HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985-08-06; City Council; 7059-1; Renewal of insuranceCITlgpF CARLSBAD - AGEND^ILL AB# 7059-//1 MTG/ 8/6/85 DEPT. RM TITLE: ^ RENEWAL OF EXCESS WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE DEPT. HD. /V7~\!FT£LHITY ATTYV'J^) CITY MGR.^tiL. occ.du-QL 2 o oz=>oo RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approve Resolution No. 8081, authorizing renewal of excess Workers' Compensation Insurance in accordance with staff recommendations at a deposit premium of" ITEM- EXPLANATION Current excess Workers' Compensation Insurance for the City expires 3uly 1, 1985. Presently the City purchases excess insurance with a self- insured retention (SIR) 'of $100,000 through General Reinsurance Corporation and Royal Globe Insurance Company at an annual premium of $9,500. Renewal of the coverage has been seriously affected by the current insurance market crisis. In a sampling of other California cities, excess Workers' Compensation premium costs have risen from 90 to 250 percent and self -insured retention levels have increased dramatically. Six companies were contacted by the City's broker and quotations were submitted by four companies (see Exhibit A). No companies would offer insurance with a $100,000 SIR. ""The lowest SIR offered was $125,000, and the most competitive quotation was from Employers Reinsurance, Corporation. This company carries the highest .Best' s rating of A+:XV and is admitted in California. A summary of Employer's Reinsurance quotations is presented below. -Self-Insured, Retention $125,000 $250,000 Rate per $100 of Payroll .2207 .1425 - Deposit Premium $18,944 $12,232 For a premium differential-of $6,712, renewal is recommended at the $125,000 retention level. The specimen policy has been reviewed and approved by the City's Risk' Management Consultant and by the City Attorney. FISCAL IMPACT • ' - , • This renewal, will involve an increase of $9,444 over the expiring policy. Funds are available in the Workers' Compensation revolving fund to pay the deposit -premium of $18,944. The deposit premium is based on an estimate of annual payroll. Jhe final premium will be determined after an,audit at the end1of the policy year based-on the actual payroll. EXHIBIT ' ' - _MLL_UL l_r 11- -^ ,1." Resolution No. 8081 - - 2. - Employers Reinsurance Policy ''3-. Summary of Excess Workers' Compensation Quotes - Exhibit A ".4!. Summary of Excess Workers' Compensation Premiums - Exhibit B 5. Letter from City Broker dated-Duly 9, 1985 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 8081 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING RENEWAL OF THE CITY'S EXCESS WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE WHEREAS, the City has established a self-insurance program for workers' compensation; and WHEREAS, the City's Insurance Broker has received quotes for excess workers' compensation insurance; and WHEREAS, upon evaluation of the quotes for excess insurance, the City desires to renew its insurance. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of Carlsbad, Californa as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the renewal of the City's excess workers' compensation insurance with Employer's Reinsurance Corporation is hereby approved and the Finance Director is authorized to issue a warrant for the premium of said renewal in the amount of $18,944. . 3. That the sum of $6,450 is transferred from Workers' Compensation unappropriated fund balance to the Workers' Compensation Self-Insurance Operating Budget account 70-19-10-2871. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council on the 6th day of August , 1985, the the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Casler, Lewis, Kulchin, and Chick . . NOES: None ' c ii ABSENT: Council Member Pettine5 6- . . . MARY H. CASLER, Mayor 8 ATTEST: 9 10 ALETHA L. RAUTENkR'ANZrCity'ClerkJ 12-11 <SEAL) 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 CTOSPEClffC EXCESS WORKERS' COMPENSA.TTON INDEMNITY AGREEMENT EMPLOYERS REINSURANCE CORPORATION No. C-22455 SCHEDULE .1. • .Insured: •' . . ";;;Qr^?^, 2. Address: 3. Named sta es: California 4. Effective date: 12:01 A.M. standard time at the address of the Insured as stated herein 5. Anniversary date: 8. Premium: f- -^,^r 6. Retention each occujrence: $ 7, Limit: $ $ each occurrence, subject to a limit of each occurrence as respects liability imposed by law for damages (a) Rate: $ [b) Minimum: $ [cj Deposit: $ 9. Payroll reporting and premium adjustment period: Annual 10. Endorsement serial numbers: Endorsement No. 1 - SA-15A(81)a. Endorsement No. 2 - SA-155(81)a Endorsement No. 3 - SA-159 Countersignature Date •C-2120GO) Schedule EMPLOYERS REINSURANCE CORPORA T/Oi ALL STATES ENDORSEMENT , It is agreed that: 1. Subparagraph (b) of Section I of this agreement is Hereby amended to read as follows: (b) the workers'compensation act of a state not named in Item 3 of the Schedule, or 2. The coverage afforded by this agreement by virtue of this endorsement shall not apply to loss with respect to which any entity comprising the Insured has any other insurance in force. 3. As used in this endorsement the word "state" shall mean any state of the United States of America and the District of Columbia. 4. AH.the provisions of this agreement not inconsistent with this endorsement are applicable to the coverage afforded by this agreement by virtue of this endorsement. This endorsement forms a part of the policy to which attached, effective on the inception date of the policy unless otherwise stated herein. (The information below is required only when this endorsement is issued subsequent to preparation of the policy.) Endorsement Effective Policy No. C-22455 Endorsement No. Named Insured • EMPLOYERS REINSURANCE CORPORATION Countersigned. ~ . • Secretary r r - President Authorized Representative . , '• . Endorsement Serial No. SA-154(81)a 2U8A . OCCUPATIONAL DISEASE The last sentence of definition (e) contained in the Definitions section of this agreement is hereby amended to read as follows: As respects occupational disease, the occurrence shall be deemed to take place on the last day of the last exposure, in the employment of the Insured, to condi- tions causing the disease. This endorsement forms a part of the policy to which attached, effective on the inception date of the policy unless otherwise stated herein. (The information bf low is required only when this endorsement is issued subsequent to preparation of the policy.) Endorsement Effective. ' Policy No. C-22455 . Endorsement No. Named Insured . EMPLOYERS REINSURANCE CORPORATION Countersigned. - Secretary . President Authorized Representative • Endorsement Serial No. SA-155(81)a =RC 2178A CLAIM EXPENSES It is agreed that: 1. The definition of loss appearing as subparagraph (f) of the Definitions section of this policy is hereby modified to include claim expenses, pertaining to workers' compensation or employers' liability claims with respect to which no workers' compensation benefits or damages at law become payable. 2. Notwithstanding the words "bodily injury by accident" appearing in the third to the last line ; of Section I of this agreement, the coverage .afforded by this agreement shall also apply to f'^:— expenses penalsic^ 16 ircrkers' <x_pe.-.^srfor. ar employers' iiabUiiy claims arising out of intentional conduct. This endorsement forms a part of the policy to which attached, effective on the inception date of the policy unless otherwise stated herein. (The information below is required only when this endorsement is issued subsequent to preparation of the policy.) Endorsement Effective Named Insured • Policy No. C-22455 Endorsement No. Countersigned. EMPLOYERS REINSURANCE CORPORATION Secretary . President Authorized Representative ERC 117RA Endorsement Serial No. SA-159 SPECIFIC EXCESS WORKERS' COMPENSATION INDEMNITY AGREEMENT _ . EMPLOYED REINSURANCE CORPORATION vi_y • (hereinafter called the Corporation) agrees with the Insured named in the Schedule made a part hereof, in consideration of the pay- ment of the premium and subject to all of the terms of this agreement, as follows: SECTION I. Application of Agreement. This agreement applies to loss sustained by the In- . . • . sured because of liability imposed upon the Insured by: . (a) the wprkers'compensation act of each state named in Item 3 of the Schedule, or (b) the workers'compensation act of a state not named in Item 3 of the Schedule; pro- vided that the word "loss", as used in this subparagraph (b), shall not include an amount of benefits greater than the applicable benefits afforded under the workers' compensation act of the state of the injured employee's normal employment named in the Schedule, or . , (c) law for damages, on account of bodily injury by accident or occupational disease sustained by any employee nor- mally employed by the Insured in a state named in Item 3 of the Schedule, as respects such loss as a result of occurrences taking place at or after the effective date specified in the Schedule. SECTION II. Retention and Indemnity. As respects loss which the Insured sustains as a result : of each occurrence regardless of the number of entities named in Item 1 of the Schedule, the ' ,- Insured shall retain under this Section II loss in the amount of the retention specified in Item 6 of the Schedule and the Corporation hereby agrees to indemnify the Insured against loss in ex- , cess of such retention, subject to the limit specified in Item 7 of the Schedule and the ad- justments, if any, provided in Section III. . ... ' <;.,r. SECTION III. Indemnity and Retention Adjustments. As respects each occurrence for which ^Si; the Insured fails to give the Corporation any notice required by Section VIII within one year of the date the Insured's duty to give such notice first arises, the Insured shall, in addition to the retention specified in Item 6 of the Schedule, retain for its own account a Participation Reten- tion of loss excess of the retention specified in Item 6 of the Schedule, and the limit specified in Item 7 of the Schedule shall be reduced by the amount of the Participation Retention. The Par- ticipation Retention shall be computed as follows: • (a) If the Insured first gives the Corporation such notice more than one year but less than three years after the date the Insured's duty to give such notice first arises, the '.'".'• Participation Retention shall be 15%; (b) If the Insured first gives the Corporation such notice more than three years after the date the Insured's duty to give such notice first arises, the Participation Retention shall be 40%. .• SECTION IV. Self-Insurance. If, as respects any operation, any entity named in Item 1 of the " Schedule: (a) has rejected the workers'compensation act of any of the named states or any part of . such act, or • . , • •: (b) has its status as a duly qualified self-insurer terminated,•.'-.'.. • - loss, for purposes of this agreement, shall not include any amount greater than the entity would • have sustained with respect to the operation if such act had riot been rejected or said status . had not been terminated. • SECTION V. Definitions. Wherever used in this agreement: , (a) the term "workers'compensation act" shall include any separate state occupational I ' i . '. disease act; (b) the term "law for damages" shall not include any workers'compensation act; ' . • ' ' Page 1 EHC-2120G , , . • . • EXCESS WORKERS COMPENSATION QUOTE'S CITY OF CARLSBAD , 7-1-85/86 - EXHIBIT A COMPANY LIMIT SIR RATE - PREMIUM EXPIRING (7,885,189 Payroll) PROPOSED OPTION (8,583,770' Payroll) II III IV VII VIII IX .Gen'l Re/Royal (A+:XV) ' Statutory Safety Mutual (A+:XI). Statutory Non-Admitted 100,000 Flat 9,500 , (equals .096 + 1,900 Flat) 125,000 .213 18,355 (incl.. tax) (incl. tax) ERC' (A+:XV) Gen. Re/ Royal Statutory 125,000 .2207 18,944 Statutory Safety Mutual •* . (A+:XV) • Statutory Non-Admitted 125,000 .249 + 23,550 $2,200 '250,000 . ' .114 9,843 (incl. tax) (incl. tax) Gen. Re/ Royal (A+:XV) ERC (A+-..XV)' Safety Mutual . Gen. Re Safety Mutual (A+:XV) 250,000 .1168+ 12,200 . • $2,200 Flat Statutory Statutory 250,000 .1425 12,232 5,000,000 5,000,000 5,000,000 125,000 .180 15,518 (incl. tax) (incl. tax) 125,000 . .225 19,350 Non-Admitted Gen. Re (A+:XV) 5,000,000 250,000 .081 7,005 ' (incl. tax) (incl. tax) 250,000 . .093 8,000 XI ERC (A+:XV)5,000,000 250,000 .1165 10,000 NOTE: 1) No carrier would quote below a $125,000 SIR. 2) Flat policy is no longer available. 3) Safety Mutual is a non-admitted insurance company. 6-12/100r- . • . '.."'' Exhibit B ^ ' - SUMMARY OF -« ' - WORKERS'_ COMPENSATION EXCESS -^ [ :__ '. ." INSURANCE PREMIUMS- "-.-'- . ' . > .YEAR - SELF-INSURED RETENTION ' " COST 1980-81 ..... " $100,000 ,-..'. -- $25,740' 1981-82 -... 100,000 __ 21,089 1982-83 - - 100,000 - ,19,273 1983-8if - - 100,000 " "~ • ' '- ' 8,-500 198^-85 " - "" _'. 100,000. " '-."".' -9,500 1985-86 -•"-* - 125,000 - •- 1 (c) .the term "bodily injury" shall include death resulting therefrom, but shall not include occupational disease; (d) the term "occupational disease" shall include death resulting therefrom and cumulative injuries; (e) the word "occurrence", as applied to bodily injury, shall mean "accident". Occupa- tional disease sustained by each employee shall be deemed to be a separate occur- rence. As respects occupational disease, the occurrence shall be deemed to take place on the date upon which the employee ceases work as a result of such occupa- tional disease; • (f) as respects each occurrence, the word "loss" shall mean only such amounts as are actually paid by the Insured in payment of benefits under the applicable workers' compensation act in effect at the time the occurrence takes place, or in payment of : amounts imposed upon the Insured by law for damages, in settlement of claims for such benefits or damages, or in satisfaction of awards or judgments for such benefits or damages, and the word "loss" shall include claim expenses related thereto; . (g) the term "claim expenses" shall mean court costs, interest upon awards and judgments, and investigation, adjustment and legal expenses; but the term "claim expenses" shall not include salaries paid to employees of the Insured nor fees paid to the Insured's service company; (h) the word "remuneration" shall mean payroll computed in accordance with the rules set forth in the appropriate manual of Workers' Compensation and Employers' Liability Insurance. „ . " . SECTION VI. Exclusions. This agreement shall not apply: (a) to punitive or exemplary damages assessed against the Insured: (i) on account of bodily injury or occupational disease sustained by any employee; or (ij) because of the conduct of the Insured, or anyone acting for or on behalf of the Insured, in the investigation, trial or settlement of any claim for benefits under the applicable workers' compensation act, or damages at law; or in . : failing to pay or delay in payment of any such benefits or damages; (b) to any fine or penalty imposed upon the Insured on account of violation of any statute or regulation; , (c) under subparagraph (c) of Section I, to liability assumed by the Insured under any contract or agreement, but this exclusion does not apply to a warranty that work performed by or on behalf of the Insured will be done in a workmanlike manner; (d)to loss arising out of any operation with respect to which any entity comprising the Insured has in force full coverage workers' compensation or employers' liability insurance; (e) under subparagraph (b) of Section I, to loss with respect to which any entity com- prising the Insured has any other insurance in force. SECTION VII. Premium. At the beginning of each premium adjustment period specified in the Schedule, the Insured shall pay to the Corporation the deposit premium specified in the Schedule, which deposit premium shall be held for the Insured's account and shall be allowed as a credit against earned premium for such period. The term "fractional premium adjustment period" applies only if this agreement is cancelled effective at a date other than an anniversary date and shall mean that period of time between the beginning of the then current premium adjustment period and the effective date of cancellation:' For each premium adjustment or fractional adjustment period, the Insured shall compute the earned premium by multiplying each $100 of remuneration earned by, all employees during such period by the premium rate stated in the Schedule. Page 2 Within 45 days after the close of each premium adjustment period specified in the Schedule, the Insured shall render to the Corporation a payroll report upon a form satisfactory to the Cor- poration showing the amount of remuneration.earned by employees during such reporting period and showing the entire earned premium computed as above indicated, and the Insured shall therewith pay to the Corporation the excess of the earned premium over the depositpremium previously paid. If the deposit premium exceeds the earned premium, the Corporation shall return the difference to the Insured. . In no event, however, shall the premium due the Corporation for any premium adjustmentperiod be less than the minimum premium specified in the Schedule. The premium due the Cor- poration for any fractional premium adjustment period shall be: (a) either fhe earned premium for such fractional premium adjustment period computed in accordance with the customary short rate table and procedure or the short rate ; portion of the minimum premium stated in the Schedule, whichever is the greater, if such cancellation is by the Insured; (b) either the earned premium for such fractional premium adjustment period or the pro rata portion of the minimum premium stated in ths Schedule, whichever is the greater, if such cancellation is by the Corporation. SECTION VIII. Administration of Claims. The Insured shall be responsible for the investiga- tiori, settlement, defense and appeal of any claim made, or suit brought, or proceeding in- stituted against the Insured and shall have a duty to give the Corporation notice of: (a) any claim, award, verdict or judgment which exceeds 50% of the retention specified in Item 6 of the Schedule applicable to the occurrence which gives rise to such claim, award, verdict or judgment, and any action, suit or proceeding which might result in such an award, verdict or judgment; (b) the reopening of any claim in which a further award might involve liability of the Cor- poration under this agreement; .. (c) any occurrence involving: • . (i) death; • • •'•••"'. (ii) disability for a period of nine months or more; (iii) spinal cord injury; . (iv) amputation of a major extremity; (v) a permanent total disability as defined in the workers'compensation act of the applicable state named in Item 3 of the Schedule; ' (vi) serious burn injury; . . (vii) brain injury; (d) any occurrence which results in serious injury to two or more employees; as soon as the Insured learns of the same, and shall forward promptly to the Corporation any in- formation which may be requested by the Corporation. The Insured shall not make any voluntary settlement involving loss to the Corporation hereunder without the written consent of the Corporation. The Corporation, at its own election and expense, shall have the right to participate with the In- sured in the settlement, defense or appeal of any claim, suit or proceeding which might involve liability of the Corporation. . SECTION IX. Subrogation and Salvage. The Insured shall prosecute any and all claims the In- sured may have against any person or organization growing out of any occurrence resulting in the payment of loss and all recoveries therefrom shall be applied to reduce the loss to which this agreement applies, after deducting from such recoveries the expenses incurred in effecting such recoveries. If the Corporation shall have sustained loss on account of such occurrence, such net amount of the recovery as does not exceed the Corporation's loss shall be paid to the Corporation. . , . . Page 3 Should the Insured have such a claim against any person or organization which it fails or neglects to enforce within a reasonable time, the Corporation shall be subrogated to such claim and the Insured shall execute any and all papers and documents necessary to vest full right, title and interest in said claim in the Corporation, and the Corporation may prosecute said claim in its own name or in the name of the Insured. The Insured shall cooperate to the fullest extent with the Corporation in the enforcement of any such claim. The net proceeds derived from such claim shall first be used by the Corporation to pay its loss, and any excess shall be paid to the Insured. SECTION X. Inspection and Audit. The books and records of the Insured and the books and records of all agents and representatives of the Insured shall be open to the Corporation and its representatives at all times during usual business hours for inspection of records and audit of payrolls. SECTION XI. Other Insurance. If any other excess insurance, reinsurance or indemnity exists protecting the Insured against loss covered by this agreement, the indemnity afforded by this agreement shall apply in excess of such other excess insurance, reinsurance or indemnity. SECTION XII. Bankruptcy and Insolvency. The Corporation shall not be relieved from the pay- ment of any claims under this agreement because of bankruptcy or insolvency of the Insured or of any entity comprising the Insured. SECTION XIII. Assignment. No assignment of the Insured's interest hereunder shall be binding upon the Corporation without the Corporation's prior written consent. SECTION XIV. Notice or Payment. If more than one entity is named in Item 1 of the Schedule, notices, stipulations and payments to or by the entity first named in Item 1 shall be binding upon all other entities named therein* SECTION XV. Change or Waiver. The terms of this agreement shall not be waived or changed except by endorsement issued to form a part hereof, signed by a duly authorized representative of the,Corporation. SECTION XVI. Cancellation. Either the Insured or the Corporation may cancel this agreement at any time by giving to the other at least 30 days' previous notice by registered mail stating the date upon which cancellation shall become effective. This agreement does not apply to loss as a result of occurrences taking place at or after the effective date of such cancellation. SECTION XVII. Acceptance. By acceptance of this agreement the Insured agrees that each of the persons or organizations named in the Schedule as the Insured is, or upon learning of the necessity therefor will become, qualified to operate with the permission of the proper authorities as a self-insurer under the workers' compensation act of each of the named states that the statements in the application for this excess agreement are the Insured's agreements and representations; that this agreement is issued in reliance upon the truth of such representa- tions; that this agreement embodies all agreements existing between the Insured and the Cor- poration or any of its agents relating to this excess agreement and that full compliance by the Insured with all the terms of this agreement is a condition precedent to the Corporation's lia- bility hereunder. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Corporation has caused the facsimile signatures of its President and Secretary to be affixed hereto and has caused this agreement to be signed on the Schedule by an authorized representative of the Corporation. EMPLOYERS REINSURANCE CORPORATJON President •Page 4 ERC 2120G EMPLOYERS REINSURANCE CORPORATION HANDLING WORKERS' COMPENSATION CLAIMS . Reporting Claims ... . The Administration of Claims Section of the Agreement contemplates that you will notify us as soon as you learn of certain claims or losses. You will want to read this Section carefully since it outlines your duties in connection with the handling and reporting of certain claims. If your policy affords Specific Excess Coverage, you should be aware that there is an additional retention which you must bear if the claims referred to in the Administration of Claims Section are not reported in a timely manner. Claim reports should be subniitted-directly to our Claims Department at the address listed below, Handling Claims ' -. You, the Insured, have the responsibility for the administration of the claims from beginning to a conclusion, "even after the cost has exceeded the retention figure. The Corporation has a right to participate with you in handling the claim, and we should be kept fully informed on potential excess claims by copy of medical reports and ratings, scheduled . hearings, notices and pleadings from the W.C. Commission or courts and subrogation or third party claims, if any. You cannot make any voluntary settlement involving loss to the Corporation without our prior authorization. Billing the Reinsurer . . After, the total cost of a claim exceeds the retention, give us a listing of the amount of compensation, medical and hospitalization expense that has been paid to date. Legal and investigation expense should be listed separately. Thereafter you can give us a listing of additional expenses periodically, and we will promptly send you a check for the excess loss payments you have made above the retention. Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions. We want to offer our comments as to the handling, evaluation, settlement and rehabilitation of claims. We will be glad to go with you to interview the claimant or .attorneys or be of service in any way that we. can. Please refer this letter to the firm or company which may be assisting you in the handling of Workers' Compensation claims. -' • ' • , 5200Metcalf'P.O. Box2991-OverlandPark, KS66201-(91 3)676-5200'Telex437024. ERC 2220 F -••.-- THE CAL-SURANCE GROUP July 9, 1985 Ruth Fletcher Risk Manager . City of Carlsbad • ' 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 RE: Excess Worker's Compensation Renewal: July 1, 1985 Dear Ruth: Enclosed please find insurance binder from Employer's Reinsurance Corporation evidencing renewal of the City's excess Worker's Compensation coverage effective July 1, 1985. A copy of this binder has been forwarded to the State Fund. Per your instructions, coverage is being renewed at statutory limits excess of the City's $125,000 self-insured retention. Also enclosed is our invoice in the amount of $18,944 representing the annual deposit premium for this coverage. This policy is sub- ject to adjustment at the end of the policy term based on an adjustible rate of-.2207 per $100 of Worker's Compensation payroll. Per your request, we have made a comparison of Worker's Compensation premium increases among the various cities we insured. We find the premiums have increased from 90% to 250% with the average being a 100% increase. Also, none of the carriers we contacted, for any of our cities, would provide us with a $100,000 self-insured retention. The minimum self-insured retention quoted was $125,000. Please let us know if you require anything further. In order to finalize cancellation of the prior Worker's Compensation policy #X7056 written through General Reinsurance, we request that the enclosed Policy Release Form be signed and returned to our office. Cal-Surance Associates Inc. Cal-Surance Benefit Plans Inc. Mailing address P.O. Box 3459. Torrance. CA 9O51O 3475 Torrance Blvd., Torrance, CA 9O5O3 (213) 543-166O L.A. (213) 772-3151 Page Two July 9, 1985 Ruth Fletcher The renewal policy is in process of being issued by the insurance , company and will be forwarded to you in about 4 weeks, after being reviewed by our office. If you have any questions regarding this coverage, do not hesitate to contact our office. Best regards, / M. D. Bogen, C.P.C.U., A.R.M. Senior Vice President MDB:1j1 cc: Mr. Frank Mannen Assistant City Manager Don Jack Insurance Consultant