HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985-11-19; City Council; N/A; Fair Responsibility Act of 1986, :" TAXPAYERS for &,J--' ~~-I ~ h> ~ I ? c-?J'l<. -FAIR RESPONSIBILITY 111 Anza Boulevard, Suite 406 ~hfomta ~10 • (415) 340-0470 County Supervisors Association of California League of California Cities California Chamber of Commerce California Tl'lxpayers Association California Manufacturers Association Association for California Tort Reform California Medical Association • California Hospital Association Association of Cahiorrna Insurance Companies Alliance of .American Insurers (Parlial Listing) John H. Hodgson II, Treasurer I.D. #850827 0 LIJ ~ er: a.. a.. <C I lt\ ~ ~ -- October 28, 1985 Dear City Officiai: You recently received information from the League of California Cities outlining the effort by a coalition of government, business and health care organizations to change Califor_nia' s unfair "deep pockets" law. This coalition--Taxpayers for Fair Responsibility-- includes the County Supervisors Association of California, the League, California Chamber of Commerce, California Taxpayers Association, California Medical Association, California Hospital Association and California Manufac- turers Association. The initiative supported by the coalition, the Fair Responsibility Act of 1986, contains virtually the same provi- sions as SB 75. Your assistance is critically important to the success of this effort. The support of each council member individually, and the collec- tive endorsement of every city, will help the public to realize that "deep pockets" is a taxpayer issue--and that reform will mean the savings of millions of taxpayer dollars. The League, by resolution at its annual meet- ing, has made "deep pockets" reform a top priority. You ca~ help immediately in the following ways: 1) Sign and return the enclosed endorse- ment card 2) Help persuade your full council to adopt the enclosed resolution. We would like to have resolutions from all boards by December 1. When it is passed, please send a copy to the Campaign office. 3) Contact S to 10 key community leaders to help with this effort (service club presidents, key business and profes- sional people,etc.). 4) Contact your local state legislators-- both Assembly and Senate members--and ask them to endorse the initiative. -2 - 5) Circulate petitions. If you would like to help collect signatures, please contact the Taxpayers for Fair Responsibility campaign office at (415) 340-0470. Ml time spent !2Y. £.ill officials QD. qualifying_ Q.I. advocating tllll. ballot measure~~ volunteer time. NQ. g_,ily money, ~taff time, Q.I. ~ resources ma~~ spent to ™.li.f.Y ~ initiative, Ci.u money and resources, including staff time and office equipment. may be spent to provide objective information on ballot measurefu. but not to advocate, Viola- tion. of these prohibitions can result in. both civil and criminal penalties, Working together, we can restore fairness to the law and save our cities millions of much-needed taxpayers' dollars. Please contact Ethie weaver, state Field Director, at the Campaign office if you need additional information. Sincerely, ~~,...t.. Richards. Woodward Campaign r1anager Taxpayers for Fair Responsibility Enclosures l RESOI.OTION ro. 8269 2 3 WHEREAS, the resent joint and several liability law, also know as the "Deep 4 Pocket Doctrine", has unfairly oost the cities of California millions of 5 dollars in oourt judgerrents, settlements, legal oosts, skyrocketing insurance 6 premiums and difficulty in ootaining crlequate liability insurance ooveragei and 7 WHEREAS, this same dxtrine has also oost other governmental bodies, a business f irrns and professionals many millions of dollars; and 9 WHEREAS, ultimately this oost is unfairly borne by the taxpayers and 10 consumers of California; and 11 WHEREAS, many cities, other governmental bodies, business firms and 12 professionals are selected as defendants in lawsuits nerely because of their 13 perceived assets or insurance and often are found only fractionally at fault 14 cannot payi and 15 WHEREAS, the oost of this is unfairly lx>rne by the taxpayers and oonsurrers 16 of california; and 17 WHEREAS, the "Fair Responsibility Act of 1986" is an initiative neasure 18 that would give the voters of california an cpportunity to reform the 19 inequities and injustices of the "Deep Pocket Doctrine" by oolding liability 20 lawsuit defendants financially liable in closer proportion to their degree of 21 .fault; now, therefore be it 22 RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Carlsbad erxlorse the "Fair 23 Responsibility Act of 1986" and urge its support and passage to relieve the 24 financial strain inposed on local govenment and its taxpayers. 25 /// 26 Ill 27 /// 28 /// - l PASSED, APPROVED, AN"D AOOyfoD by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, 2 State of California., on this 19th day of Novenber, 1985, by the following vote: 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 AYES: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Chick and Pettine NOES: None ABSENT: Council Member Casler 10 A'l'l'EST: 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ALETHA L. RAU'l'mKRANz,citycer (SEAL)