HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985-11-05; City Council; 8395; Purchase of Office Furniture--,,----------"""Ji -----~ q i: CIT"'1F CARLSBAD -AGEND/➔ILL AB# o'.?C/ S TITLE: DEPT.HD. __ MTG. 11 /5/85 PURCHASE OF OFFICE FURNITURE CITYA DEPT._PC_H __ CITYMGR . .;>t(_ RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. 1:1£:J.. awarding the bid for office furniture. ITEM EXPLANATION: The 1985-86 Budget includes $31,175 for the purchase of office furniture for various departments. The bid package included desks, chairs, tables, filing cabinets and bookcases. In accordance with Section 3.28.120 of the Municinal Code, Notice to Bidders was ,published and Request for Bids were sent to ten vendors. Nine responses were re- ceived, opened, witnessed and recorded on October 16, 1985. The lowest bid on 8 items was O'Neill Envirocorp, 5152 Avenida Encinas, Carlsbad, CA 92008 in the amount of $13,716.43 plus tax for a total of $14,539.42. Mc ~ahon P~sk of Escondido, 740 No. Andreasen Dr., Escondido, CA 92025 was low bidder for 3 i'tems for a total $4,629, plus tax for a total of $4,906.74. Business Environments, 4390 Morena Blvd., San Diego, CA 92117 was low bidder on 3 items for a total of $4,548.34, plus tax, for a total-of $4,821.24. San Diego Office Suool.v, 7946 Clairemont Mesa Blvd, San DieQo, CA 92111, was low bidder on 6 items for a total ·6f $2,367.70, plus tax, for a total of $2,509.76. Eastman, Inc., 8929 Terman Court, San piego, CA 92121, was low bidder on 9 items for a total of $2,153.18, olus tax, . for~ total of $2,282.37. Southwest Stationers, 145 Vallecitos de Oro, Ste. D, San Marcos, CA 92069, was low bidder on 2 items in the amount of $309.00, plus tax, for a total of $327.54. FISCAL IMPACT: The total cost for the office furniture is $29,387.07, ~hich is well within the budgeted amounts for the departments. EXHIBITS: o l. Tabulatfon of Bids -Exhibit 11 A11 • w 2. List of Furniture -Exhibit 11 811 • ~ 3. Resolution No. us: a., . c:::: 0- 0- <( I 1 2 3 4 5 RESOLUTION NO. 8252 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING BIDS AND AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF PURCHASE ORDERS FOR THE PURCHASE OF OFFICE FURNITURE. BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California as 6 follows: 7 1. That the bid of O'Neill Envirocorp, for Items 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 8 and 30 as shown Exhibit 11 A11 , is hereby accepted and the City Manager -is hereby 9 authorized to execute a Purchase Order for the purchase of office furniture, in 10 the amount of $14,539.42. 2. That the bid of Mc Mahon Desk of Escondido, for Items 7, 17 and 18 as 12 shown in Exhibit 11 A11 , is hereby accepted and the City Manager is hereby autho- 13 rized to execute a Purchase Order for the purchase of office furniture, in the 14 amount of $4,906.74. 15 3. That the bid of Business Environments, for Items 1, 2 and 3 as shown in 16 Exhibit 11 A11 , is hereby accepted and the City Manager is hereby authorized to ex- 17 ecute a Purchase Order for the purchase of office furniture, in the amount of 18 $4,821.24. 19 4. That the bid of San DiP.go Office Supply, for Items 6, 15, 19, 20, 21 and 20 2 as shown in Exhibit 11 A11 , is hereby accepted and the City Manager is hereby 21 authorized to execute a Purchase Order for the purchase of office furniture, in 22 the amount of $2,509.76, 23 5. That the bid of Eastman, Inc., for Items 4, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 24 32 as shown in Exhibit 11 A11 , is hereby accepted and the City Manager is hereby 25 authorized to execute a Purchase Order for the purchase of office furniture, in 26 the amount of $2,282.37. 27 X X X 28 X X X PC 4 --... ,[-~-.. ,,-----~----...... --------------~---------~-"-~---~ --✓--- l l l i 1 6. That th~ bid of Southwest Stationers, for Items 5 and 16 as shown in 2 Exhibi~1A11 , is hereby accepted and the City Manager is hereby authorized to ex- 3 c:ite a Purchase Order for· the purchase of office furniture, in the amount of 5 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad at 6 regular meeting held on the Sch day of November 7 ote, to wit: , 1985, by the following 8 9 10 ll AYES: Council Members Casler, Lewis, Kulchin, Chick and Pettine NOES: None ABSENT: None 12 13 14 15 16 MARY H.CSLER, Mayor 17 18 TTEST: 19 20 21,u~i,.£,d~~~-¥,...:~:..s.s,..4.a.._,c.~~ 22 23 (SEAL) 24 25 26 27 28 Southwest Btis. San·Ofego Business Interiors Office su'pplies Environments "' 1 427.54 396.50 383.94 2 610. 19 659.00 546.20 3 No Bid 674.35 614.40 ~t . 140.64 134.88 111.60 176.04 176.17 150.00 5 6 No Bid 145.80 65.94 * 1 No Bid 180.00 582.00 8 227.50 234.98 187.80 ~ 158.60 183.18 146.40 10 43.55 50.30 40.20 11 107.25 123.87 99.00 12 134.55 155.40 124.20 13 110.50 127.62 102.00 14 No Bid 1,171.15 1,248.00 15 No Bid 141.19 No Bid 16 221.10 199.57 172.80 17 407.68 345.18 No Bid 18 280.28 273.13 No Bid 19 G72.30 569.24 II 20 209.30 136.84*** II *Substitution, not acce~table :. !-f. • .... -........... , ................ ;;::.~ ............ ,,.~~~ ~·---~ ~ ..,_....,_ --·--"?° ,. ·- I• --•-~---~~~,_,;:,__.,,,..- Tabulation ofi Bids Furniture B-K Cox Fum, Mc.Mahon Desk ,, of Escondido 401.50 399.50 650.25 645.00 Ho Bid No Bid 147.?5 114.50 180.50 159.50 1~2.50 No Bid 865.00 176.50 231.58 224.50 176. 79 174.50 47.44 49.50 115.95 119.50 145.49 149.50 119. 71 124.50 Ho Bid 1,034.50 No Bid No Bid 211.88 179.50 No Bid 319.50 No Bid 234.50 II 569.50 II 179.50 **Part of Work Station ~.J.,-•~ . ..., . :: Fs outhwest . st~•~--;.,,-~ No Bid 690.00 No Bid 111.00 145.00 No Bid . No Bid 207.00' 164.00 45.41 112.00 140.00 116.00 No Bid Ho Bid 164.00 No•Oid II It II *** Pa;-t of a Unit EXHIBIT 11 A11 O'Neill Eastman, Inc. Arenson Fum. l:ftllf"A~A"A ,,, .,~.._ .... No !lid 411.25-No Bid II 568.75 II It 704.00 II I II 104.62 " II 156.87 II II 176.00 II II Ho Bid II II 176.25** II - II 137.25** " u 37 .68** II 91.81** II II 129.37** II II 106.25** II It 9134.15 It II No Bid II II 180.00 II " 350.l)O II It 240.00 II II -576.00 " II 178.00 .. I ~ I .i I .I lj ---------... ----------- I :southwest Bus. San Diego Business ·,Interiors Office Supplie• Environmen_ts 21 82.60 69.96* ... No Bid 22 No Bid 29.35*"'* II 23 443.09 No Bid II . 24 343.97 II .. 25 236.59 II " 26 254.88 II ii . 27 267.27 ., ., 28 536.90 .. . 29 328.04 .. II 30 328.63 " II 31 cancelled 32 204.58 147.53 95.94 ** Part of a Unf ~ v-·, •I ""9W\4&:,,-.; bt, ,+e/~~-"'---.,., .. '-"-_ '...-0 Tabulation of B~~s (Continued) Furniture • B-K Cox Fum. Mc Mahon Desk Southwest O'Neill Eastman, l!'lc.· Escondido Sb.tioners Envirocorp .. No Bld 69.50 No Bid No Bid 70.00 .. 39.50 ti ti, 27.00 .. Ho Bid .. 439.33 Ho Bid .. " .. 341.05 11• II II II 234.58 II II II II 252.72 II ., II II 265.00 .. n .. II 525.35 II " II II 325.26 " JI II II 325.84 II 188.75 129.50 II No Bid 83.12 EXHIBIT "A" Arenson Furn. No Rid .. II I II II II " II II " " 'I 1' . • _J,; -~l I I: ,! I . I . I ~1 1 ..J I a c :1 ~ ~ EXHIBIT 11 811 ' LIST OF FURNITURE ITEM QUANTITY DESCRIPTION DEPARTMENT COST EACH* 1 1 Holga File, 4 drawer Housing 383.9 11 :2 2 Borroughs File, 5 drawer Redevelopment 546.20 3 5 Mantissa File, 5 drawer Bldg ,Eng 614.40 ·4 2 Hon File, 2 drawer Land Use Planning 1 o4.n2 ' • 5 1 Hon File, 4 drawer, Letter Police 145.00 J 6 1 Hal'e Bookcase Red eve 1 opment 145.80 ' 7 1 Conference Table Asst. City Mgr. 176.50 ·\ 8-13 ,1 Word Processing Work Station Engineering 876.67 14 1 Harper Credenza Asst. City Mgr. 984.15 15 1 Jasper Chair Library 141 ~19 16 1 Hon File, 4 drawer, Legal Library 164.00 ') l 17 11 Alma Double Pedestal Desk Library,Park,LUPO, Eng., Police, ACM 319.50 ~l 18 4 Alma File Cabinet LUPO, Counci 1 234.50 19 3 Alma Secretarial Desk LUPO, Eng. 569.24 20-22 1 Alma Modular Cabinets-1 unit Attorney 372.99 23 5 Steelcase Chair, 454-162 Police, Library 439.33 1 • 24 6 Steelcase Chair, 454-120 Police, Library 341.05 25 2 Steelcase Chair, 430-342 Library 234.58 26 7 Steelcase Chair, 430-312 LUPO,Rec.,Bldg,Lib. 252.72 \27 12 Steelcase Chair, 451-312 Redevelopment 265.00 28 4 Steelcase Chair 454-171M Eng., Asst. City Mgr.525.35 29 2 Steelcase Chair,454-481M Asst. City Manager 325.26 30 4 Steelcase Chai r1 454-311M Asst. City Manager 325.84 31 Cancelled 32 1 Anderson 8c9kcase Library 83.12 *tax not incl~ded -