HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985-08-27; City Council; 8305; APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATE OF CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY TO OPERATE A LIMOUSINE IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD'. L 0 W >o (x; LL a Q 2 0 F: 0 a d 0 z 3 0 0 CIT@F CARLSBAQ - AGEND~ILL AB# f3OK TITLE: DEP' 8/27/85 APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATE OF CONVENIENCE MD ClTY MTG. CARLSBAD ; EMBASSY IMT€FN AT IONAL LIMOUSINE CITY FIN DEPT. RECOMMENDED ACTION: NECESSITY TO OPERATE A LIMOUSINE IN THE CITY OF et-, irrrnrv I IILI n I,. iin- Ilt ILL, 71-1 n I, Adopt Resolution No. gjSlf , declaring that the public interest, conven. and necessity require the issuance of a certificate to Embassy Internatic Limousine to operate one limousine in the City of Carlsbad and ordering t Clerk to issue said certificate subject to certain conditions. ITEM EXPLANATION An application has been receiived from Jeffrey R. Wenzel of Embassy International Limousine to operate a limousine service in the City of Cai This application has been reviewed by city staff and is in order. All nc inspections have been made and all fees have been paid. The fares proposed by Embassy International Limousine are as follows: $40.00 per hour* $ 1.50 per mile* * whichever is greater At the present time the City is served by one company. Since there is nc limitation on the number of companies that may serve the City, applicatio accepted and processed upon request. FISCAL IMPACT The approval of an additional has very little fiscal impact on the City. license fees assessed for limousine licenses will only generate $25.00 PC limousine. EXHIBITS Investigation form approved by Police dated August 2, 1985. Copy of permit IjTCP-3369-P issued by Public Utilities Commission of State California, Copy of application filed by Embassy International Limousine. Resolution No. 81 Gq issuing a certificate of convenience and necessit Embassy International Limousine. - - - - - - - _. - - ._ - ___ -- - __. -. - - - - - - - - - --*- -- - -- --- PUBLIC- UfiLIfIEf cown:ssIo-.~- ------- - ----- ___ __ - - - - --_--__ . ___ - __ - - '*- - _. -- E-THE STATE OF- CALIFORNIA__ - -- - __ - __ - PERHIT 40 OPERATE AS A - CHARTER-PARTY CARRIER OF PASSEHGZRS - -_-. - - . __-_ - - - - - - - - . - __ - File Ho. TC? ''''-'-- - - - .___ -- - - __ - - - --. - .- - -_ . -- __ - -_ -_ - ._ . - . - 5 EF F-WEN z EL-- - Same of Carrier D.B.A. E MB A S S Y. I PC TE RN AT I ON P, L 7222 Daffodil PI. Carlsbad San Diego 92008 Number Street Clty County tip Code -___ .___________ Yh e - a bov e- n am e d-Carr i et,- h B v Ing-m ad e-us i tt erca p p 1: cat zca-t 3 --___ the Public Utilltles Coslmfssion of the State of California for a - .- pe-mlt to- operate- as a CHqRTER,PARTY-_CaRRIER_OF PASSENGERS ,.-- - - - - granted this permit authorlzrng the transportatran of passengers by motor vehicle over the public nlghvays of the State of Califorr.ra as_a_CHARTER-PkE?Y CARRIER OF PASSENGERS, as defined in said Cooe, subject to the folloiiing conditi5ns: .- (1) Ho vehicle or- vehicles shall he operated by said Carrier unless adequately covered by a public liaoility and property daffikge - - -_- ___ pursuant-toSections 5351-5439-Of-tn9 Public Utilities Code, 1s __ _-- policy-or- corporate'surety nd as reqtifred by Section - ----- __ - .- - _ - .__ . -. - - - - - - - __ _-_ - - - __ ___ . __. - - -_ __ ___ - - - __ _._ __. - (2) Said Carrier shall co;aply ulth all Commission orders, decisions, rules, directions and require5en=sgoverning the operations of sal0 Carrier including General Order Series 38 and Relabursement Fee required by PU Code Section 403 when notLfied ~j mall to do so. . 115 and shall-remit to the-Comnission the Transportation (3) All vehicles operated under this perIc2tted authority shall coxply with the requirements of the Hctor Carrier Safety Section of the California Eighaiay Patrol. KO vehicle shall be operated by said Carrier unless it is named in the Carrier's msst recent appllcation for authority on file with this Comz~ission. Written affiendments to the application vehicle lisring may oe filea - at- any tine prior to expiration. of-this authority and said- vehzcles aayae-operated-at- any time- folloding 20-days after the Gate of sa:d filing, unless otherwise aclvised Dy the Comizission. - -_ (U) This perrcit is subject to amend?ler,t or codification ty the Co;-.zissiorl and is subject t5 susper.sizn or revaca:ioz as provided in tne Cooe. -- - __ - - - - - _- - (5)-Tliis-perrnit may-not- be sold, assigned; lease5 I. 3~- otherwise transferred or encumbered. - - -- ( 6 ) Spec i a1 con d 1 t ions : SMZS XaX~stiX ss aX >wxrr;,w~ L .x%xziy c;-i-T--. - -__ n 5?Fi (-h~ - -___~ _____ - - - ______ _______ ____ issued Dursuant to P c7 CQdo , - i-~ (Special conditions do not apply on vehicles unoer 75-passenkors seating capacity and under 25 feet in length.) OPERATIOKS ON iHE PROPERTY OF OR INTO AHY AIRPORT UNLESS Ah'Y SVCH OPERATION IS RUTdOhIZED BY TiiE AI3PORT AUTHORITY IHYOLYLD. (7) TiiIS PERHiT DOES NOi AUT3ORIZE THE HOLDER TO COPDVCT k!;Y .. -------- ---- ---- ---- ----- - - --- - ______ - - - __ ____ (8) This pttrmlt does not authorize round-trip sightseeins- tour service. __ (9) The use of top lights and/or taxi Deters in all vehicles - -operated under this-peruitted authority is prohiblted (D.L(Z-GS-- - . - - - - - - - - 069): -- . .-. . __ (10) This peruit shall be effective Ju1y 22f lgB5 and- renewed on- an annual- basis- upon- sabzissisn- and-approval- of a ------- reneual application. Dated tit San Francisco, California, this 22 day of Ju1y . . . - - - - - - __ 19s PUBLIC UTILITIES 3F THE STATE OF ChLIFOFiHlk - (SEAL) VlCiOR SEISSSR, Cirect,or Transportation Division BY fE 593-2 (January '85). REFERENCES (2 1 ADDRESS CITY 6 STrlTE Alan Yladvig Dr. J,C. Ekes 1006 kisy Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 2371 Bue.m Vista Circle Cknrlskad, CA 92008 _* DkTE PLCE Ch'4KG ---------i E FEX/SEXTENCE - I m t \. CITY OF ARLSBAD APPLICATION FOR BUSINESS LICENSE *.. Firm Name: Embassy Internatioral Limousine Year 1981 Address : 7222 hffodil Place Phone : 438-5301 Mailing Address: City License Type of Bus i ness I L.imousir,e Service Vehicle Stickc Number: N8503[ Classification (A,B,C, or D) D State License Number: lGLh’2 Class : Chzrter- Of Bs: Czrlsbad, CA 92008 Number: Amount of License Fee $ 25.00 ~. Delinquent Penalty of 25% plus 1% per day $ Total Amount: $ Jeffrey - 3. Wenzel declares that he is the ,-esident of the above-named business; and that the information contained is true to the best of his knowled Owner’s Name & Address, if Different: Date: July 23, 1985 (A) No Fixed or Established Place of (B ) Profess i ons : Business in Carlsbad. * WHOLESALERS : (C) Contractors : Basic Fee 1) General Per Person 2) Sub-contractor RETAILERS: Bread and Bakery 3) Sign Painter Catering Service Concrete or Road Dairy and Ice Cre Laundry Linen Servi ce Meat Distributor 80.00 Retail Bottled Water Supply 80.00 Retail Ice Supply 80.00 Rock and Sand 100.00 Transfer or De7 i very Service 20.00 Water Softner Service 100.00 Similar Business Not Specified 40.00 (D) Other: Dry Cleani ng /Hl5&/di Petroleum Products (Home Del. ) 20.00 ADDITIONAL VEHICLES shall pay a tax c: 3/5 of that of the first vehicle, e m .. .. ETBASSY INTERNATI 01QL LIKOUS Ih% 11, PATE sC;aDLTu: - A,) $40.00 per hour * B.) $ 1.50 p- ar nile * -3c C.) jbkiichever is greater 111. KCTO3 VEY1CI.E DESCRIPTION A.) Trade mme: cadillac B. ) Kotor & serial nunber: lG6436990B9170864 C.) State license number: 1GLit237 California D,) Seating capcity: 6 E.) Ssdy style: Se&n I* @ (h c ? 7222 ikffoal I?lace Carlsbad,CB Address Name of Business ~ype of Business T~~o=il?e Service Owner’s Name Jeffrey B. Wenzel Address Ph. No. 7222 affodil Place Czrlsbd, CA I~~SSY Intermtiom2 Lirnouine Remarks Police investigation completed-approved Date * _- .- r-IS-0 ~ /&& L~l‘:o&<-~ ;&cq Name of Business -. Type of Business L~~OJS~~~ Ser%y!~ce - -.-. Owner’s Name J”Zlf.-’P,7 I;, “c:-izt?l @ rn .. -. _c 1200 EL SERVICES CARLSBAD DEVELOP M ENTAL LAND USE PLANNiNG OFFICE (619) August 8, 1985 Jeffrey R. Wenzel 7222 Daffodil Place Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Mr. Wenzel, Please be advised that the limousine service at 7222 Daffodi Place will be approved on a conditional basis. Please reali that you are in a sensitive area for this type of operation that your full cooperation will be required. The following will be posted and monitored throuqh the business office. 1 ) Only one vehicle (limousine) will be allowed for tt business. Any type of expansion will warrant the relocation of this business to a more suitable zon This vehicle must be stored out of view at all tim your garage. this business license will be revoked. Please review the standard home based business conditions shown in Exhibit A. 2) 3) If any type of complaints are reported on this ope 4) If you have any questions regarding these conditions please this office at 438-5686, P\ I' yf I &f -< ..I -_ 9 '\- ,<-A 1- ' i LYNN FITZGERALD Development Processing Services Enclosure LF:bn k 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 81 9 10 RESOLUTION NO. 81 54 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSRAD, CALIFORNIA, DETERMINING THAT TYE PUBLIC INTEREST, CERTIFICATE TO EMBASSY INTERNATIONAL LIMOIJSIM. TO OPERATE ONE LIMOUSINE IU THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND ORDERING THE CITY CLERK TO ISSUE SAID CERTIFICATE SUB3ECT TO CERTAIN CONDITIONS WHEREAS, Embassy International Limousine, in accord with Chapter I - CONVENIENCE, AND NECESSITY REWIRE THE ISSUANCE OF A Municipal Code has applied for a Certificate of Convenience and Meces operate limousine service within the City of Carlsbad; and WHEREAS, pursuant to said chapter a public hearing was held on Au 1985, to determine whether or not the public interest, convenience, a necessity require the issuance of the certificate applied for; and 11 12 l3 14 ' 15 16 17 18 19 ' WHERFAS, at said hearing all persons having interests in the matt heard. NOW, THEREORE, RE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of i I as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the public interest, convenience and necessity require I issuance of the certificate applied for. ~ 3. That said certificate is hereby issued to Embassy Internatic 11 Liqousine, to expire on August 31, 1986, subject to the following tei 1, 20 21 22 23 24 I 1 conditions: ( a) (b) One limousine vehicle is authorized. (c) The schedule of fares to be charged shall be: $40.00 1 The certificate permits service throughout the City of i ~ I $1.50 per mile, whichever is greater. (d) The certificate and the operation of limousine service 26 27 28 Municipal Code. I ! (e) The certificate is issued to cmmence on the date of a this resolution and to expire on August 31, 1986. i ill I I l a I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 @ a (f) Applicant's application f~rm which is on file in the Of1 of the City Clerk, shall be made a part of this certificate, and j incorporated by reference herein. (g) The City shall have the right to inspect all vehicles at ' to insure they are maintained in safe operating condition. (h) Applicant may only use the vehicle listed on his applic; (i) Applicant shall file certification of insurance in the < $100,000/300,000 with the City Clerk Drior to comtnencinq service 1 this certificate. (j) No taxi stands are permitted. 4. That the City Clerk is hereby directed to issue a copy of th 8l 9 lo 11 12 13 14 15 resolution as a certificate in accord with Chapter 5.20 of the Carlsh, ' Municipal Code. 5. That the certificate shall not be issued until the applicant complied with all of the hereinabove terms and conditions. 11 PASSED, APPROVED, AVD ADOPTm at a regular meeting of the Carlsba Council held on the 27tk day of ~~~~~t , 1935, by the followin wit: I-Y -- AYES: Council Members Casler, Lewis, Kulchin, Chick a 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ! *- ---u --.- --_-- --e ----- I MARY H. CASLER, Mayor I li~d&)az-~+ ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Clerk I I! i ATTEST: 7- I (SEZL) I TEIS CE9VIFIG Claremont Village Insurance P$O RiGPBTS UP P.O. Box 1151 Claremont, Ca. 91711 Jeff Wenzel DBA: €mbassy InCerna-L!ona! 7222 Daffodil Place Carlsbad, Ca. 92008 PREMISES/OPEMTIONS EXPLOSION & COLLAPSE HAZARD PRODUCTSKOMPLETED OPERATIONS INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOXS BROAD FORM PROPERTY DAMAGE PERSONAL INJURY ALL OWNFD AUTOS (PRIV ?ASS ) NON-OWNED AUTOS GARAGE LlABlLIlY WORKERS‘ ~O~~~~~~~ffi~~~~ EMPhO%ERS’ 89ABI61TI ac Limousine ID#IG6AB6990B9170864 1984 Cadillac Limousine ID#IG6AM6989E9007409 City of Carlsbad Business Licenses 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, Ca. 92008