HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985-12-03; City Council; 8310-1; BEACH EROSION COMMITTEE APPOINTMENT* 1 -* a rd c a c rd aJ aJ u u aJ E 2 0 V g [II $4 -4 0 w Ins COU mrd dal F4 oa, ds u $4 aJ0 Pu UaJ aJu uv a -4 aJ cd uaJm aJ3 a gzg n $4 m: 0 $i *$ a0 s E. u $4.4 aJ 0 rnc, 0“I [II rd u aJc *z b aaJ aJ a, 3 hu 3 F: &Id c’d rd cd -4 u a uc [II c oa rd OUaJ U uc me0 [II a-4 111 rd3oc $4 a rdb aJQ uudd u m.4 N cdEUcd aJ-6 0 ,.c6E-’V .. E-l 2 -InQ lnCOCO- 031 I+ I Ob0 rnddd Ill “cJJ 444- 0 2 3 Q 0 3 u E% %Js: CIT~F CARLSBAD - AGEND~ILL DEP AB# /p310- I TITLE: MTG. 12/03/85 BEACH EROSION COMMITTEE CITY DEPT. ENG CITY RECOMMENDED ACTION: d By motion, that the City Council approve Resolution No. appointing two members to the Beach Erosion Committee to f- vacant positions and selecting an alternate member. ITEM EXPLANATION At the City Council meeting of August 27, 1985, the I appointed a seven member committee to study the issue 01 erosion and produce a report in six months. The committet meeting on September 3, 1985, and has continued meeting 1 month since that time. Two members of this committee, Jack Gulshen and Robert J( have resigned (see Exhibit 1 for resignation letters), Gulshen had originally been appointed by Mayor Casler and Johnson by Council Member Chick. The Beach Erosion Committee asks that the City Council these two members and select an alternate member to f possible future vacancy. It is suggested that the City Council appoint two members committee from the applications received at the time the 01 committee was appointed. FISCAL IMPACT None. -~~~ EXHIBITS 1. Letters of Resignation 2. Applications for the Committee Is. Resolution No. 8XSD appointing two members to thc Erosion Committee to replace the two members wt resigned. -u__ . 0 0 1837 Palisades Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 November 21, 1985 Councilman Mark V. Pettine 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Councilman Pettine: I regret to inform you that I must resign my position on the Beach Erosion Committee effective December 1, 1985. I have accepted an engineering position with the City of Carlsbad which precludes me from completing my appointment. However, I will function as the staff representative on the committee at the request of Gene Donovan. I thank you and the other council members for the opportunity afforded me to serve on the committee. Sincerely, EliiP+ -r+L+. Robert T. Johnson, Jr. cc: Mayor Casler Counci 1 Members EXHIBIT 1 0 0 L/--+- PAUL ECKE POINSETTIAS c L- November 22, 1985 Mr. Mario Monroy 3610 Carlsbad Boulevard Carlsbad, CA. 92008 Dear Chairman Monroy: It is with a great deal of regret that I write this letter of resignation from the Carlsbad Beach Erosion Committee. I have always thought that individuals should repay the community for all that we gain from being members of said community. as we discussed in our recent conversation, I am truly sorry that my travel schedule is such that I cannot devote the necessary time required to be an active member of your ad hoc committee. I will keep in touch with you, Mario, and will retain a keen interest in the committee's final findings. With best personal regards, Sincerely, So, d- J ck Gulshen CC: Mayor Mary Casler 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA. 92008 Ms. Elizabeth Fairchild 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA. 92008 a fm ( YCYII) H ))IEc6MB)m PO Box 488,441 Saxony Road, Encinitas California, 92024 USA Phone 619-753-1134 Cable ECKEPOINSRTIAS, Telex: TRT 188747 First National Bank, San Diego, California 92138 USA ~Amerlcsn~MarlPthgCoundt AmakanFhnistsEjdornnart E3 cowwBilwRLIEuM TEI (714 pe / ,&J:ec 0 lz00 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD. CALIFORNIA 92008 orm 01 rhe City C!m - Citp of Carlsfiab - APPLICATION mR APPOINTMENT TO BOARD OR COMMISSfON BEACH EROSION COMlNISSION Name of Board or Commission: Name (Print or Type): Address : Phone : 729-4062 Present Occupation: Business Name and Address: ALBERT MENDoZA 2870 HIGHLAND DR., CARLSBAD, CA. 92008 BUSINESS MAS ENTERPRISES ShiE YES - Bw. Phone: Resident of Carlsbad: Home Phone: YE3 same Registered Voter in Carlsbad: I am familiar with the re8ponsibilities assigned to the Board Comi88ion oa whicb 1 wirh to 88rve. If appointed to a Board willing to provide 8uch statmmnts as may be required. willing to appear for an intervicnr r8g.rding my qualfficationa for appointmurt bofore 8uch oonrmittea 88 m8y be dc8ipated by the City Council or if reque8ted by indiv%dual Council Mefnberl cGnmti8Sion Wh$& i8 SubjeCk to fiSlaCia dbS=loS?lrc ZmS, f Cn I am DATE: 7-11-85 sraxrtm: (See reverse 8idd 61 EXHIBI - - .. 1 0 @ EDUCAT I ON : GRADUATE OF THE UrU'IVE3SITY OF S,AN FRANZISCC BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION DEGREE MARKETING MAJOR EXPERIENCE : 2ETIRED STATE OF CALIFORNIA ADXIXISTRATOR - 26 YEA? CARE HAVE PARTICIPATED ON MARY SOVERNKEXT TASK FGRCES. :'ELL EXP2RIENC3D IN 'dORK1NC; I;J PROBLEM SOLVIK;: GROUPS, AXhLYSING KATEXIAL AR3 DATA PERTINZNT TO THZ PROBLZN UNDER CONSIDERATION, PARTICIPATED IT? DISCUSSIONS AND PREPARED 2ZCOXENDATIONS FOR HIGHER AUTHORITY CONSIDERAT OUTSIDE ACTIVITIES : M,3?43EI? CF THE BOAR3 CF DIRECTORS OF IiOXTH SAX DIEGO COUXTY UNITED WAY. EXSCUTIVZ OFFICER FOR THE 3ECA S2;iOLA?SXIP FOUN3ATION. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION OR Cons: TEZ BEACHES OF CXX,,,53AD ARE AX 13V.ALUL43LE ASSET X" mE -4 RAT'JRAL A=)JUNCT TO THE DEVELOFI::$ irx>LAsE PLAN, iIT;JoSpEXE FOX FUTUiiE GENERATIONS OF R,?SIDZflTS A;jD VISIT TO ZNJoV. BEACH EROSION AND CLIFF DISINTEGRATION CAN SP CLIFFS &JUST BE: SECURED, PROTECTED, FEIZSZ3VED AND BEAUTIF IF FUTLTE GOALS &?E TO 3E REALILED. TXE COMSIX~~TION OF WHICH CAI1 FROVIDE A PLZASAXT "CAiiT~TSL" TYP DISASTZR TO THESY PLANS AXD CONCEFTS. TLHE BEACHES AND n - yJT@ rn bc TELE e ,- ,1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 9Mo8 (714) om* oi rm ciry CIW~ - Citp of CarIsbab APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT TO BdARD OR COMMISSION Name of Board or Commission: @each ERos/’e~ CO,,,,,,,* Name (Print or Type): x&r( E8 v T6hnsoM Address : Phone: 438 - 3 707 Present Occupation: 6 733 /Jv4 ci m+ h CIwe , &v/sbid,, @L.sp d LL nc. QSD. t9- Business Name and Address: Bus. Phone: Home Phone: &‘I?- 3 707 Registered Voter in Carlsbad: Res idcnt of Carls bad : II/TS//GflCP += I am familiar with the reupon8ibilities assigned to the Board c Conmission on which I wfrh to serve. If appointed to a Board c Cammisrion which Ir rubject to financial disclosure laws, I am willfng to provide 8uch statements as may be required. I am willing to ap-u for M interview regarding my qualifications for appointment before such committee a8 may be designated by the City Council or if requested by indivLdua1 Council Members DATE: :hl( f T SIGNATURE: 9 lecuaz %?L4 (See reversa 8idd 6/ e l 0 a EDUCATION: - CSOid - YS ~--sx-"j-y& & w, -- 4-e eu -.L -'my - &I224 a w m 4- 9 ?- - EXPERIENCE: &A- \ -7m- -a 39-y * /? - &-&&/M.@- /.Ce%Ge + + d& d VzLiLL4=k! JdL.G---&* "2 OWSIDE ACTIVITIES: ADDfT~ONAL fNFQR!4ATZON OR CO~NTS: Pm4 p.. ub . ku t.o-Lc/ &L - -3k% x &- / 2a -7 A- ka % rR, TJnnA - a7 ' . -, -- ,-- rj. / .-- a * 5c-2 FRED 2. HAVENS JR M.D., Riverside Medical Clinic 3660 Arlington Ave. Riverside, CA 92506 July 23, 1985 djlj! RIVERSIDE MEDICAL CLINIC Carlsbad City Clerk RIVERSIDE 1200 Elm Avenue 3660 ARLINGTON AVENUF Carlsbad, California 92008 RIVERSIDE CALIFORNIA 92506 Dear Sirs: I amwriting to express interest in the Beach Erosion Ccsrmittee, the ad-hoc cannittee being formed to make a six mnth study of the problem of beach erosion in Carlsbad. 71 4-683-6370 SUNNYMEAD OFFICE 24853 ALESSANDRO BLVD SUN NYMEAD CALIFORNIA 92388 714-924-1 871 My name is Dr. Fred Z. Havens, Jr. My wife and I have 71 4-657-0671 owned beachfront property at 2747 Ocean Street in Carlsbad since 1966. My present hm is in Riverside, California, DE ANZA but we plan to me to Carlsbad upon retirmnt fran 7900 LIMONITE AVENUE practice. I am a physician in active practice in the RIVERSIDE specialty of Internal Medicine. I am a graduate of the University of Minnesota Medical School in 1945. I have had 71 4-685-0785 a continuing interest in, but no special training in, geology, ecology, oceanography and of course as a beachfront property owner, concerned about the problem at hand. Although I live in Riverside, I believe I could attend most mtings of the ad-hoc cdttee should I be appointed. In any event, I ammost interested in this project and hope to becane more active in regards to this and other city problems as time goes by. Thank you in advance for your consideration. CALIFORNIA 92509 SURGERY CENTER 7160 BROCKTON AVENUE RIVERSIDE CALIFORNIA 92506 71 4-784-0800 yoz*L Fred Z. Had, Jr., M.D. FZH : sec WLL TELE (7 f 4) ' 1200 ELM AVENUE 0 0 CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 omo ai tho ciry cm - atp of Carmib APPLICATION FDR APPOINTMENT TO BOARD OR COMMISSION Name of Board or Commission: ryG&l et-wcv c cjnn4t55 Name (Print or Type): GI ' vJe55,,q Business Name and Address: ( X&bh f*C;&, [PIC SCG C7V4Mcjl' /A& '-p c3 -r4 tcaf-dd / CG ?&-QS 0 Address: a&o? - 3 (J r'( c 14 PAc (,<a 9 I f- Phone: '-fY x ?I ll!?f Present Occupation: (ZLi; I ESM, c3uztlGr /7 - VQS Bus, Phone: q34 7/c 7 Resident of Carlsbad: Home Phone: qqJ '?)/94 Registered Voter in CarlLbad: 1/"7 1 am familiar with tha re8pOn8ibilftieS assigned to the Board c Comission on which I wfrh to serve, If appointcc? to a Board c C0~~!lni88iOn which 18 mubject to financial disclosure laws, I am willing to provide 8uch statements as may be rcquired. I am willing to appear for an interview regarding my qualifications for appointment before such oommittea a8 may be designated by the City Council or if requested by individual Council Members< 9 DATE: 7/& t (q~ SIGNATURE.' (See reverse side) 6/ 1 - - 1 I 0 ' 1': \ 1 I :Le-, /.-, . , :- i-.- . 1 ', p \ ; i i I< - -? I ,?!,! A,k 7- '< t j :/ __ r L, 0 ' EDUCATION: ! ;;A 1. (7 y4 L'\ .j ,I . , ;<E: 2 t t .:" fl , y ' I: ,-14:<-:,.-, I - ,_, .-- _I' , ,{ i b: 1,; . < ' '. ...., i. t c'; 3. \ i. t-- ?Ti, ' L /- --- --T <ti l-.*i I L f \. I_ \.I : --I i EXPERIENCE : .- i by--,\-(:,, -,i i. .t,o c (- C*~'flC~;,~/A::( -+. \ (-- - .7f (..c> 9 i : , .' (' 6-\ L .$\LC 1.- LA - OUTSIDE ACTIVITIES : / c LiV1k-j :E; r (')l\C J, !' !i.''-, kt-(/<<, i 'i;Lc,;-: ..---- .--- , /* '.*, ',.< I. .. 1c: ' - \: 1 ', L4i. .::-a 'L. ' < . .-< -,i, 1. ,... i ,CJL<. ,, ;\'.ai 1 L ! ADDITIONAL INFORMATION OR c0-T~: n TELI (713) 0 0 1200 ELM AVENUE 4 CARL~BAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 ottm of the City CIuk Citp of CarIsbab . APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT TO BOARD OR COMMISSION Name of Board or Commission: to stLcd2cc, Crogi cm B W-\S bh ci ‘r Name (Print or ~ype): Mari/ \ti Address: 2 2- s\ stnq Phone: 43%-5235 Present Occupation: c0-A tnq ma th fPXtl. Business Name and Address: T, * 22-51 AI-hsm &a L 1, (. * <I % v 104 1 2 Eta. Phone: 42,g-L;33r Resident of Carlsbad: we5 / Home Phone: 4 3 57 - 52sr Registered Voter in Carlsbad: ?/P-c I am familiar with th8 re8ponsibilities assigned to the Board ( Comf88ion on which I was:: to serve. C~mission uhidr 18 subject to financial disclosure laws, I am willing to prr0vid4 such statements as may be required. willing to appear for an interview regarding my qualifications for appointment before such committee as may be designated by the City Council or if requested by IndivLdual Council Members DATE: 7-20- gT SIGNATURE: fl-, L (See reverse 8ide) If appointed to a Board I am 4 6/ - - I t 0 0 ' EDUCATION: ~~AIot-5 D3sec - Uni~ 0-6' No. Glddo- &I BoLcbJe Maj;; ED~ /ib I, , EI-4 '7 F~c~;clt~ -7 dinor: -+ suucl- po,+ GyatlCca-tctc)ork; UCLA - Mol*-* EXPERIENCE: "j p4akr UAbY adL& - ihc(. pvops4\ wr;timq - imc\, Cea5;b;I;Cr sttClie5, Ghav\cia\ &recrasf mv *UTSIDE ACTIVITIES: sQbpt5 ~ tennis, src;irg, s uLa hi J i "3 f Jatzercitc, &yaJ&[: 6 7nm65 Ew4 P" J 6 -&= ALLIjb&l;a / hja 21 surr-e'gs Tq-, "SJChg, &nlQJ cL-;n- Qlf over &;+%A 5-s) I' ' F .t;ls-sa Qi- / - ~~OTOGKRPH'~ in alf * g,bI;L 5@y in mQO3 bfk* 7-0 a-J-h-uL3L5 ADDITIO~~ IN~RMATION OR COMMENTS : '8 ReUcwLe I$ ;ncllcLd. siacce IC'U,e SQe- 4raJed (b&.S bwei WO+'' a eA- tived ;n Carlsbad (I. ya/s) &+ 1 had /it-+!& frime b 5et ihvo\deA. I\lbw, *o eo--& -f;liiS tektbook ~erie5, S v~n/auut- I'\l be h- -were Gr L+ ye475 30 - 'd& inua1Ged \*CAI I y * d~Tz-+- c7 MARY CLARE CAVANAGH 2251 Altisma Way, #204 Carlsbad, CA 92008 (619) 438-5235 - QUALIFICATIONS: Sixteen (16) years' experience in all phases of educational field. HIGHLIGHTS: O Author/Consultant for D.C. Heath and Company. Captured over 75% of elementary math textbook business in Oregon Adoption from sales presen and writing. Author of seven Textbook Teacher's Editions and 14 Ancillary books for D.C. Heath and Houghton Mifflin. Author of 33 supplementary books and 51 games for Creative Publication Walt Disney Educational Media, Scott Resources, and Enrich, Inc. Workshop Leader, convention and seminar speaker throughout the Unitec and Australia, including keynote presentation to 2,500 teachers in Atlan at NJEA Convention. Teacher, grades K-6, Title I Math Specialist, grades K-6, In-Service LC University Instructor. Television interviews and performances, including 1974 Emmy Award Win Series, "Metrify or Petrify," which ran for four years. O O O O O O Knowledge of Information Systems, BASIC and COBOL programming, an( use in education. General Manager /Vice President of Scott Resources, Inc. , an education: ing company; publisher of two of the three top-selling manipulative mat in the country, Chip Trading and Fraction Bars. Tripled direct sales doubled dealer network. Increased return on investment to 28% annuall Success in product development from initial feasibility studies, financial development, production, and marketing of new products, including the product line for Scott Resources, Inc., which increased sales by 25% wi nine months. o O CURRENT EXPERIENCE: 1981 - Present PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE: Author /Consultant for D. C. Heath and Company 1450 Grant Avenue, Novate, CA 94947 1979 - 1981 Free-lance writer and consultant 1974 - 1979 Responsible for product development, marketing, general management, ar line profits for Scott Resources, Inc. Continued as Member of Board of through 198 1. Manager of Publishing Company , MARY CLARE CAVANAGH 9- Pa ! Elementary School Teacher and Math Specialist tk Specialist at Woodcrest Elementary School. Established and main1 L( staff of 70 teachers and 40 aides in the implementation of the Prime Math Man ment System. Conducted weekly in-service classes for teachers, aides and parents. Classroom teacher, grades 1-6 (all subjects), Woodcrest School and Paseo Del School in Los Angeles Unified School District, and Ernest Horn School and th Universify Lab School at University of Northern Colorado. University Instructor 1974 - 1979 University of Northern Colorado, Greeley, Colorado 1972 - ?974 Pepperdine University, Los Angeles, California highly-publicized Math Lab program for students, grades K-6. CONSULTANT : D. C. Heath and Company, 1980-1989, California State Department of Educatioi 1980-1981; Scott Resources, Inc. , 1979-1982; California State University, San California, 1980; The Learning Center, San Diego, California, 1979; Genie Ed Pty, Ltd., Melbourne, Sydney, and Brisbane, Australia, 1979; Center for Im ment of Math Education, San Diego, California, 1973-1978; National Science Fc San Diego, California, 1976; Creative Publications, Inc. , 1973-1975; Los Ange Unified School District, Math Improvement Program, 1973-1 975; Frontistirion I Harilou Trikoup, Athens, Greece, 1970. PUBLIC SPEAKER: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 1974-1 98s Oregon Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 1982-1 98+ Northwest Math Association, 1982-1985 National Elementary Education Association , 1980 State Education Associations: New Jersey, New York, Texas, South Carolina Florida, Oregon, Maryland, California, Colorado, Wyoming, New Mexico, 19; California Math Council, 1974-1 98s Los Angeles City Math Association, 1973-1975, 1984 Greater San Diego Math Council , 1977- 1985 , Melbourne, Australia , 1979 or Petrify," KTTV, 1974-1978 "Moving Into Metrics," UHF Channel 68, 1975 "Update," KCLS, 1974 MARY CLARE CAVANAGH Pi 1968 - 1974 Title I Math Specialist at Woodcrest Elementary School. Established and mait a creative, highly-publicized Math Lab program for students, grades K-6. staff of 70 teachers and 40 aides in the implementation of the Prime Math Ma ment System. Conducted weekly in-service classes for teachers, aides and parents. Classroom teacher, grades 1-6 (all subjects), Woodcrest School and Paseo De School in Los Angeles Unified School District, and Ernest Horn School and t University Lab School at University of Northern Colorado. University Instructor 1974 - 1979 University of Northern Colorado, Creeley, Colorado 1972 - 1974 Pepperdine University, Los Anqeles, California Elementary School Teacher and Math Specialist CONSULTANT : D. C. Heath and Company, 1980-1 984, California State Department of Educati 1980-1981; Scott Resources, Inc., 1979-1982; California State University, Sa California, 1980; The Learning Center, San Diego, California, 1979; Genie E Pty, Ltd., Melbourne, Sydney, and Brisbane, Australia, 1979; Center for I ment of Math Education, San Diego, California, 1973-1 978; National Science San Diego, California, 1976; Creative Publications, lnc., 1973-1 975; Los An( Unified School District, Math Improvement Program, 1973-1 975; Frontistirion Harilou Trikoup, Athens, Greece, 1970. PUBLIC SPEAKER: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 1974-1 984 Oregon Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 1982- 1984 Northwest Math Association, 1982-1984 National Elementary Education Association, 1980 State Education Associations: New Jersey, New York, Texas, South Carolii Florida, Oregon, Maryland, California, Colorado, Wyoming, New Mexico, ' California Math Council, 1974-1 984 Los Angeles City Math Association, 1973-1975, 1984 Greater San Diego Math Council, 1977- 1984 Project Equals, 1979 TELEVlSION : Eyewitness News, Melbourne, Australia, 1979 "Metrify or Petrify,It KTTV, 1974-1978 "Moving Into Metrics," UHF Channel 68, 1975 "Update," KCLS, 1974 g@------ MARY CLARE CAVANAGH BIOGRAPHICAL LISTINGS : - World Who's Who of Women, Personalities of America EDUCATION: Bachelor's Degree: English and Elementary Education (double major), University of Northern Colorado, Greely, Colorado, 1 969. Post-Graduate Work (1 40 units) : Math Education, Reading Education, Business Management and Marketing, Word Processing for children, Computer Graphics.. . . Writing Courses : Screenplays, magazine articles, and children's books , UC UCSD, CSU, and NU. Information Systems and Computer Progr; HOBBIES: Computer games and programming, screenplay writing, children's fiction, scuba diving, long-distance swimming, skiing, tennis, Toastmasters, and ti PER SON A L : Age JB, single, no children or pets, non-smoker, excellent health. -7 A MARY CLARE CAVANAGH PUBLICATIONS: Author of Math Textbook Teacher's Editions, ancillary books, and kindergar textbook pages. Supplementary books, games , and spirit duplicating master introduce and reinforce concepts and provide problem-solving challenges in I reading, and language arts for children ages 4-12, teachers, and parents. Heath Mathematics Program, K-6 , c 1985, 1983, Problem Solving with Manipu primary and Intermediate, c 1983, K-Plus c 1985, D.C. Heath and Cornp Mathematics, Teacher's Bonus Books, c 1981, grades K-3, Houghton Miffli Read'N'Write Spirit Duplicating Master Series: Comprehension Books 1-4, P Books- Language Arts Books 1-6 c 1981; Clock Wise, Money Sense 7 Creative Publications, Inc. Math Soup Game Series c 1978, Wa Game Series c 1981, Read, Sd _. Do c 1981, Metric Madness c 1976, Scott Resources, Inc. Disney's Understanding Fractions , Disney's Fraction Practice , Disney's Folk Directions c 1981 , Walt Disney Educational Media. Favorite Menus , Telephone Power, Blends and Digraphs c 1980, Enrich, Handbook for Planning an Effective Mathematics Program c 1981 , Californi Department of Education. Developing Loqical Thinking with Attribute Block Activities City Schools. "Adding It All Up," monthly column in Calculator c 1974-1976, Los Angel( Teachers of Math Association. c 1975, Los P ye- /LZ&/GC TEL (71 4 e t200 ELM AVENUE CAR‘LSBAD, CALIFORNIA 9- Olfm of th8 CltY C!.lk Citp of GatIdbsb - APPLICATION FdR APPOINTMENT TO BOARD OR COMMISSION 3/8A Name ef 3=r_blz or Commission: A# -e LfZ F Name (Print or Type): Address: 3303 /?e&N2i+ , &/&, Phone : V&-/-Bf3 Present Occupation: Business Name and Address: &&A/&/.. dP#e c ; ddC9 I c /@/ e ,-~*ji63 A y ) +dh*K-/y;.?’ a 4. j 92833 25 + +e Bus, Phone: 9’& ’ -Fsf? Home Phone : 72 9- /gz 7 Re8ident of Carlsbadr Registered Voter in Carlsbad: I am familiar with She respmbbilitics assigned to the Board Comirrion on which I wlrh to serve. If appolntcd to Q Bosrd Comisl8fon whidr is rubfact to financial disclosure lwsI I a willfng to provide such statements as may be rcquired. I am willing to appear for an intenti- regudfng w qualificatior for appointment before ma& com~nitteo u mry be desfqnated by the City -unci1 or if requested by indivLdua1 Council Membe! DATE : 4 -25--p5- SIGNATURE: 44&2z+ (See reverse aid.) I - - 4. I ! 0 e * EDUCATION : 6) /JpL?d& u/ &4e)&w?Lo / o/& (4 -3 d /& -7y+, 5z4- 27. EXPERIENCE : //3 E+d/U - 5&/g/t&xi +dj&d/$ &2c -,t7/L- /w &4.’RL &&7 7% J& * Afled g/zaa #/ A (-9 /4&@ /&LA4 5t;LP /j& p,/A ,427 de/&?- T/L /fl:d3?./,/ -8 / / &&by:/ ]pL r 6) yy- - j/,,?‘cp /%+ ($9&-r, 4f2G * P?/44d OUTSIDE ACTIVITIES : ~,w~t /&, &//,el’/ dm&/&, L ADDITIONAL INFORMISTION OR COMMENTS: A- L’T ,AniPL/kL&&kZ ,2 & +4- 6 d ;& 5&& A+&&( #44d & 5l70 /7,7/ /? k 2-4z.. &?/ 49 A/+4d4/J&w4 4. LzePLFFW 5.2 6- 78, && J /d/m7$4&? //cLL P/ if La&? #Awe i: , t -+ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 a a RESOLUTION NO. 8290 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPOINTING TWO MEMBERS TO THE BEACH EROSION'COMMITTEE TO FILL TWO VACATED POSITIONS, AND SELECTING AN ALTERNATE MEMBER. WHEREAS, the City Council created a seven member citizen review committee on August 27, 1985, to study beac erosion and the problems of the Carlsbad coastline; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that the : is to be completed in six months with a report to Council and WHEREAS, two members of this committee have resign leaving two positions on the committee vacant. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correc 2. That the following persons are hereby appointe fill the vacated positions on the Beach Erosion Study 1 Committee: I 19 Gary Nessim -v__II (1) Committee Member /I 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 I (2) David Caste1 ' Committee Member Pearl Johnson (3) -- Alternate Committee Member /// /// /// /// /// /// 1. * r. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 l3 14 15 13b e PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting Carlsbad City Council held on the 17th day of December 1985 by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Casler, Lewis, Kulchin, Chick ani NOES: None ABSENT: None % d &i-.&&/ MARY Hf CASLER, Mayor ATTEST: ,T-" Y%zL%fL ALETHA L. RAdTENKR NZ, City Clerk KAREN R. KUNDTZ, Deputy (SEAL) 17 l6 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ~ 1 ,I 1 I I ~ I