HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985-11-26; City Council; 8417; Public Facility Reimbursement.. z 0 ~ ,.J 0 z :, 0 0 er. OF CARLSBAD -AGENL .. BILL AB# ?L/1'7 MTG. 11126/85 DEPT. ENG TITLE: PUBLIC FACILITY REIMBURSEMENT RECOMMENDED ACTION: . ~ITY ATTYVee. CITY MGR,~ By motion adopt Resolution No, i,:1.1~ authorizing the Finance Director to releaee public facitilies funds for the reimbursement for the construction of a traffic signal located at Palomar Airport Road and Avenida Encinas. ITEM EXPLANATION As a condition of approval of SOP 83-11 (Planning Co~mission Res0lution No. 2325) the developer was required to design and construct a traffic signal at the intersection of Palomar Airport Road and Avenida Encinas, As this installation is identified in our Public Facilities Management System and as indicated in the conditions of approval, the developer is eligible for credit or reimbursement of the costs to provide the improvement. Rusty Grosse (Palomar & Co,) has constructed the signal and is requesting a reimbursement of expenditures as follows: Cost of Signal Design Drafting Overhead+ Profit 15% $ 64,554.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 190.00 $ 67,344.00 $10,132.00 $ 77,676.00 Staff has reviewed the cost estimate provided by the developer and concurs with the amounts shown, with the exception of the figure concerning overhead and profit. It is recommended that this amount be disallowed as the Public Facilities Management System and Council Policy 17 do not address indirect costs such as overhead and profit by the developer. The developer has already paid the Public Facilities Fees of $13,756.00 for Marie Calender's (Building Permit No, 84-386) and $4,606,00 for McDonald's (Building Permit No. 85-257). Addition- ally, Palomar Ventures, the developer on the west side of Avenida Encinas, has paid $26,606.00 in Public Facilities Fees. Palomar & Co. is entitled to reimbursement of actual construction costs of $67,544.00. The applicant is request~ng reimbursement of the sum of the fees paid in this area to date ($44,968.00). When plans are submitted for the remaining phases of this project, additional Public Facilities Fees will be charged based on 2% of Lhe improvement value. At such time the balance of the reimbursement·of $22,576.00 will be credited to Palomar & Co. Page 2 of Agenda Bill No. 8':/ t1 ___ ---_ FISCAL IMPACT Funds in the amount of $44,968.00 shall be expended from the Public Facility Fund as described in Council Policy 17. These costs are offset by the collection of Public Facilities Fees. EXHIBl TS 1. Resolution No. Yc?7ltJ authorizing the Finance Director to release public facLtilies funds for the reimbursement for the construction of a traffic signal located at Palomar Airport Road and Avenida Encinas. 2. Request for reimbursement with attachments, dated August 22, 1985. 5850 Avenida Encinas. Suite A August 22, 1985 Hr. Frank Aleshire City Mana_ger City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008-1989 Carlsbad, California 92008 Re: Palomar Place -Public Facilities Fees Palomar Airport Road and Avenida Encinas Dear Frank: Phone 819/438-3141 Reference is made to your meeting with Bebe in January 1985 regarding our project and your follow up letter dated January 18, 1985 in response to the items which were discussed at that meeting. Item 16 indicated that we could, in fact, receive cash reimbursement for the ~ost of the signal instead of credit. As you know, the project directly across from ours on Avenida Encinas (Palomar Ventures) is responsible as well for the instel lation of the traffic signal prior to issuance of the1 r Certificate of Occupancy (Resolution #2326.). Since they ~id not contribute-:. at all to the cost of the construction of the signal and 1e have borne the entire financial burden, we should receive their public facilities fee contribution in the amount of $11,033.00, Permit #84-377B and $15,573.00, Pennit f84-377A. The traffic signal.has now been installed and activated 1nd 1e are herewith requesting reimbursement as follows: Cost of Signal hs1gn Drafting Overhead I Proftt 15% Total P~b11c faciltttes faes to date: ·Marte Callendars (IB4-SB6) 14cDonalds {fBS-257) Palomar Ventures (184-3778) Pll omar Ventures (f84-377A) Total $64,554 2,800 190 10,132 $77,676 ........ "$13,756 ~.606 11,033 15,573 $44,968 ........ Stattt Contractor, Ucen1e No. 378383 EXHIBIT 2 ~ ~-:·=·~-~ .. =~--..... · .. ::-:.:~ ......... :-·· ... •."· .. . . . .. .__ .......... ,. ..:... ' " ....... , ...... ~. . ' • ~-; -...~":"".__ . - ~;~ ... -: ~ ... ,_: , ... ,. .. ~~ ,, .. ' ~ ... ........... .. ,... ...... _ ... __ _ ::~~~~~ -·~ ~-, ..... F~~:-':.,•! ..... _ ..... -,. ............ ___ _ -~ . ~• ... . ... ~ .. • ' ~--' • >,.. . . ... ... "'" -~ -~ --.. ,,.,1,. \). .... -'• • ~ ~ ......... ,.;.'I" ' : -~--...... ..,. ' "-· -. ' , . .,.. ... .,._. """'"" ......... , ""' ~ ... #'f" ' .. ~ t . .,_,.,. .... .,..,...... ..... ., -,Aug~it 22. 1985 Page T1i«> We would appreciate it greatly if you would take the appropriate steps to obtain a reimbursement check for us in the amount of $44,968.00, as reim- bursement for public facilities fees paid by the above projects to date. cc: Mr. Jeff !rusaeau I • .... ....-.. ,,...· .. ~ ......... ... .. _:~:~./i:·~=~~~2< .. :·. ·:·~ . . , ,. ~ ' . I •• • • •••• ..... ~ ~-:-" ., . ......... ' .... , ...... _ -. ' .. : ... ;:; ... ....;_......i;;_,,.:~ ..... ~ ..... :;.,:,.,.,· i,..tt•t~ .... ~..-"'-~~:., ................ -.. ...... .; .. ,.,,...,. .... :.~ • -~.-.:..•"\•h•,:• ...... ••. 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',... . .. , . ....... ~,...--• .... -.. -..-................ ............ -... ,., . STEINY AND COMPANY, INC. 2230 E. Orar.gethc:pe ~"le•; -Ful-l~rJlon; C.:.A 92€;~1. ■L■CTAICAL C0NTAACTOR ■ ANCI ENDIINE ■R ■ LO ■ ANCl ■L■■J VALLSJOJ ANAHEIM Januaxy B, 1985 Llcenae16127S RUSSELL W. GROSSE DEVELOPMENT CO. , !NC• 5850 Avenida Bncinas, Suite "A" Car.lsbad, California 92008 A'ITN: Mr. Cliff Burford Gentlemen: We offer to pcrf onn the following work, on the terms and conditions stated below and on the reverse side hereof, and at the prices sbov..;, as follows: CITY OF CARLSBAD -Palomar Airport Rd. & Avenida Encinas Traffic Signals (Unapproved Drawing fl247-5A) No Special Provisions Lump Sum $64,554.00 Exclude: SDG&E Charges (service point to be as shown on plan). This offer shall eitpire 30 days from the date hereof and may ~ withdrawn by us at any time prior thereto with or without notice. This offer supersedes any prior offers, commitment or orders, contains all terms, conditions and warranties and, when accepted, constitutes the entire contract between the parties. The resulting contract shall not be modified except by formal written amendment signed by the authorized representatives of both parties. This offer shall be accepted by delivery to us of a copy of this offer duly signed by you in the space provided below. Very truly yours, The foregoing offer is hereby accepted this_ dayof :Z'2-J~ ,19..£::/J.- Byft;;;;;~ Titl.c------------,--- LOS ANGELES OFFICE: S:!21 N.AROMORE AVE, P,O, BOX ?4901 LOS ANGELES, CALIF, 90004 (213) 382•2:33, VALLEJO Ol'=FICE 27 SHERIOAN STREET P,O. SOX SOOS VALLEJO, CALIF,84590 (7071~900 ANAHEIM OFFICE: ~,\){R. P,O,B0X61:30 ANAHEIM. CALIF,82907 779-2301 (71 t'IJ IIKlle:,BCK GENEMi. toNDJ¥1ONS l, PAYMENT Al lhc c1l4 9f uch calendar 111011th durin& the period 1hr wort. b Ill l,J,'.oirua •c ■hall 11nLt an 1pprode111e nlhnllt or Ille nlue c,f 1111rrlak NUIYCd and •ork pcrlor=d by w at the nd of 111ch mnnlb, ud •DI i.:IYDlcc 7ou for ,09', of 1uch ntlm11cd 'l'aluc, Such lnvol" lhaU be paid i,ct c»h DO hltr lhan lcll dJYI from the date of the Invoice. The balance of the conlr~ct price ud 1111 olhc1 omounll due us ~rcWJdcr ahaU become due ud payable 35 d.lys aflcr corni,lcdoo of all ,rork hereunder. n,c unpaid rartlt'n of lhe contrar.t prltc rcl11cd to the value of complelcd ,rork and to au work In procm ah~ll become lmmcdlatel1 due and payable In the ncnl of your default hereunder, your u11aa1f1r.c1nry credit position or lotol\'Ctley or lhe 61in1 t,y or aplllll 1011 of • r,c1ilf011 In bankruptcy, UJ)('D tl>c occurrence of any ol lhr forcaolos, we may 1uspC11d furlllcr ,rork and malcrial dcUvcrln hcrcu1ulcr until you .bnc cured ,uch default or remove~ such sro1111ds lor auspcnsioo. 2, SCHEDULING Wa will cotnplclt the work ,within the time requlttd by the contract, pro~idcd all btlorrn~don Is furnlshc'1 lo us and all worL 10 be done hy oU,crs I, performed and coa,pl~cd In audi time and 111anr.cr as wlJI 1101 Jclay or IAlcrfere wilh our work, If we arc dclJycd due 10 c1ust1 for 'Which )'ou or thole 1«lq for :,ou, or your olhcr COIIUActors or tub-co111rac1ors arc rcsron&ible, the time for cornploti~n of our work ,h1U be c~tcadcd for ,uch II period u mar rcuon:blf be nccesur)' to aiable Ill lo pcrfonn, ud )'OU sh1U rclmbunc us for any and all tosls and Hrcn1t1 which we mar !Deur u a direct result of auch delay, lllcludlaJ but noc limltcd 10 expenses lDcurrcd Ill bandlin11 acd llorlo; materials, waaea and hlarin of anplorcco, the rcnlll nluc of equipment and facilltlu made Idle by aucb delay, lhc cost of tranaportio,: IIICA an~ l!Ullcrt.11, ud the coll of 1111 overtl-work IMlbffqucall7 required u • .-ii of 111cb IY!a)', 3, GUARANTEE We 'WiU replace or corner, al your wrlaco teQu«I at any tlmc wllhlo one yeu from lhc dale of complcli011 cf our wort UDdtr this coolract any of our malcrfal or wor1tm1nshlr which la ciclcctin or la ool In c:onlormance wllh the lf)Cclfic11loas, Our Uabllily for ar:y 1111d all Jos.sn and dam~n 11111alncd b)' )'OU or by otbcn naultina from uy ddccllvc m31cri~ or ,rort.111&111hlr which ,we may futDlab uodcr this contr1c1 ,hill M limited to the replaoemcnt or correction cf aucb dcfcctln m111eriab and workm:lnship wilhla 1he lime above ataecd, and 'WC aball aot be 11.ab:c for C01Uequaitl&I damaa-. .C, CHANGES , Wa will 011kc uy chanan lo I.be work t.blt )'ou lllltruct us In wrltlo,: to !Dike. If we arc unable to 1,rcc whb )'OIi upon lbc prl~ 10 be charaed for addillonal work or th: credit aUowed fot raduc:tloas In the work, we "'Ill DCvtrtbclcu procccd to make aucb c:haoaea accordloc 10 your lnmuctlons, pcovldcd )'OU hnc tul"Dllhcd all Dcccuary lnfonnatioo and all work lo be cloee t,y ol.ben liu btcu properly performed, 1111d upon completlOG thereof you wUJ pay "' our COIIJ of rtrfonnln11: 1ddhir.11al worl:, coroputtd acccrdlaa 10 our rqular 1ccouatillc pra«lcea u cct1Uied t,y our Treasurer, plut 10" profit, or we wW c:redlt your account In the 1mouo1 of our urinp, alJnllactr Computod, aa ccrtlftcd by our Tnuurcr, reaullinl ftoro any nductloo Ill the ,rork. la tllc cnot ,we are directed lo proccc4 with addillooal work oa a Force Accowu bull, then "'c ,h~!J be paid for pcrformloa tile a.ddllloGal work bi accorducc: with the Fora: Accouot formula lllpulalcd b1 Ille spcdl!catlou. 5, DEIAYS W• lhall Doi be liable tor delays ID rc1!ormaac:c caused by •CU of God or lbc public -my, llrikcs or Olhcc t'llfcraica wllh wor~: llbof1qu of c ■l'J, fuel, power, materials or labor; delay, ID tra.asponalloa; acddnu; coans,liao~ 'Wll.b, or acUoa takai to carr)' out the latcat or purroee of uy law or admllllarall•e order or rt,ulaUoo, decree of COl."rt or request by • fOffl'■lllall .. aicy or olllclal lltcrco!, ■or lhaU ,we be liable tor delays ID performance due lo uy -tlqcacy beyOGd our nu011ablc CIODtrol, ln lhc nn1 of delay cau.acd by an>· of the forc1:oln1, ~he time fo, pcrformaoca slu,11 be ataulcd for aucb IJmc u may be R-■b'1 nccaaary I(> uablc ias to pufonu. 6. PATENTS Yuu aha1I lDdcllUllly aad anc ua harmle.sa f1C1m hif:laacmcat ol United St~lcs !'Atenls re.ultm11 froni our co111pllant'C with dcllPII or ar>edficallc,n, which yau furn.lsh, We "1ll llldcmnlfy ud ain you harmlus f1om llllrlottrDCDl ol Uolled Statr, ratnits b)' producta fabricated hrrc1111dcr In coo!orrnancc with dalpa or apccJAcaU-which we furDlah, 7. LIENS Wa 'Will ladctn11\ty ud PYC )'OU hl.lllllca fram all Joas and li1bW1y raulllnt from acallaalcc or l:tck of due urc or the flllurc to discb111e all obll&atlolls lo 'WorkDICD, anatcrlalmco, 111bc:ontracton1 u:1 olhm lllcumd or ~II la COIUl«tiOG with the pcrformuc:c of 1h14 cu11tran on our pan ud 1111 1M ,an ol AD)' of our auboonllacton. You wW Pl'OUCt ua from Uabllll,y due lo our co:mpllarice wllb 7our clclltu, clra,wiDIJa uo 1pedllC111loal, I, IUIIDH'S llMC Wa win repair or rcpl•u IIIIY aaecrlals that arc clallll&ed or dcatroyed prior io 6Dal co111pltU011, uccpt that you will repair or rrpl.lcc, or ciompci:aatc IIS for np&lrln: or npladaa, any JNttrlall 1h11 arc C:1nu,cd or dalro)cd due to )out fl111t or the fault of )'OUr other cootracsora ot rcp-tatiffl, HowcYll, )'OIi wUI aalllt.ala Ate llld C.\ICllded (OYUll,C Insurance OD Ille work la 1111 amo11111 111 leut aclllclcot to compcDSatc Ill lor U)' io-WC 1111)' lllltllA ... reault of HY ot UIC CIUMI covcffii by IUCh iuur;uice and ,wJU ■amc w .. l»-AMIIICd "' the ,alley or polic:ka of iuurucc to t.111 1\111 Ulall o( 011r i.utablc latcnal la IM "Olk, f, IOND At your nquett. 'WC aball au,,ply labor ud 11merlal &nd pc1fNm111cc bonds for lbc •orL. ~ovucd by tlm contlact provided rou 1>31 u,, ia addltloa l<I UM: ■1110111111 due 1:1 hcrCllll4cr. Ille pt'cmlu111$ for 111cb bonds, 10. TAXES To the CSICIII ltJIIIY pcr11lulblc, all PIC&rDI and fUIUIC lucs hnl):lKd by IID)' federal, &lDlt or h'(',1I IUlbority ,.hkh ,u: fflJ)' t,c rrqulrcc.1 lo 1'31 ur (ollcct, uron or with reference to the a.:ie, rurch:isc, Unn!p.tn~:!un, delhcry, 1101~,.:. ur.c ,,, coasumv111'11 of llu.· 111atcr11ls "' r.t1vlco ,owrrcJ bcrcby, locludini: taxc, uroa or at.iwrcd by Uic rcccil'I• lh~rcfrom, ahall ltc for ,-our •~t1•un1, 11, LAW JVq d•ust rrqulrcd Ill be llleludcd ID • C'-IU•~I of this kind by •n>· arplkat,le I•,. or 1dallnls1111hc rcrulJli,•n hn111.: the cnc .. 1 1,1 law JhaU b.: dccrocd to bt illcorpc,ratcd bcrcla. 12, ATTORNEY'S fEES U U)' kall prO<ttdloi h broutt,t bnwRn tilhcr nf us •r!liu~ out of c,r connectr.i ,wilh this •~rccment and la the cvrn1 th,11 •c ~re th...-111 ·c-.slul putt thcrclll, •• lllall be catlUed N rccovrr all co,~ •J( our 1CUOD1blc allOrN)''I feu and cApcues. 1a connccllo• lhcrewiUi. ' 13, WAIVER \\';her by either of us of aay breach of tbli coauac<, shall Dl)I lit cocauucd u a w~hcr of any l\lhc1 brcacb, -~ ..... ?507 5252 Balboa Avenue, Suite 709 San Die10, CA 92117 {714) 278-3365 TRAFFIC AND PARKINq; STUDIES January 4, 1985 1 -------·· I Russell Grosse Development Company 5850 Avenida Encinas Carlsbad, CA 92008 STATEMENT For traffic engineering and traffic planning services performed in the design of the Palomar Airport Road/Avenida Encinas traffic signal through final submittal and December 29, 1984: 25% Balance of Contract $700.00 Total $700.00 -- .t.• I .F:so1 Federhart & Associates 6252. Qalboa Avenue, Suite 709 San Dieio,cA-92117. • (714) 278-3365 TRAFFIC AND PARKING STUDiE.S November 6, 1984 Russell Grosse Development Company 5850 Avenida Encinas Carlsbad, CA 92008 STATEMENT ~··---.-~-\ : I .• :" ~ .. , .. ..,f .. ~-;- ,.. , --~ ( _,_ ... • . l·\·.1v . 8 :,.. . . , . -.... ___ --------......... For design of traffic signal at Palomar Airport and Avenida Encinas; first submittal through November 4, 1984: 75% of $2,800 $2,100.00 Total $2,100.00 Thank you • ' l"' ., ,~ , I, ,., ,! . ' ', l~ •' i '~,:,f ' I ,,....., ... ~ l 'j"'· , • . .... _\ ~ ' .,.....,.:-~-.... , i~-STfiRN· LAND SURV,~YING', ,,NJ. 5850 AVENIDA ENCINAS. CARLSBAD, CA 92008 (619) 436·9553 or (619) 438,4480 ), I "P.alomar au~ Qompan:y Descrlptlon Palomar Airport Rd. and Aven:l..da F11cina~ ·carlaba.d, CA 92008 , TRAFF:IC SIGNAL PLA.t.1 / • 61 Meetlng•With agency .. $ ____ 01 02 Rese~rth ......... ·.. _____ 02 lJ3 Design . , ..•.... , . . . _____ 03 04. Conference . . . . . . . . . • • 04 . .05 .Calculalion ••••• ·;(:=· " 05 icrn nn J 06 . D_rafting ·, ......... · . . . __.."""""...,,,,...._,,,,,,_ 06 07 Docurnenlation . , : . • • • __.,-07 08 Prepareapplication ... • _____ 08 09 Assemble submittal . . _____ 09 10 Submittal to·agency . . _____ • 10 J.1' Revistons ......... L ______ 11 ~,. . :12 Field·inspection ... ). . -----· 12 . 13: Control··survey . . . . . . . _____ 13 ? , i14 ~l!rvey st~'ke•out . . . . . , 14 . 15 Other.,·.~.:, ......... _____ , 15 wor 1032 TENTATIVE MAP BIiiing Date 10 October 1984 GRADING PLAN Meefing with agency .. $ ____ 01 Meeting-wlih agency.;$ ____ _ Research . . . . . . . . . . . 92 R,~earch .. . . ... . . . . . ____ _ Design . . . .. . . .. .. . . ...., 1i)Q,OQ '03 .. Qeslgn ... ,. . . ... . .. . 240,00 Conference . . . . . . . . . -"i 04 Conference . . . . . . . . . / 1 Calculation . . . . . . . . . 130, QQ 95 Calculation . .. . . .. . . 310 • .'oo • 4°~.·o·o-oratung . .. . .. .. .. . . 2filQ QO 06 .{)rafting ............ ----=o=-=> __ -'-"----~ Documentation . . . . . . Oi' Documentation . . . . . . __ _,;_ __ Prepare application . . . 08 Prepare appllcatiori . , . -..;· i'_·--'--,----r Assemble submittal • • 09 Assemble ~µ.bmitt?:1 .. -·---.. -. _ Submittal to agency . . 10 ~ubmittal to agE1ncy .. ____ _ Revisions . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Revisions .... : .....• -,-:.'---- Field inspection...... ~ 12 Field.insp~ctioil .. : .... , ~ ;;~' ... ,· ' Control survey . . . . . . . . 13 Control survey .. •. ,·, .... ~,._.:_,;_· -~• Survey stake-out . . . . . 14 Survey stike·QUt .. :·~,.· ·2. ~--..:,' . Other............... • 15. ,Other ...... ~·.·:.-.,:',.:, .. .'··: • ·" • •• • Submi'ttal t,aelciis:t ~ ; ~ __ ; I ?' :_ ,\ -• , -.I• _____ ...,!(-. -."'":-_,;-..:·:t:; .. i,.,:,;·• ... :,:·-:_--:·:-· ... :n._:;;;.o_s .... ~.;.~-N-:_~;,;;.'0;;.~~~--o;;.;.r:-·l?;.;;;;tA?_i:;,..f --_;~R;,;;;OAD=-_IMPR=~OV~EME=:.:.NT:..· .:;.PL~,A~'N~S---..+-"'!"-"!".·.""!":'•·:_~--.1s~~-C~·.E_l~.·L;;;;;.<~~-.N"!"' ... ~~~~~~-·S"!"!':·.'."""':"""'"-!'f·' . ,01 ' ;Mei(in~ ,wi_th,agency_ .• _;s 01 Meeting with agency .. $ _____ 91 Clerlcal· .. ~ .... ,i. .... :~': • • .. 02 :Res~~ri;:h_.~ ......... ;•;. 200.09 02 Research........... 02 Printing .. .' .... .' ... ,;\~-.... •,j_• ., . . 03.'_:oesfgn ; .. ." ........ , _______ 03 Design............. 200cOO -cfa Tltlereport ......... ,,;:,· .. :,. •·· l ,; 6~ -Gorifetence . . . .. . . . . . ) 04 Conference . . . . . . . . . 04 Outside SefviCes ,_ ~ .' .. : • .t· '', '-• ~ r,. S,)5 (?alculation ........ ~. ... 05 Qalculation . . . . . . . . . 320.0Q. 'SI'l'E. l?LAN' • ~+·· 06. Drafting .... \ ...... l .. 280,QQ 06 t>rafting ............ _____ calc:s • :01' ,6ocumenta'tiori•,., .. '.. ~-.... ~-· 07 Documentation ...... ______ drafting 135.dO •. 240,00. 1\ 08 Prepare application. . . •• , . 08 Prepare application ... ____ _ ' 09 Assemble submittal .. . \ 09. Assemble submittal .. ' 10 su6mittal. to agency .. __: :fo Submittal to agency .. ----- :11. 'Revisions ......... :·. • 11 Revisions ........... ____ _ 12 F.le(d-lnsped\ion. . . . . . • 12· Fleld inspection ...... ____ _ 13 Control surv~y . . . . . . . . 13 ConJrol survey ....... ____ _ SITE -OONCRETE & • ASlllu\LT PW design . . • 60-~.00 drafting :_ ··1 . 340~.W- _,cal_c , 110. oo 14 Survey stake}out . . . . . 14 Surveystake•out ..... ____ _ ~5 Other ........... , . . . • 15 ·Other ............... ____ _ ·~"-----·---------,.+-. ---,---~. '-----....;_-----------.'t---,-----;;-..,....---.,..,..· .. • ---:· ·:-:-:-:-:-=----,, ; B~an~e Forw~rd,$ 2296.58 Sept. 'f, .. yments -2296.58 • PAS'f:DUE -0- 1 ½ % Service Charge +_,... ______ , Sept. Ch_arges + 3675.00 BALANCE·DUE $. 3675,00 On Deposit Toward Flnal·Bllllng $. ____ _ . I' I - l 2. 3 4 5 6 7 8· 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23, 24 25· 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 8276 -------- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFO'RNIA, AUTHORIZING THE .FINANCE DIRECTOR TO REIMBURSE PUBLIC FACILITY FEES. BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: WHEREAS, the City Menager and the City Council have found the reimbursement to Palomar and Company for the traffic signal at Palomar Airport Road and Avenida Encinas to be in conformance with the conditions of PD 288; and WijEREAS, the reimbursement is per Counail Pnlicy Statement 17; and WHEREAS, the necessary funds are available in the Public Facilities Fund; BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the Finance Dir~ctor is hereby authorized to reimburse Public fability Fe~ in the amount of FORTY FOUR THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED SIXTY EIGHT AND N0/100 DOLLARS ($44,968.00) to Palomar and Company for the traffic signal installed as part of PD 288 from the Public facility Fund No .. 320-941. Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill .... -.. . • 1 ,:) . . ...,. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (• 11 12 '; 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of 1985 by the following vote, to wit: ATTEST: AYES: Council Members Casler, Lewis, Kulchin, Chick and Pettine NOES: None ABSENT: ~d~ MAITT.CALER, Mayor None ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Clerk (SEAL) ... •,. ...