HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985-10-15; City Council; 8360; Historic Preservation Santa Fe Depot RestorationCIT’-3F CARLSBAD - AGENDI-IILL AB# ff%D TITLE: APPLICATION TO CALIFORNIA OFFICE OF DEPT.HD;v 1((1TG.10/15/85 HISTORIC PRESERVATION FOR A GRANT TO RESTORE SANTA FE DEPOT DEPT. RED RECOMMENDED ACTION: City Council adopt Resolution No.@/?? approving the application for historic preservation grant funds for the Santa Fe Depot from the California Parks and Recreation Facilities Act of 1984 and appointing the Redevelopment Manager as agent in processing the application. ITEM EXPLANATION The California Park and Recreation Facilities Act of 1984 provides grants to units of local government for historic resource preservation. The Santa Fe Depot meets all of the criteria for the grant program. It is in dire need of restoration. Staff wants to ask for $35!000 from the program to replace the roof, repaint the exterior, replace deteriorated and weathered sections, and upgrade the plumbing and electrical facilities. In-kind contributions from community groups for labor and funds will total $3,500 or 10% of the total request. An application was submitted in December 1984 which was denied because the City did not have long term site control of the land surrounding the depot. Staff has written AT&SF requesting a long term lease of the property instead of the yearly lease now in effect. No answer has been received. Council is asked to adopt a resolution authorizing application for this grant and appointing the Redevelopment Manager as agent of the City to process the application. Grants will be selected by March 1, 1986 with funds to be allocated July 1, 1986. FISCAL IMPACT The City could receive $35,000 from the State Parks and Recreation Historic Preservation Grant Program if the Grant is approved. EXHIBITS l- Historic Preservation Grant Program description 2- Resolution No.&.2/3 3- Location Map sum of CALI~IA--fnt us8oU8Cu mtNc* OFFICE OF HISTORIC PRESERVATION DEtAMMENT or tARlo AND RKeAnoN Fo8YomcEm2am suRAMwm,CAUCOWUmt eQfLE 1986 HISTORIC PRESERVATION CALIFORNIA PARR AND RECREATIONAL FACILITIES ACT OF 1984 Applications are now available for the second cycle of historic preservation projects provided in the California Park and Recreational Facilities Act of 1984. The Office of Historic Preservation (OHP) in the California Department of Parks and Recreation will distribute $3 million as of July 1, 1986, and $3 million the following year. The application deadline is November 1, 1985 (postmarked or received),for funding in 1986. Units of local government (cities, counties, and districts, other than school districts, that are authorized to provide park, recreational, or open-space services) may apply for restoration, rehabilitation, or stabilization work to be done on eligible significant historic properties. The applicant must either own the property or have some operational control if the property is owned by a non-profit corporation with non-restrictive membership. A small portion of the fund8 will also be available for the acquisition of eligible properties. Purchase may either involve the entire property or such cost-effective protections as conservation easements. Construction of new structures, including reconstructions of previously existing structures, will not be funded. Eligible properties are: California Historical Landmark8 and Points of Historical Interest, if they retain their historical appearance; properties listed on the National Register of Historic Places, either at the local, statewide, or national level of significance; and any properties considered potentially eligible for listing on the National Register by the State Historical Resources Commission. The Commission must complete this consideration at its December 1985 special meeting, for 1986 funding eligibility. National Register criteria for evaluation are available from OHP. i Grant8 will range from $10,000 to $300,000. (In the 1985 cycle, the average grant was $94,000; only one grant exceeded $150,000). A portion of the costs of a project (which may be one phase of a larger overall preservation project on the property) must be provided as matching share, from any sources other than State funds. Federal funds, ati well as donated services and materials, are considered allowable match. Matching share for development grants is from 10% to 70X, with larger grants having larger matching shares. Acquisition grants will provide from 45% to 55% of project costs. ' (over) Costs incurred since July 1, 1984, for architectural plans, structural engineering Studies, or acquisition option8 are the only allowable costs for project work done before the grant is awarded and a project agreement is signed by the' State and the applicant after July 1, 1986. Such prior costs would only be counted a8 part of the matching share. Eligible applications will compete for funding on the basis of such cri- teria as property significance and integrity, degree of project urgency and resource protection, applicant'8 administrative ability, amount of available match, impact on cousnunity and level of community support, and quality of project and its impact on current preservation concerns. The Director of Parks and Recreation and the Secretary of the Resources Agency must select projects to be recommended for funding before March 1, 1986; actual grant award8 depend on legislative budget approval by June 30, 1986. For copies of the application form, National Register criteria, Secretary of the Interior's Standards and Guideline8 for Historic Preservation Proj- ects (to which development grant projects must conform), State requirements for acquisition projects, or for further information, contact: OFFICE OF HISTORIC PRESERVATION Department of Park8 and Recreation Post Office Box 2390 Sacramento, California 95811 (916) 445-8006 3 . 1 2 3 4 5 6 RESOLUTION NO. 493 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE APPLICATION AND PROJECT AGREEMENT FOR HISTORIC PRESERVATION GRANT FUNDS FOR SANTA FE DEPOT PROJECT FROM THE CALIFORNIA PARKS AND RECREATION FACILITIES ACT OF 1984 AND APPOINTING THE REDEVELOPMENT MANAGER AS AGENT. WHEREAS, the Legislature under the California Park and 7 Recreational Act of 1984 has authorized the establishment of a 8 Historic Preservation Grant Program, providing matching funds 9 to the political subdivisions of the State for historic preservation 10 projects; II and 11 WHEREAS, the California Office of Historic Preservation in 12 the Department of Parks and Recreation is responsible for the 13 administration of the program within the State, setting up necessary 14 rules and procedures governing application by local agencies under 15 the program; and 16 WHEREAS, said adopted procedures established by the I'? Department of Parks and Recreation require the applicant to certify 18 by resolution the approval of applications and the availability 19 of local matching funds prior l?Y submission of said applications 2. II to the State; 21 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the 22 City of Carlsbad hereby: 23 1. Approves the filing of an application for the Historic 24 Preservation assistance for project; and 25 2. Appoints the Redevelopment Manager or his/her authorized 26 deputy as agent of the City to coordinate, process, and execute 27 all contracts, agreements, amendments and ancillary documents 28 within the scope of the attached application; and II 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 3. Agrees that all required local matching funds will be provided for the project. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Jity Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, held on the 15th day of October, 1985 by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Councilwrs Casler,~is,Kulchin,ChickandPettine NOES: None ABSENT: J%= ABSTAIN: N~Ix? JTTEST: 4LETHA L. RAUTEN (SEAL) I/// I/// I/// //I/ -2- - --.- -9 -;-!LOCATION NA VI8TA ma0 . . %\ . . SANTA FE DEPOT k