HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985-10-15; City Council; 8367; Rancho Santa Fe RD closureCI ' OF CARLSBAD - AGENL 4 BILL AB#- MTG. 10/15/85 TITLE RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD CLOSURE DEPT.E NG I ICITY MGR.~ RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approve Daon Corporation's request to close Rancho Santa Fe Road from Olivenhain Road to La Costa Avenue and a detour via La Costa Avenue for a period of five months subject to the mitigation measures enumerated in this report. ITEM EXPLANATION: This matter was heard by the Traffic Safety Commission on October 7, 1985, and they recommended approval of the closure and the detour by a two to one vote. As a condition of tentative maps in the La Costa Area, Daon Corporation has been required to construct full improvements on Rancho Santa Fe Road from Olivenhain Road to La Costa Avenue. The project construction time is estimated to be twelve months. Daon is now requesting that this portion of . Rancho Santa Fe Road be closed for the project to facilitate construction and to avoid traffic safety problems. With the closure, the estimated time of completion is eight to nine months. To reduce the impacts which would result from re- routing Rancho Santa Fe traffic, staff recommends limiting full road closure to five months. During this time the west half can be built and would then provide for through traffic. Advantages: 1. The period of time during which all drivers will be inconvenienced will be reduced from twelve to eight months, the last three of which will have a fully improved roadway section. 2. The potential for accidents and tort liability claims increases significantly in construction zones. The road closure would eliminate this to a large extent though access must still be provided for Calle Barcelona. Disadvantaqes: 1. The diverted traffic will increase volumes along the detour. This may result in undesirable congestion. 2. The residents along La Costa Avenue may perceive an impact due to the increase of congestion and noise. 3. Levante Street, which is not part of the detour, may experience more traffic. Page 2 of Agenda Bill No. R3d.7 Mitiqation: The mitigation measures detailed below will be at the sole expense and performed by the developer. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Modify the signal at Olivenhain and El Camino Real to accommodate a lane widening for the westbound lanes. Modify striping and signal phasing at El Camino Real and La Costa Avenue to accommodate a northbound right turn lane and a westbound double left turn lane. Repair the failing section of La Costa Avenue in the vicinity of Calle Madero and post a bond of $50,000 to be used to make repairs caused by the detour. Re-stripe La Costa Avenue from Romeria Street to Levante Street to provide two eastbound lanes. Re-stripe and provide necessary widening on Rancho Santa Fe Road at La Costa Avenue as needed to provide for a double left turn. Pay for overtime pay so the Police Department can provide increased surveillance in the area. The following measures are to be accomplished by the City to facilitate the detour. (It must be pointed out that these measures may have merit even without the detour.) 1. Prohibit trucks from using Levante Street. 2. Remove parking from the south side of La Costa Avenue between Romeria Street and Levante Street to allow re-striping for the eastbound lanes. Other Factqrs: Staff feels the following factors should also be taken into consideration: 1. The Police Department supports -the concept of the road closure. 2. Even without the closure, a significant number of drivers will use an alternate route, impacting roadways with no mitigation made. Page 3 of Agenda Bill No. 6367 3. The Traffic Safety Committee has reviewed the proposal and supports the closure. The Traffic Safety Commission met October 7, 1985 and recommends approval of Daon's request as conditioned in the staff report, that staff look into the feasibility of restricting trucks on La Costa Avenue and Alga Road, and that stop signs be posted on Levante Street on a temporary basis to discourage through trips. FISCAL IMPACT All costs will be born by the developer. EXHIBITS ~~~ ~~ 1. Location and Detour Map 2. Daon's request letter 3. Chief of Police Recommendation 4. Staff Report a. Traffic Study b. Collision Diagrams 3 @'gw CONSULTANTS CIVIL ENGINEERING PLANNING 7750-2H EL CAMINO REAL RANCHO LA COSTA CA RLSBAD, CALI FORN I A 92008 SURVEYING PHONE 61 9/944-1010 , PROCESSING EXHIBIT 1 September 18, 1985 RECEIVED Gene Donovan, City Engineer City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 CITY OF CARLSBAD ENGINEERING DEPARTME21 RE: Rancho Santa Fe Road Dear Gene: On behalf of our client, Daon Corporation, we request that Rancho Santa Fe Road be closed from Olivenhain Road to La Costa Avenue during the construction of Rancho Santa Fe in this section. The construction area would be closed for 9 months, allowing for access to Calle Barcelona (Polygon Project). Real from Olivenhain Road to La Costa Avenue and La Costa Avenue from El Camino Real to Rancho Santa Fe Road. Through traffic would detour via El Camino For a number of traffic and safety reasons it will be more beneficial for the city to close this section of Rancho Santa Fe than to allow traffic through the construction site for a protracted construction period. The road closure will allow construction to be completed within nine (9) months rather than the twelve (12) months required otherwise. Since the earthwork in this project essentially requires cutting on the west half of the road and filling on the east half, grading pulls will re- quire continual crossing of traffic. be continuous and the earthwork, paving and drains, etc. will proceed in sequence. If the road.is closed, the operation will Furthemre, crossing traffic with the fill will cause an unsafe condition because of congestion with the mix of cars and construction vehicles, and be- cause mud spillage will surely occur making the traffic lanes slippery (espe- cially during the rain season). The recormended detour via El Camino Real and La Costa Avenue certainly can absorb the additional detour traffic. detour route is far outweighed by the inconvenience of threading through the con- struction site with a number of crossing guards. In fact, we feel most traffic will opt for the El Camino - La Costa route even if allowed to use Rancho Santa Fe because of the inconvenience and safety. Also, any inconvenience of driving the EXHIBIT 2 5 -- I Finally, by comparison, the Alga road widening construction took eleven months The Alga project necessarily allowed traffic to complete (March to February 1984). to continue during construction and the accident rate increased to 10 for the year 1983 to 16 for the year 1984. The Rancho Santa Fe project is much larger in scope, is a longer stretch of road and in the last year 13 accidents have occured along the current alignment. For these reasons we feel it will be mre beneficial to close Rancho Santa Fe during construction. concern regarding the safety of letting the traffic continue through this project during construction. The C&ssion asked the staff to report on the feasibility of closing Rancho Santa Fe Road similar to the closing of Carlsbad Boulevard for its reconstruction. If we can be of any help in preparing your report or any ex- hibits for the COmnission, we would be more than happy to do so. The Carlsbad Traffic Safety Comnission recently expressed Please call if you have any questions. Very truly yours, O'DAY CONSULTANTS / A Pat '&,:s O'Day Enclosures jj CC: Mike Ryan EXHIBIT 2 6 m0 m s rc - n I Id 11 a W I- C W I- 0 W a n z 3 0 m I I- a 0 Y zz - 0 4 Q a c3 Z 3 0 m I I- 3 0 0 0 I 0 z ae a d cn W 0 2 4 'I- w 0 V < * 0 n t 4 c w 0 0 n W < a Q 0 < 0 E a W 4 I? a 7 EXHIBIT 2 SEPTEMBER 20, 1985 TO: CITY ENGINEER FROM: Police Chief RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD It has come to my attention that you are considering as an alternative during the construction of Rancho Santa Fe Road the possibility of closing the road from Olivenhain to La Costa Avenue in order to expedite the construction of this critical roadway. I've discussed this possibility with my traffic division and management team and. have come to the conclusion that this would be a reasonable alternative to consider as the advantages that would be gained from the full closure of the road rather than the partial closure is an extremely accelerated construc- tion. the rebuilding of a road such as this. La Costa Avenue and Olivenhain Road. cause some inconvenience and possibly some neighborhood complaints, the a1 ternative far outweighs the inconvenience. I would like to recommend to you that the alternative that you're considering of closing the road entirely for a period to accommodate the more rapid re- construction of the roadway is a favorable alternative that the police depart- ment would support and that the staff has indicated that they would attempt to do everything possible to mitigate any adverse affects on the surrounding community. It would also eliminate the many hazards that are dealt with during Traffic could be rerouted, utilizing Although the rerouting of traffic will If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me or traffic ichael Shipley. VDJ : db EXHIBIT 3 October 4, 1985 TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: Kent Sears, Principal Civil Engineer STAFF REPORT - PROPOSED RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD CLOSURE As a condition of tentative maps in the La Costa Area, Daon Corporation has been required to construct full improvements on Rancho Santa Fe Road from Olivenhain Road to La Costa Avenue. The projected constructin time is twelve months. Daon is now requesting that this portion of Rancho Santa Fe Road be closed for the project to facilitate construction and to avoid traffic safety problems. The estimated time of completion with the road closure is three months less. The original intent for this project was to maintain one lane of traffic in each direction. The negative aspects of this can be significant. Accidents in construction zones account for a large percentage of tort claims against cities. This is because of the interaction of construction traffic, the lack of maintenance of construction zone signing, debris from construction activity, and from presenting the driver with what is usually an unfamiliar, uncomfortable situation. During the construction of Alga Road eleven accidents occurred. Three of these can be directly related to the construc.tion activity and one indirectly related. For the same period, prior to any construction activity, there were nine accidents. We could expect similar increases on the Rancho Santa Fe Road project which is larger in scope. Closure of the road during construction would eliminate these problems to a large extent. There will still be a need to provide access to Calle Barcelona and maintain barricades and signing for the ends of the project. Other problems which will result from diverting traffic which would normally use the road should also be considered. This may result in undesirable congestion at intersections along the detour route. To assess this impact, Wes Pringle and Associates evaluated the level of service change and the ability of the intersections to accommodate the increase. This evaluation indicates that the roadway can handle the increased demand with the mitigation measures described below: EXHIBIT 4 Staff Report Proposed Rancho Santa Fe Road Closure October 4, 1985 Page: 2 A. The intersection of Olivenhain Road and El Camino Real is predicted to operate at an unacceptable level with the addition of diverted traffic. This can be improved to a tolerable level (on a temporary basis) by widening Olivenhain Road to allow for two lanes. This will require signal modifications to relocate some signal hardware and the addition of some A.C. paving. 8. The intersection of El Camino Real and La Costa Avenue is presently operating at near capacity. The analysis done by Wes Pringle and Associates indicates the diverted traffic will exceed the theoretical capacity. However, by providing a right turn lane for northbound traffic and a left turn and optional right turn lane for westbound traffic (this will necessitate a change to signal phasing), the operation will be brought to existing levels. C. On La Costa Avenue eastbound from Romeria Street to Levante Street, only one lane exists. Because 17,500 vehicles per day are expected to use the roadway, two lanes are recommended to accomplish this. It will be necessary to remove approximately 96 parking spaces. Ninety six homes front on La Costa Avenue in this section. These spaces will be Lost when normally occurring volumes on La Costa Avenue reach a certain level. D. With the road closure, the intersection of Rancho Santa Fe Road and La Costa Avenue will act as a 90 degree turn with no stopping required. To allow for the double left turn from eastbound to northbound, it will be necessary to re-stripe and possibly to provide additional pavement width on the north leg. Other impacts of the detour are as follows: A. The detour traffic will be preceived as a significant impact in terms of noise and volumes for the residents of La Costa Avenue. The 17,500 vhicles per day prediccted as a result of the detour is not expected to exceed future volumes. No mitigation is suggested therefor. EXHIBIT 4 Staff Report Proposed Rancho Santa Fe Road Closure October 4, 1985 8. C. D. Page: 3 It is anticipated that some traffic will use Levante Street as an alternate route. This should be discouraged. It is recommended that 'trucks be prohibited during the duration of the project. Detour signing should be such to make it clear that Levante Street is not the detour route. Due to the increased activity on the detour route and on Levante Street, there will be a need for increased enforcement. It is recommended that Daon be responsible for the funds to provide the level of police surveillance deemed necessary by the Chief of Police. Certain sections of La Costa Avenue have been identified as failing now, especially in the vicinity of Cadencia. It is recommended that these sections be repaired by the developer prior to commencement of the work and that a bond be posted for repair of any damage determined by the City Engineer to have been a direct result of the detour. The amount of that bond is suggested to be not less than $30,000. To mitigate and to minimize these negative impacts, staff suggests limiting full road closure to five months. During this period the west half can be built. This section would then be opened. Allowances for time extension would be made for rain, holidays and other factors as approved by the City Engineer. To promote compliance with this deadline, Daon could require their contractor to pay liquidated damages for each day beyond the deadline and could award a bonus for completion prior to the deadline. CONCLUSIONS: It is difficult to assess qualitatively the pros and cons of this proposal. Though the negative aspects described in this report seem to out-number the benefits, staff feels the potential problems posed by the mix of construction activity and through traffic out-weigh those concerns. This opinion also considers that the length of time during which all will be effected will be significantly reduced. In addition, it .is assumed that even with a provision for the through traffic on Rancho Santa Fe Road, a significant number of drivers will choose to take Levante Street and La Costa Avenue to avoid the congestion. This will be done without the benefit of any of the mitigation measures. EXHIBIT 4 Staff Report Proposed Rancho Santa Fe Road Closure October 4, 1985 EXHIBITS: 1. Traffic Study 2. Collision Diagrams A. Alga Road - During Construction B. Alga Road - Prior to Construction C. Rancho Santa Fe Road Page: 4 EXHIBIT 4 Iqq &-A Wesk PWte d Aaasciafe6 TRAFFIC 8 TRANSPORTATION ENGINE ERIN G September 23, 1985 Mr. Bill Kennedy DAON Corporation 5150 Avenida Encinas Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Mr. Kennedy: This letter summarizes our review of traffic factors related to the temporary closure of a section of Rancho Santa Fe Road and the diversion of traffic that it would create. City Staff, and upon recent road surveys made by us. This study is based upon information supplied by you and The project would completely close Rancho Santa Fe Road between La Costa Avenue and Olivenhain Road to allow the improvement of Rancho Santa Fe Road to its ultimate right-of-way. it at a time. It is estimated that the project would take five to six months to complete. El Camino Real and La Costa Avenue instead of Rancho Santa Fe Road. The pro- ject and the area it would impact are shown in Figure 1. This would be in lieu of improving half of The diverted traffic would be expected to use Olivenhain Road, PM PEAK HOUR ANALYSIS To determine the project's impact, PM peak hour analyses were performed for the following four intersections: La Costa Avenue & El Camino Real La Costa Avenue & Rancho Santa Fe Road Olivenhain Road & El Camino Real Olivenhain Road - Rancho Santa Fe Road & Camino Alvaro. Recent PM peak hour counts were available for three of the intersections that were analyzed. A count was then made of the fourth intersection. The counts were utilized to simulate how traffic would be diverted if Rancho Santa Fe Road were closed. The diverted traffic volumes were then added to the existing 2651 EAST CHAPMAN AVENUE SUITE 110 FULLERTON, CALIFORNIA 92631 (714) 871-2931 EXHIBIT 4-a /3 Page 1 of 15 -2- traffic volumes to estimate the volumes at the intersections during the closure. Intersection Capacity Uti1 ization (ICU) analyses were performed uti1 izing the existing and diverted traffic volumes to evaluate potential project impacts upon the intersections. (The ICU methodology and relationship to Level of Service (LOS) is described in Appendix A.) The ICU analyses are contained in Appendix B and sumnarized in Table 1. The impacts of the traffic diversion upon each intersection are discussed in the following paragraphs. As can be seen in Table 1, the intersection of La Costa Avenue and El Camino Real is currently operating at LOS E with an ICU value of 0.98. usually an unacceptable level. The diverted traffic would increase the ICU value to 1.29 or LOS F. reduced to 1.09. existing condition, and should be acceptable for the short term. The proposed improvements include adding a northbound right turn lane, adding a southbound right turn lane, and converting the westbound through lane to an optional through or left lane. This last improvement would not only lower the ICU value, but would assure adequate storage room for the left-turning vehicles. All three improvements would simply require restriping the existing pavement. The creation of an optional through-or-left lane would also require split phasing for the eastbound and westbound traffic. This is With simple improvements, the ICU value could be While this would still be LOS F, it would be closer to the The existing ICU value for La Costa Avenue and Rancho Santa Fe Road is 0.44 (LOS A). geometrics would increase the ICU value to 0.61 (LOS B), which is acceptable. With the northbound leg removed, the intersection is reduced to two basic movements: It is proposed that the southbound lanes be restriped to allow right turns from both lanes while still allowing some through movements for construction purposes. It is also proposed that the eastbound right turn lane be restriped as a through lane to serve construction vehicles for the extension of La Costa Avenue. The diverted traffic and necessary changes in the intersection southbound right and eastbound left, which are opposing movements. Page 2 of 15 /5 -3- INTERSECTION Table 1 ICU SUMMARY Rancho Santa Fe Road Closure & Diversion EXISTING EX I STING +DIVERSION W/IMPROV EXISTING +DIVERSION ICU/ (LOS) ICU/ (LOS) ICU/ (LOS) La Costa Avenue 81 El Camino Real 0.98 (E) 1.29 (F) 1.09 (F) 0.61 (B) La Costa Avenue & Rancho Santa Fe Rd 0.44 (A) - Olivenhain Rd & El Camino Real 0.61 (B) 1.12 (F) Olivenhain Rd-Rancho Santa Fe Rd 0.34 (A) 0.42 (A) - & Camino Alvaro /6 Page 3 of 15 -4 - The diversion of traffic would increase the ICU value of Olivenhain Road and El Camino Real from an acceptable 0.61 (LOS B) to a normally unacceptable 1.12 (LOS F). No simple improvements could be made to improve the operation of the intersection. to 1.00 to be adequate for the short term. However, an ICU value of 1.12 should be close enough As indicated in Table 1, the intersection of Olivenhain Road and Rancho Santa Fe Road and Camino Alvaro is currently operating at LOS A and would continue to do so with the traffic diversion. No improvements would be needed. In general, although not all of the intersections would operate at desirable levels, they should be tolerable for the short term if the proposed improvements were made. The benefit of the proposed project would be to eliminate the prolonged hazardous interface between traffic and the construction zone, which would occur if Rancho Santa Fe Road were to be construcdone half at a time. DAILY TRAFFIC ANALY S IS The impact upon daily traffic on La Costa Avenue was also examined. Avenue between El Camino Real and Rancho Santa Fe Road is a four lane secondary highway, which generally has a maximum capacity of 20,000 vehicles per day. is a section of La Costa Avenue between Romeria Street and Levante Street (see Figure l), which has only one lane eastbound. capacity of the road. per day. La Costa There This would tend to reduce the The existing volume on La Costa Avenue is 8,477 vehicles A recent 24-hour count on Rancho Santa Fe Road just south of La Costa Avenue shows the PM peak hour traffic to be 8.64 percent of daily traffic. applied to the PM peak hour diverted traffic on La Costa Avenue to arrive at an estimate of the additional daily traffic on La Costa Avenue due to the diver- sion. It is estimated that the diversion would increase the traffic by 8,990 trips per day for a total of 17,467 daily trips on La Costa Avenue between El Camino Real and Rancho Santa Fe Road. Although it would be a substantial in- crease, it would be within the capacity of the roadway and tolerable for the limited period of the closure. This was /7 Page 4 of 15 - 5- ACCESS TO COLINAS DE OR0 DEVELOPMENT Calle Barcelona cutrently intersects Rancho Santa Fe Road between La Costa Avenue and Olivenhain Road, and serves the new Colinas de Oro development. Although plans are not finalized, it is expected that the intersection of Calle Barce- lona and Rancho Santa Fe Road would be kept open and all-weather access on the easterly side of Rancho Santa Fe Road would be maintained to provide access for Colinas de Oro. SUMMARY This study has reviewed the traffic factors related to the proposed six-month closure of Rancho Santa Fe Road between La Costa Avenue and Olivenhain Road. Existing traffic conditions were reviewed to provide a basis for the study. A simulation of the diverted traffic was made. The resulting trips were added to the existing trips and used to evaluate the ability of the road system to accommodate the altered circulation pattern. These analyses indicated that some intersections would operate at usually unacceptable levels, but that with improvements, they should be tolerable over the short duration of the project. Potential problems were identified and mitigation measures recommended. Principal findings of the study are the following: 1. Three of the four intersections currently operate at LOS A or B. La Costa Avenue and El Camino Real currently operates at LOS E. 2. With the diversion, two intersections would continue to operate at LOS A or B. The other two would operate at LOS F. 3. With simple improvements, the intersections that would operate at LOS F should operate at adequate levels over the short term of the project . 4. The diversion would increase the daily traffic on La Costa Avenue between El Camino Real and Rancho Santa Fe Road from 8,477 vehicles per day to 17,467 vehicles per day. of the roadway. This would be within the capacity Page 5 of 15 /f c - 6- 5. The proposed project would eliminate the prolonged hazardous inter- face between the traffic and the construction zone, which would occur if Rancho Santa Fe Road were to be improved one half at a time. on the easter MITIGATION MEASURES The foll owing measures of the project. YS a re 6. Access would be provided to the Colinas de Oro development; probably de of Rancho Santa Fe Road. recornended to mi tigate potenti a1 traffic impacts 1. La Costa Avenue and El Camino Real should have the following improve- ments: turn lane; and convert the westbound through lane to an optional through or left turn lane by restriping. add one northbound right turn lane; add one southbound right 2. La Costa Avenue and Rancho Santa Fe Road should have the following improvements: convert the southbound optional through or right turn lane to a right turn lane only; convert the southbound through only lane to an optional through or right turn lane; convert the eastbound right turn lane to a through lane by restriping. * * * * * * We trust that this study will be of assistance to you in the processing of this project. If you have any questions or require additional information, please contact us. Respectfully submitted, WESTON PRINGLE & ASSOCIATES Robert A. Belknap, P.E. * RAB : RMS :bas #85970 Page 6 of 15 ’%- 625 North Vulean Avenue Leucadla. Californlo 92024 71 41753-6491 October 21, 1985 CounciJ.man Richard Chick City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, Ca. 92008 Dear Councilman Chick, A ban Diesuito Union High School District Your reconsideration of Tuesday's October 15, 1985 decision to close Rancho Santa Fe Road is respectfully requested. The closure of Rancho Santa Fe Road presents serious safety and routing problems to the school children in the San Dieguito area as follows: -I 1) 2) With the closure of Rancho Santa Fe, vehicular traffic will be forced to use La Costa Avenue or Levante. A poll of our professional drivers indicates that Levante will be the road of choice. Currently ten student bus stops exist along Levante. Increased traffic along this residential feeder street will pose a greater risk of accident to these children, partic- ularly since traffic flows significantly faster than the posted speed. The risk is magnified in thc afternoon when students which use stops along Levante are "red-lighted" and escorted across the street in the afternoon. As you know, school bus drivers are required by law to escort and flash their bus' red light when students cross the street. Cars are required to stop to allow students to safely cross the street. While most drivers recoy nize and obey this law, there are a significant number of drivers who fail to recognize it. As a result, increased traffic along Levante will aggravate this problem. Generally, the more traffic along'a corridor, the less safe it becomes to cross students. EXHIBIT 3 Page 1 of 3 . -.. .. . . .-- -- ... e, -_ .. Page Two City of Carlsbad Councilman Chick r c ?, td lra I* ; i t. ; i' *, 3) With the closure of Rancho Santa Fe Road, eleven (11) , buses will be forced to take a circuitous route to service students in the San Dieguito area, We estimate over 800 students will be delayed going to school and arriving home every day by 30 minutes if buses are forced to use La Costa Avenue or Levante for route ingress or egress, Since P.M. buses are already late, we expect a further aggravation of the problem. ,/ As with many issues brought before City Counsel, both the pro and con sides of closing Rancho Santa Fe Road can be supported.. by good arguments. While in attendance at your October 15th .I meeting, both sides of the question were heard. Yet upon re- view of the issue the following seems apparent: 1) Both Levante and La Costa Avenue are not designed nor capable of handling traffic generated by the closure of Rancho Santa Fe Road. Certainly the accident risk is as great along these roads as the risk of through traffic along a construction area. I 2) While traffic may still reroute i'tself along Levante and La Costa Avenue as many maintain because of construction delays on Rancho San'ta Fe Road, clearly most traffic will continue to use Rancho Santa Fe if it remains open. Rancho Santa Fe Road will still be the road of choice because it is significantly faster than a detour. 3) School children are at much greater risk if traffic is forced to use Levante. For these reasons, and in accordance with' your minority report, I urge you to keep Rancho Santa Fe Road open during construction. Sincerely, Stanley H. Ross Director of Transportation CC: Mayor Cassler Chief Councilman Lewis *. EXHIBIT 3 Page 2 of 3 -- . SAN DIEGUITO UNION HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT 625 North Vulcan Ave. Leucadia, California 92024 a 753-6491 MEMORANDUM ., To: John Daily From: stan ROSS h/ Subject: Additional Cost for Closure of Rancho Santa Fe Road The following itemizes,the additional cost which would be accrued if Rancho Santa Fe Road closes. , Name of Route ' San nieguito - J, Oak Crest -B Diegu en o -E Capri -F Flora Vista - A Flora Vista - B Flora Vista - D 21 Miles x 7 Buses 147 Miles x $2.20/Mile , /C lo/ 25 /85 II of Miles (Rd. Trip) 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 * 147 Miles Per Day = $323.40 Per Day EXHIBIT 3 Page 3 of 3 A-80 1 I79 . - I LOCATION MAP VlcINnY MAP N.T.S. ENCINITAS UNION SCHOOL DISTRICT 189 UNION STREET ENCINITAS. CALIFORNIA 92024 ~~ AREA CODE 61 9 753-1 152 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Anthony J Brandenburg. President Mary Jo Norhnan, CW6 Willlam Cadi. Member Van Riley. Member Sandra Schultz. Member Donald E. Lmdabm. Superintanden1 and Board Secrelary "Excellence Is Our God" October 14, 1985 llr. Frank Aleshire City Manager City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008-1989 Dear Hr. Aleshire: Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the proposed closing cf Rancho Santa Fc Road. The Encinitas Enion School District believes that the closing of the road will create hardship upon the district. Currently over 500 students are bused from the La Costa area to both Flora Vista School and Capri School. The closing of Rancho Santa Fe Road will not only extend the route, but it will create difficulties in getting in and out of housing areas on either side of La Costa Avenue and Le Vante. This is also true of Ponderosa and the new developments along Rancho Santa Fe Xoad. We recognize that tile request is being made for safety reasons. IIowever, we question whether any thought has been given to the safety of children who await the school bus on streets that will be used to detour cars. Or, has the impact upon school bus routes been discussed? We would urge you to consider other alternatives. Superintendent 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSEAD, CA 92008-1989 Office of the Clty Manager October 8, 1985 Superintendent Encinitas Union Elementary School District 189 Union St. Encinitas, CA 92024 TELEPHONE (619) 438-5561 ditp of darlsstrab To Whom It May Concern: ’ RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD - CLOSURE On October 15, 1985 at 6:OO pm, the City Council will consider a request to close Rancho Santa Fe Road for five months begin- ning November 15, 1985. The proposed closure will be between Olivenhain Road and La Casta AYZ~W ~llow CUIIS tructiori of a six-lane, Civiued ma ]or arterial. Enclosed is a copy of the staff report on the closure and detour. The City would appreciate any comments you may have on this proposal. Very truly yours, a. a Frank Aleshire - City Manager FA@ Enclosure , ... NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The City Council of the City of Carlsbad will hold a public hearing at the City Council Chambers, 1200 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad, California, at 6:OO P.M., on Tuesday, November 5, 1985, to reconsider the closure of Rancho Santa Fe Road. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The City Council of the City of Carlsbad will hold a public hearing at the City Council Chambers to reconsider the closure of Rancho Santa Fe Road. Tuesday, Nov. 5, at 6 p.m. 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA