of computing vacation at the discretion of the City Nanager. accumulate up to and including forty (40) days of vacatioz. The City Manager shall bz responsible for the granting of vacation to all management personnel, except in the case of the Assistant City kttorn?y, where the City Attorney shall be responsible for grantkg vacation. All nanagernent employees shall be permitted to E. EXECUTIVE LEP.'.TZ. All izanagement personnel shall 52 granted executive leavz, eEcpt the positions of police captain and police lieutenant. leave may, at the discretion of the City Manzger, be absent fro? work with pay for a total of seven (7) days during the fiscal year. ,Executive lcavc is granted to management employees in lieu of payment for overtime arid 'to provide flexibility in scheduling ~ work. >ianagenant personnel authorized to receive exec; tive The appropriate amount of executive leave will be credited to each management level employee at the start of the fiscal year and all such leave must be used during that fiscal year and will not accumulate from year to year, For management level employees hired after the start of the fiscal year, an appro- priate amount of leave will be granted on a prorata basis. The City Manager is authorized to pay overtime to any management employee who is requited to work extended hours due to emergencies such as fires, storms, floods, or other emergencies. The position of police lieutenant shall receive overtime at the rate of time and one-half for actual hours worked. F. SICK LEAVE. All management personnel shall be granted sick . leave on a basis equal to that of other employees in their respective department.. . G, SICK LEAVE CONVERSION. Any management employee who has accr.ued and maintains a minimum of one hundred (100) hours of sick leave shall be permitted to convert up to twelve (12) hours of sick leave and uncompensated sick leave to vacation at a ratio of three (3) sick leave days per one (1) day of vacation. The sick leave con- version option will be provided during the first week of each fiscal year: If conversion to vacation is not elected, earned sick leave will be added to the existing total. H. SEPARATION COMPENSATION. All unclassified management employees involuntarily separated from the City service due to budqet cut- backs, layoffs, contracting out of service or for other Geasons not due to misconduct which would justify involuntary separation for cause of a permanent classified employee shall receive thirty (30) working days salary computed at the sa1ary)range of the employee at the time of separation. I. HOLIDAYS. All management employees except for the position of police lieutenant, shall enjoy paid holidays in accordance with the schedule of eleven (11) established by the City Council. The position of police lieutenant shall receive holiday pay at the rate of time and one-half in lieu of receiving holidays off. The lieutenant in charge of the police investigations division shall receive time and one-half for all holidays actually worked. J. MEDICAL, DENTAL AND VISION INSURANCE. The City will share the cost of medical, dental, and vision insurance premiums on the following basis: Class Premium Pays Pays Total City Employee - Employee only 78.50 70.30 8.20 Employee +1 dependent 179.39 145.15 34.24 Employee +2 dependents 277.24 215 . 45 61.79 -2- Any increase or decrease'in premiums for the above coverage will be prorated between the city and employee on the same basis as city and employee costs are.divided in the table- shown on prior page. K. ANNUAL PHYSICAL EXAMINATION. All management employees shall be eligible for reimbursement of up to the amount of two hundred fifty dollars ($250) during each fiscal year to pay the cost of an employee's annual physical examination. Such examination to be accomplished by a physician of the employee's choice. Each employee claiming reimbursement shall be required to authorize the release of a copy of the results of the examination to the City Manager or his designated representative, L, INCOME PROTECTION INSURANCE. All management personnel shall be granted income protection insurance coverage equal to that provided other employees in their respective department. M. DEFERRED COMPENSATION. The city shall provide a deferred compensation plan which may be utilized by any management employee. The-city reserves the right to accept or ;eject any-particular - plan and to impose specific conditions upon the use of any plan. 111. MANAGEMENT SALARY SCHEDULE. The management salary schedule, attached hereto as Exhibit I, shzll establish a salary range for each management position. The city manager shall have authority to determine the- salary for each management employment within the salary range established for each management position. The city manager may delegate to depart- ment heads the authority to set salaries for management personnel under supervision of the department head. Salary adjustments within the salary range may be made at any time. Salary adjus+iments within the salary range shall be based on performance and results. The salary level within the salary range of all management'employees shall be reviewed no less often than annually on the employee's anniversary date. Salary adjustments shall be made at the discretion of the city manager subject to any limitation or controls imposed by the city council. The city attorney shall have authority to determine the salary level of the assistant city attorney within the salary range established for the position. The City Council shall set the salary of the city manager and city attorney. - 3- . 9:04 kM 6-28-85 CITY OF CARLSBAD MANAGEMENT SALARY SCHEDULE EFFECTIUE JANUARY 1. 1985 Annual FROM TO .................. POSITION TITLE ADMINISTRATIVE AIDE ................... 18. 738 22. 296 ADMIN . ASSISTANT I .................... 20. 763 24. 749 ADMIN . ASSISTANT I1 ................... 23. 952 28 .. 6 14 ADMIN . ASSISTANT/CONTRACTS ............ 23 .. 952 28. 614 ADMIN . ASSISTANT II8’ARTS COORDINATOR .. 23. 952 28. 614 ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY ............... 35, 330 50. 481 ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER 35, 330 50. 481 ASSISTANT FINANCE DIRECTOR 25, 516 31. 896 ASSISTANT LIBRARY DIRECTOR ............ 25. 516 31. 896 ASSISTANT PERSONNEL DIRECTOR .......... 25. 516 31. 896 ................ ............ BUILDING & PLANNING DIRECTOR .......... 31.. 558 46. 709 CENTRAL SERVICES DIRECTUR ............. 26. 713 33. 399 CURRENT PLANNING MUNAGER .............. 35. 254 44. 058 CITY ENGINEER 50. 481 COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT MANAGER ....... 27. 878 34.. 839. ......................... 35. 330 EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE SUPT ............ 26. 713 33 .. 398 FINANCE DIRECTOR ...................... 31. 558 46 . 709 FIRE BATTALION CHIEF .................. 32. 693 40 .. 88 1 FIRE CHIEF ............................ 33. 583 49 . 745 EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT ................... 23.. 952 28. 614 HOUSING SPECIALI‘3T I1 ................. 23. 056 29. 972 MGR . OF RESEARCH & ANHLYSIS ........... 32. 049 4u . I153 PkRkS & RECREATION DIRECTOR ........... 31. 558 40 . 709 PARKS SUPERINTENDENT .................. 26. 713 33 . 3YY LIBRARY DIRECTOR ...................... 31. 558 46 . 7139 PERSONNEL DIRECTOR .................... 31. 558 46. 709 POLICE CHIEF .......................... 33.. 384 53. 641 POLICE CAPTAIN ........................ 37. 165 46. 457 POLICE LIEUTENANT ..................... 31, 304 39. 130 PRINCIPAL I: I U IL ENG I NEEF? .............. 32 .. 109 40 .. 176 PRINCIPAL CIVIL ENGINEER . TRAFFIC .... 32.. 109 40 . 176 PRINCIPAL PLANNER ..................... 29 .. 841 37. 294 PURCHASING OFFICER .................... 26. 713 33.. 399 RECREAT I CIN SUPER I NTENDENT ............. 26. 713 33. 399 SENIOR CITIZEN COORDINATOR ............ 23. 952 2 8 .. 6 14 STREET MAINT . SUPERINTENDENT .......... 26. 713 33. 399 UTILITIES MAINTENANCE SUPERINTENDENT .. 26. 713 33. 399 UTILITIES MAINTENANCE MANAGER ......... 31. 558 46. 709 Page 1 Biweeklv TO FROM .............. 72 1 858 799 952 921 1. 101 921 1. 101 921 1. 101 1. 359 1. 942 1. 359 1. 942 981 1. 227 981 1. 227 981 1. 227 1.. 214 1. 796 1.. 027 1. 285 1. 359 1.. 942 1.. 356 1. 6YS 1.. 072 1. 340 1. 027 1. 285 921 1. 101 1. 214 1,. 796 1. 257 1.. 572 1. 292 1. 913 887 1. 153 1. 214 1. 796 1.233 1. 54’1 1 .. 214 1 .. 796 1.. 027 1. 285 1. 214 1. 796 1. 429 1.~87 1 .. 284 2 .. 063 1. 2u4 1. 505 1. 235 1,. 545 1. 235 1. 545 1,. 027 1. 285 921 1,. 101 1.. 148 1. 434 1. 027 1. 285 1. 1127 1 .. 285 1. 214 1. 796 1. I127 1. 285 End of MGTSAL86 -. EXHIBIT B 3:09 PM 6-28-85 RANGE 29 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 38 P38 CITY OF CARLSBAO SUPERVISOR COMPENSATION PLAN Page 1 EFFECTIUE JULY 1, 1985 A B C D E --------- --------- ____----- -________ --------- TI TLE OFF ICE SUPERU I SOR 716.81 748.48 781.20 816.38 353.31 AQUATIC SUPERUISOR 953.31 891.93 932.27 975.20 1,019.82 BUILDING MAINT SUPERVISOR 853.31 891.93 932.27 975.20 1,019.82 ELECTRICAL OP SUPERVISOR 853.31 891.93 932.27 975.20 1,019.82 METER SHOP SUPERVISOR 853.31 891.93 932.27 975.20 1,019.82 PARK SUPERVISOR 853.31 891.93 932.27 975.20 1,019.82 SEWER MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR 853.31 891.93 932.27 975.20 1,019.82 STREET MAINTENANCE SUPERUISOR 853.31 891.93 932.27 975.20 1,019.82 WATER MA I NT SUPERlJ I SOR 853.31 891.93 932.27 975.20 1,019.82 CONSTRUCT!UN SUPERUISUR 872.19 911.66 953.72 997.50 1,043.02 A-U SPECIALIST 880.90 920.78 963.26 1,007.47 1,053.45 End of SUPSHL86