HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985-11-19; City Council; 8407; EXECUTION OF A GRANT DEED SEWER EASEMENT1. =. Q w > 0 e a e < .. z I- o a a -I - o z 3 0 0 i- CI~OF CARLSBAD - AGEN~BILL -- AB# pqay TITLE DEPT. I MTG. 11/1Q/85 EXECUTION OF A GRANT DEED CITY A DEPT. ENG SEWER EASEMENT CITY N RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No.XJbd approving the execution of a c deed conveying an easemm the Leucadia County Water Dist for the construction and operation of sewer pipeline appurtenances. ITEM EXPLANATION: This action will provide gravity sewer service to CT 84-; Costa Racquet Club (a/k/a La Costa Condominiums)and the pro5 route as described on the grant deed is the most direct ai across Stagecoach Park to Mision Estancia. This action will grant an easement over one which already e through Stagecoach Park. It will have no effect on the grading or the integrity of the planting scheme. The exi pipe and easement have been shown on the grading plans a does not conflict with the overall Stagecoach Park develo plan. FISCAL IMPACT: None EXHIBITS: 1. Grant Deed for sewer easement. 2. Resolution No.SC,& approving execution of Grant De 3. Plat of Project. 4. Location Map. i / PLAT OF PROJECT - EWER EASEMENT TO EUCADIA WATER DISTRI - - mod. gi IO. ~noaet MAMU LA COSTA CONDOMINIUMS CT. 84-7 t *a - LOCATION MAP \ VlClNCrV MA N.T.S. PROJECT NAMELA COSTA PR03. E CONDOMINIUMS 8V!7 e 0 GRANT OF EASEMENT THE CITY OF CARLSBAD hereby grant(s) to LEUCADIA COUNTY WATER DISTRICT, a politic( subdivision situated in San Diego County, California, an easemei for the construction, operation, maintenance, repair ai replacement of a sewer pipeline or pipelines, manholes, lateral pump station, and appurtenances, and the right of ingress a egress for such purposes (together with the right to clear a keep clear said easement from trees, buildings and 0th structures), in, over, under, and across the hereinaft described lands. Said easement is situated in the City of Carlsbad, County of S Diego, State of California, and is more particularly describ as follows: A parcel of land being a portion of Lot 4 of Rancho L Encinitas, Map No. 848, in the City of Carlsbad, County San Diego, State of California, on file in the office of t County Recorder of said county, of said state, ma particularly described as follows: A strip of land 20.00 feet in width, lying 10.00 feet on ea side and paralled with the following described centerline. Commencing at the most Southerly corner of Parcel 2 as sho on Parcel Map No. 13524, on file at the Office of the Coun Recorder, in the County of San Diego, in the State California, said corner formed by the intersection of t courses: North 63'00'27t' West 94.27 feet (North 63" 00'3 West 94.26 feet per record) and North 77'00'0011 East 185. feet (north 76'59'56" East 185.18 feet per record); ther South 13'00'00" East 33.91 feet to the TRUE POINT BEGINNING: thence South 25'38'00" West 50.91 feet; ther South 30"50'45" West 220.57 feet; thence South 31°27'3211 WE 230.00 feet to a POINT OF TERMINATION, said point being the centerline of that certain 84.00 foot wide road easemc (known as Mision Estancia) granted to the City of Carlst per Doc. No. 77-281161, Dated 7-14-77, Book 1977 of Offic. Records, said point also being South 67"30'00'' East 134 feet from said Southeast corner of said Parcel 1. Sideline of said easement shall be shortened or lengthened begin on the line that bears North 13'00'00" West and pas: the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING and to terminate on i centerline of said Mision Estancia, said centerline be; North 67°30'0011 West and passes through the POINT TERMINATION. e e- Grantor(s) and its successors in interest shall not erect or const or permit to be erected or constructed, any bsiilding or other structure, any tree or trees, or drill any well or wells, wjthin the limits of said easement. Grantor( s) and its success3rs in interest shall not i or decrease, or permit to be increased or decreased, the existing ground vations of said easement without the previous written consent of the Gra Grantor(s) agrees that no other easement shall be granted, in, over, und above described property and easement by the Grantor(s) or successors in interest without the previous written consent of the Grant its DATED: November 20, 1985 By FoJk dl7 A’ - CLAUDE A. LmIS, Hayor Pr BY (bQ&L ALETHA L. MUTENKRANZ, Ci 5s. STATE OF CALIFORNIA 1 v COUNTY OF - SAN DIEGO 1 On November 22, 1985 , before me, the undersigned, a Notar Public in and for said State, personally appeared known to me to be the Mayor Pro-Tem and Aletha L. Rautenkr: that executed the within Instrument, known to me to be the persons who executed the within Instrument on behalf of the corporation therein name and acknowledged to me that such corporation executed the within Instrun pursuant to its by-laws or a resolution of its Board of Directors. WITNESS my hand and official seal. Claude A. Lewis known to me to be City Clerk of the corporati ’1 .............................. * KAREN Fa. KUNDTZ 2 * S4N DEGO COUNTY * My Conm Exp Sept 27 1989 r ............................... * OFFICIAL SE4L 2 * KAREN R. KUNDTZ NOTARY PUBLIC-CALIFO~NIA t Name (Typed or Printed) -& 1 2 3 41 5 61 7 8 0 0 RESOLUTION NO. 8266 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA APPROVING THE EXECUTION OF A GRANT DEED FOR SEWER EASEMENT PURPOSES. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsba determined it to be in the public interest to approv~ execution of the grant deed; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Counc the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: I 141 15 17 l6l and the City Clerk is hereby authorized to cause the ori easement Deed to be recorded in the Office of the C Recorder of San Diego County, State of California. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeti I 23 24 MARY H. CASLER, Mayor CLAUDE A. LEWIS, Mayor Pro-Tern 27 28 ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Clerk I ~ I (SEAL) I 1 a TEL CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 (714 e 1200 ELM AVENUE aitp of CarlrJlfiab CENTRAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT December 17, 1985 Leucadia County Water District P. 0. Box 2397 Leucadia, CA 92024 Re: Grant of Easement from City of Carlsbad Enclosed please find original deed from the City of Carlsbad granting a utility easement to the Leucadia County Water District. This deed was recorded November 27, 1985 in San Diego and given the recordation number of 85-449266. If you have any questions on this matter please don't hesitate to contact this office. jiiLx5T Deputy City Clerk KRK/kds Encl. 85 449Z61 ECORDED IN- Or" OFFICIAL RECORDS OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, GA = - -- -*- ' - .. * TRANSAN~RICA TIT INSURANCB 2250 Nhen Recorded Nail tu City of Carlsbad 1985 N OV 2 7 AM 84 1200 Elxi Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 City Clerk VERA L LYLE 8- fL COUNTY RECORDER 6002537 DCC~MNTARY 'l%ANSfER Tax $ GRANT OF EASEMENT THE CITY OF CARLSBAD hereby grant(s) to LEUCADIA COUNTY WATER DISTRICT, a politic subdivision situated in San Diego County, California, an easeme1 for the construction, operation, maintenance, repair ai replacement of a sewer pipeline or pipelines, manholes, lateral pump station, and appurtenances, and the right of ingress at egress for such purposes (together with the right to clear a keep clear said easement from trees, buildings and 0th structures), in, over, under, and across the hereinaft described lands. Said easement is situated in the City of Carlsbad, County of S Diego, State of California, and is more particularly describ as follows: A parcel of land being a portion of Lot 4 of Rancho L Encinitas, Map No. 848, in the City of Carlsbad, County San Diego, State of California, on file in the office of t particularly described as follows: A strip of land 20.00 feet in width, lying 10.00 feet on ea side and paralled with the following described centerline. Commencing at the most Southerly corner of Parcel 2 as shc on Parcel Map No. 13524, on file at the Office of the Cour Recorder, in the County of San Diego, in the State California, said corner formed by the intersection of i courses: North 63°00'27" West 94.27 feet (North 63' 00': West 94.26 feet per record) and North 77"OO'OO" East 185, feet (north 76'59'56" East 185.18 feet per record); ther South 13'00'00" East 33.91 feet to the TRUE POINT BEGINNING: thence South 25"38'00" West 50.91 feet; ther South 30"50'45" West 220.57 feet; thence South 31'27'32" Wt 230.00 feet to a POINT OF TERMINATION, said point being the centerline of that certain 84.00 foot wide road easemf (known as Mision Estancia) granted to the City of Carlsk per Doc. No. 77-281161, Dated 7-14-77, Book 1977 of Offic: Records, said point also being South 67"30'001' East 134 feet from said Southeast corner of said Parcel 1. Sideline of said easement shall be shortened or lengthened begin on the line that bears North 13'00'00" West and pas the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING and to terminate on centerline of said Mision Estancia, said centerline be North 67°30'00" West and passes through the POINT TERMINATION. County Recorder of said county, of said state, ma 0 *- > .*, 1 .. 2231 Grantor(s) and its or permit to be erected or constructed, any building or other structure, any tree or trees, or drill any well or wells, within the limits of said easement. Grantor( s) and its successc)rs in interest shall not ir or decrease, or permit to be increased or decreased, the existing ground vations of said easement without the previous written consent of the Grar Grantor(s) agrees that no other easement shall be granted, in, over, undc above described property and easement by the Grantor(s) or successors in interest without the previous written consent of the Grant€ successors in interest shall not erect or constr its DATED: November 20, 1985 B BY h&, @;;zQk6 ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, Cit STATE OF CALIFORNIA - ss. COUNTY OF _- SAN DIEGO 1 On November 22, 1985 , before me, the undersigned, a Notar] Public in and for said State, personally appeared known to me to be the Mayor Pro-Tem and Aletha L. Rautenkrar known to me to be City Clerk of the corporatic that executed the "ithin Instrument, known to me to be the persocs who executed the within Instrument on behalf of the corporation therein namec and acknowledged to me that such corporation executed the within Instrumc pursuant to its by-laws or a resolution of its Board of Directors. WITNESS my hand and ofTicial seal. Claude A. Lewis $**********a****************** * SAN DiEGO COUNTY $ * My 'Omm bP SDt 27, I989 t .............................. * OFF~CIAL SEAL t * KAREN R. KUNDn t * NOTARY PUBLIC-CALIFO~~NIA * KAREN R. KUNDTZ Name (Typed or Printed)