HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985-08-27; City Council; 8310; BEACH EROSION COMMITTEE APPOINT SEVEN MEMBERSBEACH EROSION COMMITTEE AB# r3j0 TITLE: 'z\ 4 MTG. -737- 8/ 185 DEPT. C*M* DEPT. CITY P CITY n c 5 -2 % h @.I-' -4 4 5 Xa, uc, 42 h0 au ua h cu s bu 32 k -4 cu OQ ca c -4 0 a Qh -30 -c, q !? 0- rnd sm Ga oc ha, A t-2 ma, oc s aa uu aa, -4 em 0- Qld a -4 d3 a .? -4 Uh e4 ?d oa urn Ln co a 2- hl 2 a 0 5 d 0 z 3 0 0 CITeF CARLSBAD - AGENDeILL RECOMMENDED ACTION: That the City Council appoint a seven member committee and 2 the scope of work for a study of the beach erosion problems Carlsbad coastline. ITEM EXPLANATION: At the City Council meeting of June 18, 1995 the Council agr to establish a seven member committee, advertise for applicz thru July 26th, and allow six months for study of the issue. agenda bill's purpose is to appoint the members of the commi approve the scope of work, and set a due date for the report SCOPE OF WORK: It is suggested that the following scope of work be assignec the beach erosion study committee: 1. To review prior studies, articles, and materials, bot1 local and regional, related to problems of beach eros. 2. To obtain current input from sources such as SANDAG, Scripps Institute of Oceanography, U. S. Corps of Eng relevant to beach erosion. 3. To enumerate, evaluate, and study the beach erosion problems specific to Carlsbad's coastline. 4. To relate and coordinate the lagoon and coastal probl area with reference to erosion, siltation, and enviro mental consideratons. To develop possible solutions or alternatives to miti the aforementioned beach erosion problems and identif possible funding sources for these solutions. To report these findings to the City Council in 6 mon 5. 6. COMMITTEE : It is suggested that the City Council appoint seven members of their choice, to this committee from the applications re EXHIBITS: 1. Resolution No. Ti&? appointing the committee. 2. Applications for the committee. 1 I? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 * * RESOLUTION NO. 8159 A RESOLIJTION OF THE CITY COIJNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSRAD, CALIFORNIA APPOINTING SEVEN MEMBERS TO THE BEACH EROSION COMMITTEE. --I WHEREAS, the issue of beach erosion is of concern to the City Coun City of Carlsbad; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined to create a seven member review committee to study beach erosion and the problems of the Carlst coastline; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that the study is to be ( in six months with a report to Council; NOW, THEREFORE, RE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the following persons are hereby appointed to serve as I the Beach Erosion Study Committee: - BOB JOHNSON 1 mro MONROY JOHN GRAY _I JACK GULSHEN - I SALLY VIGIL STEPHEN JENSEN EDWARD MARTINET 3. That the committee will terminate upon completion of the rep Council in March, 1986. 1 Jff /!I 111 ‘1 h 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 lo 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 l8 * * PASSED, APPROVED PND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Counc City of Carlsbad on the 27th day of Auqust ---’ 1985, by the fo vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Casler, Lewis, Kulchin, Chick and Pettine NOES: None ABSENT: None ~L?-L<7 J &L,& MARY H. CfSLER, Mayor ATTEST: l2.42ZLA- A[LEHA L. RAUTENKRPNZ, City Clerk J (SEAL) I 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ! 1 vy* /.&&id I ‘EL 1 TELEF (714) 4 a ’ lm ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 OlfIcr ot fh8 CltY Clerk Citp of Carldbab * APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT TO B0.m OR COMMISSION Name of Board OT Co1~tlS8iOn: BEACH EROSION Name (Print or Type): Sally Vigil Ad&ess: 2805 Ocean, #D, Carlsbad, CA 92008 Phone: (619)729-2609 Present Occupation: Homemaker & Licensed In- ‘L Business Name and Address: Sally’s Interiors 2805 Ocean, #D, Carlsbad, CA 92008 Bm . Phone 2 (619 ) 729-2609 Resident of Carlsbad: YPC Home Phone: Same as above Registered Voter in Carlsbad: Yes I am familiar with the respon8ibilities assigned to the Board 01 Cornmi88ion oa which I wfrh to serve, If appointed to a Board 0 willing to prrovide 8uch statements a3 may be required, willing to 8pp.u for an interview regatding my qualifications for appointmuat bofore such aonrmittee a8 law be designated by tha City Council or if requerted by individual Council Moxnb.rs. CO~fS8iOn Whfdr i8 #ubjeCt to finMCia disclosure lWS, f MI I am DATE: August 13, 1985 (See revers. 8idd 6/8 II. 1 w w EDUCATION: - L.A. High School - USC - Laverne University (B.A.-History and English) - Rotating interdisciplinary studies covering all liberal arts, startin ecology & including all social sciences at Claremont Graduate School - Chaffee College (Department of Interior Design) EXPERIENCE: I've learned a lot after 17 years-of living on the beach at Carlsbad. I've accepted, helped finance, and suffered sod and bad results from the Longuard tube, sea walls, rocks and other exotic ideas. With the Chamber of Comerce, I've contributed to study and innvoation con- cerning beach problems. I did personnel work with United Airlines in the past and have done much community work since my children left home, so public relations is an interest of mine, especially for community improvement. omsIDE ACTIVITIES: - American Association of University Women - Sister City-Guanajuato, Mexico (past Chairman in Claremont) - San Diego Medical Auxiliary - Casa Ampara (concerning abused children) - Cariedad National (an organization of Mexican and San Diego women joined in an effort for understanding) - St. Michael's Episcopal Church by the Sea - El Camino Golf and Tennis Club - Country Western Dancing Club - Newcomers' Club AODITr*~~ mornmm OR comsI One reason for my concern about beaches involves my residence. This is a concern of the whole community-but I'm more aware than others. - ~~g3-~~CC ). TELEl CARSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 (714) 1 6 ' 7200 ELM AVENUE otitce at the City CIefk Citp of Carlsbab - APPLICATION POR APPOINTMENT TO BOARD OR COMMISSXON Name of Board or Commission: Name (Print or Type) : MA&/@ &. #QN%?Oy Address: 3,4/0 mfld&!?42;> 8dVJ. Phone:f&- 724n Present Occupation: 2T"/*Eb Business Name and Address: 4y& Bus. Phone: Resident of Carlsbad: gome Phone: ,m+24, Registered Voter in Carlsbad: - r%J I am faliar with th8 re8pon8ibilitieS assigned to the Board o Comisrion on which 1 wi8h to serve. If appointed to a Board a Commission which is rubject to financial disclosure laws, I am willing to pxovide such statements as may be required. willing to appau for an Interview regudlng my qualifications for appointment before such oommittea a8 may be designated by the City Council 01: if requested by indivltdual Council MembersI I am DATE: f/6h3- SIGNATURE: (Sea reverse 8idd 6/f - - t W a EDUCATION: Zg PEm&M d5dGd UM/d 0-M GM/F@Rd/& EXPERIENCE: WWJ - &!$!E €X&ENC€ w174 k5vz.2~L55..w~ N&A/4@7EflEm e? GJJ? .t'/ELz)s, aT4- -25-a QFF-* p&.m&& -/- j&&&&E2) #%uA74L3/~ra-=mz -@2= '-7- Us& 1/slw0us~,s~6/~~~~~ rnkWeM& or *a @?%S-/@&s. +g&-& -/- Hf- p&u&4,/6 Ge25&w AWTO 42 lzMAv..Y@fl EPb= -& e&%& w EdY/&#M* &B =&FEW WJ Q&/&$4/6 &x'&'we fo &%k%&&%Mwfl /Ilvcwa[e Me c%s/*ar)G OUTSIDE ACTIVITIES z &@Ea djA5j/r ADD1TfoNAL INmRMATXICON OR c0-S: =x 4-h7i04d zJ My Z&&D ~W&wL &%*-7esd<E -7 //& / e--- - aE+e4 -z?MmA54JTL>/ma &A2&= */#++++&.T w -- -yH- *-?- &r &,a&=- .;pp /&?%e -&e. MY ~~-=?X%v70AJ A =45 &-@7- w &&es./-l, - . w '/ya L.lZe2 -u A- 3 .. 1200 ELM AVENUE TELEI CARISBAD. CALIFORNIA 92008 (714) 4 uiht. ut the City CIwk Citp of QCarIsfiab APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT TO BdARD OR COMMISSfON Name of Board or Commission: &CCh ERoSl'oQ Cornm,d Name (Print or ~ypa): 3Lrf El wlfls OM Address : Phone: 428 - 3 707 Present Occupation: d 733 /l/E/4 c; )q+ h C;r& , &rls6id, PeiZe A Asn&. PJd, 3- Businas8 Name and Address: Bus, Phone: Home Phone: #%- 3707 Registered Voter in Carlsbad: Resident of Carlsbad: /fCS,/GflCP 1 jLeL I am familia= with the responsibilities assigned to the Board o Cornnfarion on whicb I drh to serve, If appointed to a Board a Cornmiasion whidr is rubject to ffnancial disclorurc laws, I am willing to provida ruch statements aa may be required. willing to appear for M intervim regarding my qualifications far appotntxneat b8fore ruch oonmtittee a8 m8y be designated by th8 City Council or if requested by ind4vtdual Council Member% I am P DATE: 7h I ( g c SIGNATURE: p ccaLQ2?, & (See reverse rid.) 6/1 - - I 1 w EDUCATION: - c_scl.L..9. -%7--..SL*Z$' - Y% - * &-.fuAQcuL q--- - "- /dLL d- 3-WF-d - 4bu+ &aBwL - . A 49 ' &auk c hd 33/ y EXPERIENCE : gd& h A & &&;LC* OUTSIDE ACTIVITIES : ADD*TIONAL INPORMATION OR C0-s: k&I.6.y, -3 -. k-A a* ?a JLdV-du p.- / & - =& d-* - c3-2 ' . 7. >--- v e ./< -2 /, LWC L - --,. . -- 1 x FRED 2. HAVENS JR M.D., I Riverside Medical Clinic 3660 Artingtton Ave. lilI)s Riverside, CA 92506 9 RIVERSIDE July 23, 1985 MEDICAL CLINIC Carlsbad City Clerk RIVERSIDE 1200 Elm Avenue 3660 ARLINGTON AVENUE Carlsbad, California 92008 RIVERSIDE CALIFORNIA 92506 Dear Sirs: 71 4-683-6370 I am writing to express interest in the Beach Erosion Ccanittee, the ad-hoc ccamcittee being fonned to make a six mnth study of the problem of beach erosion in Carlsbad. SUNNYMEAD OFFICE 24853 ALESSANDRO BLVD SUN N Y M EAD CALIFORNIA 92388 714-924-1 871 My name is Dr. Red Z. Havens, Jr. My Wife and I have 71 4-657-0671 awned beachfront property at 2747 Ocean Street in Carlsbad since 1966. My present home is in Riverside, California, DE ANZA but we plan to me to Carlsbad upon retirent fran 7900 LIMONITE AVENUE practice. I am a physician in active practice in *e RIVE RSlDE specialty of Internal Medicine. I am a graduate of the University of Minnesota Medical School in 1945. I have had 71 4-685-0785 a continuing interest in, but no special training in, geology, ecology, oceanography and of course as a beachfront property owner, concerned about the problem at hand. Although I live in Riverside, I believe I could attend most metings of the ad-hoc camittee should I be appointed. In any event, I ammost interested in this project and hope to n mre active in regards to this and other city problems as time goes by. Thank you in advance for your consideration. CALIFORNIA 92509 SURGERY CENTER 7160 BROCKTON AVENUE RIVERSIDE CALIFORNIA 92506 71 4-784-0800 yozz Fred Z. €lads, Jr., M.D. EZH:sec w c/b TELE ? 8 I ‘ 1200ELMAVENUE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 9- (714) Office ot the ClW Cluk Citp of CarlSflab - APPLICATION FOR APWINTMENT TO BOARD OR CO&@ZISS~ON Name of Board or ammission: ryach e\r..scq c- 0~4\5~, Name (Print or Type): s c ck55’,q Ph~ne:-~fy 1 5 ryq Present Occupation: rZJ FSLk t&&- Business Name and Address: Cm( c\v L. &?&, /L1c r) Address : as07 - 3 (3 c’c fl1 i? PL? (,Ga 9 I Gm 6muS /Lt L..i- F ~3++ &L+(s.LQ ‘ CG vaw’; v95 Bw. Phone: Y34 7(c!7 Resident of Carlsbad: Home Phone: qqy ’)[$4 Registered Voter in Carlkad: ?@? I am familiaz with the responsibilities assigned to the Board o Comni8sion on which I wirh to serve. If appointcc! to a Board c Commission whfdr is rubject to financial disclosure lawsI I am willing to piovlde such stat-nts as may be required. I am willing to apmu for an intervim regarding my qualifications for appointment bofore such cotmnftteo a8 may be designated by the City Council or if requested by indivLdua1 Council Members, DATE: 7/26 I 1.j-F SIGNATURE: % (See reverse ride) 6/ 1 - - 1 I w w EDUCATION : (34 v%pLJLyy SDSU 9 fan tp'hWfC4 t?/C(rh1 CAS ,bL? $yt- ,MCfV&c%l 5 Clutd AAc;CL,4hCC(. & &(& I r A EXPERIENCE : &EGnieu CM\c e$ -f7cm-lLm&mbiM 0 4. dcLLQQ bL.?C,A - I7 OUTSIDE ACTIVITIES : I c L1Y\Pj, C~~CSL~~Q hi i +cnci( sicte &fib'( a c c ~~nw?y-c~ ctilzC71s-c&- ADDITIONAL INFORMATION OR COWS: - . \ i (WE5 WGCj TELEF CAALSBAO, CALlFoANlA 92008 (714) 4 * I, 1200 ELM AVENUE Offtcg Ot th8 City cI.rk Citp of CarIsbab - APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT TO BOARD OR COMMISSION - Name Of Board 01: CoRUniSSiOn: Beach-Er&siFWEGbwee (ail hrrp) Name (Print or Type): Jack W. Culshen Address: 7771 Quitas01 Street . Carlsbad, California a7008 ' Phone : ( 61 9 1436.2 07 %present Occupat ioq : sp~ni re+ 4 pp,-q Business Name and Address: - Bus. Phone: Resident of Carlsbad: Yes Home Phone: (619)436-2075 Registered Voter in Carlsbad: Yes I am familiar with the re8pOn!#ib%litfeS =signed to the Board o Cornitmion on which I wiah to retve. If appointed to a Board o Comf88ion whidr I8 subject to financial disclosure laws, I am willing to provide such statements as may be required. willing to appu for an interview regarding my qusliflcations for appointment before such colmnftteo as may be designated by the City Council or if requested by ind&v$dual Council Members. I am DATE: Ju3 v 24. 1985 SIGNATVREt (See reverse 8idd 614 - I W w EDUCATION: See re'surne'e * EXPERIENCE : c - - OUTSIDE ACTIVITIES : ADDITZONAL mmmwmm OR COMMENTS: . - e 1) fs JACK GULSHEN 7771 Quitasol Street Rancho La Costa, CA 92008 (619) 436-2075 . CAREER OBJECTIVE Responsible position in marketing department of a growth oriented company. WORK EXPERIENCE November 1974 to present Motel Marketing Management, San Diego, CA Owner, Marketing Consultant Supply independent hotel/rnotels with innovative marketing cot Help them set mom rates, buy printing, produce tour packages, brochures and advertising. May 1974 to November 1974 San Diego Convention & Visitors Bureau, San Diego, CA Director of Marketing Directed marketing operations for nation's largest Con/% Bum Worked with advertising agency set up and carried out sales bli directed familiarization tours, worked with Bureau's Tour Mark and Advertising Committees, represented city at United State Service, American Society of Travel Agents and various govern bodies. April 1972 to April 1974 Ramada Inns, Incorporated, Los Angeles, CA National Sales Manager Opened Los Angeles Sales and Reservation office for Ramada L Located, leased, and staffed offices. Worked with travel agent, operators, and commercial accounts in Los Angeles, San Diego, Francisco, Portland, Seattle, and Mexico City, as well as Asian Pacific tour operators for Ramada properties in New Zealand, i Fiji, and Singapore. 1965 to March 1972 TraveLodge International, Incorporated, El Cajon, CA Director of Sales Directed sales and marketing activities for all 450 TraveLodge motels and motor hotels. Directed regional Sales Managers in P Chicago, Los Angeles, Honolulu and Tokyo. Planned and headed contacts with major companies and governmental agencies, air1 and leading tour operators. Sales programs were "Visit U.S.A.", "Guaranteed Commercial Rate Program", special regional sales and direct mail to travel agencies. Hired adveising agency an closely with them. * (I) ’ ‘Jaik Gulshen Page 2 EXPERIENCE (continued) 1962-1964 Cinecraft-Continental Productions, Inc., Cleveland, OH Vice President-Sales Sold motion pictures and television commercials to major industria firms and advertising agencies in the East and Midwest. Expanded staff and opened Canadian sales operation. Joined company in 197; Sales Manager. Was made Vice President and placed on Board of 1 early in 1964. 1956-1962 Fortune Magazine, Cleveland, OH Publishers Representative Made direct sales calls on top and middle management in Midwest companies. Made sales presentations to national advertising agen American Steel & Wire Division, United States Steel Corporation, Cleveland, OH Assistant to Advertising Director Prepared advertising budget, selected media, designed trade show exhibits, arranged conventions, trips to sales offices, and liaison v company’s advertising agencies. Cleveland Press, Cleveland, OH Report er-Feature Writer Spent six months doing feature stories throughout Europe. Work€ way from Police Reporter to By-lined Feature Writer. 1953-1956 19 5 0-19 53 EDUCATION 1947-19 50 Kent State University: Kent, OH Zachclor of Arts Degree - Journalism University of Paris (Sorbonne) Paris, France Graduate Studies-Alliance FranGais Chef de Cuisine-Cordon Bleu, Paris, France MILITA R Y 1945-1 947 United States Marine Corps Public Information Officer - Pacific Theater MEMBERSHIPS Grossmont College - Advisory Committee Hotel Sales Management Association La Jolla Town Council American Society of Travel Agents Association International Des Sk3l San Diego Advertising Club Discover America Travel Organization SQn Diego Community College - Advisory Board HOBBIES & INTERESTS Reading (collect old rare cookbooks, Fitzgerald & Hemingway first edit ions) Duck and upland game shooting Cooking (haute and nouvelle cuisine) 1200 ELM AVENUE w3 L&WrbL TELE (714) ( ‘CA~LS~AO, CALIFORNIA 92008 otfm of the City CIwk Citp of CarIsbab . APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT TO BOARD OR COlbfMIsSfo~ Name of Board or Commission: Bwfl €QOslaE.l6*w,m Name (Print or Type): S+eA.r* w ,\ew A Address: L\525 T\r\9!&; . .Phone: 72+ oZ83 present Occupation: &btum& cmo 6 IS7 Business Name and Address: * ko JPWbt*&N&m& &de Registered Voter in Carlsbad: L c 525 Tv\~~TE Be tw I Y&5 Bus. Phone: 724-0t83 Res ident of Carls b ad : Home Phone: 7zq-ou3 I am familiar with th8 respon8ibilities assigned to the Board 01 Conmission on which I wi8h to mrve. If appointed to a Board 01 Commis8ion which i8 rubject to financial disclosure laws, I am willing to provide such statements as may be required. I am willing to appear for an interview regarding my qualifications for appofntment before such cormnittea a8 may be designated by the City Councll or if requested by indivLdual Council Members. DATE: Lou, 1 23,\495 SImmm: (St8 reverse .Id.) - 1 I b 0 EDUCATION: b.A. GA*W Soe~r~ (+,~wmmt.~fiy~ dm DtUFOhwl sm &hVt3hU Gus- # lc1'13 r - EXPERIENCE : uQ && W-0- l& w Nan! hwv gMQE 1376 Ad LwtuD Id ' 5 It4 IMC 1979 j 97 1) $b 13 8 q SSM~ ~,~UWT YO NnMm or^ mw~ sm**rj 3h#r bleb0 wcz rnbmm@b'I* 1380 $v J+ ms 5ewak mta &4!wmJr tb ~~~-~-mc - h6)6t?M &hb 8WaUhm . ?keWw CDUAO'M OUTSIDE ACTIVITIES z '3hsrPa-p-~, Sm bl- Auocma, e$ G~b~olrAl~ SeemRY e Auwnr*) oc hbUWAHr G~b~661uS # M fM)m BOWb * -amtLshP SOC~AC CoNtnedS, 2'&*tWf I$rb#€wWaJ19C ( AODrTIONAL INmRMATXON OR C0msI Zi ~bi~tw w jt~vwb ~u owetlLsm6rtob 0: pl+r; TWW~~K. W+-W ~~VO~V~ IN B-C~ ~JI~A), Z we A VEWG p PO wHHT S Ah 4 RerbauT OF -Bd? Z r9rrr b-tfietb D w mr ha CW lB ).)@p 'P*€3&QO& oTC.&SW€ C&QCLAM SWf ~CMI @PWT ]At m" we4 hlk€ Sp&T *fim#AD,C mn64l7ih) OrQ, WeW*w umrsdJta 1 (7 TELE 13) e I) 1200 ELM AVENUE Cr *i ' CARuBAO, CALIFORNIA 92008 otfice of the City CIm Citp of Catlsbab , APPLICATION FQR APPOINTMENT TO BO-- OR COMMISSION Name of Board or Commission: Cb rw w\ i ++e e kb sfdc, ero5i bin 0 baL e5. Address: 22-51 1.t; 5-i uav 104 L Name (Print or T~I: Maru ~~~~~Q~~ J Phone: 438-5235 it Present Occupation: po-&ih~ AJ yy1a tl, t& Business Name and Address: D.C. &A& Ew. Phone: 418-c;aTr Resident of Carlsbad: we5 f Home Phone: 4 3, c( - 5a3q 225/ A Jti 3- sf-? .4 1 Registered Voter in Carlsbad: yP-3 1 am familiar with the respon8ibilities assigned to the Board c Colr~nission on which I wish to serve. If appointed to a Board 4 CoRUttiS8iOn whidl I8 rubject to financial disclosure lws, I am willing to provide such statements as may be rcquircd. willing to appear for an fntsrviw regardfag my qualifications for appointment before 8udr oonmrfttee a8 m.y be de8ignated by the City Council or if requested by lndiv$dual Council Mcunberl I am DATE: 7-20- g%- SIGNATURE: fl-4, L L (See reverse 8fdd 61'1 - \ \ - I i I w EDUCSTION : &,&lors D9tice -U~;V 0-F &.. G/*r~o- ~;.ec/ G5.t. w Work; UCLA - r/(s*-euar\ DOkbIe ML*O~ : FngllbL I EL+--%.-.^ E~LCL;~'~ "1 4inQp: irts + Se;-u- 7 EXPERIENCE : 5 pLalcer UdbY -uL~ - ihc(. proposal wr(4iv.q Unww - ix\. Cca3;b;l;hj ~hdie~, Cinavtcial &eas-k OUTSIDE ACTIVITIES z 5~br755 7 &-is, sJL;iyJ s WL~ Ai J i "3 , Jazzcrcitc,, . . -C;~ajel: 6 m~rrt& E'iL~dpc, 6 -& LLIS&&\~C, / r\JaZ.a\\ch Qll / over Ir~;+e.J sfd-J ** * - 9HoroscR~~y in all 4~ - F'~~~ I 9,bJic 549 im I~MQO~ bfk- r-'qr 3q-, V-JbJ, hnld CLvicL 7-0 &5L%bS ADDIT1oNAL ap6RMATION OR COMMENTS: flt 4 Re~-uma 1s ;ncLLJ, 1' de kraJe(~ (L3ipt.S -I?rauel Ma-+/)) 56 ex sim= I*tve lived ;n Gr1shd (b ya(5) h%c h.a A I;++& kimg b et ir\Vb\\red. MbW, %kt CO-~~ &;% -biswtbwk gerie5, S wraw\fi t. S'\/ be h- m*c fv ~+Y&,S 30 I.L 3bt: inualQt4 \acatI 7' d%zL-+ -- MARY CLARE CAVANACH 2251 Altisma Way, #204 Carlsbad, CA 92008 (61 9) 438-5235 QUALIFICATIONS: Sixteen (16) years' experience in all phases of educational field. HIGHLIGHTS: * AuthorKonsultant for D.C. Heath and Company. Captured over 75% of 1 elementary math textbook business in Oregon Adoption from sales present and writing. Author of seven Textbook Teacher's Editions and 14 Ancillary books for D.C. Heath and Houghton Mifflin. Author of 33 supplementary books and 51 games for Creative Publications Walt Disney Educational Media, Scott Resources, and Enrich, Inc. O Workshop Leader, convention and seminar speaker throughout the United and Australia, including keynote presentation to 2,500 teachers in Atlanti at NJEA Convention. O O O Teacher, grades K-6, Title I Math Specialist, grades K-6, In-Service Lea University Instructor. O Television interviews and performances, including 1974 Emmy Award Winn. Series, "Metrify or Petrify," which ran for four years. O Knowledge of Information Systems, BASIC and COBOL programming, and use in education. General Manager/Vice President of Scott Resources, Inc., an educational I ing company; publisher of two of the three top-selling manipulative math in the country, Chip Trading and Fraction Bars. Tripled direct sales ai doubled dealer network. Increased return on investment to 28% annually. Success in product development from initial feasibility studies, financial fc development, production, and marketing of new products, including the rc product line for Scott Resources, lnc., which increased sales by 25% withi nine months. O O CURRENT EXPERIENCE: 1981 - Present Author/Consultant for D.C. Heath and Company 1450 Grant Avenue, Novate, CA 94947 PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE: 1979 - 1981 Free-lance writer and consultant 1974 - 1979 Manager of Publishing Company Responsible for product development, marketing, general management, and b line profits for Scott Resources, Inc. Continued as Member of Board of Dirc through 1981. Pag a , VAARY CLARE CAVANACH 1968 - 1974 Elementary School Teacher and Math Specialist Title 1 Math Specialist at Woodcrest Elementary School. Established and maintz a creative, highly-publicized Math Lab program for students, grades K-6. Le staff of 70 teachers and 40 aides in the implementation of the Prime Math Mana ment System. Conducted weekly in-service classes for teachers, aides and par en ts . Classroom teacher, grades 1-6 (all subjects), Woodcrest School and Paseo Del School in Los Angeles Unified School District, and Ernest Horn School and the University Lab School at University of Northern Colorado. University Instructor 1974 - 1979 University of Northern Colorado, Greeley, Colorado 1972 - 1974 Pepperdine University, Los Angeles, California CONSULTANT : D.C. Heath and Company, 1980-1989, California State Department of Educatior 1980-1981; Scott Resources, lnc., 1979-1982; California State University, San California, 1980; The Learning Center, San Diego, California, 1979; Genie Edr Pty, Ltd., Melbourne, Sydney, and Brisbane, Australia, 1979; Center for Imy ment of Math Education, San Diego, California, 1973-1 978; National Science Fo San Diego, California, 1976; Creative Publications, Inc., 1973-1975; Los Ange Unified School District, Math Improvement Program, 1973-1 975; Frontistirion Y Harilou Trikoup, Athens, Greece, 1970. PUBLIC SPEAKER: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 1974-1 985 Oregon Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 1982-1 98+ Northwest Math Association, 1982-1985 National Elementary Education Association, 1980 State Education Associations: New Jersey, New York, Texas, South Carolina, Florida, Oregon, Maryland, California, Colorado, Wyoming, New Mexico, 197 California Math Council, 1974-1 98g Los Angeles City Math Association, 1973-1975, 1984 Greater San Diego Math Council, 3977-1985 Project Equals, 1979 TELEVISION : Eyewitness News, Melbourne, Australia, 1979 "Metrify or Petrify," KTTV, 1974-1978 "Moving Into Metrics," UHF Channel 68, 1975 "Update," KCLS, 1974 .----------- .I MARY CLARE CAVANAGH Pa 1968 - 1974 Title 1 Math Specialist at Woodcrest Elementary School. Established and mair a creative, highly-publicized Math Lab program for students, grades K-6. 1 staff of 70 teachers and 40 aides in the implementation of the Prime Math Mat rnent System. parents. Classroom teacher, grades 1-6 (all subjects), Woodcrest School and Paseo De School in Los Angeles Unified School District, and Ernest Horn School and ti University Lab School at University of Northern Colorado. University Instructor 1974 - 1979 University of Northern Colorado, Creeley, Colorado 1972 - 1974 Pepperdine University, Los Angeles, California Elementary School Teacher and Math Specialist Conducted weekly in-service classes for teachers, aides and CONSULT ANT : D. C. Heath and Company, 1980-1984, California State Department of Educatir 1980-1981; Scott Resources, Inc., 1979-1982; California State University, Sal California, 1980; The Learning Center, San Diego, California, 1979; Genie E Pty, Ltd., Melbourne, Sydney, and Brisbane, Australia, 1979; Center for It ment of Math Education, San Diego, California, 1973-1978; National Science F San Diego, California, 1976; Creative Publications, Inc. , 1973-1975; Los An< Unified School District, Math Improvement Program , 1973-1 975; Frontistirion Harilou Trikoup, Athens, Greece, 1970. PUBLIC SPEAKER: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 1974-1 984 Oregon Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 1982-1984 Northwest Math Association, 1982-1984 National Elementary Education Association, 1980 State Education Associations: New Jersey, New York, Texas, South Carolir Florida, Oregon , Maryland , California, Colorado, Wyoming, New Mexico, 1 California Math Council, 1974-1984 Los Angeles City Math Association, 1973-1975, 1984 Greater San Diego Math Council, 1977- 1984 Project Equals, 1979 TELEV IS ION : Eyewitness News, Melbourne, Australia, 1979 "Metrify or Petrify," KTTV, 1974-1978 "Moving Into Metrics," UHF Channel 68, 1975 "Update," KCLS, 1979 * - ARY CLARE CAVANAGH BIOGRAPHICAL LISTINGS : World Who's Who of Women, Personalities of America EDUCATION: Bachelor's Degree: English and Elementary Education (double major), University of Northern Colorado, Greely, Colorado, 1969. Post-Graduate Work (140 units) : Math Education, Reading Education, Business Management and Marketing, Word Processing for children, Computer Graphics. . . . Writing Courses: Screenplays, magazine articles, and children's books, UC UCSD, CSU, and NU. Information Systems and Computer Progri HOB B I ES : Computer games and programming, screenplay writing, children's fiction, scuba diving, long-distance swimming, skiing, tennis, Toastmasters, and tr PERSONAL: Age 3p, single, no children or pets, non-smoker, excellent health. q BY CLARE CAVANAGH PUBLICATIONS: Author of Math Textbook Teacher's Editions, ancillary books, and kindergart textbook pages. Supplementary books, games, and spirit duplicating master! introduce and reinforce concepts and provide problem-solving challenges in n reading, and language arts for children ages 4-12, teachers, and parents. Heath Mathematics Program, K-6 , c 1985, 1983, Problem Solving with Manipul Primary and Intermediate, c 1983, K-Plus c 1985, D.C. Heath and Comp; Mathematics, Teacher's Bonus Books, c 1981, grades K-3, Houghton Mifflir Read'N'Write Spirit Duplicating Master Series: Comprehension Books 1-4, Pt Book- Language Arts Books 1-6 c 1981 ; Clock Wise, Money Sense c Creative Publications, Inc. Math Soup Game Series c 1978, Word Soup Game Series c 1981, Read, Se Do c 1981, Metric Madness c 1976, Scott Resources, Inc. Disney's Understanding Fractions, Disney's Fraction Practice, Di sney's Follo~ Directions c 1981, Walt Disney Educational Media. Favorite Menus, Telephone Power, Blends and Digraphs c 1980, Enrich, 1 Handbook for Planning an Effective Mathematics Program c 1981, California Department of Education. Developing Logical Thinking with Attribute Block Activities c 1975, Los Ar City Schools. "Adding It All Up," monthly column in Calculator c 1974-1976, Los Angelel Teachers of Math Association. - \ W7'0 a ------ TEL (714 0 ik . 120OELMAVE"JE i CARLSBAO, CALIFORNIA 9Mo8 office of the Ciry Clerk Citp of CatIsbab APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT TO BO-ARD OR COlWISSION Name of Board or Commission: &~9ec/ E&S~DAJ CDMMM~TIE€ L Name (Print or Type): &A/ flg 6k'Ag Address: fL/d-/ LdS *?o8x&5 gR, &!!PB4> Phone: y3fH3b50 Present Occupation: d.5U .4r7/t4=D Business Name and Address: - Bus. Phone: - Resident of Carlsbad: qFs Home Phone: q3f- 36Fd Registered Voter in Carlsbad: w5 I am familiar with the rerpon8ibilities assigned to the Board o Comi8sion on which I wish to serve.*If appointed to a Board 0 Comission which i8 rubject to financial disclosure laws, I am willing to provida such statements as may be rcquired. willing to appeu for an interview regarding my qudlifications for appointment before such committee a8 m.y be designated by the City Council or if requested by indivLdual Council Members. :srammf 4 6/8: I am c $q/ DATE: (See rev rs aid81 vfT 4 /vflA& 5747fp - - 1 w w EDUCATION: flP, OC Breeumrt 1990 ~4~ #!g &LL&~F, 1963 * EXPERIENCE : &&' bFRC€R, tPMM4UB 4-r 5PH; Bc'AtI/ #)/bROGJ?A.PMY coU/7~&, dm e~~~~/&Icy OF F.M/~FPKS OUTSIDE ACTIVITIES : b7324W6, 4&vr,&G MDITIONAL INFORMATION OR Cowst .rc -i3/Prrn.Q, /%Wm7&fi ASSUC//9 7,D*f/ /#C, (&MF&UMF@. 43mJJ w7d4 &?-$?c#q RccFSs /4GpD&7/3&& Ad@.&k 4&Rol/7 9% MILL= 5F A?&-*( 3007hL OF TffF &&c/hJ9 &k?MI?L/%ER P49uT - . ( q < -- TELE (7 1 4) ‘4 a * 1200ELMAVENUE 0 -e -- * CARSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 attic* of tho City CI.rk Citp of Catrlsbab APPLICATION FOR APPQINTMENT TO BdARD OR COWISSION Name of Board or Commission: EA-cLf F-fLOsmd Name (Print or Type): &Dw&&) 0, - &pT J A)Fd7 Address: 4)Jt PALE oe/ut * [JAkVSAAfi O,oW&JrJT1CW WJA/rf Phone: 729 -P4bC, Present Occupation: CI Business Name and Address: Lo5 24- I &s-Ieu07-tQA, PAOL 15% l,/mOA U/STA- OR. Skd tU\A&Lm ;- 9=6 VAS Resident of Carlsbad: Bus. Phone: 7H 31-33 / Home Phone: 727 -946h Registered Voter in Carlsbad: Y6,3 e I am familiar with tha respon8ibilities assigned to the Board o Commis8isn ora wM& f wi8h to serve, If appointed to a Board c Commission which i8 rubject to financial disclocrure laws, I am willing to provide such stat-nts as may be required. I am willing to appu for M interview regarding my qualifications for appointment before such c9mmfttea a8 may be designated by the City Council or if requested by individual Council Members< 4 DATE: ?/$b/pC SIGNATURE: zu 2r& (See reverse uido) 6/E - - 1 t U w EDUCATIOE: &@~qJ2ow-ttoQ Mb-ro4uA WtA3-j- B,L - EXPERIENCE : 7)I&4.4% @F E-w%fi-c/Lz 4% v4 P&E-mM/o.&&&& OUTSIDE ACTfVfTIES : - ADDITIONAL l[Np6RHATIos9 OR COMMENTS: “4 w OLPIJ ffi-=97-LP 1.4) -7796 Q634L,rT- y *~OO& m-% *bod md cob CNQU /mpeso& Tk+&Tq&&try L - c i ?+ m;ec TEL (71 4 / 0 .U t 120OELMAVENUE '' CARLSBAO, CALIFORNIA 92008 Offm of the Qtr C!d Bitp of CatIsbab - - APPLICATION FQR APPOINTMENT TO BOARD OR COMMISSfON BEACH EROSION COhMISSION Name of Board or Camission: Name (Print or Type): Addresa : Phone: 729-406a2 Present Occupation: Business Name and Address: ALBERT MENDOZA 2870 HIGHLAND DR., CARLSBAD, CA. 92008 BUSINESS MAS ENTERPRISES SAME - YES same Bus. Phone: Resident of Carlsbad: Home Phone: YES Registered Voter in Carisbad: I am familiar with tha re8pon8ibilities a88igned to the Board Comirrion on which I wi8h to 8erve. If appointed to a Board willing to ptovida ruch statements aa may be rcquired. willing to app0.r for an intervirnr reguding my qualfffcationa for appointment bofore such conunittea 88 m.y be designated bY the City Council or if requ88t8d by in4ivLdual Council Memb8rr almni88ion Whidr i8 Subject to fin8nCla dhSC;?OS'JZC IWS, I a I am DATES 7-11-85 SIGH-: (See revatam 8idd 6, - \ - 4. 1 I w U EDUCATION: GRADUATE OF THE UNIVERSITY OF SAN FRANCISCO BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION DEGREE MARKETING MAJOR EXPERIENCE : RETIRED STATE OF CALIFORNIA ADlVIINISTRATOR - 26 yEm CAREER HAVE PARTICIPATED ON MANY GOVERNMENT TASK FORCES. WELL EXPERIENCED IN NORKING IN PROBLEM SOLVING GROUPS, ANALYSING MATERIAL AND DATA PERTI~NT TO THE PROBLEM UNDER CONSIDERATION, PARTICIPATED IN DISCUSSIONS AND PREPARED RECOIMENDATIONS FOR HIGHER AUTHORITY CONSIDERATIOfl OUTSIDE ACTIVITIES : MEM3EE OF TH_E BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF NORTH SAN DIEGO COUNTY UNITED WAY. EXECUTIVE OFFICER FOR THE BECA SCHOLARSHIP FOUNDATION. ADDITIONAL INmRMATIoN OR COMMENTS: THE BEACHES OF CARLSBAD ARE AN INVALUABLE ASSET AND ARE A NATURAL ADJUNCT TO THE DEVELOPING VILLAGE PLAN, THE COMBINATION OF WHICH CAN PROVIDE A PLEASANT "CARMEL" TYPE ATMOSPHERE FOR FUTUR3 GENERATIONS OF RESIDENTS AND VISITORS TO ENJOY. BEACH EROSION AND CLIFF DISINTEGRATION CAN SPELL DISASTER TO THESE PLANS AND CONCEPTS. CLIFFS MUST BE SECURED, PROTECTED, PRESERVED AND BEAUTIFIED IF FUTURE GOALS ARE TO BE REALIZED. THE BEACHES AND - - 7@f5 -&c TEl (714 0 * 4 *A' * 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALiFORNlA 92008 Offm of tho cp cl."s Citp of Catlsbab .. - APPLICATION FOR AFTOINTMENT TO BOARD OR ~~ISSION Name cf 3ced or Commission: &&&. e 3 6& 4 ern/< . Phone: 5?HFd?3f3 Present Occupation: ' &&? 4- Name (Print or Type): Address: 3343 /ikedw-rf , &/&, duo / c /4++ e/& &k-k/ - Business Name and Address: d&BLQ& p/ +4.A*yAf a ' &., 92&3 + + Bus. Phone: 9/// -Fsf3 Home Phone: 7z?-/gz 7 Resident of Carlsbad: Registored Voter in Carlsbad: I am familiar with tha reopensibillties assigned to the Board Commi8aion on which I arh to ~erve. If appointed to a Board Commirrion whfdr I8 rubfect to financial disclosure laws, I a willing to provid. such statements as may be raquired. willfng to ap9.u for an intentiew reguding my qualification for appointment bofora sucb committaa a8 m8y be de8ign8t.d by tha City Council or if requerted by individual Council Menbar I am DATE: 4 -25--FF s1GI!?ATURE: 4dAA+ (Sea revers8 8idd 4 - - 6 1 t w W EDUCATION : /.*) /dL&&f Ju+ 0 / /A @3& / .--7yX$ SLA/90 Ffd AL!*A/ EXPERIENCE %) &iL4ji&A,U 5fA/4/&5%2 q J" &%di@9 './$&A 4dA --/4%L- Asuw *& * k4cL-a Ic// & c-9 y &J-. "1;'y @/&&/ LkLd S;-i* /yfqp$- /%wA Liz/ &/45/&& L29rn/&, k /.-- &? -&//&4/2 /AzG - &d-/ /zf 3.#,4z2 Aw( kd L F _r/& /W+#A - P LpjuJ/& 9 rk S4,A Ha -,-A Ye. zf 7 &e/.;-... T Urn~/fl y/z&. &/24J p) ?$- - 5.i~ /Y6V &ie- 5/ $&* OUTSIDE ACTIVITIES : AP7- de&m- ADDITIONAL IWmRMATIW OR COMMENTS: 4 &f/G /d/W A5Ww c c TELi CAALSBAO. CALIFORNIA 92008 (71 41 e J -2 \ 1200 ELM AVENUE off/C8 Of the city c!.rk Citp of Carlsbab - APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT TO BOARD OR COMMISSION Name of Board or Comisslon: Wctt ERcSioA CO~\ITTEF N~IW (Print or ~yp.1: R~;SE-RT T TctWoA ,Ti?. Address: 670 ~i-itrwV2kcf~ fbzwu& #2- Ci+e~~&t+3, CA 4~408 Phone: 727- eLrt~ Present Occupation: c W/L Gcn/61M€&2 Business Name and Address: G@A~LE~ hb h-=rw66 75-1 Ert5T Pi ll lave , & 6 SA/U N(ARCd5 , cct 7 2 04-y Bus, Phone: 344 - L 777 Resident of Carlsbad: ye5 Home Phone: 727 -%2?0 Regirtercd Voter in Carlsbad: 40 I am familiar with th8 responsibilities assigned to the Board CO~ISU~~S~O~ on which 1 wi8h to serve. If appointed to a Board willing to provide such statmonts 8s may be required. willinq to 8pp.u for an intervim regarding my qualification# fat appointmaat bforo such conmritt.8 88 mry b. de8iignat.d by the City CouncLl or if requested by iadivLdua1 Council Mernbors COtmnlSSfOn Whi& A8 8ubj.e to ffnU¶Cial disclosure LaWS, 1: Bn I am DATE: J-V,V& L5,I q r35- SfG#ATmg: \&yLL..s0;. (See revera. 8fdd 6, - \ - \ .h I b W w EDUCATION_: &&(.*eLG&- GF sc,z/\lcs Cf Y/L t'/VCj,A/.K=&/+ /97+ GyILIER5I7-y SF Mtf -EXPERIENCE: '1 'far23 &?e~/gNuc~ /N M&&).J ??*,E5 &- C/L//L E&< s-rt A5 lz&b\ Lnj/rrf#Lf &M&,Z'; .Srn/&4 X,.Z#+/iJYG& / a E5ICn/ r 3ES/&U, crS'/VS?~c po/J //uspe PWVS kivh A~9~icnrrton/j, ZEP~LT MR, V~L, ANL \d&rCX- \T5iSp.\ h-2 \lL/C? ~J/~~/LY~JO/L' ?ZCP~~L~+V~J 26 - /" OdTIL& c-7 ALM/N, >T/~,-+T/CI/{. 7 &X€ ?,?L%-TC > rf-Ave ~~k'~Lt%?b k c 0/,41/v\6/z_c 16t-L Rnrb //Vb LS?r'Z,fiL J [TE s j do FY ?€ RlfJVC ,r f/l/ &L=*Af EAJ&+saz,a& 06 c;lzE&q&$#+p/j),? L ?.+.I OAI 4 50~'7-&rt~r ~<4kt /n/ tARL-j;jp\b LKE 7-0 PSh6 L/, 2€/i-Crf CG.ht /MY C//FS /+.v-b 'SC,,d, -Jay ,+,k,L,c, C~MPl4L7, AT7 tfun ME€-VlGtLJ SF ?fzo'L,5/o/d&L 5Kt~@<- y cex OUTSIDE ACTIVTT'IES: --- - / 1 LC? 'i-0 T~E ADDITIONAL INFORMNfIm OR c0-S n f+/&i/,&./> L/V(=A /y .Yrt-/t/ A[€/& ANA €N3-iwt!Et~ Th-/K- &bGhy &A kfA5 /4MMCb At - lffE k°CXy SEdCdE5 d€ #!*E- /N =ABL5Bm 1 &3c'm7 ALd7- L)F //A&= /&&~~ i?.6Pi?gn A1vb %-g5 OM THE c=/rc ?,b13 c 'r fly ha3 )=/flu6 IT 1 5c'eno/qA, -J=y ,s A WM\tifLZ)( />>VG Td4-i- cqd (5-G /L.(f7'/+Eb td/r - - /~JTG/L~~T,-G A/vb Crfd~~AJ~~~s TMtS pw BGL(LL~~-~ EFF~',~ QAI EVE~~YCYYE~ ?ART. ZLZ d~ucb Cck~ G E- - d~ T,+e EFFOj%T TQ #&&p 7/fE -5Ght-3 ?&ttEsANb c&d at srbd~ /Nrei&$.r /A m'& Lum-jcr rc/1/6 )+ TFCrfdKffL- ~~ff-@~~ * w .T JUNE 13, 1985 TO : MAYOR and COUNCIL MEMBERS FROM: Councilman Mark Pettine BEACH EROSION - COUNCIL MEETING JUNE 18, 1985 The issue of beach erosion is of concern to us all. I would like to propose the creation of a citizen review committee of approximately 5 - 10 members to study this serious problem. The committee would be charged with examining the problems of the Carlsbad coast line and reporting back to the City Council with recommendations. I realize that this problem is regional in nature and this committee is not intended to diminish the importance of other regional groups which are studying the problem. It is my hope that the work of this committee will help to ensure that the City of Carlsbad is doing everything possible to solve this difficult problem. %44A MARK PETTINE Council Member MP: Id cy>uNcIL 6-18-85 Council agreed to establish a seven mesober conunittee, ACTION: for applications for thirty days, and allow 6 mnths f study for study of the issue,