HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985-09-03; City Council; 8317; SENIOR CITIZEN BOND ACT OF 19844 CITY fm CARLSBAD - AGENDA &.t 5;. y c1 j. ' AB# 831 7 DEPT. t- TITLE: IYTC.IU CITY A1 SENIOR CITIZEN BOND ACT OF 1984 -90 rd-9 a, DEPT. p & R CITY MI -33 RECOMMENDED ACTION: a, the appropriation of $111,804 from the Contingency Fund.for thi $5 Kitchen Expansion at Harding Community Center and further appro -d funds from the California Senior Citizen Bond Act of 1984 for t -d q City Council adopt Resolution No. f/dd'approving the applicatio Wk wa, 6-9 -94 ITEM EXPLANATION: VI@ am The State of California is accepting applications for the Senio a)F; Citizen Bond Act of 1984, also known as Proposition 30. This g provides funding for the acquisition, renovation, construction, up costs and equipment for Senior programs. The deadline for s 4J -3 a $8 anticipated in April of 1986. Ed Bs a$ of applications is September 13, 1985 with the award of funds k -d G 21 .> During the term of the previous Board of Directors of the Carls Senior Citizens Association, the Board determined that Proposit ICI -4 monies should be pursued for the purposes of expanding the kitc rl Ern application process for Proposition 30 monies. However, on Auc 8k began compiling information and documentation pertinent to the w adjacent to the Recreation Hall of the Harding Community Centel @% 2 -3 Upon this recommendat'ion City staff, in,~cooperation with the As: wo h-z the Carlsbad Senior Citizens Association elected a new Board oj rlQ) Directors. Subsequently, on August 14, 1985, the new Board vol 3-2 not to apply for any Proposition 30 funds, but to further c the possibility of building a new Senior Citizen Facility. Presently, the meals for the Senior program are prepared in Vi! g &i and transported to the Center. If built, the proposed construc of this 1500 square foot kitchen would allow the Seniors to prt Ggm their own meals for the Nutrition Program, Mobile Meals and otl -8 m.s Senior activities. With this construction it is anticipated tl ami2 Seniors per day, bringing their total to 140 per day. r;l u g-9 Ok Applications for funding will be prioritized by the California s-;& State priorities for funding are: 8 & Department of Aging (C.D.A.) and the Area Agency on Aging (A.A :! 1 ko $$x the Nutrition Program would be able to serve a minimum of 35 ac a In 03 m I 0-l I 2 0 U 5 zl z a 0 #1 - "Proposals which are from rural or low-income and racia #2 - "Proposals for multipurpose senior centers which are or ethnic minority areas" open to the public" Evaluations of proposals will be based upon the following crit - peed for the project (60 points) - use of the. Senior Center Facility (20 points) - capacity of the organization to complete the project arid - cost effectiveness of the proposed project (5 points) provide ongoing programs (15 points) U e 0 AB # 8317 Page 2 One of the conditions in the Proposition 30 Bond Act that shoul be noted is that monies spent on any center must have a 10 year guarantee that the facility will be used exclusively for senior citizens activities. Costs for construction can be pro-rated accordingly based on usage by other groups. Presently, the Harding Senior Citizen Center is shared by the Senior Citizens Association and the Recreation Division. A Senior Citizen Sit€ Study esfidiieted in 1983 recommended that after other facilitie; are made available for Parks and Recreation programs the Seniol Citizens Association would be able to utilize the total Harding Center facilities. With the proposed contribution by the City the requirement for pro-rating costs for multi-use facilities may have already been met. Should the City be a successful apy for Proposition 30 monies and desire or need to abandon the proposed kitchen before the 10 year utilization requirement ha2 been met, the State of California shall be entitled to recaptul funds equal to the proportionate share of the state funds contributed based on the number of years remaining in the initial agreement. Inrsp~e of the aforementioned regulations and the Carlsbad Senior Citizens Association Board's action, staff recommends applying for Senior Citizen Bond Act monies. If successful, the construction of the kitchen would provide the City time to determine what facility would best serve the needs of our olde: population and simultaneously allow the current programs to expand e FISCAL IMPACT: The estimated cost and revenue sources provided by Ruhnau/Assol to construct the kitchen expansion are as follows: Carlsbad Senior Citizens Association Proposition 30 Grant Funds City $ 12,000 148,196 111,804 Total Cost of Project $272,000 The $12,000 previously committed to the proposed kitchen const may have to be absorbed by the City. Therefore, the estimated cost to the City could be $123,804. EXHIBITS 1. Resolution Approving Application for Funds under Californi 2. Construction Cost Estimate from Ruhnau/Associates 3. Memorandum to Ray Patchett from Dave Bradstreet on 4. AB #7549 Senior Citizens' Association Senior Center Bond Act of 1984 Proposition 30 I. ll a e II RESOLUTION NO. 8165 1 2 3 4 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA APPROVING THE APPLICATION FOR FUNDS UNDER THE CALIFORNIA SENIOR CENTER BOND ACT OF 1984 KITCHEN EXPANSION AT HARDING 5 WHEREAS, the eople of the State of California have 6 of acquiring, construct'ng, altering or renovating senior 8 funds to public and ivate non-profit agencies for the p 7 approved the Senior Center Bond Act of 1984, which provid \ 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 centers and purc for senior centers; and WHEREAS, th delegated the responsibility WHEREAS, sa hed by the State De 24 City of Carlsbad, California, hereby: 25 26 1. Approves the filing of an application for funding \d( 27 2. Certifies that the senior center will be available fo: 28 the Senior Center Bond Act of 1984; by all senior citizens; 11 e 0 8 RESOLUTION NO. 8165 Page 2 1 3. Certifies that said agency has or will have sufficient or other resources to operate and maintain the senior 2 funded under this program; and 3 4. Certifie that said agency has or will have available to commen ement of any work on the project (s), matchi 4 money from a non-federal or non-state source: and 5 5. Certifies t at said agency will comply with all federa action, and c earinghouse requirements and all other 6 and local en ironmental, public health, relocation, af appropriate co es, laws and regulations applicable to 7 projects; i and 8 9 10 I1 12 13 14 15 16 l'lr 18 19 I 20 21 22 23 24 25 6, Certifies that t conform to t Area in whic 7. Appoints the Parks & City of Carlsbad to c submit all docu applications, agreements reports, and so on which of the aforeme 8. Authorize fund tran from the Conti established PASSED, APPRO Council on thy of , by the followi: to wit: AYES : NOES: ABSENT: MARY CASLER, ATTEST : k, 26 27 (SEAL) 28 ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Clerk I - RUHNAU McWVlN RUaUIASSOCIATES e KesoluT;. "" - 2 ,'or5 st? C,.: ?250;-3659 Carlsbad, CA 92008 ;:L.5~~.~E5~ 2; '3 ..":,q 5:re.e: 5751 Palmer Way /+?man ( &ry i. .L: 619/438-5899 DGVYl i?v/ July 22, 1985 Mr. Dennis Watkins 3096 Harding Street Carlsbad, CA 92008 Subject: Harding Street Community Center Kitchen Renovation Dear Mr. Watkins: Confirming our conversation, based on the food service lay-out we prepared dated April 8, 1985, we estimate the preliminary construction cost to be as follows: Preliminary Probable Construction Cost Estimate:. 1500 S.F. Kitchen Facility: $1 30,000 .OO Kitchen Equipment $ 97,000 .OO Site Utility Estimate $ 20,000 .oo Contingency of 5% $ 25,000.00 - Total Estimated Construction Cost: $272,000 .OO """""_ """""_ Please note that this does not include permits, tests and inspections, and professional fees. Also, as I have noted, we have not yet reviewed the adequacy of the existing site utilities and this figure may have to be adjusted. I hope this information is what you require. Sincerely, a& David Ruhnau, AIA of Ruhnau McGavi n Ruhnau/Associ ates DR/ca 0 @ dq+ (y w& $yc & j26, Qy, A?+]%" 0 0 Y*IIIUIL - *- Resolutic August 14, 1985 TO : RAY PATCHETT, ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER FROM : DAVE BRADSTREET, PARKS & RECREATION DIRECTOR w SENIOR CITIZEN ASSOCIATION DECISION PROPOSITION 30 On Wednesday August 14, 1985, the new Senior Citizen Board voted 3-2 not to apply for Proposition 30 funds for the kitchen expansion at Harding Senior Citizen Center. They want to explore the possibility of building a new facility site unknown at this time. DB : dc cc: Sue Spickard, Senior Citizen Coordinator Frank Mannen, Assistant City Manager Marsha Payne, Administrative Assistant - -, , . .. c, g ",a 3.9 'B 6 $3 u $3 II) u c,. -4 rl .a -G 8 c2 OQ) N a, -4 2 -2 36 08 urn #i k X TI c, 39 u q p? 81 $3 8:g Pia. -4 In m a) l-4 I 4 I rl .,.~ .. 2 2 0 4 a z; 2 0 s C1-F CARLSRAD - AGENI()BILL Exhibit - ,, "". ",.,"".I AB# 75-Lf9 TITLE; SENIOR CITIZENS' ASSOCIATION (S.C.A.) DEF MTG. 11 /1/83 FACILITY SITE LOCATION STUDY DEPT. cw P&R clr ____ RECOMMENDED ACTION: Short Range - Move S.C.A. from Magee Park to the north wing of the ceni building at Harding Community Center and jointly uti1 ize the comnuni ty with the Parks & Recreation Department. Relocate Research/Analysi s Grc Housing to other areas. Long Range - S.C.A. will take over a1 1 the faci 1 i ties at Harding Cornul Center after the construction of the Safety Center and the timely reloc of Parks & Recreation staff and programs. ITEM EXPLAMATION : The Mayor appointed a comni ttee to explore potential sites that would F an area 1 arge enough for an approximately 10,000 square foot building c to five acres of land. The following sites were reviewed: 1. Hardi ng Community Center 8. Stage Coach Park 2. iYlagee Park 9. Larwin Open Space 3. Chase Field 10. Leo Carrillo 4. City Yard 11 . Macario Park 5. Pine School 12. Chamber Bui 1 di ng 6. Cannon Lake Park 13. U.P.S, Building 7. Calavera Hi1 1s Park 14. A1 ga Norte Park A1 1 the sites except for Harding Community Center were eliminated due 1 - Not large enough - No access - Outside of desired service area - Not within Block Grant funding zone - Development of site too far down the road - Did not meet S.C.A. future and/or immediate needs . , Harding Cornunity Center has 8,000 square feet of building space and pa for expansion. This site seems to fit the immediate and future needs a S.C.A. in the north Carlsbad area. The S.C.A.'s current facilities in Park do not have sufficient programing space. STAFF ANALYSIS: If Research/Malysis Group and Housing are relocated from the north wir the center building at Harding Cornunity Center, the S.C.A. could then from Magee to the Harding Center. The S.C.A. can jointly utilize the 1 with the Parks & Recreation Departrent on an interim basis. : c' yL II) a , PAGE 2 of AB # 75V 9 Research/Analysis Group has the potential to be relocated to several are; while the Housing group must stay in the downtown zone. RELOCATION ALTERNATIVES: 1. Research/Analysis Group to Magee House 2. Research/Analysis to modular trailers 4. Research/Analysis Group and Housing joint rental in 5. Research/Analysis and Housing to Chamber building 3. Housing to downtown rental downtown area FISCAL IMPACT: Short Term: - cost - Move Research/Analysis 'Group to Magee $500 - Move Research/Analysis Group to modular trailer $50 to 60,000 * - Move Housing to downtown rental $500 -1 ,OOO/mO * - Research/Analysis Group & Housing joint rental $1,000-1,500/rno. - Research/Analysis Group & Housing to Chamber NC - Move S.C.A. to Harding Community Center $500 - Loss of Harding Comnuni ty Center revenue from $1 5,000/yr. - S.C.A. rehabilitation of Narding Community Center NC cl asses and rentals , kitchen * Housing Departmelit rental may be subsidized by HUD. - Long Term: - Relocate Parks & Recreation staff & programs unknown ** - Potential loss of revenue from classes and $32,00O/yr. rentals at Harding Community Center ** Some classes may be re1 ocated to other sites and some revenue may be recovered.